State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, October 29, 1857, Image 3
POTATOES There is a small supply of Irish in ' the market selling at $4.50 per barrel. Sweet Pota toes are offering at 75(<r m> cents per bushel. RICE cents per pound. RYE -$1.25 per bushel. ROPE Kentucky ll(/r 12 cents per pound. North ern 10(3)11 cents. SUGAR—Clarified 12(3 13} 7 cents. Crushed, Pow dered and Loaf 18@14 cents per pound. SALT—SI.2S per sack, f ALLOW—l2(<£l2)£ cents per pound. WHISKEY The market is well supplied Rec tified sells at 80@35 cents per gallon. Monongahela 75 cents to SI.OO per gallon. Fancy brands are sold at s4ofss per gallon ; but a first rate article can be bought for $2.50 per gallon. WHITE LEAH IN OlL—Pure cents per pound. Extra cents. ZINC -10(a-ll cents per pound. COTTON MARKETS. COLUMBUS, Oct. 2R. —There was a good demand yesterday for private account and on orders, but the indisposition of planters to sell at current rates, re stricted the sales to 179 bale* ut 11 cents. Receipts! of the day 473 bales. SAVANNAH, October 27.—There has been no change in the market except an improvement in the ' demand. Sales of 227 bales at 12 cents were report ed, hut we understand that the actual sales would reach probably 30<» bales, a part of which was sold a trifle under that which was reported. Thus far we have m»t heard of a single bale being sold for the north, the transactions being entirely for foreign ac count. AUGUSTA. Ort. 27. Sales 232 bales, Sat ll l *, 1G at 11 ! ., .61 .ii 1 H 9at li/„. 144nt 12 cents. CHARLESTON, Oct.'23. There was a very fair demand for this article to-day, but the transactions were necessarily limited, owing to tin* want of a supply. The sales were confined to 27b bales, as fol lows, viz: Ho at 2 z l -^c, — I Prices very ‘bill. NEW YORK, OCT. 24.-—There is no market to re- • j»ort; prices uro nominal, and quotations would be an idle guess. NEW ORLEANS, OCT. 22.—There appeared to be more parties in the market to-day prepared to buy, but the inquiry, as for some time past, has been al most exclusively for the Middling descriptions, which are comparatively scarce and held more firmly. The sales have embraced some 3,si><i bales, mostly at 9% ■ to 10c. for Middling to Good Middling. SENATORS OF GEORGIA. I announce myself as a candidate for the office of 1 Messenger of the Senate at the approaching Session of the Legislature, and respectfully solicit your sup gort. EDWARD C. EPPS. . Griswohlville, Oct. 27, 1857. ADVERTISED LETTERS. f|MIE following i< a list of letters remaining uncall -1 cd fur in the Post Office, ut Macon, 011 the 27th Oct., 1*57. KgCPersons calling for any of them, will please ask fur udxertised letters. A Armstrong, inrs Julia E Asperegras. mr Andrews, mrs Mort ima Aycock, Daniel Armstrong, Sam’l 11 Arnold, Wm ( Andrews, mrs Amanda Abbott, mrs Sarah Arnal, mrs O P Alley, W P B Brown, John A Brown mrs Elijah J Brown, miss Mary Bowman, John T Barner W II Brown, P B Bivins, miss Mattie Brown, miss Margaret Bull, mrs J J Brown, J F Bowden. Mathew Bailey, mi s A M Bcaslev, sr., Robert 2 Barkley, <’ A 2 Barton John Benson, Jas M Berry. S W Brasswcll, D B Betts, Geo Barnes, Jas 11 Bates, John C Brown, mis- M V Bullock, Alford Bull, mrs J J Bowyer, Mary T Byrd, R T Bentley, Rev William Benford, K M Bailee, mrs Harriet c ’ <’ate. Elijah Clark, mrs Elizabet h Camp. Ja> B Calhoun, miss Eliza M Chambless, John F Cady, John M K Calhoun. Patrick Combs, mrs E Cartin, Andrew < olemun, Di W P Coleman. Wm Carswell, miss Cornelia Combs, mis S E M Chain s, mrs A C Clark. N Curran. P Cuid. Jumc* Cherry, mrs Mary E Cooper, Win Clary, John Corbin, XV alt er P ('urr, mi* Bhmuey Cailoss, Wm Uvarncy, mr.- manly ('oilins, John D j istoti, Ju* Daniel, Martha Duke. Janie.-S Davi*, Jeller.MUi Dinkins. S Darby . W B Durdin, Washington D« »>!••. Franri* Dvwberi v, Susan Dialshrilds A < o Dewis. James F Dillard. mr*Si;-an Dirkin«on. Walter M 2 Demprev. A U Devers, Charles Dickson, J I. Dukes, Javier , Denson, Jas Dickson, Samuel Davis, Gilljyrt Dunbar, mr> Ellen C Dillard A Eubanks E Ellis. Wm P Evins, mrs Martha Eldred, Le.Fayeitr Ixlwaids, Ellison Etheridge, jr., XX D Elder, A J F Foster, Arthur Foster, mrs Nancy Fitze, miss mary Forsyth, John J Ford, mrs Cathai inc Fennell, mi*-Josephine Fvfc, William Fo.-tei. \\ illiam Feagin, R C Foley, John Fvfc, mis* margarct Flanigan, John Franklin. S Ford, Jo.-iah Fitzjadrick, John G CJamble. Wm Gill ion, WH Gamble, Charles Goopin. John Gibsun, t ul Jacksun Githings. mi.-s Ju.mic J Gardener, mr Genman, Joseph Geiseit, J Gygnf, A Gentry, miss Laura Guy, miss Mittie Green, Henry Grogan, J M Gimbv, W T Gilleon, mis H Hunter, Col G R Hart, Lewi* Hughes, Tho-T Hutchins Elbert ILuicycut, Col II U Hansel, Bryan Heiucssev, Edward Houten, 1.-uac M Henry, Francis L Hodge-, Robert Herron, Francis J 2 Hay, David U Holeman, miss E V Havnes, T J Hanks. Ja* A R Had. F Herrin, mrs m A Hurst, Lewi- It Hartz., llevmon 2 Hatcher, S W Hambcu, John Huey, S Hanira, George Horn, M Hollingsworth, W T 2 Horn, A Hanna. Geo L Hurv, miss Cvnthia I ■ Isaacs, Alex Ives, miss Georgiannu J Johnson, M M Johnson, mists Catharinr Jordan, L W Junes, Willuughby Johnson, miss (’ D Johnston, mr- miilisson > Johnson, miss Jenny C Johnson, mrs C H Johnson, Thomas Jordan, G J Jurdan, \\ ilsy Jordan, Absalom Jones, miss N C Joiner. Geurgc Jones, Baida Jones, Jesse Johnson, mrs Sarah F Jordan, Jits H Jordan, mr> L W K Kelley, Geo E Keenan, initchell L I.eckiuy, G \\ Iz'onani, Jas Lifsey, H L Lewis, mrs marthu T IxK’kctt, W C Lamar. Philip Lynch, mr Loyd, Jas V Lam, miAM Elizabeth M Moore, J M Moulton. H May, Kinchen McKinnie, Maurice Moore, Wm McDonald, Middleton Moure, mrs Cy utbia Mathis, JIIOE B Mitchell, George McCowal, Mrs » Massey. P B 2 Mitchell. Samuel Moxley. D Newton Massey, Thus J Mam, A Morris, Jno Michael, A -McGregor, n T Moss, J A Morgan, Mias Kitty Massey, Jas C Moore, Geo N Miller, T Mulligan, John Mosely, S A McCarroll. Margaret MHiinnis, mis- Ann 2 Morris, J W McSwain, mis.- Rachael Meldruin, James E MctJueen, Win F Manly, inrs Eliza Middlebrooks, Maith A Moore, Cynthia Mathews, miss Duinpie Mitchell, mrs Marv J N Nelson, miss Murtha F 2 Norris, miss My ra J Neel J T Nicholls, Lucinda Nattinbeimer, Jacob Nulson, miss j.