State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, November 11, 1858, Image 1
VOLUME 11. The State Press IS PUBLICO EVERY FHURiDAY II V L . X * 7" ’• <«. •• ..••riuN. -we O.i i»p ■ I ••»<«•. •" ••• " ... • al Vue end 01 “ A» ine Dollar per Sq. utr ceaM for ■ e h ranzemente will . liie rear JOS WORK. ’laving a ’’ ne of Gordon' -.1 I'. •<> ■ >• < are >repared to do anv kmd ot a- k in rm* with n ;*t*e*A. accwracv and rt'spnt<*h. at modi ' i’t- pr To Planters. rrtllOSE who r.r< ■ ■t ing .1 their tall Stock i f MEDICINES, I’tßl GS. I' ■■ 1,. - OIUS. SI’X'LS. INSTRUMENTS tl . Will do weH to . all and rami* the . rti>.. ut at the Macon Drug Mart "l «» ZEH.IN ill NT A . 0. opposite *'Georgia ft.■■gr-h Oitice. T H BOLBKAW y SOMETHING NEW UNDEII THE St N A L.O STOKE IN MACON. rT'ilE aubscribers have opened a LAMP STORE L this day, at No. 11’Cotton A venue, three doors above Parker’s, where may be found a variety of LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL. This Oil is not explosive and having been tested, proves to be the cheapest, best and safest light now in use, anywhere. Call and see it. We have on hand, and will keep a constant supply of good oal Oil for these Lamps; also, Burning Fluid, Camphene and Alcohol. We have a carefullv selected stock of fHIXA. <4LASS, both preaaod and cut. from the best Manufacturer*, Crockery, Table Cutlery. Cantor Frames. Hand Lan terns, both Oil and Fluid, Ac., which we will sell cheap for Cash. SOMETHING NEWER STILL! ENGRAVING ON GLASS, of every description, such as Coat of Arms. Crests. Lettering of every style. Landscapes, Animals, Flow ers 4c.. done to order in the store. BOLSHAW 4 HERZOG. Macon, Sept. Mb, 18S8 -sept ivi Just Received. ELEGANT Carved Roaewood Pianos, H. C. Gold I Intver Watches, Neck Chains and Crosses, Cor- . al Necklaces, Ac. Also, another large lot of Silver Table Forks, Sil ver Table and Tea Spoons, Silver Soup Ladles, 4c. NEW BOOKS AT Hoardninn’h Book More. AMERICAN Eloquence in two Vols.; anew Cy clopedia of Commerce ; Burton’s Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor; a handv b<oK on Property Law; Man upon the Sea by Frank Goodrich; Romantic passages in Southwestern History; Life beneath the Waters; The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Ar thur; William the conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier , Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A. Poe’s works; the Preacher and the King; the Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bentiniek, by Dis raeli, Beatrice Cenci; Debit and Credit; Major Rog er Sherman Potter, Dougins Jerrold’s Wit; Belle Britian on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise id the Betsev; Testimony of the Rocks ; Jetier son’s Works; Buiwer’s Novels complete; Grate’s History of Greece ; ftparrowgrass Papers; Lord Montague s Page, by G. P. R. James; the Three Beauties. bv.Mrs. Southworth; Ventilation in Amer iean Dwellings ; Derivation of Family names; Wis dom. W t and Humor; Steps towards Heaven ; Den’s Moral Theology; Mizpah, a Prayer Book ; Wayside Pictures in France, Holland. Belgium and up the Rhine; Wild Northern Scenes. Also a large assort ment of fine Family Bibles. , epJl J M. BOARDMAN. feffiisinj) \c-VV-Z pHE purest Spuii* l * ,e '” ler ? ca,i 1 public, possessing none >1 the p dsirious dualities inherent in the WhiAv- » • < •«*•-»use. For sale by .1? A JONEB, nay 6 HA’S, t BU X N. S. >RYILL open on Fri im *t Oct., an t-n ; n n* a V V stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, Which they will offer on as good urins as • an b« had .a the city, consisting in pal t t Robe a Double J upe Robes, Robe VaUmted, Fancy Silks, various styles; Black Silks. De Lane Robes, Figured De Lane'. Poplins’*, French Merinos, French De Lanes, Cloaks and Shawls. Also, a full assort men 1 of Whit* Goods, Einbroid eries, Ac., Ac. «ep 30 JULIUS PETER ta now nei'KiviNO a A LARGE aud WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CONSISTING of Clothe, Cassirneres, Vesting, also a great variety of Gents furnishing goods : Sita, Merino anil Cotton Undershirts, Kilk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs. Kilk, lisle thread and English cotton % Hose, Linen and Jeaiws Drawers, Cravats, Suspenders, ftnen Shirts and Collars, just received at Jriavs Pa tsh’s. Thankful for the liberal natronage heretofore bestowed upon ine, I assure my friends that no exer -tion shall be wanting to deserve a continuance ot their .iberality aud preference. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. sept ivi JULIUS PETER. NOTICE! NOTICE!! VALUABLE COTTON PLANTATION For Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale his valuable Oak and Hickory Plantation of 1,520 acres situated five miles from Albany, on Cooleewabee Creek. There is 700 acres of land in a fine state of cultiva tion, with a good dwelling house, frame negro houses, esw and comfort&blc, and all necessary out houses that a farmer would desire. The undersigned deems it unnecessary to say any thing of the fertility of this land. Suffice it to say that it is as good as any oak and hickory land in the 2d District of Dougherty county, so justly celebrated for itcjiichness and adaptation fur the culture of cot ton. For terms apply to the undersigned, or to B. A. Massey. Overseer, on the place, who will show tbe