Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, September 10, 1844, Image 1

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V I. M V T I )' ' n A V M o U S 1 so, ; V M. BARTLKTT, 4l ri.It I.VUMI, w adtaivcb. fluent in5rnwm. j T»* Collettori an.) will l Law IVoticc. T ^_„ r un drrsieneJ haTC ««ociated themselves in the nririiee of the I>«w. and will give prompt attention to I as nmr bo entrusted to their rare. •*“11!' will attend the following Conns: Bibb. Crawford, Koaroe- Twiggs. Jones, Wi kioton. Ilouston.Pulaski, Jlen- ^Irr OFFICE over E. B. Wir.t.n'a Store, two doors be- ■ JiYV H Johnston, on Mulberry atreet. a«r a t> ix'vxvrirrio rmnectrd wi'li PRINTING, DONE AT <GU Maroo. March W» >W, A. P. TOWERS. L. N. WHITTLE. $1. JOHNSTON, AT IOILTBV AT UV, MAC OX, OA. —ofFICE over old Darien Bank. IfsrrUW. 7*44. CC JOSEPH B. CLAPP, Attorney nt l.nir, Vikxna, Dooly county. Uav 10 t 33 Georgia. J. S. DZINNrAAB, ATTillt.lKV AT LAW, j„g.i . PEBJlGEO. DR. J. IIEAJLL, R UsrECTFUiLbY informs his friend* njil the public, lioii he ha* settled (n Macon, for the purpose of Proc uring his Profession. (CT OFFICE over the Drug Stnre of A. W. Bailey. Jsa» 11,1844. *• WASHINGTONIIALL, MACO.V, GEORGIA. T HE subscriber ha* again inkenthis F.sfah Htit merit, where he will always be hap p to attend to thecnlls ofhiyold customers, ami the travelling public generally. Mte.m. June 20 38 . Jg LANIER MARIETTA MOTH I Cobb County, m Georgia. rpilE underaignwl bhve taken this' spurious Hotel, for- I tnerly kept by Bmoa UoncuTS. Esq., and ni4uuw ready for the reception of Travellers and Families visiting ibe up-country. * TUr subscrilwrs pledge themselves to tsse every exerlior fj.- the comfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEREMIAH LEAK. Marietta. Jan. 1.1*0. _27 satcmL INDIAN S P III N G. rnlJE iuh»cril*r most respectfully informs the pohlic, l tliat ite has taken possession of the well known Hold at the Indian Spring, lately occupied by C«d. H. Dillon — Tlierc are so malty living witnesses, who can bear testimo ny to the wonderful hructiu derived from the use of these naeijualicd wa:er». that it is. useless u> speak of them here, lie assures al; who are disposed to visit bun, thnl nr etl'ort* shall he wanting to provide all such luxuries»* will tend to their comfort j ami to niton! them ail such means of amuse ui.-nt as will enable them to drive dull care away,” and pass their lime in pleasure. IC7* GAMING is slrictlv forbidden. ‘ BRYAN W. COLLIER. Indian Spring, Bella eo. MairchS6, 1044. 28 tO GEOLOGICAL OEPABTMEST,} MiLLkttasviCLC. Nov.2, J839. < tmJTsisof the Water or the Indian .Spring. Butts Coanljr, Georgia. C iiatity one pint, (wine measure.) or 29,87.* cubic inches, uarietfor a correct Analyst* of this Spring. it imtin-.rt .........22,34 inches. T- nperaturo of the Atmosphere,.......8:1 deg. Faicnbeit. Tc epeT.ature ofthe WtlTSl.7.;:'....*.4« •. _ 5*i win tie Gravity 1,142, tkn of distilicd water being 1,00ft. OA8SEN. A ■ tins .0,156 cubic inches. tl, Acid (iaa .................1.000 do t* i nluirelteil llvdrogen .2.5 do SAJ.INH CONTESTS. r iL.taatcof"Tagnesia............... 1,902grains. tfoljdixte of Magnesia,......T... ...71.528 do Sulphate of Lime,.... ...7.152 do bulpbate of Potash, 3,415 do TotalofSaline contents ....04.077 JOHN-WIGGLES COSTING. Stole Geologist of Georgia. Selling OfT at JVeiv York Cost. f I’D E undersigned, having determined to close their Lu- i” Macon, will sell their ei tire stock of DRY GOODS at New York Cost, FOR CASH—among which are, real Georgia Nankeeu at $1 18; Earlston Ginghams at _j and 31cts; Calisocs at till prices; primed Muslins at 20 to 45; rich lialznrines at 45; French Bnlzarine Muslins. v„.i- » , . . c " Ior ?> a ‘ S7 i- Borage. Silk and Tarleton Mantles; and Moa|in% Ba.zarme Mus- Lace Cardinals ; rich colored and black Dre,*Silk*.a large ambric Hdkfs- irtshY iir.T* .y yiw t-* , - i P e - 1 ? I gy or g°Wlt;bordered and hem-stitched Linen Cambric MuXsr Check M^s tr.v« rr.V ! ' a 'r d M "“ »"'l kcrch ^' : binen Table Diaper and Damask; 10-4 and kindnmlouahu- 1 H °“' 0 ’ ° tevcr > l 8 J I V ne - n Sheeting at 80 and 81 25; Irish Linen, fine; 'J 4 sme . I cowtijon, ami very fine; Cotton a*4<1 Lto* ; ’~ i *•*' '' C O « gfia A13*: {iCCltS J ; f n Goods for men's wear; rich Marseilles and Bntin Vest- Brown-an<i Bleached Linen Drills for Pams; Brown and j ,,l g 5 ! superfine Drnp de Tea; Brown Shirtings at C\ cenu Blearned ami Grass Linen; Brown and colored Cotton ' 5 to lficeuts; a large assortment of ltih- Gooda.for snmmcr wear, bons; a sir.nll assortment of Bonnets. *c fte. togcUter with . E iB 5£ 3* r^T ■» m V articlM usually kept in Dry-Goods Stores. T»„s - - ^ Ao a tnercliaiit wishing to engage in the business, the ■ stixrl .33141 uCHllOPU ISltS.N. most liberal terms will be oflered, for umloubted paper.