Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, December 10, 1844, Image 1

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P OB L J 5 H E D K V l; r V T 1 r. - n A r W O K N I N o, BY PllINCE A PRINGLE, AT 93 PRR AYND.TI, IN ADVANCE, AOTKRTisUMKNTS not ex- cr,bn" HHWWftr QHB pOtlABi * Sht-ri'il'-- r\O'lieetivs'ani Coroners' Sales, are char ted l>y the' Levv. ; islines, will be inserted FIFTY CF.ST9 for each _ j will be made to those who odver- SC *'"Letter* <m business connected wi'h the Office, must hlpma paid, to secure attention. Law IVotsce. fTtUK tnderaisned have associate,1 themselves in the j practi -e of the Law. an! will e>»- prompt attention la ; aur't business ss may be entrusted t.i their care. Thev will stten 1 llje Allowing Courts: Rihb. Crawford, | Moneoei T*lf?s, Jones, Wilkinson. Houston. Pulaski, Hen ry an! Pike. ‘ jjy OFFICE over E 71 \V r.r.n s >tnre. two doors be- i inw \V. li. Jonnaton, on Mulberry street. A. P POWERS. Is. X WHITTLE. Macon. March Cfl. 1844- M OTARSb&OUSZl CrOZRmission 2i«siaess. TyjAJOR William Hacrtlf MAG i.\, GEORGIA, TUESDAY DECEMBER 10,1844. !\i sen o.v. trsisE I1AT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. X>a>S£g4gfel£ & S&SiPjkSS GLO. I. SHEPAKJ), M. S. HALL & CO’S. having retired, the suhrcrl- bers have associated tlicmtielvr. in business, under the name of Wf & Ul'.t|PII. Thevwi'.i o:cupv llie Wnre-Houae on Cherry street, known as Man,. \\ liill E ^ 0 Q4 7 ! They are prepared ti malm a.lrr.n.--a on Coirons psi: in HlivLU it". tJif j tbeir stores, and to execute ai! orders that may be confided ■ ■ii —■>—an. I to them in the line of their business. J. D. WINN. Q Macon, July 9. 1914. 41 J V". RUMPH Tite Lreortpa JeiTersonian. (Griffin) will please copy RATES OP FREIGHT OF THE CENTRAL RAIL-ROAD. F8D.11 S.VVA.ySAII TO STATIONS JOSEPH B. OIAPP, Attorney ni V«otv« Vienna. Dooly county. May 10 • 3t Georgia. j. s. JR®. ATrtSK.vr.Y IT I.A4V. Janas PERRY. GEO. Law A'olice. ?TAHE undersigne«i will eive their joii-t and undivided at- I trntion to si" Tmifcibtml tau'ite*. confided to them in the roomie* of Bibb. Houston. Pulaski. Macon. Dooly Sumter. Lee, Baker, Tlmutas, Decatur,'Early, Randolph. Stewart. And in the Cirruit Court of the United Mates, lor the Di-mci «d Georgia. For tile convenience oftheir client*, they have opened er- fieesio Macon, and in Albany, G». Letter* to the dre**ed to either place will receive their.pdmipt attention, <YJ" Office in Mac -n. formerly occupied by Dr. Randolpk. Office in Albany, building east of the Courier Office. li. K & J. B. HINES. Oct 1. 1 ' .1 “WASHINGTON H \ LL, • - a. HACOlf, 6EOBOIA. '' r ff1HE subscriberlia* againtakenthi* EslnS ' !I!» fi 5 linkmen I. where lie will always be hap * U * P *° attend to the call* of his old customers, j -' ! “ and the travelling public generally. Macon, June SO 38 8 LANIER ~\f a iti hotel, ~ Cobb Couaily, li»t» GEORGIA. rilUE undersigned have taken this spaeinos Hotel, for- * merly kept by Bk.xxon Uor.KRTS. E*ql. and are nn-.v readv f<r the reception of.Travellera and Families viaiting the up eonntrv. T ie suhscriber* nledtre themselves to nse every exertior far the comfort of tbeir patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL. JEREMIAH LEAK. Marietta. Jan. 1.1814. 27 DR. ^CDOYALD, Dcnlisl. n AS removed his nflire and residence to the firs 1 ' House ah we the Methodist Church. Pet 1. 1944. 1 3m Fire ¥n*su**a«ce. CIPITAL 9300,000- Fire Tn**tmitrr Comw**»M. h«einr**tJiWi*h*d AtTenry in Macon, will Tn*nr BaD n^w. M^rrhan'llw, TloiUffcoM Furniture >in*! f? j, rv 4e»cripti n of P">n/*cv. n?ai*++t T/>%* or T)am. net hyPire. BOND 3c MURDOCK, Agents. Macon, April HO. 1P44. 31 ly Fire fnswronce. Underpinned. A«rent* fnr the Tnunttwc* Comonnv of *T*>«tfnr#l Conn., are prepared tn tok* ri*k« on »n Store «°d Cot*rr» In*, in the Citv of Macon tier! its viemitv' agiains Fire. REA 3c COTTOV. Aff m Feh 7 ally la receiving weekly additions to his hitherto splendid stock of Barrets HATS AND CAPS. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY, lie is u »w prepared to olfef ltAHE INDUCKMENTS to city and country imi-chaserd. Possessing advaninges excelled by no Hat Establishment ‘ in the State, he will a fiord Ins Goods at an tote, or PKRHaPS lower prior*. Every style ol* HATS AND CAPS may be found at Ins Store. AMONG THEM— f Molasses and Oil............ .... Do. do. all other kinds, Wet | Do. do. do. do. Dry I Hall Barrels, Wet..'.-..--...-..1.1...................... Do. do Dry I 1» rooms, in bun.lies, per dozen...................... ....... Buckets in nests.. 7.... -- • FASHION A Bl. K, M E D l U M, AM) BROAD BRIM Bcnrci') IVulrin 9 Csi^iuivr, ICn«»Mia 9 Tlo!c*Sldn, Anyolin, *i!k 11 A T ,S . ALSO. