State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, January 21, 1858, Image 1
VOLUME 1. The State Press IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY EDWIN C. ROWLAND, Proprietor; E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND, Editors. HIW ription : Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Dol lars at the end of the year. ADVERTISING: One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and Fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal arrangements will be made with those who advertise by the year. JOB WORK. Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and one of Gordon's celebrated Power Presses, we are prepared to do any kind of work in this line with neatness, accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices. [cONCLIDBI’.j THE CAPTION OF ACTS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE AND SIGHED BY THE GOV ERNOR 1857 295. An act to amend an act passed 17th Dec. 1847. to authorize parties to compel dis coveries at common law and for othf>r purposes therein mentioned. 296. To amend the several Sections of an act entitled mi net to raise the jurisdiction of the I Justices of the Peace, approved March 6th. 1856. 297. To amend an act to exempt from levy and sale under execution certain property therein mentioned, assented to December 11th, i'll. 298. To authorize suits to lie brought upon , Constables’ bonds without an order of Court. I 299. To define how many Justices of the Interior Court shall concur in opinion, to make the judgment of said Court. 300. To prevent non-residents of Colquitt county from camp-himtiug, and for other pur poses therein mentioned. 301. To authorize and empower the city council of Augusta and the several city author ities of this State as w ell as the several Inferior Courts to elect or appoint a liquor inspector, and prevent and punish the selling and manu facturing of drugged or other poisonous, dele terious liquors, spirits and wines. 302. To alter and amend the charter of the city of Macon. 303. To reduce the Sheriffs bond of Colquitt county, and to consolidate the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Court of said coun ty- 304. To provide for the disposition of money raised by tines on account of road duties in Thomas county and to alter existing laws for that purpose. 3 i> To prevent the killing of Female deer in Glynn county at certain periods of the year. , 306. To arrange and fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the several counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit. 307. To incorporate the town of Buchanan in the county of llarralson, and for other pur poses. 308. To authorize the Justices Court of the 655 district G. M. at LaGrange to be held for a longer term than one day, and to adjourn from day to day. 309. To incorporate the Naeoochce Hydraul ic Mining Company. 310. For the relief of Jas. Edmundson of the county of Murray, security of Thomas J. Harp e*’’ tax collector of the county aforesaid, for the year 1850, and for other purposes. 311. To amend an act entitled an act to in corporate the Georgia and Alabama Railroad ' °mpany, and to grant certain powers and Privileges to the same, and for other purposes approved 18th February, 1854. 312. To authorize John G. McHenry and Ihos. N. I’oullain, administrators on the estate " Jas. H. McHenry deceased, late of Green county, to purchase a farm and stock the same, and t<> work the slaves belonging to said estate thereon, and to carry on the same, and for other purposes. 313. To authorize the Ordinary of Upson county to grant letters of administration on the jStcitc undivided estate of Allen McWalker, late of I said comity, deceased, on certain conditions. 314. To change the boundary line of the ili l cor| orate limits of Ringgold in Catoosa county, and to confer certain powers and privileges ' ! upon the Commissioners of said town. 315. To authorize John C. Whitner and 1 Snmnel T. Whitaker to act as notary public in the city of West Point, Georgia, for certain purposes therein mentioned. 316. To incorporate the town of Thomaston in the county of Upson, to appoint Commis sioners f»r the same, and to confer certain pow- , ers upon said Commissioners. 317. To authorize W. W. Johnson of Han cock county to practice medicine aud charge and collect for the same. 318. To atia li the counties of Dawson, i Towns, and Fannin to the 7th division of the 2d brigade. ?’M. To chnngt the manner of suing on 1 i Constables bonds in the county of Whitfield, i and to increase the amount of Con-table’s bonds in the 8724 district G. M.. ot said county. 320. To authorize the Treasurer of this State ■ to sign certain coupons herein named, and to , require the payment of the same when due. 321. To amend an act to allow the Sheriff' of Chatham county certain fees not allowed by law and to allow him to appoint special Depu ty Sheriff's in certain cases, and for other pur 1' -■ 322. To lay out and construct a Turnpike [road of suitable width and grade commencing Lt or near the Sandy Ford on the ( battooga IRiver and running the most practical route to ■Clayton in Rabun county, ami to extend the : [provision* of the same to the Nutty Turnpike I Company. I . to extend aud define tli< corporate Itai- I it- of the tow nut I iut ing mid for other purposis. 324. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior ; Court of Baldwin county to issue bonds for the I purpose of erecting a bridge over the Oconee . River or for the payment of stock in a cor porate Company tor that purpose. 