— ' mOPPhnnla nmi nil,n>. M.kldd n I_ •_ i: _:;lt i. G. W, A: £•:. 1VODBKCFF, THT"^' E i'jst received, and are note opening, a fine as SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, Consisting of Calicoes, Lawn* and J lina; French and Scotch Gingham: Cambric Hdkfs; Irish I.incus; ,I a c >S; Gloves a guN^smitiiing. T UR snhfcribffr wonM inform the citircn* of Macon and I I fpiihjie pcnemUy, that he has liken the stand known Mthc oM Port-Offiea on Mulberry street, one door from II. Newcomb A Co’s. Katina House and Bowling Alleys, where he is prepared tndoall kinds of work in the above hesineas, in a superir style. Rifles made foorder.aud war* tinted. Double Guns restocked, and all kindsof repairing done with despatch. lie has also on liand. a few (ine DOUBLE GUNS ; IIt- !l« < I'OVVDRIl of a superior quality; GUN POWDKU; >II(H\ofa!I sixes; BaMwiu’a Elastic GUN WADDING; plain PERCUSSION CAPS; split and ribbed do; Walk- e*« best English Caps; POWDER FLASKS; SHOT POUCHES; and nil articles usually kept in the line, which — ■ E. S. ROGERS. ~ 12 . of Mcsr'*?. Youths’ and Bovs* sizes. ALSO.—A LARGE LOT OF Sun Sjhades aicd Parasols; All of which we will sell nt a small ad»ance fr«in‘ Cost. Please cttlf and see, »t o«r Btore,one door from Ge<>. \V Price, mt Second street. • ' - March 12 '• - £2lii ssm , OF (-C SI E A P AND BESI It A BEE DRY-GOODS,' OPENING F-Uii TIIE SPUING AND SUMMER TRADE, * AT CRANE & CCARK’S. rjlIIIC auhscribevaof the rcupUt's Store, are now making A extensive arrangements for ottenug to tlieir custnniers a very e.vteusiTt* n--*ort,netif-of)lie best-se)e<-tiou of Goods for the coming season, that can be found in this market; and their fac'dillesfor making purrlmsea are uorhehiml those of any pfth<*ir*^>tcni;>nnii«-a. (J.wi<'k returns and small prof its, Wiirbe then tiiirtto. ami therefore titey" offer every arti- el# is tiro Dry Good* line, at the lowest’ price*, of in other words, though it, uiauv thing* tliey undersell, they are de termined hot In he undersold; Among the go.-iils tliey keep mi liahd and are rimMnurly receiving, may he found, heridcs many others, the billowing : . - FOR TilE ffxADlESs Ricli' tires* Silks, superfine printed Stripe*,Ifnlzarine*. Bar is printed Satin and Lace, Muslin*.rich Frencji at(<l Kuglish Prints, Mack att^ blue Mack Uumhazinc. 4-4 and 6 1 plain and striped Muslin*. 4-1 nnd- 0 4 plain Mnslink nrtd Cam- bries, 4-4 and C-4 Bishop Lawns; siikntul eottmi Have, silk nnd cumin Glove* ami Mitts; Ladies Cravats, itounet Itih- 1 lions. Ftencli FloWera, he«r Pari* Kid Gloves; withe had black Lace Cardinal*, rich Silk Shawls, black net Shawls, cotton and Linen Birdseye Diaper,2,000yards Russia do. at 121 cents per varif; 2,UlK) yds Negro stripe Homespuns nt 121 rtsnyard; fltiO ii(dta Georgia-Nankeen; 10,000 yds bleached ntul brown Sheeting* and Shirting*.-2.000 yard* Irish Lipens from :t:; to 81,25; pieces Karlston Ginghams at 25 eta per yard)'23 do. at .13 and 37} cents; 50 dox. Lisle •flaps at 81 a dozen; 1600.boxes silver plated Hooks and . Kye* at cents. , FDR TtlE REATLEHEA. Single milled Cnssiinerea. ribbed nnd printed Gmnbrnons. Linen Drills, Linen Checks, Check Ginghams. Gentlemen's Scarfs, Cnivnl-t. Silk Gloves. »Vc. Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas. Parasol* and Sunshades "of the mostclKlire pattern*, from “3 cent* to 83. 50 pieces Gimp with every variety of shade and color. New Goods’ received every week; any article not fnnnd as represented, may bo returned, and the price will be te- fundcJ. , Store on Mulberry street under Washington 11*11. r- CRANK «k CLARK. April 5. 1844.27 Merchants nnd others wishing Goods in their line, will do well to call, as their goods will he sold. Macon, June95 “9 jG. L. WAHRRN & CO. MIIsMIlgRY AM'i> S- i A ' if RJESS jtlMULYG. » J « N. \V. II. it* OKttl 8 HH XKl. would respectfully annpuuce - tu -the Ladies of Macon and country A W generally, that she is unw opening. ^ on Cotton Avenue, op|H>site Messrs. Scott Sc Carhart. and next door to the Messrs. Orrs, an ENTIRE NEtv Stock of the most Fashionable aud Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to the Shove Business; all of which"has been selected by one of the beatjudges in New York City. Great-iuditccments will lie held oattopurchasersfot CASH; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. N- B.—Orders from Town or-Couutry, thankfully receiv ed and promptly attended to. Iler tnutto will ever be— "Promptnesxwithout delay, aud punctuality witkdespateb.” Macou.Nov 7, 1843 ■ BOOK STORE fl.\ COTTON AU\! L ive.Tiers. J. II. & tv. 8. ELLIS: Ulil’U NTOIti:. Jr. ISA 15.YES, TTA\ ING M0VKD totiic above Staivi, ofiers to t?8 JJL phblic,a large S:n< k ii O O AT S, « T .ITJO A*. !H Y 3\ IS it g_ /; 1IAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. BLANK BOOKS, &c, &c. CHEAP FOIL CASH. I^Lrnml Ilymtt Books,of Social Sacred Metical familyond Pocket Bil svfry kiud and size, in va trnthrrn and Missouri Harm, Choir. Jneeuilc Siuginff Hi Harp; Bate Primmer. Dictionary U’ermt, .