Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, July 09, 1844, Image 1

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« r r r TUESDAY M O R K I K O, f f ' t,S by M. BARTLETT. « PER, IN ADVANCE. orTo-MEVTS not exceeding 12lines, will be inserted i wtSrOW* DOLLAR: and Tirrr cents for each TaVcoUectora' and Coroners’ Sales, aro char- *A rtuAaMe'deduction will be made to those who ad ver- ^.‘leaen on business connected wi*h the Office, must « • u .1 eMAntinn. DRUGS. ITIEDICtfYES. Ac To W*hysiciatt9 and Planters: nnHE subscriber is now recA-::'j everv week fres' 1 nlies of MEDICINES, which m e very can'uVi lectea forbirn in rbe Northern markets; and hnvine r. ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell at reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opp o lies of set; Jinc to him. may rely upon having their order eciiled upoathe most favorable tb-ms. The q-.ality (• articles will be the very Lr-:, and J e prices nr low they attended personally to the purchase of them VOL. xviii MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1844. secure attention. The expressions. rich blood and poor blood, hair a scientific basis The ridicule which many have attempt ed to east on these common-sense opinions, must recoil upon themselves as surely at that Truth will prevail. Blt4i\»RETIl , $ PILLS. TTIHE effect uf this celebrated medicine, is to purify the .1. blood; to convert the poor, corrupt blood, into healthy, rich blond. And it is because they do this, that they have been so steadily sought after by all classes of our citizens who have required medicine. And it is because of the power Brandreth s Pills are Now knowu to possess as health-restorer*, that renders them so popular Tli*y cure all affecticms. simply Ucavse they make the Mood T)Ur/—/t/,v7 Y'tJr'f ftist it .««• «* 1 ■ • .a r.« hio.vaTbe e HAT AND CAP jp ESTABLISHMENT. TOm^SSsaSAJSsSS <& I&3SP&2IL. m. JOHTCSTOZff, AlTORNEV AT LAW, MACON, OA. ffij* OFFICE Macon, March 26. 1844. 26 ver j .st rerrived and far sale by HARVEY SHOT WELL, Corner opposite the Central Hole! iLaesiss Gil. \ BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil. for bv HARVEY 6H0TWELJ May 14 33 Commission Business. W E take this method of informing our friends and the publir generally, that we are still connected in tlie Ware. Ilo Mae. nu«l Conunia.ion Hnaineaa, whirl, will be conducted at the stand occupied by us the past season, (on Cherry-street, near Canon Avenue.) F ir the convenience of our up-count, y friends, we are building a SCALE HOUSE, nearly adjoining Col. Parker’s Store, on the Avenue, which will be completed by the first of Sep tember. r We desire to return onr thanks, for the liberal patronage bestowed on ns heretofore; and trust our exertions for the interest of our patrons, to merit its continuance. We will be prepared to make the customary Advnncra on 4’ottou, fill Orders, and attend to such business as may be confided to os by our friends, on as favorable terms as will be done by any other regular House in this place. HAMILTON & WINN. JOSEPH B. CLAPP, Attorney at Lmr, Vienna, Dooly county, 10 32 Georgia. Macon. June 20 33 marietta hotel, GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock of Carpeufers’s and Sands 9 Sarsa gtavilln, tjtOR sale at tlie proprietors’ price-, hv I. - * HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. J> S. BEWNARD, ATTORNEY AT LAV, PERRY. GEO. Cobh County, , ' t—ed hire taken this spacious Hotel, for- T he under* hensos Roberts. E«q.. and are now ailvforihereception of Travellers and Families visiting ,b Ta? P ,ed * e them,e,vss *° use evcr J’ exertion far the comfort of their patron. n da-nipt. HATS AND CAPS IlaflTatt’s Fi5!s and Bitten* OR sale atihe proDrietnr’s . HARVEY SHOTWELL av 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hot DR. J. BEALE, T3E5PECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, It. that he has settled in Macon, for the purpose of Prac ticing his Profession. KIP OFFICE over the Drug Store of J. W. Bailey. June 11, 1844.37 3m* Linseed Oi! assd Train Oil, ISOR sale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel, Notice, A LL persons having claims against B. S. Newcomb. or B. 8. Newcomb Sc Co. are requested to present them for settlement; .and all indeb.ed. will save themselves trou ble and expense,, by paving without we ltaviug recourse to the services of an attorney. May 20, 1944. 