Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, July 16, 1844, Image 1

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kit ^!3S>3-'S^ii.2‘SS 3 TI'ISIUT MO HU l no, ,P BY M. BARTLETT. . T *3 l*Elt A.YIVUM, W ADVANCE. ‘ T,7 ™nt» no i exceeding 12 lines. will be inserted „,e,in V .efi ONE DOLLAR; ami F.rxr cents for each *®K l’aVcwiectnrs’aDd Coroners’ Sales, art char- fi ’^^e^uctim, wiU be made to those who odrer- ,,,e . 1 'VenVr. C on badness connected wM» the Office, mast hc*po'‘ paid, to tecarcsttemim^^^ ■ n ■ i — Law police. . ,ucli business ss may b Court,: Bibb. Crawford, Mn^.Twi^lo^W^i^ OFFICE over E B-W.-^Store. two door, be- low W. B.JoDnston.on Mul i A p. POWERS. L. N. WHITTLE. Maeon. March 2*. Wjj - mTjqhnston, attorney at law, MACON, GA. irT* OFFICE over old Darien Bank. Hlacon. March 26. 1844. -** JOSEPH B. CLAPP, Attorney at I.nw, Vienna, Dooly county, May 10 3« Georgia. Ian 9S J. s. DENBIARD, attorney at law, PERRY. GEO. DR. J. BEALL, ITESPECTF-ULLY informs his friends and the public, I { that he has settled in Macon, for the purpose of Prac ticing his Profession. ITT* OFFICE over the Drug Store of J. \v Bailey Junj 11,1844. 37 3m* WASHINGTON HALL, KIACOI, GEORGIA. T HE subscriber has again taken this Estab linkmen/, where lie will always be hap lij 1 1 i.'fW P ' «« altend to the calls of hit old customers. and the travelling public generally. Macon. June 20 38 8 LANIER- AlALUUTTA HOTEL, Cobb County, GEORGIA. JgA“ ‘ mHE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- 1 mcrlv kept by BeNSo»-ROBERTS. E«q.. and are now ready for the reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up-country. ... The subscribers pledge themselves to .use every exertion forthecomfor,oflheirp.tron. ;rHoMAS r danjel JEREMIAH LEAK. 27 Marietta. Jan. 1.11*11. INDIAN S IMU N (1 . T HE subscriber most respectfully informs the public. that he lias taken possession of the well known Hotel St the Indian Spring, lately occupied by Col H. Dillon — Tnc.e are so manv living witnesses, who can hear tcsiiino- nv to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of these unequalled waters that it is useless to speak of them here. He assures al. who are disposed to visit h m. that nr efforts shall be wanting to provide all such luxuries as will teno to their comfort ; and to afford them all -urli means of amuse mem as wid enable them to drive •• dull care away,” and pass their lime in pleasure. • O-GAMING lastnclyforbiddem w Indian Spring, Built eo. March 26, 1841. 26 tO SBOLOOICAL DEPA BTMBST, ) MlLEEDOETIl.t.E. Nov. 2. 1839. j Analysis or the Water of the Indian Spring, Bulls County, Georgia. Qmntuv.nn** pint, (wine measure.) or 23,875 ciibw incites. Preli mi auric* far a correct Analftt* of thu Spring. B.tromelet, 29.5A inches. Temperature of the Atmosphere 63 deg Farenheit. Temperature or the Water ......46 do do Specific Gravity 1.142, that of dtstil'ed water being 1.000. ^ 6AN8K8. Aimic cubic inches. Carbonic Acid Gas l-«°0 do Sulphuretted Hydrogen. -®° MALI3U CONTENTS*. Carbonate of Magnesia, *■??? P’? 1 "*' Sulplia'e of Magnesia j Su'pliale of Lime j[ ’ 3* r? Sulphate of - 3 ’ 415 do Total of Saline contents JOHN RUGGLE8 COTTING. Stole Geologiel of Georgia. GUN-S.MIT MING. T HE subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon and the public generally, ibal he has taken the stand known a. the old Pn i-Otfice on Mulberry atreet onr door from B 8 Newcomb A Co’s. Eating House and Bowling Alleys, where be is prepared lodo all kinds of work in the above busl ess, in a supcriratvle. Rifles made to order, and war rained. Double Guns restocked, and all kinds of repairing ^°He'ha,'also oo h'and, * few fine DOUBLE 0*7X8 i R, PERCUSSION CAPS; wilt and ribbed Ho; Walk; best English Caps; POWDER FLASKS; SHOT POUCHES: and all articles usually kept in ‘'o'lme wducli will be sold low for cash. *” S ROGERS. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 Jf GUN SMITH business raiHE subscriber continues to carry on tilts business nt J hi* old aland opposite 8botwell’s Drug Store, where O niitl Single Bartel Shot CJuns. Rifles, Pistols, ai*«l s*ll other UiiKtss of Sootli”it ApiHi.ntus. REPAIRING.of all kinds, and storking Gnns, done el short i.oiire—also, Guns and Rifles altered to percussion ,0 Keb. 20 « P- HOUX. tire Insurance. CAPITA I. s:too,ooo- T HE New York Contrihnliontkip Fire Insurance Com non v having established an Agency in Macon, will Insure Buddings. Merchandise. Household Fur,mone and everv descripticn of Property, against Loss or Ham- agebykre BOND & MURDOCK. Agents. Macon. April 30.1844. 31 ly VOL. XVIII. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1844. NO. 42. fjlHE undersigned still continues to occupy the WARE WARE-HOUSE AND ill in i s s i o ii Business. - . , npy 1 HOUSE on thecomer of Second and Poplar streets. He offers his servicesin the various branches of the tVarr- House nml Commission Business, and rrspeetful* ly solicits the patronage ef his frietids and the public gener ally ; trusting that, by his unremitting efforts, he shall be able to.mect the wishes of those who may honor him with their confidence—and expresses a feelingcfgratitude to bis friends for. their liberal patronage. JOHN M. FIELD. Macon, July 1. 1843. 41 Jlefertact—Col. Wm. II. Reynolds, j Msj James H. Hardaway, { Messrs. Ren A Cotton, Joshua G- Moore, J Bryant Bateman. > jJ ous , on Stephen Csstelow, \ nouuon William Moseley, Henry. W. C. Cleavelnpd. Cranford. j Maeon, WARE-HOUSE Commission Business. W E shall continue tlie Ware House and Commission Business, the ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and SecoiW Streets. In offering our services again to the public, we have no pledges to make—believing tnat our past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for the faithful performance of the trust that may be hereafter confided to us. We will at all times be prepared to make liberal Ad vances on Cotton, in store, or on shipments made to our Agents in Savannah, Charleston or New York. D. & W. GUNN & CO. The subscribers intend keeping on hand, a full supplt of Dry-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries,oral! kinds; which they will be glad to furnish to their custom ers, upon as good terms as any house in Ma2*»ti. „„ D. A W. uUN.i. Aug. 22 47 WAREHOUSE Commission Business. *| \ HE subscribers beg leave to inform heir friends, and I the public in general, that they are still conuected in the above business, under the firm of OOKJIAft & lfilCIIAKDSO\» and are still occupying the large and convenient WARE- HOUSE, near Cotton Avenue, on Poplar it reel. The ' 'ration is dry ami elevated, ar.d unencumbered with old b tidings and the usual liabilities offi e. They confidently assure the publir.that any business con signed to their care, will be faithfully and prf mpt ly exeeu- Relying on the honesty of purpose and the long t stablish- ed confidence of tin se who know us, we. feel nu hesitancy in looting for a liberal share of public patronage. THOMAS B. GORMAN, JAMES RICHARDSON. Macon, July 2,1844. 40 WARE-HOUSE Commission Business. M AJOR William Hamilton having feiired. the subren- bers have associated themselves in business, under the name .ml atvIouT WIIV* A BDJlPlI. Thev will occupy the Ware-House on Cherry street, known as Ham ilton at Winn's. Tliev ore prepared to make advances on Cottons put in their.stores, and to execute all orders that may be confided tothem in the line oftheir bu-iuess. J. D. WINN. Macon. July 9, 1844. 41 J. V RUMPH. Dimoluliou. riNUE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the name 1 ofHAMlLTON A WINN, expires this day by its limitation. All persons indebted, are requested to paV up the amount or their indebtedness to John D* Winn; »iia # tbose having claim* against them, to hand them inm linn lor set- tleiueul. ^ M. H AM IL 1 ON. Vcn.Jnly 9. 1844 41 JOHN D. WINN; NEW GOODS. II Fire Insurance. 7 BUIE Undersigned. Agents for the -Etna Insurance I Company of Hartford Conn., are prepared to take riaks on Buildings, Merchandize in Store ami Conor in Ware-house*, iniue Citv of Macon aud itavic'nitv, agains Fir ®’ REA & COTTON. Ag'ts Fob 7 33*7 Notice. A LL persona having claims against B. 8 Newcomb, or B S. Newcomb * Co. ate lequesied to present them for settlement; and all indeb ed. will save themselves tria ble ami expenses, by paving without we having recourse to the services of an attorney. May 20,‘ie44. 34 B- S. NEWCOMB & CO. Notice. T3 C. GRANNISS is my authorized Agent, during my JP,. absence from this place for a few weeks Macon. June 5,1841. 38 2t P. ROUX. IVoticc. •piRASTUS KIRTLAND is our authorized Agent, du JUJ ring our absence from the Sl»te Macon. May 21 J8 WHITING & MIX. .1la con Ivon A' Kvass Foundry AID MACHINE SHOP. T I ILL and Gin Gee ring. Steam Engine IVork, Iron ll 1 and Oran Calling» of every description, made to order.and Machine Work inJGeneral, corner o f Fourth and Walnut Streets. (13* The highest prices will be paid for Old Cop pet, Bran, I.end, and Cast Iron. Jan 31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. For Sale, A LIKELY MULATTO WOMAN, a good Seam- J\. urea* sod Ptury Cook. For particulars, apply to GEOUGE ROBINSON. June 18 38 Office late Octnulgee Bank. «. W. & E.