State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, October 21, 1858, Image 1
VOLUME 11. The State Press IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY E. C. & A. M. ROWLAND. SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars per annum in advance, or Three Doi i Brs at the end of the year. ADVERTISING: One Dollar per Square for the first insertion, and fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. Liberal jraugements will be made with those who advertise t»th. v.ur. wor k. Having a new and beautiful supply of job type and ■re of Gordon's celebrated Power Paaases, we arc pwpared to do any kind of work in tins line with etfkness, accuracy and dispatch, at moderate prices. To Planters. •"PIIOSE who sic laving in their full stock of I MEDICINES. DRUGS, PAINTS OILS, SPICES, INSTRUMENTS 4C . WTI do well to call and examine the assortment at the Macon Drug -Mart of sen 23 ZEILIN, HUNT A CO., opposite “Georgia Telegraph" Ollier. T H BOLBHAW F HEW. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SI N A LAMP STORE IN MACON. THE subscribers have opened a LAMP STORE this day, at No. 11 Cotton Avenue, three doors above Parker’s, where may be found a variety of LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL. This Oil is not explosive and having been tested, proves to be the cheapest, best and safest light now in use, anvwhere. Call and see it. We have on hand, and will keep a constant supply of good • oal Oil for these Lamps ; also, Burning Fluid, Camphene and Alcohol. We have a carefully selected stock of CHIA A, GLAMS, both pressed aud cut, from the best Manufacturers. Crockery, Table Cutlery, Castor Frames, Hand Lan terns, both Oil and Fluid, Ac., which we will sell cheap for Cash. SOMETHING NEWER STILL! ENGRAVING ON GLASS, I of every description, such a& Coat of Arms, Crests, Lettering of every style. Landscapes, Animals, Flow- I era. Ac., done to order in the store. BOLSHAVV A HERZOG. Macon, Sent. 6lh, I'-.e* -sept x\i Just Received. J"’ LEGANT Carved Rosewood Pianos, 11. (’. Gold 1 j Lever Watclies, Neck Chains and Crosses, Cor al Necklaces Ac. Also, another large lot of Silver Table Forks, Sil ver Table and Tea Spoons, Silver Soup Ladles, Ac. Warranted of Coin Standard, at low* prices. nep* E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Swedes Iron \SSORTED, from 1 to 12 inches, of our OWN IMPORTATION, In store and for sale low by ]m ft CARHART A CVRD. Lime, Plaster and Cemant. 4 I.AHUE lot cunalaiitlv on hand and for wile at I A low rates by ' J. B. AW. A. BOSS. mar ■ NEW BOOKS AT Boardman’s B joL Store. V MERIC AN Eloquence iu two Vols ; a new Cy clopedia of Commerce; Burton's Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor; a handy book <>u Property Law; Mau upon the Sea by Frank Goodrich ; Romantic na«age* in South-western History; Lite beneath the Waters; The Hand but not the Heart, bv T. S. Ar thur; William the conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; Doctor Thorne; a now edition of Edgar A. Poe's works; the Preacher ami the King ; the Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bentinick,. by Dis raeli; Beatrice Cenci; Debi* and Credit; Major Rog er Shernt an Potter, Douglas Jerrold’s Wit; Belle Brittan on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise ot the Betsey; Testimony of the Rocks; Jeffer son** Works; Bulwer’s Novels complete; Grates History of Greece; Sparrowgrass Papers; Lord Montague’s Page, by G. P. R. James ; the Three !*eauties. by Mrs. Southworth; \ entilation in Amer ican Dwellings; Derivation of Family names; Wis dom. Wit and Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Dens Moral Theology; Mizpah, a Prayer Book ; Mayside Pictures in France. Holland. Belgium nnd up the Rhino; Wild Northern Scenes. Alsou large assort ment of fine Family Bibles. sep 03 ’ I M BOARDMAN. felllJlElJ \c.w./ r p.lE purest Spit its ever uttered to the American L public, possessing none of the poisinous qualities inherent iu the WhisKev in common use. For sale by ’ McCALLIE A JONES. may 6 GRANITE BLO3K. N. S. PRUDDEN & CO. I*7'ILL open on Friday Ist Oct., an entirely new V v stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRYIGOODS, Which they will offer on as good terms as can be had in the city, consisting in part ot Robe a l<ez, Double Jupe Robes, Robe Valantes, Fancy .Silks, various styles; e Black Silks, ** De Lane Robes, Figured De Lanes, Poplins’s, French Merinos, French De Lanes. Cloaks and Shawls. . Also, a full assortment of AA Into Goods, Embroid eries, Ac . Ac. JULIUS PETER IS NOW ItBCEIVING A A L ARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF „ FALL AND WINTER GOODS. (CONSISTING of Cloth*. Cassimeres, Vesting, also J a great variety of Gents furnishing goods : Sil*. Merino and Cotton Undershirts, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs. Silk, lisle thread and English cotton Hose, Linen and Jeanes Drawers, Cravats, Suspenders, linen Shirts and Collars, just received at Jvi.u s 1 k rat’s. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore tie stowed upon me. I assure my friends that no exer tion shall be Wanting to deserve a continuance ot their iberality aud preference, (’all and examine mv stock before purchasing elsewhere. sept xvi JULIUS PETER. NOTICE! NOTICE!’ VALUABLE COTTON PLANTATION For Sale. r |MIE undersigned offers for sale his valuable Oak 1 and Hickory Plantation of 1,52“ acres situated five miles from Albany, on Cooler* aher Creek. There is 700 acres of land in a tine state of cultiva tion, with a good dwelling house, frame negro houses, new and comfortable, ami all necessary out houses that a farmer would desire. The undersigned deems it unnecessary to say any thingof the fertility of this land. Suffice it to say that it is as good as any oak aud hickory land *u the -4 District of Dougherty county, so justly celebrated far and adaptation for the culture of cot tow For terms apply to the undersigned, or to B. A. Maasey, Overseer, on the place, who will show the place to anv one wishing to look at it. Mvtxvii-tf BENJ R. SMITH PILACE Mills Hour-a large lot on hand f.»r sale bv H \ Rif EM kN A GRIFFIN. .State 1-Tress 1 . HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! Fewer Humbers than any Lottery in the WORLD ! Only 15000 Numbers! 7099 Prizes! Capitals of $30,000, $5,000, $3,000 Ac. Smallest Prize Six Dollar*! Ticketa-Wholcs 810, Shares in PROPORTION. IM EWTY ACADEMY IIUBI. By Authority of the State ot Ga. W. C. DAWSON & CO., Managers. CLASS F, Draws at Macon, Ga., Septem. 15th, 1858, in public, under the sworn superintendence of Connuissiouers, Jos. Waterman and E. C. Bulkley, Esqs. Prize* Payable without Deduction. Much Admired Even and Odd Number Scheme!—More than one Prize to every two Tickets. 1 Prize 0f530,000 1•• “ ftJ.M.MI ] “ “.. ’ »,000 1 “ “ 2,‘X>’ 5 “ “ . S,«SM» 5 “ “ .... S(H) 2,500 20 “ 200 4,000 <>s “ “ .... DM) 6,&QQ 100 “ 50 5,000 i 7500 “ “ .... ti.f. 45,000 780‘.» Prize am vunting toloß,ooo Whole Tickets $lO, Halves $5, Quarters $2.50. SPECIAL NOTICE. We ask particular attention to our schemes drawn on the Havana Plan only on the Ist and 15lh of every month and ask a comparison with any other Lottery 1 in existence. The plan is so simple that every one can understand it and it has fewer numbers than any i other Lottery, and therefore, the chances to draw Prizes are better. For instance: There is in our Lottery only 15,000 Numbers, and all others on the j same plan range from to 50,000 Numbers. — 1 Those Lotteries on the combination plan never have less than 75,000 Numbers and Prizes are subject to a deduction of 15 percent., while in our Lottery there is no deduction on Prizes. Plan of the Lottery and manner of Draw ing. Slips of Paj»er of exactly the same size and printed with numbers from I to 15,000 which correspond with those on the Tickets are inserted in Tin Tubes and deposited in the Number Wheel. Similar slips i on which are printed the amounts of the different Prizes are also inserted in Tin Tubes and de posited in the Prize Wheel. When the drawing takes place, (which is alwavs in public,) the Num ber Wheel is revolved and a number drawn from it; •At the same time the Prize Wheel (containing the | Prizes from SSO to SBO.<XM>) is also revolved and a Prize drawn from it. The Numbers arc recorded and the Prize drawn with each Number is credited to that Number. This operation is continued until the Prizes are all drawn out, after which the Numbers drawn and the Prizes arc called over by the('ommis sioners, and are certified to by them, and a copy of the drawing is sent to each person holding one or more ■Tickets. The 7500 Prizes of mentioned in the Scheme, are determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the Capital Prize. For install -e. say the Capital Prizeis drawn to number BC>s,ull those Whole Tickets ending with odd numbers are entitled to A(J. Halves ami Quarters in proportion. It will thus be readily perceived that one Ticket can draw two Prizes —say 13,805 draws ss,o* M> •* *l*° entitled to $•», hecau e it ends with an odd number as dues the Capital Prize. Fk v Tickets in every Ten Whole Tickets where Hie Numbi-i -end eowMcntlvehr with I, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7,5, •.♦, o, is obliged to draw s.;o besides the chance to draw one of the Capitals. We arc thus particular to demonstrate to those who desire to try their luck, that our Lotteries are better channels of investment than any other Lottery and far better than cotton speculation. Purchasers cun have Tickets ending with any Number they may select. If for instance, you select ten whole Tickets ending with odd numbers you pay $l"o for them should the Capita) Prize end with an odd are entitled to s«:v besides the chancesol draw mg one of the Capitals. BOGUS LOTTERIES.—As there are many Bogus Lotteries in existence in the United States, and as manv of our Patrons arc unacquainted with us, we would respectfully refer them to the following parties for our respectability and it stmnsibility. Hon. OVID G. SPARKS, Mayor of this City. T. R. BLOOM, Cotton Factor, Macon, Ga. BELL. PRENTISS A CO . Savannah, Ga. FARLEY, JURY A CO.. New Orleans, La. All Prices of slo<M)and under paid immeiliatclv af ter the drawing, others at the usual time of 30 days. On the Ist of each month a sl<» scheme with Capitals of 30,0iM» trill be drawn, and on the 15th of each month a $5 scheme with Capital of I‘»,<hw> will be drawn. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its be ing lost. Orders punctually attended to. Commu nications strictly confidential. Notes of sound banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers 1 should order immediately. Address W. C. DAWSON A CO.. Managers, julv X' Mau. »n, or Savannah, (ia. REMOVAL r fMIE subscriber has removed to the corner store in 1 “Washington Block,"(new Building,) or in other words, “the Old Washington Hall Corner," where lie will be pleased tu see his friends ami customers as usual. J. M. BOARDMAN. GRANITE HALL NO. 2. Crockery, China, Glassware <scc, I WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of 1 Macon ami surrounding country that I have a good stock of China Dinner aud Tea setts and Granite Dinner and Tea setts. English China Tea setts from $3 50 to $8 00 per sett. “ A large lot plated Castors, ranging from $4 <»0 each to s3.')