place to anv one wishing to look at it. •ept xvii’-tf BENJ. R. SMITH PALACE Mills Flour—a large lot on hand, for sale by HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN j>p jg For Sale on Long Credit. I OFFER the Plantation near Jmericus, formerly flwned by T. L. J/olt, six miles from Americus, on the Muckalee creek, containing six hundred and sev e«> acres, two hundred and fifty acres cleared, with •II the necessary buildings, negro bouse, gin house, screw, 4c The place will be sold at a bargain and *«* a long credit. Apply to T. M. Furlow at Amen fn«, or to me al this pl see M»oon. urt tie JAMES W GRIFFIN. State Uresiig. GRANITE HALL NO. 2. Crockery, Chinn., GLASSWARE <teC, T WOULD most respectfully inform the* of I Ma -»u u I Mirroundibg c uintrv that I have a eo.wi -lock ft’hiu i hnr.ei a I Tea metis and Granite binner <u.d Tea *rtu English f'h: in T« •» ••f nn • *<Mo per 1 I . - i-• I 'HI ■ t( I ■ • ■ . ; . . 1,!.,-- ilur<*au >et> • r = ... i i ;..-m v Pined Bufri n>.’ Sugai »• ' Fluid <Jns l.auiv- '••• • itidmii. susp I- ric , side and Billiard Lan-;- . ' Haphene Larnj - mid: a. '. ,1 diug ivonnn< »ud fine ar tide N i•»ei e .. nuiuui J. ud Lamps. Brass •)i!M'<ini .-.Plated K: . <•- itid b k*. Ten and Ta ble >»h»<•!. •. . n B!’.-k Tea Pols. Brown Stone Tea Pots. Brown Spittoon*. China Spitton*- China Toilet > ‘its. common Toilet '•■ its. a Large and well as sorted stock !-t Glassware i hav< about soo dozen common Tumbler.-- for rckains an ! dozen Gob lets for Merchants, also a large stock -f<- .mil< ami common Earthen ware As I import mv sv- kof Ware and buy nn Glass principally for cash at Aor tions in New \ <n-k, Boston, Philadelphia, Ac.. I think I can sell here a* New York prices and give my cus tomers satisfaction Thankful for p.i-Cpatronagf, 1 now t.resume toso lioit the mmc in future. R P. McEVOY. \s I have a groat m uiv calls for • band'liers for Churches, it is probably best to let the world know that I have never made any profit out of anything for a Church { hence all order’s tor Lamps for Churches should be sent at least 5 or 6‘weeks before thev need them, so as to enable me to get them from the Facto ry. Ido not intend keeping stock on hand for that trade, but will as heretofore get them out at Factor}’ prices for Churches. R. P. McE. apr 2© Just Received. IM’S WE OF JEFFFRSOS. COMPLETE IN THREE VOL! MEN, AT sep 23 J. M. BOARDMAN'S. TEETH. \ splendid assortment of the latest styles; Den tists can be supplied with any style.form or col or. Also, with Gold Foil, Gold Plate. Gold Wire, Tooth Brushes, Wheels. Dentist's Files, Drills, Ac., and on short notice, with any materials or Instru ments thev may want, bv sep2 M< DONALD X VAN GIESEN. NEW STOCK OF CROCKERY. I SUPPOSE all know by this time that I have moved my JSTOCK. from Triangular Block to tbe Granite Front Store, OPP. THE LANIER HOUSE. I now have a new and good STOCK OF CHINA, Consisting of DINNER SETTS, at from $175 down to anv single Sett wanted. Tea Sett* Gilt, from $9,00, (best French China) to sg.*>,<N>and $75,00 WHITE CHINA. made in Setts to suit purchasers and priced accord ingly. Glass in Setts. French, for from sl*, 00 to SBO,OO, per sett, handsomely en graved GOBLETS, from $2,50 |»«r dozen to sls White Granite Ware, made up as wanted. I also have u fine ussortiiieut of tine Castor* and Plated Tea Setts. All the above Goods I offer at New York Prices, as small profits, quick sales and satisfaction to all parties is my motto. Orders will be filled same as though the purchaser were here. oct gs R. P. McEVOY. HARDWARE. 1858. 1858. FA I.LTRA DE. CARITART A CURD WOULD call the attention of their customers and those wishing’to purchase, to their Large and Well S lected Stock of r.nglhh and Ant rican Hardware. Tr P’ nt rs m<l ’T rc lv ~r f -s Sweeties Iron all sizes Anvils and Vises, Refit• •• •• Smith Rellowa, fhn! r-”l Brand T. on. Smith Drills, Plow Stool, Screw Plate*. Blister Met !. Corn Shf-llets. Cast Ste'-I. Straw Ciivtcrs. Hell w Ware. Cut and M relight Nails TO CARRIAGE MAKERS. Finished Shaft.*. Axel and Springs, Carriage Parts. Mealnbie Castings. Buggy Bodies, Dash Frames. Rims’and Spokes. Carriage Bolts, Hubs. Silver Bands. Leather, Cloth, and al! kinds Trimmings. To lloiiNe-Kccpers, Table Cutlery. Brass Candle sticks. Plated Spoons and Forks, Wire Fenders, Brass Andirons. Wafer and Waffle Irons, Brass Fenders, Shovel and Tongs, Together with everything else usually kept in our line, all ■ f which will be sold ut prices that cannot fail to please. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere < ARlf ART A’ CURD, oct 28 Third Street. HOUSE AND LOT IN VINEVILLE For Sale. I OFFER for sale my house and lot in Vineville.— Tbe lot embraces seven acres of land, well im proved. The House is new and contains eleven rooms, with all necessary outbuildings attached -well of good water, Ac., and is a most desirable situation for a gentleman's residence. I also offer for sale, niv RIVER PLANTATION, Lying three to four miles below the city, and con taining 1,000 acres, half of which is clean'd and well watered with springs. The swamp land will make 50 bushels of corn to the acre. On the place are good tenements, Gin-house, Barns, Shop and every convenience for plantation purposes. Terms made easy. JAMES DEAN. aug 5-ts Vinevilh . Ga. Embroiderir*, Embroidrrie*! JUST received from the latest importations. 