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SS-" Cl , .SCL. e3L^ CONSISTING OF Otter, Siieilnnd >cal, Nnti iu, nml illuiltral, ALSO. Men’s an.l Youths’ Cln’-h and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do (nciitlciineu’s Wavv Caps; A LARGE lot of Men’s tiiirt BnjV Btark :i:nl Draft SjrORTtl'^ HAT-9; Together with an extensive St ick of Men’* nud Roys’ Hindi anil Draft ^ W « «» is H A T S, itc. (ET* The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respertfully invited. Store ou Second Street, a ‘ew doors shove the Wash ington Hail, ami adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Wbi ting & Mix. TSJVK7" /m. IT3ST rKT 1 B3 TSJS _ Otter, ’link. n»*d Raccoon >Ivis«s, for which the Cash will be paid. .Macon. Jnu 30, 18-11 ♦ 13 GEO. I. SHEPARD. C’bairs, per dozen Do. Rocking, huge. each,-.. Caiboys of Vitriol.ftc CuYriag es and Barouche.-, fi>urwheels-. Do. Busies, double —............. — Do. do. single and Gigs...... .... ........ .. Common Jersey Wngon-*. without covers, end Horse Carls.-...,. I Coaches. Post and Stage and Road Wagons Collars, per dozen.................... Cotton, oer 10J ibs j Demijohns Js.s and Jugs, not exceeding Ugallons............. . j Do. do. do. over “ ....... ......... j Ducks and Fowls, in coops, per head Geese ahd Turkeys... Grinds! ones, per 100 Ibs.. ..................................... Horses. Mules, Oxen, ami Cows, per head Do. do. do. do. do. Do. do. do. do. " do. Do. do. do. do. do. Hogs and Calves HHds. nnd Pipes Liquor not exceeding 12Q gallons.... Do. Molasses and Oil. ordinary size.. Iron in pigs or Ssrs.easiiogs fir mills, and other machinery.. Kegs Li'juor, not exceeding.» gallons. "... Do do 10 do.................’...................;. | Measurement Goods, per cubic foot - ........ Ploughs, each - ...... j Salt in Hacks, not exceeding 4 bushels - - - - - Sheep. Lninbs. Goats. Kids. Deer and Pigs, per head , Sugar, Coffee. Rice, Bagging, Hardware, and such other articles as goby weight’ 4,41,5,1 111.12 15,16 | Ma- '1,2.3| 6,7 ' 8,9.10 13.14 17 18. ! con. I so TM 1 00 1 25 1 40 T~50 ! 501 65l 83 1 00 i 13 1 25 ...... 38 60 70 73 75 80 38 50 60 65 70 75 25 33 45 50 55 CO ...... 25 30 30 35 36 40 251 3S 50 56 58 CO c| 10 101 13 13 13 1 00 2 00 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 23 .. A.. 25{ 38’ 40 45 4? 50 1 00. 1 10 i 20 i 30i 1 40 1 50 ......,5 00. fi 00 s 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 .4 00’ “5 00 6 00 8 00 8 50 9 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 7 50 8 00 3 00. 3 50. 4 00 4 50 4 75 3 00 3 00 3 50 4 oo OU 4 75 5 00 ...... 3 00 10 oou 4 00 16 00 00 13 00 ! DAILY EXPRESS, | AND GENERAL FORWARDING & COMMISSION HOUSE. fiiiHE Cintrag Bail Roaij and Company m of Ge irgin bav f vilege of running an _ j the present year, with the privilege of an apartment under j f\ r( , than'any other Ware-House in the city ing trranteii to the subscribers the pri- f LJlPJIESS over their Road during i e ; lltARDEUA.^ & fiIASlILTO.\, WARE-EOISE Comm is8ion »Ucrchants a MACON. OA. ILL condcne bu3 : nr«s at their old stand or: the river, which fs uot only convenient for shipping of Cotton, her by the River i w Ra:1- floft secure ttom 2 each... do.... ..,.N......j2 5013 50 -Ulpe 50. Cl 70 731 30; 33 40; 42 30 30 34 3tij 55 60 G5 70 •3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 10 10 1° 10 30 33 35 i 38 G 00 8 oo‘ 9 oo! 9 50 1 00 6 00 7 00 7 50 50 5 50 G 50 7 00 00 ! 5 00 G 00 e so oo F i 50 2 00, 2 00 00 I 4 00 4 50 4 75 00 1 5 00 5 50 5 75 30, 33 35; 38 25; 25j 31: 35 40 i 5 0 55 60 8' 10 12 13 f 0 go: » 70 33 50 56' 58 37; 50 75 - 1 00 35' 40 45 1 50 25 *" I 25' 23! 25 I their own Lock, they oiler superior advamages for the prompt and sale conveyance cf valuable Article*, Specie, See. «Sc«: and are in hopes o‘ being able to make an arrange ment with the Post OlHce Department, \ y which they will 1 be '"1 lowed to carry a Mail Bag. ! They are prepared to receive and forward* Goods of all j descriptions, t<> arid from Savannah and Macon, end iwterme i tiiate places and between Savannah and Charleston, with ! the greatest safety and despatch ; r nd will also pay particu- | i lar attention to the purchase of Goods, collection and pay- 1 rnonts of Drafts. Notes and Bills, and tiunsactingall kinds of business in the above places. They have also extended their arrangement to run their Express bv the Southern Boats to Picolata, in Florida, and intermediate places on that route. The interest of our patrons will be closely attendee* to, ?.v 1 person, by Mr. Thomas Hardeman, either in the selling j of Cotton, hlllng c,fcflpjcr9 for Gouda, or in shipping Cotton j to Hamilton, Hardeman &. Co , Savannah, c-rto any other J market. August 1, 1944. 