|-c. ,\e. Illnnli Itaohi ol'cvcfy ilrscriplion, J oint He- cord, nn«! Dochct rarioii* Ni/c*. Lrdckrz* Jo^onals asi> Day Books: Lwoitf.. Re- ■cottn, Letter. Him. and Receipt Books ; Ix- imxes. von Ledokus. Pocket Meuouzn- pt'jts A. Pocket Leojeks, Jcc. Ac. J. II. would respectfully invite leackrrt aud others wlui may waitt SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stock which will he sold at the lowest possible prices. For Cash- wIioleMtnbnd retail, . , • ' * He ah^ receives ns soon as published all the new works from th^Harper's and other publishing honscs in .New York, Bogon and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, and fashiipable literature of the day, which lie sells at New York prki. Com tartly on liand a stock of LAW BLANKS,.printed on the be t foolscap paper. Alacon-Oct. 4.184:!.* 2 -«• i' A GEO. li’SIIEP 1R1>, I« reut-iviuu wreklv additions t«* bis hj&frtAsxOentful ttrfl HATS AND <:\DS. DIRECT MUiM TUT. MANX FACTORY. llei.<u.W|» and country pu in the State, lie lotctr pntrs. be fwuml at hi* rclia ery style c n. AMONG toiled by m. Rat Ksta|.lhlmreut is Goods at ns frnr.or ri:i:iurj of HATS AND CAPS mav >F Al.!. K/.XQS. tHORT .NOTICE, IN .4 > EAT STV1.K, AND THK MONT REASOSAI1I.K TF.nitS, AT Till: Ul'i'ICi: (IF TilF !lv( - ( : .A (’'(j cit Al . —xrcij .is— PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW BLAMKS. HAilpBILlfi, HOilSii BILLS. LABELS, Ct. " t». W*«k Si _ si\ssino i 'sn ni:f j:zr ts cYc. Ac. \-r. A GOOD Ajg.SORT.MBKt oF J8S ^HL^i . 12^ ^ Of uj 5 ** Hus State, printed Onjinc p'tprr. i*i i« f f -r Jn, i constantly kept o»» bind, aud far sale at very low pi ft . June 1# 18411# '^3 Djrfs .'arY.if‘5!eDin.\i:s. r i^lONTINCKD suppl'n YS-f-/ A J the lirel quality of tl Irnve articles. <ui:alil^- tor sitnnits. Merrbanis, ami F Summer €(oThin^. rSTIIR mbscfibcrs have received their sto<Jt of Sumtnet jL Clutiing, comprising one of the mo'st extensive and va- red they bnve ever hod on hand, and which will he sold at extremeli.low price*. A call is invited. May 7 ,• 32 J. L. JONES k. CO. The repression*, rich Hood and poor blood, hate a scientific basis. The ridicule trhicb many hare attempt ed to east on these common-sense opinions, must recoil npon'themsetves as sneety as that 'Truth trill prevail. JD2S.Y I*. JDYES & (Jtt. SOLICIT nilfnlion ton Now and Extcnj*iv#» assortment of HEA&y-MABg SLOTHING ilacuf.icturcil the past summer, from recently import! good*, by Win T. Jennings A Co., very favorably knu v . as amono the r.tndt irishmiishle^lrnpersjnnd Tailor* in the strniclh'.to die body StirtOIlIS IT'OCh Coats, :be frame i* out of o Pantaloons, Vesis, Drt'sj Coats, C4»:itoos. nnd Office Coats, Travelling Coat t.mtirs■ and Bfntteisse** , s In all the New and various styles; Together with n rery eboice selection of Silk and Satin Aoarl's. Cravats, Mohair and Caslimerc do I losievy, 1 lanil kerchiefs, Drawers, Coder Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Stock*, ter. * V. , • Including a general stock of Youtirs &. Childi'csi’s Clolhiu?, NEGRO FLOTHI YG, • W m 23 B 2T| ITi « , €% CO * Believing that the •ystem of •» Small Profits ami Quirk Returns.” IS liest suited to the times, they will offer their Goods at prices that cannot fail to be auimlucemeht to pur baser*. .- . . .Macon. October 1ft. 1843. , 2 will bn sold low for cash. Macon.' JaVUD.TCTC GUN SMITH BUSINESS. fllllE subscriber continue, to carry on this business at I his oh! anta<t opposite Shotsvell’s Drug Store, where he keeps far sale __ Double ;»si«l Stnglf Barrel Siiot Cutis, Birtfu, Pistols, and all other kinds of Spoiling Apparatus. Hli 1’AIIllNG, of all kinds, and stocking Guns, done nt thortrotice— also, Guns and Rifles altered to pereuaaion jTjk: so ai ' r. itonx. Fire InMiirnnee. CAPITA I. 8:iOO|OOH- riVUE AVie I’- rb Contrihnlionship Fire. Insurance I Company, having established an Agency ia Macon, will Insure Buildings, Merchandize, Household Furniture sad rverv description of Property, against leas or Dom- age by firt. BOND & MURDOCK, Agents. Macon, April 30.1841. 31 ly Fii*e InMiiraiicc. lltllR Undersigned. Agents for the -Etna Insurance 8 Company of Hartfold Conn., are prepared to take t'i’i, on iluihliiigs, Mercliainlize in Store anil Cotton in AVare-houies, inthe City of Macon aud its vicinity, agsinz Feb 7 FASEIIOYAREsH HATS, AT THE NEW HAT AND CAP STOKE. fllllE subscriber has receivedibeSPHING J. FASHION for Hats, the finest and light est article ever offered in tills market. Also, Panama, Leghorn. Pnlm Leaf. IJrab Beaver, Otter, Russia, and Penrl Cassimer—broad brim and fashionable. All of which will'be sold low for CA8II. GUO. I. UHfcPAlUJ.. Macon, May 7, 1644. 