State press. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-18??, October 22, 1859, Image 1

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SUBSCRIPTION: j„■ W. klv paper. Two l> ' 1" '>"■>»-* l -' ... Three DollaM «t the end the yrc r. ADVERTISING: One Dollar er »qu .re lor tu : tir»t iu.u u>n, on Fist. Cento for eaebruln-nD" 1 11' 1 . '. WRKKM B'lT'. w *W » ® ft £ ag B S B N °' of 5 8 S §' | |- sure. " i ? ? . :r -j roof 4WI 6 00,10 00115 00 20 00 | o’" 5 0)! 8 0O 11 0020 00 25 00 HO 00 i """ 7 50'11 00,14 50'25 00 :!5 60 40 00 10 00 15 Oil 19 00,30 06 10 "0 50 00 - "V'oo 17 00,20 00 40 no 00 60 00 I « "115 06 20 00 25 00'50 OOjGO 60, 70 00 | k" ' ' | ; 00 25 00 30 Outfit 00 70 00 80 00 S 20 00 30 00|40 00170 00 -0 00 90 00 | ■ .■« ushmaku ■ x s a®aßMi .J j. s. BOTH. rBBDBBICK GOI.LK. 1 BOYLE <fc CO.. stf SECOND ST., CINCINN ATI, OHIO, —IMPORTERS OF — Foreign Liquors & Wines; DIBTH.I.KHS OF— ALCOHOL, COLOUW srißl'CS. Campli Burning Fluid, a»J Spirit* of TURPENTINE- Manufacturers of every desci iption of . Domestic Liquors, Wines, < ordials and Frcnoli Bitters. Have const mtlv on hand various <>f pure BOURBON A WHISKY, Peach and Apple Brandy. Also, Barataria and New England &c. •jj- Sole manufacturers of th celebrated i. ROSE” WHISKY. Agent for Fred. Gouls, Japunnese BITTERS. april 23 d-ly VALUABLE LANDS AND Negroes for Hale. \ gr?:i:able t<> ti. • wiii i . n-m <. A Samu-4 Dinkin*. decc.Hcd, ' tliu Court ii esc <i »t»r iu the town • 1 i rrv. "ii the first Tuesday iu October, tl:o \ .. .. I'l.mtal. »n lately owned by deceased, containing el. \ i n hundred and three and three-quarter acres. '.bo 1 are under cultivation, the bulan • i< ry n ilv tim bered. This plantation is one -4 the m< ■■ r-iia'-lu in Houston county, being located Hnnviliiifr! y on the South-western Railroad, within one inii" 4’Eehe connee Station, a distance of twelve mil *s un the. city of Macon, healthy, well water I ' . . well improved an lin the midst of a highly i»4 i ent and | moral community. The Plantari -n * ’ ■ in : < ulti I rated this year will he in fine eon ■•••’ * r tillage next year. A good Gin. Fan and Thi will go with the place. AJso, will be sold fiv 1 no-roes, viz : Prince, a man, aged 25, J.i~ tt. a v " 1 wushcr and iron er, aged 21. with hor child Milly. d 5.1 Green, a boy. aged 16. and Shadrick, a 4 I ' years : all of which will be sd l on the f >l!< win ! rius : —J One-third payable Ist of January. I>C th ■ ' .1 .i.eel on one and two years, with in ten r fr.ou <lny ofl sale. J. W. FIIINIUH..6EB. sept 7-tds Ex • utor. LIMSTONE SPRINGS. A n. ed by persons who have attended my Sprir.ginduc es me to give this notice to those <1 < iriuir < lis” pure Limestone Water, here it is: Within fifty ) !< of the Depot, gushing out of a Blue Limestone Hock, at the foot of the Alleghany Mourn.-in, t ’ r.Vji tal, cold as you can desire to drink, wlu-r all those seeking health, comfort, and a .great rctr • will find all that heart could wish in that rosj • ■ t. in a plain, comfortable style. Charges reasona’d-, ro puff is necessary, all 1 ask is to call and test the water fur yourselves. Enquire for C. AUSTIN House. Tunnel Hill, Ga., Aug. 9. ’59 w SIOO Reward. STOLEN from my stable on Satur jay n 3d, my grey Horse, six set, thin tail. I also lost my Sad lie • d i ndie, the Saddle was a black quilted one. L willjpay •■no hun dred dollars for the thief with proof t i convict, and twenty-five dollars for the hor deliwn Ito m at the Indian Springs, Butts county. Ga. sept 7 w it i: ' Commissioners Nair. BY virtue and authority of a de-, the Circuit j . Court <»f the United State-. I r the > uihcrii Dis trict of Georgia. April Term, 1- ■ u fore the Court House «l >or in the e/ <1 M .. I'd County, on the first Tacsda.v in O d- r n tween the legal hours of sale, th-- t I f l” t'D belonging to the estate of John Bail. y. 1. C<im dem County deceas .<l. to wit. I. >; >f land. \ 771 3rd District. 2d Section Cherokee Comity, o acre.-. Fractional Lot No. 133. 12th Di-tri t. •: .: i tion, WUtfi Id I’- inty 18 a i ' No. 239, 6th District of Ilaral-m <’ o acres. Also, Lot of Land No. 43, 7th DI. trict f Go.lee -un tv, containing 490 acres. IL BACON. ) ALEX. M< H ARDY. Cumuiis’rs. STEPHEN McCALL. J August 31, IS7J- -13 tds. STOP THE RUNAWAY. r 25 REWARD! "O ANAWAY from the subscriber on S■' i ay night, 1 t the 3rd*inst., a negro woman nam . Hannah.— She was raised on the North and South ' ar -iina line, but recently purchased in \ irgfnia, and while on her way to Albany obsconded fr.-m the train while at Marshalville. Hannah is rather a Lla-rkc inplex ion with front and jaw teeth decayed, she is about 35 years old. 5 feet S inches high, and weizhs a’ nt 160 pounds, and is pregnant. The above Reward will be pai I for her oonfiuvui'.iit so that I may get her. Any information relative to her may be addressed to me at Albany. sept 7 d-2t w-ts ISAAC. MEINHABD. SOUTH-WESTEKN KAIL P.OAD. IhLW:L X2L .1 SCHEDULE FOR PASSENGER TRAINS. 0?. and after July 15th. I EAVE Macon 11.47, p. in., and a. m.; ar rive in Columbus a. in,, un i ...; p. m.; Leave Columbus 4a. m. and 8.4 > p. in. Arrive in Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. Leave Macon 11, p. in. Arrive at Albany 6.25 a. m. Dawson 6.00 a. in. Leave Albany 3.0 h, p. ni., Dawson 1.40 p. tn.— Arrive in Macon 9.18, p. in. Tri-weekly Acconm • lation Down, Mor ! , Wed nesday and Friday. Up—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Macon 7.12, a. in. Arrive at Dawsop 5.20 p. m., Albany 4.31, p. in. LftUVe Albany a. rn., Daw -i. - A ’’ Macon 3.1;:, p. ‘m. Mad Stages to and from Tallahassee, l h . . ville and Baiubridge, Ac., connect with rug- iai traiua at Albany. Also from Dawson ti i-week'y to Cuth bert. Fort A- . At Macon with Trains on Cent] a l . . Ma con A Western Rail Road. Passengers fn-m Celumbua *..»<! the '»\ < for South-Western Georgia Florida -i- •.!«! ' the 4., a. in. train, i.t Coliunbu.