4o Ham ilion, Hard £ hi ez a SANANNAH, GA. [TILL eonti Basinem in this citv rja the FACtornge and Commission j will, fis.heretofpri, |pve JtillttCUIJit, tltllttuvti'U.r. I , . . i > ,* / : , Thev intend to pm on Teams, to run regularly through ! ’heir best attention to the sn e of Cotton. . — ' ... . e and the re:eivine and forwarding Aierchr 8 00 7 50 2 00 5 00 1 00 from Macon to Columbus, under their own charge, to carry oil kinds of Merchandize, with all reasonable despatch aud safety, on the Hrst of October next. MaCOX—Office at the Washington Hall. SAVANNAH—Office at Ao. 153 Bay slrccl. DO. &. Philbrick, Aj;cnt.for rereiving and fo r tea rd i r, g Goods a nd Mere ha n d ise. CHARLESTON, S. C.—A mo* Head, Agent, office No. 96, East Bay. M. S. BALL 5c CO. die fillin iize. evehard Hamilton.) THOMAS HARDEMAN, S Copartner ohas. f. Hamilton. ) Savannah, July 30, 18-14. 45 WAR&E Julv 40 tf •XMJ&IC STOKE. 55 miOLCSALE ASD RETAIL. GEO. .1. MJjrBti&Mi Ft ESPECTFULLY in(\»rn»a hi#old customers and the S V ^tnacrmUy. xhatiie ia now receiving from the j celebrmed llai Mauufacn rv uf John Hc.nt Sc. Co., a very I extensive assortment of HATS YJ\D CAPS, embracing cvery style aud quality. Among his assurttneu I may b" found 10 (lpti fasliicQablc Beaver Hats. 20 dox. d« . Caasimere Hats, 10 dot. do Russia Hats, 20 d"Z. do Moleskin llata 1 dnx. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. OAE IttrADHLD DOZEtV 15 iO 5. I* liltl 1 = Beaver. .a and Russia per 100 lbs - Specie .... Mo single package under Sperial contracts may lie made with the superintendent of transportation for the freight of the following articles, when in large quantities, wiilmut regard to the established rates, viz: Corn, and all kinds- of grain j brick, horse*, mules and cattle ; iron in bars or pips, machinery, mill searing, ft.-.; sawed lumber mill stone*, grindstones, marble or other ar ticles of stone; salt, firewood, staves, shingles, hay in bundles, barrels tar.pinh or lurpennne. Freight at the above rates, or by special chnuact, to be under the folio wisp stipulations, viz: Nocliiin for dainnges on ariic!e*^rans(«irted by this Comnany unless ilie’packages are examined and identified in the presence of an officer of the Company before the same are removed from the Depot. Not accountable for the ieakage of liquors, oil or molasses, breakage of glass or crockery ware, chafing of bagging, carriages, chairs or furniture. Not ac- J muntfthle for brei*fe*P*» (tf lutlltiwwara. No injiirj>,Potol*arlv **•* iL# <iuistdv wf the pai’KDjie; Will* be | allowed for, unless established to have occurred on board the car. Not acrounibble for the decay of perishable articles. I Not accountable for livesvockt an, I n0 lia: ility for goods evidently shipped in bad order, or for cooperage uf casks nr pack- j 3 Coiiod received in good order at the depots, ami afterwards torn while in possession of the Company, will be mended 1 at tlteir expense. All other damage done to Cotton in transitu wilt be promptly -ettleJ at Savannah. It i* understood ' that this Co-i oany will not hold themselves accountable for pillage, or damage by the weather, or otherwise, on any {freight after being landed at the place of destination v , j "The Company will not be accountable fr Passengera" baggage, unless putin the baggage car incharge of the con- j-ductor. The Company will have agent* at station* 8, !0, 11, 12,13,14.15. 1G. nnd 17. and at Macon,to attend to the delivery and forwarding of goods All merchandize not to be forwarded will be retained at the respective depots at the head of the road one week, free of expense, alter which storage will he charged at the Savnnnah rates. Goods destined for beyond Mscon, will be forwarded by wagons by the Company's agent, free of commissions. Gunpowder prohibited. THOMAS PURSE, General Superintendent Transportation. Savannah. April 03, 1844 - Wolfe**. V LT. noronfi lifivln?* cUim* R S Nf.WCOMR or H S. Nlt'VrnMn 3k. f^»* ore tennFtUhl »« nr^erni tfirrri f<»r *»n*l n]l »*vloH o 1 will ^ivo tr^n* Wo xn I Hr mring witbmit tvo Hnvin; roffnorne a iHf n^rrirA* of an Mtnrnov. \Uv 2D. 1844. 34 B. B. NEWCOMB 3c CO. P'rj’SBi* ficpse Feathers. LBS. u*. received an . >r sale bv I'LUt GRAVES WOOD ft CO. An-il .10 1911 ’ll Exchange on Ncw-York, P Oll **!e by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 1 I 4 |(| 4 kt kf \ BRICKS* ofjhe brsi qualltv. For rale .ftUU'UUU by J. A. RALSTON. Alticou. Sept lO, 1844. 