34 B. 8. NEWCOMB & CO. Macon, July 1, 1843. Marietta. Jan. 1 - 1844 - Sal Eratus, ,F superior quality, just received and fer sale by ( May 14 HARVEY SHOTWELL, bacon rs Aii/l LBS Georgia Cured BACON, J.(JUU 20,000 lbs. an do HAMS. ALSO. 4 000lbs. extra LEAF LARD, forasle by WM. A. CHERRY. oril 8 27 4m Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Bams. SfkfYfY LBS. of Georgia Hams, for sale by C. A. ELL3. iXjyjXJ Oh ! how sweet. Also. 3000 lbs. Lard, do- March 26. 1844. 26 Hole-Skin, Angola, and Silk Summer Clothing:. T HE subscribers have received their stock of Summei Clothing, comprising one of the most extensive and va ried they have ever had on hand, and which will be sold at extremely low prices. A call is invited. May 7 32 J. L. JONES & CO. Commission Business. T HE undersigned still continues to occupy the WARE HOUSE on the corner of Second and Poplar streets. He ntfers hi. services in the various branches of the Ware- House unit Commission Itiisincs*, and rrspectfal- ly solicits the patronage cf his friends and the publir gener ally; trusting that, by his unremitting efforts, he shall be able to meet the wishes of those who may honor him with their confidence—and expressea a feelingcfgratitnde to his friends for their libera' patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Macon, July 1. 1843. 41 ALSO. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter* ami Sen!, Nutria, and muskrat* ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen’s iVavy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s ami Boys’ Black and Oral* SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of Men’s and Boys’ Black and JDraI» WOOL HATS, &C. _ KT* The attention of those in want of any -t-ticles in this Paints and Oils. KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, •)UU 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil, • With a variety ofColors forPainters’use, for ale bv July 6 40 • CHAS. CAMPBELL & C H. & J. COWLES INDIAN SPRING. rpHE subscriber most respectfully informs the pnbtie, I that he hat taken possession of the well known Hotel it the Indian Spring, lately occupied by Col. H. Dillon — There are so many living witnesses, who can bear testitno- a v to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of tbeso unequalled waters that it is useless to speak of them here. He tenures all who are disposed to visit h>m. that nc efforts ihill be wanting to provide all such luxuries at will tend to their comfort; and to afford them all *och means of amuse gent as will enable them to drive “ dull care away,” and mm their time in pleasure. r nr GAMING is strictly forbidden. BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian Spring, Butts e». March 26; 1844. 26 tO GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT,) MlU.E3GEVH.LE. NuV. 8. 1839. ) Inalj-sis of tlie Water of the Indian Spring, Butts County, Georgia. Qaantity. on. pint, (wine measure.) or 29,675 cubic inrbes. Preliminaries for a correct Analysis of this Spring. Barometer 29,54 inches. Temperature of tlie Atmosphere 63 deg. Farenheit. Temperature of the Water 46 do do Ssecific Gravity 1,142, that of distilled water being 1,000. * CASSES. Arctic Gas, 0,156 cubic inches. Carbonic Acid Gas .................1.000 do Sulphuretted Hydrogen 3.5 - do SALINE CONTENTS. Carbonate of Magnesia,. . ........... 1.932 grains. Pulpbate of Magnesia,... ...71,523 do Sa'pi* 11 * of Lime,... .......7 152 do Sulphate of Potash 3,415 do Total of Saline contents 84.077 M A VE now on hand, attlie Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ross he Co., a genetal assortment of Planters’ Supplies, consisting of Groceries, Staple Dry-Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES, Scc. &c. Macon. Ott 25, 1943 6 FRK8SI DRUGS AND MEDICINES Macon, Ut^ /"lONTINUED supplies of " J the best quality of the a- WfT-* a! bove articles, suitable for Phy- «*!;■ . ^ sL sicians. Merchants, and Fami- £%■& •® S lies, received and for sale by ■" J. II. 6c W. S. F.LLL3. 