*l©ODR|JFF, AVE just received, and are now opening, a fine as ’“’“’spring and summer DRY-GOODS, Consislinc of Calicoes, Lawns and Muslins. Bfllznrine Mus lim- French and Scolrb Ginghams; Linen Lawns; Linen Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet. Book, and Mull Muslins; Check Muslins; Gloves and Hosiery, of every kind and quality; „ _ it.OOO vards Gcoraria Aanlicrns; Brown and Bleached Linen Drills for Pnnis; Brown and Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton Goods, for summer wear; _ _______ — K4S STB>5 Palm Leaf -aud Leghorn Hats, of'Men’s, Youths’ and Bovs' sixes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Shades and Parasols; All of which vre will sell at a small ad-ance from Cost. Please call and see, at our Store, one door trom Geo. W Price, nn Second sifeet* March 12 84 . LOOK AT THIS l Selling Off at JYetv lTork Cost. T HE undersigned, having determined to close their bu siness in Macon, will sell their e tire stock qf DRY- GOODS at New York Cost. FOR CASH—among which are, real Georgia Nankeen at Si 18; Eailsion Gioghama at 25 and 31 eta; Calicoes at all prices; primed Muslim at 20 to 45; rich Halzarines at 45; French Balzarine Muslins. Cut colors, at 37J; Barige. Silk and Tarletnn Mantles; Lace Cardinals; 1 *rich colored and black Dress Silks.a large assortment; bordered and hem-stiirhed Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Linen Table Diaperand Damask; 10-4 and 12 4 Linen Sbeeiing at 80 and SI 25; Irish Linen, fine; Long Lawns, common, fine, and very fine ; Cor-.on and Lin- en Good-for men's wear; rich Marseilles and Safin Vest- ings; superfine Drapde Tea; Brown Shirtings at Gi cents op; bleached do. at 5 to I8cents; a large assortment of Rib bons; a small assortment of Bonnets. &c Ac. together with most articles usually kept it. Dry-Goods Stores. To a merchant wishing to engage in the business, the most libersl terms will be offered, for undoubted paper.— Merrban's and otbers'wisbing Goods in their line, will do well to call, as their goods will he sold. Macon, JuaeQS 29 G. L WARREN & CO. millinery and fancy AND KRESS ilhlJST/sVtff. M BA W. II. MORRIS would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Macon and country generally, that she is now opening, on Cotton Avenue, opposite Messrs S. on It Csrhart. and next door to the Messrs. Orrs. an entire new Stock of the most Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the above Business; all of which has been selected by one of the besl judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers foi CASH ; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N B.—Orders from Town dr Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— • Promptness wfthnut delay, and punctuality with despatch.” Macon, Nov 7,1843 * BACON! BACON!! RD AUll LBS Georgia Cured BACON, UU.UUU 20.000lbs. do do HAMS. , _ ALSO. 4.200 lbs?*extra LEAF LARD, forasle by VM. A. CHERRY. April 2 87 4m Cotton A venae, Macon, Ga. OF CHEAP AND DESIRABLE dry-goods, OPEXIXG t'lllt THE SWISS i'll SUSER TRADE, AT CRANE «fc CLARK’S. T HE subscribers of the Peop'e’s Store, are now making extensive arrangements for offering to tbeir customers a very extensive of the best selection of Goods for the coming season, that can he found in this market; and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of anv nf iheir coteinporaiies. ttuick returgs and small prol- its* will be theii motto, and therefore they offer every arti cle in the Dry Goods line, at the lowest prices, or in other words, though it. many things they undersell, they are de termined no! to be undersoil Among the go nis they keep on hand and are constantly receiving, may be found, beside, many others, the following: FOR THE LADIES, Rich Dres- Silks, soperfine printed Stripes, Balxarines. Par is printed Satin and Lacs. Muslins, neb French and English Prints, black and blue black Bombazine. 4-4 and 6-4 plain and striped Muslins. 4 4 and 6 4 plain Muslins and Cam brics. 4 4 and 6 4 Bishop Lawns; silk and collnn Hose, silk and cotton Gloves and Mitts; Ladies Cravats, Bonnet Rib bons. Fiend. Flowers, best Pans K,d G oves; white and black Lace Cardinals, nch Silk ehnwls. black net bhawds, cotton and Linen Birdseye Diaper,2.000ysrds Russia do. at 121 cents per yard; 2.000 yds Negro atnpe Homespun* at 121 ct* B yard; 500 bolts Georgia Nankeen; 10.000 yds bleached and brown Sheetings and Shulings; 2.000 yard* Irish Linen, from 37| to 81,25; pieces Ea.lston Gingnams at 25 n. per yard; 25 do. at .13 and 37} cents; 50 do* L.s;e Caps at 81 a‘dozen; 1800 boxes silver plsted Hooka and Eyes si 6} cents. FOR THE OENTLEHEN, Single milled Cassimerra. ribbed and printed Gambroons. Linen Drills. Linen Check*, Check Ginghams. Gentlemen s Scarfs. Crsvsts. Silk Gloves. 4cc. Ladies* Siik Umbrellas. Parssnls and Sunshades of the most choice pattern*, from 75 ceuts lo S3. 50 piece. Gimp with every variety of shade »nd color. New Good* received every week; any article not found as represented, m*y be returned, and the price will be te- fU Store on Mulberry street under Washingron H.1L April 2, 1844. 