Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, August 13, 1844, Image 1

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4IB4NMHIA Jm&3«BUMMK 8 rVttJSHtV KVJt^T TUESDAY >. 0 K N I N 0 , mHlfc>ARTLrTT, at S3 PER ANNUM, IN IDVASifl', A nt*rRTi9KMENT9 no! exceeding lSlines, will be inserted anolim* for ONE DOLLAR; and fiftt cents for each "sheriff’s! TaVcolicctors’ and Coroners’ Sales, are char- **A wwoivhl^ed* 150 * W,U be ma<1 ® 10 tho#e w l>° ndrer- t,S< "*'^,euers Vn business connected wi»h the Office, must Law Notice. T HE undersigned have associated themselves in the practice of the law, and will gHe prompt attention to .nch business as may be entrusted ta their,care. Thrv will attend the following Coart*: Bibb, Crawford, Monroe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson, Houston, Pulaski, Hen- r ^in? OFFICE over E. B. Weed’s Store, two doors be- low\V B Johnston, on Mulberry street. lOWW.M.Jonn , A. P. POWERS. L. N. WHITTLE. Macon, Msrch 96, 1841. #6 _J M> JOHNfSTOPJ, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA ITT OFFICE over old Darien Bank. y~on, March 26,18-M. 26 JOSEPH 33. CZ.AEP, Attorney at Lair, . Vienna, Dooly county. May 10 33 Georgia VOL. XVIII. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1844- Jan 35 j. s. 3>emnar:d, ATTORNEY AT l.AW, PERRY. C1EO. 1m. J. BEALE, R ESPECTFULLY informs hi* friends and the public, that lie has settled in Macon, for the purpose ofPrac ticing his Profession. (CP OFFICE over the Drug Store of J. W. Bailey. June 11,1844. 37 3m» WASHINGTON HALL, ITIACOX, GEORGIA. T HE subscriber bat again taken this Eslai iishmenl, where he will always be hap £9 pv to attend to the calls of his old customers SB. and the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 S. LANIER. MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb Comil y, GEORGIA. riTIHE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- B merlykeptby Besson Roberts. Esq.. and arc now ready foi the reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up-counlr.v. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every cxcrlior for the comfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEREMIAH LEAK. Marietta, Jan. 1,1844. 27 INDIAN 1IIE subscriber most res] jjf. S P KING. IY1 HE subscriber most respectfully informs the public, 1 that lie has taken possession of the well known Hotel at the Indian Spring, lately occupied by Col. 11. Dillon.— There are so many living witnesses, who can bear te.itimo- ny to the wonderful benefits derived from the use of these unequalled waters, that it is useless to speak of them here. He assures all who are disposed to visit him, that no efforts shall be wanting to provide all sucli luxuries as will tend to their comfort; and to afford them all such means of amuse mem ns will enable them to drive “ dull care away,” and pass their time in pleasure. [CP GAMING is strictly forbidden. BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian Spring, Butts eo. March 26, 184"4. 2G tO GKOLORICAL DEPARTMENT, Mimadgeville, Nov, 2,1839. J Analysis of tiie Water of the Indian Spring, Butts fount}', Georgia. Quantity, one pint, (wine measure,) or 23,875 cubic inches. Preliminaries for a correct Analysts of this Spring. Baroinctei 29,54 inches. Temperature of the Atmosphere 63 deg. Fnrenhe;. SpecificGravity 1,143, that of*distilled water being 1,000. Axotic Gas,. - -WW cub '*° inche »’ Carbonic Acid Gas -L^00 do Sulphuretted Hydrogen ” rt0 NADINE CONTENT S. Carbonate of Magnesia P r “ ,ns - Sulphate of Magnesia,.......... . -*71,528 do Sulphate of Lime Z , Sulphate of Potash, 3,-Uo do Total of Saline contents • JOHN RUGGLES COTTING. Stale Geologist of Georgia. Tax Collector’s Notice. mHE Citizens of Bibb county are hereby notified, that A the subscriber will be ready to receive the Taxes for - sw. ..s -^ssat.ftjssisr Tax Collector of DM County. July 16. 15 GUN SMITHING. t HHE subscriber would inform tlie citizens of Macon and A tlie public generally, that he hns taken the stand known n* the old Post-Office, on Mulberry street, one door from M 8 Newcomb A Co’s. Eating House and Bowling Alievs, where be is prepared todoall kinds of work in the above business, in a superir style. Rifles made to order.and war ranted. Double Guns restocked, and all kinds of repairing 4 He bi l . l ‘»L e o P on tnd. a few fin. DOUBLE GUNS; Ri- fle POWDER of a .Ulterior quality; GUN POWDER, SHOT.of all sizes; Baldwin s Elastic GUN W ADDING, wliiin PERCUSSION CAPS; split and ribbed do ; \\ nlic- K-giUh Caps; POWDER FLASKS; SHOT POUCHES; and all article* usually kept in l >' e ^ l ' lch will be sold low for cash. L. S. ROGERS. Macon. Jan 30. 1844 if gun smith business. nMHE subscriber continues to carry on this business at JL his edd stand opposite Shotwell’s Drug Store, where Doiiblc ttml Single Barrel Shot Gnus, Itillcs, Pistols, ami all other knuls ol SMrtlng Apparatus. REPAIRING, of all kind*, and stocking Gum, done at short notice—also, Guns and Rifles altered to percussion ,OC Fc‘b. 80 21 F- HOUX. Fire Insurance. CAPITAL 8300,000. T HE New York Contributionship Fire Insurance Company, having established an Agency in Macon, will Insure Buildings, Merchandize, Household Furniture and every description of Property, apainst Lots or Dam- age by Fire. BOND A MURDOCK, Agents. Macon, April30,1844. 