Newspaper Page Text
The State Press
E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND.
Two Dollar*per annum in advance, or Three Dol
hi*« at the end of the year.
One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and
Fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal
arrangements will be made with those who advertise
by the year.
Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and
one of Gordon’s celebrated Power Presses, we are
prepared to do any kind of work in this line with
neatness, accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices.
ROSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet Stained,
Cheap Veneered Mahogany Collins. Also, New
Style Metalic Cases, superior to the old styles.
Old Pattern Metalic Cases at lower prices,
june 17 ts T. • G. WOOD
Chalybeate Springs,
rpHIS Establishment is now in peifect order for
1 the reception of Visitors. Since last season I
have radicall v changed the appearance of my place.
In effecting this. I have endeavored lu re-arrange my
Building in such a manner as will conduce must to
the convenience and comfort of my guests.
are in Good Repair, and an ample supply of pure wa
ter in r eadiness. The entire campus is situated on
the North, and between two prominent mountains,
from whose granite tops pleasant breezes continually
blow. The place being thus situated, is rarely visit
ed by a temperature too torrid to be pleasant.
Preparations have been made for a generous pat
ronage. My Hotel is in good repair, and I shall spare
neither means nor labor to furnish my table with the
very best the country affords. Immediately ou the
Campti* we have Four Springs Chai.' b’eate, Sul
phur and Freestone. From Chemical analysis, the
Chalybeate Spring contains Nitrate Potash, Sulphate
Iron and Sulphate Alum ; hence it has become not
ed as a remedial agent of great value to all those la
boring under the following maladies : Chronic Di
arrhcea. Dyspepsia, Kidney and Eruptive Diseases of ,
every character.
To all those who arc generally debilitated, it is '
earnestly recommended, from whatever cuu*e the
debility may have originated It is an invaluable
remedy for a great many of the diseases to which 1
the female constitution is subject. To those who
have not, and wish an appetite, I say
Come nnd Drink at this Fount of Nature.
To ail those who arc seeking pleasure, pleasant '
temperature and pure air, we emphatically say “here
is the place.” We have had visitors who have been
to the various Watering Places al the North in quest !
of health, who found no relief until they came to these
Spnngs. i
Tua Cbaltbbcfe Springs are situated in Merri- i
wether county, 20 miles from Geneva <on the Mus
cogee Railroad,) also the same distance from Thomas
ton,'the terminus of the Barnesville A Thomaston I
Railroad.* There will be a Daily Line of Coaches, to j
and from Thomaston, on the arrival and departure of
the car*. Stages leaving Thomaston at *.j past 4
o'clock, P M.. and arrive at the Springs at 2 past x.
Also a daily line of Stages from Gene'a.
I also take the liberty here to state that the
WARM SPRINGS are in readiness tor the ace »m- |
tnodatioo of visitors. They are only 7 miles from
the Chalybeate, to ami from which there will be dai
ly coaches.
Permit me to return grateful thanks for the past
patronage, uud extend a cordial invitation for the en
suing .season. ISAAC. (11ENL\.
june 3-ts.
-A.T COST 11
PA RK 12 R S.
VOW is the time for those who intend ' isiting thc
Watering Places and attending the various
Coinmenceinunts to buv Dress Goons, .cheaper than
thev ever *nw them. M . Parker A < ••. w .1 *vll
at (’OST their entire stock of Si m meh Di. st Toons,
which contains every variety of the most rashiona
ble Styles, and said to be. by tar, the Handsomest
Stock in .Macon. Our facilities enable us to buy as
low any othei House in the trade, and the present
Stock having been purchased at exceedingly low j
rates, the public may relv on getting bargains.
We are not in the habit of constantly advertising
Goods at Cost, and aw we intend what we say we feel
t ssured that su'h an opportunity is now presented,
as mar not occur again.
j u lt '. xviii W W PARKER A CO.
I.<U U r •“*«”•
Late with M. D. Barnes, | Late with Dav A Mausvnet
Watch Makers and Jewellers,
\\T ILL open at their New Store. Ralston’s
VV Range, corner of Cotton Avenue and
Cherry Street, about the Ist of October,
beautiful and well selected assortment of M
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Hip
sical Instruiuents, Fancy Good*,&€•,&<*•
An examination of which they would most respect
fully solicit, feeling confident that thev will be able
to offer everything in their line calculated to please
the taste of even the most fastidious.
Repairing of every description executed in a man
ner that will guarantee satisfaction, by the best work
men in the South.
They hope, by offering choice and elegant Goods,
and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal
share of public patronage.
(•ct 19
£? W
ON ami after Thursday, the loth lust., the trains
will be run as follows :
Leave Macon 12.00, p. ID., arrive Atlanta 7.15, a ni.
Leave Macon 10.00, a. ni., arrive Atlanta 4.V0, p. m.
l«eave Atlanta 12, night, arrive Macon 7.15, a. m.
Leave Atlanta 11 a. m., arrive Macon 5.00, p. in.
The night trains will not be run on Sundays. The
12 night train from Macon connects with the Wes
tern A Atlantic R. R. for Chattanooga. Knoxville,
Nashville, Memphis, at 12.15, p. tn., with Georgia
R. R, tor Augusta at 10 a. m., and Atlanta A West
Point R R. at 10.15, a. m.
The 10.00, a. in. traiu from Macon connects with
the Georgia Road at 12.00., «. tn., and Atlanta A
West Point, Road, at 12.45, p. in.
The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rad
Road, makes this the most pleasant and direct route
Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta,
for $26 2>, including Stage fare, $7 00, and to New
York for 32 00. . • . .i •
Further information may be had tn relation to this
Route, on application to the General 1 icket Office,
July 29 Supenntenden
ON and after Thursday, July 15th, the Trains
will be run as follows :
Leave Savannah 12.15, p- m„ 11.45 p. m.
Arrive in Augusta 7.30 p. m., 6.3 u p. m.
Arrive in Macon, 11.00, p. m., 9.00, a. m.
Arrive in Milledgeville 1.10, p. m
Leave Macon 10.45. a. m., 10.0 V, p. nj.
Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a. m.. 9.30, p. ru.
Arrive in Augusta 7.80, a. m., 6.80, p. in.