-*. 1; ihu.> run on Sundays. FARE from Albany ,a Savannah to New ’ ;k by Steamships in Cabin, £-j4 . Ticket*ca'i tn procur- ed from Rail Road Ajvnt, Albany. GEO. W. AU’ MS, July xv Superintenident. Just Received. - BOSKS of a*-.lied .17.- 4.) bundles .4Stove l’q. Ii 25 “ of Wire, f. Piggs of block Tin. 100 gross assorted Bucket and Coflcr- Pot Top.-, 2<’O “ of Ki ttle Eaix. ami Tm M l Trimmings of evefv kind at the v«-rv ••-•cash prices. B. A WISE’S h v >. hc, jau 6 Cherry S*, V. ■ Ga. on ! March 11 GUI M ■ Ga. Pl’ters’ Corn Wliitkey. ZANE HUNUREB Barrel* Ga. Pbulehi Wbit. I / 5u barrel* Smiths. Ohl Bourbon, Bob* j I count, and other brand* >. lu-iti-y, lor \I. ni.r ».'■ ts MnC HXIE 4 JONES. Alt MINIM R ATOR’s Sill. s fccll, at pillule »alr, tb«- wild fthd U r * d l«aOd* i BAUM Li G1 f.l M 4lf, I J ioa 25 dil • *>*»4 Ad p |f!t •: >r, | I • I lllf.ll. ' •H ti.« la id* b« wjig ig t© <E* *••'*<<•« €»»•' ft f*. ? My ':*u 'f <. < f < t < IbiaM • -th I f DARK 4 w - ■ ■ 111 "" l " BI ' t X'. 1 v - aS S Pl BI.NIUI EVER! SATURDAY MORNING. OFFICE IN RALSTON'S BCILBING, THIRD STREET, TtBMS—TWO POIUBS IN ADVANCE \<> HI Ml 2I - M -kOOTST, OCT. 28, ISSO. ~ JN LTMBEB49 ||||r ■. 1 DR. H. A. MKTTAUER, H AVING spent ft portion oftl j err in thia city, during which time be has linnteo I his pi actice almost exclusively to Surgery, now re | snectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon i and the surrounding cuuutrv,; n all the branchesot bi.- profession. Office un th. ’h-ea>t corner <4 3d i ami (’berry streets over Asher Ayres’ new <lroceiy 4»*c 31|g DR. li. k. (.KI I A. (XFFICE on the coiner, opposite the Methodist I ( Lurch, I : i DR. R. ii. JSTXSBET, ' ITY PHYSICIAN, 1 WILL attenu promptly to all calls. Office m Triangular Block, over E. WINSIIIP’S store. fan 7 Experience Teaches Wisdom IT'ELLOW-CITIZENjJ, allow me to jt f say t<> those who Uive been xuypaf- ' rohf and n-t'j-FH/* torso main years,and 'Li-XX 1 "Y’T’ 1 are now enjoying the benefits of my skill, that lam ’ in daily communication null nil tl < soune- <4 mfoi • mation, both North and Sontb, connected v ith tbt Dental profession, and will unfit nothing dither in < money or labor to give satisfaction to all who may fa vnr-m’e with their patronage. Please call at my of office, on the corner of 2d and Mulberry streets, ove C. Campbell A Son’s shore,sign of the Golden Tooth. n^ v lr_ _ __ J.C. MdiEYNOLDS. DENTISTKY. G. W. EMERSON, I). D. S., JDcsxitist. Office over A. .41. Blackshear A- Co\, . berry St., Macon, Ga. r d 1 y * ENGRAVING, BY JOSEPH E. AV ELLS, JR. I ) OOM m it .' , .. on Tri; ngula’ 1 Block, over J. 11. A W. .-W i 'Ji/ Drug Store.- Orders left at his room or at Minard A Burghard’s will be promptly attended to. oct 7-one y T. It. BLOOM, Factor & Commission Merchant MACON, GEORGIA. t oct 20 XIIW IS THE EHANGE n 2 TO BUY SI MYER CLOTHING!’ AT Cost and Less! For Cash Only.’ ! " TSTO BUMBTJO! Our poliev i? to have a FRESH STOCK ; Every Set-Is<m. C. 11. BAIRD, i' july 20 Telegr.'ipli Building. f jjjp l City papers copy. t For Rent. r r , HE Cornet Store in the new Win eho ;>•• < f S. F. I Dirkmson, on the corner ot Third and Poplar streets. Also the Store adjoining Messrs. McCullit A Jones, on Cotton Avenue ; »h<| Two Rooms in Triangular Block, and two on Third Street, corner of Cherry-—all from the Ist of Octcberr. Rooms .suitable for Bed Rooms or Otli es. JAMES A. RALSTON. Aug. IS d-t Ist oct. ? 50. p 100 Brown Linen COATS, | $1,50, xvoirrn TW DBLLABS ffl FIFTY CE»TS. " 100 DO. AT W© MLUmi WORTH Prices cf all « CLOTHING REDUCED. 1 THE ABOVE PRICES A EE (’ASH ONLY. 1 E. WINSHIP.'- July lath, ibu'J-d-tf the fii:>t Dart of The Family Treasury oi SUNDAY READING, by the Rev. Andrew Cameron, former lv Editor of the “ Christian Treasury,*’ will ap pear on the IST JTTI/Y, And will be published on the First of every montn 0 following. The principal object in vsumg this Maguxm? u* , to provide suitable and wlioit • <mc Sunday Reading fur families. Tt will contain contributions frem the most eminent Cierg} n eii couiiei << <i with al! the i difl’ereut Clir..stian denomiuati'm>, both m America c and England, and In each part there will be a Children’s Treasury, And it scries of “ Home Le« >n<’ hi which parents ( are intended to instruct their children on Sumia; ' evenings. 1 The Famiiy Treastiiy will • 4 belong to any par ticular persuasion, and therefore all b'ectariani*m, | and iMJtiits nt dispute, will be carefully excluded j from its columns. I Subscription, Two Dollars per Year, whirl 1 I will be received by uuy BuykrviU gor may be remit- ' ted to the publisher* | THUS NELSON A SONS. 1 Na- an, Ft., Al*o at Ixiudon id Edinburgh. New York, u.ay m'J d A a -U. Situation Wanted Mime respectable huafnes*. b> a young man who * . I«a> bad ihree ycera’ cxptGioee <a R.aiker am! • iipj>«r in • hojiftule ti i • i ■ Uvi v. C*o* d icfet- Adttrfttebftft 10S, MacM P*»*t offieft. July M School Wanted. \ Itrbttftl Trailer H« ean •to eta**’ »<>r% « ft« <w i hftiftAlftr »Ml ftoMlpE Addis *X, e»re tft ■ *tft | Oftb* • Ma’vft. l*u jtmovdd A * tl I S Wffl LUTTERY. For the benefit of the Monticello Union Academy, OF JtM’ER COt’WTT, GEORGIA, Authorized by Special Act of the Legislature. 25828 Frizes. 3/nr/’ f/tetn (Me Prize to every Tiro Tickets! McKinney & Co.. Managers. C-A.I’T'VTVT.. I’I=LI!ZE! $($0,000’ Tickets Only 310, Halves, Quar ters and Eights in proportion. r po be drawn each Saturday in Oct., 1859, in the I citv of Savannah, Georgia: Class 39, to be drawn Oct. I, 1>59; Class 4<», tube drawn Oct. 8, h ; Cla>s 41, to be drawn Oct. 15, 1359 ; Class 42 to be drawn Uct. 22.1559; Class 43, tu be drawn Oct. 29, 1859. MAGNIFICENT SCHEMK. 