500 Swiss and Jac. Collars from 25c. to $4 each. 100 pr. “ “ Sleeves from 50c. to $4 “ 50 setts of Swiss and Jaconet Collars aud Sleeves from 75c to s♦'• apiece. 500 yds. Swiss and Jaconet Edging, from 12c. to $1 25 per yard. 200 yds. Swiss “ Insertion “ •* $1 tiOperyd. JOO Embroidered Linen Hdkfs. from 2c. tos]O. 30 Embrodered Swiss Dresses of the very latest designs. 200 Swiss, Jaconet and Nainsook Bands, from 25c. to $5 00 2o Embroidered Skirts, and all other articles usually found under the head of Embroideries. The above Goods were bought ut the recent large Auction Sales in Iff. w York, and bought at such re markable low prices, that I am enabled to sell them at 50 pur cent, leas than actual value. i i .adieu please call and satisfy yourselves of the fact,at the Store of ELIAS EINSTEIN. july xv Cor 2d St A Cot. Av. Triangular Block KAMI EL Iff. WANHIMGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAOOK GA Will practice in all tbe counties of the Macon Cir cult, and in therounties of Washington, Wilkinson and l/aurttu* Office next to Concert Hall. <•« er PujHN'f Drug St-»ru. f J MACON, GEORGIA, TIII HSOAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1858. Legal Forms. HINES’ New E<litionof Legal Forms for sale by the Single copy or the quantities. Any one wishing a copy sent by mail must enclose the sub scribe: six three cent Postage Stumps with the price of the Book two dollars and fitv cents, i iu!v :■ .1 m BOARDMAN. Old Bourbon Whiskey. Sutienor old Bourbon Wliiskev, for sale j. -.x Mcc illie a Jones. July one-ts MUTUAL ur mmNCE co. OF NEW YORK. \"ET ASSETS. Lxcindvclv Cush. Ftut and a half MT:-. U DiHar' 2 <*“ • d bv H ’.tti vLutgage on Beal Es- tate in the Citv and State ot New York, worth over XS.OI |O.<M»O. The entire profits of this Compnny, sl,»»(*>,o».M, ‘ 'i Juul. Is.’.;, are the property of the assured. Wive* can insure the live* of their husbunds for a sum free from the claims of his creditors. Creditors can insure the lives of their debtors as a security for their chums. Parties can insure their lives for a sum payable on their attaining tbe age of 45, 50, 55, or t»o years, anil so make a provision for old age. or payable to their heirs should they die in the interim. A fixed sum run be -ecured bv one payment, with power to increase or d«*crease the amount deposited. —renewing the amount assured equitable. FRED’K S. WINSTON. President. Isaac Anavtt. Secretary. Shephahd Homans. Actuary. Pamphlets giving every information, and blank forms tor applications, can be hud at mr office. T. 11. BLOOM, nov 5 Macon Ga. Wheat Fans. (~N RANT’S Celebrated Fan Mills, Clinton A Son’s _T Fans, all sizes, from 20 to .”.5 doll.trs. for sale bv mm X '.TH AN WEED Oat <hitters. SELF-SHARPENIN’ Straw ami Shuck Cutters. Sin clair’s Patent, Georgia Cutting Boxes, tor sale by may 20 NATHAN WEED. <<rain Sieves. W T Cloth, r.akes. Leather and Rubber Bands. X V Corn Mills, Corn Shetlers, for sale bv max i ’ N \TH \N WEED Halting Cloths. BOLTING CLOTHSof all numbers and of the best anchor brand, for sale bv nay2o ’ NATHAN WEED. Grain Cradles. RANTS wire braced Grain Cradles, 5 and fin- I gers, warranted blades for sale bv may 2<» N ATHAN WEED. Scyt hes. BEST Sliver Steel Scythes, S vthe Sheaths. Scythe Sharpeners, (irass Hooks, Sickle* for sale bv may jo NATHAN WE Eb. Threshers. I'MEIiY’S Celvbratwl Overshot XX’lienl TliresliW*. j Ur mu's X't oitiiii Thresher. wiinStrtt— srpsrs rators for saleby NATHAN XVEEH. may 2“ Horse Powers. S INC!.MR’S Seven Ilurse Powers. Whitman’s Virginia Lever Power*. Eme’*A's Bail Roadllorse Powers, in Store and for sale ’nt manufacturers prices by NATHAN WEED. may 2 NOTICK. thi< date we shall adopt as near as possible the CASH SYSTEM. We are compelled t.» do it. From this date all articles will be priced AS CASH. Where credits are given < which will only be given to those who have paid us pnimptly ■ an addition will be made to the nt i.-e named according to the time de sired bv the purchaser. HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. Macon. Jan. 1. U-'®. i :l ” ’ Arthor’s Cans and Jars. T IST rece i v <• <1 a rj large lot of Ar- . PRsh thor' Tin. Earthen and rlTafM -VrTj® t : preserv ing fresh fruits, \egc- VyTM*i tables, t iinatoes Ac., al B. A WISE’S Jp House Ftirni shi n g gj, f *v*r<s Harley. UlEi; lil'Mll.r: 1.. -e<ii Hurlev, tu .ton- 1 nod for s»l» by Met A1.1.1E 4 '.;ONE>. DR. Tt- EC. JSTISBET, < rrv rnvsii i xxt, WILL attend promptly to aii calls. Otliee in Triangular Block, over E. WINSIIIP’S store. jan 7 NOTICE. |/k LIKELY Negroes consisting of men, women I * * and children, arc now oftered for sale by the subscriber. The negroes arc notv at the house of Ben . Davt* in Bibb county, near Mr*. McCall's Mill. Anv person wishing h» purchase, can see the negroes by calling at said place, or Ly leaving a mite in the Post Otliee; they can be brought to Macon for in spection it■<le*ired. These negroes are under as good characters us any negroes in the State and those Hint know them can recommend them a-» highly. They are *<»! I for no fault whatever. Also, the place* w hereon said Benj. Davis now live*; there are 2<» acres of luml, with a good Dwelling House, Kitchen or 4 negro House*, ami other Houses which are useful ; also, a good well of water, a garden aud other improvements which are requir ed to make the place comfortable. f aug 5 ELISHA DAV W Gro. T. Rogers & Son HAVE in Store and constantly receiving a large and general stock of Groceries, comsixting in part of 12“ Bags Rio Coffee, 2‘» Bag* <>l<l Gov eminent Java Coffee, 1 Cask Ceylon Coffee, very choice, 2“ Bags Pepper ami Spice. 