1.1944. 36 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. JflUSIC STORE, JtteOLCOjy. Commission Business. shall continue the Ware House and Commission T T Business, the ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and Srcond Streets. In offering our services again to the public, we have no M A v t£ cons antly on hand, and offer f< r sale at prices as low as on be purchased in the southern country, a plead id assortment ol PIANO-FORTES* from the Celebrated and long established Manufactories of .Vwiuis S Clark and J'. Chickcring. The weil known reputation of these Manufactories pre eludes the necessity of commenting upon the excellence ol their instruments, which have stood tlie test of'every cli mate, for many years. A LARGE ASSORT 51J2NT OF VIOLINS. 9DP6RIOR GUITARS, UUGI.ES, T1SO.TIBONEH, TRE.11PETS. IIOKNS, CLAKIUNRTS, FLAGEOLETS, FIl'ES, Ac. Ac. Ac. Violin, Guitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reeds pledges to mske—he.ievin; sufficient guarantee for t WHOLESALE Anil RETAIL. KEW BOOTS & SHOES, Just Received on Second .*■ .recti S fTNHE undersigned would inform thru JL friends and the public generally, tl at they have received a laree summi en' bf GENTS. FINE BOOTS and SHOES; 6t» with a full supply nf low priced 6Kt\ ED and PEG BOOTS, and SHOES. Also. Ladies’ SHOES a full supply of MISSES' Sc R ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from tlie celebrated Hat Manufactory of John Hunt Sc Co., a very extensive assortment of State Geologist of Georgia. NEW GOODS CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, O.t Mulblbrt Street, NexRTnE Methodist Church HATS AJND CAPS R. W. & E. WOODRUFF, 'AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as- L sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER nf all kinds ami qualities, with lay be found It) doz. fashionable Beaver Hats. 20 doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE IIUKOUEI) DOZlIX BROAD BBIitl Reaver f Nutria and Russia CHILDREN'S SHOES, which they would invite a I those that ate in wantofany of the above articles to come and ex amine our assortment, confident that both quality and price will be made satMfaciory. WHITING & MIX. Macon, April 9. 1844.28 fj'lti:- :-l iSsTcRIBER, i* receiving large additfonsto bis COACHES, CnARIOTETS. BAROUCHES, BDGGIG9, WAGONS, Ac. from lurae of the beat Northern Manufactories, which were mrde expressly for this market, of the beat materials, and are warranted equal if not superior t<> those of any other es tablishment. Those in wantof any description of Carriages, will find itfor their intereatto examine the quality andpri ces of his assortment. ... Rkfairino. in nllthe different branches executed in the best manner, by experienced workmen at less than former ^ Carriage makers, will find a good assortment of Elliptic Borings. Axeltreet.turned and boxed Dashes. Lamps, Bands. Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and almost every article required in their business, at A ugnata prices. March 1st. 1342. 22 tf J.W.BABCOCK. Consist!ug'of Calicoes,Lawns and Muslins. Balzarine Mus lins; French and Scotch Gingham.; Linen Lawns; L’nen Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, I 1 -h, ;r.£ M~I! THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, JD£.U£B X.V Bonk, and Mull Muslins; Check Muslins; Glvvea and Hosiery, of every kind and quality »,000 Vi Blown and Bh HATS selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES, fjjfev. of all dercriplinns—which the offer at wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices. They invite all those who wish to purchase, to give them a call, ana they will erdcavor to suit in price and quality. Also, kept constahlly on hand. Seal Leather, Calf Skins; Linings. Lasts, Thread. Shoe Peps, and all other articles used ill manufacturing Boots and Slices. At the old stand, sienoftl.e Big Boot, Mulberry street. Macon. May 7, 1844. 