50 HA T S, KEGS Spurting ■wjl 5dw Shotgun to du Juiv 30 ttiuii-Poirdcr. ! Blasting j 41 POWDER, For *a!e bt BOND ft MURDOCK. Shot a bio i cd. ^ BAGS Shut, siMtuied sizes, 9 l . Lead, for jiaie by BOND Jfc MURDOCK. RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE ON THE MONROE RAIL ROAD. warranted moreilnralde han any Hats ever sold In Macon. Also, 50 dox. Youth’s tmd Children’# Hats, 20 dox, du, do. Caps. ALSO. 20 <loz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment-if F fJ S5 € 1 1* S, CONSISTING IS PAKT OF 3 doz. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 d. z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps. 20 doz. do. Mu*krnt Caps, 50 doz. Men's and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 dux, do. " do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. 20t> sloz. illen’ft nnd Hoys.’ Black land j Drab W O « ffx 83 A T S . All of which will be sold lor Cash, at prices which ean- • not fail to,ive sati*fs-tinn. I Purchaser* are ii vtted to call, and examine at the old .land, sign of the “BIG HAT/’ Mulberry Strert. Bravor, Otlrr, JlinK, *V i oo«> Skins, j IIIIXTSS, for-wliieb the cash will be paiJ. Macon. Oct 17. Ifr 13. 3 Misi.iyc'iis in jiii.i-is Fico.ii ;ii.v( o,\- Fit 0.11 .lt.lCO.V TO 1 5 1 13 | 13 j 24 | 30 | 35 O Choice Canal FSour. V S FllESU supply just received aud for sale by _ TJIOJlAs TAiuOil. July* 40 Ou Ciittou Avcuue aud aecond Si. •3Jisii -deceived, N deguiiJ »tr, et, * fresh supply •>( Frei .j^erwr srt Jui, 4 40 h Calf Bixits Also, Ladies' Slices, ul various kinds WiiUlNU ft A1IN. i'ionii!) I Ciuak* S! L ADIES’ and Oeiitieiueu'a Cfoiii C.uaks, uf the latest j •'Jtv-.ju.l receiveu by j. ft hi sauisbury. ; Ocl 20, 5 ■ Over A o.its. fit^itlOY/tGLE HATS, IT Tilt: \K\V 13.IT AND CAP STORK* t BY HE subscriber has received the SI* 11 ING | 4 ASIIION for Hal*, the i-neft and light- j est article ever offered in this mirket. Also. Panama. Leghorn. PaknLeaf. Drab Beaver. Otter, Russia, and Pearl Cassiuier—broad brim and fashionable. All of which will behold low for CASH. . GEO. I. SHEPARD. Macon. May 7. 1844. : ■ . 32 ± | FASEailtAAESlrE • Straw laiilincry, ruiii Dress i^aliinsi' FstahiifiihuEicait, (Opposite the Floyd Hoh^c, fate Central Hotel) I MASON respectfully informsilie Ladies of Ma- j she liaj just receive. 1 a new set ( .each. -. each ..... ..per cord, & vsm.msss, H Avfi cons antly on hand, and offer ft r sale at prices as low as cm be purchased in the sou’.hernoouiitry, a plendid assortment >>) PIANO-FORTES; ftem the Celebratad 'and long established Manufactories cf JTunns if Clark amt JT Chirkeri»*t? xuc w«.i know, rcputaiiuu of these Maiiulactones pre eludes the neceasil' of commenting upon the excellence ot iheiritistruments. which have stood the test of every cli mate, for nitty vears. A LA11 G'K ASSORTMENT OF VIOLINS. SUPEKIOIl (iUTAKN.IU'GI.ED, TltO.lIRANES, TKCMPCTS; I14H4NS, Cti.VKIO.N' UTS, FbAfiEOLETtl, FIFES, ftc. i(. Ac. Violin. Guitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tunine Hammers and Forks; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, ftn. ftc.forming «3 complete anassortraent of musical merchandize, as can be found in the southern country. As they impnrr direct from the Manufactures, they are j enabled to sell sheirge ods at the very lowest prices C o in in i s s i o R E n s i is css. TMlHE underpinned will continue the Y. ARE HOUSE .1 AND COMMISSION BU61N£$r». ntbis mv daud. oil Poplar Street, adjoini g QormaS & RichaKI SON <*r»d in ranoe with the unoccupied building mown n*» the Mon roe Rail Road Banking House, where he hopes to receive a liberal patronatie from his friends and the public gener ally. In selecting a new location, he haa endeavored to find one near enough to the centre cl the city, fer the gen eral convenience ct hia customers, and distant enough to be entirely safe from the. should a large cnc* take place in the heart td the city. Such a Ideation, he flatter? iittnael?, he ha* found ; and those who entrust their property to itm, may rest aaaured, that ever; attenuon v • .! i e c ed in hi.c*- teriug die same ftom the weather, nr.d in preserving i clear of damage. By constant personal exert:* ps. con-bmco y ltb the experience of the past, he truft* l.c shall be able ty Macon Aujj- 1/1844. 