31 ly Fire Insurance, THE' Undersigned, Agents for tlie nanny < risks on Buildings, AEtna Insurance Conn., are prepared to take rr , X Company of liartfon . . Merchandize in Store and Cotton in Ware-houses, inthe City of Macon and itsvictntty, again* Fire. REA A COTTON, Ag’ts Feb 7 93 ly Notice. E llASTUS KIRTLAND isour authorized Agent, da- I ring our absence from the Stale. ring Mscon, May 31 36 WHITING Sc MIX. B JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY II. SHOTW£LL, IALM of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair; Ilewand’s > Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague and Fever ; Bristol's Sarsaparilla, for Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseasea.and for all impurities #f the blood ; Evans’ Chamomile Fills, for Nervous Debility, Sick Headache, and loss of appetite; Soothing Syrup, for Children Teething; Hews' *> T .™™1 Liniment, a certain remedy for IUteun Bone Nerve and Rheumatism; Ma- idy cassar Oil, celebrated for beautifying and preserving the Hair; Thompson's Eye-Water; Scuddcr's Eye-Water; Scudder'a Acoustic Oil, for Deafness; Erosive Powder, for removing stains, grease. Ac., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes; RousscH's Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article; Lee's Pills; Bear's Oil; Corn Salve; Phelps' Tomauo Pills; Solidified Copaiva; Extract Buch er; Ewens’a Patent Spread Plasters; Cooper’s Corn 8alve; Seidlitz Powders, pure; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow ders, to mike Light Cakes or Bread, instantaneous. June 4, 1844. 36 Notice. A LL persona having claims against B. S. Newcomb, or U. S. Newcomb A Co. are requested to present them for settlement; and all indebted, will save themselves trou ble and expenses, by paying without wo having recourse to the services of an attorney. May 20, 1344. 34 B. S. NEWCOMB A CO. BACON * BACON!! QK Ann LBS. superior Gemgia Cured BACON— Hauis, Shoulders, and Sides, for sale by May 31 34 REDDING A WHITEHEAD. NEW GOODS.. ■ ®. W. & E. WOODRUFF, T-4T AVE j“* t received, and are now opening, a fine as X X sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, Consisting of Calicoes, Lawns and Muslins, Bnlzarinc Mus lins; French and 8cptcli Ginglmms; Linen Lawns; Linen Cambric Hdkfs; Irish Linens; Jaconet, Book, and Mull Muslins; Check Muslins; Gleves and Hosieiy, of every kind and quality; * 3,000 yards Georgia Nankeens; Brown and Bleached Linen Drillsfor Pants; Brown and Bleached and Grass Linen; Brown and colored Culton Goods, for summer wear; Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats, of Men’s, Youths* and Bovs* sizes. ALSO—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Shades and Parasols; All of which we will sell at a small advance fzom'Cost. Please call and see, at our Store,one door from Geo. W Price, on Second street. March 12 S4 NO. 46. mikTOlB §T®<®55. OF CHEAP AND DESIRABLE DRY-GOODS. OPEMXG F0I1 TIIE SFUIKG 4.11) SOMEP. TRADE, AT CRANE & CLARK’S. rriHE subscribers of tlie People’s Store, are now making X extensive arrangements for offering to their customers a very extensive assortment of the best selection of Goods for the coming season, that can be found in this market; and their facilities for making purchases are not behind those of any of their cotemporaiies. Quick returns ami small prof its, will be their motto, and therefore they offer every arti cle in the Dry Goods line, at the lowest prices, or in other words, though in many things they undersell, they are de termined nut to be undersold. Among the goods they keep on hand and are constantly receiving, tnay be found, besides many others, the following: FOR THE LADIES, Rich Dress Silks, superfine printed Stripes, Balzarines, Par. is printed Satin and Lace, Muslins, rich French and English Prints, black nnd bine black Bombazine, 4-4 and 6-4 plain and Striped Muslins, 4-4 and 0 4 plain Muslins and Cam brics, -J J and 6-4 Bishop Lawns; silk and cotion Hose, silk nnd cotton Gloves and Mitts; Ladies Cravats, Bonnet Rib bons, Ft encli Flowers, best Paris Kid Gloves; white and black Lice Cardinals, rich Silk Shawls, black net Shawls, cotton and Linen Birds eye Diaper,2,000 yards Russia do. at 12) cents per yard; 2,000 yds Negro stripe Homespuns at 12) cts a yard; 500 bolts Georgia Nankeen; 10,000 yds bleached and brown Sheetings and Shirtings; 2,000 yards Irish Linens from 37) to Si,25; pieces Earlston Ginghams at 25 cts per yard; 25 do. at 33 nnd 37) cents; 50 doz. Lisle Caps at SI n dozen; 1800 boxes silver plated Hooks and Eyes nt 6) cents. FOR THE GENTLEiTIEN, Single milled Cassitneies. ribbed and printed Gambroons, Linen Drills. Linen Cheeks, Check Ginghams, Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Cravats, Silk Gloves. Ac. Laities’ Silk Umbrellas, Parasols and Sunshades of the most choice patterns, from 75 cents to 83. 