“ Tea setts from $35 00 to s!<’<> 00. Ice Pitchers, Ac., Ac. A fine lot China Vases. Sev eral setts fine French Glass. Bureau setts for tables. Fine Bohemian Colognes. Plated Butter and Sugar Dishes. Cigar Stands, Fluid Gas Lamps for standing, suspending; side and Billiard Lamps, Camphene Lamps, side and suspending, a common and line ar [ tide. Kerosene Lamps, common Lard Uimps, Brass Girandoles, Plated Knives and Fo ks, Tea and Ta ble Spoons, common Black Tea Pots, Brown Stone Tea l*ots. Brown Spittoons, China Spittons, China ; Toilet setts, common Toilet setts, a large and well as sorted stock of Glassware. I have about 800 dozen common Tumblers for Merchants and 800 dozen Gob | lets for Merchants, also a large stock of Granite and common Earthen ware. As I import my stock of Ware and buy my Glass principally for cash at Auc tions in New York. Boston. Philadelphia, Ac., I think I can sell here at New York pricesand give my cus tomers satisfaction. Thankful for past‘patronage, I now presume to so licit the same in future. R. P. McEVOY. As I have a great many calls for Chandeliers for Churches, it is probably best to let the world know that I have never made any profit out of anything for a Church, hence all orders tor Lamps for Churches • should be sent at least sor weeks before thev need them, so as to enable me to get them from the 'Facto -1 ry. Ido not intend keeping stock on hand for that trade, but will as heretofore get them out at Factory prices for Churches. R. P. McE. apr _'.i Just Received. RASDM.LS LIFE OF JEFFEBSOI. COMPLETE IN THREE VOLUMES, AT 1 sep 23 J. M BOARDMAN’S. BROUGHT TO JAIL. ! T N Ogle’horpe. <l« .on the IMh i»«t.. a nejrro boy 1 bv the name of George, who says that he belongs i to Jrthitr t 'oehrane, residing in or near Irwinton, Ga. Sail! boy is of yellow complexion, forty-fiye or fift v years of age. weighs alsmt lbs.. 5 feet *, or s ! inches high. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove propertv. pay charges and take him away i or he will be dealt with as the law directs. sen 2-1 B. P. ROUSE, Jailor. TEETH. \ splendid assortment of the latest styles; Den tists can be supplied with any •tyle.form oreol t or. Also, with Gold Foil. Gold Plale, (juhi Wire, Tooth Bru’»he-», Wheels, Dentist’s Files, Drills. Ac., and on short notice, with any materials or Instru meatsth<»« n>av want, hr •4, r WeDON A LD A V \N C.IFFFN MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1858. Legal Forms. HINES’ New Edition of Legal Forms for sale by the Single copy or the quantities. Any one wishing a copy sent by mail must enclose the sub scriber six three cent Postage Stumps with the price of the Book (two dollars and fifv cents.) juiy 22 J. M. BOARDMAN. Old Bourbon Whiskey. IkXBRIaS. Superior old Bourbon Whisker, for sale by MrCALLIE A JONES. july onc-tf MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. XTET ASSETS. (Exclnaively Caah.> Four and a ! 1N half Millions of Dollars- Secured by Bond and Mortgage on Real Es tate in the City and State ui New York, worth over $2,«)00 t 000. The entire profits of this Company, $1 ,»>oo,ooo, ; (Ist June, 1857,) arc the property of the assured. Wives can insure the lives of their husbands for a sum free from the claims of his creditors. Creditors can insure the lives of their debtors ns a security for their claims. Parties can insure their lives for a sum payable on their attaining the age of 45, 50, 55, or ♦’•<» years, and so make a provision for old age, or payable to their heirs should they die in the interim. A fixed sum can be secured bv one payment, with power to increase or decrease she amount deposited, —renewing the amount assured equitnblv. FRED’K S. WINSTON, President. Isaac Abbatt, Secretary. Shkppaup Homans, Actuary. Pamphlets giving every information, and blank forma tor applications, can be had at mv office. T. R. BLOOM, nor 5 Macon Ga. Wheat Fans. ('A RANT’S Celebrated Fan Mills, Clinton A Son’s T Fans, all sizes, from 2V to 35 dollars, for sale bv may SO NATHAN WEED Oat Cutters. SELF-SH AttPENTN Straw and Shuck Cutters, Sin clair’s Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, for sale bv may 20 NATHAN WEED. ' Cm rain Sieves. 11T IRE Cloth, Rakes, Leather and Rubber Bands, y V Corn Mills, Corn Shellcrs, for sale bv mat NATHAN WEED Bolting Cloths. BOLTING CLOTHS of all numbers and of the best anclior brand, for sale bv may2o NATHAN WEED. Grain Cradles. ('1 RANTS wire braced Grain Cradles, 5 and »5 fin- JT gers, warranted blades for sale bv may 20 NATI!AN WEED. Scythes. BEST Silver Steel Scythes, S vthcSheaths, Scythe Sharpener*, Grass Houks, .Sickles for sale l>v m IJ 20 NATH \\ WEED Threshers. I .’’MERY’S (’elobrated Overshot Wheat Threshers, j Brown’s Virginia Threshers with Straw Separa tatuis for salcby NATHAN WEED, may 2<» Horse Powers. SINCLAIR’S Seven Horse Powers. Whitman’s Virginia Lever Powers, Emen’s Rail Road Horse Powers, in Store and for sale at manufacturer’s prices by NATHAN WEED, mnv 2 NOTICE. IJ'ROM this date we shall adopt as near as possible the (’ ASH SYSTEM. We are compelled to do it. From this date all articles will be priced AS CASH. Where credits are given (which will only be given to those who have paid us promptly i an addition will be made to the pt ice named according to the time de sired bv the purchaser. HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. Mnron. Jan. 1. IMfi. i :u > 7 Arthor's Cans and Jars. I" UST re c c i v e d a large lot of Ar thor’s Tin, Earthen and < Uass J ars, for preserv - r ing fresh fruits, vege