Newspaper Page Text
mu® 1.
The State Press I
E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND.
Tw'O Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Del
-rs al the end of the year.
One Dollar per Square for the first insertion. and ’
4 f:v cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal »
arrangements will be made with those who advertise
bv the year.
Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and
<.ne of Gordon’s celebrated Power Presses, we are
prop a red to do any kind of »rprk nvih”. line with
accuracy and dispatch, ut moderate prices.
Among other thing- proscribed in Fran •. un
der Louis Napoleon ■ rig.irooe rule re the I
Marseilles Hymn. To many of our readers
•'the air” may be iumiluir, sinCJ it is played, ,
after a fashion, on some of the street organ-. 1
and elsewhere; but to j i.m. ofit,- inspiriting
soul stirring power, it should be heard per- I
formed by a full orchestra, before mi audience I
of patriotic Frenchmen. Those who have ■
Heard Madame Rachel re.-ite the wo-J . of the
hymn, and witnessed their ell'.:.’ t on a French
uaditorv, can appreciate the ria-on why its use'
is now torliiddbn in Fr.inee. The M irseilhu-e
w s eoMposed by a J’onng French soldier, du
ring the jitriod >f th" f-st Kev'd’,rv :i. an.i its
effect up..n the mind, a. the people wnslik ■ :■ ■
tniditen and it resistible'itispiratiwi. The Id-,
lowhig translation of the hymn will no doubt,
gratify our readers :
Yt sons of France, m...’ to .'Jury! -
Hark! bark! ra.i :.i3» 1"1 you rise—
Your chilliAi, wive-- .i.i gr.. slsircs hoary,
Behold their tears, aid their cries ’
Shall hateful tyrants mis. href breeding,
With hireling host, a ruliiati band,
At iglu awl dmo .it •,
Arnie'peso- and Irb.ert; lie. bleeding:
To arms I to arms! ye b.u.e,
The avenging no*. rath
March on, march vn,::!I Is arts r»-s<.dred
On liberty >r deum I
Now, now, the danger ire st irm is rolling,
Which treacherous Ku. a* lamled.-iau ia.s t ;
The dogs of war, ! t louse, are hvwliug,
And 10, ourilelrts and c.lics LI
And shall we tamely view the rurr..
While lawless -.»:>!> ir n *.i stride,
Bpreads desulfcl; m lai and >s
W ilri crime and bm d bis ba. el a ;. . u.;>g ?
To arms! to arms! ye brave, Ac.
With luxury and pride sure, ended.
The ♦iie, insatiate d. puts dm-
Thirst oi g M ami power imbiu. • led.
To mate ui ! ve I rhe !ig : r and air
Like bees'., of burden would they load us
lake go!-, would bid their shivea adore,
But roan ih man, ail.! v. Im is more?
Nur shall they .ash ami goa l us.
To arms f to arm.! ye brare. Ac.
Oh. Liberty! can man re-irm thee.
Once inti ing lillt nn g lo . oria dame i
t'an dungeuiH, bulls .ire! .-. aue thee,
Or whip thy noble spirit lam *
Tti.i -id.e w.nid !...., b.".a'.iing,
W’.ial id.-ti O"" ' gt'.'d tv; ..nts w-i. d ;
But f: e.-<! in- our .v.. i-.i ..n.i shield,
And ah their i.rtv are imavuiling . |
To arms to mlns ;.e brave
srßXi4 LINES.
New sp.tjKT art "Iv . if r'.ort et.oui'h to l.v '
usually leu'. ire.l do Fit: u r.-than point t
fru-t.-s and piw,—prov.d iiqnrey 1 d rei.. '
pest deductions.
It is vital to the H. .nth to rescue l.vr Irm.r I
tUouutary and eoi.;’!»• ivi i v:i--al:igc to '
This d.d.v . .am i- is e '.o her y. I'.lii a.
i.ulepctid-li-e, and uu nbs.dute condition to her ■
proper sidf and | msperity in all 1
The iate monetary .aid political diuiicuities I
have fsriiisheii a w.,.i..d have il ’
lu-tinted the ' m • -If control, imd rm
dered palpable s..;ne ot »!.«• means I devel >j
and secure its res . s.
Ilf these menus direct trade .. the l.rm-de-t
and most effective. ;.ml »t i.msi.:; . bmause.
of their speed and eerta.aty, ■ an al.ii.e initiate
k '
Having a.'.- am. .1 a ! bi d b vn tiiese fun-i
danx-utai uud, v.e m„.- sj.. ~I - mm'' 1 , prop- '
editions, let ns advc'. t > t.,<- !■ 1b,.. in
volved. We willuprcsim! 1..u.a i.yi ■ ■ ....
Iftl.eSvcLi .-•..p- t. ~ • ~.. sd
bales i>f e'it m. at .-so |.m ...... ■>. ■. '.a...
t’on,) she will liave 1 . ''u, i n vhwl,
site draws on Europ. and tin. the pn.
chasers, cheques or bills call' d etelem. .
The increased value of ti.i- piodta i at t’no».
points will give, her in return supplies, adding
the mercantile increase of their value, say in ’
:iT2s.per cent, $150,000,0"<' of in;ports--!io: r:
If five sixths of these imports came i
through Ute Northern citie..- the bulk thr. mrli '
New York, it is equally certain that Soutbeen |
merchants purchase them there, and must re
mitto those point- the means of payment. ;
Hence it is that, the excharrm referred t"
drawn against the cotton, whatever the
proportion oi the latter which is siiippeed d:
rectly to Europe, must be so employed and dis
posed of a- to be the basis < f the eoinme: eial or
riii.uer Inoue’, try faeiutc... aher. 'iy thus- ■:
cantiieremittam c-can I e made.
Hence, again, nearly id! the excliangt drawn
on the cotton is either made on N w I rk. < ,
if Sterling is sent tiler.. 1 ’ -ale. New York
usually pays a full or 1'..: price !■>• the latte",
and the proceeds of the wh, !e, di irw.t'r ami i
foreign, g 1 to the credit ic. New York of the .
buyers (usually the tsouthern Banks.) on which .
funds drafts are sold to the So ithirn merchants ;
for their remittances.
Hence, again, the disposal nt a fair value of,
thu South., -a exchange d.-p. i. ■- on the mone
tary condition of New Yuri., and it financial
revulsion and ptostration oevnr there, as dr ’
ring last Fall and Winter, it will sell at a sacri
fice, and the price of Southern produce be still
more diminished. Upon the late mone'try iri
sis in New York, the loss on Southern ex
change was for a time :tb >nt eight dollars on
every $ 130, and cotton fell fr m3to 5 cents a
Hence, also, the mercantile profits on in
portt for Southern e< nsnmption are made in '
Northern and not Southern cities, and thus '
Southern trade is deprived of the chief de
incuts of local or sectional prosperity. And il
their transportation is in Northern ve.. el -. ti,e
freight, insurance, wharf and other eimrges on
them usually go into Northern po-.keta
Hence, also, Northern cities (chietly New
York) are the centre of Anieiirau credit, and
the South and West must pay a premium for
its constant tutd indispensable use.
If it will take 23 or ;,u millions of dollars to
cover the losses of the South jkt annum from
this state oi transactions will not that sum fur
nish abundant means for l ogining ami sustain
ing a direct trade ?
It is thus palpable :
1. That direct trade can alone mr_k. Sc .th
em markets.
2. That Southern markets ean alone turn
homeward Southern mereliats, purchases and 1
3. That the purchase of itnports at the South
enn alcne keep Sontbem exehanije o’ t of the 1
■—l : M _ ~. L - , L . , .W'jjg. ”L!r' .. ... " n.«ig,i 1 1 irj! .L J
state jimiE
j Northern Markets and thus seenro .i ;• mwie ,
; tary, thus our coimm-reial and th is our politi- .
I cal independence of the North, and of its euc- '
i initios mid uncertainties.