8 * Thr expressionrich Hood and poor blood, have a scientific basis. The ridicule ichich many have attempt ed lo cast on these common-sense opinions, must recoil upon themselves as surely as that Truth will prevail. IIKANDRETU’S FILLS. rpHE effect of this celebrated medicine, is to purify the JL blood; to convert the poor, corrupt blood, into healthy, rich blood. And it is because they do this, that they have been so steadily sought after by all classes of our citizens who have required medicine. And it is because of the power Brandreth's Pills are SOW knowu to possess as health-restorer,, that renders them so popular They cure all affections, simply because they make the blood pure—abstract out of iulmse qualities which produce disease, aud give t» it those qualities which produce health. Now, eveiy sulid part of the human frame is made from the blood and the food we eat is converted into blood to sup ply the waste our bodies are continually sustaining. So, in the ordinary course of nature, we manufacture our entire bodies iu about nine jeers, from the food taken into our stomach*. Suppose the blood made in this stomach of ours is unsound, occasioned by some cause orother; it may refer to the preceding generation: no matter, we make impure blood, and if so, cat not be healthy. Or. suppose the air we have lived in for some time has been loaded with matters detrimental lo health, or ourfood for ■ long period has been of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been much troubled—for grief, anxiety, or great attention to any partic ular point, is sure to occasion bad cffcctson the blood. Any of these causes existing, good blood cannot be supplied to the body. .... Bullet Brandreth’s Pills be used daily, under these cir cumstance*. in doses of from two to six Pills, or a* the care shall determine.- What is iheir effect? It,is to carry off the impure matters from the blood, leaving only the good to renew every pari of the body. What was unsound now be comes sound, and the stomach soon gets into so healthy a condition, that even bad air or unwholesome food, for a time, are unable to injure the Even when the climate or Pmh! courmue unhealthy, the occasional use of the Brand ret ll Pill* wi;l separate the impure part* and cause their expulsion, leaving what is good to supply life and strength to the body. When the bones are diseased, when every ramification of the frame is out oforder, the Brandreth Pills, wil 1 , in nine teen cases out of twenty. CURE. Remember that the body- can be entirely re-made from the food, bones and all; and aided 6v this most beneficent, in a quarter of lime it lakes in the ordinary course of nature. In from two to four years an entirely new, healthy body can be exchanged for the unsound, the d’seased, the miserable one. The slowness or quickness of the charge altogether oepending upon the effect the Brandreth Pills are made to produce; which effect can be graduated just as the patient pleases.— No possible injnrv can result from this; nothing but good can follow. Enquire the effect of Brandreth'* Pill* among vour unprejudiced friend*; you will hear sufficient to satis fy you that there is Nn risk in making the trial, and that you will not be doing yourself justice without it. When vour blood is once TUBE, nothing in the shape of Plod will hardly come amiss; nothing will sour u|>on your stomach; you may eat pies, or any think in reason; and the f reater variety of food, the better blood is made. All who ave weak stomachs, who are dyspeptic, or in any way af flicted in body, should, without delay, resort to Brandreth’s Pills—which will, indeed, strengthen the life principle, and by perseverance with them, entirely renew the whrjeb»dy; the materials now in it good, will be kept so; those bad. dts. placed and removed. Good blood cannot make bad bone or bail tierh. And bear in uiind. the Brandreth’s Pill* sure- Iv purify ilie blood. The method of preparing tie Brandrethian Vegetable Extracts, ta secured by Letters Patent of thr Unitrd States —Potent granted to Benjamin Brandreth.20th Jan 1843.. The extracts of which Brandreth’s Pills are composed, are obtained by this new patent process, without boiling or any application. The active principle of the herbs is thus secured, the same as it ia in the living vegetable. The public should be cautious of medicines recommend ed in advertisements stolen from me. A sure lest ol"genuine BranHeth Pills: Examine thebnx of pills; then look at the certificate of agency, whose en graved pate must be within tire year, which every author iaed agent most possess; if the three lahela on the box agree with the three labels on the certificate the pills are true—if not. they are false. The pills are sold at 25 cents per box. lit No. 241 Broad way, 274 Bowery, and 241 Hudson street New York. Mrs. Booth. 5 Market street. Brooklyn ; and by 20,000 agents in the United States and Canada, whoat certificates and pills should be carefully examined before purchase ia made. For sale at the BOOK STORE of J. Ilnrnca, Macon, Georgia. Macon, July 2, 1844. 