<»u • Newsom, Henn 0 Dhanlin. Mrs C 3 Owens, John J Oneal, Warren O'Keefe, Timothv Odonv, Avery P Pryce, mrs Man J Parker, L J Pearce. Jas W Pease, mrs Martha E porter, miss Amanda Powell, Mi-s A E Pope, miss Josephine Pearce. Th<»m:u< 2 Piatt, Pleasant W Parsons, J W Powell, Emory Pope, miss Joe Prey er, Jeff’ Pratt. Pleasant R Rilder, Reuben Rossenheine, T 2 ' Rogen*. David C Roberts. W R Rollins. mrSavaniuh Roberts. S Reese. Richard S Rogers, miss T Roberts, miss Delia, Ruling, miss S Ry a . n « 1* V Rogers, mrs Martha Raiiurd, Robert R Rogers, mrs Allen Raburn. mrs Marv Rogers, J:is R Hiley. L ’ Reidcr, Wm Rohss. C* risfain Kavmond. George G Richard-on, Thus Pr-rc D» T M C Jiubbirds, J V 1 s Sullivan Chas () 5 Sherman, L Strobel, P A Shchane, Dennis Sholar, John 3 Sutton, T W Schlunzen, Fitz Sumner, mrs Sallie Sull van, 1)11 Seers, AG Simmons, Mis (b<igia Smith, RM Simpson W R Stewart, Andrew Stevens, E Springer, miss A maud a Sutton, mrs Carv J Sears, C S Sherman, mrs Harrietta Sraris, miss Adalino Smith, mrs A R Seago, miss Elizabeth ; Springer. McCullum Strozier, J M 1 Smith, Mary P Siers, J G Shulman, L Singleton, Wyatt R Sbanohan, miss Margaret Sterns, E T Thompson, XV J Threlkill, Rev T J Tucker, John A Townsend, Henry Thompson, N M S Thomas, Paul Tillinghast, Milton Tharp, miss E Titz Miss Mary Tctson, Edward Taylor, Thus Taylor, Emilinc Tankcrslv, miss Francis ATuvlur, W B Tvlus A .1 U Underwood, miss Susan Usher, miss Maritt 2 V V alien, Ver Planch, S II Van Damme, Mrs Chas w XV ornuin, Jno R \\ illiams, miss Anna E Woolan, Thos W:ide, Geo B Watts, mrs A K Wilkinson, R D Williams. Felix A Wright, miss Anna Wilcox, Chas Walfoik, R F Wright, Chas H Willis, Jo-cjdi Woodall, miss S V We*t, miss M M Whitby, miss Mollie Wilkinson, Reubin Williams, Erron Wimberly , miss Laura P 1 Wilkinson, Wm Wallen, mrs Marv R Welch. Michael Welch, M White, James Whatley, mrs L M Wilcoxon, .lames Whatley, Wm 11 Worner, W Wall. Jas B Wuhon, Sarah Wilder, Wm H Wqituhcad, mi<s C M Williams I! W Whittingt.m, Win A Whatley. Wm J| Wilson. inis> Sulie Wright, W Williams. R M Williams, mrs Martha L Wallen, M R Wilson, Jas M Winfield, Jas B Y V ork, XV in 1 "ung, Daniel Oct. 29. E. L. STROHECKER, P. M. Hardware, Iron and Steel. C ARII \RT & CURD. MACON, GA. 1 \ ’•<>ll.I> call the ntten- >V tion of tlu ircustom ers, and those wishing to purchase they arc now re vviving a large stock of— ■» HARDWARE, CUTLERY. NAILS, Ac. Consisting in part of BLACKSMITH TOOLS, CARPENTER MACHINIST TANNER PLANTERS’ HARDWARE, Bl ILDERS CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BUGGY MATERIAL, RIMS, SPOKES A- HUBS, SPRINGS A AXLES. XGKIC I LTI HAL IMPLEMENTS. Corn Shelters, Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn and Cobb Mills, Worrull’s Circular Saws, Mill Irons, Cross-cut Saws, Mill Saws, Hand and Pannel do Swedes Iron, all size, Refined Iron, Cast Steel. Band and Oval Iron, Spring Steel, English Iron. German Steel, Hammond Plow Steel, warranted. Together with everything usually kept in our line, all of which we will sell verv low for cash. oct 29 ‘ CARHART A CURD. IV %T< t!!>, JEU ELKY, SHVEH AND PLATED WAKE, 4s. r |’ , HE undersigned must respectfully informs 1 1 his friends and customers that he is now rL/V ‘ opening a beautiful stuck ofGo<n!s in hi-line, I-. which for beauty and elegance cannot be surpassed, j and ie«|nests those who are purchasing to give him a , call as they will l»c sold very low for cash. Store on Cotton Avenue one, door beluw Bostick A ■ K. in -. M. D. BARNES. WATCHES. Gold ami Silver Watches, (’hataline. Fob, Vest and > Guard Chain-, for sale cheap bv M. D. BARNES. ’ PINS ami EAR RINGS, a large Stock ufcxcry va ; rictv, ami will be sold verv low bv z | ‘ M. D. BARNES. BRACELETS. Finger Rings, Watch Keys, Pencils, Watch Seals and Chains. A large impplv for sale bv M. D. BARNES. SILVER SPOONS. F<>rk->. Ladles. Pie. Fish and Pickle Knives, Salt ami Mustard Sp<»<»ns, Ac., for sale bv M. D BARNES. Plated Ware Cutlery, and a thousand other pretty things which will be sold on the most liberal terms . by M. D. BARNES. Watches, Clock*, Jewelry. Ac., repaired nt short notice and warranted to give entire satisfaction, bv ' net 29-r.m M. D. BARNES. I WANTED. \ FIRST-RATE Single Dray ami Harness; also, a good Horse for the Diav. Apply at Georgia Telegraph Office, oct 29 I POKTMONIP LOST. SOMEWHERE on the Road leading from Pond town to Black’s Timvard, Marion county. Ga.. |<»st one Pnrtmonic. containing Two Hundred and Five Dollars (s2".’>.uo» in these bills, viz: 2 Fifty Dollar bill- on the Manufactures’ Bank at Macon. | Twenty Dollar bills on the Bank of Savannah: also. 2 Ten Dollar bill* on the same Bank < Savannah • ami one Five Dollar bill on the People’s Bank of S. C. Any person finding, or giving me any jpformation at Butler. Ga.. of-aid Book and contuntf («o that I can get it. shall be liberallv rewarded for Hie same. October 20th, 1857. ’ J. 1! MILLER oct 29-2111 Watc’ic-, Jcwclrv, Ac. 1857. FALL & WINTEB TRADE. 1857. A NEW. LARGE \NI> ELEGANT STOCK. 1 EMBRACING almost every article that j can be calk’d for in a first class Jewelrv Establishment, just opened and for sale on most liberal terms, bv oet 29 * E. J. JOHNSTON A CO, Repairing ami engraving neatly and well done at [ -bort notice. Mulberrv St., :>d dour aliove Lanier House, Macon, Ga. I Jk. O FOIRTES- OF the celebrated make oft'hickt-ring A Sons, ami Nunn- A Clark, at sac t«»ry prices. Violins, Flutes, Guitars, J J 0 J Accordeons, Flutenas, Harmoiiicans, Ac., for sale on the best terms bv oct 29 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. r.-wo-y A *taple Articles. OF Gold, Silver. China. Glass, Av, carefully select- i cd f<»r Bridal and other Presentations. The lar gest and neatest variety ever offered in this market i at {out 29] E. J. JOHNSTON A CO’S. Ladies’ Work Boxes. \ Y T RITING I><--k.<. Cabas, <’.ird Ca-es, Gauntlets, > r Ac. A line assortment on the best terms, oet "• E. J. JOHNSTON <t CO. Pocket Cutlery. 1) AZO RS and STROPS, Pocket Buok<, Pur.-us, X Canes, Play ing cards. Ae., at I i J JOHNSTON a GO’S Itoiihtv and Single Guns, IJISTOLS and Equipments, f<>r sale nt vur\ low prices, by ]oct 29] E. J. JOHNSTON. SPENDED curium \ in g > I -landing, taken at * parl v oet. F J JOHNSON A CO. HbHOV AL. J. -W- S. EZLILIS HAX E removed their Drug Store to the New- Building opposite E. Bond’s, near Cotton Ave t,,vy "ill keep open a general assortment of DRI G> and MEDICINES. Ads.., a stock of Lan dreth s brush Garden Soeds, wholesale and retail. ( la’i ty S iuet. Hear ( oiiun oet ?m Toy Tea Setts. Jumping Rota >, To« 4 Buxes, Building Blocks, ,X’ e w Games, Ai- ! phabets. Bows and arrows., Ac., Ac., for sale bv* oct 29 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. HEAD FOR FASHIONABE DRY GOODS. BOSTICK A KEEN would invite the attention of everybody, especially the toadies, to their new ‘ stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. which are now just upcnu<l and ready for inspection. It i-awcll ktit’Wii |.I<I that mu H<mum Imm . been **ll rad Quarter*,’’ ! •: the Newest, Richest ' ami most fashionable sty les of Dress Goods, and we • iMildly assert, that our present assortment will com j pare in point of taste, variety and elegance, with any i stuck in the State of Georgia. Ladies, one