54* B!>ls. crushed and Pow'dercd Sugar, 75 Bbl*. Refined Sugar, various grades, 2'» Hhd*. choice Molasses, 15 11 hds. Bacon Sides. ]o<» boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candle#, So Boxes Soap, rarioito* qualities, ."X' Boxes Starch, various grades, 5o Boxes < gross i Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 45 Boxes Candy, assorted. •‘i“ Boxes Tobacco, all qiialitiea. 3o Boxes Pickle*, assorted sizes, ♦>s,o»h» Cigars of every grade. Together w ith a general assortment of Liquors - all of which will be sold low for Cash. oct 2“ Macon Furniture Works. 'YE are new putting up New and Improved Machinery fur the Mann facture of Furniture of all kinds. far .superior in Workmanship and Durability to most Northern Work and at a* Low and in moat cases Lower prices than »»aii pos*iblv be laid down in Ma con from Savannah or New Y >rk <*ivcusacall and we will convince ♦he sceptical that it is your interest to make your purchase at home. junc 17 ts T. AO. WOOD. A Drsirablr for SI-A.T-.13. subscriber intending to remove, offers for 1 sale residence st Lake Academy, four mile* alwive Macon on the Forsyth road. It has alwxiil one hundred acres attached i* pleasant.v situated in a ( good and health? neighborhomt; it ha* fine water, a*id a good orchard with a select % ariet vof fruit J The plae< can be seen and examined at anv time I r*n ?H X. KING MENARD & BURGHAfiD, WATCHMAKERS A Nil JEWELERS, n AVE just received and opened a large and splen did assortment of G«m»<m in their Tine eoii.sist ing in part of the following articl «s, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Hunting Magic Case Independent 2d. Ac., fur GEN TLEMEN. GQLI> W ATCHES for Ladies, rich and beau tiful. SHAVER W ARE, such ns Spoona, Cups. Gob let*. Ac. SILVER PL WED W %RE, Mich as Castors, Egg Boilers, iwith Gohl Plated Cuns ami Spoons, i Fruit Baskets. Pitchers. Uandle Sticks, Waiters Ac. JEWELRY, Consisting nf DIAMOND and GOLD RINGS, PINS. A<*.. Ac., sparkling and bright. MUSK \L IXSTI RENTS, as VIOLINS. FLUTES. GUITARS. BANJOS, TAMBORINES Gold Pl-.NS. and PEACHES Guitars and Violin STRINGS, and a varied as«ortment of l*’A?ffC’Y GOODS, Music Boxes, too m merous to particular ize in an advertisement. Thankful f*r the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since thev commenced business they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pain’s to give satisfaction tn their customers, both 1:1 the style ami quality of their wares and in price. Watch and other repairing executed w ith dispatch and on reasonable terms. M. A B. M'P 3“-tf A. A. MENARD, DRI'GGIKT AND APOTHECARY, CTLKRRY S TRECT, MA.CO?T. CrA.. H AS just received and will keep constant- . Ivon hand a fresh supply of DRUGS 4 MEIHI’INES, consisting of awl QUININE, IODINE, S A I, AC INE, < HI.OKOI’OItXT, IODINE POTASH, OALOMEI., MORPHINE, PIPERINE, BLUE M ASS, Arc., Ac. Also, a large lot of American. English and German PERFUMERY. CAMPHINE. BURNING Fl.Ullt. SPIRITS TI’ItPENTINE, AIAOHOI.. SWEEIHSI! LEECHES. GARDEN SEEDS. 4c.. Ar. He will also keep a pure article of BRANDT' A WINE for Medicinal purposes. oct 17 Boltinj Cloths. I’UST rerc'.vcd the celebrated Dutch anchor Brand, all numbers at low prices bv may « .1. It A W R(i<S Fluid Gas Lamps. I HAVE ju<t received a lot of the above Isampv con sisting ot Hand Lamps. Suspend'ng Lamps, Par lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamps. It is unnecessary for me to say anything about this Lamp, as the Press of our city has snid all that I could say. It is also suitable f*>r running through Houses or Factories, on the same principle as Gas. apr 29-ts R P. McEVOY. SIXTY THOUSXND lb*. Choice Tenn. Bacon. Hanis. Side* mid Shoulders. ;:,000 lbs. Jowl*. In stun* ami for *nle bv may »« MH ALLIE A JONES Paper Doll*! Paper \T BOX RDM \N*’S “XX'Ashington Block Buihling,” a large assortment of Paper Didis. ttiar xi J M. BOARDMAN Attention Doctors. < PPLX' nt this office to know where vou can pur . Y cha*c a r mntry location at which you can lunik from twentv-tix e hundred to three thousand dolhirs a year situated in one of the wealthiest cotton sec tions of Georgia. A m*w comfortable dwelling, ami all necessary outbuildings nn the place. The pres ent occupant desire* t<» sell forth'? purpose of going to Texas. Terms. sl.'mm, cash. sep ‘.