50 pieces Gimp with every variety of shade and color. New Goods received every week; any article not found as represented, may be returned, and the price will be re funded. Store on Mulberry street under Washington Hall. CRANE A CLARK. April 2, 1844. 27 LOOK AT THIS! T Setting par at~N*eic York Cost. HE ondersigned, having determined to close their bn- smess in Macon, will sell their ei.tire stock of DIIY- U'JODS at New York Cost, FOR CASH—among which are, real Georgia Nankeen at 81 18; Earlston Ginghams at -5 and 31 Cts; Calicoes at all prices; printed Mnslins at 20 to 4o ; nch Balzarines at 45; French Bnlzsrine Muslins, fast colors, nt 37); Baroge, Silk and Tarleton Mantles; Eace Cardinals ; rich colored and black Dress Silks, a large assortment; bordered and hem-stitclied Linen Cambnc Handkerchiefs; Linen Table Diaper and Damask; 10-4 and 13-4 Linen Sheeting at 80 and 81 25; Irish Linen, fine; Long Lawns, common, fine, and very fine ; Cotton aid Lin en Good* for mens wear; rich Marseilles and 8afin Vest- mgs; superfine Drop de Tea; Brown Shirtings at 6) cents up; bleached do. at 5 to 18 cents; a large assortment of Rib bons; a small assortment of Bonnets, Ac. Ac. together with most articles usually kept in Dry-Goods Stores. To a merchant wishing to engage in the business, the most liberal terms will be offered, for undoubted pa per.— Merchants and others wishing Goods in their line, will do well to call, as their goods will be sold. Macon, June 25 29 G. L. WARREN A CO. millinery and fancy JOHN L. JONES & CO. SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING- m fa c tuned tl»e past summer, from recently Imported Goods, by Wm. T. Jennings tc Co., very favorably known c?ty*^^ew York. 00851811^®^!^'"’ *‘- Surfouts, FrocK Coats, Pantaloons, ' Vests, Dress Coats. Coatees, and Office Coats, X’ravelling Coat Indies' and Cotffrsirnb JT^Si 9 In all the New and various styles; Together with a very choice selection of Silk and Satin .'carls. Cravats, Mohair nnd Cashmere do Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Drawers, Under Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Lineu and Muslin Shirts,' Collars, Stocks, Ac. Including a general stork of Youth’s A Children’s Clothing, NEGRO CLOTHING, w m s si m a & a m, <& © n Believing that the system of “ Small Profits and Quick Returns.” is best suited to tlie times, they will offer their Goods at prices that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur chasers. Macon, October 10,1849. 2 FASHIONABLE HATS, AT THE NEW IIAT AND CAP STORK. I ll IB subyriber lias received the SPRING FASHION for llaU, die finest nud light est article ever offered in this market. Also, Panama, Leghorn. Palm Leaf, Drab Beaver, Oner, Russia, nud Pearl Cassimer—broad brim nnd fashionable. All of which will be sold low for CASH. UEO. I. SHEPARD. Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 ALBERT «. BUTTS, A T hi, old stand, opposite the Washington Hall, lias re ceived, within the last few weeks, a new and general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, part of which consists of the following: 400 pieces English and American Prints, 50 do Cotton and Worsjed Balzarines, 50 do Printed Lawns nnd Cambrics, 10 do Satin Stripe Adrianoples, 20 do do do Organdies, 50 do Erlsteti Ginghams,* 10 do Seydia Stripes, 50 do Jaconet ami Cambric Mnslins, 25 do Lace Stripe Muslins, 20 do Cross Barred do 50 do Silk Handkerchief,, 100 do Furniture Prints, 10 hales Brown Sheeting, „ n White and black Cotton Hose, Spool Thread, Needles, Pins, nnd every other article usually called for, which will be sold at the very lowest prices for Cash. Macon, June 18,1844. 36 Ifl. S. BALL A CO’S. «$« DAILY EXPRESS, AND GENERAL FORWARDING & COMMISSION HOUSE. T HE Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia having granted to the subscribers the pn- vilege of running an over iheir Road-during the present year, with thepnvilege of an apartment under their own Lock, they ofler superior advantages for the prompt and safe conveyance of valuable Articles, Specie, Sec. See. and are in hopes ot being able to make an arrange ment with the Post Office Department, ly which they will be allowed to carry n Mail Bag. , _ , . .. They are prepared to receive and forward Goods ol all descriptions, to nnd from Savannah nud Macon, and laterme dime places, and between Savannah and Charleston, with the greatest safely and despatch; and will also pay particu lar attention to the purchase of Goods, collection and pay ment, of Drafts, Notes and Bills, and iransactingall kinds of business in the above places. , . They have also extended their arrangement-to run their Express by the Southern Boat, to Ficolata, in Florida, and intermediate places on that route. , , They intend to put on Teams, to run regularly through from Macon to Columbus, under their own chargc ( to carry all kjnds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch and safety, on the first of October next. MACON—Office nt the Washington Hall. SAVANNAH- Office at No. 153 Day street. DO. N. rkilbrick, Agent, for receiving and forwarding Goodtand Merchandise. CHARLESTON, 8. C.