32 AI-BEltT «. BUTT^ A T his old stand, opposite the Washington Hall Jins re- XA.ceiv*d. within the last few weeks, a now and genbral assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY I>RY G‘JODS, part of which consists of the following: 400 pieces English snd American Prints. ,, 50 do Cotton ami Worsted Balzarines, 50 do Printed Lawns and Cambrics, 10 do Satin Stripe Adrianoples, 20 dd do do Organdies, 50 do Kristen Ginghams, ~ 10 do Seydia Stripes, 50 <Io .Inronet and Cambric Muslins, 25 do Lace Stripe Muslins, 20 do Cross Barred do 50 ' do Bilk Handkerchiefs, 100 do Fumitnie Prints, 10 bales Brown hireling. White nnd black Cotton Hose, Spool Thread, Needles, Pin*, nnd ererjf other article usually called for, which will he sold at the very lowest prices for Cash. Macon, June 13,1844. 38 HI. S. If ALL. & CO’S. BRANDRETH’S PICFzS. rff^llE elfirct of this celebrated medicine, fa to purify the .8. Mood; to convert llie poor, corrupt blood, into healthy, rich blood. A ad it is because they do this, that they have been so steadily sought after by 'ail classes of nurcitizens who have required medicine. 'And it is besause of* the power Braiidreth’s Pills arc now known to possess as liealtii rcstorer*. that renders them so popular . Theyeure all atiertions. simply Inca w*e they make the .blood purr—w£s/rwr/out of it tlioseijtialitieswliicb produce disease, and give to ittliose rptalilies which produce health. Now, ergty soliil part (if tlie human frame is made front the blood and the tood wc eat is converted into lilood to sup ply the waste our bodies are continually sustaining. So. in the ordinary course of nature, we manufacture our entire boilies in about ni6e years, from the fond taken into our stomachs, dappose the blood made-in ibis stomach of ours is antnund. occasioned by some cause or other ; it iijay refer to the preceding generation;-no matter, we make impure blood, and if mi. caiwioi lie healthy. Or. suppose the air we have lived in for some time ban. been loaded with matters detrimental tp.beahh. or our food for a long period has been of an unwholesome kind, or that the mind has been much troubled—for grief, anxiety, or great attention .to nny partic ular point, is sure to occasion bad elibels on the blood. Any or these causes existing, good blood canr.ot be supplied to the body. Bullet Brandreth’s Pill*he used daily, under these cir cumstances, in doses of from six Pills, or as' the care shall determine. What is their effect! It is to carry off the impure matters from tlx blood, leaving only the good to reuew every pan of the body. Wlint was unsound now he roines sound, aud tbe stomach soon gets into so healthy a .condition, that even bail air or unwholesome food, for a time, are unable to injure the health materially. Even' when the climate or food continue unhealthy, the occasional ose of the Bramlrelh Pills will separate the iriipure ports'mid cause their expulsion, leaving what ia good to supply lire and' . when everv ramification of of Older, the Bnmtftc-,»* r u!«, wtI T ,‘lDTnne- tecn cases ont of twenty, ctntlt. Remember that the body can be entirely re-made from the food, bones and ail; and aided by this most beneficent medicine, in a (quarter of time it lakes in the ordinary cmirse of nature. In from two to four years an entirely new, healthy body can be exchanged for the unsound,, die d : s6ased, the miserable one. The slowness or quickness of the charge, altogether depending upon the effect the Brandreth. Pills are made to produce; which effeot can bo graduated just as the pntient pleases.— No possible injury can result.from this; nothing but good can follow. Kuqulrc the effect of Brandreth’s Pills among vour^unjirijudiccil friends; you will hear sullicient to satis- (y you that there is NO RISK in making the trial, and that you will not be doing yourselfjustice without it. When your bloW is once.PORE, nothing In the aliape or fopd will hardly come amiss; nothing will sour upon ynnr stomach; you may eat pies, or any ilijak in reason; am! the greater variety of food, the better Mood is made. Ail who have weak stomachs, who are dyspeptic, or to any way af- I ilav, resort to Brandreth’s H. A- emVl.l'X H A V K now on hand, at the Store formerly occupied by Me?.rs. J. B. Ross A Co., a genet al assortment if Flamers’ Supplies, consisting oi Groceries, Staple Dry-Goods, 13 Al! BWA 3!E, SHOBS, &c. &C, Macaw. Oct 25. 1843 O jfitrsiC stojib: oirioJcOs^r. ilfafo-ShlA, llictcil i;. IhkIv. shuuhi, witliout"dcla\ Pills—which W'iir inileeji, strengthen the life principle, nnd by perseverance with them, entirely renew the whclebody; the materials no nr in it good, will be.kcpt sa; those bad, dis- placed and removed. Good blood cannot make bad bone or bad Jlecli. And liearin mind, the Brandreth’s Pills suio- iy purify the Mood. . The method of preparing the Braudrethian Vegetable Extracts, is secured by Letters Patent of the United States —Patent granted to Benjamin Brandreth. 