Arrive in Milledgeville LIO, p. m.
Leave Augusta, 15 a. ni., 2.45. p. :r.
Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a. tn., .30, p. ni.
Arrive in Macon, 9.00, a. m., 11.00, «. tn.
Passenger* for points beyond Atlanta, on the M ex
tern A Atlantic Rail Road will leave Savannah on the
12.1.5 train, ana arrive in Atlanta at 7.1‘ next morn
ing. Passengers fur Milledgeville and Eatonton will
leave bv the 11.45 train.
B .th’trains connect at Macon with the Macon A
Western Road for Atlanta, and with Ihe South Wes
tern Rail Road to Albany, Americus Columbus ami
Montgomery, and at Millen with the Augusta aud
Savannah Rail Road for Augusta and the North.
july 20 EMERSON FOOTE, Gen I Sup t
State Press.
Grain Cradles.
RANTS wire braced Grain Cradles, 5 aud 6 fin-
JT gera, warranted blades fui sale bv
BEST Sliver Steel Scythes, S ylhcSheaths, Scythe
.Sharpeners, Grass Hooks, Sickles for sale bv
i may 20 NATHAN WEED.
I - ■ ■— - —--
MERY’S Celebrated Overshot Wheat Threshers,
,J Brown’s Virginia Threshers with Straw Se|Mra
rators for sale by NATHAN WEED.
I may 20
Horse Powers.
SINCLAIR’S Seven Horse Powers. Whitman’s
Virginia Lever Powers, Emery’s Rail Road Horse
! Powers, in Store and for sale at manufacturer's
prices by NATHAN WEED,
may 2
Wheat Fans.
('1 RANT’S Celebrated Fan Mills. Clinton & Son’s
T Fans, all sizes, from 20 to 35 dollars, for sale by
may -u \ \TIIAN WI.EH
Oat utters.
SELF SHARPEN IN Straw and Shuck Cutters, Sin
clair's Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, for sale bv
Grain Sieves.
117 IRE Cloth, Rakes, Leather and Rubber Bands,
> ▼ Corn Mills, Corn Shelters, for sale bv
nidi 2 > N ATHAN WEED.
Bolting Cloths.
BOLTING CLOTIISuf all numbers and of the best '
anchor brand, for sale bv
max N \TII \N WEED
Cotton Awnue, Macon, Ga.
Sugar Mills, from S3O to $l5O.
( ’’ROM New and approved Patterns, and Casting?,
and Machinery in general junexxii-ll
IS u place of great attraction to all lovers of the ,
Beautiful. ‘ Am here reigns supreme,” and the |
hundreds of handsome and lovely faces on exhibition ,
, show not only the skill of the Artists, but makes it
i one of the most pleasant resorts in Macon. None,
should full to pav a vndt to this well-knownaud cede- ■
, bruted I AL As E OF A KT.
The astonishing low prices nt .. hich Portraits are '
’• taken at this Gallery, and the beauty they possess
is wondeiful.
■ From Daguerreotypes of deceased persons taken as
well us from life.
As low as at any other Gallery aud of superior qual
ity. Call ami see. june 3
Bargain! Bargain!!
rpHE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation, Saw,
1 Grist, Flouring Mill ami Wool Carding Ma
chine, situated five mites south of Knoxville, Craw
ford connty, nnd eight miles north of the South
Western Rail Road. The plantation contains seven
I hundred acres of land, well watered and well tim
liered, located in one of the healthiest portions of
i Crawford co., surrounded bv excellent society, with
: the facilities of a church and school within one mile.
' The Mills Saw, Grist. Flouring and Wool Carding
Machine, have been recently re-built, and are in ex
cellent condition, situated on a never-failing stream.
On the plantation there is one hundred ami fifty acres
of cleared land in a high state of cultivation, with a
comfortable framed dwelling, and other necessary out
I buildings. Attached to the premises is the privilege
’ of saw Timber on acres of land, for the use of the
i Saw Mills, Anv person wishing to make a profita
ble investment would do well to call on the subacri
her on the premises. JAMES ]. BR\ CE.
! apr 29-ts Crawford co., Ga.
0a and after July 15th.
I .EAVE Macon 11.45, p. m., and 9.45, a. m.; ar
rive in Columbus 5.35. a. in., and 3.45, p. in.;
Leave Columbus 4a. m. ami 3.45 p. m. Arrive in
Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.1 s p. m.
Leave Macon 9.45, a m. Arrive at Albany 4.OSp.
m. Dawson 5.20 p. m.
lx»ave Albany 3j'O, p. m., Dawson 1.4” p. m.—
Arrive in Macon 9.18, p. m.
1 Tri-weeklv Accommodation Down. Monday. Wed
, noday and' Friday, t’p- Tuesday, Thursday and
! Leaves Macon 7.12, a. m. Arrise at Dawson 5.20
I p. m., Albany 4.31. p. ni.
' Lea'e Albany 6.20, a. m., Dawson— Arrive at
I Macon 3.13, p. in.
Mad Stages to and from Tallahassee, Thomasville
and Bainbridge, Ac., connect with regular trains
at Albany. Also from Dawson tri weekly to Cuth
! bert. Fort Gaines, Ac.
At Macon connects w ilh Trains on Central and Ma-
| con A Western Rail Road.
Passengers from Columbus and the We*t for
South-Western Georgia or Florida should take the
4., a. m. tram, at Columbus. Both trains run on
FARE from Albany via Savannah tn New York by
Steamships in Cabin, $24 25. Ticketscan be procur
ed from Rail Road Agent, Albany.
julr xv Superintendent.
Notice to Shippers.
Snr th • Western R. R. i
Macon, July 12, I
SOUTH-WESTERN Rail Road is now completed
and iu operation to Brown’s Station and Dan'-
son. Passenger Trains passing over it in connection
with Albany Train daily. Freight Train, at present,
between Macon aud Dawson, tri weekly. Rate of
Freight between Savannah. Augusta, Macon and oth
er points, and Brown's and Dawson’s, will bo the
same as between those places and Albany.
I AH Goods for Cuthbert and places West of Dawson,
should be shipped to Dawson.
' julv xv GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt.