—Amos Head, Agent,office No. 96. East Day. July 4 40 tf y _M.8.nAL^A CO. T 1 Dissolution. HE Co-partnership heretofore existing unaer the nsine ju of HAMILTON Sc WINN, expires tins day by its limitation. All person, indebted, are roqueted to p.y upffie amount u r their indebtedness to John D. Winn; and those lieme^ 1 ""** W ’“"‘wHAMILTON. Uncoil, July 9,1941 U JOHN D. WINN. AND niiESS JJiTOVfif. M rs. w. h. »ori:ik would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Macon and country generally, that she is now opeuilg, on Cotton Avenue, opposite Mess*,. Scott Se Caritart, and next duorto the Messrs. Orrs, an entire neiv Stock of the most Fashionable «r.d Latest Style of GOODS, adapted lo the above Business; all of which has been selected by one of the best judges io. New York City. Great inducement! will be held out to purchasers foi CASH; in consideratioi of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N. B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully reociv cd and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— “Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch.’ 1 Macon, Nov 7,1843 * f The expressions, rich Hood and poor blood, have a scientific basis. The ridicule which many hare attempt ed to cast on these common-sense opinions, must recoil upon themselves as surely as that Truth will prevail. BRANDRETH’S PILLS. rriHE effect of this celebrated medicine, is to partly the X blood; to convert the poor, corrupt blood .into healthy, rich blood. And it is because they do this,, that they have been so steadily sought after by all classes of our citizens who have required medicine. And it is because of the power “Brandretli’s Pills are NOW known to possess as health-restorers, that renders them so popular. They cure all affections, simply because they make the blood purr—abstract out of ittliose qualities which produce disease, and give to it those qualities which produce health. Now, eveiy solid part of the human frame is made from the blood and the food we eat is converted into blood to sup ply the waste our bodies are continually sustaining. So. in the ordinary course of nature, we manufacture our entire bodies in about nine years, from the food taken into our stomachs. Suppose the blood made in this stomach of ours is unsound, occasioned by some cause or oilier; it may refer to the preceding generation; no matter, we make impure blood, and if so, cannot be lieallby. Or, .oppose tlie air we liavc lived in for some time has been loaded with matters detrimental to health, or our food for a long period has been of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been much troubled—for grief, anxiety, or great attention to any partic ular point, is sure to occasion bad effects on the blood. Any of these causes existing, good blood cannot be supplied to tlie body. Bullet Brandretli’s Pillsbe used daily, under these cir cumstances. in doses of from two to six Pills, or as the care shall determine. What is their effect? It is to carry off tlie impure mailers from the blood, leaving only the good to renew every part of tlie body. Wbnt was unsound now be comes sound, and the stomach soon gets into so healthy a condition, that even bad air or uuwliolesome food, for a time, are unable to injure tlie health materially. Even when the climate or food continue unhealthy, the occasional use of the Brandrelb Pills will separate tlie impure parts and cause their expulsion, leaving what is good to sunn'- ••rei>ttth. , oA>oJNvlTi.o every ramification of the frame is out of order, the Brandreth Pills, will, in nine teen cases out of twenty. CURE. Remember that the body can be entirely re-made from tlie food, bones and all; and aided by lliismost beneficent medicine, in a quarter of time it takes in the ordinary course of nature. Ill from two to four years ail entirely new, healthy body can be exchanged for tlie unsound, tlie diseased, the miserable one. The slowness or quickness of the change altogether depending upon the effect the Brandreth Pills are made to produce; which effect can be graduatedjust as the patient pleases.— No possible injury can result from this; nothing but good can follow. Enquire the eflect of Brandretli’s Pills among your unprejudiced friends; you will hear sufficient to satis fy you that there is No risk in making the trial, and that you will not be doing yourself justice without it. When your blood is once PURE, nothing in the shape of food will hardly come amiss; nothing will soar upon your stomach; you may eat pies, or any think in reason ; and the greater variety of food, the better blood is made. All who nave weak stomachs, who are dyspeptic, or in any way af flicted in body, should, without delay, resort to Brandreth’* pills—which will, indeed, strengthen the life principle, and by perseverance with them, entirely renew the whole body ; the materials now in it good, will be kept so; those bad, dis placed and removed. Good blood cannot make bad bone