‘-tf .TLXnTVT OVAL. R SAULSBURY IS now located at his NEW STORE, on Mulberry Street, opposite the Lanier House, and is prepared to show hi* 4»l«i cu*tome M s and the public generallv, a* large and varied assortment of FINE READY MXDE C LOTHING ami GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, a* can be found in thi* market. He will be receiving constantly- weekly shipments from New- York, embracing the latest st., les. E. S. oct 22-ts Tennessee Hay. r Bales Prime Tenncsse Hav. just received 1 and for sale by McC XLIJ E A JON ES. mar 2’i-tf. Will bo taken for a short time PIIT4S If wanted bv the Dozen, Superior Photographs FDR FIFTY CENTS EACH. LIFE SIZE PICTURES BEAUTIFULLY ( OLOREiI. WITH ILL OTHER STI LES VERY LOW. \ Large business with stun!! profits is what we w-i*h ;we d>» not expect to get rich in one year, or three years, but are content to work and wait, and by still taking better, cheaper, and mure pictures than any one else we hope finally to succ<*ed. Call ut the old stand. Triangular Bl<M*k. Our rooms arc newly furnished, and an* cool and plea-anl and vou can while nwav an I mr in examining <»ur numerous ‘ specimen* of tine mid beautiful Picti kks. jane x-ts MRS. DESSAU HXS ii* usual returned from the North with her strikingly magnificent asHA»rtioont of Jfitflliery. surpassing in grandeur any stuck of r Goon* that lias ever been submitted to Southern in f S!M‘CtIOD. . EVEN INC • DHESSES w hiuh lmtllc<lvM*ripti<>!i. EGLANTINE CLOAKS, with Lucknow Trim mi ng*. DRESS TRIMMINGS. CASPIAN HAIRPINS, GRECIAN CI’RLS. • HAIR BRAIDS. HEAD DRESSES. and an assortment of divers articles, which would re quire an endless list to enumerate. Delav not. Thankful for past favors, she w ith hearty cheer so licits the patronage of all desiring Che rich, elegant am! beautiful. Mrs D. is prepared to furnish Milliners with wholesale pattern Bonnets ami all Goods iu her line, at the shortest notice and lowest rates. CLOTHUVG. A. M BLACKSHEAR & CO. AKKXOW RBCtUVING TRKIK Fall and Winter Stock, IT’MBRACING a large variety of Over Coats, J Black Dre-s Frocks. Business Frock* and Sacks, Black Doeskin Pants, Fancy Cassiniere Pants and Teats, I Youth’s and Boy s C’lu<liing. oct xtr Furnishin? Goods. White and Colored Linen Bosom Shirts, i •• •• •• Marseille*, ♦• ♦♦ Merino Shirts and Drawer*. I XVhite Jeans and Cnnton Drawers, Menno and Cotton \ Hose, Gloves. Snsjwndem. Cravats, Silk and Linen llandkcrcliiefs. Ac. octxir A M BLACKSHEAR A CO. ri’MtUNKS. Valises. Carpet and I Gutta I’orrlm Buga, Umbrella*, Ac oet xiv A M BLACKSHEAR A CO. To Rent, 1 NEW and commodious Fire pr«n>f Store* in Da I niour’s Bl'wk mi 2d Htrcct. Applv to I II iGMth'K ivr. j_.on Fashionable Hair Dresser, At the Redding Iffonac, Macon, Ga. r T 1 HE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens 1 of .Macon and strangers passing through the i city that his well known establishment ta still in op eration nt his old stand, where he is ready to accom modate his customers w ith Hair-trimming, Shaving, Shampooing and everything elm* in his line in the '» best style of art. He offers tor sale. Good Bay Rum. Progler’s Hair Invigorator, Knight's celebrated Hair Restorative, Fine Soups. Combs. Brushes. Ra zors. and nil similar articles needed fora gentleman’s toilet. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at the redne <*d price of 35 cents. Also, w igs and Toupees made to order on short notice. Hr solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage which he baa heretofore re ceived. _M. LOH. julv 8-6 iv • JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN. W ASH INGTON II !,<>< K, MI I, IIK RR V ST. M ACON. GEORGI A. I AW’. Medical, School, miscellaneous and Juven lie Book*. Blank Books, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Pa per. Water Colom. Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colom. Mathematical Instruments, Mathe matical and Engineering Book*. Copying Presses and Books, Writing Desks, Port Folios. Pocket Book*. Gammon Board*. Writing Fluids and Inks nf tbe { very best kinds. Faber’s and Lubin’s Draw ing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pens, ami all tbe various articles ' usually found in a Book Store. Also. Agent of the Southern Mutual nanrance Company. oct 17 FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, J’EKFUMEHY, AC. r |' , IIE undersigned offers for sale on a* low 1 terms as any house in the State, pure ami y-jy reliable Medicine.*, and w arranted genuine. jvA Chemicals in great variety. Drugs in great abundance and always fresh. Perfumery, assorted. Foreign and Dome-tic. Instruments—Surgical, Dental and all others, Toilet Articles in great varietv. Fancy Soaps and other Soap* in great variety. Paints, Oil*. Turpentine. Burning Fluid, French XX'indow (iia.-s, and fresh Putty, Paint Brushes, Colors, Tools. Pencils and Sponges. X’arnish -Coach, Furniture, Damar and Japan, . Medicinal Herb* and Botanic Medicines, • Starch. Congress Water anil best Citrate Magne-in, Snuff, Teas, Blacking. Crucibles. Sand Paper, . Medical Scales, Mortars and Pestles, Iron aud Porce lain, Geletines, Soda, Potash. Alum, Saltpetre, Castor Oil. Sweet Oil. Cod Liver Oil. Rose XX’ater, Quinine. Morphine, Piperine ami Acids Balsam XX’ild Cherry. Cherry Pectoral, Lozenges. Gum Drops, Bryant's Cholera Remedy, ••genuine.” And all other reliable preparations of Medicine, Best Wine* and Brandy for Medicinal use only, i Best Mustard and Spices for family use, ; Abundance of fresh i .inlen an<l Flower Seeds, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed and other Seeds. GEORGE PAYNE, Druggist and Apothecary, Corner Mulberry St. and Cotton Avenue. Macon, <4a. oct 17 WATCHES, JEWELRY. , Silver XX nrc, Fancy (»<kh!