40 3m BOOK STORE 0.V corns AVENUE, Taro door* above .Hesses. J. II- Jfc IV. S. ELLIS’ DKCG HTOBU. J. BARNES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offers to tie public, n large Stock of KOOKS, ST.IT10JV.fIRY, BLANK BOOKS. &c. Ac. CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Praverand Hymn Books, of every kind and size, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley’s Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason's Sacred Harp, Base Primmer. Dictionary of Musical Terms, SfC. <%c. Blank Rooks of every description, Court Re cord, amt Docket Books, rnrions sizes. - Ledgers. Journals asd Dat Books: Invoice. Re cord. Letter. Bill asd Receipt Books ; In dexes. for Ledgers. Pocket Memoran dums St Pocket Ledgers, fee. Ac. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others who may want SCHOOL BO OKS. to call and examine his stock which will be sold at the lowest possible prices. For Cash- wholesale and retail. He also receives as soon as published all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houses in New York. Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, and fashionable literature of the day, which be sells at New York prices. Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed on the best foolscap paper. Macon, Oct. 4.1843. 2 Summer Clothing:. T HE subscribers have received iheir stock of Summet Clothing, comprising one of the most extensive and va ried they have ever bad on hand, and which will be Sold at extremely low prices. A call is invited. May 7 32 J. L. JONES & CO. H. & J. COWLES, H AVE now on hand, atthe Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J B. Ross & Co., a genetal assortment of Planters' Supplies, consisting of flroceries, Staple Dry-Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. Ac. Macon, Oct 25, 1843 6 JflUSIC STORE, JlIilCOJW M JFJiS HI OA'.iSJL E HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. <2* 3*3 2^33,a GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer rare inducements to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the State, he will afford his Gtrods at as lore, or perhaps loicer prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at his Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND BROAD BRIM Beaver, Nutria, Casaiuier, Basils, Halo-Skin, Angolia, ant) Silk HATS. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Otter, Shetland Seal, Nutria, and Maskrat. ALSO, Men's and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealftte do Do do Glazed do ■ Gentlemen’s JVavy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF Klen’s and Boys* Black and Drab SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of Men’s aud Boys’ Black ansi Drab WOOL HATS, &c. 05* The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully itfc-ited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting St Mix. Otter, J!ink. and Raccoon Skins, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30, 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. WHOLESALE ARID RETAIL. H Av E cons antly on hand, and offer ft r aale at prices as low as ctn be purchased in the southern country, a pleudid assortment ot PIANO-FORTES, from the Celebrated and long established Manufactories of .V tin ns if Clfirlc and, J". Chirkering. The we»l known reputation of these Manufactories pre elude* the necessity of commenting upon the excellence ol their instruments, which have stood the test of every cli mate. for many years. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VIOLIN8. SUPERIOR GUITARS, BUGLES, TROMBONES, TRUMPETS. HORNS, CLAKIO.KSTN, FLAGEOLETS, PIPES, Ac. Ac. Ac. Violin, Gnitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tuning Hammers and Forks; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, Ac. Ac. forming ua complete an assortment of musical merchandize, as can be found in the southern country. As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled tn sell their gtoda atthe very lowest price*. B. A V. have in ad litiou to their catalogue, an assort ment of FOREIGN MUSIC. (17 s Music sold at reduced prices. 07“ Terms Cash* May 17. 1843. . 33 CALF-SKIVS. TUST RECEIVED, a lot of Calf-Skin*, a superior srtt- J cle. finished afn-r the Frei«ch«yle. XHT ,p., n Also. Northern SOLE-LEATHE R.SHOE-THREAD SPA1NTLES, &c- w pnifF Jan 9. 