or bad flesh. And bear in mind, tlie Brandretli’s Pills sure ly purify tlie blood. The method of preparing the Brandrethian Vegetable Extracts, i. secured by Letters Patent of the United States —Patent granted to Benjamin Brandrcth,20ih Jan. 1643. The extracts of which Brandretli’s Pills are composed, arc obtained by this new patent process, without boiling or any application. The active principle of the herbs is thus secured, the same us it is in die living vegetable. The public should be cautious of medicines recommend ed in advertisements stolen from me. A sure test of genuine Brandetli Pills: Examine the box of pills; then look at the certificate of agency, whose en graved date must he within tlie year, which every author ised agent must posses*; if the three labels on the box agree with the three label* on the certificate.- tlie pills are true—if not, they are false. „ _ , The pills are sold at 25 cents per box, at No. 241 Bread- way, 274 Bowery, and 241 Hudson street. New York. Mrs. Booth, 5 Market street. Brooklyn; and by 20,000 agents in the United States and Canada, whose certificates and pills should lie carefully examined before purchase is made. For sale at the BOOK-STORE of J. Barnes, Macon, Georgia. Macon, Jnly 2, 1844. 40 3m BOOK STORE ON COTTON AVENUE, r,ro door, aboveHossrs. J. II. A IV. S. ELLIS’ DRUG STORK. to tie J. BARNES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offers puklic, a large Stock of nooi±;$, STyiTiOoWiRY, SLA NX BOOKS, &C.&C. CHEAP FOR CASH. Bimilyand Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, of evey kind snd size, in various binding. S.uthern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley's Social Choir. Juvenile Singing Book. Mason’s Sacred Harp, Base Primmer, Dictionary of Musical Terms, fire. <£e. Elnnli Books of every description, Court Re cord, mid Docket Books, various sizes. Ledgers, Journals and Dat Books-, Invoice, Re cord, Letter, Bill and Receipt Books ; In dexes, for Ledgers, Pocket Memoran dums A Pocket Ledgers, Ac. Ae. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others who may want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stock which’ will he sold at the lowest possible prices, For Cash- wbolesale and retail. He also recoives as soon as published all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houses ir. New York, Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all tbe cheap, and fashionable literature of the day, which he sellsat New York prices. Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed on the best foolscap paper. Macon, Oct. 4,1843. 2 M, jt./n hio.wihl e HAT AND CAP Summer Clotldnff. T IIE subscribers have received their stock of Summei Clothing, comprising one of the most extensive and va ried they have ever had on hand, and which will be sold at extremely low prices. A call ia invited. May 7 33 J. L. JONES A CO. H. & J. COWLES, H AVE now on hand, at the Store formerly occupied bj Messrs. J- B. Ross A Co., a general assortment of Planters’ Supplies, consisting of Groceries, Staple Dry-Goods, HARDWARE, SHOES, Ac. Ac. Macon, Oct 35, 1843 6 ESTABLISHMENT. *& 3&Jt«A82U GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer rare inducements to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hat Establishment in the- State, be will afford his Good* at as foie, or perhaps lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found at bis Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND BROAD BRIM Bearer, lYtitria, Cnnuimcr, Ifffolc-Sltin, Angolin, and Silk HATS. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF :h^ CONSISTING OF Oiler, Shetland Seal, Nutria, and muskrat. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, PRINTING, OF ALL KINDS, DONE AT SHORT NOTICE, IK A If EAT STYLE, AND ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, AT THE OFFICE OF THE —Sven .as— PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW BLAMKS, HAUCBILLS, HORSE BIIiIiS, IiASEIiSj MZ2J*k. 15 USE IIE CEtr TS7 & c. &c. &c. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF □Efi HL* UNV SS Of use in this State, printed on fine paper, in legal form, constantly kepton hand, and for sale at very low prices. Macon, June 1. 1843. 38 j : VBC8U DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ^NONTINUED supplies of luppli the best quality of the a- bore articles, suitable for Phy sicians, Merchants, and Fami lies, received and for sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. fune 4,1844. 36 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ge. Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do •iriUSSC STORE* JtMCOsY. VESPBIf | IpecIMM F OR the speedy and effectual extirpution of all species and symptoms of the sylph it ic disease, Professor VLS- PKINI S PILLS stand unnralled. They have long been in general use in the piincipal cities in France and the Uni- ted States, by those persons afflicted with this class of dis ease, and are daily receiving their unqualified approbation. The unparalleled celebrity and unexampled success or this matchless and powerful preparation, has won for itself a name never to be forgotten as long as there remains an af flicted sufferer upon tbe face of the globe. It is truly sur prising to observe bow speedily and harmless it enters into every miuute channel, effectually dislodging every. germ, annihilating every leprous spirit of the most dreadful of all diseases, and, at the same time, never failing to fortify the system against disposition, or subsequent attack of ihiscom- Pl Full and explicit directions accompany each box of these Fills, and a statement of some of the mo3t prominent symp toms is laid down ns a guide to tlie patient in distinguishing one form ol this disease from another; also, a statement, showin** the result of tbe treatment of one hundred cases with these Pills alone, ia one of the most distinguished hos pitals in France. O’ Price 81.50 per box. For sale in Macon, bv J. H. & W. 8. ELLIS, Druggists —and by tbe principal bruggista in Savannah and Augusta. Feb 27,1844. S ~ 6m * Ladies’ Riding Caps, O F superior quality, and a variety of patterns—to which the attention of the Ladies is particularly invited. Together with several new styles of Gentlemen’s Cloth Caps, Navy Caps, Ac. Just received and for sale by April 30 31 GEO. I. SHEPARD. Snuff and Tobacco. jyjACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff, tt » t e1T June 4, 1844. 3£ MORRISONS Vegetable Universal Medicines, piORsale bv GEO. W. PRICE A CO F May 5 Exchange on JVew-York, OR.ale by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 * I'otash, F'RST,... i™kt v]sv 8H0TWIll . H A V £ cons anlly on band, and offer fi r sale at prices as low as cm be purchased in tlie southern country, a plendid assortment of PIANO-FORTES, from tbe Celebrated and long established Manufactories of fif Clark and Jf. Chickering. The well known reputation of these Manufactories pre eludes the necessity of commenting upon the excellence ol their instruments, which have stood the test of every cli mate, for many rears. ALAR GE ASSORTMENT OF VIOI.INS, HtJI’XKIOR GUITARS,BUCI1E8, TBOHBONB8, TBIUIPETS. HORNS, C’IjABIONKTS, lLACKOUITS, FIVES, Arc. Arc. Arc. Violin, Guitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tuning Hammers and Forks ; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, Ac. Ac.forming as complete anassorunent of musissl merchandize, ns can be foundin the «nntliariwwu«.i— . euabled to selltiieir goods atthe very lowest prices. JJ. A V. have in addition to their catalogue, an ussjrt- ment of FOREIGN MUSIC. 05 s * Music sold at reduced prices. Terms Cash. May 17. 1842. 33 Gentlemen’s JVavr Caps: A LARGE LOT OF Men’s and Bovs’ Black and Drab SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of Men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS, sfcc. 03 d The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors abova the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Wbi ting A Mix. rmrims: Otter, Mink, nnd Raccoon Stains, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30, 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. DRUGS. MEDICINES. «&c. To Physicians and Planters t T IHE subscriber is now receiving every week, fresh sup plies of MEDICINES, which are very carefully se lected for him inthe Northern markets; and having adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell at very reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of sending to him, may rely upon having their orders ex ecuted upon the most favorable terms. The quality of the articles will be the very best, and the prices ns low as if they attended personally to the purclinse of th Nn. HARVEY SIIOTWKLL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Ilotok Gnllighan’s Fills. A FEW dozen Gallighan’s Pills, an infallible remedy for Chills and Fever, just received and for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Contra] Hotel. WHOLESALE AlUI RETAIL. GEO. JM. KE1IBERE1% R ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public generally, that lie is now receiving from the celebrated Hat Manufactory of Joh.v Hl'ST A Co., a very extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style aud quality. Among his assortment may be found 10 doz. fashionable Beaver Hats, M doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats Lamp Oil. A BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil. for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Carpenters’s ami Santis’ Sarsa parilla, F OR sale at the proprietors’ prices, by HARVEY SHOTW May 14 33 IIAUVEY SHOTWELL, Corner opposite the Central Hotel: Mallatt’s Fills ami Hitters, F OR sale atthe proDrietor’s ‘ HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Corner opposite the Control Hotel. JLinsectl Oil and Tram Oil, F OR sale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL, r- ■ May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Sal Eratus, O F superior quality, just receivod and for sale by May 14 HARVEY SHOTWBI Faints ami Oils. fTflA KEGS Nos.I and 2 While Lead, tlULr 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 800 do Lamp Oil, With a variety of Colors for Painters’ use, for ale by July 6 40 CHAS. CAMPBELL A CO 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO, ONE HUNDRED DOZEN lERO.ll) IIIiI.lI Reaver, .Vittria and Russia HATS, THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET ItE.ll.EK IA' CHOICE GROCERIES, &c. Ac. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE, AT VERY LOW PRICES »>/ w i BAGS old Java, Rio, Cuba, and Laguira Coffee; OUU 25 hhds St. Croix and Porto Rtco Sugars, 5,000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar. 20 lihls Cuba Molasses, 30 bores Castile, Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 40 da Sperm and Hull’s Patent Candles, 30 do Colgate’s and Hull’s Steam Soap, No. I, 800 Stcks Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dizen Long-liandle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, COO lis. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cut Tacks, 50,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, 1) to 10 in. wide, 3.000 Ibe. German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Patent Shot, 10 doz. Wilaon’s Coffee Mills, UOdoz. Halter Chains, 100 do*, inperior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Straps. * 10,000 Jbs. Hollow Ware, (assorted sizes.) 50 reams super Blue A White Ruled Letter A Cap Papcr- 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes Table Salt, 600 ps. superior Guany and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lbs. three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton nnd Wool Cards, 40 dozen Pails, Mats, Brooms, and Seivcs, 60 do Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 do Quilled Top, Side,and Dressing Combs, 12,000 SEGARS. „ , 20 boxes Imperial, Hyson, Pouchong nnd Souchong Teas, Spices,of all kinds; London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratus; Salt Petre; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scotch and Macaboy Snuff—together with an assortment of DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, HJITS, CAPS, SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon, Nov 14.1843. 7 A. July Choice Canal Flour. fresh supply jus' r£ce q- v ^ < ojj^s Baylor, 0 On Cotton Avenue and Second st. Just Received, O N Second street, a fresh supply of French Calf Boots superior article. Also, Ladies Shoes, of various kinds j u l Y 2 40 WHITING A MIX Inverness, Dundee, and Gunny BAGGIW G. T HE subscribers have on hand and offer for salo on ac commodating terms, a large and well selected stock of Cotton Bagging, consisting of _ Inverness, Mackintosh brand, i| to 1|—44 In- do, do. lj to —42 Dundee, Sun Heap, Double Thread, 2 to 1 J—44 to 46 11 do. Russia, Hemp, Sanderson, 2 to —44 “ do. do. Baxters, 2 to 14—42 to 44 «• Gunny Bagging, ANDREW °LOWACa Savannah, June 28.1844. * 2m 40 Messenger copy an, ISTlL tfc J. W. ELDER, H AVE removed their STOCK OF GOODS to the Store lately occupied by E. Blake, adjoining Ousrcy A Jewett’s Ware-House. Macon, June 2, 1844. 36 . . COOK'S ANTI-BILIOUS TILLS. .jriacon Iron Brass Foundry A YD MACHINE SHOP. mtf ILL and Gin Getting, Steam Engine Uork, Iron It JL and Grass Castings of every deseription, made to order,m l M achine Work inJGeneral, corner ol Lourtu and Walnut Streets. ,, O* The bigbcstprices will be pam for Ola Coppci, ^anVAT* 1 ’ CaBtrrO,, U0BT. FINDLAY. ' CALF-SKINS- J UST RECEIVED, a lot of Calf-Skins, a superior arti- e liJ?. fos GEO- w rotcE. warranted more durable lian any Huts ever sold 20 doz. do. '•»-•#.—, »» ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 doz. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. 200 doz. Men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL IIATS. All of which will besoldlorCash.atpriceswhichcau- not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are invited to call and examine nt the old stand, sign of the “BIGHAT,’’ Mulberry Street. Beaver, Otter, Mink, & Coon Skins, lf.lA'TJEJO, fur which the cash will bo paid. Macon. Oct 17.1643. 3 GROCERIES. 1 /Y HHDS. St. Croix Sugar, iUl5 do Porto Rico do 5 bis. Crashed do 5 do Powdered do 6 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar, 150 bags Rio Coffee, 95 do prime Old Java, 75 kegs Powder, 20 boxes Soap, 10 do Starch, 25 do Sperm Candles, 5 do Hyson Tea; All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. June 4,1844. 36 A. G. BUTTS. H. & J. COWLES, H AVE just teceivcJ, Freeh Mackerel, Canal Flour, Itegaln fc Principe Segar*, New Buckwheat, in half and quarter banehi. Together with Bagging. Sugar, Coffee, &c. Ac. Macon. Nov 28 9 NEW BOOTS AND SHOES. 