45 J- M. b iLLD. BIOt’LTRIE & CA.TEPBEMi, WARE-HOUSE co.n.yr/ssro.v .'rrr.s: t.v, MACON, GEORGIA. I £3”"* In connection with the W ARiu-IlOLSiu, we have j established a r tore, where we shall be sblc to lurrr h our | patrons and other* with I*opc* % Gfo(ciici| B. Sc V. have in ad lition to their catalogue, an assjrt-j Iron, and all other Plantation Supplies, a; reaseirr le rates. R F Passenoers 5 c. pr. mile, (children under IS y«, ft aervts. half price, I Colton per bale, Round or square) uot exceeding 4U0 lbs. weight,.. j Cotton per bate, (round or square, over 400 lbs. pet lUUibs ] Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods, ....per cubic foot, I Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware,and all other articles that go by weight .....per 100 lb*. Hogshead* and Pipes of Liquor, '...each j I Hogsheads of Molasses and Oil,— .." .....each,] Barrelsnf Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, ftc........... each, 1 I Barrels of Molasses and Oil,... each,; I Bis. ot Flour, Potatoes. Fruit. Onions, and all other light bis. each,l 1 | bis. Pork. Fish. Liquor.&c ft all Kegs of lOgals.ft upwards each,' | bis. Floor, Fruit. Potatoes, ftc T each, stall iu sacks nut excerdiug four bushels each, I Salt in sacks over tour bushels per bushel, | Cora, Wheal. Meal, and all other grain in bag*,... per bushel. Cotton Baxgiug, per piece. Boxes of Soap. Candles, ftc, ufrntninon size each. Brooms in bundles per dozen. Buckets. Collars, Scythes",Shovels ft Spades. Sifters, ftc. per dozen, Chairs....... ....per dozen. Boxes Fruit. Cigars, ftc ' each. Ail small packages uot weighing 10J lbs. nor measuring 2 feet, each. Blacksmith'* Hello**, .each. Potatoes, Apples, ft per bushel, Demijohns, lugs. Jars ftc. nouovcr two callous each, Deiiuiolink, Jugs, Jars, ftc. over two gallons..' . * ..; .each. Plough*,.... each, HalesofHay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs..... each Four Wheel Oirriages .-.. Two Wheel Carriage* ;... v *..-. Post and "Stage Coaches and Road Wagons,.;..'.. Lumber, sawed and hewed, per 1,000 feet.... Wood, LIVE STOCK. Hogs per head. Oxen and Beet'Cattle,......'..per head, Ilorse* .per head, Sheep. Gnats. Calves.and Dogs,............per head, Turkeys and Geese in roop3...............per head, Ducks and Chickens in onon*.. per head. Special contracts may be made with the Superin ten-1 ant of Transportation, for Frei ulil, on tile following articles, when in ^ [ large quantities, viz: Horse*. Hue*, Cattle. Lumber. Wood Br-ck, or Stone, ftc ftc. nTbon pnnying the produce of their own 1 65 93 1l S3 1 5011 7512 00 2 3012 6013 00 25 40 60 75 61 10 15 20 4 6 8 10 10 15 20 25 1 25 1 7S 2 08 3 00 1 50 2 00 2 t; 3 59 30 90 63 75 ■ 35 55 75 87 25 35 45 55 15 , 25 32 40 15 / ■ 20 25 30 15 VO 25 30 G 8 5 G : 7 8 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 25 30 40 50 85 30 40 50 1 0(J 1 50 2 00 2 50 25 S3 251 23 25 25 05 50 , 75 1 00 I 25 5 61 7 8 25 25 25 23 25 50 50 30 25 S3 37 50 50 75 SS 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 .73 1 25 1 63 1 2 25 2 00 3 50 5 00 7 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 1 00 2 00 25 38 45 50 1 50 2 00 2 50, 3 00 2 OUt 3 00 4 00; 5 00 25 33 45 50 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 tnent ofFOKEICX MUSIC. {t?*.7111*10 sold at reduced prices. 0^ Terms Cash. May 17, 1842 33 GISAVES, WOODT CO. ESPEC rp FULLY invite the attention of Merchants ami Pla tters to their stock nf PiJ IlSII £i!14)l£N, to sifcich weekly additions v/ill be made during the season. Our assortment embraces the following descriptions : .1500 pair heavy black Brugnn®, 1500 “ " lined and bound Kip Brogans. 1000 *•. high and low quarter Brogans. 1200 •' Women’s ami Misrea* Morocco, Kid, Seal and Gambroon Buskins. .Slippers atul Ties, COO pair Men’s Calf and Seal Brogans, 200 *J do. do. do. Putnus. 300 “ Youths’ and Boys’Calf and Kip Brogans, j 200 " Children’s Leather Shoes, 10 rases Calf. Seal and heavy Boots. Maron. August 20, 1844. 47 ' F -liioii.-iftlc Arrival. J ft E. SAULSBIJRY. will ’pen this day. . ..t of FRENCH CLOTHS. FANCY July 12, 1341. 42 M. C. WASE-HOUSli AND Commission Susincss. UCC2, & CO. T AKD this method of informing planteis nnd others, tl.a in ndditiento their wholesale and rcluii DRY-GOOlNt AND UROCERY Bl'SIJEKK, to ;' R —■ known as Graven’ Corner.l on the corner ?cc0, ; c ^ ; tr f 1 e [ and Conunerre Row, ana would respeclfuli > r tender oftheir services to their planting ai with the assurance, that those who may patronize i line of business, shall have our best endeavors the j others, s in this do them ustice and promote tbeir interest. Our V ave-Houseis conveniently situated ; nnd Cotton stored with 113, sljall be well taken care will also assist with pleasure. Cotton, and without charge; and ., .- pHied to make adranecs on the same in C-atu or Mercnin- diz :uated ; and Cotton storea wiin us, suan of, and protected from ifce weaiiier. , with pleasure, our friends in selling ti We eir nre nt all MERES 3c VESTINGS, direct from die French market via New York, which they wiil j*ell very low for cash. Sept 17, 1344. 