1844 15 GEO. W. PK1Lh. Lime ! Lime i BBLS. of beat NonhewLuw^FM' *8 75 April 9, 1844. ^ESPRINT’S ■ '* m illflLLS. ITIOR the speedy and effectual extirpulion of all specie* JP and symptoms of the svlphilic disease, Professor VES- PRINTS PILLS stand unrivalled. They have long been in genertl use in tne ptincipal citieflin France and the Uni- led States, by those persons afflicted with this class of dis ease, and are daily receiving their unqualified approbation. The unparalleled'celebrity and unexampled succesaof this matchless and powerful preparation, hss won for itself a name never to be forgotten as long as there remains an af flicted sufferer upon the face of the globe. It is truly sur prising toobaerve how speedily and harmless it enter* into every minute channel, effectually dialodging, every germ, annihilating every leprous spirit of the most dreadful of all diseases, and. at the same time, never failing to fortify the system against disposition, or subsequent stuck of thiscoin- plaint. Foil and explie'.tdirections accompany each box of these Pill*, and a statement of tome of the most prominent symp toms is laid down as a guide tn the patient iu distinguishing one form ot this disease from another; also, a statement, showing tlte result of the treatment of one hundred cases with these Pills-alone, in one of the most distinguished hos pitals in France. 05* Price 81.50 per box. For aale in Macon, bv J. H. &W. S. ELLIS. Druggists —and by the principal DroggiaU iu Savannah and Augusta. Feb 27. 1844. 22 Cm- THOU AS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET,Ell IJY . CHOICE GROCERIES, Ac. Ac. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE. AT VERY LOW PRICES Oi a. a BAGS old Java. Rio, Cuba, am? Lag.ira Cofleej tjUU 25 hhdx St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars. 5 000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. 20 hlnls Cuba Molasses, - " 30 boxes Castile. Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 40 do .Sperm and Hull's Patent Candles, 30 do Colgate’s ana Hull's Steam Soap, No. I, SOD Sacks Sait, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-handle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 lbs. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacks, 50,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, ljto to in. wide, 2.000 lbs. German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot. 10 doz. Wilson’s Coffee Mills, 20 doz. Halter Chains, 100 dox. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Straps. 10,000 lb*. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes.) 50 reams super Blue A White Ruled Letter A Cap Paper. 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes 1 able *■ alt, 600 ps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lba three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards. 40 dozen Pails. Mats. Brooms, and Seives, 60 do Pen. Pocket, and Fancy Knives. 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do duHled Top. Side,and Dressing Combs, 12.000 SEGARS. , _ . _ 20 boxes Imperial. Hyson. Pouchong and Souchong kc" 8 , Spices, of all kinds; London Mnstard ; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratus; Salt Petre; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scotch and Macaboy Snuff—together with an aesortment of DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SADDLERY, Bools and Shoes. Macon. Nov 14. 1843. 8 GEO. A. KIJ1IKERE 1\ R ESPECTFULLY informs hi8old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrated Hat Manufactory of John Hunt A Co., a very extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortment may be found 10 doz. fashionable Beaver Hats, 20 doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE IltNDBED DOZEN BROAD BRIM Reaver, JYutria and Russia HATS, warranted more durable linn any Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children’s Hats, 20 doz. do. . do. Caps. ALSO. 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIUM OTTER CAPS. 5 d* z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 'doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. ' 200 doz. men’s nnd Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS. All of which will be sold tor Cash, at prices which can- I not fail to give satisfaction. I Purchasers are invited tn call and examine at the old I stand, sign of the “BIG HAT,” Mulberry Stree t. | Beaver. Otter, Mink, A Coosa Skins, 1 l*.l,VTFXt, for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1813. 3 Ladies’ Ridinsf Caps, O F auoerior quality, and a variety of pattern!—to which the attention of the Ladies is particularly invited. Together with several new styles of Gentlemen’s Cloth Cap*. Navy Caps. Ac, * c__ u.. Auril 30 «ll Just received and for sale by GEO. I. SHEPARD. SnuflTand Tobacco. ^ JACABOY. Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff. of superior Just received and June 4. 