1 Prize of $60,000 is $60,000 1 “ 20,000 is 20,000 1 “ 10,000 is 10,000 1 “ 5,0u0 is 5,000 1 “ 4,000 is 4,000 1 “ 3,1i0V is 3,W0 1 “ 2,0u0 is 2,000 1 “ 1,500 is 15W 1 “ 1,100 is LIOO 5 “ 1,000 is 5,000 10 “ 500 is 5,000 2 “ 4W is 800 2 “ 800 is 600 2 « gob is 400 50 “ 100 “ ]”’» is 10,000 100 “ I’s is 9,500 100 “ 85 is 8,500 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 I’l. zes of : ■ Approx, to <«i Pr’s are SBOO 4 “ I'' “ “ 20,000 “ 600 4 “ 125 “ “ 10,000 “ 500 4 “ 100 “ “ 5,000 ** 400 8 « 80 “ u 4,000 “ 640 8 « 60 “ “ 3,000 “ 480 8 “ 50 “ “ 2,000 “ 400 8 “ 40 “ “ 1,500 “ 320 400 “ 20 u “ 100 “ SOOO 25,000 “ 8 200,000 25,82 s Prizes amounting to. $366040 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the follow ing rates, which i« the risk : Certiticate of Packagesof 10 Whole Tickets |*'O “ ‘ 10 Half “ «0 “ “ 10 Quarter “ 15 “ “ 10 Eighth “ 7.50 In ordering Tickets nr Certificates enclose the jiK-ucy to our address for the tickets ordered, on i- cetpt of which they will be forwarded b; first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they mav designate. The list or ifrnwn numbers and prizes will be sent to jiurchasers immediately after the drawing. Notice to Correspon dents -Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use the Express Com panies, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars and upwards, can be sent us at our risk and expense, from anv city or town where there is an Express Office. The money ami order must be en closed in a Government P • t Office Stamped Envel ope, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All communications stiictly confidential Orders for Tickets or ('. rtificates. by Mail or Ex- to be directed to M -KINNEY & CO., Savan nah, Ga., or to WM. SHIVERS, JR., Agent, Macon, Ga. P. S.—ln addition to the above, kc is Agent for the sale of Tickets in all our Combination Classes, which draw twice daily, in forenoon and afternoon, sept 13 ’59 d McKinney a co. FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN. GIRAKI! FIHK nun WE MPUF. PHILADELPHIA. ■LT.m. BLOOM, 2Xs’G MACON, GA. CASH CAPITAL, $1200,000. JOEL JONES, President. A. (iII.LETT. Vice-President. JAS. B. ALVORD, Secretary, feb 14 d-ts Book Binding. I >LANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made to order for ) Courts and Counting Houses, and the numbers printed on the page without extra charge. Magazines, Music and Law Books, bov ”1 in neat and cheap styles. DAVID ROSS. Cor. 3d and Cherry Streets, feb 3 Over George T. Rogers A Son, r I S HE subscriber has purchased the Right to Fow I land’s Patent Carriages and Springs for Blank Account Books, which he will put on work when instructed. DAVID ROSS. march 9 M. XjOTT Fashionable Hair Dresser, At the Redding House, Macon, Ga« r Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens 1 of Macon and strangers passing through the city that his well known establishment is still in op- i eration at his old stand, where he is ready to accom modate his customers with Hair-trimming, Shaving, Shampooing and everything else in his line in the •■le oi art He ■ Aters ft r sale? Good Bay Rum, Progler’s Hair luvigorator, Knight’s cefebrated Haii Reatoral Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Ra- z andalls eeded for a gentleman's toilet. Hot and Cold Baths can be ha«l at the reduc ed price of 35 cents. Also, wigs and Toupees mwV to order on short notice. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage which he has etoforere ceived. M. LOH. inly 8-flm < B. A. LOCHRAM ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER AT LAW MACON, GA. I my circuit practice interferring witl 1 my office business m this city, I have withdraw! from the Finn of Lochrane & Lamar, and will here after be found at my office near the Mechanic's Bank, to give personal and professional attention only to litigated and crii case business placed in my hands. The business of the Firm will be attended to by both the partners Lamar and Lochrane, tc whom letters may be addressed. • City papers copy—may 20 W. T. AIASSEY’S I.AW Ac OKKICE Is over E. L. Strohecker A Co.’s Drug Store wher< he ?an be found from b o’clock A. M. to 1 P. M. nov xi SPEER & HUNTER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, M ACON, GA., Office on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Stree 1 and Cotton Avenue 1 have associated as patners in the practice*! v V Law in tl ■ c< unties ol tin-Macon andadjoin- • ere in the Htata by special al G JFtft at Sa vannah and Mat ieitu. ALEX. M '•’PEER. Peb.17,1 SAMI I I. hLNTER. W. C. M. dunson; ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office over Dr. L E Stroheckers Drug Store. lb m bwcn ’ h Joseph E Brown, Miltodteft ville, Ga. Hou. William I Yancey, Montgomery, Ala. Hon. Bvi'j H. Hill, Lagrange, Ga. Hon. John E Ward, Suianush, Ga. .1 B AW. A K- . Macon. Gh over E. J*, birobccker’s Drug Store. juiy xx d iy w vid DR. W. HORNE I 1 | -4 Bibb and “4 |o; t u '.tn * Wl.» n not prft i, *»;<H.alh abi*' ' ’*••> b« h»und al his Office, o» • tn.n A'« nor, I it H-<LiU Hsikr6 itoM, M , it). Lan i IB -< Uv »41 promptly st und le ■ nr a. If DR. GE<>.<;. GRIFI IN. II AV I MJ p* rmabewliy iuratrd in Macoft, fraped g ll' * • ui net' tu ILa pubhe vd M , la Wa.Uiugtufc BkxA. § AYER’S ■"W . Cathartic Pills, (SCGA R CO A TED,) ARE MADE TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND CURE THE SICK. Invalids, Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, Philanthropists, read their Kffects, and judge of their Virtues. FOR THE OF Headache, Sick Headache,Foul Stomach. Pittsburg, Pa., May 1, 1806. Da. J. C. Atrr. Sir: I have been rej>entedly cured of the worst headache any body can hare by a dose or two of your Pills. 11 seems to arise from a foul stomach, which t hey cleanse at once If they will cure others as they do me,- the fact is worth knowing. Youis with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of SUamer Clarion. Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. Dipartmint op thi Intkrior, I Washington, D. C., 7 Feb., 1860. j Str: I !»