51 supeno CAS&a. | public. We respectfully solid, njro^of the nonage gJ^Ut. B"nipoi’liiiBi ol* FasSsion. rflHE undersigned, respectfully announce that fiiey have 1 resumed the 'IW ILOHI.VCS Bl r Sf.\ES8, under the management of Mr. Mkxaud, late of the City of New York, who lias for n number of years, liod charge ot one of the nmstfashionable Houses in Broadway ; and whose rep utation is such as to authorize the belief thatiie will be aide t«> give entire satislaclion to those who may favor them with their pa'r<»uage. J. *-V. E. ^AULSBhR\. Sept 17. 1S44. 51 | Dissolution. rjTHE Co-pxrtncrsliip hvretofnre existing under the name ; 9 ul'HA.MILTON ft WINN, expires this day By its | limitaiinii. All persons indebted* are requested to pay up the 1 amount of tbeir indebtedoesr tn John D- inn; and those : having claims against them, to hand them into him tnr set- | Uemenu \\ M. HAMILTON. Macon, July 9, 1H44 41 JOHN D. WINN. j Edwjs Ghavf Thomas Wood, J M. Kiebee Macon, September 24. 1844. ALBERT G. BI’Tl, WARI-EOITSS AND c< 1 U-i2£33OII £fe6TCilSHtt MACOW, Croitm. rr» supp’v i f 11AGij.NI H AS conatar.tlv on band a 1 _ ... ropb. blankets, shoes, Groceries DRY GOODS, ftIt. and will continue to supply hia cu* toir.ers at tlie low. ert prices. Macon, Pent. 24, 184-1. 52 T Factorage ftassl Comasinssion. THE sut;*criber havinc resume'd the FACTORAGE 1 LYX c«»ti »n«l vicinity, that -ii» uas lust receivm i nrw in 1 -• v ., y, • , ! of latest fashioned HAT BLOCKS, likewise an im-j, rianters nr !• anuers ire a. ’-wed to pass free of charge, for passage, when ; 1,roved IMt -.SSINO MACHINE, which wilten.,Me liertn „ j „ 1 ,r ■ j- 1 ■ . r i - ■ r , - o Good*. Wares, or Merchandize, de-tinrd for the interior nf this a tate, Tennessee or Alabama Company, at Maetni, will be received anil forwarded from any point of ihisRnad, by w a 4 LARGE a isoruaeut of Over Coals, of various quail- bleach and press a 1 kinds of plain nnd fancy 1. J-HJ BJIMJ3I . - '. ‘s. Just received uy nutl KTBAV IS A'l'**. with grester facility. and with-J , Uct 13. $ J. ft E. SaULSUUUY. out tlie risk i f scorching ,be straw, at tbe following reduced _ * GlteiUCbii tO.iis. e, 1 MULISH Water Front- Faced. Ware, Beaver and ^-4 r aney Unjuavre, Just received by , - I °«* ■*> i 3. ft tt. sAULSBURY. Under whirls. by Wool, belt -aud Spun Bilk Shirt* en „j,| e her t I > ,--se* in the most fgshioi tide »tsle, Ai . ■ - Bail Bond, early next apt J. ft E. SAULS BURY. w Baker, Lai [ *3 jui, meet veil Oci 5 l'« Fdtinui I AM prepared to sell great bargain* in Xrgio Sliocx, I t'lo*h uiia iM a Mitts. Give Die a call before sup- )«»uueivci, riiU 1 will be aure to suit you in price *" J quauyf. JuSEi'H N. shtMubli. Uc.wuer 1, 1844. 1 jtflac.x-Jsmith ‘^ools, pou sale nl good quality, by 1. 1841. 1 To Itciit ! T mBH middle part »f prices, viz: Ladies’ tike, V • - cents. Mwsen do. - -------- 50 “ Geoileirien’a Panama nnd Leghorn Hats, 75 14 All altering, - - • • - • • -* - 25 extra. Mrs. if. will guarantee to’ give satiifaetion to those who «my favor her with ilteir paironage, or return the money. £i.e lias also received some plates of fashion*, which will ^signed in the Agent i M ^ to tbeir place of des free ofcha*gc fo| Su»n«gc or Fofwtrding. Colton. Merchandize.or Produce.<fony description, will he received by the Company’s Agent?, nt Griffin. Rfirne.tviUe oi Forryth* Oi»dforwarded direct m Savimhab. lre»* of any rharire. other than the regular rates of Transportation. Ar- j rangements moat be made in all instances, f »r the payment of Freight and expenses, with the Company’s Agent at Ma \ cun. or ot the Depot where the gonds tie receiveil or delivered. ‘ The attention of Merchant* and Planters, i? jjf.ficited to the ail vantages offered them under the above arrangements. Cor shipping their Pm.luce to Markoj, iml obtaining their supplies, through ihi.- change'ofcoimtiunii-itinn with the seaboard. The Central RaiKRnod is now completed nnd inppernlioo.Troip Snvaun;* 1»" to witlii** t?J miles of nur [>ep«>t. and will be com ileted to Mncnti early this fall. 'Inis Road is tn daily operation to Griffin. fiO miles above Alncon; and* by the first of December, will be opened for Him e«*< to Leak vill^.S) miles above Griffin ; nnd to the jo nrtiimwidi the .Western and md nt very reduced price*, to suit the times. Macon. September 10, 1844. 3iu That portion of the Ro-id originally laid with the thin y thing** Rnil.Qnd tli«* whole Rond from Macon to Griffin, is plate Kail, h.ts been i good order for J. N. SEYMOUR. .flacuti Iran »V Brass Bound rtf A.R) .nA(TII.