and all, we invite you to call and see I the most magnificent stock of Maple A i'aucy Dry Good* ever opened in Macon. Come, whether you wish to buy or not ; we w ant you to see them, so that vou can tell your neighbors and acquaintances how beautiful the goods arc ; Det 19 BOSTICK A KEIN. \ LARGE u-sortoient of George Wostenhulmc’s ixl CUTLER 1, furaak b» | DAY A MAI’SSENET FLEMOVAL. X. M. BL \< KSII Ii 1 R At CO. HA VE removed to their new Sture in Washing ton Block, Mulberry Street, where they are j now prepared to exhibit their Full and Winter stuck I of (’lothir » and Furnishing goods. i Their stock i oinpri-u everv article necessary to a . gentleman's XV ard rube of the latest styles mid l»est i manufacture, and by weekly importations from New 1 York will be kept constantly complete during the * season. | Also, Youth's ami Bov's Clothing, Trunks, Va , lises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Ac. Their facilities I are such as to enable them to have special orders for ■ garments tilled within a space of 1V to 14 day s, with j tit guaranteed and style unsurpAftMcd by any house, uct 20 RAILROAD TO ALBANY. SALE OF TO'WIXr LOTS. • r I’HE SUBSCRIBER will sell at Public Auction on 1 the first Tuesday in December, in the city of Al , bany, Dougherty County: 272 business and resilience Lots,of one-fourth, one ! halt and one acre each. These lots are situated in the most desirable part of the city. Sale positive, to be Continued from day today until completed. TERMS.—One-third, cash, one-third, six months, and the balance at twelve months. The location ut Albany , being in the centre of the rich cotton grow ing lands of South-western Georgia, ami receiving as she w ill, from sixty to seventy thou- I sand bales ot the present growing cotton crop, with a ! certain prospect of a rapid yearh increase, off ers the ' greatest inducement for profitable investment of any ; other point in the Southrn Country. The railroad will be completed to Albany by the ! first of September, in ample time for the opening of , the business, ami the transportation of the present ! crop. oct 19-td W. XV. CHEEVER. BURNETT'S COCOAINE! A PERFECT DRESSING FOR THE HAIR. r ■'’llE COCOAINE holds, in a liquid form, n large 1 proportion of deodorized ('wa .\ut pic pared expressly for this purpose. No'other compound possesses the peculiar proper ties which so exactly suit the various conditions us the human hair. If softens the hair when bard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin, it affords the richest lustre. it remains longest in effect. It is the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in the world. Marsden, speaking of the people of.Sumatra, says: •‘Their hair is strong, and of a shining bhiuk, the i improvement of both which qualities it probably ' owe** in a great measure to the constant use of Cocoa Nut Nut Oil."—J/oz-x./,/•, o. v.«. TESTIMONIAL. Boston, July loth, 1557. JPak/v. liurH'tf Co. :-I cannot refuse to state the salutary effect, m my own aggravated case, of your excellent Hair Oil--<C<»coaine. > Far many month- my hair bad been falling oft’, un til I was fearful of losing it entirelv. The skin upon myheud became gradually\more and inflamed,so that I * could not touch it without pain. This irritated con i dition I attributed to the use of various advertised , hair washes which I have since been told contained camphene spirit. By the auvice of my physician, to whom vou had shown your process of’purifying the Cocoa Nut Oil, I commenced its use the last week in June. The first application allayed the itching and irritation; i in three or four days the redness and tenderness dis appeared; the bail ceased to fall, ami I have now a thick growth of new hair. I trust that others sim ■ ilarly afflicted will be induced to try the same reme dy. X’ours, very truly, SUSAN R. I’OI‘E. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT A CO., Boston, an I for sale in Macon by E. L. STOHECKER 1 A Co. Fifty cents for half-pint bottles. oct 22 BUR N E’IT’S (< X O AIN E, preserving ami beautify ing the Hair, and ren dering it dark and glossy. The Cocoaim- holds in a liquid form, a large pro- 1 portion of deodorized COCOANL’T OIL, picpareuex- I pressly fur this purpose. No other compound possesses the peculiar proper ties w hich so exactly suit the various conditions of the human batr. It softens th<‘ hair when hard am! dry. It ><>othes the irritated scalp .-kin. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. Il i* the Best and Cheapest HAIR DRESSING in the World. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT A CO.. Bos ton. For Side in Macon by E. L. STROHECKER A CO., and by Druggists generally. Fitly cents a bottle. E. SAULSBURY IS now located at his NEW STORE, on Mullierrv Street, opposite the Lanier House, ami i> prepared to .-how hi.- old customers ami the public genurallv, a* large ami varied u.-surtmeiit of FINE READY MADE CLOTHING ami GENTS FI RNJSHING GOODS, as can be found in this market. He will be receiving constantly wceklv shipments from New X’ork, embracing the latest styles. E. S. oct 22-ts Day & Mausscnct, H AVING removed to their NEW STORE on MuL bvriy Street next door t<> E. L. Strohcckct A Co. here they will l>c pleast*«| to st*e their old customers. They would say to mH wishing goods in their line, that they arc now opening a //7/7/as sortment, which will be sold at the Itxr.nt pri,.*. Thev intend giving their personal attention to WATCH REPAIHING 11. ng been before the public in that capacity for 15 ami 2" years, tin- pub lic arc able to judge of their merits in that w av. JEWELRY L’EP.'IK! Nt; done at the shortest no tice and intht ',.Mt W ATI 'll ES. Mag- ic ami Hunting ('a es. Gold and lloddeli Watches, for sale bv oct 22 ’ DAY A MAUSSENET. \m , . Lupine W ATCHES, Gold casu as ' oct 22 DAY A M XI’SSENET. r I ’HE celebrated American WATCHES, for sale bv 1 uct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. ’ DIAMONDS, Opal. Ruby, Garnet, Topaze, Pearl and solid gold finger Rings of all styles and i prices. Fur sale bv ' uct 17 DiY A MAUSSENET \ LARGE a-’ortnient of Fob, X’est, Chataiain and Guar.! chains of all st v les and prices. For-ale by oct22 DAY a MAUSSENET 4 LARGE assortment of silver ami plated ware . \ for sale by oct 221 DAY A MAUSSENET. Al I SICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins, Flutes, Flug .» I lettes. Guitars. Banjoe-, Tamboi i ics, Ba;-- Violins. Accordeotis, best Dalian Strings, Ac., Ac. For sale by [oct 22] DAY A MAUSSENET. To the Tax Payers of Bibb County. r I ’HE Governor of Georgia having issued his Pro- 1 clamatioii instructing the Tax Collectors of the several counties to suspeml the collection of taxes for the present, this is to notify the lax payers of Bibb . county that I have accordingly stopped collecting un til the Legislature shall take action on the subject. WM. BONE, T. C., B. C. Octotar 22, 1857. GMAMD RAIL HOU) I i si iX \l. r I’HEkE w ill F»e a Rad Road |-estivid at i .