I cit . v p®p nrs c°py-
HKVE removed to their new Store in Washinß
ton Block, Mulberry Streit when, they are
. now prepared to exhibit their Fa and XX inter atock
of Clothing and Furnishing goods.
Their sti»ck comprise every article neeessery to a
gentieman’s Wardlobe ot the latest styles and best
manufacture, and by weekly importations from New
York will be kept constantly cumpktc during the
. season.
Also, Youth's ami Bov's Clothing. Trunks, N a
lisc.'. Carpet Bag*. LinbreHas, Ac. Their facilities
are such as tw enable them to have special orders for
, garments filled within a space of I<’ to 14 days, w ith
| fit guaranteed and style unsurpassed by any Louse,
oct 20
Crockery, China,
I WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of
Macon and surrounding country that I have a
good stock of China Dinner and Tea wetts and Granite
Dinner mid Tea Mtta.
English China Tea setts from $3 50 to $8 OQ per
sett. A large lot plated Castors, ranging from $4 W
each to $3.00. Tea setts from $35 w to slov UO.
Ice Pilchers, Ac.. Ac A fine lot China Vases. Scv
, eral setts line French Glass. Bureau setts for tables.
Fine Bohemian Colognes, Plated Butter and Sugar
I Dishes, Cigar Stands, Fluid Gas Lumps for standing,
I suspending; side and Billiard Lumps, Camphene
; 4.amps, side and suspending, a common and tine ar
ticle. Kerosene Lamps, common Lard Lamps, Brass
! Girandoles, Plated Knives and Fo ks. Tea aud Tu
ble Spoors, common Black Tea Pots, Brown Stone
Tea Puts, Brown Spittoons. China Spittons, China
Toilet setts. Common Toilet setts, a laige and w ell as
sorted stock of Glassware. I have about x<»o dozen
common Tumblers tor Merchants and 3uo dozen Gob
lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Grauite and :
common Earthen ware. As I import my stock of
Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc
tions in New York. Buston, Philadelphia, Ac., I think
I can sell here at New York prices and give my cus- I
turners satisfaction.
Thankful for past‘patronage, I now presume to so
licit the same in future. R. P. McEVOY.
As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers for
Churches, it is probably best to let the world know
that I have never made any profit out of anything for
! a Church, hence all orders tor Lamps for Churches
should be sent at least 5 or 6 weeks before thev need
them, so as to e.table me to get them from the 'Facto
ry. Idu not intend keening stock on hand for that
trade, but will as heretoiore get them out at Factory
prices for Churches. R. P. McE. ’ ,
A \TE are offering and intend to offer for a season.
> V the mOKt extraordinary inducemonts to those
desiring to purchase
for the Cash. Our stock is large, and selected with -
the greatest care, and tu cash buyers we would say,
give us a call as we intend to make it t«» your inter
est. The low figures at which we have bought »ur
second Spring Stock, enable us to promise this with
perfect confidence.
may G ts W. W. PARKER A CO.
Matting! Matting!!
those who find their carpets rather warm for
1 the season, we would say, rail at Parker’s and
you will find a most desirable article of Matting, all
’widths and at ven' low prices.
Land and Negroes for Sale.
ONE Plantation in Worth county, lyingon “Jones'
Creek i about 16 mites from Albany, and 12 from
j Wooten’s Station S. W. R. R.,) containing xoo acres,
aboutcleared and in a fine state of cultivation.
Also, the following unimyroral lots, some of which
join the above, Nos. 134, 15 >, 156,149, 150, 191,194 and
all in the I'th Dist., and lot 275 in the 7th Di.-t.
Worth county. Also. 173 in Ist and 2*'s iu the 14th
Dist. Lee; also, 47, 82 and ~5 in the 12th Dist. Early
county ; also lot 29” in ad Di*t. and 4th section Cbcr
okee; also, lots 3 and 4 in Block II city of Albany:
also half acre lots No. and •’> m 5 acre range city of
Brunswick, (know nas Academy lot*. ■ Also, several
families of \ery likely young negroes. Terms iwcom
modaling. Apply to A. J.
may xix-tl ‘ •
Will bo taken for a short, time
I ’ wanted by the Dozen,
Superior Photographs
\]«arge business w ith small profits is what we
wish; we do not expect to get rich in one year,
j or three years, but are content to work and wait, and
I by still taking better, cheaper, a id more pictures than
. anv one else we hope finally to succeed.
('all at the old stand. Triangular Block. Our rooms
I are newly furnished, and are cool and pleasant and you
| cun while awav an hour in examining our numerous
i specimens of fine and beautiful Picti kes.
june I ts I
Kennedy's Family and
1 / Family and Excclrior Flour. 3ov sacks other
' brands Superfine and Extra Flour. Just received
and for sale by’ McCALLIE A JONES,
mar 25-ts
Arthor's Cans and Jars.
JUST re c e i ve d u
lanie lot o' \r-
‘ thor’s Tin. Earthen mid
; Glass Jars, for preserv-
mg fresh fruits, yege-
tables, tomatoes Ac., at
House Furnishing / JjgjHi
■ Store. Cherry Street,
i Macon, <ia. A 1 4~'
I j une 3 e v F
Just Received.
SILVER Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Berry
SciMips. Soup Ladles, Ac.. Ac. Ivory Handle
Plated on Steel, Table Cutlery , 11. C. Silver Lever
Watches, Mathematical Instruments, Land Chiins,
june 3-ts
Linen Ac., " holc-ah* and retail; a large
I lot, Tra\ filing Salchells, Basket'- Ac. For sale
bv june 3-ts E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.
(\N’E Solid Silver Tea Service of Elegant
/ I>c>l2«i and Fiihxlj, >dx-t u.itcr Dipp.j-, Ac
1 Just received by’ E. J. JOHNSTON’ A CO.
I june xvn
Just Received,
-w. J. M’ELROY’S
I>EFRIGERATOKS of all kinds.
1 Ice l’itchcr> Bratania and Fluted,
; Mas<«T’s Ice Cream Freezer,
Austin ■ “ “ “
Water i Holers, also. Ice Picks,
Plated Castors. Spoons and Forks.
Anther’s Self Sealing Cans, Glass, Earthen and Tin.
| of all sizes.
Upright. Plunge. Shower and other bathing nppa-
. rat us. on hand ami ready for n-e.