325. For the relief ol Drewry Boatright, and to relieve him from certain disabilities. 820. To authorize the county treasurer of [Murray county, to pay Alexander Martin of M rray county, ont of theoounty funds, certain . laims. therein specified for the years 1852-3. 327. To prevent the sale of ardent spirits, or intoxicating liquors ut or near the poor house precinct in Richmond c. unity on days of gener al elections or eoui.ty elections and make it penal to do so. 328. To incorporate the Bowden Collegiate • Institute, to appoint trustees for the same and to confer certain privileges. 329. For the it lief of the citizens of the 995 and 994 districts G. M. in this State. 33(i. To incorporate tin. town oi lrwinville in the county of Irwin and for other purposes. 331. To amend the patrol law s of this State, approved Feb’v 2-stu, 1854, so far as relates to the county of Franklin. 332. To lay ont a new county from the coun ty of ilabershmn. mid to organize the same. 33 J. T> repeal mi act entitled mi act to com pensate Petit Juror-in the comity of Heard. I rut i. • ••■. fun 1 fur ■■ -aim. approved L 1854. I 334. Fur th. relief of George M'. Newman I 1 I ville mid Tlcmia-.Uin Railroad, and for other I purpose- therein ment'.oiicd. tt-ti'i. 'i o point out the mode i f levying and 1 L eral Board lof Railroad mission i■. m. l district eom- 1 li i mid patrol commissioners us the Icouuti of (’l.ntliam, to define the liability of [the levying officer, and to istablish his fees. | 337. To appoint the persons therein named I < ommissioners of the tow n of Preston, mid to | authorice mi ilertioS to be held in the county of Milton for a Clerk of the Superior and Inte rim Courts and Ordinary for sai<Lcounty, uud for other purposes. 338. To iiicorponitHannah Moore Female Collegiate Institute, mid for other purposes. 339. To In corporate the Bainbridge Masonic I Male Institute, mid for other purposes. 3 ’e. To authorize the Governor to appoint . some tit mid proper person to run out the line between the 7th di-lrict of Baker aud the 3d district of Calhoun county. 341. To establish mi<l deline the line dividing ] the Cl.unties of Berrien and Colquitt, and Her- , 1 rien mid Lowndes, so far as regards the South we-t coiner of said comity of Berrien. 312. To incorporate an Insurance Company' to be called the Merchant's and Mechanic's Mu tual Insurance* of the city of Macon. 343. For the relief of certain persons and Banks herein named. i 344. To punish all owners of slaves and guar-I i dians of free persons of color, and said slaves and free pi rsons of color in the counties of War ren and Taliaferro, for said owners aud guard ians allow ing said slaves aud free persons of ; color to live alone and prevuit the same. 345. To incorporate a Fire and Engine Com pany for the city ot B.uusw iek in the county ; ot Glynn. 346. To incorporate the Southern Copper Mining Company and for other purposes. 347. To ineorp. rate the Skidaway Shell Road Company, mid for other pupo-es. 34-1. to extend mid define the corporate limits of the town of Hi liu.sville, Appling | county. 319. To incorporate the town of Swainesboro ■ in Emanuel comity. 350. Amendatory of the several acts ot force in reference to the corporation of the city of j Milledgeville. i 351. To consolidate the offices of the Clerks of the Superior mid inferior Courts ot the coun- I tv of llarralson. ’ 352. To regulate certain Bonds therm men- I tinned. 353. To incorporate the Fulton Mining and Manufacturing Company. | 354. To re-enact and to declare in force all laws relating to the incorporation of the town I of Conyers in New ton county. 355. To provide for the election of county ; Treasurer for Miller county. 356. For the relief of James Crocket, former | county surveyor of Habersham county, and for j other purposes. 357. To incorporate the Montour Village in Hancock county, appointing commissioners and , defining the limits of said village. 358. To authorize the Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts and the Sheriff of Glynn I county to collect the fees of their offices at each term of the Superior aud Inferior Courts. 359. To amend the 3d section of an act ap proved 25 Dec. 1845. to amend the charter of the city of Columbus and for other purposes. 360. To appropriate money for the support of the Government for the political year 1858, and for other purposes therein named. 361. To authorize the City Council of Rome to subscribe tor one hundred thousand dollars ; of stock in the Georgia and Alabama Railroad Company on certain conditions and for other , purposes. > AN ACT to be entitled an act, to define and establish the fees of Ordinaries, Clerks ot the Superior aud Inferior Courts, Sheriffs, Jailors, Justices of the Pence, and Consta bles of this State, aud for other purposes. Sec. Ist. Be it enacted by the Semite and i House of Representatives of the State of Geor- , ' gia. in General Assembly met. and it is hereby MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY JANUARY 21, 1858. ' enacted by the authority of the same, That ! from and after the first day of March next, the Ordinaries of this State shall be and they are hereby entitled to demand mid receive the fees hereinafter stated: For receiving application and granting cita tion. $1 25 “ taking and recording Administrator’s or : Guardian's bond. 1 0(1 “ issuing letters of administration or letters testamentary. 1 50 “ recording same. 5o “ copy. 50 I “ signing warrant of appraisment. 50 “ receiving an appraisment, or sale bill, aud recording the same, if under five hundred dollars. 