‘mmastoii, 5 on Friday tli<- ."th instant, in commemoration of the completion of the Thomaston and Barnesville Rail Road. Preparations are making for a large I number of persons. There w ill be one or more ex i cursions on the Road during the day. Thu public, male ami female, are inv itud to attend, and partici • pate in the festivities of the occasion. A tram will . leave Barncsv illc on the morning, for the accutnmu | dation of those coming from that point. THOS. S Sil AR l/AN, . JAS. XV. HIGHTOWER, - Committee. THOS. F. BETHEL. I Thomaston. Ort. I*, 1*57. \ LARGE assortment <»f FANCY GOODS, TOX'S, Ac., for sale by DAY A MAUSSENET. oct 22 (5 LOCKS of everv description, for sale bv DAY a MAUSSENET. Plantation and Negroes For Sale. r undersigned offers for sale his plantation and i Negroes, in fjcecounty. The plantation contains 1,72'» acres, first quality Land, on the east side of Muchalrr three mile* from Starksvillv, ami six miles , from XVooten’s the first station above Albony, on the Southwestern railroad. Tin* plantation has new and commodMMia buildings and is provided with every convenience usually upon Cotton plantations, it i- now under cultivation, and is one of the most productive place’s in Southwest ern Gergia. The Stock. Provisions, ami Tools, w ill Ik* sold with the idace, if desired. Tin- Negroes will also be sold in a body, to an un proved purchaser. Terms liberal. If this property is not sold at private .-ale, liefore the M-comi Saturday in December next, it will then l>e sold at public oul-crv, on the premise-. •*ept2u tl2dec * G. J. JORDON. Macon, Ga. MARBLE WORKS. J. B. ARTOPE, MAM FACT! REK ot and Dealer in Foreiirn and Domestic Marble, J/v/ta/MeA/x, J/; /' •*, t >tr-hthtre Sl-if*, <G.. has removed the Mar ble Work- from Cotton Avenue, to the comer of :;d ami Plumb Street, a short distance Suuth of Harde ! man A Sparks’ XX'arehouae. oct 22-Iv No'i i< i:. nAX ING taken Robert Fleming into our office st are prepared to take the collection and settle ment of all partnership Hooka, accounts. Ac., to take . the settlement up of estates and make returns for E\ - sectors and Administrators. Also to go <»ff and ar ’ range claim* by getting money or security, when the amount justifies theexpen-e I uxt 22 .t L. A. AJ. A. NISBET. yi:u CLOTHING STORE. E. ■W’XJSrSTTIT’ IS now opening a splendid and entirely new assort- 1 incut of Mens’ and Boys’ Beady Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods, comprising the latest stvles and varieties of Cloth and Beaver Raglans, from $* to S4O. I Fur Trimmed, Rcvvrsable Pelissiers, “ “ “ (’loth Kaffiitnns, “ " “ Boys’ Raglans, Cloth Frock Coats. I<‘ to 30, Pilot and Beaver Frock Coals, Business Suits 12 to •<<•, Fancy Fr. Cass, suits, Black Dim* Skin Pant*, French Cass., Silk Velvet X’e-ts, Cashmere and Silk X'ests, Cloth Vests,Trunks and Va lise*, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrella.*, White and colored Marseilles Shirts, White and col ored L. B. Shirts, Silk and Merino under Shirts, Silk ami Cotton half hose, Scarfs ami Cravats, Collars and Suspenders, Silk, Cashmere Buck Gloves, Alex andre’s kid Gloves, Travelling Shawls, Travelling Blankets, Bonnet Buxes, Ac., Ae. His stock being entirely new, he trusts will induce * many to call ami examine it before making theirpur ! chases. He feels confident in assuring the public, that he will endeavor to keep the very best assort ment, ami the latest styles of Goods, and will sell thum at such prices as cannot fail to attract the best judge* and closest buyers. J-# '(’ornerof Cotton Avenue ami Cherry Street*, fronting Ross, Coleman A Ross, and E. Bond. Muon, oct 19 IIATM ! II ITS I BEL3DE3XT <Sc CO-, \RE now rct’eiving ut their Fashionable Store, umlei Ralston’s New Conceit Hall Cherry Street, Macon, a large and varied assortment of Goo<ls in their line, consisting in part of the fol low ing articles: FALL SILK HATS, EXTRA FASHIONABLE Black Beaver Hats, Extra French Felt Hat-, Mens’ Castaiwelfe, Mens’ Mantiloes, Mens’ Drab Beavers, Mens’Silk X’el vet Cups, Mens’ Navy Cups, Ex tra Ladies* Riding flats, extra fine, i Otto Caps, extra, Boys* Hats, Fino Cashmorette and Fine Black and Fur Hats, Wool Hats, Navy • ami Black Velvet Caps, Cloth Caps, from ■ 5p cfs., to $2 Also a large as- sortment of Plantation Goods, Leather Hat Boxes, Um brellas, Au. All of w hich will be sold at fair price*. JonnERS from town or country, can have their Stock replen ished on favorable terms. oct 17 Photographic & Fino Art Gallery, IS reniove<| to the old Daguerrcun stand on Trian- ' ■ gnlar Block, < formerly occupied by XV’cmhl.) These large and spacious rooms, he has tilted up entirelv ' new, so as to render them attractive by the g<»o<| i taste with which they are furnished, as well as for | the beautiful ami correct LIKENESSES which heal- , wavs produce* at such 7o»z» (Jive him a call, i ami vou will be sure to be pleased. oct 19 MACKEBEL, LIME AND FEATHEBS. 1 HACK new crop Mack »rel ; 1— * ’ l‘ M » Barrels Thomaston Lime ; s»m» pounds Tennessee Featlu-r.* ; For sale low for cash. J. B. A XV. A. ROSS, oct 19 LANIER HOUSE, JIACOX, GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEARA. Proprietors. r PROPRIETORS of this well known 1 establishment, respectfully give notice that thev arc still candidates for the patron age of the Travelling public, and determined jtaKwiiw to omit nothing to deserve well of their guests and maintain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation Os Passengers and Baggage, to and from the House, | by a fine new Omnibus and Baggage Wagon, which they have provide*! for that purpose. Passengers > hereafter will be at no expense w liatev er for tran.-por- < tation of themselves and their baggage either way be tween the Lanier House and tin- Railway Stations in : ' Macon. XVu a*k a cuntinimDce of public patronage 1 i and promise attention and comfuig to m-r guest.*. ! oct 20 LOGAN A MEARA. CITY HOTEL—SAX ANNAII. r |’HE undersigned having purchased Mr. J I B. Foley intcie.-t in the Citv Hotel, bu«j- JimEm tu inform the traveling public that he will n.-u every effort to make the house an ugreeu mJJhi Ble -topping place for those who may favor him with their patronage. ’ ; Mr. Edmund Mnrpliy will be iissih.-inted with him in conducting the bu.-iness of the house. o< t 20 JACKSON B XRNES. JR E IVL O ‘V A. L _ R. L. WOOD, H AS removed Li* moms for the present, to CON- CERT HALL, over Messrs. Mix A Kirtlaml’s I Slhm- Store, w here he is prepared to take likenesses in a Superior Style. Having jti.