4. That the rr<./i/,ioii .SubtLein pt. Lice, the j
I master.clem'.r.'- of Atlantic trade, c»n only be |
' made fully available to the South, for either '
; •ii ui. iary ifttimercml or pel tied pur) isos, I ;.
bat ingth dr rmdresat Somliern marts, to which |
I the world nirst come for their use.
5. That Southern navigation can never pros j
; per. for dtiiti’ trade Or political av.'mibility vii- 1
! tfl diiect trade’i. instituted. I
C>. That direct trade cannot be instituted i
1 wept by .Southern stonm, and sail Fne of,
' sJiijw put afloat Uy ffiqutherii energy: and cap
It is also palpable
I’liat Soiitht "ii planters. Southern menthanta.
Southern BsnL>. Siu:hern Railroad
cities and SoutberH States are it.iterc.-tei! m the
• -iai'i.-lim- nt o: s.mtlierii ’rai.- atlautic lines
1 of vessels, mid that the aid of all of them is es
! sent'uil to success.
Charleston has nt pre»txt involved in this
mat,.'r of their establishment of 25 to 30 mil
i lions of cAports, and in the future inestimable
• millions mure. She has at hand the mernr- for
I the immediate hiiti itidn of the enterprise.—
I shall Cnpt. Kerry sail at once.
For the year ending the 3'‘tb .lune, 1857, the ;
.. por/.stif tiie United States wer j3G2,1)00,000,0f
winch j-lG'i,7i'o,Oi)o were from Southern port-;. .
beside the Southern produce which were ex- '
porti’d to or through North rn ports. Fortiiei
-■in:'- period the iniftirrt* into the country were j
’.:-oii.i'"i, of w hieb only $41,400,000 were .
to Sotitherw port.-, shipments !'.■■ m
' S-mth Carolina (Charleston) to loreigu port-.
; were jd<»,l4ti,ol'O—but lilt, more than b.tlfj
; ilie value ol the pre-luc.: wind: -.-or - from this
I port. For the same year the A./po/ts from for-
■ eign countries w-m e to Charleston only $2,01®.-
000 -a fifteenth of the actual return goods i
bought by he’ exports. W hut a change in I
these regards wonld not a line ot Charleston
stoam’hip- to Europe effect < But a tew hun
dred thomenM doHiirs would establish it.
The tonnage cleared for the same year from
Charleston was 105,000 of 4,851,000 American, I
and 41.000 of the 2.490.0'iCi foreign tonnage from the I nitet! Stale-. Surely Charles- I
ton, although the fourth <4 the Southern cities
in exports and tonnage (New Orleans, Balti
more and Mobile be.i.g the first three) can do'-r.— (luirlmt&h
flie first railroad constructed in the United
Status was built ut Quincy in the year 1827. It
was n very rude : hair, the object of it being for
the cor.' -yrince of granite from the quarry in
that town I.- title writer. No pa-sengers were
ever cuiried over tliv road. The road wa- .
opened m 1b28,‘ anil from three miles oi rail
road in that year, we have now, or just a quar
ter da century from flint date, 2 '..210 mil— of
road in operation in the United Suites—u [ ro- I
irres- in road urn ing that is pcriectiy a-tui.isl.- !
ing. In 182 W riiieeii miles more of railroad ,
i were ripened in I’entisy 1 vania ; and the follow- ]
I icy year thirteen miles ui roa.i was operated in
j Marvland. Tins was the beginning of tie-rail
i r .nd system in the south, hi 1.-31 -rth Car- >
j i.l'Honor Ma yliilid and opined mile
lo’ road, r'.ud tri.* iia year Ixerrt ..I. 1 i.l ,
| the same .imount.
| !i will la• ... truetive t • <•' ■• a few dntes t •
' slio’.v tl.c -r. -of iai,'roads in rhe country.
■ I.i Is;' 1117 mi! -- ' oi-' •• in ti.e ■
: whole Country, b! ’.Vbmh iiiiromr! the m.:’!b I ; n
1 i ;).'!, ami th. south Rl 1 Ereri at lha.
■ late 1. .t a -ingle ' lie es onr western iree State
! c.mld p'l’.rt tn it mile of rallr ad withi'i their !
f but.l< r-. in 1 -'su there were 7: 55 miles <»! this :
; road in thew-iilire country, orcnlye little more ,
I Luaii mie-bmrtb. part vt \iiurt the:. .-> r.t the ,
: i.r. -ent time, th the wlro’e auioiiirt. 4’3’-' ■
j '■ ie. were in the north, and 2185ji; tlsout!:. ■
: 1 en :> ■ l;:tu ns 1 s.*-n nas not a in:. . of !
r’rlilrcid either in T..m’’.essee. or .Mi--o.i; 1, or
'Bi ■•■•is'j , m.d 1. ss than 100 nines each in
I fi’i: ■'!«. uliaim. jieiitu -ky, Lour-iun.i. Mi-'-is
! -ipni. Fiori bi. »e.aware arid Rlkh.c 81ur.4.
I In .lannary. i- 'S, there were 25,210 Hides
ot'road in the . o'lnli ». trial ci-.-t the immense i
1 sum of s!'lß.'.>‘JO,slf’. _ Os the whole anmnut,
I|i.'iii2 miles uel. niUstil..: din ti e ire . ri:.■!
j <>.602 allies in the slave States. T. will thus
1 be sect! UIM tue great era of railroad bnili’lng ’
i has been du: i..g the seven la-t y ears, though
I tue greater proportion of the roads lit New
ilrieii.i.'l were eotisu ucteii earlier. Theamoimt
oi railroads Iqult in some ot the States dining!
in-past cn yen ■' t- a-mnishing. For
example. 1! im - hris 2077 miles in 1868. ui:d ‘
' had only SO i;: 1850 ; Ohio has 2046 mill s ami '
■ but ill". 1 at the first date. Tennessee hud no ,
-.1. broad in i-5.72 ; in ISSB it had 635 miles.
i Though there were several States in 1850 tbn‘
Lad none of the iron track, now every Slate
-1 lias more or less, and there are but tii:--.
State’-, name!' California, Arkansas and ll' "de
I Island but what have upwards o! 100 1 files
1 er., h. In the number of miles possessed :.y
• ereh State Ohio stands first, Illinois - eond,
N-iv York third, Pennsylvania huirtli : each
i of which have upwars of 2000 miles each : and
■ thin conies Indiana with 17;i'. niiivs, Massa
chusetts with 1338, ami Virginia with 1233,
■(icoi’gia has ar;■ mil.-, North Carolina 943.
i 1 eraiessee 63 >, Alabama .*.<9, etc.
The -i.'.ii’e cost ot the railroads built in the '
Nel’llie.-;; States wins $717,643,800}; while tl. -=.-
I built in the opposite secrion oi tlm t i.ion iin-t
but s’.'o?.:; tn. I Hi. If we compare these figuies
1 with thm e preceding we snail pereeb • that
r.>:i I- in the couth cost uiuelii'-ssp, rm tic than in
I tin- North. l:.;s isto be tt::L;,t. ■! to th’. :
. cimntry than the Norti., ar... also, perbap.-, to
j the employment of slave labor, to a large e.\- .
| tent, wliii ii is believed to lie Jieaptr thru, tin- '
I labor employed in this section ot the country. ’
I The ili.ici’euci- ..I the Cost of roads will be fur
i ther mauife-t by considering a few statements. ,
1 Tin.- roads ■ f New York Lave cost $143,316,-
' 376 ; bile more miles in Ohio only cost sß'.',-
110,412. The roads of Pennsylvania cost $96,-
031,05 d: and the greatert number of miles in
Illino:- cost but $37,848,548. Virginia has 4
nearly as many miles of road as Mas-::cliU’. .its.
Those of the former State Cost but $34,583,- i
082: am! those of the latter cost more than ’
twice the amo'.iut. or $71,569,326. Some of I
the largest roads in the South are the Balti-
• more am! Ohio, 140 miles—the Covington and ,
1 Lexington. 06 miles—the Nashville ami Clint- !
I tanooga. I”! miles—the Baltimore and Ohio,
1 o! Virginia, 240 miles —the Virginia ami Ten- '
I nes.w: 135 mile- —the Nor!’: Carolina, 223 I
' miles- the Greenville and Colombia, in South
! ('.'irolins. 143 inilus—the Georgia 111 mile, - the j
: Western and Atlantic 140 miles.