Biooms. Brushes, Buckets. Tubs, Buckets, Trays,
! and innumerable variety of fancy and useful articles,
cheap for ea-h. I i> \iX 3m
Sugar Cured Hams.
* Chandler A Co.’s celebrate 1 Sugar Cur
t) rd C mvassed Hmns,
50 do choice Tenn, clear Sides. Just received bv
Tennessee Hay.
r pHIRTY Bales Prime Tennei-se Hav. just received
1 and fur sale by McCALLIE A JONES,
mar 25-ts.
195 Broadwav, N. Y.
I) ARTICULAR attention given to the execution of
orders for Rail Ro d supplies and equipments.
i Being agent fur the Manufacturers of all tlie leading
articles, he can furnish them nt the Factory prices
free of commission. References.
New York—E. Whitehouse, Esq.. Banker; Mesars.
Henry Cult A Son ; Chas Day, Eaq.
Macon —T. R. Bloom, Esq.; Dr. Robert Collins.
Savannah—Win. Duncan, Esq.
june 3 ts
SIXTY days after date application will be made to
the Hon. the Ordinary of Crawford county for
lea' e to sell the real estate of James Av ara, deceased,
late of 'aid county, (the widow’s dower excepted. >
This July 6th, 1556. ELIAS D. DO6BEI,
jttly xv Administrator.
WHERE a sveoud inutallment of Elegant Ge mu Iu
all kinds us Goods are being opened at such
Smash dow n Panic Prices
as to create such an influx of trade as heretofore un
paralleled in Macon. If Novelty ot design, Ele
• gance of style, Durability us Fabric Vnparalleltd
and Cheapness, constitute au inducement for trade
and patronage then then reputation is established
upon a firm and substantial basis.
To enumerate what they have would be an endless
task, therefore, come, see and examine fur J .'urtthvs.
Remember their store on Cuttun Avenue, Macon,
Geo. apr 29
1 4 W H I Wurth us Farasuls us entire new de-
Oluvv sign, comprising every Shade and col
or. can be found at
Mantillas, Mantillas!
INVERT Style of the above article, at prices to suit
L purchasers, can be obtained at
apr 29
Conferred upon the Ladies by wearing Ross, Cole
man A boss’
With the
P ATENTED April 14th, 1858, and first grand pre
mium awarded to the Manufacturers, Dougins A
i Sherwood, and which has been decided by >ledical
men the most beneficial garments ever introduced f«r
■ ladies’ use, the wriuht lant/ only 12 oiukw Cali and
' ste them al ROSS, COLEMAN A BOSS,
apr 29
Dry Goods
I A DIES and Gentleman of Macon and the sur
j rounding country, were you aware that we have
just returned from New York with the uevud ttock of
At a ducount of thirty per cent., on all kinds of Goods,
from prices twenty days back ? If not call, see and
examine; fur instance we wish tu show you our Ele
gant fast cohired Jaconet Muslins, at from 10 to
cents, English Prints 9 to Iveta., Gents’ Linen Hand
kerchiefs, IS to 2” cts.. Rich Silk Dresses, new stylet
at $9,00 a pattern. Handsome side Striped Dresses,
12 yards patterns, and fast colors at $1,25; Beautiful
Mourning Muslins at from 10 to cents, and in fact
every thing bought from Boston merchants and as
l signees sate so cheap as to astound even the jubbtrt
'of New York themselves. These tacts can be sub
stantiated by calling at
•pr 29 Fashion, Cotton Avenua, MaoM Gs.
HAVING Spent a portion of three successive years
in this city, during which time he has limited
his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re
spectfully offers his service#, to the citizens of Macon
and the surrounding country, in all the branchetof
his profession. Office on the South-east corner of 3d
and Cherry streets, o'er Asher Ayres’ new Grocery
Stole. dec Kt ’
Tennesse Bacon and Lard.
and Shoulder' 4 1 P'k’ges No. 1 Leaf Lard, in
•store aud to arrive, fur sale bv
mar 2 ts MH’ALI.IE A JONES.
Ga. Planter's Pure Corn
a) * / 1 Brls. Ga Ptenteis purr Corn Whiskey.
”brls. Pikes’ ami other Brands.
Now received direct from the Manufacturers and for
sale low by Met’ALLIE A JONES.
mav 8
Bolting Cloths.
JUST received the celebrated Dutch anchor Brand,
all numbers at low prices by
may 6 J. B. A W. A. ROSS.
Under Xeic Concert Hall.
4 RE iu>w offering a Splendid Stock of
in their line, consisting of the following :
Spring Silk Hats.
Black Cassiunere Huts.
“ Pearl •• “
Soft Felt ,4 “
Men's Blue. Brown and Black Silk and Velvet Caps.
“ Linen and Grass Check Hats.
“ Panama (Extra Fine M
“ East India (new article) “
“ Extra Leghorn and Floridas.
Boys’ Straw Caps, Fancy Leghorns and East India
Fine, i
Youths’Leghorn, cheap and fine
Straw Goods for Children, from 20 cents to SB,OO.
Men’s ami Boys’ Palm Leaf Hats, by the dozen.
These Goods are all us the latest variety and style,
and will be sold cheap. apr x v
Fluid Gas Lamps.
11l AVE just received a lot of the above Lainpu con
sisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lumps, Par
lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamps. It i-» unnecessary
for me t<» say anything about this Lamp, as the Press
of our city has said all that I could say. It is also
suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on
the same principle as Go».
apr29 ts R p McEVOY
810 0 REW ADD.
Al’’ILL be paid fur the apprt*hension and delivery
\ * to me. of one Wilsoa Galloway, whu was at
the March term of the Superior Court us Twiggs
county , senteiicixl to five years itnprisunmep’t.jfi. the
State Penitentiary, for an assault with intent tu mur
der Andrew J Smith, on the seventh day us October
last, and who made his escape from the jail of thia
county on the night of the eleventh inst. Or, 1 will
pay fifty dollars for his apprehension and confine
ment so that I can get him. Officers generally are
requested tu keep a diligent look out fur the scamp.
JOHN KAILEY, Dep. Sheriff.
