Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, December 31, 1844, Image 1

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. • L I f a K » K V I RJ TUKSDAV MOKXIJCO in* PRINCE ft PRINGLE, IT <vl I'EK ANNI7.TI, IN ADVANCE. ; not exrecJiug 1Qlines, will b WARE-HOUSE RTl? # ;Vu»»forONB DOLLAR; vidrirrt czsni U 5b««Ur«, Tax CnOccton’sail Coroner*’ Sale*, are char. |2 b> the Levy Iuct»< i will bo made to thoae who julver- h< I'V the year. Letters on :.*i ■ Office, must Unvr Notice. rrtnE tmd*r*l|rn*d have associated them,elves in the I ir.trti. e uf the Law, nnd will give prompt attention to »uch bmineis as may be entrusted to their rare. Tbev wilt attend the 'allowing Courts: Bibb. Crawford, Ron roe. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson. Houston, Pulaski, Hen ry *nl Pike. JJ“ OFFICE o»er E. B. Wxed's >:ore, two doors be low \V. it. Johnston, on Mulberry street. A. P. POWERS. L. N. WHITTLE. Macon, Msreh 26, 1844. 28 JOSEPH B. OIAFFi Attorney at Lair, VlIIM, Dooly county, Georgia. }.\E\V SERIES—VOL 3. \0.14. H, GEORGIA, TUESDAY DECEMBER 31,1844. WHOLE NO. 950, May 10 32 2\i SIM l D.V.f BLK HAT AA’D CAP ESTABLISHMENT. ^ysg<WM8©Aas -a assAsa,* «ea. i. siicPAi:». Is revolving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT PROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer naft£ iSDL'czstcSTS to city and country purchasers. RATES or FREIGHT OF THE CENTRAL RAIL-ROAD. HAVA NX AII TO STATIONS Barrels of Molaisea and Oil Do. do. all other kinds, Wft Do. do. do. do. Dry........... ............ Hall Barrels, Wet Do. do. Dry......... Brooms, in bundles, perdozen................. ...... J. s. DapffrffARD. ATTOKNJB'V AT I,AAV, Jna 25 FERRY. GEO. Laiv .’Voiticc. T HE undersigned will give their joint and undivided at- j tention to any profesaional business confided to them i in the counties of "Bibb. Houston. Pulaski. Maenn, Dimly Sumter, Lee, Baker, Thomas, Decatur, Early, Randolph. | Stewart. J Ami in the Circuit Court of the United States, lor the j District of Georgia. Tor the convenience of their clients, they have opened of- I fices in Macon, and in Albany, Ga. Letters to the firm, ad- | dressed to either place will receive their prompt attention, U* Office in Macon, formerly occupied by Dr. Randolph. ft ;k-c ;■» Aluanv. building east of the Courier Office. 0 6 ’ R, K & J. li. HINE3. Oct I. I 3m . • Possessing advantages excelled by no list Establish in the State, he will afford his Goods at as fate, or rcr.UAPs Corn. peas. oats, rye, bran, corn meal and rice Sour, in bags, per bushel......... loner prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may Chairs, per dozen......... ........ be found at hit Store. AMONG THEM— WASHINGTON HALL, HACOft, GEORGIA. rifTHE subscriber has again taken this Estai fi. lUhment, where he will always be bap p v to attend to the calls of his old customers, and the travelling public generally, e 20 33 8 LANIER. MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County, 4??$* JGEORGIA. Jiiiiii. rrtUE •■•> leraigued have taken this spacious Hotel, for- S. inertv kept by Btnsos Roberts. Esq,, and are now ready for the reception uf Traveller* nod Families visiting the up-country. ... The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exertior totf—„ 0MAS B bA (, mL JEKVUIAIl li:ak. Marietta. Jnn. >,1844, jd Fire Inniii'ancc. t S, 9:133,009. fllEtS Sr to Yurie <'anlrih*liantkip Fire Insurance I Cm on a v, having established an Agency in Macon, will ln« ire Du'il ling*. Merchandise, Household Furniture sa l ev.<rx .Uocritrti- » of Property, against Loam or Dam- o— A* Fire. ROND A MURDOCK, Agents. '‘Macon. April 3J. 13J4. ’ 31 Five Isasiirasice. rpHFl Unlcrsl gned. Agents for the ACtna Iuauranc* i Comm ' " * L risks on Ware-houses Fire. Pcb 7 nany M Hurt ford Conn., are prepared to take IJuil lings, Mcrvuaciixe in Store and Cotton in tact, iuttic h’itv of Macon and utvic'oiiy, again* REA ft COTTON.Ag’ts 23 ly Notice. A LL tH-rs >t*s having rUiuis against R. ? Ncwcojib. or g. NewcoHH ifc Ct>. are lequested to present them 4<r settlement; an I oil indeb.e 1. will save themselves trou- bV ami expense*, by paving without wc having recourse a tl*e services of*!