' <»n the whole, when
■ i its a section of the country, was settled later j
i than the North —that it is almost exclusively de-
' I voted to agriculture —thatit is very sparsely set- j
1 : tl.*d as compared w ith tbeN'orth, and that itonly .
ha- abou: mre tl.l'.d of the entire population, |
, and that a third of its population arc slaves, -
I the Southern States have a fair share of the ,
| railroads of the country. Ar. 4 w bat is better, j
1 there are less nbti-div'der. 1 paying roads m pro- ,
’ [anti 'ii to the whole number, than in this p-irt
lof the country. In some of the States of the
1 South the roftrfs are Cut as Well managed in |
i rcspeet to promptness aud -pe<us in the
■ North; while in others, such as Georgia, even
1 Northern travellers can make no invidious
1 cniii] aiisous. The average speed of all the!
; railroads in the United States is considerably
üb' vc ?n mill's rm hour, including all the -lop- •
■prigrA <>u tiie routes; n ' iio the average in the
EeirJicrn Slat..-i» something below that rat.-.
By the latest figures \vo have found on the sub
ject, the Hudson River- Road -s the one where
■.ln: nvortrge speed attained is the greatest, or)
136 miles an hotir. Several other roads aver-,
age 32, 30, 29 miles, gad .-jmihir rates, while
■>ome reads, particularly in the Soirtli, only :
average (2, 13. Hand 15 ’ :'!-s nn hour. Os!
I course, the Wear of the road, and->f aU the;
instriinT.'ins u-cd on the line of tiuv 1 is much !
, legs .with this moderate speed, iml.reo, ri;ii
ri’iid n>ruiug«r;> generally, have recently redue '
ed the rate oi j on the varion- roads as a '
matter of eeominiy to the stm-libohlers,—/Aw-
New Stvi.e of Sri'.'’'.rs. -Jones Were the
! new style of spectra Ire not be.'i'.usc they wi re
new. Rending at a hotel they driqqwd down
iiis imFHI organ until . v-y were in aim-us
hl.s nose, ho reading all the time intently.
A waggish aequr.mtaiice of his approached
him, saying.
"Mi..lnnes, why do you wear thosix gold-
Imwe.l spectacles'"
■ Ah. Mr. smiib, because 1 am so very near- I
: sighted."
■’ N'-ar-sighted i' cxciaiim-d Smith. *’near ;
■ ixlited! 1 thought fr appearance, you were
I maur-«Cn,b a."
I Jones io .lied eoi.fused for a inotm.: t. and
; then r. Id-'!:
"I am far from being tienr-iceuttd, for I
knew y m were iu tire room, before 1 saw
i Si-. rubon am> ths L.v>y.~A witty literary
I l.wly. we;; known iu Load.. 11, was traveling the
| other day in a railway carriage. Tiie only
"tiler occupruit of tiie co ..p irtment where she
, win- seated was a fat, vulgar young man. with !
‘ a white neckcloth (soiled) sleek iiair. proud- i
nent tee th, and a sell-satisfied air. The indi- i
viduul contrived very adroitly to make the
cmivei’i-atipn turn upon the Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, i
The dialogue soon became excee litr.-iy warm I
! ami animated, the lady expressing tiie utmost i
; aversion for the preacher in question, as an il- .
i literate niouutabai.k, and the gentleman ex- *
tolling Liiii to the seventh heavens us the most
' glorious num of the age, and the Demosthenes I
. of the pulpit.
On arriving at the station whore ti e la- 1
) dy's journey terminated, tiie gentleman said : ,
"Good m..ruing m alum.
And the lady replied with a bewitilrir-r I
1 smile:
"I wish yon a pleasant afternoon, JL . Spur
pys'i /*’
IL._ Park st;-. A |....'tio: icnc.n wa Lor ified, ,
and driiu ing Lis lint over his hr ov, r joiircd in ’
a very penitential voice :
*• 1 own I have been betrayed into vanity, |
I but the devil prompted me—the devil prompt- I
! ed Ilie.”
A iunrrtie in Carthage, near Rochester. New j
( York, enticed a little b<»y. four years eld. ;•«toss ;
. the street to the houses xvl.cre he As*
R-l’c'.-- c’.tvn.pted to e.itcr the door
Hhc C- /V( ’‘osco it, catclrinif fin !'.np.-i\'
of the (. 'likl iutwetii the uu«»t and tl.c .
I tiC urn .\ de... t<> the >hrc!;s of ti e ?ut’ : r. r.
( t:i«- iloi r tightly toget.'ier'})■;•! h.-Itt'd .. .
then raised the v. i: d.HV, put hi-> head o”.
r 1 ! ' -k at the child and e\n’t over the mist: •
‘he bad caused. A who happened to :• •
1 pacing heard the '.rics oi the child, and <p i k- ■
Ily ran to the rescue. He f< ..nd the l.oy iu the ;
position det” 1 ih td. and tiie fiend who had plac
‘ ed him there v> ’th hi* head out nt. the v inuow.
1 grh.nin/ like a demon, and ocensiomuly ex
i elhiniisig. 1 hive got you fust now’” lite ’
I mail ’A«3nut iongin bursting open the door j
ami getth gth child’s hand from the vice in ;
' which it \ ; held.
‘ The lingers of the lx>y were cru-hed. bones'
' and ail, a- Unt as paper, and the eric the lit- j
tic suilcrer were heart reading to the Inw •-*. I
j After removing the chi;Ts fingers th<- door
was closed, and it found that it shut so
1 tightly that it left scarcely room to insert a
thin 1 i ide of a knife.
A woman ean Keep a secret. We never
doubted it, and now it has been demon drat 1 .! :
out in Schuyler county. Illinois, says the Mo
lii’.e Advertiser, where an elderly couple in the
I .' of Rush ville had a voiu.g am! bcu ili-
•mi daughter—au only cjakl—upon whom they
! lavished al! their affections. Two years ago a
i young man applied to them for work, .n.d they i
employed liini. liis amiable q .oiiies and in-
1 dnsiry soon won their cun .denej. He ’
1 bcc’i iii their employ six jooiiths, when th '
fanner, Laving business in Bcn.-dwn. sent
the young man there to attend to it. and - the
d.mghter had some purchases to make, the i
was avowed to go with him. .kt night t!a*y
- returned. Affairs went on for ei djteen months. 1
, the only change being the pleasure with which
the o*d people discovered that the young p ■•pie
v. vto daily becoming attached to cavh .-ti:
and tii. x looked forward to their marrir./e as
a result iuo-t grati’ v ing. Iking con.-iduted r.s
• lover*,” the \uang people uero idlo-.ved to
, "sit up ’ rugvti er after the old % ha i ni.r .
. e»!. 1 one night, two week? ago. the t-idgen
tleman f.cli’ag unwell, rose up, mid not fin i.i g
his daughter in he.- uwn bed. where she ‘
t to La\ c c •■’. i ’.'ked clscwn -re. and to*. • I «.
where be thought she ought riot to have ! <>. n.
t: ■ firmer posted full speed to l»eard.-Low n.
had an interview with the keeper of the com.- ;
I tjr records, and discovered that the aforesaid i
young man and woman had been legally jo : -,d ■
, iu marriage for eighteen months, and she Lad
never told any persm of the fact!
The follow ing curious mode for preventing ft '
cunvulsiuii, commonly called "u dt.. ' wc find '
in tin List imnibei of the Ch.'uL-ston Medical ■
« Jounial anil Review, in a long article on the
treatment of Epilepsy, by Wm. M. Cornell. M.