32 STRONG A WOOD. urAves, wood & co. • VVESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants It and Planters to tlieit Stock of GROCERIES, 8V&HNB 3Mi1r^©(D®a IIAH©WAHE, SHOES & c . now in store- and to which constant additionsot fresh goods will be added during the season, rendering their assortment at all times very complete, and which will be sold low lor cash, oi to good customers. The following goods may be found in tbeir assortment: 5 Bales Ticking, 10 “ Osnaburgs. 30 “ Sheetings and Shirtings, 4 Cases Bleached da do 1000 Pieces English siid American Prints, 50 “ Scotch and Karlston Ginghams, ,hed Linen Drills fijr Pants; Brown and Bleached and (irau Linen; Brown and colored Cutton Goods, for summer wean r OR the speedy and effectual extirpution of all species and symptoms of the sylphitic disease. Professor VE8- PRINTS PILLS stand unrivalled. They have long been in general use in me principal cities in France and the Uni ted States, by those persons afflicted with this class of dis ease, and are daily receiving their unqualified approbation. The unparalleled celebrity and unexampled success of this matchless and powerful preparation, has won for itself a name never to be forgotten as long as there remains an at" flicied sufferer upon the face of the globe, h is truly sur prising to observe how speedily and harmless ii enters into every minute channel, effectually dislodging every germ. Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats, of Men’s, Yonths’ and Bovs’ sizes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Shades and Parasols; All of which we will sell st s small advance from Coat. Please call and see, at our Store, one door from Geo. W Price, on Second street. March 12 24 annihilating every leprous spirit of the most dreadful of all diseases, and. at the same time, never failing to fortify the system against disposition, or subsequent stuck of this com- plaint. Full and explicit directions accompany each boa of these Pills, and a statement of some of the most prominent symp toms is laid down as a guide to the patient in distinguishing one fnrin ol this disease from another; also, a statement, showing tlie result nf. the treatment of one hundred easel wiib these Pills alone, in one of the most distinguished hos pitals inr France. OF CHEAP A.\0 DESIRABLE Xwo doors above Ulmiira. J. II* Sc XV• M. ELLIS’ DRUG STOKE. J. BA RIVES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offers to tVe public, a large Stock of ROOKS, STa&TlONaTRV, 0PEi\L\G F«R THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, AT CRAIVE & CLARK’S. T HE subscribers of the PeopVs Store, are now making extensive arrangements fnr offering to their customers ■ very extensive assortment of the best selection of Goods for the coming season, that can be found in this market; and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of any oftheircotemporaiies. (luick returns and small prol"- 500 boxes 3 able ' alt, 600 ps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards. 40 dozen Pails. Mbls, Brooms, and Selves, 60 do Pen. Pocket, and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do Quilled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 18,000 SEGAHS. 20 boxes Imperial. Ilyson. Pouchong and Souchong Teas, Spices, of all kinds ;’ London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas! Sal Aeratus; Salt Pelre; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scotch and Macaboy Snuff—together with an assortment ot rHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles. Prayer and Hymn Books, of every kiiid and site, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley's Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason's Sacred Ilarp. Bate Primmer. Dictionary of Musical Terms. #e. See. Blnnk Books of every description, Conit Re cord, nud Docket Books, vnrione aizea. Lxoueks. Journal* and Dat Books: Invoick. Re- cord. Letter. Bili. and nKCEirT Books ; In dexes. ron Ledgers. Pocket Memoran dums & Pocket Ledgers. &n. tte. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers anil other» who nay want SCHOOL HOOKS, to call and examine his stock which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. For Cash- wholeasle and retail. He also rereives as soon as published all the new works from the Harper’s anti other publishing bouses in New York.Bosl.m and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, and fashionable literature of the day. which be sellsat New York prices. __ Constantly on hand a stock of LA W BLAI^KS, printed on the best foolseap paocr. Macon. Oei 4.1843. 2 “"gun smith business rjIHE subscriber continues to carry on this business at J his old Stand opposite Sbotwell’s Drug Store, where he keeps for sale Ikmib c tan,I Single Banol Shot Guns. Rifles, p.Mol*, issi.I all other kinds of Sl>osti a *u Appn<niiis. all kinds, and storking Guns, done at short t.oiice—also. Guns and Rifles altered to percussion locks. Feb. 00 HI P. HOUX. GROCERIES; HHDS. St. Croix Sugar, 15 do Porto Rico do 5 bis. Crushed do 5 do Powdered do 6 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar, ill II.LI AERY AND FANCY 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 14 3-4, 4-4. and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting, 130 Pieces Fiaid Jaconets and Swiss Muslins. 50 *■ Muslins and Lawns, 50 *' Ky. Jeans and Satiinetts. 300 “ Nankeen, 25 “ Brown Linens, 25 “ Irish do. 150 Doz. Head Hdkfs. 200 •' Flagg do. 25 Pieces Silk do. Fancy Hdkfs. and Sbswls, 150 Doz. Hosiery (assorted) 50 " Gloves do. 50 “ - Suspenders, 600 '* Spool Thread, 106 lbs. Black and colored Linen Thread, 200 * Turkey Cotton, Col’d Cambrics. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cords,' Sewing Silks. &c., Ac. Musqutto Nettings—Carpetling 100 Cases Men’s, Women’s and Children's Shoes, 15 “ Bonnets (all kinds) 200 Doz; Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter, Foolscap, and W rapping Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons. 1 cask Curry Combs, 6 11 C. S. and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes, Fry Pans. Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Knives and Folks, Pocket and Card Knives. Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinges and Screws, 200 lbs. Pins, Buttons and Combs of every description, Percus.-ion Caps. Spoons. Ac &c., 25 Ilbda. P. Ii-, a. C. ami X. O. Sugars, Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Sugar, Boxes White Havanna do. Bbls Loaf and Trinidad do. 400 Bags Bio and Java Ccffee, 10 Chests Fresh Teas. 30 Tons Iron. Flat, Hound, and Square (all sizes) Cast. German aud Blister Steel, Anvils, Vicesand Bellows, 3.000 lbs. Cartings, 250 Kegs Nails and Brads, Bagging, Rope and Twine. words, though in many things they undersell, they are de termined mu to be undersold. Among the go ids they keep mi hand and are constantly receiving, may be found, besides many others, the following: FOR THE LADIES, irfine printed Stripes, Ralzarines, Par- JO RESS'^fslKINO. ja itiBS. w. n.noBRis **^a 111 would respectfully announce V r£—-jw to the Ladies of Macon and country fcZr' .&y*: generally, that she is now opening. 150 bags Rio Coffee, 25 do prime Old Java, 75 kegs Powder, 20 boxes Soap, 10 do Starch, 25 do Sperm Candles, 5 do Hyson Tea; All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prires. June 4,1344. 36 A. G. BUTTS. assortment of DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SADDLERY, Bools and Shoes. Macon, Nov 14.1841L 7 Rich Dress Silks. su| is printed Satin and 1 Prints, black and bit- . *nd striped Muslins. 4 4 and 6 4 plain Mualina and Cam brics. 