\R SHOP. XI ILL and Gin flcrrinu, steam Engine Work, Iron | III and Hrn.s Castings ofevnfy de-criptiou, made to order.and Machine Work in General, corner o r Fourth : anil Wnlttut tnieets. CF" Tbo hi^’i estprices will be paid for Old Copper, Iti-ii.., I.t-nil, amt I’u.i 11 on. J a ri 31 17 llOBT. FINDLAY. ebnilt this suinmer. and laid with hen business. Wnrt-baaU living in the upper part of the State, will fintl it decidedly to tbeir interest, to ship their goods by way cf Savannah, over me Fein ml and this Knil-Koad eonsicned to nur Acems. ns goods ami he hauled fmm Bnrnesville orGriiTm to Columbus, for 4-‘> a 5(jTen:s per 1U0 pounds, or any other part of the country at proportionable raiea. A11 {roods will be sent forward innnediatelv, unless otl:e :ordered. August 22, 1843. .T<J>IIIV L. SOLICIT attention tot JO.TFoS & New ana Extensive ro. , assortment of KEAtY-KAStE NE W BOOKS TO B... NT. Possession given immediately. Tit “Hpvr part of tli.,1 l»nil-ltii_r pi llirnimc ” *yinl street* opp„.ite the Floyd Hoi .,!• - sod suited fi»r a B>ianding House K 1 V:;:V , “ l p-rpoM if .ppUed S mmi and rented ajcorilin Oct. I iole of the .Nlulber y It is well a ltd will be rem it not, it will bo App.yto M. ri. THOMSON. , whirls and t*rahit*. ill re til elVe!. a e n .-d ass-irtment of. Merino Lamb, 1 'VM.aodCottqoVett; W»con. O.-t 22. hW (it.oBs, At J. BSai-iM'*'. on Cotton Avu'nui:. Present! *8 Mexico, I)r Traiel- in tlie 1 Last, Life ot W i! -urri Fisk* Kendall’ s Sania 1-V Expedition. Maeendi ■e’» Phy.iolnzy N.-w K.l iiion of DuniiiMOn' - Medical Dicti mary. No 1 ft ~ Hurpers' l’ictori .,1 Bit ile. Work*« »f M ish Brewer, in cheaf > form, Liebii’a Agricultural Che: nistry , hi Pi M \ .tcric • rtf Laris. Ma< ■■•It, M,.rrb 80. 26 c. €ani|»VM‘ll Jk Co. Manunaetured the p;,t suinmer, from recently imjioned Good*, by Win T. Jennin:-. ft Co., very favorably known as riimmu ihe m iai fashionable Drn| t-rs and Tailors in the city of New York, CONSISTING OF Surloiils, r roc I*. Coats, PaiitaiooitR, Vcsis. 1 «»rt*ss Coats, Coiiters, tiiul I Office Co its, Trtivell 11.4 Coat M.rutin' a in I /. IM Hr mtn'. b*k^i> 9 In all die New nnd vini'Uf styles ; , Together with a ven choice 6election of .J JT. 1>. fsRAY, Agent and Superintemlant of'Trai atportatlon NEW BOOKS At BoardmaiiN Book Store, eceived, nil the new' publications, among which UST are tlie folio ing: ixl C.mhinere do rhlefs. tii'fh an I Drnwem. GEORGE W. PRICE T 9 E Sobscribe v:» m a nlof4la pl ^bSif turu - NKW GOODS. rr p.-’.v recfriMtu"*J icr.on- f i i y DRY-GOODS, cf .cc b tb%y ofierfor sale otfair prices, in one d >or from Washirgion HslJ. G-EQ W. PRICE A CO. A T iht'irofd stand, opposite the Washington Hall.f'fibr Cot sale nt tli»* lowest current p.n ea for cash, 75 Rales heov\ Gunnv Ragging. 250 Pieces do* Kentucky do. 100 do do llattin do. .SO do dc Dundee d'» 1500 pounds good Ragging Twine, 300 coil*. M ii.i!la Rope, 100 *lss Kentucky do. 1500 5 i. k* Salt, 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 25 Hhds ^t. Croix nnd Muscovado Sugar, 250 Rags Rio, Loguira. an ! Java Ootlee. With * general assortment of Blank ete, Staple Dy Good*, Ac, Sept 17, 18(14. M Cravat*, Hosie-ry, Drawers, Gloves, Linen and Muslin Shirts, and i Mohair a ' Unndk.M . r mler Vests, | Suspenders, Collars, S toe It s, 3cc. Including a general stock of Voufli’* A: t'liildrrmN t iothin^. ALtnHO < LO | IllN<;, U T/l 33 t\ ::-i 3, 3. l\ .fc> & 0, j BeliZvto^'thni the system of ••Small Profit, nnrl Quick! Returns.' i> best mined tq the times, they w ill offer their : j Goods at prices that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur- I j M^con. C* ;ober 10. 1843. 2 li i (J]Vn : jpe Oi\:: ' | LBS. superior Georgia Cured BACON— Hams* Shoulder*, and Sides, for sale by . May 21 34 REDDING «k WHITEHEAD. 1 Prescott'* History of the Conquest of Mexico, I Harpers’ No. 1 of tlie Pictoral Bible, j " No 7 of Ham ah Hgnre'sct mjdete works, “ Alison’s Hittory of Europe, complete and full . bound, " Bran tie’s Encyclopedia full bound, i •* Neal’s Historv nfthe ProLefitants, Southey’s Pilgrim’s Progresi. I Rural Lite in Germany, by William Howitt, i Kokl’u Russia anti the Russians, El!iot<*»n’s Surgiital Operations, The Psnbnist. j . Con,lie on Children, i Cooper (>ir Astley) an Dislocations, 1 Asliwell fai the Diseases of Eemales, j Gtiee*’S of England, sixth series, i A new Patent Inkstand, Perforated Paper . Drawing Paper, Blank Books, dec. all cheap for CASH. Jan 16 16 A' 13W STORK. WXNSHIF & POPE, 4 RE now opening a general md complete *tocs of Goodt 2X. til Maeon, (Cotton Avenue.) Consisting of S’l’A. PLL AM) I>«).HK.