■ D., of Boston. If it is successful, all should
’ know it, as its value is of irreal imixirtiince:
" I have employed various menus to ward .
off an epileptic attack for the time being.— '
I Stretching the musclet powerfully will g< ner-
* ally prevent an otlii ’k ; for example when t:
! aaru commences in the great toe, or in the leg, '■
i strung traction, or elongating the toe, or
' stretchirg the muscles of the leg. will carry the I
, patieut over the threatened attack f r the time; j
j or, when the patient has premonitory systems ;
! el' an atl’icli, opening the jaws widely ns ean '
l be done, and placing some hard substance be- i
I tween the teeth, to keep the mouth open will '
have the desired effeit. I have had one pa :
i tient who, by my advice, cnrri.'d a piece of
i iron with !-..:n fur a year, fitted tor the purpose j
i of expanding the jaws tothei; mumst capacity, |
i and keeping t(iem thus expanded. When he ,
-lire- telt what he calls- the " little spasms,' |
, which Lave usually been the t reoursurs of the
I great ones, or us the "'li:-','’ he bus immediately
drawn from Lis pocket the iron wedge, opened i
1 nis month to its utmost width, and placed the I
, wedge between Lis teeth, tie then becomes
quii't, goes about Lis business, or gives himself
I uu further trouble about the convulsion, and
has none.
- -
Coi.oaiNO Ti.tio: fob i.'-ik Hau: are I>ax- |
i c.tiirot e Professor Wood’s Hair Tifnio re- ;
■ stores the ci.i.ii-, not by the nitrate of silver l
proe"-s, l- o, by a re-1 oration of the healthy I
fi.mtiot -up i which tl-j mig.u.'.i and natural
color of the iiair and its ipi i-ture. its gloss, its '
life, and c'..i". s .l .irrnl beauty d -
i pended. I’ioli -air V 'Bat the ago of thirty- ;
, seven ; .i-s, was ' gray 4s a man of eighty, j
and his hair was dry, tbiq-and dead. Now he ,
. I n. not a simrlogrey look upon his crown, nor ;
is hi- Lair tiiiu or dry, but soft, pliable and I
I moist us that of a child ci five years. This |
i pre .’i"' nr acts r.imn the roots, for after an !
. .'ippli "lion, that portion of tue hair nearest the ;
- alii is found restored to the original color,
' w fiatevi I- it. was. while th ■ ends of the hair are
Try W nod and do not ap-
ply ri: ? other n a’ter yor have this. With
this >x -I'Uitii ;i ion w il'. in" -r have occasion to ,
I use a Lair dye.
Caution.— Beware. : v u’tlile-s imitations, as |
several are already in tre market, called by |
I different mimes, lire none unless the words
(Proh -sor Wood's Hair Ire:turi.tives. Depot |
>l. Louis, Mo., and Neil York.) are blown in '
Isold In . ■ ■ Patent
Medicine Lea! i>. Al.- by al! Fancy and |
i boiler, gi/ods-'ii-alers in fie United States anil
I Canadas.
: Mom At ?..!!■ w i:.gappoint- I
:i;. have '■ ■" ref-' ni.- Iby the Senate; Gu- j
1 Lire! i .'enrol C 'iisul::' Bordeaux; Gov. Wright, ,
■ of 1 nil:aim, Ministei' at B. . iin; John P. Stockton i
of N. w Jersey, Miniate ut I’ome; ■>. R. Cban.l-
1 ter, ot Pennsylvania, Ministi r at Naples; E. Y. !
j Fair, of Alabama, Minister at Belgium; B. C. |
Y-.iuc’vy, . .-ter at the Argentine ,
1 Republic; Cotto:: Smith, Alinister at Bolivia; i
Senator lira firm ... i.i ivauift, Minister i
to Ecuador.
Is dow receiving a L • ;e and entirely nc»v stock of i
j To which he invites the attention of the public.
api xv
Furnishing Goods.
’ INEV POSOM SHIRTS, Silk, ).i s l e Thread and
English Cotton I! Lisle Thread and (.\»t-
i ii Undershirts. and Linen Pocket llandker- j
: and Gioves. Just received nt i
■ilr; • s i ii.?; TORN ®O“ \T ‘ ” 1
WHERE a secund inst diment < f Elegant Gems in
( all kinds of Goods are Leintf opened nt such
Smash douii Panic Prices
< as to create such uu i.-I’.ux < ! trade as Lticlofu.e no- '
; paru.k-icd . if Xti . < ?y of Elc- j
; gaiicc of style, Durability < f Fabric Unparalleled ,
' for '■ a- ■
! a.i t paliMii.ige ilien !.;■ :r c ■ utation is estahlisbed ,
! up.-:, a Ormand substantial basis.
| 'io f-biunieiatu what they have anuld he an endless I
; task, thci r.i .e, come, see and cxatnr-c fur yourselves, t
ktember their store on Uottuu Avenue, Macon,
• i ■
• 1 /At U 1 'h : L iJ & of entire new Jo
tjlvvv e ?W ad d< U
Ms • ■ ;! --
k ' .Il >I. 11 . :.' ’. e ‘' -h'. r t I'rieC.- to rrult
I / pre -A.: . 1-1-. !..<' .'l.rii'ired m
I Al;-!-:,, f', -.’ ‘ AI.MA> ANl> CAI’S. 1... Mi-e
--re. ROSS.‘ Ol E's AN i ItOSS'.
' - 2? - ure I
lit! A LTH.
Uonfen cd uponLu in s by wear;; g Rhfs, Cvi e- '
Wi:h the
O \TEN iEI) A» rd - i
1 imam awarded to the M.mufucinters, DougLis <t
Sherwood, and which -. ■. decided I ■
He-ii ti> ? t w; hem •iu’ . I'onis f.»i introduced for
, ’ use, the ?rc.. *i, 1V - i_ .. ns Cail and
| s e th ■’ ft ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS
Dry Goods
I.'. Hi’..' nd Gcmtleuien < f Mac. ■: and !!■.■ sur
j ".m F >1 country, .vr* r e }ou uwaro ibat we have I
: ju'dreturned trotu .«vw \ <»rj a ith the ia stuy./,; wf ,
• -.
f.- '.'i prices twenty days ‘ ■ ■ ? If not call. se<- and i
■ fNJjninc' tur instance we wi--h . .-■< ,v y m our Ele- j
11 ' ■ ■
1 ! r: r ;!.-b I'lii:*-, -. !'■ c’s.. Gents’Linen Hand-
kt :• Is to ’ cts , Rich >!.‘k Dresses, new styles
H ■ 1 * Strij ‘d Dresses, I
• I J yards ] at’«rns and fast • Tors nt tl/j'i; llcautiful I
I Mounting Muslins at from .> to .2 .. cents, lui lin fact ’
every thing bought fr< • > R •’ n ncichants and a»-
-iffnecs s.d<-s » cheep as to ftrtcund even the :
cl New \ oik th. u.wg! . facts can Lie *uL- .
, stantiated by calling at
RUSS, COLEM\N t ROSS' Bazaar cf ;
apr’V Fashion U. it ... -.veuve, Macon Ga
' ' ■ - w.
Z ,s f ~~ r•. - —’ p 33
i- j
•»X -
< , ... ..... .
' pilE Proprietors of this establishment would re- ■
I sped fully cad the attention »f those contempla
ting tiie erection vi i. ': ar i .b' b, L>r Sc. i i/iy and
1 (riindi.uf, or for any other purpose whatever. The
supenori’y of the work has been, an■’ will be. a s«f
--| ticient guarantee for an extensive and incivwoijg
; piitiuiiiigc. Our Wvrk-hcps and superior outfit of
Tools, i'atten Kid M-cLmery, r.ft - .. t *d fiujlilica f»r
the expediti ’i 1 of wo;k !-osse*se«! by no other estab- i
lishment iu t'.u Stat Our prices and terms will |
i compare f.iv •: >h!y w ith that of any first class North- !