tables, tomatoes Ac., at B A WISE’S House Furnishing , & Store, Cherry Struct, ® Macon, Ga. ff junu 3 ,» W Seed Barley. ’•I’llBEE HUNDRED Bu»l>. Barley, in More 1 and for aale by McCALLIE A JONES. uug 2*i DK. K. K. NISBET, CITY PHYSICIAN', WILL attend promptlwto all calls. Office in Triangular Block, over E. WINSIIIP*S store. j» n " PLANTATION FOR SALE. r |' , IIE Plantation near Americus formerly owned bv 1 T. L. Holt-containing B‘»7 acres. It is finely situated, in good state of repair, with the necessary buildings, Ac. Terms. -One-third cash, one-third one year, one-third two years, with interest. Apply to T. M. Furlow, Americus, or to the undersigneil at Mac.ii. JAMES’ W. GRIFFIN Macon, Dec. 3rd 1857. City papers copy, NOTICE. | it LIKELY Negroes consisting of men, women 111 and children, are now offered for sale by the subscriber. The negroes are now at the house of Benj. Davis in Bibb county, near Mrs. McCall's Mill. Any person wishing to purchase, can see the negroes by calling at said place, or by leaving a note in the Post Office; they cun Im* brought to Macon for in spection if desired. These negroes qre under as good characters as any negroes in the State and those that know them can recommend them as highly. They are sold f<»r no fault whatever. Also, the place whereon said Benj. Davis now lives; there arc 2" acres of land, with a good Dwelling House, Kitchen 3 or 4 negro Houses, and other Houses which are useful; also, a good well of water, a garden and other improvements which are requir ed to make the place comfortable. ttUg 5 ELISHA DAVIS. Geo. T. Rogers & Son HAVE in Suire and constantly receiving a large and general stock of Groceries, consisting in pan of 120 Bags Rio Coffee, 25 Bags Old Government Java Coffee, 1 Cask Ceylon Coffee, very choice, 20 Bags Pepfffr and Spioc. .»•• Bbls, crushed and Powdered Sugar, 75 Bbls. Refined Sugar, various grades, 25 Hbds. choice Molasses, 15 Hhds. Bacon Sides, 100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles, 50 Boxes Soap, vanoua qualities, 3" Boxes Starch, various grades, 50 Boxes < gross - Pepper, Spice and Ginger, | 45 Boxes Candy, aaaorted. HO Boxes Tobacco, all qualities, 3o Boxes Pickles, assorted sizes, 33,0« mi Cigars of every grade. Together with a genera) assortment of Liquors - all I of which will be sold low for Cash. oct 20 Macon Furniture Works. ' WE are now putting up New Dnproved Machinery for the Manu fact are of Furniture of all kinds. 2S2sHfe| furTupurior in Workmanship and Durability to most Northern Work and at as lx»w and in most cases lx»wer price* than »*an poaeibly be laid down in Ma con from Sav ami ah or New V »rk. Give u« a call and we will convince the sceptical that it is your interest to make vour nu-chase st home. pmr’fri T WOOD MENARD & BURGHARD, WATCHMAKERS JESXTVESILxEJn. s, HAVE jn&t received andonened a large and splen did assortment of Goods in their line consist- ; ing in purt of the following articl *s, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d. Ac., for GEN TLEMEN. GOLD WATCHES for Ladies, rich and beau tiful. SILV ER VV ARE, such as Spoons, Cups, Gob lets. Ac. SILVER PL kTED WARE, such as Castors Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated (Tins and Spoons,) , Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candle Sticks, Waiters Ac JEWELRY, Consisting of DIAMOND nnd GOLD RINGS, PINS. Ac., Ac., sparkling nnd bright. MVBICAL INSTI'.WENTN, as VIOLINS. FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, TAM BORINES. Gold PENS,ami PENCILS. Guitars and Violin STRINGS, and a varied assortment of FANCY GOODS, Mu sic Boxes, too iH.mcrous to particular ize in an aiivcrtisemeut. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pain’s to give satisfaction to their customers, both in the style and quality of their wares and in price. Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. M. A B. FARMING lIAKDWAHE. PLANTERS WHO are in want of Weeding Hoes made by Scovtl, Collins, Brades and Bradlevs— PLANTERS Who will want Grain Cradles, Scythe Blades, Grass Hooks, Wheat Fans. Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Corn Mills, Cora Shellcrs, Garden Plows— PLANTERS Who want genuine Swedes Iron for Plow work. Horse Shoe Iron, Nail Rods, Plow and Cast Steel, Blacksmith’s Tools— PLANTERS Who want Leather and Rubber Belting fur Gin Bands, Sugar Pans, Sugar Mills, Press Rupe and Chaiu - PLANTERS Who want Carpenter’s Tools of any kind and a good article; in short, EVERYBODY Who wants Hardware at low prices, will make mon ey by buying of N. WEED, ani !» Macon. Ga. A. A. MENARD, DRLGGINT AND APOTHECARY, CHKHRY H’Pli CIA.. H AS just received and wftl keep constant ly on hand a fresh supply <»f DRUGS A \ ff MEDICINES, consisting of QUININE, IODINE, SALACINE, CHLOROFORM, IODINE POTASH, < ALOM EL. MORPHINE, I IPERINE. . ELI E M ASS, •lrc>, Arc. Also, a largo lot of An'erirnn. LrgE h :mu Gcrmai. PERFUMERY. CAMPHINE. BURN I Nt; FLUID. SPIRITS TURI’E.NTINE, ALCOHOL. SWEEDISII LEECHES. GARDEN SEEDS. Ac . He will ;il< • I < op :• pule article of BRANDY A WINE for Medicinal purposes. oct 17 Bolting Cloths. FUST received the celebrated Dutch anchor Brand, ail numbers at low prices bv may fi J. B. A W. A. ROSS. Fluid Gas Lamps. 11l WE just received a lot of the alxHe Lamps con sisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps, Par lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary for me to say anything about this Lump, as the Press of our city has said all that I could say. It is ai«o suitable for running through Houses or Faeiuuc*, uu the same principle as Gas. apr J'.' ts R P. McEVOY. SIXTY THOUSAND lbs. Choice Tenn. Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shorilders. 3,<HMt|bs. Jowls. In store nnd for sale bv may ti McCALLIE & JONES. Paper l>oll«! Paper noils! \T BOARDM AN’S “Washington Block Building,” a large assortment of Paper Dolls. mar xi J M BOARDMAN- Attention Doctors. 4 PPLY at this office to know* wliere von can pur -1 \ chase a country location at which you cun book from twenty-five hundred to three dollars a year -situated in one of the wealthiest cotton sec tions of Georgia. A new comfortable dwelling, nnd all necessary outbuildings on the place. The pres ent occupant desires to sell for the purpose of going to Texas. Terms, $1,500, cash. sep V-ts Day db llausscnet nA V E just received a handsome assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Hunting Case Watches r' of the best makers, which can be highly recommend ed Also a luuidsoine assortment of the lutcsf style# of Jewelry, Silver Ware Ac.. Ac. We would call at tention to our assortment of French Mnrble (’locks, which a eof the latest style ami best finish- these Clocks "tin two nnd three* weeks, and arc all warrent ed. Also, a tine lot <»f Gold Pens, and Gold Specta cles with Pebble Glass of the best quality. They intend giving their personal attention to WATCH REPAIRING. Having been before the public in that capacity for 15 and 2” years, the pub lic an 1 able to jtinge of their merits in That way. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest no tice and i’a hr»t in<ihn< r, WATCHES, Mag ic and Hunting vases, Gold and Silver Hoddell Watches, fur sale bv H pr 2*.» DAV AM A USSEN ET SWISS Anchor and Lapine WATCHES, Gold cases as low as $25 each, tor sale by 'oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. '’PHE celebrated American WATCHES, for sale bv 1 oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. ’ DIAMONDS. Opal. Ruby, Garnet, T npaze, Pearl and solid gold finger Rings of all styles uu-* prices. For sale bv oct 17 DAT A MAUSSENET. \ LARGE Assortment of Fob, Vest, Chatulain . aud ( uard «*liains of all styles and prices. * Fur sale by [oct 22] DAY A 'IAUSSENET. \I.AR(iE assortment of silver and plated ware for sale by (oct 22] DAY A MAUSSENET. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins. Flutea.Flag eolettcs. Guitars. Banj<*s, Tarn borines, Bass Violins. Aueoidt-oii-. beat Italian Siring-. A<-., Ac. For sale by ’oct 22] DAY A MAUSSENET.. \ LARGE assortm nt of FAN('Y GOODS, TOYS, Ac., fur sale by DAY A MAUSSENET oct 22 (BLOCKS of every description, for side bi J oct 22 ’ DAY A MAUSSENET. \ LARGE n-sortment of George W oaten holme's ixi. CUTLERY, for sale by oct 22 DAY A MAUSSENET. REMOVAL. E. SAULSBUKY IS now located at his NEW STORE, on Mnlberrv Street, opposite the Lanw*r Houee, and is prepared to show his old customers aud the public generaUv, as large and variad assortment of FINE READY MADE CLOTHING and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, a* can In* fouod in this market. He will be receiving constantly weekly shipiuunts from New Y ork, embracing the latest at les. E. S. uct 22-ts Tennessee Hay. r P!IIRTY Bales Prune Trnnew Hay. just recened I and for sale f»v MrvYLLiE A JONES, mar ?*. ff M. LOH Fashionable Hair Dresser, At the Redding House, Huron, Gn. '■PHE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens 1 1 of Macon and strangers passing through the city that his well known establishment is still in op eration at his old stand, where he is ready to accom modate his customers with Hair-trimming, Shaving, Shampooing and everything else in his line in the best style us art. He offers lor sale, Good Bay Rum, Progler’s Hair luvigorator, Knight’s celebrated Hair Restorative, Fine Soaps. Combs, Brushes, Ra zors, and all sipiilar articles needed fora gentleman’s toilet. Hut and Cold Baths ran be had at the reduc ed price of 35 cents. Also, wigs and Toupees made ,to order on short notice. He solicits a coutiuuance of the liberal patronage which ne has heretofore re ceived. M. LOH. july 8-Gm JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, WASHINUTOX BLOCK,MIXOERRY ST. | MACON. GEOKOI A. I AW, Medical, School, miscellaneous and Juven j ile Books. Blank Books, Stationery. Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per, Water Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Box«*s of Oil and Water Colors, Mathematical Instruments, Mathe matical ami Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Books, Writing Desks, Port Folios, Pocket Books, Gammon Boards, Writing Fluids and Inks of the very best kinds, Fhlmt’s and Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pens, nnd all the various articles ' usually found in a Book Store. Also, Agent of the Southern Mutual nsiirance Company. oct 17 TO M ElU' II A NTS ANO HOUSEKEEPERS. I HAVE a heavy stork of goods on hand. 1 and I will sell for Cash at New Y’ork prices for 2 or 3 months. My stock comprises a good a-sortfnenf Din net and Tea setts. White and Gilt China, do. Granite all sizes of setts. Granite Ware open tu pack from for merchants, Common Ware do.; a large lot Gob lets, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Ac. Castors, Plated and Brittania YVare, Table Cutlery. Also, 35 Crates assorted Granite ai>4 Common Ware, 55 Crates assorted Common Ware. 30 “ “ Granite, to be here in January, 1858. R. P. McEVOY.