20th Jan 1843. The extracts of which' Brandreth VP Ws are composed, are obtained by this new patent process, -without boiling or any application. The active principle of the herbs is tints secured, the same a* it is in the living vegetable. ■ The public should be cautious of medicines recommend ed in aavertisemeufs stolen from wfr A sure test of genuine Brandeth Pills: Examine the box of pills; then look at the certificate of agency, whose en graved date must be within the year, which every* author ^ j iscd agent must possess ; if the three labels on the box agree with the three lalielson ibeeertificate-tbe pills are true—if not. they are false." * / The pills are sold at 25 cents per box. at No. 241 Brnul- way. g74 Bowery-, and 241 Hudson street. New York. Mis. Bootb,‘5| Market street,' Brooklyn -, and by 20,000 agents is tbe United States and Canada, whose certificates and pu s should be carefully examined before purchase is made. For sale at the BOOKSTORE of J. Kami's, Macon, Georgia. Macon, July 2, 1844. 40 3m 23 m [fj M © Si W S SLWK 'Mr ©. ! J A v £ con* antly on hnnd, and offer ft r aaltf at prices In.*!' low use in be parctn cd in rlte^onUierncoiuury, a pleudid assortment of - PIANO-FORTES, fioro tbe Celebrated and Inns established Manufactories of JYuuit.s X Cl uric anti .7. Clticltering The wed known reputation of these Manufactories pre chides the necessity of commenting upon the excellence ol tlieir instruments, which have stood the test of every oil mate, for many years. > i A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VIOSAN'S. 9VPSBIOR BIJITAB8,BVOI.n! TKOUBO.'VKN, TBI/illPKTN. BOBN8, - CLABIONET8, PLACKOLBTS, FIFES, Ac. Arc. Ac. Violin, Guitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reed* Tuning Hammers and Forka; Violin Hows; Music Fa- per, tec. Ac.forming os complete aiLassnrtmcut of musical merchandize, ns can hi found in the southern country. As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled toselltheir goods ntthe very lowest price*. B^ V.Jia^vc jn m 1 diIlotwo jh#ir eatologite, an assrrt- sold :il rcjlitcctl prices. Terms Cash. May 17. .1842. 3.! _ TISO ,?S IS TAITliOB. ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET lkMi.tZ.UK MAT :• yiis DAILY EXPRESS, To Cosuilry Merchants. w. i?I. TOC1YG, At his W1IOI.B8ALB ItOO.iiS.oTcr liisNtorr, IN SAVANNAH, (JEO. TTfOULD inform Country Merchants, visiting8avatmah. T T for their supplies, that, by tlie 1st ol September next, and throughout the season, lie will have on haud, iJAJ tS-T) CHOICE GROCERIES, Ac. Ac. Ac. OFFERS FOR SALE, AT VERY LOIY PRICES •_><k Ik BAGS old Java, Rio, Cuba, and Lag.irg Cofiee! ■)4-/1 z 25 hbds St. Croix am) Porto. Rico Sugars. 5.000 lbs. Standard Crushed and Double Loaf Sugar, 20 hhds Cuba Molasses, 30 boxes Castile, Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 40 do fiperin and Hull’s Patent Candles, 30 do . Colgsie'i and Hull's Steam Soop, No. 1, ■ 800 Sack Salt, large size, 20 boxes-Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-handle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegi Cut Nails aud Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lea.L, COO lbs.Smoothing Irous, 200,000 Cut Tacks, 50,000 ike. Swedes I ran, assorted, l|to 10 in. wide. 3,000 lbt German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 Inn Patent Shot, - 10 doz. Wilson’s Coffee Mills, 20 doz" Halter Chains 100 doz. superior Blacking, 2(T do ' Shoe.Brushes,' 10 do ' Curfy-Combs, 15 <io p»:.-nt l(n/nr Straps. lO.SOj IBs. Hollow Wore, (assorted sizes.) fiO resots super Blue A White Ruled Letter CapPaper- do Wrapping Paper, . boxes Tnjdo jjalt, tIOOps.saperiorGunny and lieavy Dundee Bagging, J.OOO lbs. three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Coflon and Wool Cards. •10 dozen Pails, Mats, Brooms, and Serves, _ CO do Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives and Forks, 100 dg Quilled Top, Side,and Dressing Combs, 12.000 SEGA IIS. - 20 boxes Imperial.Hyson. Poucbongand Souchong Teas, Spices, of all kinds-."London Mnstard ; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aerates; Salt Petre;'Epsom Salts; Starch; Scutch and Macaboy Snuff—together with an assortment of DOMESTIC BRY-GOODS, 11ATS, CAPS, .SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon* Nov 14.1843. 7 FAS! I IONA HI iK,' AlEDi HI, A N I» BROAD BTttM Bearer, !Ynla*in, Co**»iliter. Kii^k Aogolin, nit4! >»ilk 14 AT S . -• ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF ;a^ m is. <az^ ^ ® 5 CONSISTIN'! Gltci*. Slietlmid Seal, N'tit ALSO. Men * an 1 Youth*' Cloth ’. Do do Hair St-al Do do Smlet-e Do do Glazed Gentlemen A LARGE LOT C)F ItXc.i’s ;u*(l Hoys’ ItlacBs pm;! E>r:tl> SPORTiYG S3,ITS} Together tvith an cxieuiive iji't k of Itlon's :tn<! Black :m«l Drith W O « Bz G A T w, etc. B3 3 The attention of those in tvatifeof any articles in this line, is respectfully Invited: Store on Second Street, a few door* above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoiuiug die Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi liug -V AI'V. OlW 1 , JlittU. :tti«l SLktooii >!itt;<>, hicb the Cash will be paid. Mnrao.Jan30. 