• ern , ia-.i’ The full m j comprises a list of j
Machiucrv, Ac., for any portion of which we will be
| pleased tv receive orders, viz :
Machinery, (’ircu-
I l»r '>a v>, .M l! Gearing, Mdi '•tones, <>f best qual
ity for Corn tu.d WLe ;t, Water Wheels, a
great variety, Gin Gear, all sixes,
In n RruhugA, for Cemeteries,
r 1 .. and pt ivute Build
ings. .tc., of Wrought
and Cast h*ou em
Stnufj f k icUk 11?‘it tv y
Siu r Miil< -nd Svrup Boiler* . size-’. • « liunus for
I Stores, Churches. Ac.. A«.. Gold Mining Machine
| ry, v .;h Doable and Single acting Force
and Lit P’.unp.a of a-r re-ivired size,
Shafting w,th Tnmed I’ulLes, from
tic smallest size t-> n : .nef..-t Di
ameter, Cotton Pre** Iron,,
t.uik-n Screw.s. Mill
Screws and
i EngU; d’s Cirlebr tied Alt . ;.-.g Car Coupling*, and
1 ?ther Rail Road Castings. All work warranted to be
r.jual :-i tie beat made vise '. fc .
oet 17 I
be sold before the ♦ unt H< i->- in the citv
V Y of Macon. Bibb county, on th« first Tuesday in
July next between the usual hours of sale, the follow- >
I ing property to-wit:
One House and Lot containing about five acres,
; more o; less, about two miles from the city <>f Ma n, ’
j ou Vc’ ry road, and the place whereon u-
• ■ha’-l Ahtrei now lives itevied on the propel ty us ,
j <)be-,1.-?uc. Croit. to satisfy one fi t.i horn ILLb Sup?- '
I riur Court iu fdrtir of Thomas Dvso*. vs. Obedience
Also, at the same time and p’:tc?, all the interest »*f
i Jneksou CjawßijJni au l to a co; tai l negro woman
I by the n<ane of Ester, about twenty years of age.— »
I <'v l on to suti.dy al»la ! >l.l th ■ J ■ •ice t art of
■ •'lst District G. M., in favor v. Leonard Richards, vs.
.Jackson Crawford. Levy made and returned to the
1 bv V. . R. Eaton, Constable.
I 'may !.\
"IMF ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Julv, be-
V v fore rb- Court House door io the city < t Ma- ,
| con Bibb county, between the .isur.l hours of sale, .
i the following puupeity to-wit: Fifty acres of land,
, more or less, being part of th ■ west half ul lot No. 237 !
I in the loth District of originally Mwnu now Bibb
' county, Levied on as the property of \\ m. T. Haw- ;
i nrd, by virtue of a fi fa from Bibb Superior ■ uurt in
. favor of Dean M. Dauwooth v William T. Howard. '
Property pointed out by William Y. Howard.
Also, nt the same time and pl i-u\ the lot or parcel •
• "1 bud whereon Josiah Pender now lives, conta.uiug
| one hundred and fifty acres more or less. Levied un I
i Bibb Inferior Court in favor of Cicero A. Thurp vs. |
j Josiah P.ndei. Property pointed out by PHI.
AI ho. ut the same time and place, will be sold one
I property cf Joseph Drebon. tn hutisft a :i i>. from |
! Bibb Superior Court in favor of Wdi . m il. ekaLy . j ,
Joseph Drolion, prop?’»v’ed out hv Plaiutitf
may 27. T. W. K VILEI . Dep. Sher;tf.
V ’ ILL b? I cl. :< Ci>- (?<nrt Bov.’c d- '-r in ll»?
V V city of Mac Bibb county, on the first 'i ucs-
: dr.y m Juiy next, Letwevu the usual hours of sab* the |
• following property to-wit:
Oni? Hon*«.- and Lot in thocity or Macon i: '*.:g an
' fifth ur Bridge Street adjoin; ng the lots < 1-ius Kc .belly
j on one side, and James rt-ivin <?u the other, contain- *
ing about ’-3 of sn acre, more or less. Levied on as 1
the property of Dominick Garaughty, to satisfy two
fi las from Bibb Superior Court in tn . r cf John W.
Babcock vs. DonfiiiickGaranglity p» iucipal, and Pc’er ,
<'roghan endorser. Also, the same ) taperiy levied
on by v irtue of a fi fa from the Justice Court of 716th '
Dist. G. M. in favor us Thomas MvElligutt, vs. said |
Dominick Caraughty. Levy made and returned to |
me by Fat Crown, Constable.
ED. G. JEFFERS, Dop. Skcr u. ’
May 27th, 1858.
I LTILL be sold on the first '! ,i_ >day in next,
' y be<brc the Court House <L« 1 in the citv of
1 Macon, Bibb co., within the usual hours of sale the
, fallowing property to-wit:
One negro v,i:l named Maria. • f thyi complexion;
aged about la )ears. Levied on ns the property of ■
: Robert T. Wynn, to satisfy one Mortgage fi fa is- !
sued from Monroe Inferior f'o’jrt, in fa\or.»t Goriand >
I Edge ,s. Robt. T. Wvun. Fronertv pointed out hv ,
i plaint id. * *W. K BISBY *
apr 29 Dep. Sheriff. 1
A V' r n.L be *old on tbo first T'.’.cwdi.y m Juiy next.
v y before the Court House d*> . iu the ci'v of
, Macon, between the usual hours of sale the following I
■ property to-wit:
All the right and interest of Mrs. A.laliue J Hunt,
• in and to the House and Lot. number six ■ in t
S'piai'e seventy seven (77) in th? city of Ma -on, Cvp- ■
I taiuing one-half an i. re more or lcs»; levied ones'
ibe pt opt .tv cd’said AdalmeJ. Hunt to ; ..ti«fv u
th from Bibb Inferior ('•;wrt, for co<t. in favor of the ;
; Mr< Vdalm •J. Hunt. A’u<> a cost 11 f. ■; > Eibb Su- j
nerior Court in favor of Joscpk-C Hunt vs. Adaline
J. Hunt.
Also, at the same time and place, all the right, fi
! t v ami inteiest of Conrad Schaaf in and to h Hou-.e
i and Lot. it being part of Lots No*. and 6iu square
1 No. 2 in the city of Macoa, containing ab .ut one- i
I eighth vfau acre or b• .s; levied on as the p - 'p- :
•i’.y us said Conrad S haaf, to satisfy two fi .as from
I die Justice Court in%i. or ot James A. Ralston vs.
I -aid. Conrad Schaaf; levies mad-’ :’u«l returned to me
I l»v Pat Crown. Constable—proyerty pointed out bv I
PLauiilT. ED.-G. . J.EFERb,
j jnne S e L>?p. Sheriff. ’
A ATII.L be sold on the tirs*. Tuesdav in Ju’.’ next, .
H before the court house d ’. in the City of M • ’
' con, that tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and •
j being in th? City vt Macon, county of Bibb, State 1
1 Guiigm. being according to the plan of arid ci'.y. a i
‘ part of lot. number four 4), in square number -j. t
; entccn (17), and being that portion of said lot inclu- 1
• ted within the following bound;, to-wit: c ’acne- '
; ing at a point on Fourth Street, thirty-live feel from ‘
, ihe alley and running along said Fourth Street) or.f* ■
: iiundrv : and !i •? beet, thence i nnnmi- <• a d ; v.- ’ ‘
j one hundred and five feet u. tne rear n said 1-jt. J .--, •
j one hundred and !l.c feet tue back < ‘ ...;d
I towards the nhev aforc?.a 4 d, 1 thence running in u
direc t line uue bundled and five feet to starting
' mhnt on > rnrth Sue-?:, so as : • include tiie Dw.-.'i ®
Horie occupied by Alexander Ki.imls, and lh<
, kiicheu, sum*.-. 1:<- • fiodptiivT at-buibling ;on
lot rppurtcuam to stud uwel’ing; k .i. l un ;.s :i
■ property of the defendant, Alexander Richards, to
j sal.sfv two mortgage ti las issued from 'I • Ma;, term .
, •;! Bibb Supetior Court, in favor of W: ;. S \ v . . '
1 ford, Treasurer, Ac., for the use of the Bibb Couctv
i Loan Association vs. Alexmidti' Rjchardi.