'Just Received on Second Street. fTIHE undersigned would inform thoir X friends and the public generally, that they have received a large assortment of GENTS. FINE HOOTS and SHOES; with a full supply of low priced SEWED and TEG BOOTS, and SHOES. Also, Ladies’ SHOES of all hinds and qualities, with a full supply of MISSES’ A CHILDREN'S SHOES,.wmch^hev wg<d3,-,-tr,y 0 n3 price -maircxanstflCfofy! Mscon, April 9.1844 that 1 WHITING A MIX. 28 NEW BOOTS AKD SHOES. T HE subscribers have received, da ring the last two weeks, and are constantly receiving, a large, new snd well selected stock of HOOTS and SHOES, of B |1 descriptions—which the offer at wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices. They invite all those who wish to purchase, to give them a call, and they will endeavor to suit in price and quality. - Also, kept constantly on hand, Soal Leather, CalfSkins, Lining*. Lasts, Thread. Shoe Pecs, and all other articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. Atthe old stand, sign of the Big Boot, Mulberry street. Macon, May 7, 1844. 32 STRONG A WOOD. Wauled, 1 000 1,BS ’ Bees ' Va3t ’ b ^ ' M»yl4 Two doors above Boardman’s Book : For Sale at Bailey’s Drug Store, 1 rhfk boxes Window Glass. 300 kegs White Lead, 300 gallons Linseed Oil,5bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbls. Copal Varnish, 1 do. Japan do. ALSO. 300 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Neatsfoot Oil. May 14,1844. 33 A A Apr- Trace Chains, 4UUcO Vices, Trace Chains, Anvils, Bellows and Vices. 30 Anvils, 20 pr. Blacksmith's Bellows. 150 Hand and Sledge Hammers, 40 double hand Screw Plate;,assorted,) to 1 inch. 40 Fifth Chains, 2,000 lbs. Hook Hinges, 100 sets Wagon Boxes, 300 lbs. Bagging Twine, 10a Tea Kettles, 190 Sauce Pans. 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 20 dozen Knob Locks, 1 Iron Chest. AL80, A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, AND TABLE KNIVES & FORKS, Just received and for aale by Macon, Nov 14.1843. 7 E. B. WEED. Bagging and Rope. AAA riECES heavy Gunny Bagging, J7UU 100 “ Kentucky do 50 “ Rusia, do 200 “ Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Bagginp Twine. For sale on reasonable terms by imm., T CHAS. CAMPBELL ACo. August. 2 ^ 200 French worked Collars. T74INE Muslin and heavy work. As we bought them at JD Auction in New York, we can sell them at 50 cents a Call soon for bargains, at CRANE A CLARK’S. piece, April 9, 1844 Bailey’s Sarsaparilla, A CURE for all disorders arising from a bad state or th’e blood, for sale at _ ,.. JAMES W. BAILEY’S. Jnly 1C, 1844. 42 For Sale, A LIKELY MULATTO WOMAN, a good Sean stress and Pastry Cook. Ft r particulars, apply to GEC RGE ROBINSON, June 18 38 Office late Ocmulgee Hank. Bird’s Eye, J UST received, nn ossortinmt of Bird’s Eye and plain Tuscan Bonne s; also, a few Ashland Chip, abeautiful article. GEO. W. PRICE. July 23,1844. 43 Prime Geese Feathers. nnA LBS. iust received anil for sale by JLU11U GRAVES, WOOD A CO Af'i! 3C GRAVES, WOOD & CO. •OESPEC’iFULLY inviup the attention of Merchants Bv and Planters to theii Stock of GROCERIES, ©®’5r»<a©©©8 HARD WAKE, SHOES, Ac. now in store, and to which constant additions of fresh goods will be added during itie season, rondei-inii their assort,n,nt at all times very complete, and which will b« sold low for cash or to good customers. The following goods may be found in ibeir nssorlmcnt: 5 Bales Ticking, 10 “ Osnabnrgs, 30 << Sheetings and Shirtings, 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieces English and American Prints, 50 “ Scotch and Earlston Ginghams, 5 Bales Stripes and Checks, 5 •< 3-4, 4-4, and 5-4 Power Loom Shirting, 130 Pieces Plaid Jaconets and Swiss Muslins. Muslins and Lawns, Ky. Jeans and Saltinctls, Nankeen, Brown Linens, Irish do. Head Hdkfs. Flagg do. Silk do. Fancy Hdkfs. and Shawls, Hosiery (assorted) Gloves do. Suspenders, Spool Thread, Black and colored Linen Thread, Turkev Cotton, Cambrics. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Cores, Sewing Silks, Ac., Ac. Mosquito Nettings—Cnrpottiug 100 Cases Men’s, Wotnetfs and Children’s Shoes, 15 “ Bonnets (all kinds) 200 Doz. Falm Leaf Hats (all kinds) 200 Reams Letter, Foolscap, and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks Sad Irons, 1 cask Curry Combs, 0 “ C. S. and Carolina Hoes, 2 do Traces, Wagon Boxes, Fry Pans, Sauce Pans, Tea Kettles, Knives and Forks, Pocket and Card Knives. • Tad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinges nnd Screws, 200 lbs. Pins " Buttons end Combs of every description. Percussion Caps, Spoons, Ac. Ac., 25 Hhds. P. B-, S. C. and N. O. Sugars, Bbls. Pulverized and Crushed Sugar, Boxes White Havanna do. Bbls. Loaf and Trinidad do. 400 Begs Rio and Java Coffee, 10 Chests Fresli Teas, 30 Tons Iron, Flat, Round, and Square (uR aiz, f ) Cast. German and Blister Steel, Anvils, Vices aud Bellows, Castings, Kegs Nails and Brads, Bagging, Rope and Twine, 200 Bags Shot, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead, •«— k*l_ 50 “ 50 « 300 “ 25 “ 25 “ 150 Doz. 200 “ 25 Pieces 150 Doz. 50 “ 50 “ 600 ‘ 100 lbs. 200 ‘ Col’d 40,000 lbs. 250 50 Boxes Soap, / 30 “ Sperm Candles, 30 “ Tallow do. 20 “ Starch. 10 “ King & Collins’ Axes, 20 “ Coflee Mills, 10 “ Shoe Tacks. 50 “ Colton Cards, No. 8 and 10. 20 Bbls. Copperas. 20 “ Tanner’s Oil, 10 u ^Vinegar. Ceroons Indiffc*, Sal Era»is, Epsom Salts, Madder, ,Gii<cc Pepper, Spier. Nutmegs. Ci<> Cassia, Camphor, Brimstone, Blue Stone,Salt Petre, PoinU, Oils, Glass. Putty, Varnish. Turpentine, Sperm Oil, &c., &c. !000 Sacks Salt, >,000 lbs. Bacon, ij