* dec 31 -ly 1). C. HODGKINS & SON, Macon, Ga., Deals™ lit, anil Manitfacture™ nf, SPORTING ARTICLES ALONE. Everv description of G-XTJSTS, I RIFLES, PISTOLS, FISHING TAC KLE. ( I TLEHY. WALK ING STICKS, Arc. THE public generally arc invited to call and exam ine as great a variety as can betbund in any house in the Southern States. nov 12 FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, PEIUrUMKRV, AC. r |’’llE understgne«l offers for sale <n ns low 1 terms as any house in the State, purr and yy reliable Medicines, and warranted genuine. Chemicals in great variety. Drugs in great abundance and always freah, i’erfumerv, assorted. Foreign and Domestic. Instruments—Surgical, Dental and nil others, Toilet Articles in great variety. Fancy Soapa and other Soaps in great variety. Paints, Oils. Turpentine, Burning Fluid, French Window Glass, and fresh Putty, Paint Brushes, Colors, Tools, Pencils nnd Spouges. Varnish—Coach, Furniture, Damar and Japan, Medicinal Herbs and Botanic Medicines, Starch, Congress Water and best Citrate Magnesia, Snuff, Teas, Blacking, Crucibles, Sand Paper. Medical Scales, Mortars and Pestles, Iron and Porce lain, Geletiws. Soda, Potash. Alum, Saltpetre. Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Rose Water, • Quinine, Morphine, Piperine and Acids, i Baisam Wild Cherry, Cherry Pectoral, Lozenges, j Gum Drops, Bryant’s Cholera Remedy, “genuine.** And all other reliable preparations of Medicine, Best Wines and Branny for Medicinal use only. Best Mustard and Spices for family use, , Abundance of fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Keniuckv Blue Grass Seed and other Seeds. GEORGE PAYNE. Druggist and Apothecary, Corner Mulberry tit. and Cotton Avenue. Macon, Ga. oct 17 Tennesse Bacon and Lard. I''IFTY’ THOUSAND Pounds Choice Hams, Sides and Shoulders. 40 P’k’ges No. 1 Leaf Lard, in store nnd to arrive, for sale bv mar 25 -ts M ( \ LI.IE A JONES Corn, Meal, Peas, &c. I''l VE HUNDRED Bushels Tennessee White Com 1 100 Cow Peas. i 100 “ Fresh Ground Meal. 1(H) u Oats. For sale bv mar 25-ts McCALLIE A JONES WATCHES, JEWELRY, Milver Ware, Fancy <>oo<ls, Piano Fortes, Violins, GUITARS, GDIS. UW. PORTE M9IAIS. K. YVE ARE offering our entire stock of the above. V V with an innumerable variety ui other new and desirable Goods, of the best quality, at lower prices, f for cash, than ever before suld iu this market, until the Ist of March next. Our stock is very large, and well selected, and well worthv the attention or all those who w ish fine and good Goods at exceedingly I6w prices. N. B. All those indebted to us will w ill inure than ever oblige us by an earlv settlement. E. J. JOHNSTON t CO. Macon, Jan. 21, ’sß—tf More Light. I UST Received, a lot of the best and latest im provement in FLUID GAS LAMPS, decidedly the best light yet invented. Call and see them, as thev are only to bv seen tu be appreciated. R R. HUTCHINGS. June xvii Next to Mrs. Dessau’s. SUGAR, MOLASSES & SYRUP. 4Y,* r HHDS. prime and choice N. 0. Sugars, ) 2’» Hhds. prime new crop Cuba Molasses, 3V Bbls. “ “ “ N. O. Syrup, In store and to arrive, for sale bv jan 2ft BOW DRE A AN DERSON MACKEREL. | /WA P ACKAGES No. I. 2 aud 3 new Mackerel in 1 V w Kits, quarters, halves and whole Barrel*, fur sale by BOWDRE A ANDERSON. jau 28 OATS. Q/Y(k BUSHELS prime White Seed Oats for sale ♦j" R F low for Cash, bi jan 2b BOWDRE A ANDERSON. FI.OI R. r pWENTY FIVE THOUSAND LBS. of superior 1 qunlitv, Superfine and Familv. for sale bv jan 2b BOWDRE A ANDERSON. POTATOES. Ck BBUS. prime Yellow planting Potatoes, for sale ♦)V bv BOWDRE A ANDERSON ian 28 A Desirable Reaidcaee for fpilE subscriber intending to remove, offers for 1 sale his residence al Lake Academy, fonr miles above Maeon on the Forsyth road. It has about one hundtail acres attached ie plearautlv situated in a good and healthy neighborhiMid ; it lias fiae w ater I anil a good iwrhard with a Select variety of fruit. The place be seen nnd examined at anv time, •rp ? M JAMFS N’KIW CHKAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, ANI> As Good as the Best. E- E. BE.ESWEE, Plain and Ornamental Honsc and Sian PAUVTER. SHOP IN DAMOVTFS NEW BUILDING, M vroN, GA. H AVING a lot of number one hands, I cax nnd . will do work cbkapkk and as wkll as any one else. A fair showing nt all jobs is solicited. All work warranted. Jan. Ist, 1858. jan 7 BOOTS AND SHOES. A T THE.SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. No. ' 3, Cotton Avenue, opposise Washington KBI Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia. The subscribers » would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and • would most rrspictfully solicit a continuance nf the same. We have in store a large assortment of BOOTSAND SHOES. mostly of onr own manufactnrc, to which weekly ad ditions will be made, nf nil the different styles’ and patterns usually called for in a Mine store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call nnd exam ine our stock, as we are prepared to sell us low as anv house in the citv or State. o< t If MIX A KIRTLAND BOOTS.- A full assortment <4 Genta* fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted anil water proof, ’ of various kinds and qualities, both sewed nnd peg ged. Just received and for sale low hv octi*.* mix a Kirtland RUBBER shoes. A fai^eaaeortinentof Genta and boys Rubbers. Also Ladies slipper and sun i dni rubber Ahoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent.— . Just received and for sale low bv MIX A KIBTLAND PLANTATION BROGANS. Now in ttore the i 1 best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever i offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black nnd russetta; do. heavy single soled black and russetts ; do. boys end youths black and russetts, all ot which we are selling verv low. « > If MIX A KIRTLAND BOOTS AND SHOES Men’s ami Bias and Y’outh’s fine calf nnd kip peg’d Boots; Men’s stunt kin hunting and mud Boots; Gents lasting j Gaiters, Monterey, o|»era and ties, and fine calf Bro gans ; Gents, bovs’s and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s boys* and yon th* a California kip Brogans, a large assortment. oct if MIX A KIRTLAND. The Insured Participate in the Profit*. Continental Insurance Company, CITY OF NEW YORK. July \)tk t 1857. CASH CAPITAL. |.XN\OUB.W ASSETS, JULY' Ist, 1857 659,578,82 LIABILITIES. JULY i wt , 1857 9,757.28 JhtiUinan, Cotton, HounhoM /'uruiture, anil ether l/ntumhlt l*rtqu-rtjf, at the ton al rato. fTMIREE-FOURTILS of the net profits of the busi- > news of this Company arc divided annually to holders of its policies m Scrip bearing interest, and such profits carefully investea for the additional se curity of the Insured, until the fund thus accuimi ; luted shall have reached the sum of making the Cash guarantee of tbc Company $1,000,000 ; nn<T thereafter, the Senn will he redeemed as rapidly and to the extent that the profits accruing to tne policy holders exceed the sum of As<n»,ooo. GEO. T. HOPE, President. 11. H. L.wronT. Secretary. T. R. BM>O5l, Agent; Marini, Ga. The Board of DiracU*F* nave thi* day declar ed u dividend to Policy Holders entitled to partici pate in the profits, of thirty-three and one-third per • cent, upon the Earned Premiums of the past year’s business, Scrip for which will be issued August Ist. oct 20 EviMTicnrc Tcafhfs Wisdom I?ELLOW-CITIZENS, allow me to say to those who have been my pat- rotu and friendt for so many years, and 1 are now enjoxing the benefits of my skill, that T am in daily communication with all the sources of infor mation, both North and South, connected with the Dental profession, and will omit nothing either in I money or labor to give satisfaction to all who may fa ' vor me with their patronage. Please call at my* old office, on the corner of 2d nnd Mnlberrv streets, over | C. Campbell A Son’s store, sign of tho Golden Tooth, nov 12 3 C M< reynoldh. SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r TMIE undersigned would respectfnlly in - (\r I vitc the attention of his friends and turners, nnd the trade, to his large stock of * LEATHER AND RI BBER BELLING, Double and Single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Bits and Spurs, of the best make and latest style. Also, prepared to do iob work at the shortest no tice, ana in workmanlike manner, and as low as | any House in the city. Call and see at his new Store next to the Manufactures’ Bank, and opposite Ross’ New Building. JOHN CLEGHORN. oct 19 . ISAAC HAYVKN J. T. WUOIIWAKU. SALE & LIVERY STABLE. n AYDENA WOODWARD erenow pre ;>ured to furnish their friends and th . public generally, with good safe Horses an V new as well ns tasty Buggies, Carriage-*, Ac. ' x in complete order at the shortest notice. • They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict personal attention, tu business, aud reasonable cash prices will enable them to do so. |dff r 'Horses fed and kept by the day, week or month. Drove Stock also accommodated nt reason* hie prices. Mulberry Street, next to Lottery I“Ucv, Mac«>n. Ga. apl 1 LANIER HOUSE. MACON, GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. r |MIE PROPRIETORS of this well anowu 1 establishment, respectfully give notice that thev are still candidate* for ihc patron age of tbc Travelling public, and determined AIMHk. to omit nothing to deserve well of their guest* aud maintain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation Os Passenger* ami Buggage, tu and from the House, by a fine new Omnibus and Baggage YVagun, which they have provided fur that purpose. Passengers hereafterVtll be at no expense whatever for transpor tation of themselves and their baggage either way be iwevn the Lamer House and the Railway Stations in Macon. We ask n continuance of public patronage and promise attention and comfort to our guests. <Kt LOGAN A MEARA FIRE BNI RIME COYIPAMES. Hartford—lncorporated 1810, Capital I $5o0,i"»o. The Ruringfield —Capital $150,000. The Massasoit at Springfield, Capital $150,000, with a large surplus securely invested. Pollicies in the first class Companies issued and losses promptly adjusted bi' I .< JOHNSTON, Agent. Designs for Monuments BY ROB’T E, LAUNITZ. N, Y. E J JOHNSTON A CO.. Ageut., Macon. (la. Pure Whiskey. A*- Planter’s Pure corn Whiskey, •JV 5 do. Tenn. Country made •• do. and 10 Ua»es Chestnut Grove do. AU warranted pure and free from drugs ami acids, for wale by MCCALLIE A JONES. aug26 Ga. Planter’s Pure Com WHISKEY. Brls. Ga Planter* purr Corn WWakev. 50 brl*. Pikes' Jessamine and other firaad- Now received direct from the Manufacturers and for »aie low bj McCALLIE A JONE.S. may f Fall & Winter Fashions. MRS. HOWLAND will open to-dav, 30th Sept., a splendid selection of Bonnets, flats, Coifurea, Ribbon*. Lace*. Feathers, Flowers. Y’elvet Silks, Lace and Crape Setts, tu winch *be invites the atten tion of the Ladies. Also. Elegant Cloaks of Veivut and Cloth, Silk Rubes, Rube A Lea*, plaid >dk Dress Trimming Ac. Milliners supplied with Bonnet* hv the case or damn, Wp 3° NUMBER 1. Valuable Plantations FOR SALE. DESIRING to move my planting interest ‘ffect, I offer for sale two valuable Plantations One situated in Macon county within three miles 4/Win chester, on the South Western Rail Road, contain ing *2,405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvements and between thirteen and four teen hundred acres in cultivation, a considerate por- I tion of which is fresh land. The other Plantation is situated in the 14th district of Lee, on Flint River at the mouth of Cbokeefichie kec Creek and contains 2,474 acres of