▼« used your Pills in my general and hospital practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to mv they are the best cathartic we employ. Their regu lating action un the hvrr is quick and de. ided, consequent ly they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ.' Indeed, I have seldom found a case of biliout rax so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fiateriially yours, ALONZO BALL, 11. D, nytician of the Marine H rjiletk Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. < Post Ofticb, Habtlasd, Liv. Co., Mich., Nov. 16.188A Da. Atib: Your Pills are the perfection of medicina, They have done my wife more good than I can tell you. She had been sick and pining away for months. Went off to be doctored at great expense, but got no better.. Bbe then commenced taking your Pills, which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from her body. They afterwards cured her and our two childrea of bloody dysentery. One of our neighbors had it bad. and my wife cured him with two doses of your PUIa, while others around us paid from five to twenty dollars doctors’ bills, and lust much time, without being cured entirely even then. Such a medicine as yours, which is actually guod and honext, will be prized here. GEO J. GRIFFIN, Poetmatter. Indigestion ond Impurity of the Blood. Prom Rev. J. V. H'imet, Pallor of Advent Church, Briton. Dr. Atxb: I have used your Pills with extraordinary success in mv family and among those I am called to visit In distress. To regul.xte the organs of digestion and puri fy the blood they are the very best remedy I have ever known, and 1 can confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co.. N. Y., Oct. 24. 1856. Dxar Sir: I am using your Cathartic Pills in my prao tice, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify ths fountains of the blood. JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Evil, Tetter, Tumors, and Salt Rheum. From a Pirwarding Merchant of St. Louu, Pb. 4,1866. Dr. Atbb: Your PUD are the paragon of all that is great tn medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous wires upon her hands and feet that had'pruvsd incurable for yean. Her mother bed t>een long grievous ly afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and la her hair. After onr child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ABA MORGRIDGK. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. Pom the Rev. Dr. Uawku, of the Methodut Epis. Church. PtLASii Hovsa, Savannah. Ga., Jan. 6. 1860. noNORBD Sir : I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to yon. A cold eettled in my limbe and brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I had the heat of physicians, the disease grew wore* and worse, until, by the advice of your excel lent agent in Baltimore. Dr. Machen tie, I tried your Pills. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them, 1 am now entirely well. Bbnatb Chambrr, Baton Rovgb. La., 6 Dec., 1861. Dr. Aykr: 1 Lave been entirely cured by your Pills es Rheumatic Gout— a painful disease that had afflicted me for years VINCENT SLIDELL. For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com plaints, requiring an active purge, they are an excel lent remedy. T For Costiveness or Constipation, and as a Dinner Pill, they are agreeable and vfitctual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflamma tion, and even Deafness, and Partial Blind ness, have been cured by the alterative actiuu of these Pills. Most of ths Pills in market contain Mercury, which, al though a valuable remedy iu ekilful bands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that fre quently follow its incautious use. These contain no mer cury or mineral substance whatever. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR THE RAPID CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, INFLU ENZA, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, IN CIPIENT CONSUMPTION, and for the relief of consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. We need not sj>»«k to the public of its virtues. Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, its woudeiful cures of pulmonary com plaints have made it already kiy wn. Nay, few are the families in any civilized country on this continent with out some personal exj>erience of its effects ; and few er yet the communities any where which have not among them some living trephy of its victory over the subtle and dan gerous diseases of the throat and lungs. While it is the n>o«t powerful antidote yet known to man for the formi dable and dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, it is also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be em ployed for infants and young persons. Parents should have it in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We have abundant grounds to believe the Cherry pectoral saves more lives by the con sumptions it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by you. and cure your colds while they are curable, nor neg lect them until no human skill can master the inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, eats your life away. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know too the virtues of this remedy, we need not do more »han to assure them it is still made the l>eet it can be. We spare no cost, no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect possible, and thus afford those who rely on it the best agent which our skill can fiirnish for their cure. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mase. AND SOLD Br WALTON FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY! Chartered by the State of Georgia in 1856. 7/aviug been appointed by the President and Di rectors oi the Walton Female College, Manager of their Lottery Charter, we intend conducting the same on the favorite Havana Plan ut Single numbers, and have located our office i i the city of Savannah, Ga. We now offer the following GRAND SCHEME! To be Drawn the first and third Wednesday in each month. 