1 00 If above five hundred dollars, and under two thousand. 1 25 ' If above two thousand, and under ten thou- sand dollars. ' 150 If above ten thousand, and under twenty thou- , sand dollars. 1 75 If above twenty thousand and under fifty thou sand dollars. 2 00 | If above fifty thousand dollars. 2 50 , For receiving application and granting letters ‘ dismissory whole service, 5 00 I , “ granting citation to show cause why ad ministration should not be set aside, or re pealed. 2 00 “ entering a caveat against administration being granted, or will proven. 1 25 , “ each copy of caveat. 50 “ every marriage license. 1 50 “ every order for sale of hind, negroes, or , other property. 50 *' each iopy of the same. 25 , " issuing letters of Gum-dimi-hip. 1 00 “ recording the same. 50 I , “ rule nisi in each case. 50 ■ " ‘"l’.' 25 “ issuing process against n person for not making returns. 50 “ each additional copy. 25 “ each Subpuma. 15 “ examining and recording returns on nil es tates not worth more than two thousand <h liar-. 1 00 “ all estates worth more than two, and not more than five thousand dollars. 1 25 ; " all estates w orth more than live, and not over ten thousand dollars. 1 40 “ all estates worth more than ten thousand ; dollars. 1 60 “ recording all vouchers accompanying re turns of administrators, executors, and guardians p.r 100 words. 12 recording any instrument of writing not i mentioned, per 100 words 12 “ copy of nny instrument of writing not , mentioned, per 100 word-. 10 | *• proceedings, to authorize titUs to be made to lands of deceased person-, to be paid I out of the estate of the deceased. 5 00 “ commission to free holders to divide es- ' tate 1 25 I *• each certificate and seal. 60 “ entering an uppenl and transmitting the proceedings to the Superior ( eiirt. 1 50 Sec. 2d. And be it further enacted, That the < lei k- of the Superior and Inferior Courts of this State, be mi l tin y are here by entitled to demand and receive tin fees hereinafter stated: Fees os' the Clerk os- tiif. M i ei.-ior Covirr ix Civil Cases. For every suit commenced tiieieii 1 , il settled by the parties in vacation. isl 90 If settled at Court, mid recording same on min utes. 3 75 For every writ, where there are more than one defendant after the first copy. 60 j " every suit commenced mid prosecuted to ’ Judgment including service t«.r recording I ; petition, process, and judgment. 5 60 ' “ every Suhpuma ticket. 15 ( “ writ ot partition of land. 3 75 j “ recording proceedings in civil cases perl 100 words. 10 j •• recording articles of partnership, under the law regulating limited partner ships 5 00 | recording proceedings in change of names. 1 0(> j “ furnishing and certifying any bill, process, . order, itc., in equity for publication. 1 00 " recording notice of Carpenters and Ma- | sons /in. 1 00 I In trial-of nuisance. 375 | For rule vs. garnishee. 1 00 “ issuing commission to examine wit- ness. fl 00 [ “ recording deeds. 60 ' “ recording any instrument of writing not • specified, per 100 w ord-. 12 “ every foreclosure of any mortgage and ' recording proceedings. 1 25 I “ For every enquiry of titles respecting prop- j erty levied on by Sheriffs and claimed by , a third person. 1 25 ! “ every affidavit to hold to bail. 60 i “ recording and copying proceedings in i chancery and bills of exceptions and trans cript to the Supreme Court, per 100 words. 12 . “ recording remitter, order mid judgment of the Supreme Court on the minutes each. 1 00 “■ issuing fi fa. or ca-a. each. 65 •• certificate and seal. 60 Clerk’s Fee ix Criminal Cases. For all bills of indictment if settled by the par- : ties or nol-proeacd, including service for ■ docketing and recording on the minutes, I and all other service. 4 00 “ every bill of indictment, when the defen dant is arraigned, tried, and found guilty, including all services. 6 00 “ transcribing record and evidence in State cases per 100 words. 12 Fees of the Clerks of the Inferior Covet. For each appeal to the Superior court 200 *• on every estray horse, mule, or ass, for every legal service required 2 00 “ on every Bull, ox or cow, for all service I required. 1 25 * “ on every goat, hog or sheep. 30 “ retailer’s bond. 60 “ retailer’s license. 60 “ copying and administering oath to retail- er. ' 80 “ for registration of free persons of color, every legal requirement included. 1 00 “ each pedler’s license. 1 25 And for any other service performed the same fees as allowed to the clerks of the Superior i i Court Sec. 3d. And lie it further enacted, That ! the Sheriff's of the several connties of this State, be and they are hereby entitled to demand j and receive the fees hereinafter stated. For serving a copy of a process,/md returning the original. 2 00 If sent from another county. 2 00 ! If more than one defendant for each addition- | al copy served. 60 For summoning each witness. 60 For summoning jury and attending trial to as sess damages for right of way. 5 00 For services, in every case on special Jury. 1 25 i Return of Nulla Bona. 2 00 I Conducting a debtor under confinement before a J udge or court. 1 00 For serving rule vs. garnishee. 2 00 If more than one for each additional copy. 60 For summoning Jury to try cases of nui- sance. 3 o<> For removing nuisance, such fees as the . court may deem reasonable, on all sums, when I the execution does not exceed fifty dollars, and under, 5 per cent, on the amount of fl fa, on all sums above fifty dollars, and the execution does not exceed five hundred dollars, two aud a half per centum, all sums where the execution ex ceeds five hundred dollars one and a quarter per centum, and that no commission shall be I charged when the property is not actually sold. For making out and executing titles to lauds. 