*, Piano Fortes, Violins, = 3? l ms. cram forte mis.’ m. \AT”L ARE offering our entire stock of tbe above, 1 ▼ with an innumerable variety of other new mid desirable Goods, of the l»<*st quality, at lower prices, for cash, than ever before sold in this market, until the Ist of March next. Our stock is very large, and w ell selected, and well worthy the attention of all those who wish fine and good Goods at exceedingly low prices. N. B. All those indebted to us will w ill more than 1 ever oblige u* bv an earlv settlement. E. J JOHNSTON A CO. Macon. Jun. 21, *sS—if More Light. I IST Receiveil, n lot of tbe b<**t and late*t im | f J proveinent in FLUID GAS LAMPS, decidedly the best light yet invented. Call and see them, ns thev are only to be seen to Im* appreciated R. R. HUTCHINGS, june xrii Next to Mrs. Dessau’s. SUGAR, MOLASSES & SYRUP. *x HIIDS. prime and choice N. 0. Sugars, »25 Hhds. prime new crop Culm Mola».*es, *<• Bbls. •* “ “ N. O. Syrup, Iu store and to arrive, for sale bv jan 2S BOXX’DRE A ANDERSON. m 1 (IO No. 1, 2 and new Mackerel in 1 x H f Kits, quarters, huh es and whole Barrels, for sale by BOXX’DRE A ANDERSON jan 28 OATS. Xi X UI’SHELS prime White Seed Oats for sale * ’ low for Cask, bv jan 2-s hOXVDRE A ANDERSON. II.OIK. r pWEN’TY FIVE THOUSAND LIW. of superior 1 quality, Suiierfine and Family, for sale hv jan 28 * BOXVDRK AA X DERSON. POTATOES. TT/A BIILS. prime Yellow planting Potatoes, for sale •>V by BOWDRE A ANDERSON jan 28 Watches! WatehesH i ■ELEBHATEDE’OLTSH MAKERS -James Hod y dell A Co.. R A <». Beesley. Josh. Johnson, Josh Olorcnshaw. Edward Robinson, anil tin* celebrated American Watch in Gold and Silver Cases. SWISB MAKERS -Eugene Bruouet, Breithing, La dcriet, Edoward.Favre,lirandt ami other* too numer ous to mention, hv DAX’ A M.XUSSENET. CLOCKS. CLOCKS, CLOCKS. Th • Marble Clock running three week* without winding- striking hour aud bait hour. Al*o, Eight Div, Marble and Maroleized Iron, Bronze. Wood and .Ma rini Tune pieces with and without the alarm. DAY A M.XUSSENET. Fine sett* of Jewelry DAY A M.XUSSENET. Diamond Pins. Finger Rin ?s and Ear Rings DAY A MAI’SSENET. Fob, Vest, Chatelaine and Guard Chain*. DAY a MAI SSENCT A fine a«*ortment of Necklace*. Crosses, Medalions and other Trinket*, by DAY A Xf XCSSENET. Silver Table, Tea. Salt, Mustard. Berrv, Sugar, and Cream Spoon*. Also, Desert and Pickle* Fork*, Cups, Gobi t*. XX’aiters. mid sundry other articles too numerous to mention, bv b.XY A M XUSSENET. Vluwicnl ■iiMtriiiiu*nt*. Violinceloa, Violina, Flutes, Fladgeoletts. Fifes, Banjoes, and Tamborine* ; also a fine ussortmeut of Italian. French and English X’iolm String*, bv DAY A MAI’SSENET Gold. Silver, Steel and Plated Speck* with the ' Scotch Pebble Glasses, a large assortment bv DAY A M H SSh.NET. Fancx Goons. A large assortment In D.IV A M.IUSSENET. .4lso. a good aMortmen of Cutlery. Watches and Jewelry neat I v Repaired and War ranted bv ’ D.IY A M.fL’SSENET. oct 21 Just Received. SILVER Fork*. Table and Tea Spoons, Berrv Scoops. Soup Ladle*. Ac.. Ac. Ivory Handle Plated on Steel. Table Cutlery. 11. C. Silver Lever XVatches, Mathematical Instruments. Lnnd Chains, Ac . Ac E. J. JOHNSTON A CO june 5-ts IRAN'S <»f Linen Ac. wholesale and retail; a large I lot. Travelling Satchells. Baskets Au For sale bv june 3-ts E J JOHNSTON A CO. c itv paper* copy / Solid Silver Ten Service of Elegant x J Design and Finish. Silver water Dipper*. Ac - .lu*t ree.-iied by E. J JOHNSTON A CO june xvii For Sale. k) GOOD Iron Safe* one extra size. Applv st the £ office of T H BLOOM, ! UCt 28 CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, AWn As <;»®d an tbe Best. E. E. BUE-WEIt, Plain and Ornaiaental lloiiHe and Higa SHOP IN D.XMOUR’S NEW BUILDING, MACON, GA. I FAYING a lot of numb**'- one hands, I cax and 1 I w ill do work < hkapkb and M wkli. a* any one else. A fair showing at ail jobs is solicited. All work warranted. Jan. Ist, Imsk. jan 7 BOOTS AND SHOES. A T THE SIGN OF THE BIG HOOT. No 1\ Cotton Avenue, opp<»si.*4* Washington yp | Hull Lot, Macon, Georgia. The sub-cribcrs f would return their thank* for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respect fully solicit a continuance of the same. \\ e have in store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. mostly of our own nianutacture, to which weekly ad ditions will be ma le, of all the different styles and pattern* usuaHy called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, tn call and exam ine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house iu the citv or State. 1 oct 18 MIX A KIRTLAND. BOOTS. —A full assortment ot Gents’ fine French Calf Bo<>t.*, pump sole, welted and water proof, of various kind* and qualities, both sew ed and lag ged. Just received and for sale low bv oct p.» mix a Kirtland. I) L BBER SHOES.—A large assortment of Gents k mid boy* Rubber*. Also Ladies slipper and san - , dal rubber Shoe.* of Goodyear's celebrated patent.— Just received and for sale low bv oct l!i sflX 4 KIRTLAND. I) LA NT.XT (ON BROGANS. Now in store the best assortment of Negro Shoos, we have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black ami rus*vtta; do. heavy single soled black nnd ru.