30,000 Tickets-3,237 Prizes Amounting to $212.0001 Capital Prize $60,000. 1 Prize of ><lo,ooo 1 “ “ l >,OOO 1 “ “ 5,000 1 “ “ 4,000 3 “ “....2,000 6,000 10 “ “ .... 1000 10,000 10 “ “ .... 500 5,000 10 “ “ .... 200 2,000 100 “ “ .... 100 10,000 100 “ “ .... 50 5,000 3000 “ “ .... 80 00,000 3237 Prizes amounting to (212,000. The 3000 Prizes of (30 mentioned in the Scheme, are determined by the last tigure of the Number that draws the Capital Prize. For instance, say the Capital Prize ends with number b, all those Whole Tickets ending with 8 are entitled to (30, tn ad dition,to any other prize they may draw. Halves and Quarters in proportion. Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50j Also, the following Favorite Small Scheme. Tobe drawn the Second and Fourth Wednes day of each mouth. 16.000 Tickets, only 197 Prizes amount ing tu $41,000. Capital Prize $15,000. 1 prize of |15,000 1 “ 5,000 1 ** 3,000 2 “ 1,000 each is ft,ooo 2 “ 500 •* 1,000 10 2<i‘» ** 2,000 70 “ 100 “ B,uoo 100 “ 50 “ 5,000 197 prizes amounting to .|41,000 Whole Tickets $5, Halve* $2.50, Quarters $125. Prize* pavable without deduction SOdaya after the '<l > and under, paid tmuie REFERENCES: Hun OVIIHi bPAKKiS, Mayor, Mftcon.Ga. T K HLooM < ottou Factor. Maeon.Ga BELL. PKLM IBM A CO .Marfthnak, Ga FA KLEI, Jt’iO ACU , s«w Urleaue, La. Addreaa W. C. A CO . Mftftftgrra, Mac< u us batauiiftL, Gft., Or Hux D , No 41, Foal Office. N O . U Pi uro t awbftd eilUw mj Macon or Gft , vim* • », brfumtft Urattof ftft- v «» .w. a L» u.arob w I fBININGEB’S I I < o^ d Oa. : V GIN, A. M. Bininger & Co. (Established 1778,) IMPORTERS, No. 17 Broad Street, NEW YORK. This agreeable Tonic is designed especially as a Safe and reliable Medicine for Family Use. The Public are assured that our ' London Dock Gin is a superior j article, poflefling all the virtues ascribed to it as a Medicinal Be verage, and deserving of their pa tronage, in preference to the ius picious decoitions emanating from irrefponfihle sources, and fold un der various pretentious names. The fad that our house (eitablished in 1778,) has attained a favorable reputation for the genuine character and purity of its Liquors, will, we trust, be a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of this article. Put up in quart and pint bottles, in cases of one and two dozen each, with our name on the bottles, and a faefimile of our Signature on the wrappers. Sold throughout the United States and Canadas, by Druggists, Grocers, &c. Druggills and Dealers Supplied with Wines and Brandies, Dired from U. S. Bonded Ware- . Houles, of all the favorite brand; 1 and molt approved Vintages. 9 For Sale bv E. L. STROHECKER i CO., and ZEI LIN, HUNT A CO., Macon, Ga. I ■>> 8 . B. A. WISE WOULD most respectfully inform the public his customers that he has removed his stuck us TO VE, TIN AYA RE AND HOUSE KEEPING HARDWARE, TO HIS NEW STORE. Next door to the Telegraph Building, on Cherry St., and would be pleased to nave all persons in want of Goods in my line to call and examine my stock, where mav be found Stoves, Grates, Ranges, Brass and Bronzed Andirons, Shovels, Tongs and Fenders, Waiters, Tea and Coffee Urns, Steak and Oyster Dishes, Plated Castors ami Waiters, Spoons, Forks and Cake Baskets, Silver Tea Spoons and Forks, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Wood Ware, Brooms and Brushes Matts, Trays, Sifters, Meat Cutters and Staffers, Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, and all Goods usually kept in my line. B. A. WISE, Cherry Street, dec 23 Macon, Ga. NEW YORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER'S BANK. mar 25-ts To the Lovers of the Turf and ADMIRERS OF THE ELOOD HORSE. I OFFER for sale my beautiful race colt Boatman by Monte out of Kate Mont-*nV gomery, dam Mary Buford, by Ilavock, sonV of Sir Charles. This Cult is descended from the best racing family of horses in America, and is in all re spects a very superior animal. His pedigree can be proven by the best authenticated records. Apply to R. JORDAN, JR.. Monticello, jan 27 Jasper Co., Ga. To Tcaclici-o A ilolrl lnr<-p<-i-* FOR SALE OR RENT. property consisting of exten five imnrove -1 menu of all kinds, with Gardens, Orchards, Shrubbery, etc , and three hundred acres of land (one-ffiaif rich woodland * is now offered for sale or rent to a responsioie purchaser or tenant on very fa vorable terms. The place has been improved with great taste and beauty, and to a gentleman desirous of establishing a select School or opening a watering place it pre sents an opportunity rarelv offered. The Springs (tine Chalybeate water) lie 16 miles West of Maron, and seven miles from a Depot on the Macon h Western Kailroad. For terms, which will be rer.sonable both as to time and price, apply to the lUidersigned at Macon, Ga. Possession given at onoe. Dec. •.■th, UM. ALEX. M. BPEBB. MACON & WESTERN R. R. O’ N and after T hursday, the 15th inst., tbe trains will be run as follows : Leave Macon night, arrive Atlanta?.ls, a. m. Leave Macon 10.00, a. in., arrive Atlanta 4.<><*, p. m. Leave Atlanta 12, night, arrive Macon 7.15, a., m. Leave Atlanta 11 a. m.. arrive Macon * <>o, p. m. The D'.ght trains will not be run on Suudu vs. The 10 a. ra. train from Macon con net t> with 1 be Wes tern A Atlantic R. R for Chattanooga. Knoxville, Nas'iiville, Memphis, at 8.40, p. m., with Georgia R. R. for Augusta at 12 night,, and Atlanta A West Point R. R. at 12.5, a. m. The 10.00, a. m. train from Macon connects with the Ge< rgia Road at 12J>0., a. in., and Atlanta A Wftftt I oint. Road, tt If i , n. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road, makes thia the most pleasant ami duect route to the VIRGINIA iPRINGIL Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for <26 2 r . including Stage lure, <7 00, and tu Now York for 32 00. Further information may be had in relation . Route, un application to the General Ticket Office- Atlanta. ALFRED 1 TYLER eng 2h| Superiutchdcirf. I>< ■ ciiilht 1. 