3 50 If wrote by the purchaser. 1 00 Making out and signing bill of sale, of other property. 1 25 Provided that no fee shall Tie allowed only per one bill of sale, when the same will be suf ticent to convey the property to one person or joint purchasers unless the purchaser or pur chasers, shall choose more than one. For taking bail Bonds, 1 00 Forthcoming bondan 1 00 In the Issues on application of insolvent debt ors for services not in term time, 5 00 Executing process, dispossessing tenant, hold ing under plea of rent. 3 50 For settling executions, if property be levied . on, aud money paid, before sale, L,OO , For keeping a horse, mare, mule or ox, per . day, 25 I Each head of neat cattle per day, 5 Sheep, Goats, or Hogs per day. 4 SberijJ’t Fcc» in Criminal Catet. For recommitting any prisoner where habeas corpus is brought to his relief, 1 25 On every copy of mittimus, 25 ' For every mile n prisoner may be removed under a habeas corpus, 25 Removing a prisoner by habeas corpus, where no mileage is paid per day. 2 00 ‘ Attending a person, taken by a warrant to the J udges chamber, 1 00 Fur conducting a prisoner before a Judge or Court, to and from Jail, 1 25 *' executing warrant of escape, 1 00 " executing and returning a Beach War rant, 1 25 “ apprehending a person suspected, if commit ted, or held to bail. 1 25 “ each person, not exceeding two, who may be employed to guard a prisoner to jail per day, 1 60 " executing a criminal, 10 00 “ whipping, cropping, or branding a crimi nal, o 00 Sec. 4th And lie it further enacted. That the Jail ors of the several counties of this State be, and they are hereby entitled to de mand aud receive the fees hereinafter stated. For receiving prisoner or debtor 60 “ turning tlie key or discharging the prisoner by virtue of Habeas Corpus by order of the Court, Judge or Justice, 60 *• dieting a white prisoner jier day, allowing 2 lbs of bread, 1 1-2 of beef. 1 lb pork or 1-2 il> bacon with sufficiency of cotfee, wa ter, At. 60 " dieting negro criminal per day, allowing one quart cooked rice or one and a half )>ouii<ls brea k and 1-2 lb bacon or 1 1-2 beefl with sufficiency of water, 30 ; " dieting runaway negro ]>er day. allowing 1 lb corn bread, 1 lb pork, or 1-2 lb bin n. with sufficiency of water. 5o " dieting [ <r- >n confined for debt per day. al lowing a sufficiency of wholesome provis ions. i-otfi e. water, &c. 80 " t irni:; .' k »u commitment of any prison er, ’ 60 “ wliipping nmawity negro. 1 ,H ’ But not allowed to give runaway negro more than thirty-nine lashes nt any one whipping, and not allowed to whip inure than twice without the consent of the own er. Sec. sth. And be it further enacted. That the Justices of the Peace of this State be. aud thio are hereby entitled to demand and receive the fees hereinafter stateil. F’e<» in Ciril Ca»es. For each case tried by said Justice, 35 " a warrant or summons, 85 “ affidavit to obtain an attchraent, or to hold to bail, and taking the bond, 75 “ entering a judgment, 35 “ each execution, casa or attachment, 35 “ drawing Jury and making out list, 30 “ each cause tried by said jury, 30 “ affidavit to obtain a possessory warrant and making out the same, 75 “ trying the same, 60 •• making out interrogatories and certifying the same, 1 25 “ making out recognizance and returning the same to Court. 85 “ each subpoena for witness, 15 " each affidavit w here there is no cause pend ing, 30 “ every writ of certiorari to the Superior Court. 60 “ taking examination of a person charged with criminal offence, 50 “ examining each witness iu a criminal case, 30 “ making out a commitment, 35 See. 6th. And be it further enacted. That the Constables of this State be, and they are hereby entitled to demand and receive the fees hereinafter stated. For serving a warrant, summons or attach ment. 35 “ each additional copy of summons warrant or attachment, 30 “ summoning every witness, 30 “ each cause tried by a Justice or a Jury, 30 “ attending each trial in a Justices Court, 35 “ summoning a jury, 75 “ levying a casa or fi fa and advertising 35 “ settling fi fa when property is not sold, 30 “ return of nulla bona, 30 “ carrying a negro under execution to and from jail per mile. 5 “ attending Superior Court per day, 1 00 “ summoning jury on inquest, 1 00 | “ collecting execution i.-.-ued by Coroner 75 j “ keeping a horse, mule, ass, or ox, per day. 25 i “ each head of neat cattle, 5 “ sheep, goats, or hogs per day, 4 “ on mH sales made by him 6 14 per centum on amount sold. “ attending a grand jury per day. 1 00 “ attending grand jury per each bill found, to be paid by delinquent, 30 “ serving a warrant in criminal cases 125 *• keeping and maintaining a prisoner before examination not exceeding twenty-four hours, 75 I “ whipping negro by sentence of Court, 1 50 “ conveying prisoner to jail per mile, 5 I Sec. 7th. And be it further enacted. That when any person is guardian for two or more minors owners of joint property, it shall be lawful for said guardian to make a joint return of his actings and doings to the Court of Ordinary and charge but for one return. ■ Sec. Sth. And be itfurther enacted. That noth ing iu this Act shall apply to the counties of this State where there has been special Acts for said counties regulating the fees of such officers in any case. Sec. 9th repeals