**ett,*; do. boys and youths black and russett*. all ot w hich we are selling verv low. oct. P.» MIX A KIRTLAND. BOOTS AND SHOES. -Men’s ami Boys and Youth’s fine calf and kip peg’d Boots*; Men’s stout kin hunting and mud Boots; Gents lasting Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine calf Bro gans ; Gents, bovs's and youths' patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s boys’ and youth's California kip Brogans, n large assortment. MIX A KIRTLAND The Insured Participate in the Profit*. Continental Insurance Company, CITY OF NEW YORK. Juljf Nh, 1857. CASH CAPITA! $5410,008.00 ASSETS, JULY Ist, 1*57 d5U,574>,M2 LIABILITIES, JULY Ist, 1*57 9.757.2 s Inturft /(•iiLliiidf, 7 hold Fttruiturf, and -,ther InnurahU Proy'rty, at tfn u»u al rate*. r REE-FOI’RTIIS of the net profits of the busi -1 mss of this Company are dnided annually to holders of its policies in Serin bearing interest, and such profits carefully invested for the additional se curity of the Insured, until the fund thus accumu lated shall have reached the sum of ssim»,<’mm», making the Cash guarantee of the Company SIJMM),O(>> ; and. thereafter, the Serin will be rcdei*nuil as rapidly and to the extent that tlie profit* accruing to tne policy holders exceed tin* sum of ♦soo,(mm:. GEO. T HOPE, President. If 11. Lamport. Secretary. T. R. BIAIONf, Agent, Mncon, Ga. The Board of Directors nave this dav declar ed a dividend to Policy Holders entitled to partici- • pate in the profits, of ikirtg-thn* nnd oar-tfard ptr i upon the Earned Premiums of the juist year's business, Scrip for which will be issued A "gust Ist. oct 2“ Experience Teaches Wisdom I-ELLOW-riTIZENS, hllxw m<- to -v say to those who have been n\\ pnt ro/M and/’rA ndt> for so many y ears, ami arc now enjoying the benefits of my skill, that I am in daily communication with all the sources of infor mation, both North and South, connected with the Dental prote*sion. nnd will omit nothing either in money or labor to give satisfaction to oil w ho may fa vor me with their patronage. Please call at my old office, on the corner of 2d and Mulberry streets, over (’. Campbell A Son’s store, sign of the fhddrn Tooth. ■ov ; j C Mt REYNOLDS. SADDLERY & HARDWARE. r pilE undersigned would respectfully in 1 vitc tin* attention of his friends and turners, ami the trade, to his large stock oi* L.EATIIEH AND RUBBER BELLING, Double ami Single Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Bits and Spurs, us the best make ana latest style. Also, prepared to do job work at tbe shortest no tice, ami in workmanlike manner, and as low as any House in the city. Call and see at his new Store next to the Manufactures’ Bank, and opposite Ross’ New Building. JOHN CLEGHORN oct ]'.» ISA Al ■ATI»KX J. T. WOOt»WAIti». SALE & LIVERY STABLE. H AYDEN A XVOODXX’ARD are now pre *>arcd to furnish their friends and tb public gvfienilly, with good safe Horses new as w ell as tasty Buggies, Carriages, Ac. 1 -♦ A- in complete order at the shortest notice. They are deterniineil to give satisfaction, if strict personal attention, to business, and reasonable cash prices will enable them to do so. | fed ami kept by the day, week or i month. Drove Stock also accommodated at reason ble prices. Mulberry Strc.t, next to I/ottery Office, Macon, Ga. I apl 1 LANIER HOUSE, MACON. GEORGIA, LOGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. r | s liE PROPRIETORS of this well Known 1 establishment, respectfully give notice that thev are »till candidates fur :hr patron- age of the Travelling public, and determined aaUßi to omit nothing to dc*crve well of their guests and maintain the reputation of the House. Free Transportation , Os Passengers and Baggage, to and from the House, by a tine new Omnibus and Baggage XX’agon, w hich they have provided fur that purpose. Passengers hereafter will lx* at no expense whatever for transpor tation of themselves and their baggage either way be tween the Lanier House and the Railwav Stations in Macon XX’c ask a continuance of public pat runage and promise* attention and comfort to our guests. ..ut to LOO IN A NR IRA. FIKE nst lUME (OMI’AMES. r ff‘ , lll’ 11 ii rtford Incorporated IS 10, Capital I ss<»O,< MH •_ The Springfield Capital $150,000. Tin .Wamiaeoit at Springfield, Capital $150,4)00, with a large surplus securely invested. Pollicies in the first class Companies issued and losses prompt!v adjusted bx' E.’u. JOHNSTON, Agent. Designs for Monuments BY 808 T E, LAUNITZ, N. Y. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO., Agents. Macon. 4Ja. Fall & Winter Fashicns. Mrs. howl.xnd win <»pmi to-dav, soth Sept., a splendid selection of Bonnets, Hats. Coifures, Ribbons. Laces, Feathers. Flowers, Velvet Silks, I .ace and Crape Setts, to which she invites the atten tion of tbe toadies. Also. Elegant Cloaks of A’el vet ' ami Cloth, Silk Robes. Robe A Leas, plaid Silk Dress . Trimming Ac. Milliner* supplied with Bonnets by the case or doxen. • «»ep 30 COFFINS. KOSE XVOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet Stained, Cheap Yrn»*ere«l Mahogany Coffins. Also, New St vie Metalic Case#, superior to tbe old styles. Old Pattern Metalic Cases at lower price*, jum Iff TAG WOOD MARBLE WORKS. J. B. AKTOPU, M ANUFACTI RER ot aud IkahT iu Foreign and honieatie Marble. >/»»»/«. T“M>> St-nur, /■'•irmtur. Sla/~. lie., baa reinoi ed the Mar ble Worka from Cotton Avenue, to the corner of 3d and Plumb Street, a abort dialance South of Harde man 4 Sparks' Warehouae <*<‘t 22-ly NUMBER 4. Exchange on . " E WAWw.<»Si?k" A, * B AT ™ VAXUFACTUBEK’B BANK. mar 2.1-ts NEW CROCKERY STORK THE Ladiesand Gentlemen of Macon and adjoin* mg counties are respectfully invited to call and examine my Mock of China. Glam and Oaocntax " arx. next door to >f r.