1 1 »5’- T. r. ftYtlftM. ft. MILL. NTI IIBS A Illi I. ATTOKNEYS Al LAW, .Mu ton, <«m» 11 fJLL | ra» t■ • u «■* op >.f the Macuft < if- Wft ruit, and ftb' th .!■ i I j » h M »• • *»• ' , Ma»<wf«e, IftitaH, TftyUt, h. hhy, iy, Lm, Mtid tba Fu4«ia4 Cuurt* at Maftottt< and fta fauuaL. and in ftvet/ vliuf vvaftty wb*re !*• tea ; will varrftol i Fftb I« IM »I yr IIBI——IHIL —- 1 ' John Massett Opposite the Medical College. Macon, Oeorf la, keeps always on hand .1 large and choice stock ot .he best Old Brandy, Irish and American Whiske rof various superior brands, St. Croix and Jamaica K i. the first quality of Gin, with everything else in inis "also. Champagne, Madeira. Sherry, Mallaga and other kinds of Wine. It his BJK nis patrons are sure to receive polite attention, and get the best oi ' 'i'iThopes to retain a liberal share of public patron- striving to deserve it. trial april 12, 1859-dtf MENARD & CASTLEN, DRUGGIST AN APOTHECARY , CHERKY STHK i/r.MACON, G-A nAS just received an will keep constant- Iv on band a ires’. upplj °1 DKLGS » TSf MEDICINES, consisting «* QUININE, IODINE, SALACINE, CIII.OKOFORM, IODINE POTASH, CALOMEL. MOR PIIINE, PIPERINE, BLUE MAS ArCe, Arc. Also, a large ot of American. English and Gerixvi PERFUMERY. CAMPHINE. BURNING FLUID. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, •SWEEDISH LEECHES. GARDEN SEEDS. Ac.. <tc. He will also keep a pure article of BRANDY A WINE for Medicinal purposes. ®ctl7 TO PLANTERS. IMIE subscribers have on hand, a good stock of Osnabfirgs, Kerseys, Blankets, and coarse shoes s i liable for the season, also, a general stock of Gro ceries which tlu v Will sell cheap for Cash or appro* ed credit, at the old stand on the corner aboie the i Lamer House. C. CAMPBELL A SON Maeon, Ort.ihnr 2*> I>'N7 K#ira« i A. M. BLACKSHEAR & CO., Washington Block, Invite attention to their ffl SIiMIIEB STOCK. all the NEW STYLES OF THE SE ISON in Fancy Goods, together with a largo stock of black Cloth, Drap’d eta and Alpacca Frocks and Sacks. Linen Frocks and Sacks, Linen Dusters, Black Cassinietes and Drap’d eta Pants, Ac. march 30d-tf /"I GENT’S Furnishing Goods in large variety ( V at A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO’S. march "'‘d-tt rpRUNKS and Ladies’ Hat Botes, Valises. 1 I Carnet Bags. Umbrellas Ac., at n. Jl. Id A. M. BLACkSHEARACO’S. xrOUTHS’ and Boys’ Clothing, to tit all sizes, X at A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO’S. march 30d-tf A MBROTYI’ES taken and put in neat Cases at 50 Cents, at S. GOODMAN’S Gallery, next to Mrs. Audouin’s Millinery Store. feb 24 d-nni* rpRUNKS, Valises, Carpet and 1 Gutta I’ercha Bags, Umbrellas, Ac. . „„ octxiv A. M. BLACKSHEAR A CO. Geo. T. Rogers & Son HAVE in Store and constantly receiving a large and general stock of Groceries, consisting in part of 120 Bags Rio Coffee, 25 Bags Old Government Java Coflee, 1 (’ask Ceylon Coffee, very choice, 20 Bags Pepper and Spice, 50 Bbls, crushed and Powdered Sugar, 7,; Bbls. Refined Sugar, various grades, 25 ,Hhds. choice Molasses, 15 Bacon Sides, 100 bo.x’<? s Sperm and Adamantine Candles, 5o Boxes Soap, various qualities, 30 Boxes various grades, 5o Boxes Pepper, Spice and Ginger 45 Boxes Cana assorted, 60 Boxes Tobacco, »!' qualities, 80 Boxes Pickles, assorted sizes, 65,000 Cigars of even’ grade, Together with a general assortment of Liquors -an of which will be sol<l low V C:i>!i. OCt 20 John Massett, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN Family Groceris, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC niQUons, PROVISIONS, &C., &C. gkcs“ Mulberry Street, opposite the Medical College, Macon, apl., 12, 1859-dtf DR. WALL JONES, IT AV ING permanently located in Macon, respect- L fully tenders his professional services to the cit izens of .Macon and the surrounding country. Office on 3rd Street, over T. J. Lane’s Store. june 25 d-ts raws balm of smu.! FOR THE HAIR. I'N presenting the Balin of Savannah to the public, the proprietor does so without any of the hesita tion attending the introduction of a new and untried article, for it has been fifteen years before the public, and each year has added to its popularity. The de mand for it having increased so far beyond my pre vious facilities for its manufacture, the proprietor has recently completed arrangements for producing on a more extensive scale, and at the same time, adding to its former excellence, by the result of a long prac tical experience in its use. The following vouchers from gentlemen well known to the community attest their estimation of the article : Savannah, August 3,1858. J/r. J. M. Haywood, Agent.— l cheerfully comply with my promise to give you my opinion of the mer its of your Balm of Savannah. After using it for some twb years, I am prepared to speak from experi ence, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the best pre paration for the hair that I have ever used. I tried many remedies, which had been recommended to me, with benefit, until 1 made a trial of your Balm, which not only removed the dandruff, but kept my head free from it, at the sunie time stimulating the growth of the hair and imparting to it a healthy appearance. 1 have recommended it to my friends, similarly afflict ed, who, in every instance, experienced similar ben efit from its use. * I esteem it a pleasant and conve nient article for dressing the hair, possessing most of the virtues < laimtd foi the popular cosmetic* of the dav, with none of their deleterious qualities. 1 feel confident that it only needs to be known to the public to become universally popular. Very Respectfully Yours, W. T. T77OMSON, Editor of the Savannah Morning News. Macon, Ga., July 21. 