conflicting laws. Assented to December 22, 1857. The Sckipttre against Banks. —ln a ser mon recently preached by Rev. Mr. Havens, Brooksville, lie remarked, in the language of Scripture—" Gold and silver are the Lord’s" ; and added, " paper money is an invention of I man and the devil." From the Times’ Correspondence. THE INDIAN WAR. ; The preparations for the relief of the garri son of l.nrknow are rapidly advancing. Col. ' ■ Hove Grant, with Col. Greathead’s column, 1 ; B,o'.Hi strong, reached Cawnpore on the 2nth I October He crossed the Ganges on the 30th ■ with in guns, and his arrival at Alumbagh has I been already reported. He met with no oppo sition on the road, which, indeed, during the lute operations, has always been clear, the en emy concentrating all their forces around Luck- ■ now. The column will remain in the Aium bagli till the arrival of the Commander-in- Chief. who left Calcutta on the 28th October, Sir Oolin Campbell travels like a courier, and on the 3d of November he was at Cawnpore. Colonel Berkley's eolaiuu is on the road.- Colonel Hinde, with his force in Bewah, is said to have received his orders; so has Colo nel Lon-Men, who. with 5-2-1 Europeans, had marched to quiet Jnanpore. Colonel Wrough- ton, w ith most ot Jung Baliadoor's Gboorka, is J already on the frontiers of Glide. iSome Sikhs , I are on their march from Delhi, and altogether Sir Colin Campbell ought to have at least I 5,000 Euro|>euns, and some 3,000 Sikhs and ' Ghoorkas at his disposal. He will not have so many for the actual relief of Lucknow, and has received a letter from Sir James Ontram, de- ■ daring that the garrison can hold out for some ! ' days yet, and begging that no thought of it* i danger may interfere with a complete victory. I It is understood that Sir Colin will, when all 1 is ready, cross the Groomtce, advance on the I bank opposite the town, and from that vantage ground shell the enemy out. He will then re cross and perhaps enter the Itcsidem y without 1 the loss <d'a man. Lucknow, once secure and , f-rtified will become Ids headquarters, whence, inch by inch, be may reconquer Onde. < t It is generally understood that Nena Sahib. . self-appointed Peishwa, has assumed the com- , • mander-in-chief at Onde, and some profess to see traces of ability and plan in the more re-1 cent movements of the rebels. That some j < idea of concentration prevails among them is 1 obvious from the manner in which tlio detach- i , ed bodies have quitted Bengal. It is certain, I , too, that they light harder than they 'did.— | Government has published a telegraph announ- ' cing a victory at a place called Burdee. near Allahabad. Captain Peel makes the best of his story, but it seems dear that the enemy fought ' with desjieralion, that our loss wassevere, und I ' that it wa« not considered prudent to retain so i , advanced a position. At Futtehserui again, \ near Agra,’the rebels were diilodged by a par- I i ty from the garrison on the 2‘Jth of October. — ‘ Most of them tied, but a party seized a building , on the heights and died like men w ith the b.-’- : ter ro-ind their nocks. Lieut. Glubb and 1” privates were killed. T -*.UX Gco._T. Rogers & Son H AVE iu Store and constaDtly receiving a large and general stock of Grvcerics, consisting in I pail <>f ! 120 Bags R'o Coffee, 1 2‘ Bae* Old Government Java Coffee, I Cask Ceylon Coffee, very choice, Bag® Pepper und Suite, *0 BIT*, crushed and Powdered Sugar, . .*> Bbl*. Re lined Sugar, various grade*, •'» ILhds. choice M dasaes, Ilhds. Bacon Si.les, b<»xc • Spenu and Adamantine Candles, Boxes S ■ •!». various qualities, 1 Boxes Starch, various grades, 'a> Boxes gross» Pepper, Spice und Ginger, ' +■» '.. .*<.■!* > .< :<;y. it*.— 60 '• x • Tobacco, ail qualities, g Boxes Pickles, assorted sizes, fi j.tM'O Cigars of every grade, Together with a general assortment of Liquors—all of which will be sold low fur Cash. oct SO R.EMOVAL. E. SAULSBURY IS now located at his NEW STORE, on Mulljerry Street, opposite the Lanier House, and is prepared i to show his <»>d customers and the public generally, ' as large and varied assortment of FINE READY MADE CLOTHING und GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, as can be found in thia market. He will be receiving constantly weekly shipments from New York, embracing the latest styles. E. S. i oct 22-ts 1 BJROAATTST’S HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA, E. E. BROW V. Proprieter. HAVING been fully convinced of the ex ceedingly annoying inconveniences to i i which the travelling public, passing over our |'!gH| | various Railroads, were constantly subject, X the Proprietor determined to erect and fit up, at the most eligible and convenient point, a hotel that would supply every demand and be entirely worthy the pa- ' , tronage of the public. He has. after much labor and expense, carried out his original purpose, having se I ' levied a site immediately opposite, and within thirty ! yards of the Passenger Depot. Persons leaving on I 1 i the night trains can enjoy, at least, an hour’s sleep i • longer here than at any other hotel in the city ; and j I the table is furnished with the best the country as , fords; the rooms are comfortably ventilated and sup- | 1 plied with necessary furniture, and the servants are I 1 well trained and mav be summoned at any hour. , He has spared no pains or expense to meet every • i want, and supply every convenience, and now every I thing being complete, ho flatters himself his Hotel ai- ' fords equal advantages to any other in the State. Remember this