**TIt: UICY HOODS ami (.iROCflbSSIES, Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs nnd Medi- j | rines. Paints nml Oils, Glass ami Putty, Crockery and | (jla-s-Ware, Mill and Cro.s cut Saw?, Blacksmith’s Tools, 1 Baegingnnd Bone, tmlt, Iron and t-teel, Blankets, Kerseys, j Saunets, ftc. A splendid lot ot Saddles, ami a general us- ( nortmepi of ladies nnd gentleman's Shoes and Boots, latest style. Bridle, Harness, Upper end Sole patent Leather, j Beal apple Vinegar. ALSO, . ‘ A supply of Negro Shoo* made at Forsyth by I. YV IK- . SHIP^nllqf which ;ji offered to the public very cheap for! CASH. They will also Manufacture all k’uis uf Saddles. Bridles, and Harness, Ttunks, Collars, Carpet Bag*. Whips ftc. ! CP Repairin'!) dose \r the shortest notice, : N. B. The highest tr.nrket price will be paid for HIDES, 1 TALLOW and BEESWAX. , ISAAC WINSHIP. WILLIAM M. POPE. Sept. 24, 1844. 52 52 Oglethorpe l nlversity Commencement Week. B ACCALAUREATE SERMON, by President Til-; mnge—Sunday, Novcmher lOili, 10( o’clock, A. M- Jumor Exhibition, and O'atiou bet-ire Alumni, by^ Rev.; .Win- J. Sassnet—Tueadav, November 12th, 10 o clock, A M „ I ’ Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees—Tuesday. Nov. j 12th, 7 o’clock, P. M. ^ ! Commencement, anti Oratior* before Literary *oc\ bv Professor .1. II. Thurnwell— Wednesday, Nov. I3ih, ; 10 o’clock. A- M. ^ Annual Examinatiou of under graduate* in College and A- cad^my—Thatsdny, Friday and Monday, Nov. Tin, Sth and l1th, JOHN II FITTEN. Secretary of the Board of Trustees. I P. $. The next College \ear will open on the 1st Mon- ' day in January. | October 29. 5 c return and COMMISSION BUSINESS at Savannah,offers hi? services to tly? public, and solicits the { atroi age < i his former friends, trusting that hi« experience‘and devoted the interests entrusted to hi** rnanagemer.:. will B. E. STILES. 29- 5 2in attemnu give sntistacticn. Savannah, Ool A r G. BUTTS. T his old stand, opposite the Washington Hall, has *e- ceived. within the last few weeks, a new and general assortment ot STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, part of which consists of the follow ing: 400 piece* English and American Print?, 50 do Cotton nt.d Worsted Brlznrine-, 50 do Printed Lawn* and Cambrics, Satin Stripe Adrianopies, do do Organdies, Erlsten Ginghams, Se\dia Stripes, Jaconet and Cambric Muslin*, Lace Stripe Munuus, Cross Ba'red do Si:k Handkorcntcts, Furiiitute Prints, irmvn Sheering, icfc Cottor Hose, Spool Ti Pin*, aud every other article usur.'ly called be sold attlip very lowest prices for Cash. Macon. June 16. 1844. BB 10 do 20 do 50 do 10 do 50 do 25 do 20 do 50 do 100 do 10 bales I White and b! Need ill JjjjkJ S^cceivcd, a* C„ W & E3 WOOSsi;! Fi'»S, LARGE assortment of new an! fashi-n.-ble 8TA- 1 Ap ' of a great variety AN1> PAM Y i)BY ClAdUM, consoling the latest patterns for ladies dresses. ■ AIrTuII kind* of c«»ods usua’.Sy kept in our line. All ot which will he otfered at a small advance from cost. Macon. Sept 24. 1644. Ife OV.IId •raigne-l have removed^ few doors .—nth ot the ’ Mes-enger Office - who ’.TIE up. street. tb< ^tore on s lingion Hal are rec< r r m j adjoini I Fni'J" Dry-C!oo«ls, , SHOES, BOOTS, Ar. 2m Ail of which l piece or oih online for iheu-..« Macon, Oft. H KEG. I. SHEPARD, AS Just received an extensive assortment of HATS . and CAPS, of the latest Fashion, to which atten tion ofhis friencis and the public generrdly, e ing perfectly confident that hisfacilities for obtaining fresh supplies, weekly, will enable him to sell as low as any oth er establishment in the State, Wholesale or retail. Oct. 8. 1844. 1 J. i-1,1 at unusually lo" j.rme.t. by ’W 1‘brchasers nre invi-eil to rtill ami ex es S. J- RAY ft CO. 1844. 8-_ rJ, ami are nov IJaa*;;ai i'!*! ifar^aius !! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Pairs goo<l Negro Rroeans, at Manufacturers 25.000 5.000 cost and ex,.en*ea. 4.000 I nii j* flood Kip Brogan*, do <lo do Also, a general a**oi rment of BOOTS ft SHOES, which will be offi*red low—Call and ace. STRONG & WOOD. Heps'. 12. 7 ,3 jist Received. 500 LBS. to pn t fectually do in u Oct 1, 1641. ire Blue Vitriol, for soaking *eerl Wheat, •t it from blast or smut, which it will ef- uses where the pure article is u«ed. HARVEY 8HOTWELL. Oppoiiite Central Hotel. 3c E. SAULSBURY. have iccr •peuing a variety nf articles, such a3 GJovcitf 8cnrf* f Craynm, Tirs, SlocUu, llandkercliicf!*, SimpfiKlrv-, Sec* Ac. Comorising ;hn most desirable apartment ot such article* ever ode red in this market, Oct 29. 5 George W. Price, I S now receiving his usual supply < t Fall and V. mtof OoT>de. Having selected them vriih great ' are. he lieves. he can make it to the interest ot the peon.e to him a cal!. Oct 22. 4 POTA.Sif, K EPT coiutuiuly on hiud by Oct t, 1814, J. N. SEYMOUR. IttolTat's Life Pills aud d’b'cenii Bitters, F OR rvneial debility, for sale by JAMES W. HJ> tbJSY. July 16. 1614, lit