Al.*o, at th* same time and piare, that porti »n or '
parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Citv of '
| Macon, and county <>f L>.Lb, and knuwu and distin
guiilicdin the plan of s.-. 1 city as pari fio’t er
• .4>, in square number seven teen 17\ bcu g tl. ,t per !
• tion of sa.d lot contained it; tue following described
j bounds, to wit: —commencing ut the mon’’ of th*
alley which divides said lot from the ytcriau !
1 f.'hurch, and running thence thii: . five feel final on
, Fourth street, thence or? hundred and five feet back,
i 10 the rear of said lot. tbeuce thirty-five f et 111 a -U- '
j reel line t»> the alley aforesaid, and tin., r ui<ng ;a;d
allev. one huml-c i and five f ci 10 the s’a/iin.r murt.
Said property levied on as the property ui tr cdefend-
■ K i-i-ued frvu Bibb Supu hr Co ::i f.ivot <f \V
S Willis. d. i A . fur t:ic a-.? >fL ; . cn-
j 1 y Lean Associativa. ■ s. Alexander RirhuiJt.
| . Al m. at : j.. suuie tunc and place, that tract . r par
. cel of land lying, b- v;g -1 M’uate in the ci;-.- of M < I
| ecu, Bibb Cvuutv, known and distiugmsbei m the '
j plan of said cit> as !«t number thrc<* •»', in square
I seventeen (17), and further known as the Mansion'
House lot, containing ouc half acre, more or less ; I
i levied on as the property of Alexander Richards k>
satisfy two mortg?. •• n f-n issued from Bibb Supcri- 1
or ( ourt in favor us Edward J. Stove, Treasurer, Ac.,
1 vs. Alexander Richards.
Also, at the same lime and pl.icp, that tract or par
-1 eel of la id dtua’e. lying nt.d being in th? citv of i
I .Mscoiy and cm.uty of Bibb, and known and distin- 1
I guishcd in ths pi. u of said city as hits No. three and 1
lour »nd 4, in square number seventeen 17 , with '
I nil the mq rovemeu’s thereon , levied onus theprop- |
! city of the defendant, Alexandei Ki.hards, to satisfy I
one mortgage fi f.i issued from Bibb Superior Court. 1
' in favor of \\ in S. Williford. Treasurer. Ac., vs. Al- '
vxander Richards. T. W. BRANTLY, Sheriff.
june S
. . , ——■ !
IV 11 L be sold on the fir-f Tuesda iu Ju!v, bc
j V I 'retheCourt house door in the city .’>f Ma
! eon. Bibb county, between the usual hours of sale, •
j the following property to-wit:
All the interest, right and title of Conrad Schaaf
in and to lots number five and six <0 and ' square
number two (2) in the City of Macon, Bibb couuty,
it being the lots on th? allrv in the rear of John !?
Lamar s lot, and opposite Bibb Countjf Academy,
coptaiuiiig cm -fi.uitl. < ; 4 »of an ; or less;
k-\led on uv virtu.' < 1 eight fi fas from Justice C »urt
7lAth district. G M.. City of \lacon. Bibb countv in I
| favor ot v llc Wood va. Conrad Sc!.;.af. Levy
j made and returned u» me by E. H. Con
I stable. T. W. HAILEY, Dep Sb'.ilu'.
I juu 3
VMTILL be *<»ld before ibe Court Ilvuoe d ior in tlu
y I city of Macon, Bibb countv, between trie usya!
' hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July r.ex‘, the
| follow ing property to-w n :
lOne hundred and forty a< res of land, tn;*re or 1
being part of I - t number Hl. in ti.c : 1 i
origi;.ally Houston n ov Bibb com 1 i,<
I virtue of ati fa from Bibb Superior Court, m fur r u
| Wi 1. Huckaby vs Joseph Dronon. Pmnertv pointed
out by Plaintiff T V.’ RAILEY.
June 3, 1869. Dep. Sheriff
--— - - ~ ■
A < ’"ILL b« sold ou the first Tuesday in July next.
Y ? bcfo’c the Court House <’.*• >r, in the town of
Il.iwkinfevilic. Pulaski comity, within the usual boma
of .sale the follow iug property to-wit:
Lot of hu'.d No. it. ia t’.u 7»L district of Pr.bwki
‘ coun*y ; le.ied on as the i v of Juuirs Darnel, to
sMi.'fv one ti fu from Franklin isuptri' r Qvurt m ta
' Mi. M< :11 and trangfervd to James W. Daniel.
Alto, nt th? same time and oiuce, lut of land No. 1,
I foue) in the 21st district of rulaski. L••vied on r.a
. the prop rty cf W D. Bostick, to rati.-A on?
Court fi f i,’ in favor of A. R Culdy, u. W. D. 3os
tick mid J.-slus Dykes. Levied and rctufuvl tome
by A L F. Giddimt, ConstaHv.
juuv 1 MILES BF MBRY, bheiiif.
Will, be sold t n the first Tue.-jday in July next be
i'-re the Coati House door iu the t< wu of iUwkins
l vil'.e, i'.i- tski county within the usval hvur.t ofuitla,
the foil iu/ prop "••tv to-wit:
Ono House aud Lot ; i t’u.? t. wn oi liai tfi fd ; !c . ■■ J
on us 'I.? property ofT. F King, td t»nv d fr
tiui PtM.»>’:? -oiperior Court, iu fiuor’ol David
Sai.-’s, vs T. F. King and Berry Tipper.
june . MILES BEMBRY. Sheriff.
I Y ln f»re the Court House duor. in Hawkinsville
P ihi-fi. county within tl.e iuu d hours f sale, the fol-
1 lowing property to-wit: Fifty acres of land, tlie same
I . rt ofioi Bum] ’l.e hu'".: ■ .•!.<. D
f< ur, . 1 • i.i the fourth 4th) District origina!R ■ •
1 vF ' i.;v, Ixjunded Ofi the nort. 1 ; bv the
r . d known as the \ leuna road and Jch 1 H. \Val
1.-. cc, on the east by John 11. Wallace, on the south and
1 welt by Levi Barrel. Levied on m the property cf
! Bea r, llobb.s, to satisfy one mortgage ti fa issue * <mt
f il.r Sul riot Ccui’ f aid coutity, in favor cf Levi
j liarrci! ; • nerrv Hobbs.
Pep. bherirf.
I>Y vutue / o: ': ?f the Court f Ordinary, of
i) Tv,:.,, nr. r wJI b» "d before the •. >urt
iicu>e door in Homvsviile, Appling county, on th
- TucsJr.y in Juh next between tue legal tr ursof
j sal? the follAvying lots of land, viz
Gn No. O’. * hundred and six, and five hundred and'
t:irt-u t ' ’>l) in th ? ‘.\l district cf Appling
:mt. is?/ 4y»» acres c;.ch, more or les-.. The
• 1 irs a
1 f the estate of Benjamin B Smith, latent Twiggs
1 - i unty deeased. ROBERT K. PARKER,
_7tli, I 58. Administrator
.- • . • Rid k Pul ki <
ik X lieu?.-, .i mt .de Lamar applies to n.e for
the Gurrdianship c! the person and property of Su
j san, a minor of Wm. A. Ccwan, late ot said’county,
; deceased :
These a.r. therefore, to cite and admvnish all p<*r
i s .»!• intvi ?s: -d ' »be nd appear at my office within
, the ti-.iie pre.«cri‘ ed by law, and show cause, if any
they have, why said ' /plication should nut b. graut-
Qivcn usrlor my band c* office, thia 29th dav cf
1 May. 1353. * JNO. H. BRANTLY, J’uj.f
ji-.u? 3 Ordinary
EORGIA—Bibb County.
\ I Ail puisuns indebted to Dr M. A Franklin, hie
jot said < ;T deoeused. are requeatod to make im-
n.• • ment, and nil having demaod* against his
os’ • <?, tv j. ie»ciit them to me iu terms us the law.
i la i •;lihst the e.H ».? mnv be left at the office us
E XBCtttl
' R Pot N TY.