Hotel is immediately opposite I the Passenger Depot. Macon, Im., Nov. 12, 1657. ■ ■ HA TH ! HA TS I BELDEN Sc CO-, k RE now receiving at their Fashionable Half'"® J\ Store, under Ralston’s New Concert i Cherry Street. Macon, a large and varied assortment i of Goods in their line, consisting in part of the fol- | , lowing articles : FALL SILK HATS. EXTRA FASHIONABLE Black Beaver Hats, Extra French Felt Hats, Mens’ Cashmorette, Mens’ Mantiloes, Mens’ Drub Beavers, Mens’Silk Vel vet Caps, Mens’ Navy Cans, Ex tra Ladies’ Riding Hats, extra fine. ' Otto Caps, extra, Bovs’ Hats, Fine Cashmorette and Fine Black and Fur Hats. Wool Hats, Navy and Black Velvet Caps. Cloth Caps, from 5U eta., to *2 00. Also a large as sortment of Plantation Goods, Leather Hat Boxes, Um- I brellas. Ac. All of which will be sold at fair prices. Jobbers I from town or country, can have their Stock replen- ‘ i iahed on favorable terms. oct 17 __ JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, WASHINGTON BLOCK. MI LBERKYST. MACON, GEORGIA. I AAV, Medical, School, luiaceßaueous and Juven- J He Books. Blank Books, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll pa- i per. Water Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil ■ and Water Colors, Mathematical Instruments, Mathe matical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and | Books, Writing Desks, Port Folios, Pocket Books, j ' Gammon Boards. Writing Fluids and Ink* of the i very best kinds. Faber’s and Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils*. Sled and Gold Pens, and all the various articles . usually t<>und in a Book Store. Also. Agent of the Southern Mutual nsnrance < ompaii t. LAMER HOI SE, MACON, GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. r PROPRIETORS of this well known jSSjajL » 1. establishment, respectfully give notice pjW 1 that thev are still candidates for the patron t age of the Travelling public, and determined to omit nothing to deserve well of their guests and maintain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation , Os Pa**engers and Baggage, to and from the House, i by a fine new Omnibus and Baggage Wagon, which they have provided for that purpose. Passengers . hereafter will be at no expense whatever for transpur » tation of themselves and their baggage either way be ’ tween the Lanier House and the Railway Stations in P Macon. We ask a continuance of public patronage 1 and promise attention and comfort to our guests, oct 20 LOGAN A MEARA SELECT SCHOOL 'pHE exercises of B. M. POLHILL S School wi«l 1 be rebinned on Monday, 4th of January. Teems. —$50 00 per annum. For (’lassies and higher Mathematics, s<»o 00 per annum, one-half payable in advance, at the begin ning of each term, Dec. Slat, 1857. BAZAAR OF FAMHIOJW I $50,000 -WOHTK OF the moflt elegant, rich and varied aseortment of Fall and Winter Dry Goods [nut received and in store at ROSS, COLEMAN & ROSS’, Cotton venue, ever before offered to the critici-mof a fashionable world. Allow tie inoi*t respectfully to solicit an early inspection of our European and Home fabrics, consisting of even thing that can charm the eve or captivate tne taste of even the most fastidious. \Ve tael no hetituncy in proclaiming it the largest, , richest and mo»t varied assortment, ny far that was ever brought to Macon. A notice of only a few of our novelties, will give a slight idea of the cence of our stock, and the bright and beaatifm no velties that adorn our shelves and counters. I’oiut D’Alencun LACK COLLARS, from sl2 w to ’ S7O 00 each. Beal French EMBROIDFKED SETTS, from $$ O'* to $25 Ol per Mt. Embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS, from $1 C«o to $25 00 each. Jaconet and Swiss BANDS, from 25 cents to $7 00 I a strip. Robes, Aqnillee in worsted and silk embroidered with velvet, from $5 oft to SIOO 0” a Dross Pattern. Ladv Courtuav Morning Robes, from sl2 00 to $-■> '‘o i each. THIRTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS worth of new Jaconet aud Swiss triflings—exclusive 1 st vies, at al! prices. Cloth and Velvet ‘ MANTILLAS, from $3 00 to s!*>• ; each. Embroidered Velvet MANTILLAS worked with Silk and Ostrich Feathers. Oil Paintings, among which are Sybil’s Cave at Ho boken, New Jer*ev, and the tomb of Kosciusco. A great variety of Tapestn - . Velvet, Tajwstry Brus sels, Three ply and Ingrain Carpetings, Rugs. Druggets, Ou Cloths, Ac. Our stock of plantation goc.ds is most ample and complete, »-4 White Blankets at 62 1-2 cents and prices running up to $1 25 each. Everybody is earnestly soliciUd to give us a call, j as our stock is unusually large and we arc bound to ■ sell. •j!** Please remember to get at the right piece on Cotton Avenue, at ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS’. , oct 22 WAtCHiX JEWKLRI , SILVER AND PLATED WARE. 4r. undersigned most respect fully informs 1 his friends and customers that he is now ! opening a beautiful st »ck of Goods inhi*line. C which tor beauty and elegance cannot be surpassed, : and requests those who are purchasing to give him a call as they will be sold ven 1 low for cash. Store on Cotton Avenue one,door below' Boatick k Keiu’s. M. D. BARNES. WATCHES. Gold and Silver Watches Chutaline, Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, for sale cheap bv M D. BARNES. PINS and EAR RINGS, a large Stock of every va riety, aud will Im.