Wilson Galloway is about forty years of age. and
about fi'e fret eight or ten inchea high, thick set and
square shoulders, weighing about l 'w> or 6u pounds,
high ch< ek bones and grey ryes, of a yellow complex
ion. somewhat resembling a Mexican, is a brick ma
son by trade, and sometimes works at carpentering
lives with a woman that he calls his wife, by the uame
’ of Angelina Humphries and has twn children.
JOHN RAILEY. Deo. Sheriff.
Marion, Twiggs county. Ga., April 12th, Ixsx-tl
QIXTY THOUSAND ’bs. Choice Tim Bacoa,
O Hams, Sides and Shoulders,
! 3,o<si lbs. Jowls, lu store and tor sale bv
may.; McCALLIE A
Has been said of
\N’EW and splendid pateut Soda Water App»
ratus. is now in perfect operation at the Drug,
i Chemical snd Perfumery House of George Payne’s,
where the choicest Syrups are used, maoewith be*t
fruits, also thejustly celebrated “Cream Svrup,” pre
' pared every morning with fresh Cream richly and del-
I tcately flavored.
This apparatus is of the last and best improvement
' of the age, it is perfect, and not to be compared with
the old style in the preparation of genuine Suda Wa
!. ter, free from impurities, no lead or copper pipe used
' in this apparatus, and always cold, and no nner es
tablishment any where, in this or any other country.
• May 15 th, 1858.
Paper Paper i>«»ii* I
A T BOARDMAN S “ Washington Block Building,”
_Z> a large assortment of Paper Dolls
Ga. Pi ters’ Corn Whiskey.
ONE UI'NPHEI) Barrels Ga. I’lautera' White
Cora Whisker.
50 barrel. Smiths, Old Bourbon. Robertson county
I and other brand, whicker, tor .ale br
mar 25-ts McCALIIE 4 JONES
nvr. loh
Fashionable Hair Dresser,
At the Redding House, Mauou, GA.
THE Subscriber rtiptctfully informs the citizens
of Macun and strangers passing through the
city that bis well known establishment is still in op
eration at his old stand, " here he is ready tv accom
mudate hi* customers with Hair-trimming, Shaving,
Shampooing and everything else in hie line in the
best style of art. He offers for sale, Uvod Bax Rum,
Progler’s Hair luvigorator, Knight’s celebrated
Hair Restorative, Fine Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Ra
zor*, and all similar article*needed fora gentleman's
toilet. Hol und Cold Baths Can be had at the reduc
ed price of 35 cents. * Alsu, wigs and Toupees made
to order on short notice. He solicits a continuance
of the liberal patronage which he has heretofore re
ceived. M. LOH.
Congress Water, Burning Fluid,
Patent Medicines, Cham phene,
Medicine Chests, Saddle Bag*,
Instruments, Dye Stuff’s,
Glass, Paints,
Putty. Hops.
And Medicines of all kinds fur plantation and fam
ilv use. Physicians orders will receive careful atteu
tion. _ a P r & I
Other in Washington Block.
Medicine Cases and Books on Domestic Practice
for sale. july 8-*m
PARENTS, Guardians, and the public generally,
visiting the city during commencement, are re
spectfully invited tu call at PUGH’S FINE ART
GALLERY, Triangular Block, ami examine his Pic
ture*. Those desiring anything in the way of a Por ,
trait, can be accommodated here with any style they
choose; and every likeness will be w arrented tu ■
please and will be taken cheaper than at any oilier :
gallery in the citv. None should be without like- i
nesses of their friends.
Seize the shadow ere the substance fade.
Let nature supply that which nature made;
And if you’d have it done to nature true.
Be sure that you call on J. A. PUGH, j
julv b-ts ,
li now receiving a large and entirely new stock of
To which he invites the attention of the public.
Straw Hats at Cost.
will find every quality and style oITTB
I Straw Hats for Youth and Gents at
C. B. STONE’.s Hat j
july Bim Opposite the Lanier House. j
Royal Bengal Plaid Hats.
TL’ST received, something entirely new forCB
ej Gents. Alsu. Fashionable Black
aud Silk Hats, tu suit the most fastideous, nt
C. B. STONE'S, opposite the
july 8-iin Lanier l!ou«e.
C -fiT,
«»««» »
C ..
npHE Proprietors of this establishment would re- 1
1 spectfully call the attention of those cuntemplu
ting the erection of Stfam Afillr, tor Sawing and
Griiidmg, or for any other purpose whatever. The
superiority of the wurk has oven, and will be, a suf- ’
ficient guarantee for an extensive and increasing '
patronage*. Our Workshops aud superior outfit ut !
Tools, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities f>r j
the expedition of work possesseel by no other estab- j
liahment iu the State. Our prices and terms will
compare favorably with that of any first class North
ern establishment. The following comprises a list of
Machinery, Ac., for any portion of which we will be
pleased to receive orders, viz :
Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Circu
lar Saws, Mill <tearing. Mill Stones, of best qual
ity for Corn ami Wheat, Water Wheels, a
great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes,
Iron Railings, for Cemeteries
public and private Build
ing*. Ac.. <»f Wrought
and Cast Iron em
Strtngth with Jibuti/of Itffign,
Sugar Mill* and Syrup Boilers, all sizes, Column* foj
Stores, Churches. Ac., Ac., Gold Mining Machine- 1
ry, with Double and Single acting Force
and Lift Pumps of any required sue.
Shafting with Turned Pullies, from
the smallest size to nine feet Di
ameter, Cotton Press Iron*,
Cotton Screws. Mill
Screw* and
England’s self acting Car Couplings, and
other Rail Alt work warranted tu be ;
equal tu the best made elsewhere.
oct 17
HAS just opened a full a«sortmenC<>f most beauti
ful and recherche Gr nadiue ai«i quaralle Barege
Robe* a quill?, Black Spanish Wintffes; Cloaks ami
Mantillas of French laice, also Ujchoice assortment of
mourning Gooda, such as Dresses. Mantles, Thread
I.ace Capes. Crape Collars and Sleeves, Ac., also
travelling floods together with a full stuck us Em
broideries, Ribbons. Dress trimmings, and all other
Goods in her line, and will be happy to see the Ladies
at her store ; Triangular Block, next duor tu Bostick
A Kein’s Store. mar 25-ts
Corn, Meal, Peas, &c.