1844. quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, for sale by H..SHOT WELL. 36 H. & J. COWLES, AVE jnst teceived. Fresh Markere!, Canal Flour. Regala A Principe Segars, Ifew Buckwheat, in half and quarter bartels. Together with Sneering. Sugitr, Coffee, &c. dec. Slacoq,Nov28 * H A July 2 Choice Canal Flour. FRESH supply just received and for sale by * THOMA8 TAYLOR, 40 On Colton Avenue and Second at. .lust Received, O N Second street, a fresh supply of French Calf Boots superior article. Also, Ladies’ Shoes, of various kinds July 2 40 WHITING A MIX. Inverness, Dundee, and Gunny BAGGING. T HE subscribers have on hand and offer for aale on ac commodating terms, a large and well selected slock of Cotton Bagging, constating of Inverness, Mackintosh brand, 1} to 1}—44 In. do. do. " 1} to —42 ’• Dundee, Sun Hemp. Double Thread. 2 to 1J—44 to 46 11 do. Russia. Hemp, Sanderson. 2 to 1}—44 ” do. do. Baxters, 2 to l|—42 to 44 “ Gunny Bagging, 2 to c,—44 to 46 “ 6 • ANDREW LOW A CO. Savannah, June 28.1844. 2m 40 Mes»enger copy Cm. GROCERIES. 1 A HHDS. St. Croix Sugar, Ivy 15 do Porto Rico ao 5 bis. Crushed do 5 do Powdered do 6 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar, 150 bags Rio Coffee, 25 do prime Old Java, 75 kegs Powder, 20 boxes Soap, 10 do Starch, 25 do Sperm Candles, 5 do Hyaon Tea; All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. June 4.1844. 36 A. fir. BUTTS. Wanted, LBS. Bee’s Wax, bv •UUU JAMES \V. BAILEY. Druggist. May 14 Two doors above Boardman’s Book Store. For Sale at Bailey’s Drug store, ■j aa boxes Window Glaas.300 kegs White Lead, JL vyvy 300 gallons Linseed Oil,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbls. Copal Varnish, ldo. Japan do. ALSO. 300 gallons Lamp Oil. 200 gallons Train Oil, too gallons Neatsfoot Oil. May 14, 1844.33 . 10,000 Jbs. BACON. 50 bis. Ruin, Gin, and Whiskey, B EST quality, offered very low by June 4 37 H. B. A J. W. E L PER. Trace Chains, Anvils, Bellows and Yiceg. /(flftpr. Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, Vices. 20 pr. Blacksmith’* Bellows. 150 Hand and Sledge Hammers, 40 double hand Screw Plates, assorted,} to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains. 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges, too sets Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, too Tea Kettles, 100 Sattce Pans. 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, l Iron Chest. ALSO, A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, AND TABLE KNtVEcS & FORKS, Jast received and for sale by Macon,Nov 14.18*3. 7 E. B. WEED. Bagging; and Rope. PIECES heavy Gunny Bagging, 900 100 “ Kentucky do PRINTING, ’OF ALL KINDS, DONE AT SHORT ItOTICE, IN A NEAT STYLE, AND ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, AT THE OFFICE OF THE 7 —SECtf ulS— PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW BLAMKS, h’AP!D3!tLS, HORSE-BILLS, LABELS, WARE-HOUSE RECEIPTSj ice. &C- &C. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Of use in tills-State, printed on fine paper, in legcl form, constantly kept on hand, aud for sale at very low prices. Macon, June 1, 1843. 33 DRUGS AND 3IEDICIYES. ^pi ONTINUED supplies of ,, the best quality of the hove articles, suitable for Phy sicians. Merchants. and Fami lies, received and for sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS. gune 4.1844. 36 Cotton Avenue. Macon, Ga. t DRUGS. MEDICINES, &c. To Physicians essssl Planters: T HE subscriber is now receiving every week, fresh snp plies of MEDICINES, which are very carelullv te- lecteu for him in the Northern markets; and havtiig adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell si very reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportum- lies of sending to him, may rely upon having their orders ex- ecuied upon the most favorable terms. The quality of the articles will be the very best, and the prices as low as t! they attended personally 1 gy**SHOTWKLL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Galliglian’s Pills. ■ A FEW dozen Gallighan’s Pills, an infallible remedy for Chills and Fever.^received^ and^r sale by May 14 33 Corner oppoaite the Cennal Hotel. Lamp Oil. A BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil. for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 CarpeiateiVs nnd Sands’ Sarsa parilla, p 0 R sale at the F^F^^Sy^HOTWELL. May 14. 33 Corner opposite^the Central Hotel. ltlaffhtt’s Pills and Billers, ,0R sale atthe proprietories.h, oTWELL . Corner opposite the Central Hotel. . F May 14 F O Txiitseed Oil and Train Oil, low by HARVEY SHOTWELL May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. . Sal Eratus, Sgu q - aHty ' jUSt HARVKY d SHOTWfcLL; Paints and Oils* rT)A RUGS Nos.l and 2 \Vhite Lead, OUU 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. , , . . With a variety orColors for Painters ose. for July 6 40 C1IAS. CAMPBELL A CO __ NEW BOOTS & SHOES, Just Received on Second Street. —— fjpHE undersigned would inform their S-] A li .. U,i> ..ii,! the puli 1 '..