«. Dessau’s on Second Street. I intend to keep at all times a good stock of Goode, ami Will M-ll them a» low as they can be bought *nv where in the city. A liberal share of patronage >» rcspectlully solicited. K. R. Us City papers copy. m ,y JO-ts MORE NEW GOODS. ATTENTION LAT>T~FR "tirE once more invite the Ladies to call and ate . the moat einnisite 2 Flonaced and double Jape Silk Robes that hare been brought to Macon this season. Just received at the •• Head Quarters of Fashion." BOSTICK A KEIX. nor 4 Dress Goods. )l ST ogiened a superb assortment, embracing ma ny elegant Styles of entirelv new designs, at ‘ Bostick a keix. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. AX entire new lot that are cheap and handsome »* BOSTICK A KEIX. nov 4 Carpeting and Rugs. r rMIE largest and beat assortment in Middle Geor- I gin, and at price* that will give universal sat in fliction. ( nil so »n at BOSTICK A REIN’S, nov 4 w 825 REWARD the scoundrel who wrote the name of Jobs F ullwood, accompanied with an obscene draw ng, in the passage of mr building. oe»iv-M ’ E. L STKOHECKER Plantation for Sale. ONE THOUSAND and SEVENTY acres of second quality Cut ton and Corn Lands are offered for , sale, twentv-four miles from Macon, immediately on the South Western Rail Road, in Houston county.— One hundred and titty acres are, however, first class creek bottom lands, and with the light, but free pine lauds, making up the resedue, offer a tine place tor a ( planter with about Ifteen to twenty hands. The place is about half open and half woodland, and has a tine i spring. Gin house* and /tarn, ( The terms will Im* made liberal and the premiaea shown to enquirers on application to Mr. Daniel Gaus* ( ary who lives near the place. The wood on the 1 place alone will compensate a purchaser, by making sales to the South Western Rail Road and to Macon. Apply to E. A. A J. A. N IS ACT, <*t 21 Macon, Ga. The Augusta C<mstitutionaiist and Federal t Ilion u >ll copy four time- and render their bills DR. A. PIERCE, HOM < F.PATH. Office in Washiugtaa Block. Medicine Caw. and Books uu Domestic Practice for aide. jnlv .-Gm R. L. WOOD HAS just returned from the North with all tba new and late improvements in tbc i PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, embracing quite a variety of novelties and curiosi ties, making his Gai i vrv one of the moat attractive and fashionable resorts in the City. I of quite a number of Distinguished persons now on i exhibition among which are the following : i CYRUS W. FIEI D of Atlantic Telegraph Notorietr. (’apt. HUDSON, of the U. S. Ship Niagara. M AYOR TIEMAN. of New York City. JUDGE EDMONDS, the noted Spiritualist. HARRY HOWARD, Chief of the N. Y. Fire De partment. COL. DURYEA, of the tinned 7th Regiment, Nation* ul Guard, N Y. Citv. POPE PIUS THE IN. * PROFESSOR MORSE, Inventor of the Magnetic Tel egraph. 1 The Public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine the above at WOOD*N PALACE OF ART. We are now better prepared than ever to execute thowe beautiful Photogrupns, Ambroty|nni, Daguereo* types, Ac., and on account of our increa.»ea facili ties, will du our work as low aa any other Gallery and of a Superior Style. Don’t fail to give i» a fall. acp 30 H. HORNE’S NEW EATING SALOON, WILL be open <ua the lb th insti, for ronaption of Ladies and Gentleimm jC ita>aaw itona. aoxf Ayres. Wingfield £ Ca, IN CHERRY STREET. The undersigned, Coak, iwvides the pnb lic t<» his New SiXon> that By strict at- tention. rea>uuubAt--riiwrge**, and fur well evoked dish es, consisting of ail! the delicacies of the Northern Markets, his .shall be second to none, and superior to>waiu The Bill of Farr, offering the usual favorite Uaaa ekaugno- every day, consisting of dhk Uisßorv. No Liquors atv netailed , and Ladles may rest as sured that evert tiling wjff be done preserve de corum. If. HORNE.. oct xxi-irn I). C. HODGKINS 4 SoC Xareu. Ua. Invite the attvntxuni »f the si»or*ing fpuililer and others to their Imags-seirctiun of x ixxtble Gkuiiha, RIFLES. PISTOLS, POCKET .VJJ> SPORTING (CUTJXEY. FISH ING TACOKK WALKING STICKS. KMIEIIKK AND DOMESTIC AMCN mox, and every article is a first class Xportman r EvuK/rittm Sorth or By careful attention to business and keeping tie beergnad* in our line we expect to secure a conmuatton*oA pans favors. Re pairing carefully attended tour bem#oft>r.s_ oct gs Attention Ladiesd /~\NE of our firm havingh fftthis dav fur|New Yor> V.7 City, for the purpose <4 peplemahing.awr the balance of mw 'arpr Stock of Worsted AND Silk Dress Goods, Will be offered at GREATLY REDUCED PKICES. Please call and see before they are all soM. oct 2s ROSS, COLEMAN A BOSS. \DM I NIST RATO SALE*- Willie sold on Tuesday the day of November nexL.nt the late residence and at the plantation of Grit£n On«*al. late of Crawford county, deceased, all the pier ishable property belonging to said estate ; consisting of a large number of very fine mule*, a large 10l stock and pork hogs, a large numkr of cattle jiy««r def loot order, a large lot of corn and fodder, plantatfou b>pls, and divers other things useful to Planters and other*. Sale to continue from day to day until all is Terms made known on the day of sale. Sale to co(p mence at the residence. JO//N W ATW.ITER, I . . ort SI URIFFINO.ONE.tI.. M ” Bacon for Sale. rtf’ lldv. Cleag Ridr«. Ju»l rvori.rdst < Zt) oct »»-« BARIiEMAX a ORIFFIN'B.