, PiLsent the Honorable Henry G. Lamar Judge of
stud Court.
1 ArchC .Id Hobbs, )
's. » Libel for Divorce, Ac.
» I i 'ta Am Ilcbbs. '
; • > rt by tha return of the Slier
A the defendant does not reside iu thisconu-
t ..nd it further appearing that sb? dra t reside
iu fir. -'at' ,it i.- <n motion, ordered, that said d.?-
d“feudrut appear and answer at th? next term of
this • 'art, ur that the case be considered in default
. i t..- | u.ll • ."1 tn proceed, and that .
:l i !>e published in s »me public Gazette in the .State
tor four moui.ii before the next term ot thia court.
J k ill-’ !. MAY. Att’y fur Libellant.
A true extract trona th? Miuutas ut Tailor Sup:-
, x iur C< art. April term, 1<»8.
y < EORGI A, CrawfordCcnnty.
I Wliei -as. Giles M. Chapman, Administrator uu
, the . • of Saip;.2l<”. rpman late of said county,
I, .es • 1j: l?v.e.i dixmissory fiuin
; his said nduimis:'ation. These arc cite
and "■!: . hish all singular, the heirs i-.d credit*<rs
f s - d d-ceased, to be and appeal at my odice within
I the ti.ue prescribed by law, and she a ca'is?. ifa jy
( they ha-why -aid lexers 'liuuld not be granted -
Given under mv hai.d and olbcinl slguat ae lh..i Gth
I day us Api il, IJMJ RA Y.
■ • *
i K F , Tii -mas Striplia;. AdministnU. f dt
| A /..> • with the will unnex.d of -’.untie! Coiu-
. 'n.iTid .■ •■! rr -ntY, decease I ipptie-rto mefur let
ters of dlsuH-isiou frum suid udmiuistraUon us afore-
. said. , 1 hese are iL 1 i.-furt to cite .i-’d a ’mcnish and
;ii:i jul. ‘.he heirt a-. 4 creditors of said dccer.sed, :o
l?c and appeal at my <4!ice w.thin thr time pi escribed
■>y law, a :i show IT any they Ldvc. wliy said
.• Iters d,-.’;p • >ry shviild not be granted to tue said
1 licimt. Given umfi-r mv u .nt other tms 14th
i’’ "’v Drdiuatv.
# ECHK’II -. .:.wferd <
\_X V/fion ..*, William Lockett and Hebecea Lock
• e;i. Ad.: . ii-.’ru r. and A.lrniui-. iatriX On the estate
of j. l ;. ' ■ ■ ’.i-tf dapply 10 me fur letters of
iismisiiott from said estate.
sh.-w are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd
singular the heirs and creditors of said estate to be
i ami appeal at my'office w ithin the time prescribed
l y la .. , and *L w cau<“ if any they ha* , why said
: lett os dismi'sorv should not be grauteJ.
Give:: .ndei my -»iu;d it mv office 11 Feb’rv l®-58.
feb > viii JAMfcS J. RAY, Ordinary.
k GREEaBLY : an ur kr us the Ordinay of Craw
. 1 ford c > j’i;v May term IS'*-, will Le sold before
the Court iivw.-c door in the U.vii us Knoxville, said
countv, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the
. legal hour# of sale, a negro man, Anderson, belong
to the minor children ut Willis Boon, late of said
county dcceaxd. F-.ld fcr t'.c Vencnt of said .’ui-
•cr.s >r.;»dv known on ruf sale. This 3rd
: Mar, 1< . J \MES M DAM?.
tnalv »• G’rardain.
3200 Reward.
\ T F gij La. who ran awny abev.t CL
1v i. a year ago, I believe is harbored by •omc
I white r?--ion in this county. I will give
I for her delivery to me, or being placed in jail 40 T con
I gc 4 her; • irn .1 •. for evidence sufficient toacouvici
, the 5. hike pci ..-a hui boring her.
’I ■•. r ”» , Ga., Mav 13th Is.'.y-tt
' --r-
Ga. Planter’s Pure Corn
OXA Br’s. Ga Planters pure Corn Whisker,
>V ■• , ’br!i. Pikes’ Jessamine end ether Brands.
... the Manrt ■••’ur•■■h and f
-ale k • by MeCALLIE A JONES
1 ut IV
Bolting Cloths.
*1 UST rc ired thecclcbrated Dutch anchor Brand,
all numbers -at lowpri'-es by
may l> J. H. A W. A. ROSS
Has been said of
I?a yne’s
4 NEW and splendid patent Soda Water Appn-
1 ulus, is i,<»a in perfect operation at the Drug,
(' ■ id sud I’.vry Homie us George Payne's,
w here the chun •>: Syrups ate usc<l, made with best
fruit?, al u the jiistly'ceiebratad ••Cream Syrup,” pre
pared -'ten w ming with fresh Cream richly aid del- '
irately flavored. t
Thisappi si' f the last and bestbnpaorement
fth :i r , A. t<’f t, and ti nt to be compared with
u : fcmtiae S ‘da M’a-
t . ; < : ni tißpuniir*. no lead or copper pipe used ‘
L : • ?: any 1 ’.her ccuHry.
i r S>ell*r Paper £>o11n!
VT BOARDMAN’S Washington Block Building,”
alarge aasortuicnt of Paper Dolh. J M BOARDMAN
M M Ki:i; 37.
f i r VO tii< St’i’rntnn Coitt or said County.—The nt
L ution cf Richard H. Clark aa the Adiuiuiatruor de
• , boi:H nun, of John Parker, deceived, shc-weth tW
• notes the property of said estate, made T t v
i .-in .» Wm. B. Pou land and William Dun
> can,copies ot which a - c hereto annexed have been loat
• an ! yuur petitioner sheweth uuto your Honor ih wt
said Lunilav upd Foiiland, are uot residents or cit‘-
, tens : f the Mat*- ot Geurgiabutreside in other tia' . s
but that tue » . l M illium Duncan isa resident of 4/ t
county ot Sumter 'A lieref< re vourpetitioner ofava
that .- ltd notes tnav be established as lost paper-, u .-
ikr th<* section of the Judiciary act us
JAS- J. SCARBUKyVGH, ) A ‘V f,r ffi * -
, tHion it i, brdtafl 1 ■
ui'*.tLat au:d Det’ n show ciuise.on th- : n
. ibn ■ •>■■■ re\t term of this ( . irt. if :;nv th-y -rv,
. '••by smti < of said notes should nol 6c usml,;./.
el m lieu eaid Iu -1 oiiginrds—and it is further y:- J
i <*ei e. by tb< that William Dlincfth ’
I (jersoiu’dy with - ..f said net.?,, retitreu
I > <inu this • ule, and that as s lid i’hular.d aud -aid hi n
, ■ day me -.ion residents ,u>d < '.nm! be found, that .x ■ ■
j, ka oft! - -i; I publish din the State Press uf‘;?
cun, a. p....i. <f this S -fc, for the speee .t
til .i.-jutb' before the ncit trrni »f this Cour'
Judge cfS. t'., S. W.C.
tfloO-Oa die firs’, lay of January, eighteen hundic'J
; u,d fort.-file, I promise t.> pai O'r:e.:'t!. Cox, on
: dor one uundred and fifty dollars, for value received
, in rent forib.' Ps'ker J.'l.-i-e—witnese mv baud .’’j
soil JaH’.-a.-’ uth IS-;;.
J. ’V LUNDAL, r L. S '
L . W. B. 1 OVLANIk [L. S.l
. , ifi'NCA.x, ;1.5.;
, l.iu'.nsed in Lbtil. >1; : limes agent for Orren
;■ ■ B Cox.