4-4 and 6-4 Bishop Lawns; silk and cotton Hose, silk and cotmn Gloves and Mitts; Ladies Cravats. Bonnet Rib bons. Fiench Flowers, best Poris Kid Gloves; white and black Lace Cardinals, rich Silk Shawls, black net Shawls, cotton and Linen Birds eye Diaper, 2.U00 yards llsuil do. at 12} rents per yard; 2.000 yds Negro stripe Homespuns at 12} cts ayardt 500 bolts Georgia Nankeen; 10,000 yds bleached and brown 8heetings and Shirtings; 2.000 yards Irish Linens from 37} to 31,25; pieces Eailstnn GingUams at 25 eta peryard; 25 do. at 33 and 37} cents; 50 doz. Lisle Caps at SI a dozen; 1800 boxes silver plated Hnoka and Eyes at 6} cents. FOR TIIE GENTLEMEIV, Single milled Cassimerea. ribbed and printed Gambrnotis. Linen Drills. Linen Cheeks. Check Ginghams. Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Cravats. Silk Gloves, &e. Ladies' Silk Umbrellas. Parasols and Sunshades of the most choice patterns, from 75 cents to S3. 50 pieces Gimp with every variety of shade and color. New Goods received every week; any anielr rot found as represented, may be returned, and the price will be re funded. Store on Mulberry street under Washington Hall. CRANE Sc CLARK. ^iSr***^ on Cotton Avenue, opposite Messrj. S*-ott & Carhart. and next door to ^the Messrs. Orrs, an entire new Gel Stock of the most Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the above Business; all of which has been selected by one of the best judges in New York City. Great inducements will be beld out to purchasers fm CASH ; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— -Promptness without delav, and punctuality with despatch.” Macon. Nov 7. 1843* * Choice Canal Flour Wanted, 1 rWIA LB8. Bee’s Wax, bv L.UUU JAMES W. BAILEY. Druggist, Mayl l Two doors above Boardman’s Bonk Storo. •'or Sale at Hailey’s Dm? Store, | i kf~k boxes Window Glass.300 kegs White Lead, L " JUr 300 gallons Linseed Oil,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbls. Copal Varnish, 1 do. Japan do. FRESH supply just received and for sale by THOMAS TAYLOR. Iy 2 40 On Colton Avenue and Second st. Just Received 3 N Second street, a fresh supply nf Fr« superior article. Also, Lauies’ Slmes. July 2 40 WHIT1 GUN-SMITHING. rpHE subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon and M. tbe public generally, that lie has taken the stand known as the ola Post-Office, on Mulberry street, one door from B. S. Newcomb Sc Co’s. Eating House and Bowling Alleys, where be is prepared to do all kinds of work in tne above business, in a superir style. Rifles made in order, and war ranted. Double Guns restocked, and all kinds of repairing done with despatch. He har also on hand, a few fine DOUBLE GUNS: Ri fle POWDER of a superiorqualitv; GUN POWDElt; SHOT, of all sizes: Baldwin’s Elastic GUN WADDING; plain PERCUSSION CAPS; split and ribbed do ; Walk- e-’s best English Caps; POWDER FLASKS; SHOT POUCHES: and all articles usually kept in the line, which will be sold low for cash. E. S ROGERS. Macon. Jan 30.1844 18 100 gallons Neaufoot Oil. May 14, 1844. Trace Chains, Anvils, Bellows and Tices. A pr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, vf 60 Vices, 20 pr. Blacksmith’s Bellows. 150 Hand and Sledge Hammers, 40 double hand Screw Plates,assorted, J to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges, 100 sets Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, Fire Insurance. fTlHE Undersigned, Agents for the /Etna Insurance 1 Company ol Hartford Conn., are prepared to take risks on Buildin ;,. Merchandize in Store and Cotton in Ware-housei,inttae Citv of Macon and iu vicinity, agains Fire. REA & COTTON. Ag’ts Feb 7 83 Iy SnulTand Tobacco. VVACABOY. Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff. jYl of superior quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Just received and Tor sale by H. SHOTWELL. 10.000 lbs. BACON 30 bis. Rum, Gin, and Whiskey, 13 EST quality, offered very low by June 4 37 H B. & J. W. E LUER- Brought to Jail, •a/ TU Houston county, Ga. a Vegro Fellow.aged y\ X about 35 years, who ►ays bis name is JESSE, and that be belong* to WiiJiam Tail, of tbe State of Alabama. In miles from Greenville. Said Ne. gro is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, and light built. He says his master’s plantation is on the Alabama river. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay rfiarges. and take him away. Jan23, 1844 13 WM. HERRINGTON. SbfT. COOICS Selling Oil' at JVcio York Cost. TITHE undersigned, having determined to close tbeir bu I siness in Macon, will sell tbeir e tire stock nf DRY- GOODS st New York Cost. FOR CASH—among which are, real Georgia Nankeen at 31 18; Eailstnn Ginghams at 25 and 31 cts; Calicoes at all prices; printed Muslin* st 20 to 45; rich Ualzarines at 45; French Balzarine Muslins, fast colors, at 37}; Barage. Silk and Tarleton Mantles; Lace Cardinals ; rich colored and black Dress Silks, a large assortment; bordered and hem-stilcbed Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Linen Table Disperand Damask; 10-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting at 80 and SI 25; Irish Linen, fine; Long Lawns, common, fine, and very fine ; Cotton and Lin en Good* for men's w ear; rich Marseilles and Satin Vest ings : superfine Drap de Tea; Brown Shirtings at 6} cents np; bleached do. at 5 to le cents; a large assortment of Rib bons; a small assortment of Bonnets. Ac 5tc. together with most articles usually kept ic Dry-Goods Stores. To a merchant wishing to engage tn the business, the most liberal term* will be offered, for undoubted pape*.— Merchants and others wishinz Goods in their line, will do well to call, as their goods will he sold. Macon. June25 29 G. L WARREN & CO. izetl so nuuonnee SOL. B ANTI-BIIIOUS PILLS. "T10R the Cure of Liver Complaint. Dvspepsia. Ac. f For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS. Oct 31 5 H. B. & J. W. ELDER, H AVE removed their STOCK OF GOODS to the Store lately occupied by E. Blake, adjoining Ousley Jc Jewett’s Ware-House. Macon. June 2, 1844.36 Bagging and Rope. PIECES heavy Gunny Bogging, - 100 41 Kentucky do 50 ** Rusia. do 200 *• Coil* Moniila Rope, 500 lb*. Bageinp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms by CHAS. CAMPBELL JcCe. August 3 47 ‘ iOO French worked Collars. HlIVE Muslin and heavy work. Ab we bought them at F Aum-»n in New York, we can sell them <it 50 cei.t* a .ece, Call soon for bargains, at CRANE A CLARK’S. Ladies’ Riding Caps, O F tunerior qaality. and a variety of psttrrns—to which the sttentinn of the Ladies is particularly invited. Together with several new style* of Gentlemen's Cloth Cip*. Navy Caps. Ac. Just received and for »ttle bv GEo. I SHEPARD. Notice. RASTU3 KIRTLAND is our authorized Agent, du- I ringourabience from the State. - — — *» WHITING A MIX- .1 far on Iron A* Brass Foundry AYD nr AC HI YE SHOP. Ml ILL and Gin Grering. Steam Engine Work, Iron ■T | and Brass Cas'ings of every description, made to order.and Machine WoKK ipJGeneral, corner o f Fourth and Walnut Streets. tr~r* The'nighe6tprices willbe paid for OldCvppei, Rrn.s, (.end, and Cnallron. Jan 31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. April 30 31 Fire Insurance. CAPITAL. *300,000. T HE AVv York Contril»ition*hip Fire Insurance Com pan y, bavins established an Agency in Macon, will Insure Buildings. Merchandise, Hotiaehold Furnitnre tnd every description of Properly. apain*t lost or Dam• Fire. BOND & MURDOCK. Agents. Macon, May 21 38 Ceroona Indigo, SrI Era’!?, Epsom Salts, Madder, Gincc Pepper. Spice, Nutmegs. Chi Ca?*ia, Camphor. Brimstone. Blue Stone, Sait Petre, Paints, Oi-5. Gla=s Puttv. Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil, &c., kc. Barks Salt, Yoticc. C. GRANNIS3 is my authorized Agent, durin; I i# absence front this place for a few week*. Macon, June 5.1841. 38 2t P. RQU Fos* Sale, LIKELY MULATTO WOMAN, a good Seam stress and Pastry Cook. For particular*, apply to GEORGE ROBINSON, me 16 38 Office late Octnalgse Back. Macon, April30.1844, BACON! BACON!! LB3. superior Georgia Cured BACON O.vUv Hams, 5'nnulders. ana Sides, for sale by J UST RECEIVED, a lot of CalfSkina. a superior arti cle, finished after the French style. Al*o. Northern SOL E-LE ATIIE R, SHOE-THREAD 8PAINTLE8, Ac. Jan9, 1844 15 GEO, W. PRICE* IC5* We are nnitioL — .. JOHNSON a* a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Bibb County, at the Election in January 1845. Jan 9 ; . W Lime! Lime! BBL3. ofbest Northern Lime. For sale hv WM. A. CHERRY.