-t returned from New York,-lie can show several New and imjjortant improvements in the - Dagtierrcaa Art. PHOTOGRAPHS. taken a- usual ami Colored true to Nature, by Mr. | BERUFF, the Celebrated Artist. A large collection <•1 Pictures on exhibition, at his Room*. // //«/< (rant a goad Ptrturf, rail and you can a»t on> ■ in W'OQlt'S M Style. N. B. On the first «>f November, he will open his new ami magnificent Gallery in Washington Block, oppo-it<* the Lanier House. >'-p» | j LO( IS NKR vi:i< i . ii i:i m.n r i;i>. ' Late with M. D. Barnes, j Late with Dav A Mausem-t MENARD & BURGHARD, Watch Makers and Jewellers, IU ILL open at their New Store, Ralston's X X Range, corner of Cotton Avenue and ( Cherry Street, about the Ist of O«’tober, A* i beautiful ami well selected assortment of XVatches, Clock*, Jewelry, Silverware, Mu sical InstrunieutK, Fancy Goods, Ac., A c. An examination of which they would most respect- 1 fully solicit, fueling confident that they w ill be able • to offer everything in their line calculated to please the taste of even tlie most fastidious. Repairing of every description executed in a man ner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best work- i men in the South * j ] They hope, by offering choice ami elegant Goods. I am! by strict attention to business, tu merit a libera! ' i I share of public patronage. OCt 19 jxo. B. noss “ v U(l „ J B. & W. A. BOSS. WHOLES A 1. E A N!> Il ET A | L Dry Goods & Grocery Merchants, MACON, GA., HAX Eon hand, and are now receiving, in their large new Store, «»n the corner of Second and Cherry Streets, one of the most extensive stocks of I NI’.XV AM) SEASONABLE goods ever offered in tin- State. Our stock, besides a large 1 ami general assortment of Groceries, embraces an ' extensive variety of SHUES, HATS, HARD AND WOODEN WARE. CARPETINGS, AND Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Our extended acquaintance ami long ex|>erieuce in trade, afford us the most ample facilities for priwur ing our goo«i* on the most favorable terms, anil adapting utir Stock to the wants of the public, and purchasing as we do, in large quantities, and usually fur the cash, we can afford them tu our customers at correspondingly low prices. Whilc we cordially invite the public genurallv, to avail themsclvc- of our ample stock, from which to make their puruha-u* for their personal wants, we would also especially invite XVhofesale Purchasera to inspect our Goods, and hear our prices, before pur chasing, or sending their order.* elsewhere, for we feel confident we can offer as great inducement.* as any House in Carolina or Georgia, and we are deter mined to do it. Trv us and see J. B. A W. A. ROSS, out 19 BAGGING AND BOPE. /‘M/l COIL> Ri< Jtardson’s be>t Rope; OvMr 20*’’ half coils do <jo du 2<*» do XVhite Rope; 2<M» do New York Rope ; 2'*s' lb- Twine ; *“•• rolls heuv v Gunuv Bauginiz ; 2«m Bales du ’ do For sale by J. B. A XV. A. ROSS. [ loci 19 r-A. LIL G-OODS FOR PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS. T / I B ♦jX F 27 “ Northern do 25 “ Ticking, 5,00” Negro Blankets, *j7 “ Jeans ami Ca-*. SVO Bed du Jo “ Stripes, 75 cases Wool hat*, 29 “ Ricn’d Hoine’pns, 32“ “ Shoes, 10 “ Satti nett| 2“ “ Prints, lu “ Alpaca.-, 1“ “ Gingham*. 7•• Linens, »» “ Clothing. We are adding daily to our stock a general assort ment of Goods in uur line, to which we invite the at tention of purchasers who are. in search of g«»<»d bar gains. J. B. A XV. A. ROSS. oct 19 SILKS ’ SILKS ! SILKS ! r |’’HE largest, hand.-omrst and cheapest stock ever 1 brought to Mac«>n, including every style, color ami price, frum sl2 to shw» a pattern", just opened • iat BOSTICK A KELN’S. | ’ uct 19 I MACON & WESTERN R. ROAD. I’ASSENGEH trains. IEAX’E Macon 3, P. M., arrive Atlantaß.;»o, p. M.; j leave Atlanta 5, A. M.. arrive Macon. 11. A. M. Passengers leaving Chattanooga and points on the Western A Atlantic Road by the night Train, will ar rive in Macon 1'1.55, A. M., ami in Savannah same i evening. I’asMUigers from Savannah and points on Central Road by morning Train, will arrive in Atlanta same evening and connect immediately with Train of the Western A Atlantic Road for Chattanooga and Nash ville. Passengers for Columbus Americus and points on the South-Western Road will arrive in Mucon ut 1".- • A. M., and leave bv South-We*tern Train ut 3, P. M. Pas-engrrs from the South-XVestern Road will ar rive in Macon at 11. A. M., and leave by Macon A Western Train at 3, P. M. A. L TYLER. Superintendent. Macon, Oet. lltli, 1*57. oct 17 WHO WANTS MONEY? $60,000 May be obtained by risking J/ollart. Halves and Quarter Tickets in Proportion. JASPER CO. ACADEMY LOTTERY. BV AUTHORITY OF THK STATIC OF GEORGI V. Havana Plan, Single Numbers. 30,000 Tickets —3,286 Prizes AMOUNTING TO »21.->,2W. Prizes Payable XX ithout Deduction. ANDERSON A SON. Managers, Successors to J. F. XVimtkh, Managers. Our L'ittvries draw in Macon, Ga. (Small Schemes) every Saturday, am! in Savannah, Ga. (Large Schemes) about the 15th of every month. < LASS Dl>, riRAWM NOV. 15th, 1b57, AT ARMORY HALL. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA Under the Sworn Superintendence of XV. 11. SYMONS and J. M. PRENTISS, Esqs. CM'ITALS of s<;•','hh», *2",""'', *l",'hh), ss,'hm», A} t ooo, $2,000, 3 Prizes of sl,ooo, 5 of ssoo, 100 of »I'M», l'H» of SSO, :phmi of s:*.«». and 72 Approximation prizes amounting to $3,7»i0. Whole Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Quarters $2.50. I.iMik to your interest and compare this scheme with any other. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Checks on New X’ork remitted tor Prizes. < Address orders for Tickets, or Certificates of Pack- ; ages of Tickets to ANDERSON A SON. Managers, Macon ur Savannah, Ga. oct 17 IKO.X, STEEL, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. NATHAN WEED, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFERS for sale one of the large-t and finest a.-Mirt mvtit* "f Hardware ever of- w tried m the State, imported directly from H w 0 i England, and from various Manufacto- ° j l ie* in the North. iK - / No pains have been spared in selecting, and having the most favorable facilities for buy ing, feel assured that I can offer such inducements a* will bv to the advantage of all purchasing to give me a call. My stock consi-t- in part us the following arti- BAR IRON—Swedes, English, Refined and Ameri can Hammenal, all size*. HORSE SHOE—Band, Nail Rod, Hoon, Sheet, Boil er, Round and Square, Ovid ami ’j Oval, Av. STEEL- Plow, Cast, Gvrman, Spring. Blister. NAILS —Cut ami XX’rought, Spikes, Brods. BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS. Anvil*. Bellow-. Vises, Screw Plates, Hammers, Tongs. Horse Rasps. PI.OXVS A full assortment. Plow lanes, Haines, Trace*. XVagon Chains. CORN SHELLERS, Corn Mill*. Spice Mill*. Cutl’vv Mills. STRAW CUTTERS Patent Self-sharpening, -upe rior to any in use. MEAT CUTTERS Sausage Meat Cutters and Shif fers. HOLLOW WARE Pot*, Ovens, Spider*. Fire-dogs, Shovels and Tung*, Saucepans, XVu*h Kettle*. Boilers. WES—S. XV. Collin*’ warranted Axes, King’s, Brad ley's ami other*. HOES Collin.