I"HVE HUNDRED Bushels Tennessee White Corn
’ 100 “ Cow Pew*.* *•
luO ” Fresh Gtx*u,ml Meal.
100 ” Oat*. Fox sale bv
mar 25-ts McCAkLIE*A JONES
Silver Ware, Fancy Goods,
Piano Fortes, Violins,
\\ T K ARE offering our entire stock of the above,
V v with an innumerable vat iety of other new nnd
desirable Goods, of the best quality, at lower prices,
for cash, than ever before sold in thi* market, uuul
th? Ist of March next.
C-v?*’ Our stock is very large, and well selected, and
well worthy the attention of all thu*e who wish fine
and good (foods at exceedingly low price s.
N. B. All those indebted to u* will will more than
ever oblige* us bv an earlv settlement
Maoon. Jan ’SB ts
More Light.
I ‘VST Received, a lot of the best nnd latest im
provement in FLUID GAS LAMPS, de«*idedly
the best light yet invented. Call and aee them, as
thev are onlv to be teen to be appreciated.
juae xtm Naxt to Mrs Dessau *.
Present the Honorable Henry (I. Lamar Judge of
said Court.
Archibald Hobbs, |
vs. .* Libel for Divorce, Ac.
Leuura Anu Hobbs. )
IT appearing to the court by the return of the Sher
iff, that the defendant does uot reside in this coun
ty, and it further appearing that she does not reside
iu this State, it is uu motion, ordered? that said de
defendant appear and answer at the next term us
this court, or that the case be considered in default
aud the plaintiff allow ed tu proceed, and that this or
der be published in some public Gazette in the State
for four muuibs before the next term ol this cuurt.
J AMES T. MAY Att’y for Libellant.
A true extract trom the Minutes’of Taylor Stipe-
I rior Court, April term, 185 s.
may 6 Im JAMES T. HARMON. Ci'k
GEOR<>IA, C law ford County.
Whereas, Giles M. Uhapuiau, Administrotor on
, the estate us Samuel Chapman late w said county,
deceased, applies tu me for tetteis dismissory from
| his said ndmuiistration. These am therefore to cite
and admonish all and singular, the heirs und creditors
• of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within
; the time prescribed by law, and shc .v cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted.—
’ Given under my hui:d aud official signature this 6th
I day of April, I<sb. JAMES J. RAY,
uprxv-6m Ordinary.
(1 EORf.l A < raw ford < ounty.
JT Whereas, Tfxnnas Stripling, Administrator dt
; non with the will annexed of Samuel Coni
■ mandei, of said county, deceased, applies to me for let
' ters of dismission from aaid adiQinist ration a.* afore
j said. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and
singular, the heirsand creditors us said deueased, to
! be and appear at my office within the time prescribed
I by law, and show cause, if uny they have, why said
, letters distnisaory ahould nut be granted tu the said
! applicant. Given under mv hand at office this 14tb
I Muy 858. ’ JAMES J RAY,
may xix Oidumry.
C1 EOBGIA Crawford ( ounty.
I Whereas, William Lockett and Rebecca Lock
lett, Administrator, und Administratrix uu the e&tatc
of James Lockett deceased, apply to me for letters of
dismission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami
singular the heirs and creditors of said estate to be
] and appear at my office within the lime prescribed
; by law. and show cause if any they have, why said
1 letters dismissorv should not be granted.
i Given under my hand at mv office 11 Feb'ry ISSS.
feb xviii JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary.
/ EOMGIA < rawlord Cobblt*
, V I Whereas, Mr». M. Dickson, applies to me for
j tetters of Admiuiatraton on ti e estate of her de
i ceased husband, Joseph N. Dicxsou, late us said
j county. «
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said dec d tu
«huw cause ut mv office w ithin th< tunc prescribed by
law why said letter* should m t be granted.
Given under my hand aud official signature, this
June 3vth, 1858. ’ JAMES* J RAY.
-july 8-ts Q :.iiv
/ 1 i:or(.i 1 < rawford comiti.
\ I Whereaa, Henry N. Britt apphe.* to im. for let
ters of Administration on the estate of Musuu Miller,
late of said county deceased.
These are thcrefuie to cite and admonish all and
singula! the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
| to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law and show cause if any they have why
. said tetters should not be granted.
Given under mv hand ut office, this 'J th dav of Ju
1y.1<58. ’ JAMES J KAY,
J'llv xv • <)• l.n.uv,
8188 sfILRII F S All?.
XI r II.L be sold unlhe first Tuesday in Sep. next,
V v before the Court House door in the city of
Moron, between the usual hours of sale the following
propertv to-wit :
One House and so t in the city of Macon fronting on
fifth oi Bridge Street adjoining ihe lots of Jos Kennelly
on one side, and James Gu'iu on the other; levied
• on as the property of Dominick Gaiuughty to satisfy
i one fi fa in favor of John W. Babcock vs Dominick
(teraughty, property pointed out by Plaintiff.
Also, at the same lime and plat e, a House and Lot
situated on the Huu'tun road about one and a haif
mites from Macon, adjoining the lands of George
Wood and others, containing about five >»err> imue
or teas, and being the place where Mr*. Bas*utt now
lives; te' ted on as th? property of Elm* Jenkins to
satisfy u fi fa from Bibb Superior Court in lavur of
Howell Cobb, Governor Ac., vs. Elios Jenkins pi in
ci pal and Gubrel Parker security. ’Property pointed
out by T. W. Montfort, Sul. (ten I.
july 29 ED.G. JEFFERS, Dep. Sheriff.
8188 MORK. At.i: S A I.E.
IyTILL be sold before the Court Monse, in the city
V ' of Macon, Bibb County on the tir*t Tuesday m
Oct. next between the tmual hours us sate, the follow- '
mg prof erty to-wit:
All th j»e Lotsui parcel us laud situated, lying und
being in the city ot Mucun. county of Bibb,’ State of
. Georgia; known and distinguished in tlie plan of
said city Survey, as lot Nu. two, (2; in square fifty- ,
nine, (sv) being one third ot an acre more or less.—
J Also, lot No. one (1 in square No. twenty, • 20) also,
' lots No. seven ande ghl, *. and 8) in square Nu. twen
ty-six (26 . .-Hao, lots <», 6,7, und .**, *quare nine
(9) known a-> lots being and lying iu the southwest
ern range of said city. All levied un to satisfy amort
gage fi fa in favor of Martin Hui) vs. T. W. ilrautly.