1858. J/r, J. M Haywood, Agetd. bear Sir: It affords . me much pleasure to bear testimony to the excellence of your Balm of Savannah, which I have no hesita tion in pronouncing superior to any other preparation for the hair that I have ever used. It not only cleanses, softens and invigorates the hair, but it re moves dandruff, and keeps the scalp clean and heal thy. Il is convenient and pleasant for toilet use, while it possesses medicinal qualities, that cannot fail to recommend it to all aho make a trial of it. For sometime I have used it in my family, who are now unwilling to be without it. Very Respectfully, JNO T BOIFEUTLLET, Treasurer ot the 8. W. K. Road. May tfi, lt&8 J/r. ./ M Haywood, Agtht. It gives me pleasure to certify to the unequaihd qualities of your Balm ot (iataiiiiah It ia tin* beat lonic for the hair, as well a« tin- most effectual exterminator of dandr off I have ever tried hair ha* been inclined tall out •inoe inv attack of Yellow Fever in 1»>54, ami among all • re** iHM • - I ha • ‘ I ' I bss vee* the moat MMMMHsbfaL This much I su» i ” 4 ’ YtfUisAr < I’ w ALEX AMH H. Late Editor of tfiv Maiauaah Republican. E. L. STROH ECKER, 1 July I Sole Af’t for Moiuu. i I’ Rl7 I! AND A 8 NEWSPAPER, J ALL FOR TWO DOLLARS.- Now is the Time to Subscribe FOR THE r AMERICAN REPUBLIC, A A LARGE AND BEATIFUL JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO Art, Science, Literature. Agriculture, Ro-j mance, and News. i PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. 1 BY J. RUSSEL &, CO., IN THE CITY OF MACON, GEORGIA. The most Eminet U l iters of the hay Colxtidbute to itn Columns, Tehms Invariably in Advance—One subscriber one year, *2,00, with Lottery Tickets worth |1 —four .subscribers one year, with Lottery Tickets worth s4—ten subscribers one year, £12.5<». with Lottery Tickets worth ijilu, the Tickets to be selected by the subscribers from any oi -HODGES, DAVIS & CO.’S Schemes of the Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia N. H. A specimen copy will be sent to any one who desires it. free of cost, when further particulars - i will be furnished and inducements offered to sub- I 1 I scribers, superior to those of any other literary jour- I nal now published. r Don’t fail to send for a Copy. jgJ | Subscriptions received at the American Re [ public Office, Ralston’s Building, Third Street, up Stairs, until October when the office will be removed to Acer’s Block, Mulberry Street. aug 2G ’59 d F. Reichert, Upholsterer, on Cotton Avenue, Up-atairs, over Mr. Brainerd's Variety Store, Opposite Ross, Coleman & Ross* SPRING and Hair Mattresses made to order, old ones done up, old Furniture neatly repaired and varnished; Curtains put up; Carpets, Oilcloths, and Matting laid. Also, paper hanging of every style. All work in my line will be executed with neatness and despatch. june 6 d 6m 1 Fluid Gas Lamps. > I HAVE just received a lot of the above Lamps con sisting of Hand Lamps, Suspending Lamps, Par lor Lamps, and Billiard Lamos. It is unnecessary - tor me to say anything about this Lamp, as the Press of our city has said all that I could sav. It is also f suitable for running through Houses or Factories, on the same principle as Gas. upr 29-ts R. P. McEVOY. COWLES'SUPERIOR CREAM CHEESE. 1 I T A\ ING made arrangements for a large supply 11 of the above named V\ e would inform the Citizens of Macon, and the | public generally, that we are now prepared to furnish the article At Wholesale and Retail, As low as it can be afforded. i I Lovers of Good Cheese we invite you to give us a call, we are satisfied you will be pleased. i GREER A FREEMAN. Its. (’itizen copy. PLANTATION FOR SALE’ T OFFER for sale a fine Plantation situated five miles from Macon and containing thirteen hun dred acres of land—six hundred cleared, three hun- * dred of wooded upland and four hundred of swamp 1 land. On the premises is a fine new dwelling and 1 out houses. The mules and stock will be sola with it if desired. It is situated in the forks of the Oc mulgee river and Tobesof kee creek within a quar ter of a mile of the South Western and a half mile of the Macon & Brunswick Rail Roads. The crop car. be seen on the place. Terms will be liberal. < june 23 d A w ts J. H. ANDREWS, 1 Macon, Ga. Copartnership Notice. I HAVE associated with me my brother FRANK M. STONE, for the purpose oi continuing the Hat . and Cap business. The business will be conducted hereafter under J the firm name and style of CHAS. B. STONE & BROTHER. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal patron age extended to him the past year would most re spectfully solicit a continuation of it for the new firm. They will keep constantly on hand a superior >;tock of Hats and Caps, which they will sell as low f as any house in the citv or State. apl IV CHAS. B. STONE A BRO. r r FORSYTH’S HSM MOI BOOT & SHOE ; iriainifactory, OPPOSITE TRIANGULAR BLOCK, and ' NEXT DOOR TO ROSS, COLEMAN A ROSS. sept 19 ISo9. ’ r population ot .Macon is now betwern ten and ‘ 1 twelve thousand; this, together with the in- f creased number of strangers visiting the city foi the purpose of hqying goods, has induced the old and well known firm of W. W. Parker & Co. to buy a much larger stock of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS than usual, with the expectation of at least doubling f their sales this Fall. They have spared no pains to r please all those in want of the Latest A iWo>t I'aKliiouable Dress GOODS. ; Their old friends and customers, and that deaira a > b\ < iloim hi, h ill be con v inred that they have even surpassed I hem nchca .his Fall. ALL LADIES OETASTE ar? particularly inierratod and we hope to tee them •vail thru.sdvcs <1 tl.v pin dege of carlv select: al Parker’s. MOS2S-U "Won tod. TW(> hist class )ourur*mau Tailors.alibv Tailor W. K AKNULD. J ••p < d KM .TOBWOKK: Havln? >»t prneuwd * COMPLETE OUTFIT, «e are prepared to d<> every iteaeription <rf Job Wonic a a neat Myle on short notice. We are ready at all times to execute in a eatisfacto ry manner such work as POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, HAND BILLS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, LABELS, CIRCULARS, CARDS, , do., Ac., All kinds of Blanks kept constantly on hand. TO RENT. THE Store occupied bv Waterman and the Stor occupied by Hutchings, also several Rooms.