1811 _ GEO. I. SHEPARD. mioT,ESATli ArTs> litl’l'AilT. lies, rc fnneM. 1814. 3 »E5 3:GM. I 1, V j. ii. .v u . s r.u.ld If 3 ttd M 9 tattlers ; ram i- M. ] OF illVV do Ck{B l for hi ed 'lie CAS rctlilcfil jiri ties of fcinii ecuied apoti articles will they attciulc May I I risn '■ r Mi; DU I SIC: iu the North SYSTEM c« PuNviciau : to liint. mav i ie most I'atnri J.C ,H A’. ,Ti> KsH ii’jp cilept* ? 11" a t verjr I'piiorju’nL order- ex- lity or tlo* . 33 GallT^ha V FEW dozen Galliglian’; . for Chills anJ l'c rhi HARVEY Corner .-HOT WEI Hotel. 'J for a JEO. A. MIsillBESiZi Y*« R ESPECTFULLY ioforms hi»<4d customer* aud tbe public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrateil Hat Manufactory of Jons Hunt «k Co., a very exteosire assortment of HATS A VI) CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortment tuay be foot'd M doz. fashionable Beaver Hats. 20 doz. do Cassimert» Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hots* 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats 1 doz. Angola Silk lints. ALSO. ONE HUNDRED DOZEN BROAD sunt IScnrci', JYiiiria and ISassia iite the Cer n S i 11^. I'HIs. an infallible rom er. just received ami ibr hv HARVlCY 8HOTWBLr*. May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central H*.s#f. toi!ii|) Uii. 4 BEAUTIFUL article f''Bleaclied Sp#pn OX fin sale bv IfAllVEY sHolWKLL. Mav 14 -■ 33 ('at'peaU'is'N a no SasHik’ paril la. fTT0H n!e at the proprietor ‘ prices, l>y U IIARVKY SHOTWF.LL. M.iy 14 33 • Corner opposite the C'eatfttl Hl#L .’flur*. §'i!2s nn<I Kilters STIOR sale at the proprietor - pi > t . by JT ' HARVEY MIOTWKT.T May 14 3:1 C- ruer opposite tli» Central Hotel. EsssiBCCi! e?ii ar.d Train SF18, 17U) it sale low by 11A R VIA' FHOTWELL. M.’ May 14 ., Con-rr opposite the Central Hotel. ' »;jl fr iafIIK, k~\T superior*qlialitv, j'- t rcOeiveii au l fi-r sale bv U May 14 ' !!viu:v SliOTWhU Trt in lx ai t) Oj!b. ,*TA< \ KI2GS Nos.l and 2 White Lead. OUl * ;jl>0 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 .do Lamp Oil, With a variety ofCoIofsfor Painters v n« Julv 6 40 , for ale by CHAS. CAMPBELL A: CO He H ii T S, l.iiilr:i i)i- linn anv lints sold 50 .! .7,. Y.iii'h’s and Cliildrcn's lint*. 20 doz. do, do. Caps. ALSO, nixi Uni. unr» a. i *1* n . Together with a general assortment »»f p ai SS c A Y s, CONSISTING IN TAUT OF 3 dox..PREMIUM OTTER CA?S, 5 doz. Sea Otter Cap*, 5 doz. Super Nutria Cd[ 20 doz. do. UoAnt Cat’*. 50 doz. Men’s and Roys’ Seed Cops; 50 doz. do. do. Scalette Caps. ALSO. Sz?~‘ 200 tloz.TIcn'sniid Boys' Black and Drab W O O is S» A T S. All of t wlitcli will hesoMlorCa.'!i,atpnces\vhichcan- not fail to give satisfaction. PuTcliasera are invited to ^nll and examine at the old land* sign of the “ JUG HAT,” Mulberry Street. Bcaver« Oiler# HYinKa iV toon SKitts, for which the ctib will be paid. ^Iaron. Oct 17, 1^ OL ^ . , n. &. .5. vo\% VjKs, AVK oisl treeivd, Frcrb Mark ere!, ~*unl Floor, Reeala ft l’rim-ipe Segsrs, Now Buckwheat, in half and quarter bnrtcls. Together w ith B:i22ii>«- 4 tiii’co, Ac. Ac. Mar m. Nov v- # , ESSW BOOl ! S A2K3i kP.OZ.^'. Jti*t Beccitcl on fceotnl Nticcr. I sr,f-. riAHE ut !i i-red wuh irloim theig a frieiulsaiKi the public generally.that ^frs tbcviiave j..-1-ivni :i ■'tmpnt of Gi'iN’rs. FINE * ■>')': >!.:d SHOES; v illi * fu'd iv ol In* priced Si'-W ED and rSG LOOTS, and SHOES- Als « . Ladies’ SHOES I,:' nil ki:.■:• ti• with a fill! supply of MISSUS’ft CHI LOREN'S SHOES, which tliey would iuviie ail ll:o?e that ate in want of any oi'ihc shove articles'ti» rone and ex amine our assortment, confident that Loth quality and pricK will be made sniisfactorv. WHITING ft MIX. ' U-i— Anril 9.1844.' r ~ nsw 3002S AK9tSBOSS. rjnHK aubsertbek* bare received, dtt ks J j JL ring the last two weeks, and are _ til > i a constanlly receiving. !ar:--*,r- «v rrd » ell ; ledstw-k of BOOTS and SHOES, of all description,—whic-ll the offer ct wholesale nnd retail, at very moderate prices, 'i hey invhe all who wish to purchase, to give them a call, and they will erdcavor to suit in price and qua! ly. Also, kept conrianlly on hand. Soal Leather, Calf Sirius, I Liniie’*. Lasts, Thread. Shoe Pegs and all Other articlra . I used ia manufacturing Boots n: il Shoes. At the old stand, sign of tl-e Big Bet. Mnl’^rry street. . Macon, May <, 1644. 32 ' 'BONG ft WOOD. a: July 2 CSioicc Canal Flour. FRESH soppiy juit received and for s’ale by THOMAS TAYLOR. 