*’, Scuvil’s, Brude’* Patent,and Brade’s Crow n. SA WS Disston’s celebrated Circular Saw-, all sizes. Mill ami Cros.- Cut, Tenon and Wood Saws. TOOLS Os all kind- used by Carpenters, Cabinet Maker* and others. SPADES AND SHOX’E’LS—Amrs A Adams long ami * short handle. ROPE Cotton and Manilla, all sizes, Bolting Cloths, Wire Cloths, Sieves. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLER Y—A large variety FANCY GOODS Adopted to the use of Conntrv Merchant*, to w hich I inv itetheir attention, anil to other u>h><D bet'Uc btiv iiuz o< t 17 Flavoring Extracts, for Pics, Jel lies, &c. EXTRACTS of Peach, Extracts of Almond, V’anilla, “ Strawln’iry, ; “ Pine Apple “ Rose, ’ i Lemon, •• Orange, i “ Nutmeg, “ (’cilery, For sale at the Macon Drug Store. out 17 E. L. STROHECKER A CO. QUININE! QUININE! H k OUNCES on hand and for sale low bv Ol H r oct 17 LI .-I ROHE! I’ItESII CONGKESS XY ATEH, IN Store and for sale bv out 17 E. L. STROHECKER 4 CO GARDEN SEED. J UST received a large and flesh supply of this war’s crop (1*57 •. The trade supplied"at lowest ' rate*. E. L. STROHECKER A CO. oet 17 I RUBBER SHOES. \ large .issortnieut of (ion ts Il ami boy- Rubber*. Also Ladie-slipper and san dal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s Celebrated patent.— Just received and fur sale low bv MIX a KIRTLAND. r.ANTATION BROGANS.'—Now in store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever ottered in this market. Men’s double sulcd peg ami nailed black ami russett-; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black and russett.*, all us which wu are selling verv low. uct. 1? MIX A KIRTLYND. BOOTS AND SHOES Mun’s and Boys and X’outh’s fine calf ami kip pe/’d Boot*; Men’s stout kin hunting and mud Boots; Gents lasting Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine calf Bro gans ; Gents, boys’s and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans ; Men’s boys’ and youth’s California kip Brogun*, a large assortment. oct 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. ROBERT FINDLAY, SR., JANES X. FINDLAY, CHRIS. D. FINDLAY. FINDLAYS’ STEAM ENGINE MANUFACTORY, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, AND GENERAL MAC ’IIIN H SI IO I’, MACON, GEORGIA. r pHE Proprietor* of this establishment would rc- 1 spwtfully call the attention of those contempla ting the erection of Strain .Udh t fi>r Sawing and Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The superiority of the work has been, and will be. a suf ficient guarantee* for an extensive and increasing patronage. Our XVorkshops and stqtcrior outfit of Tools, Patterns ami Machinery, afford facilities for the ex|M*dition of work p<»-ses.*c,l by no other estab lishment in the Statu. Our prices ami terms will compare favorably with that of any first cla*s North ern establishment. Tin* following comprises a list of Machinery, Ac., for aliy portion of which we will be pleased to receive orders, viz : Steam Engines. Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery. Circu lar Saw s, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best qual ity for Corn and XVheat, Water Wheels, u great variety. Gin Gear, all sizes. Iron Railing*, for Cemeteries, public and private Build ing-, Ae., id Wrought and Cast Iron em bracing Strength with Hen nty of Denig n. Sugar Mill.- ami Syrup Boiler-, all size-. Columns for Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac.. Gold Mining Machine ry, with Double and Single acting Force and Lift Pumps of any required size, Shafting with Tunietl Pullies, from the smallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Pre-s Irons, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws und Bales, England’* Celebrated .-elf acting (’ar Coupling*, and Other Rail Road Casting-. All work warranted to Im* 1 equal tu the best made elsewhere. oct 17 J'''* - HVVl’l*', j. H I.<>t>'\ SALE & LIVERY STABLE. Hayden a woodwahd an- »<.« pr<- . pared to furnish their friends and - public generally, with good »afe H<»r*e.* and r—a ■ new as well as tasty Buggies, Carriage*. Ac. in complete order’at the shortest notice. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict personal attention, to business, und reasonable cH*h prices will enable-them to do so. fed and kept by the day, week or month. Drove Stock also accommodated at rva-on ! ble prices. Mulberry Street, next tu Lottery Office, ; Macon, Ga. ’ Oct ly ISAACS’ SALOON", On Cherry Street, near Ralston's New Hall, MACON* GEORGIA. IF you are lund ot good eating and drinkinq—if you want to find all the delicacies of the season— i a comfortable breakfast an excellent lunch a sub -1 stantial dinner—a first-rate *upper, or anything else in that line, you can't be butler suited than ut is vac’s Cei.lhr.vtkd Saloon. At this far-famed establishment, Sthangkrs am! ; Residents can have w hatw er thev < all for, served up ‘ at moderate charges, in the best stvle and by the most uttentiv e waiters, at any hour from early in the morning until late at night. Look ut his Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: OYSTERS From New X’ork, Savannah ami Brunswick, in the shell or by the measfire, law, fried, stewed, in any vviiv vou want them ALSO, Shrimps ami Crabs, \V ild Game of every variety, X’eni.son and Beef Steuks, Mutton Chops ami \ uni Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Devileti Ham and Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, 1 Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., Ac. I Wood-cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, ; XVild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure , wants, can always be had when in season. ISA ACS invites the Ht’NGin' and thikstv passing through Macon, to give him a call, as hi* LARDER [ is daily- supplied with ail the dainties to be procured ' 1 in the Savannah and New X’ork mnrkuts, ami his , BAR furnished with the best of Liqiohs, SKG.tßsand , ■ other accompaniments. Confectioneries and Fruit ISA ACS also keep* Constantly on hand a good as sortment of ('OX FKI TiIIXKRI RS, OIIVNGKS, A rpi.KS, j Bananas, > Pine Apples, Various descriptions of Ni ts. Cakes, Ac. All of w hich can be purchased at low prices for Vwh, Bv suiv aiul call at THE ISAACS HOUSE, or, ISAACS' HHSTAt RANT. CiiEiiiiv Street, near Ra.