* sold verv low Uv M D. BARNES. BRA (ELETS, Finger Rings, Watch Kevs, Pencils, Watch Seals ■ and Chains. A large suppfv for sale bv M. D. BARNES. SILVER SPOONS. I', rkPi-. Fish and Pickle Kciv&s, Sait and Mustard Spoons, Ac., for sale bv M*. D. BARNES. Plated Ware Cutlery, and a thousand other pretty things which u ill be sold on the most liberal terms by M. D. BARNES * Watches, Ch-cka. Jewelry, Ac., repaired at short notice and warranted to give entire satisfaction, by oct M. D BARNTS. BOOTS AND SHOES. 4 TTHESIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, N> 3, Cotton Avenue. opposes Washington *BI Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia. The subscriber? f would return thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and ! would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. mostly of onrown manufacture, to which weekly ad ditions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually railed for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and exam ine our stock, as we are prepared tu sell as low a» anv house in the citv or state. . I . • .MIX A K.lliiAND, BOOTS. —A full assortment of Gents’ tine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and water proof, of various kinds and qualities, both sewed and peg ged. Just received and fur sale low bv oct 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. _ 1 RUBBER SHOES A large ass rtment of Gents i and boy* Rubbers. Also Ladies slipper and san dal rubber &hoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. — Just received and for sale low bv MIX A KIRTLAND. IPLANTATION BROGANS. Now in store the I best assortment of Negro Shews, we have ever offered in this market. Men’* double soled peg and i nailed black and rouse tt*; du. heavy single soled black and russetts ; du. boys and youths black and I rnssetts, all of which wo are selling verv low. .MIX A KIRTLAND. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's and Boys and Youth’s tine calf and kip peg’d Boots; Men’s [ stont kin hunting and mud Boots; Gents lasting Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and tine calf Bro gans ; Gents, bovs’s and youths’ patent and enam i lied Brogans ; Men’s boys’ and yonth’s California kip Brogans, a large assortment. 1 oct 19 MIX A KIRTLAND. TAYI.oRS IXTI-DY Si PEPTIC ELIXIR IV E would call attention to the above valuable remedy as being the best ever discovered for 1 Dyspepsia; und for this alone we recommend it. We have many certificates, and could get many more, ; from some of the most prominent men in our section ' ufthu State—but we decline this mode of adverti -1 sing. Vv e only want the afflicted to give it a trial —and the worse the cases the more marked the relief-to con vince all that this is truly a wonderful remedy. We ; only wish we had the influence to induce every suf i serer from this terrible disease to give this remedy a I trial, as we have never known of u case yet that was not cured or relieved by it even with one bottle. I ! Give it a trial bv all means. For sale bv GEORGE PAYNE, Macon. SMtTII A EZZARD. Proprietors. nov 19-3 m Atlanta. Ga. DRAPER AND TAILOR. JUULS PEI'ER wonld respectfully inform his friends and the public, that l.e has removed to . the old Planter’s Bank Building. on Cherry Street/ next d<Mii' to Freeman A Roberts’ Carriage establish ment, where he is now prepared, with a fine a*suii rnent of Cloths, CaaimerM, Vestings, Ac., which he will make up to order for gentlemen, iu the most fashionable style. ALSO, on hand a good supply of Gentlemens* fur nishing Goods, such as Gloves, Cravats, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. AH of which will be sold on reasonable terms. oct 20-8 m ! ILLM MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. ’V’ET AN>LT.-. Exclusively Cash, Four and a i 11 half Millions of Dollars Jui 4 ' Secured by Bond and Mortgage on Real Es- ' tate in the City aud State of New York, worth over i S9,OM/W. The entire profits of this Company. f 1,6( 0.000. j (Ist June, 1057,) are the property of the assured. j Wives can insure the lives of their husbands fur a sum free from the claims of his creditors. Creditor* can insure the lives us their debtors as a ! security fur their claims. Parties cun inmire their lives for a sum payable on their attaining the age of 4a, su, 55, or 6V years, and so make a provision for old age, or payable tu their heirs should they die in the interim. A fixed sum can be secured by one payment, with power to increase or decrease the amount deposited, —renewing the amount assured equitably. FKED'K S. WINSTON, President. Isaac Abrktt, Secretary. Susi-rARu Homans, Actuary. Pamphlets giving every information, and blank forms for applications, can be had at mv office. T. At. BLOOM, nov 5 Macon Ga. X’’OTICE. Sixtv days afterdate application will be made to the Ordinary of Jones county, for leave to sell two of the negroes*belonging to the estate of Jefferson P. Woodall, deceased. nor 1? ASENATH K WOODALL. Adm’x. NUMBER 14. HEAD QUARTERS , ' roa 1 1 FASHION ABE DRY GOODS. BOSTICK A KLIN would invite the attention of everybody, especially the Ladies, to their ne# , stuck of I FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, which are now just opened and ready for inspection. I It is a well known fact that oar Honse has always been “Head Quarters,” for the Newest, Richert and most fashionable styles of Dress Goods, and we i boldly assert, that oar present assortment will com pare iu point of taste, variety and elegance, with any j stock in the State of Georgia. one and all, we mvite yon to call and' wi i the most magnificent stock of . 1 ’ i Maple A Fancy Dry Good* ever opened in Macon. Come, whether you wish U bay or Dot ; we want you to see them, so that yon can tell your neighbors and acquaintances how beautiful the goods are. Oct l’.