Land about two-thirds of which is Oak and Hickory Land of the best ouality, and the remainder good Pine Land, with about thirteen hand red acre# in cultivation, near ly all of which is freah land, and as productive aa any land in South-Western Georgia, and is finely w atered, and substantially improved. My overseerii will show tl eae places to anyone wishing to examine them. My terms will bo liberal and payments easy. For further particulars address the undersigned at Macon. [may 27] N. BABS. Exchange on XE« YORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURERS BANK. mar 25-ts ‘ CENTRAL RACETOirRBIE ~~ , j For Sale. r IMIE Subscriber offers for sale, the Central Race L Course, located two miles and a half from the City of Macon. It con>pri«ev about two hundred acres of land, is in excellent repair, and is provided with ail the usual buildings nnd appurtenances of the 5 I Course. The location is pleasant and would make a healthful country residence; though the Proi»rie|pr would prefer that it should be soldto some individual ! or Company who would keep it up as a Race Course. It will be sold on reasonable* forms. apr 22-ts IL T. POWELL, Propriety r. [ NEW CROCKERY STORE. I Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and adjoin .l ing counties are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock of China, Glass and Crockkrt i I Ware, next door tu Mrs. Dessau’s on Second Street. 1 I intend to keep at all times a good stock of Goods, r and will sell them as low as they can be bought any* wliere in the city. A liberal *hare of patronage ia respectfully solicited. R. R. HUTCHINGS. City papers copy. may 20-ts CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. !> ftn ‘l “Ber Thursday, July 15th, the Trails " will be run as follows: y Leave Savannah 12.15. p. in,, 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Augusta 7.3" p. in., 6.80 p. m. Arrive in Macon. 11.00, p. in., 8.00, a. in. Arrive in Milledgeville 1.10, p. m. Leave Macon 1".45. n. tn., 10.00, p. m. J Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a. m., 0.30, p. u>. Arrive in Augusta 7.30, a. in., 6.30, p. m. Arrive in Milledgeville 1.10, p. ni. Leave Augusta, 15, a. m., 2.45, p. n*. i Arrive in Savannah 7.20, a m.. f».8O, p. m. • Arrive in Macon, ‘J.Oo, a. m., I Um, a. m. ‘ Passengers for points beyond Atlanta, on the Wes r turn A Atlantic Rail Road will leave Savannah on the 12.15 train, and arrive in Atlanta at 7.15 uext Dioru ing. Passengers for Milledgeville ami Eatonton will leai v by the 11.45 train. Both trains eotumal al Maron with Hw'itirfflrt Western Road for Atlanta, and with the South-Wes tern Rail Road to Albany, Americus, Columbus and r Montgomerv, nnd at Millen with the Augusta and ’ Savannah Rail Road for Augusta nnd the North. • I juh J" EMERSON FOOTE, <;en l Sup’t READ! READ!! READ!!! 11KH0IIK ‘ SELLING OFF AT COST! SELLING OFF A.T COST 11 * AT J PARKER’S. X* 0W is the time for those who intend visiting th s Watering Places and (tending the various Commencements to buv Dress GvJDS, cheaper than they ever saw them. W. W Parker A Co. will sel« at COST their entire stock of Summer Dress Govus, which contains every variety of the most Fashfona i ble Styles, and said to be. by tar, the Handsomest Stuck in Macon. Our facilities enable us to buy as low any othei House io the trade, and the present Stock having been purchased at exceedingly luw rates, the public may rely on getting bargains. We an- not in the habit us constantly advertising j Goods nt Cost, and uw we intend what we say we feel . Lssui'fyi that su*'h an opportunity is now presented, « as mdv not occur again. L . june xviii W W. PARKER A CO. WEW BOOKS. VT BOARDMAN’S “ Washington Block” Build ing. Parton’s Life of Burr ; Guy Livingstone; Beatrice Ccnci; Bavard Taylor’s “ Northeai T?nvel .White Lies, by Reade; Bench and Bar of Ga., by Miller; Life of Gen’l Blackshear* by Miller; 21st vol Ga. Rept-i, Ac.. Ac. 1 mar xi J M. BOARDMAN. DR. A. PIERCE, ~ » ‘ FTONTCRI’A.TH. Office in WHshingtoii Block. Medicine Cases and Houk* on Domestic Practice , for sale. july 8-Am Bacon, Feathers, Flour, Oil, &c. I7IFTY’ THOUSAND pounds choice Tennes. r ee Ba -1 con, l 25 hhds. St. Louis Bacon, I 25 sacks Feathers, I 350 sacks of choice Tennessee and Georgia Flour, * 20 barrels Tanner’s Oil, 10 cask* Linseed Oil, 2 barMs Castor Oil, 10 barrels Lamp Oil, ( 5 barrels Machine Oil, 5 barrels Lara Oil. s Also a large lot ot No. 1, Extra and Pure Lead, A large lot of No. 1 Zinc. For sale on verv accommodating terms bv i apr 8 J. IL A W. A. ROSS. STILL THEY COME! •«<! ELEGANT SPRING sad SUMMEi. x GOODS upen daily at I PARKER’S. Every steamer is freighted with the Beau'ifnl Goods with which they have so astonished the ladies this , Spring. Thev are determined to keep up their repu tation for having always the HANDSOMEST GOODS I to be found in the Northern markets. apr xv-ts W. W. PARKER A CO. CURIOSITIES!!! Call at Parker'* on and alter Chis date and see the BRILLIANT DISPLAY OF FANCY DRESS GOODS. BY* remaining New Y ork until the present time, they have *eeured some r«i' geza#, aud at remarkably LOW PRICES. When vou call, vou will be that «ucfi HANDSOME GOODS of the X ERY LATENT STYLES and BEST QUALITY can be so vsrv Chkap. They have too many NOVELTIES to particu larize at present, but would be happy to see you aud let vou judge for vourpelrca. anrl-tf W W .PARKER A CO. STRAW CUTTERS, CORN MH ELLERS, CORN AND COB MUXS, Just received at CARHART A CURD’S. ’ Jan 28 Tennessee Bacon. 4 XjY AAA kBS. Choice Tennessee Hama. Sides .H H"v and Shoulder*. Just received and fuf r -rie by MrCALLIE A JONES • aug 2d ts