— Apply to l ’ FREEMAN A ROBERTS. July 28 d-2tn Religious Books AND *»ahh.-uli School Lileraliric. THOSE wishing to purchase Bibles, Tracts and good books for the library or Sabbath reading, are invited to cull and examine the stock ot rel publications for sale at the •* Depositokv ot we Georgia Bible and Colporteur Society, ‘‘Cotton Avenue,” Macon, Ga. Every advantage will be ot tered to those who wish to select libraries either tor the Sumi School or family. feb SAM’’ BOYKIN, Agent 0. MACIIOL1), Boot and Shoe Maker, in Tint Redding Blouse Building. ON Third Street, Macon, Ga, HE is prepared to do all work in his line as well and cheap as it can be done elsewhere, and respect fully solicits 1 continuance ot public patronage. — Call next do’ .’to M. Lon’s Barber Shop. Stereoscopes. 4 LARGE and beautiful assortment of Stereo JTjL seopes—with a Urge number of views of all kinds. For sale singly or bv the dozen at J. M. BOARDMAN’S, dec xn Washington Block CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! REMOVAL, E. WINSIIIP HAS removed to E. Saulsbury’s old stand nel door to Strong A Woed’s’shoe store, and ia nr*» pared to exhibit one of the largest and finest stock u READY MADE CLOTHING iu the city. sep 23 Designs for Monuments BY ROB T E, LAUNITZ, N.’ Y. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO.. Agents, Macon, Gs. N. S. PRUDDEN&CO. Have just received their SECOND SPRING STOCK OF FAN CY BRX GOODS, "OURCtIASED by one of t *e firm within the last 1 two week*. Among them are styles entirely new, and very beautiful. In Dress (woods we can show an elegant assort* ment, from the cheapest to the finest fabric. Man tillas, Muweg Talma*, Du*Urg, Embroidcritt, and in fact almost everything that pertains to our line or business. N. S. PRUDDEN A CO. •pl 27 d-ts BELDEN & CO. stha'W" goods AT COST FOR CASH ! NO HUMBUG! VI have just received an extra supply of Straw v v Goods, consisting of Panamas, White and Brown Leghorns, W’hite Senates, Slate and purple Canadas. For Boys and Infauts, every variety of Hats; ana Misses’ Flats of every style. These Goods must be sold as soon as possible, and to Cash customers we can offer great inducements. BELDEN A CO.J Macon, May 25. diwtf City pape-« copy 4t FIRE INSI RAME COMPANIES? THE Hartford—lncorporated 1810, Capital >500,000. The Springfield—Capital >lsv,f w. The Massasoit at Springfield. Capital >150,000, with a large surplus securely invested. Pollicies in tbe first class Companies issued and losses promptly adjusted by E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent. REFINED LARI). r? A P’K’GES Refined and No. 1 LeufLard, in Cans, Kegs, Half Barrels and Barrels, for sale low by McCALLIE 4 JONES, dec 9 SADDLERY & HARDWARE. THE undersigned would respectfully in vite the attention of his friends and cus tomers, and the trade, to his large stock of LEATHER AND R( BRER BELTING Double and Single Harness, Sadd’sj. Bridles, Bits and Spurs, of the best make and latest style. Also, prepared to do iob work at the shortest no tice, ana in workmanlike manner, and as low aa any House in the city. Call and see at his new Store next to the Manufactures’ Bank, and opposite Rosa* new Building. JOHN CLEGHORN oct 19 Choicest Fruits. J’UST received, New Layer Raisins, Languedoc Marseilles, and Princess Almonds, Sweet Or anges, Choice Northern Apples, at nov HENRY HORNE’S For Rent. THE Store rented by 11. Horne and now occupied by Mr. Hernandez ns a Sugar Store, on Tnird Street, the best stand in the city for a Confectionary and Candy Store. Also several large rooms up stairs in Cherry Street. sept 20 d ts T. C. DEMPSEY, Executor. FOR SALE. MY Residence, in front ot Dr. E. L. Strohecker’s I dwelling, containing 6 rooms, kitchen with 2/ rooms, negro house with 2 rooms and good stable, S horse lot, tine well of water and good garden, and in L a very healthy part of the citv and but a short walk from the business part of the city. Terms will be ! m’vle liberal Possession given the Ist of October ■i’ G. J. BLAKE. < Macon. Julr 23, 1859 d-t October Erroneous! 4 N idea prevails that MILLER A WATERMAN’S i A is a place for gentlemen’s trade only. m>. The Ladies are respectfully informed that we have on band, and are receiving' a nice stock of seasona ble Dry Goods which we will sell barer than any other House in the city. Please call if you wish to buy Dry Goods cheaper than you ever bought before. Next door to Bow die A Anderson’s, Cotton Avenue, sep 14 JACOB SCHALL, BOOT& SHOE MAKER, WALKER S BUILDING. Mulberry Street, near the .Medical College, (\FFERS hia services to the public in all the / branches of his art. He flatten* himself that in the manufacture of Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters par-, ticuiariv, h« can give entire satisfaction to his pat rons. Orders respectfully solicited. feb 22 d 1 -y Milledgeville Hotel. r Establishment is still open for the reception 1 of members to the I egislature and transient visitorsand the proprietor i> determined to reserve ample occommodaiion of luidies, and for tbe enter tainment of both Ladies and Gentlemen ; he has rented Newell’s Hall, a large and commodious room hfty by eighty feet long adjoining the Hofei for the purpose of having two or three Cotdion Parties tier week, with a fine band of music which will alwavs be at the command of his guest. Every effort will be made to make bis guest comfoi cable and contented * Received to-day and for Sale. € 100 ’* S< ” k * Mils Extra Flour, TS •• HuherAna »5 •’ Demtnvad. Extra *■ * V> I’laul.r’. Milla « FI.ARa A PRITCHETT, arpt X» 11 it Npark’a War. FKKNCH FOMADBN ANUOII.N I'DR th. hair, warranted to kwp i« n t 1B tfe, “** b/ *’ ** J " lwlsc X | aL