-ton’s new Hall, Georgia. ! oct 17 BOWDRE & ANDERSON, IGHOUEKS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , m.m ox. <;a. Liberal Advances made on CDnsignmeiits in Store. If ■'MIE subscribers have in store their usual stock of 1 Full and Winter supplies, which they otter for sale ut the lowest market rates, among which are: 5H Bbls, refined A, B, C, and Crushed Sugars, | l"o bugs Rio, l.nguira and Java CoffVe, 20 packages Green and Black Teas some very choice, • I'mhi sack* Salt, 1" sacks fine Table Salt, ♦ l'» Hhd*. Molasses. :;oo Gals. Linseed Oil, I'wi Gals. Boiled Linseed Oil. s»hhi Lbs. pure White Lead in Oil, I'MHi Lbs. pure Zinc in 0.1, 1500 Lbs. Blukc’s and Bridgewater Fire-proof Paint, 2"" Gals. Sperm ami B. XV. XV. Oil, [ 75 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candle*. Fine old \X ines ami Brandies for medicinal use, 40,inhi Segars all grades, some very fine, lo.iHsi lb*, prime Tcnncsscvv Bacon, Sides ami Shoulders, 2" boxes Starch, 2" boxes Soap, 10,000 |b*. Family and Superfine Flour, 15u kegs Nail*, 2" bales Gunny Cloth, 2's’ coils Richardson’s Machine Rope, :.««» lbs. Bagging Twine, :*.o dot. Collin- A Co.’s and Leverett’* Axes, 1500 Negro Blanket* of various qualities, •*»"o pair superior Georgia Negr»> Brogan.*, XVitli most article* suitable for Planters. oet 17 BOW DR i: a ANDERSON. Osiuibtirgs, I’arns and Shirting' 4 < | BALES Flint River Osnaburgs and Y arns, "t" ’ X 5 bales Macon Shirting*. For sale at Factorv prices bv uct 17 ‘ BowDßi: A \NDERBON On < onsigionent. •on COILS Richardson’.* Hemp Leap Rope, I* f 2" Bbls, olil Bourbon XX hiskev, I . i low. BOWDRE A ALDERSON. A. A. MENARD, DRlxaasr IND APOTHECARY, CHERRY Hl'H J-a-IT. M.A< '< >X. < r.A. HAS ju>t r<*i*eh e«l nn<l will keep coiintani- Iv on hand u >upph ot DRUGS A Yw ' MEDICINES, consisting of MI Qt ININE, IODINE, SALMINE, < III.OROI'ORM, IODINE POTAbH, < A LOME!., MORPHINE, PIPERINE, Bl.t E MASS, Arc., Ac. Also, a large lot of American, English and Germn i PERFUMER a. CAMPHINE, BURNING FLUID. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, I SWEEDISH LEECHES, GARDEN SEEDS. Ac., Ac. 1 He vyill also keep n pure article of BRANDY' A ( WINE for Medicinal purposes. oct 17 CURTAIN GOODS AND CARPETINGS. 4 large supply received, ami aid bv sold verv cheap by BOSTICK A KEIN. oet i? ( NEW HAT & CAP STORE. An entirely New Stock of Hats and Caps, j CHAS. B. STONE, (LATK W ITH HFI.DEN A C 0.,) H AS now opened in the Washington Block, < near ly opposite the Lanier House, i an entirelv new i stok of (.’cuts’, Boys’ and Childrens’ Hats and Caps, of every quality and pattern. Planter* in want of WOOL If ATS for Plantation use, will find it to their interest to give him a call lic fore buying el.-ewhere. Having an experience of eight years am! more, in the HAT and CAP BUSINESS in this city, hi' flat ters himself he will be able to furnish hi* old friends and customers with the very latest fashion.*, ami at . retiettnable rater. He has also made arrunginents wish the most ex tensive manufacturers to supply him with the latest styles through the season. Thankful for past favor*, he Would solicit a con- . tinuance of public patronage. Mll'-on, oct 19 BOOTS AND SHOES. \ T THE SIGN’ OF THE BIG BOOT. No. . Y Cotton Aveinie,op|H>si«-Wusliinirtoii SBI Hail Lot, Macon, Georgia. Tin* subscribers T would return their thanks Ibr the v.-rv liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit u continuance i f the same. We have io store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. mostly ofotirown manufacture, to which weeklv- ad ditions will Is- made, of all the difl'erent stvles' und patterns usually called for in a slim- store, and would, to call and exam ine our stock, ils »... are piepared to sell as low as i any house in the citv or State. W MIX A KIRTLAND. IJODTS. A full assortment->t Gents* line French > Calf Boots, pump sole, welted und water proof, ! cd' various kinds and qualities, both sewed and peg ged. Just received ami for sale low bv mix a Kirtland ATTENTION PLANTERS Il ’E can supply you with Negro Blunk ts. K<r seys and Flantation Goods, on as l.iroiable tenus as unv other establishment in Georgia Give, ■us a call. BOSTICK 4 KEIX. I 1 ud 19 DRAPER AND TAILOR. Il Lil S PETER would respectfully inform hi- J friends and the public, that *he b:i* removed to the old Planter’s Bank Building, on (’herrv Street, next door to Freeman A Robcit.*’ Carriage establish ment, where he i* now prepared, with a fine a.*-ort mont of Cloths, Casimcres. X'estings, Ac., which he will make up to order for gentlemen, in the most ’ fusliionabk* style. ALSO, on hand a good supply of Gentlemens’ fur nishing Goods, such a- Gloves. (’rat at*. Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. All of which will be sold on reasonable SADDLERY & HARDWARE. f undersigned would respectfully in • 1 'He the attention of his friends ami 1 tonic -s, am! the trade, tu his large stuck of • LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, Double and Single Harnes.*, Saddles, Bridle*. Bits ami Spurs, <»f the best make ami latest style. Also, prepared to do job work at the shortest no tice, ami in workmanlike manner, and as low as | . any House in the city. Call and sec- at his new Store I next to the Manufactures’ Bank, and opposite Rosa’ ' New Building JOHN CLEGHORN. 1 UVI 19 | The Insured Participate in the Protits. Continental Insurance Company, CITY OF NEW YORK. •hil'l 1857. C ISII CAPITA! ~Vrt,OOO.on ASSETS. JULY Ist. I-'? 8!>»,578,82 LIABILITIES, JULY Ist, 1K57.......... Inrun* UnildmoK, Cotton, .Wtrrhandizt. Hovntkold furniture, and other IneunMe Proferty, nt th, tuu al rater. ' pH HEE FOURTHS nf the net profit* of the busi -1 ne-s of thia''irtnpaur are divijled annually to 1u.1.1.-i- «>f it.w p<»lici<-~ ill Serin bearing interest, and Mich profits carefully invested for the additional se curity of the Insured, until the fund thus accomii lated shall have reached the sum of *600,090, making tlie Cash guarantee of the Company 81,00o,p<mi ; and. thereafter, tlie Scrip will be redeemed as rapidly and to the extent that the profits accruing to the policy holders exceed the sum of gWb.OOO. GEO. T. HOPE, President. 11. IL LvMi-onT, Serretnrv. T. R. BLOOM, Agent. Mncon, <ia. •-,! The Board of Directors have this day declnr ed"a dividend to Policy Holders entitled to partici pate in the profits, of 'thirty-thre and onr-th<rd ]ur lit. upon the Earned Premiums of the past rear's business, Scrip for which will be issued August Ist. oet _■ " TO PLANTERS. rpHE subscribers have on hand, a good stock of I Osmtbnrgs. Kerseys, Blankets, ami coarse Shoes suitable for the season, also, a general stock of Gro ceries which tlo-v will sell cheap for Cush or approv ed credit, al the old stand on the corner above the Lanier House. U. CAMPBELL A SON. Manon, Oetober 20, 18K. Geo. T. Rogers & Son H\YE iu Store and constantly receiving a targe and general stock of Groceries, consisting in part of 12»» Bag.