Propelty pointed out m said mortgage.
july 2a L. D. WRIGHT, Coroner.
Iiy T ’ILL bv sold on the first Tuesday mS p. next,
» before the Court House door iu the city ot
Macun, Bibb cu., within the usual hours of t>air the
following propel ty tu-wit .
f All that tract or paicel of Land about one and half
miles from the city ut Macun. on the east side of the
1 Houston road, adjoining Uiu landsuf Hezekiah Tlium
| hud, Elizabeth Taylor, Ueury Bull and others, il b<
I ing the place wheievn Mi. 'Horace now lives, levied
• on tu satisfy <u Mortgage ti fa in fayur of Poe. Greir A
Poe. use Au., vs Nancy B. Roanee and James 8. Dukes
trustee, property pointed out in said Mortgage ti fa.
july 2d LD. <>. 4*ep. nUerid*. j
be suld un theiiist Tuesday in Sep., be
> V fore the Court bouse dour in the city < t Ma
con, Bibb county, between the usual hours ot sale,
• the fidlowing property tu-wit:
Two and a halt acres of land, more or levs, being
part of lot No. 65, Mucun Reserve, 4y ng ou the west
side of the Ucmulgee ri' er, adjuii.g oi» the east the
land of Miller Clark, ou the north Zacbariah Rodgers,
on the west Talbot Combs, and on th? south Charles
Usher - levied un as the property of John Uunning
hum tu satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justice Cuurt
us Bibb cuiuiiy m ta\ or of Jonathan Wise, Adminis
trator un the estate of Barrel Wise, deceased. Prop
erty pointed out by the Plaintiff.
Levietl on by \\ uslnngtun Jackson, Constnb'e, and
returned to me. W. K. BUbBEE,
july 29 Dvp. Sheriff.
8188 MIERII’F S \LU.
A >TILL be sold before the Court House door iu the
y y city of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tues
day m Sep. next, between the usual hours us sate the
following property to-wit:
The interest of Frederick B. Brown in. being one
nndiv idrd half of, that lot or parcel of land lying about
one and a half miles from Mucou un both side* ot the
Houston road, and bounded un the north-east bv the
lands known a* the Dr. Gunnan place, un the east by
suid Gorman land.* and Dow Wright's Grocery Stuie
aud premises, on the w est and north-west by the <’td
Blansett place am! running far enough to the South
of tiie road to make fifty acres more or less ; levied on
bv virtue us a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court in favor
of A. T. A R. F. Moir vs. said Brown. Property
1 pointed out by Plaintiff" - Atton ey.
Also, at the same time and place all that tract or ,
! parcel of land lying in the third district of originally
[ Houston now Bibb county, adjoining the hinds of
i Mr*. Freeman. Samuel McArthur ami others, and be
’ ing the place where R. A. Benson now lives, number
not known ; levied on as the property of Richard A
Benson, trustee Mrs. E. E. Bcn*un, to satisfv afi fa
from Bibb Interior Court in fa' or of Willis Wood vs
Richard A. Benson trustee. Propertv pointed out
by Plaintiff’. T. W. RAILEY,
’july 29 1 tep. Sheri ff.
MA TILL be >u|d,before tbc C<*ii>t IJu *e A tor in tl:e
\ •
• hour* of Hide ou th»- first Tueoday in Sep. next, the
following property to-wit :
Five acres of land more or loss, the interest of C.
R. Payton, said laud about 8 or 4 miles from the city
us Macon, on or near the Forvvtb road, :.djoiui«:g
McDonald, Adams, ami Rilev ; levied on tu satisfy
three Justice Court fi fas in favor of M.S. Thomson.
Property pointed out by Plaintiff'.
I Levy made and returned to me hr John P. Harrcv.
Constable T. W BRANTLY,
july 29 Sheriff.
WILL be sold vn the first Tuesday in September
I next, in Knoxville, in said county, within the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
the interest of James M. Harper in and to the
I East half of lotot land No, sixty-one, (61,) in theaec
j ond district of originally Houston duw Crawford
county; levied upon by virtue of a cost fi fa from the
’ honorable Superior CoifH of Baker county, in favor
of 1 enjHuun A. Tharpe and <4lien A. Tharpe va, said
James M. Harper. JACOB I.OWE, Dep. sl?ff.
july 29
4 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the
I\. Ordinary of Crawford county, June Term, 1869,
win be sold before the Court House ‘door, in the
Town of Knoxville, on the drat Tuesday in Octo
ber next, the interest of Juhn Uruob field deceased,
' in and to a certain house and lot, lately occupied by
Thomas CTuchfieid as a Grocery ; the interest of said
deceubcu being uye half if said house and lot. Sold
for the benefit of the Leirw and creditors us said John
j Crutchfield deceased. Terms made known on day of
sale. Juh 22nd, lt»58 tt
the Estate of John Crucbtield, deceased.
G EORGIA Crawford County.
\\ hcreas, Griffen G. Oueal and Juhn W. Atwat
ter, apply tu me fur .letters cf Adininistiativu on ths
Estate of Griffin Utica) late of said county deceased.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all ahd
>iugular, the kindred and creditors us said deceased,
to be and appear at my ofHce within the time pre
scribed by law, and show can e, if any they hav.\
why said fetters should not be granted the said cp
plica uts, Gnttiti G. Uncal auuuuiin W. At waller.
Gneu under my hand at ollice. July 19th, 1858.
July 22 JAMES J. RAY’, Ordinary.
ce.vTk aT raceTovrs®
For Sale.
rTMIE Subscriber offers hr->ale, the Central Race
1 Course, located two miles and a half from the
Guy oi Macon, It composes about two hundred
acres of land, is in excellent repair, and is piovided
w ith all the usual buildings and appurtei slices of the
Course. The location ta pleasant and would make a
healthful country residence; though the Pioprietor
would prefer that it should be <*oldtosome individual
or Company who would keep it up as a Race Course.