- pi-nci .lily . tl.ey have received a laid- assortment of GENTS. FINE BOOTS and SHOES; with a full supply of low priced SEW ED and PEG BOOTS, aud SHOES. Also. Ladies’ SHOES of all kinds and qualities, with a fulhsupply Oi MlbtES & ■CHILDREN’S SHOES, which they would invitea 1 iho3e that ate in want of any of lhe above articles to come and ex amine our assortment, confident that both quality and price will be made satisfactory. Macon, April 9. 1844. WHITING A MIX: 28 H’EW BOOTS AfltD SHOES. S rTlHE subscribers have received, du- A ring the last two weeks and are rfrtintantfy receiving, a large, new and well selected atock ofB'OOTS and SHOES, of all descriptions—which the offer at wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices. They invite all those who wish to purchase, to give them a call, and they will erdeavor to suit in price and quality. Also, kept constantly on hand, rioal Leather, Calf Skins, Linings. Lasts, Threa’d. Shoe Pegs, and all other articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. At the old stand, sign of the Big Boot, Mulberry slrcef. Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 STRONG A WOOD, R 50 50 300 25 25 150 Doz. 50 “ 50 “ 600 '• 100 lbs. 200 B. B. & J. W. ELDER, H AVE removed tbeir STOCK OF GOODb to the Store lately occupied by E. Blake, adjoining Ousley A Jewett’s Ware-House. Macon, June 2, 1844. 36 COOK'S ANTI-BILIOUS FILLS, F OB. the Cur® of Liver Complaint, Dyspepa'*. 4tc. If or 5a!c by J* H- & S. ELLIS* Oct 3a ^ 50 ** Rusia, do 200 '* Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lba. Bageinp Twine. Eor *ale on reasonable terms by CHA3. CAMPBJELL &Co. August 2 47 200 French worked Collars. IXE Muslin and heavy work. As we bought them at Autiinn in New York, we can sell them at 50 ceuts a F 1 piece, April 9. 1844. Call soon for bargains, al CRANE A CLARK'S. 28 BACON! BACOY!! ’ a Cured BACON— _ lders, and Sides, for aale bv REDDING A WHITEHEAD. rUU) LBS. superior Georgia i O.V»vIY/ Ham*. Shoulders, and Si May 21 34 07 We are anllmi ized to announce SOY,. B JOHNSON, as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax RswiB; of Bibb County, atthe Election in January 1845. Jan 9 I* GRAVES, WOOD & CO. ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Planters to theii Slock of GROCERIES, hardware, shoes, &c. now in store, and to which constant additions of fresh goods will be added during the season, rendering their assortment at all limes very complete, and which will be sold low for cash, ot to good customers. .... The following goods may be ioued in tbeir assortment: 5 Bales Ticking, 10 •* Osnaburgs. 30 “ Sheeiingsand Shirting;, 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieces English and American Prints; 50 44 Scotch and Earlston Ginghams, 5 Bales Stripes aud Checks, 5 •« 3-4, 4-4. and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting, 130 Pieoes Plaid Jaconets and Swiss Muslin*. Muslins and Lawns, Ky. Jeans and Sattinetts, Nankeen, Brown Linens, Irish do. 150 Doz. Head Hdkfs. 200 M Flagg do. •25 Pieces Silk d«k Fancy Hdkfs. and Shawls, Hosiery (assorted) Gloves do. Suspenders, Spool Thread, Black and colored Lin&n Thread, Turkey Cotton,^ Col*d Cambrics. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cords, Sewingr Silks, icc., Ac. Musquito Nettings—Carpetting 100 Cases Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes*’ 15 44 Bonnets (all kinds) 2u0 Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter, Foolscap, and WriJ>J»lhg Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons, 1 cask Curry Cotnbtt 6 “ C. S and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes, Fry Pans, Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Knives and Folks, Pocket and Card Knives. Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinges and Screws, 200 lbs. Pins, Buttons and Combs of every ‘-esciiption. Percussion Caps. Spoons. Ac &c., 25 Hbds. P. R.. S. C. and N- O. Sugars, Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Sugar,' Boxes White Havanna do~ Bbls Loaf and Trinidad do. Bags Rio and Java Coffee, Chests Fresh Teas. Tons Iron, Flat, Hound, and Square (all sizes) Cast. German and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vices and Bellows, Castings, Kegs Nails and Brads, Bagging, Rope and Twine# Bags Shot, Bar Lead, tKegs Powder, Canister de. 50 Boxes Soap, 30 u • Sperm Candloa, 30 ** Tallow do. 20 41 Siarch. 10 ** King 6c Collins’ Axes# 20 ** Coffee Mills, 10 44 Shoe Tacks. 50 44 Cotton Cards, No. 8 end 10, 20 Bbls. Copperas. 20 41 Tanner’s Oil, 10 u Vinegar, 2 Ceronns Tndigo, Sal Era*is, Epsom Salts, Madder, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs. Cl*>ve», Ca>eia, Camphor. Brimstone, Bine Ftone. Salt Petre, Paints, Oils. Glass. Putty, Virnish, Turpentine, Sperm Oil,&c., &o» 2000 Sacks Salt, 50,000 lbs. Bacon, 10 Tons Grindstones. Macon. Marfb.26. 184.4. ^ Exchange og[We'-- -Yoi'-U, F OR **!• by ^ V THOS. TAYLOR. October 5 1 400 10 30 40.000 lba. 250 200 .2000 lbs.