* Rio Coffer, 25 Bug* Old Government Java Coffer, 1 (’aak Ceylon Coffee, very choice, 2" Bag* Pepper and Spice, r.o Bbl*, crushuil ami Powdered Sugar, 75 Bbl*. Refined Sugar, variou- grade-, 25 Hhd*. choice Mul:i*sc*, 15 Hhd*. Bacon Side*, P”' buxe* Sperm ami Adamantine < am Ie», 5o Boxes Soap, various qualities, lluxe* Starch, various grade*. s<> Boxes (gross! Pepper. Spice and Ginger, 45 Boxc* Candy, assorted, <;•' Boxes Tobacco, all qualities, : o Boxes Pickle*. a**<»rte<l size.*, r, 5,mi1l Cigars of every grade. Together with u general assortment ot Liquor* all us winch w ill be mm low for (n-h. ■ ' HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, Whole*alv dL Retail <wroecr«, Corner Cherry ik Third Streets. Keep constantly on band, SUG A RS—<>f ev cry descript ion, COFFEE.- Java, Laguira ami Rio. FLOCK Different Brands, including Hiram Smith. Cape Jessamine, (Superior Quality) and various Georgia ami Tennessee Brands. Mackerel, Paint*, Oils, Simtl’. Cheese, Baii ’ing Rone, Molasses, Butter, Candles, Nails and " Salt, * Staple Dry Goods, and other articles usually kept in a Grocery Store. A’-o. Liquors of nil kind* Otard and Rochelle Bran die.*, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Mononga hela, Scotch and Buurbon XVhiskcy. WINES Champagne, Sherry. Port, Madeira and Domestic. AMERICAN LIQUORS, including Brandy. Gin, Rum, Whisky, YVild Cherry Brandy, Bitters, Ginger Wine. SEG ARS A TOB ACCO of various brands. All of w hich will be sold on reasonable terms for Cash or approved Credit. oct 22 HAZY AR <>l I AMIIO.A ! $50,000 WOKTU vF the most elegant, rich and varied as*o: tinent Tall and Winter Dry Goods jn.-t received and in store nt ROSS. COLEMAN & ROSS', Cott«.n Avenue, ever before offered to the criticism of a fashionable world. Allow us most respectfully tu -illicit an early inspection us our European and Home thbiic*. consisting id’ everything that can charm the eve or captivate the taste of even the most fastidious. We feel n » hesitancy in proclaiming it the largest, richest and most varie I assortment, by fur that was ever brought to Macon. A notice of < nly a few •if our noxelties, will give a slight idea, of the magnifi cence us our stock, and tlu* bright an 1 beautiful no veltie* that adorn our shelve* and counter*. Puint D’Alenci n LACE COLLARS, from sl2 “o to >7" oo each. Real French EMBROIDERED SETTS, from $3 is) to $25 no per set. Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS, frwx <1 on to $25 no each. Jaconet and Swiss BANDS, from 25 cents to $7 a strip. Robes, A<|iiillec in worsted ami-ilk embroidered with \ civet, from $5 no to sloo Ou a Dies* Pattern. Lady Uourtnay Morning Robes, from SI2OO to S3OOO each. THIRTEEN HUNDRED DOLLAR# worth of new Jaconet and Swiss frillings—exclusive styles, nt all prices. Cloth and X’clvet MANTILLAS, from $3 00 to slvO nd eiicli. Embroidered X’civet MANTILLAS worked with Silk and Ostrich Feathers. Oil Paintings, among which are Sybil’s Cave at Ho boken, New Jetsev, and the tomb of Kusciusco. A great variety of Tapestry, X'elvet, Tapestry Brus sel.*, Three ply ami Ingrain Carpeting*, Rug*. Druggut.-, Oil Clolh.*, Av. Our stock of plantation gouda is most ample and complete, 8-4 XVhitv Btaukets ut G 2 1-2 ceuts oath, and price* running up to $1 25 each. I'NcnlMidy is vurnustly solicited to give us a call, as our stock is unusually large and we are bound to *cll. JVC Please remember tw get at ti.e right place on Cotton Avenue, at ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS’. oct 22 JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, W ASHINGTON BLOCK, MULBERRY ST. M ACON, GEOKGIA. I AW, Medical, School, miscellaiievtis amt Juvcn -1 j ile Books. Blank Books, Statione r y. Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per, Water Colors, Artists’Oil Color*, Boxes «jf Oil and Water Colors, Mathematical Instruments, Mathe matical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses ami Books, Writing Desks, Port Folios, Pocket Books, Gammon Boards. Writing Fluids and Inks us the very bc-t kinds, Faber’s ami Lubin’s Drawing Pen cil.*, Steel and Gold Pens, and ull the various articles usually found iu a Book Stoic. Al-o, Agent of the Southern .Mutual Insuraner ( oni| am . N EGROEB. LIKELY NEGROES now un hand fur sale, for •Ml bills of the Manufacturer s Bank or other cur rent fund*. XVILSON C. HARDY. oct 20 DRUGS. MEDICINE, PAINT. OIL, &C. TvUX-COrJ rjTtTTG- STORE. Fall and Winter Trade, 1857. E. 1.. STROHECKER £ CO., WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS. We are daily receiving large supplies frum DIRECT IMPORTERS AND '■’’HUS ensuring our cu-tomers choice and I pure article-. Our Chemicals are invaria bly purchased from Manufacturers, direct, ena- J®, bling us to w arrant them fret* from adulteration. W e have now iu sture a select stock <4 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE ST I F FS, PA IN TBRUS 11 ES, Instruments, XY bite Wadi Brushes, Pharmnuiitical Instruments, and Toilet Article*, Together with the best assortment ut Instrument* ever uflbred in this market. Planters, ami Merchants will consult their iuteie.-t by oamiu ing uur stock before purchasing. E. L. STROHECKER A CO.. Opposite Redding House, <:cl 1‘ Macon, Ga. FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, OIEMU ALS, PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, I'EHFI'MEHY, AC. r |’’HE undersigned offers for -ale uu as low 1 tuiin* a- any house in the .State, pure and yy reliable Medicines, und w arranted genuine. jp® Chemicals in great variety. Drugs in great abundance ami always fresh. Perfumery, assorted. Foreign and Domestic. In.-trurneuts—Hurgical. Dental and ull others, Toilet Articles in great variety, Fancy Soaps and other Soaps in great variety, Paints, Oil.-, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, French Window Gias.-, and fresh Putty, Paint Brushes, Colors, Tools, Pencils and Sponges. Varnish Coach, Furniture, Damur and Japan, Medicinal Herbs and Botanic Medicines, Starch, Congress Water and best Citrate Magnesia, Snuff, Teas, Blacking, Crucibles, Sand Paper. Medical Soules, Mui tai s und Festles, Iron and Porcc lain, Gelet mo*. Soda, Potash, Alum, Saltpetre, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Cud Liver Oil. Rose XX’ater, Quinine, Morphine, Piperine and Acid*, Bul-am Wild Cherry, Cherry Pectoral, Lozengf.*, Gum Drops, Bryant s Cholera Remedy, “gunuiue.’* And ail other reliable preparation- of Medicine, Best Wines ami Brandy for Medicinal use onh,- Best Mustard and Spice* fur family use. Abundance of fresh Garden and Flower Seed*, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed and other Seeds. GEORGE PAYNE, Druggist and Apothecary. Corner Mulberrv yt. and Cottun A'- cuur, Mac »u. Ga vet 17