It will be sold on reasonable teinia.
upr 29-ti H. T. POWELL, Proprietor.
For Sale.
I PLANTATION and tiact of Land in Glynn
J.X county, containing about 4,sv<* acres, situated
itt the head of Turtle liner which is navigable to thia
point for vessels of 1W tuns. The Plantation is well
settled and consists ufabout 50v acres of cleared ham*
I mock, and as much 11 ore uncleared. The lemaiuder is
Pine I.and valuable for timber and w ood, convenient
to the rner, and not more than 16 miles fiom Bruns
wick. The tract i> capable of bciug advantageously
, divided into two or even three parts, and is intersect
ed by the Brunswick A Florida Rail Rond. Thia land
may be bought at $.3 per acre. Apply to
may 27-.ini A. M. SPEER.
r pHE Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoin-
1 iug counties are respectfully invited to call and
examine my stock of China. Class and Crockcrt
Wakk. next door t Mr--. Dessau’s on Second Street.
I intend tu keep at all times n good stock of Gouda,
and will sell them a-* low as they can be bought ant
is here in the cite. A liberal share us patronage is
respectfully solicited. K. K. HUTCHINGS.
City papers copy. may 20-ts
Fewer Numbers than any Lottery in the
Only IjoOO Number*! 1099 Prize*!
CajHfnU of >3O 000, SA.OOO,
<-3.000 A.c.
Smallest Prize Thirty Bullard
Tickcts-Whoks £lO, Shares in
By Authority ol the State of Ga.
W. C. DAWSON & CO., Managers.
jVaw« at Macon. Go.. August 2nd, 1858, in public,
under the sworn superintendence of Coimniaaionera,
Jos. Waterman and E. C. Buikley, Esqs.
Prizes Payable without Deduction.
, 1 Prize us |£o,ooo
1 “ 5,000
1 “ “ 3,OuU
I “ “ 2.UOU
5 “ /.*. 8,000
5 “ “ .... 5W X. 500
I 20 •• *•.... X,ot“j
65 “ “.... 100. 6.50 U
W •' “ .... i>»» 5,000
1 500 “ 80 ~. 45,UU0
1699 Prizes amounting to |v7,UW
Whole Tickets $lO, Halves $5 Quarter*
We n<k particular attention to our schemes drawn
on the Havana Plan only on the Ist and 15th of every
month ami ask a com; arisen with any other Lottery
m existence. The plan i; so simple that every one
can understand it and it has fewer numbers ihau any
other Lutterv, and thercfuie, the chances to diaw
Prizes are better. For instance: There is in our
Lottery only 1 Numbers, and all others on the
Mime plan range ft om 4U,H'<» to 50,000 Numbers.—
Those Lot tone* on the combination plan never have
h -s than 7. Numbers and Prizes me subject to a
deduct i<m of I > per cent., while in our Lotteiy thsra
is uo deduction on Prizes.
Plan of the Lottery and maimer of Drawing.
Slips of Paper of exactly the «ame size and printed
with numbers fn m I to 15,000 w hich correspond
with those on the Tickets are insetted in Tin Tubea
and deposited iu the Number Wheel. Similar slips
•n which arc printed the amounts us the different
Prizes are also inserted in Tin Tubes and de
posited in the Prize Wheel. When the drawing
• ak»s, i which i> aiwavs in public,) the Na oi
lier Wheel is ruvoived and a number drawn frum it;
at tl.e same time the Prue Whe<*| . containing the
Prizes from *.*iu to $ o.t’VU) is also revolved and a
Prize drawn f:otn it. The Numbers aie recorded
and the Prize drawn with each Number is credited to
that Number. This operation is continued anld the
Prizes arc all drawn out, after which the Numbers
drawn and the Prizes are called over by the Commit
toilers, and an* certified to by them, and a copy ot
the drawing i-» sent to each person holding one or
more Tickets. The 150 v Prizes of *3O mentioned in
ihe Scheme, are detei mined < x the last figure of the
Number «li a cii..« - tLe Cubital Prize. lor instance
-ay tl e Capital I’t ize i» drawn to number 885, all
thuxe Whole Ticket* ending with 5 areentitled to >3O.
Halves and Quaitvrs in proportion, it will thus be
readily jerevived that ore Ticket can draw two
Prize* say I.• draws B,’uw it it also entitled to
*. o, became it ends with the same number that end*
the Capital Prize, due Ticket in every Ten Whole
Ticket* w here t! <• Numbers end consecutively with
1,2, 3. 4. ,6, 7, ■*, 9, is obliged to draw *3l' besides
the chance to draw one of the Capitals.
We are thus particular to demonstrate to those
who desire to try their luck, that our Lotteries are
better channels of investment than any other Lottery
and far better than cotton speculation. Purchasara
■ can have Tickets eudmg with any Number they may
I select. If for instance, you select ten w hole Tickets
ending with Number 7, you pay 410 u for them-should
the Capital Prize end with 7. you are entitled tu*3i*d
besides the chances of drawing one of the Capitals.
HOGI’S LOTTERIES.—As there are many Bogus
Lotteriis in exi-tem e in the United Ftates, and as
manV of our Patron* are unacquainted with us, we
would rvspccUully refer them to the following parties
for our respectability and r» wponsibility.
r Hon OVID <;. SPARKS. Mayor’ of this City.
T. R. BLOOM. Cotton Factor, Macon,Ga.
BELL. PRENTISS*: CO.. Savannah, Ga.
J S. ANDREWS A CO.. New Orleans, La.
A)) Prizes of H“’" , *i , d under paid irumediatelv af
ter the drawing, others at the usual time of 80 days.
No Prize less than three times the cuit of the Ticket
On the 14 us each month a with Capitals
of • o,<’ 4 ” wdl be drawn, and on the l-' th of euefe mouth
a *■> scheme with Capital of 15,0fe0 will Ye drawn.
Personaaendang moiu-y by mail need not fear iu be
ing lost. Orders ptincfiibHy attended to. Coniuu*
nications strictly confidential. Nofea of ami nd banka
taken at par. Those Wishing particular number*
should order ininu-diatelv. Address
W GAtVSt»N A CO.. Managers
july xv tfjr««,rr SavejißßN,