40 On Colton Avenue and Second st. ,fnsi Kcccivcil, AND »„«** «»»«■ stock P r q*•.tettagygsgtag.feg • DRY-GOODS, - J*£ approved acceptance or endorsement, can \ ft Jewett s kV are-IIouse. •’ -’-k at my Cash Prices—Interest j Macon. Jane 2, 1844. 3b U I'M UK • V '!•> •• V * easier Oil. celebrated for heatittiving nnd preserving the llair; Thompson', Eve-Water; 'Sctnlder's Eye-Water; Scudder's Aeouslic Oil, for Deafiie*,;. Erasive Fowler, for removing tcait*, grea.*e, Jcr., from DreMMj Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes; Rous,ell's Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article; Lee's Pills; Bear’s Oil; Com Salve, fikelp*’ Tomatto Pill* ; Solidified Copatva ; Extract Bucli- er; Pwens’s' Patent Spread Plssterf; Cooper’s Cora Salve; Stilliu Powders, pore; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow ders. to make Light Cakes or Bread, instantaneous. 144. 36 ’ B. 6. NKtvcoJtn. or present them June 4, 7844 Notice. A LL persons havingrlniui* again B. S. NEWCOMB ft Co. ate iciiiiosted fur settlement; and all Uh|, l will *•#•> hie and expense*, by■ pi\ing m it rat we haying to the services of an attorney. Mav 20. 1844, .34' P-ih WBtgBBMk IS l('0 \ ! ICACOYi ! May 21 Laities iF superior qnalitj ' the attention of Ui Together with sevei Caps) Navy Cap*, ft-:.' April 30 31 o\ Buildings, Savannah. 47 5t Swidiii^’ Cnjis, , ami a variety of patterns—to which • Ladies is particularly invited, si new styles of Gentlemen’* Cloth J ust received nnd for sale by GKO. I. SHEPARD. COO ICS .ardTi-Biitioirs tills. REA ft COTTON. Ag’tt 23 ly lYoticc. E RA8TU3 KIRTLANI) isour authoiizcd Agent, du ring nnr absence ftnm the State. Macon, May 91 38 _ WRITING ft MIX. JUST KKCKIVKD AND FOR SALK J1Y 55. SIIOTWKLL, B .M.M of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair ; Row and Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague and Feve ltriitnl’, Sarsaparilla, for Scrofula. Cutaneous Diseases, at... , for all Impurities «f the blood; Evans’ Chamomile Pill*, for SSresent vEwvfi® S*P a * a ^i*li e on apartmoltl under _ ,, .... Nervous Debility, Sick Hradaehe. and loss of appetite t p (K . k , llt . y ofiir superior advantages for the The lower floor of his Store, as usual, will be occupied Sootk.ySyrup.Jbr Children Teethmgt Dews Ner#**nd *„ m nm | safe conveyance of valuable Articles, Specie, for his unfAIL MUSINU.SS, where Planters laying , Qrt nI I - . . Buue Linaiuent, a certain remedy fin Rheumatism ; Mu- 1 ' . { hope* o< being able to make •• arrange- ; j„ their sui-pli' -. will find it for tlieir interest t" call. — N, gUmidnsi caassr Oil.r»/cl <•„, * * I the * cn f wit j lt ir o fii <• Department. I y which they will: in, *wk of.DRESS GOODS, of all klrnfs, House- Jttacou iro.t A Bra*8 FOHHtlrif be"lWed,or«,7vt M '.IBag- J keeping Article*;and Plantation Good* will be foundex- AY1> ^lACHIIAE SHOP. Tliev are prepared to receive and forward Gc.' -- pi all tensirc. and in great variety—much larger than in anv tie- ^ tM( | ttin (leering. Steam Engine Work, Iron descriptions, to ami fromSavaunah and Macon, and internte | tai | 8, oreill ,be City, amlat such prices that cannot fail to .. diate tilnees and between Savannah nnd Charleston, with please. ' August ~0, 1844. the greatest safely and despatch; end will alaopaypantcn- lsr attention to the putchase of GikmI*. collection sod pay ments of Drafts, Notes nnd Bills, and trnnsactingall kinds ol business inthe above place*. . Titov have also extended their arrangement to run Uieir Express hy the Southern Boats to Picolata. in Florida, and intermeiliate places on that route. . . They intend to put on 'Teams, to ryn regularly tlirougU 1 77OR the Cure of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, < Fur sale by J.H.ftW. B.El ft«-- ELLIS. from ,l! ki olumbus, under their own cliarge, to carry MACIN' ()]!<■■ ' .--A VANN A H " — , DO. N. ft — , CHARLESTON. nt t:. mHE Inferior C REDDING A WHITEHEAD. .Y4)lit«*. ; rt of Bibb county, i* niljouroed to tli IV in September'next -.iirurs - o It 11. W ASHINGTON. J. !- C. JEIH CAMI’HEI.L, -E L «'. .IGHN II. BltANTLBY, J. L c. 3,1844. Id ah ling-..- Hall. isin >• Agent,for n r, Q,,nd « it n d .Mr ns Iliad Ac, n 71&5 M. 8 HAL Snuff ;ni4i y JAC Mil IV, Scotch, and Tobacco. g Tobao WELL 1 Brass Carlings of every description, made to order,and Machine Work inJGeneral, corner of Fourth I and Walnut Street*. : * The hi chestpri -ei will be paid for Old-Coppcl , Bra-... I.cad, sml Cant Iron. Jan31 17. - BOBT. FINDLAY. CAIiF-SKIAS. UBT It ECEIVED. a lot of Calf-Skins', a superior arti- 1 alter the French style. \n„ T,„ rt, SOLE-LEATHER,SHOE-THltEAD I'AINTLES, ft •. GEO. 5V. PRICE. GKOGFKIFsS. ~t /A IIHDS. St. Cmix Sugar, 1\_M3 do Porto Rico do 5 bis. Crushed do 5 do Powdered do • - • fi boxes Refined Loaf Sugar, 150 bags Rio Coffee, 25 do prime Old Java, 73-hr:-. Powder, SO bnxn Soap. 10 do Starch, 25 do S|>erm Caudles, 5 do Hyson Tea; All of which will be sold at th* lowest cash prices. June 4,4844. 