; <: • On tl.e first day January, eighteen bun-
t j dred and n.rty-u.e, f pr< use tv pay On.-u B. Cox.
age-.t - I John 1.u,. his order, tbu'y-tw.
dullais.f. ■ •. ~. I : r. r.ut of'.he I’arku pl., i,
witne’s mv liatu! m d seal. 1 ’
3 W I.UNOAY, fL. S.l COCLANf), [L. J S.I
, WJ! I'l. NCAS, !L. .4; f
■ 3.’2.'.“.* On .!;■• .-.rat d..y es Januai v, eight <.n i, nr.,
died md forty-six, I promise t pai Onin B. (>r,
, f; Barkei on order thirty-tivo dollar, t*r
• v .!•.■' ■er ■'■ ■!.’ in rent of the I’arkerplace, nituess »y
hand uiid i?ul. January 12, IS4B,
O. DUNCAN, ft S r
c WM. B. POULAND. ft’3 t
* '.lain . :-t 'f Juui-.S'- ughleen huuflrid tu i
s torfy I vromiie to pay tu Orren B. U< .v, ag i. - </
John Pk. K*. r, or order, two hundred dollars fur •
rerun e<l t a rent of Pftrccr place, ’ itncss n v Ixr.
. sc?’.. Janaery 1’ pr
r J W. LCNDAA’, FL. S.l
GxuaGiA, a.'.’sj Cjvnty,—-Personally appeared I .
. fore me, iuc’nrd 11. Clark, who being’duly sworn >
Q pose th that he is the n<lniiniiTntoi de bonis non < :
y the estate of John Park-r. tl at tl? originals c! I:--
above stn: i notes arc lust ur destroyed, us bi LL
! torm • t.:l :.o. ’ thattheabuve copy n .
,f ai’t in •:..!, iioica tii.c cujuc-s of the originals, '
>.»• rv midanri >. ’?d to. before in?, this 16th u
of *?ptomLer, in’l ey.-ar 1157,
I . >. BLOOM, Nutury Public, Bibb co.
Truee.rUa- t hum rhe minutes us Sumter Suptir. jr
e Court, March 2‘,'th, I*sß.
• ■ Clerk S. C.
Fci 3ale.
"VUE e*!-t< f : sale, die Central Hi
f .■* <■»•■''■•• : 1 f. -i-ifes .d a half >~• • i
City f s.neon. It about two huuh
limes «f laud, is m excellent repair, aud is provul
•-•. u alithe .i.oiul buildings and appurtenauces u. ! c
il ‘ c * '■ • l - ,n und Wutild mtk
m-'JL.m • . ; ..-’.dencc; th ugh the Pruvr e .
womd p; .'-i ti-2t it .‘'hoidet be s<?idr®Bcn.e iudiv.iu
r Cutup any whi> would kcv| it up us a Race Co* r
' it uhi be Jh id u reatuu&bic terms.
f «P» H. X POWELL, Propriety.
Valuable Plantations
I ALSU.ING I ? u. • my nlanfing lu'erest We.:, I
1 ’ ollei for sn.e :.' . uui.. u> I kufutious ih.e
titu.itcd in M.icoii c u: !v ivithin three mile, us W ■■■-
chenier, on the South-Western Rail Road, aontau
i mg .. I<C, acres ot Live Unk and i-. k-uv Lind, »i t,
good nnprm ernents unit betueio thirteen andfeur
. I '. . n hundred acres in eultiva'.i.n, a ceuauK-i no. •
, Gun us ■■.bi''!, .a fresh laud
r 'tl '-ther Plantation is.ituated in th, Uth dhrttiit
e of Lee, on Flint River at th- :u' ■,•!■ of ( huLeetUkic
s kcet.l -k -I cur.t->;,s ~C 4 a.-t-s of Laud alxrnt
u two.t..:rdaot flinch is Oak ar.d llickorv Eand ofthu
be:t .lualit;-. and th •. ramninder g d Pine Land
v.-itl; j> -j. thirte-r. hun ire! .---res iu cultivation, neai •
1 , v " h t-f'csh land, and ns productive us •
■ i ' .a ,n utu-M estetu Georgia, aud ia tiueiv
»u:e.-e „ a: , sub. tantially improv, 1. My overseers
V ill Sin 1 these p '.-es to aurone wishir.g to exun i- e
to.™, V. terms will be lite:a! ami payments erA
I or farther pac.culars nd : less the undersigned a
; Mauon. .;»y2T] N. EASS.
For Sale.
4 PLANTATION end tract of Land in Glvna
u'k county._e..-:ti.i:i;ugab.>ut acres, situated
• 1 a. .1 11: River which is navigable to tlus
ij m so. .ea-d of ■■■• tot... The Plantation is wt-u
settled and consists ofab.-tacres of cleared hum
rnock mid as u—h more tine!, .ired. The remfimler is
I me •. r-.u j , • : r timber am! wood, cunveuient
to tuerne.-, i. jt 1.l .? than 16 rnilea hum Bi aus’
'> 1C i i- 1P ‘ 1 * ’ ’ 1 being udvautageumilv
? diMuedinto i-.-. i. i <•’. n thrv.- • arts, and is intersect
t|cd by the IJrm- A ? J. A Florida Rail RmU. This land
may be bought at e>J per acre. Apply to
‘ n: V 27-3 m ‘A. M. SPEER.
r pHE Ladies and Gentlemen ~f Macon a id adroin-
A irgcouiit:- ■:_• n-sp.-•pißv invitee Ij cidf' ur. 1
cxi-.mii’f n-.y : k >f Cmrt, Glass and t’aocxxK
rt xPfk r. , ; d ur to M:«. Des an’» on Stoosri Street
‘ 1 !t n* ep at IJI tiUMM a Rood JJtoek us Gu,.d s .
■ nil'! will sell i. lv m as low a* thev can be bought unv
y I where in tl.e city. A liberal share of patr muge is
! | rropectiu’dy solirited. R. R. HETCHINGS.
? • : Cit y papers copy a . av -
Cnder .V<» Concert TTail.
VRI! aes- oft ring a S-lcudid Stock of Goods’'®
H-tm ir hne. ( unsi-”.mgof tae luuowing
libijK Cassimcrc H«*».
■ ' “ Pearl “ “
1 Soft rjt *• «*
Men’s blue. Brown and Black Silk aud Vri»v te t Caps
Xuincn and Grus.i Check Hats.
I " I’cmima (Extra Fine) “
East India (new article) "
“ Extra Leghorn Floridas.
Boys’ Straw Caps, Fancy Leghorns and East luma
1 outlis’ Leghorn, cheap and fine-
i Straw Goods for Children, from 20 cents to
Men’s and Beys’ Palm Leaf Hals, by the dozen.
These Goods are all of the latest variety aud strle
i will be sold cheap. * a p r x ’v
Fluid Gas Lamps.
I lI.’.VE just received slot of the above Lamps con
sisting of Hr.::.l Lamps. Suspending Lamps. F.-.r
loi Lamps, •ud Hilluud Lumps. It is unnecuMary
I for me to suy ar.-, thing about this Lamp, es the Pr< .- ••
onr city has said r.ll that I could s «y. 1: is al
tiiita .de for ruuuuig through Houses or lactones, on
the same principle a* Gas.
JH> r JVtf R. p.
H.U ING spent a portion of three successive rearc
in this I fy, during which time helms limit--
bispr.-iotice almo-t exchisiv,'!;,- to Sutgerv, now re
spcctiidly offers l.m sei v.v.-s to ’he citizens ot Macon
and the surrounding country, iu all,
his profc.-siau. Office on the South-east corner of Si!
ami Cherry Streets, over Asher Ayres' new Grocers
' Stere. d ec S1 '
Tennesse Bacon and Lard.
WT'IFTY THOOAND Pounds Choice Hams, Sides
I and Shoulders. 40 1 k ges No. 1 Leuf Laid, ii.
sture and to ar-; ?, for sale by
mar 26-ts McCA! LIE A JOL’foS. *
Tennessee Hay.
r TMH£TY Bales Prime Teunease Har. juat rer?ivex.
1 wd for sa’e by McCALLIE 4 JQNE.'*.
| uiar 25 IL