> BOSTICK A KELN. ATTENTION PLAHTEHB. can supply yon with Negro Blanket*, Ker- V I seys and PlantatuHi Good*, on as favorable terms as any other establishment in Georgia, hhve us a call. BOSTICK T KEIN. oct 19 SILKS! SILKS I SILKS ! r pHE largest, handsomest and cheapest stock ever 1 brought to Macon, including every style, color and price, from sl2 to <=loo a pattern, jaat opened at BOSTICK & KEIN’S. CURTAIN GOODS AND CAfiPETINGS. i large supplv just received, and wiil be sold very 71 cheap by ’ BOSTICK A KEIN. ' <><•l 19 , , L IS-A-ACS’ SALOON, ‘ On Cherry Street, near Ralston’s New Hall. MACON, GEORGIA. I F you are fond us good eating and drinking—if 1 you want to fiud al) the delicacies of the season— ■ n comfortable breakfast—an excellent lunch—a sub- I stantiai dinner a first-rate supper, or anything else | in that line, you can’t be better suited than at Isaac’s I Celebrated Saloon. At this far-famed (Mablidiment, Strangers and Residents can have whatever they call for, served up at moderate charges, in the best style and bv the mo*t attentive waiters, at any hour from early in the , morning until late at night. I Look at bis Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: OYSTKEtS From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the ■shell or by Hie measure, raw, fried, stewed, in any ; wav vou want them Al5O, • Shrimps and Crabs, wild Game of every variety, Venison and iftef Steaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham aud Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., Ac. Wood-cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be Lad when iu season. IS A ACS invites the hcngrt and thirsty passing through Macon, to give him a call, as his LARDER is daily supplied with all the dainties to be procured in th»« Savannah and New York markets, and his BAR furnished with the best of Liquoxs, Skga as aud I other accompaniments. Confectioneries and Fruit ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of ‘ OONFRCTION ERIKS, Okangks, Apples, Bananas, Fine Apples, Various descriptions of Nlts, Cakes, Ac. I All us which can be purchased at low prices for C'o*A. Be sure and call at THE ISAACS HOUSE, ' * or, ISAACS’ RESTAURANT, CiIKRRX STREET, A BAB K ALSTON - 3 NEW HaLL, J/a<un, Georgia. oct 17 SOLTirWEsfERN”GEORGIA LANDS! LEE VOL'STY. Ist District—Nos, 118, 155, 161. 13th “ “ 16. 14th “ “ 65, 95, 99, 100, 138, 139, 157, SUMPTER COUNTY. 15th District— Nun. 80, 82, 135, 212, 2,54. I 16th “ “ ... 247. TERRELL COUNTY. 12tb District- Nos. 65, 66, 129. 4th “ “ J9l. RANDOLPH COUNTY. I stb District—No. 205. WURTH COUNTY. l lth District—Nos. 169,188, 189, 196, 229, 231, 234, 254. 15th District—Non. 60, 64, 66, 72, 157. 16th “ “ 11.20,21,43, 44, 58, 54,116,117, 12\ 137, 148, 144, 154, 159, 160, 165, 166, 171, 1»8, 189, 195, 197. 198, 232. DOOLY COUNTY. 2d District—Nos. 6% 202, 206. ■< I • • • • 30, 67. 6th “ “ 2,4, 19, 20, 30, 35, 36, 40, 51, 54, 112, 113, 147, 179,205, 200, 212, 237, 250. 7th District—Nos. J, 65, 66,129, 121,132, 188, 189,195, loth “ “ 82. 110. 111. it*. 184. 141. 142, 143, 147, 167, 197, 223, 255,256. 14th District—Nos. 16, 18, IV, 139. PULASKI COUNTY. Mb District—Nos. 76, 77, 82,79, »5, 110,176,177,204, 205, 211. 314. Bth District—Nos. 150, 151, 161, 162, 168, 172, 177, 178, 189, 198, 199, 215, 216, 265. ( RAWFORD COUNTY. 3rd District - Nos. 35. 7th “ “ 28,41,56,61. MACON COUNTY. sth District —No. 93. Ist " “ 116. 2nd •’ “ 178, 208, 209. MARION COUNTY. i 3d District -No. 65. I 4th “ “ 97, 98, 125, 158. nth “ “ 2. CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. 6th District—No. 32. TAYLOR COUNTY. 12th District—Nos. 187, 199, 202, 2<»9, 215,228, 256. 13th “ “ 13. 98, 126,132. 134, 152, 153,155. 156, 158, 168, I*2, 174, 798, 217, 243, 252. 14th District Nos. 93, 98, 103, 126. . 15th “ “ 137,187,158, 229. TALBOT COUNTY. i 16th District Nos. 73, 102,KJ®. EARLY COUNTY. 26th District— Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38. 84, 85. DECATUR COUNTY. 14th District—Nos. 12, 13. 16, 17, 51, 68, 66, 76, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96, 141, 146, 147, 150. 16th District—No. 2»0. 27th “ “ 263. 264, 29«. 299, 300, 301, 302. THOMAS COUNTY. ' sth District—Nos. 889, 391, 392,423, 424. 17th - “ 212.347,348.374,376. I The above lands owned and for sale by WM. B. JOHNSTON. Macon, Ga. j Office at E. J. Johnston A Co.’s. nov 12 DELORME’S BAL VIE DE VIE, OB Balsam of Life. Warranted to be strictly a VujstMe Preparation. CAREFCLLV AND ACCURATELY PREPARED FROM THE OBIG' INAL RECIPE OF DB. LELEIVRB. : rTMIIS valuable preparation has been in use for 1 nearly a century m Europe and the West India I stands, and for a shorter period in these United States, with the most satisfactory results. No medi cine was ever compounded which has a more univer sal application than this. For the permanent cure of all diseases arising from a disordered Liver. Stomach or intestines, such as layer Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Nausea, Constipation, «c., this remedy has never been excelled. For diseases of the nervous system, Sick Headache, Nervous Debility, Ae. In the numerous affections peculiar to females, this medicine is a perfect balm. The proprietor has hun dreds of testimonials from gentlemen and ladies of the highest respectability, throughout this State, as to its efficacy. Manufactured by CHARLES DeLORME. Sumter, S. C. For sale in Macon bv E. L. STROHECKER A CO., A. A. MENARD and FITZGERALD A NOTTING HAM. pov 5