36 A. G. BUTTS. W a sited, 1 JJfYn LBS. Bee’s Wax, bv l.UUU JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist, May!4 Two doors above Boardrann's Book Store. For Sale at ISailev-* .Os*;m'store, *| / I; t boxes Window Oh, <A!CS k-'ct 7\’hite Lead. A*J' J 300 gallons Linseed 0:1,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbls. Copal Varnish, 1 do. Japan do. ALSO, 300 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 10C gallons Neats foot Oil. Mav 14, 1844. 33 Trace Chains, Anvils, JSeJlows and Vices. Af\f\ Pc- Trace Chains, 30 Anvils, 4tv*v/t>0 Vices. 20pr. Blacksmith's Bellows. 150 Ilnnd and Sledge Hammers, 40 double hand Screw Plates.assorted,! to I inch. 40 Fjfth Chains, • 2,000 lhs. Hook Hinges. - 100 sets Wagon Boxes, 300 fits. Bagging Twine, 100 Tea Kettles, 100 Sauce Pans. 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, , 20 dozen Knob Locks, l Iron Chest. ALSO, A complete assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, A N D TABLE KNIVES & FOBliS, Just received and for sale by Macon.Nov 14.1S45. 7 E. B. W EED- E!¥ss'!i>S' and ICope. PIECES heavy Gnnny Bagging, t/<JLr 100 Kentucky do 50 “ Husia. do * 200 “ Coils Manilla Rope, 500 lbs. -Bapginp Twine. For sale ou reasonable terms by , , CI1AS. CAMPBELL &Co. August - '... i • . ‘200 I'mifh uci itcd i oKlar*;. XNIRE Muslin and heavy work. As we boughtthemat 3 Aurtinn in New Yn-k. we can .-ell them at 50 cents a piece, Cal! soop for bargain ■. at 300 150 Doz. 200 .J ftril 9. 1844. Btailcv CLUE fi.r all the blood, h>r sa! Julv 10. 1 ?4 I CRANE ft CLARK’S. Sa r^aparilla, JAMES W. HAILEY 40 GKAY r ES,WOO» i'O: T) KSPKCTKl LLY inviic the attention of Mordmr.ts i fLr and Planters lo ihcii SlocVoT GKOCJilRIES.^ lURUWAUE, SIIOJBS, &c. now in store, and to which constant additions of fresh goods will be added during the season, rendering their assortment nt all times very complete, and which will be sold low lor cash.or to enod customers. The following goods may be found in their assortment i 5 Bales Ticking, 10 " OsRiburgs. 30 - Sheetings and Bhihibg*, 4 Cases Bleached do do 1000 Pieces English nnd American Tunis, 50 “ Scotch and Karlston Ginghams, 5 Bales Stripes nnd Checks, 5 “ 3-4, 4-1, and 5 -1 Power Loom Sbirtir. 130 Piece* Plaid Jaconelsaiirl Swiss Muslii 50 “ ; Muslins nnd Law ns, 50 ” Ky. Jeans and Sattinctti, Nankeen, Brown Lii:ens;_ Irish do. Head lldkfs. Flagg do. 25 Pieces Silk dor Fancy lldkfs. and fihawB, 150 Doz. Hosiery (assorted) 50 *■ Gloves do. 50 “ Suspenders, COO '* Spool Thread, 100 lhs. Black and colored LHiea Thread, 200 ' Turkey Cotton, CulM Cambrics. Vestings, Ribbons, Tapes, Core’s Sewing Silks, &e,, fte. Mosqu ito Nettings— Carpet!ing 100 Cases Men’s, Women's aud Children's Shoes, 15 “ Bonnets (all kinds) '3F9 200 Doz. Palm Leaf Hats (all'kinds)' 200 Reams Letter, P'eo’scap. and Wrapping Paper, 2 Casks Sail Irons. 1 cask Curry Cnim *. 6 “ C. S. and Carolina Hors 2 elo Tracc.-.J Wagon Boxes, Fry Pans. Si t e !‘aa . Ten Kettles. Knives and Forks, Pocket and Card Knives. Pad Locks, Plate Locks, Butt Hinge* and Screws, '-00 ',!>*. Pins; But! ns and Combs of every dstciiuiv, Peters i< n Caps. Sp- >ns, &e frc., 25 libds. P. R-.S.C.audN. O. Sugar*. Bbls. Pulverized-*nil Crushed Sugar, Boxes Wliiie Havanna do. Bbls. Loaf and Trihidad do. Bags Rio and Java Cofiee, Chests Fresh Tens. Tons Iren, Flat, Round, and .S.iuare (all sizes) Ca:-t. German nnd lll.-ier Steel, Anvils, Vices and Bellow s, 40,000 lbs Castings, 250 Keg* Nails and Brads, Bageing, Hope and Tw ine. 200 Bag* Shot, 2000 lbs. Bar Lead. Kegs Powder, Canister do. 400 30 50 Be TiIJo Candle do. Axe*, r s Dissolution. till’ Co partnership hrrrmforet xi- . I HAMILTON ft WINN, ex; AH person* indebted, are re. <>(' tin* t ind'-luedness t" John I , . to hand them him f". ° U M II \ Mil. TO JOHN D. IN-' Wi I'll, | M... mi, July 0, 1*11 MdltltlSd.X S VoarcJaklc IHivorsal ,Ti»*<licim»s. «7t()|! sale bv GKO-W. BRICE ft CO U Mav 5 :i ' BiYcliansc on ;Yow-Voi*l», , nr - I'D OS v XAYL.OR. |l HL— _ Poiash,^ • ^ piR^r .p.ality.for .de SHOTWE7.'£. * To IJfiil. rrUIE aubsertiier h l Houses to-Re S'or ^i.’ilfi. !,V MELATTO WOMAN, a g I Sean Pastry Cook. For particular*, apply w GEORGE ROBINSON. - Ollice late Ocmulgee Bank. ICird's Sjye, an a f Bird's Eve and ; !.d a few Ashland Chip, a henuiil'i GEO. W. BRICE. 1841. _ 43 sue Geese Feathers. US. lust received ami for sale bv GRAVES. WOOD ft CO rrli. King ft Collins Cofl'ec Mills, Shoe Tacks. Cotton Cards, No. 8 and JP. pperas. niter's 0:f, T Bonnets <Yr"' E,.sn Be,',. Ca-ri Blue Bainl Indigo. Sal Era'!*, foils, Madder, (linear, >iee. Nutmegs, Cloves . Cm aims. Oils, Gl aruU,, Tun - perm Oil fte. larks Sail. Brin Pec* i-s. P