* attorney. M»> -U 1344. 34 B. B. NEWCOMB i CO. Geese Feather* v /\r\< \ LBS. iuv wtrirtd an i 'nr sale hv 1 OUU GRAVES WOOD ft CO-2 attfrii av »sM» • *» - Exchange oa ScwVwk, TAOIl sale by TIIOS. WYtOR- r October 3 1 *,Wk BRICKS, of the beat quality. Forsalo JOJ.UJU by J- A. RALSTON. V.4.-OU. Sept 10. 1841. »0 FASHIONABLE, MEDIUM, AND BROAD BRIM Bcarer ; Nutria, CaNsluiery SCuxain^ !*Iole»S*kin, An^oUii) nnd Milk H ATS. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF laE^WLTJEB. CONSISTING OF Oder, SHetlaud Seal, Nutria, and 31 u.ft rat. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, I Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen*» jVavv Capx; A LARGE LOT OF ! Idea’s :t»d Boys’ Black and Drab SPORTING HATS; Together with an extensive Stock of ITScit’s :iad Boys’ lil.-ick ami Drab W O cs L HATS, -tfcc. CT The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Eton on Second Street, a r ew doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting ft Mix. VZX&r .-m. 2XBT TC 3*3 mb ^ Offer. VIInk. and Knccoon Meins, dor which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jau 30,1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. ent i Buckets incests.........,..'.. . , . . . . Wi-.-.l 50; Do. Rocking.laiee, each.......................... 25J Caiboysof Vitriol, jcc.. 1 00' Carriages and Barouches.four wheels.......................................!s 00 Do. Buggies, double. .......................................... 4 00 Do. do. single and Gigs................... Do. 8ulkeys.... Common Jersey WafODI, without covers, and Horse Carts WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. mL GEO. ,8. KIoinSERJLIT fJESPECTFULLY informs hi. old customers and the i public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrated Hat Manufactory of JoU.n Host ft Co..a very extensive assortment uf HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortmen may be found Coaches, Postand Stage and Road Wagons ...i Collars.per dozen................... Cotton, ner 100 lbs — ...... — ........... — ....... Demijohns. Jars nnd Jugs, uol exceeding 2 gallons............. Do. do. do. over ' •• ....... .... .............. Ducks and Fowls, in coops, per head.......... .... ........................ Eggs, per dozen.......... ....... Geese and Turkeys...... ........................ .. .................... Grindstones, per 1D0 lbs.............. — ................................. Horses, Mules, Oxen, and Cows, per head I. .... .......... ...... 1....... . Do. do. do. do. do. 2 each.... Do. do. do. do. do. 3 do Do. do. do. do. do. 4 do.. Hoes and Calves ... Hhds. and Pipes Liquor, not exceeding 12C gallons.. Do. Molasses nnd Oil. ordinsry size Iron in pigs or bars.eastinga for mills, and other machinery Kegs Liquor, not exceeding 5 gallons.... Do do 10 do Measurement Goods, per cubic foot • ....... Ploughs, each • ............ Salt in sacks, not exceeding 4 bushels ......... Sheep. Lambs. Gnats. Kids, Deer, and Pics, per head ..... Sugar, Coffee. Rice, Bagging, Hardware, nnd such other artioles as goby weight 1 per 100 lba 8pecie No JOSEPH N, SEYMOUR 'V17‘OUXD reapectlully inform hi« customers and the Y j poolic, that he hai on hand, and will be receiving dating the present month, a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE & SHOES, i all nf which have been selected with great care, expressly f»ir this market, and will he sold ou as reasonable terms as any other establishment in tin* cky, consisting in pari of the following: 10 hhds. fine Sugar, 100 bags Rio Coffee, 50 Java and Lagu rc Coffee, Trinidad Molasses, 200 sacks Salt, 5 tons Iron. 0 boxes Loaf Sugar, Tea of all descriptions, Towdered and Crushed Sugar, Commission Business. M AJOR William Hamilton having retired, the subreri- bers have aseoci-ued themselves in business, under the name and style of WIXIY A UI .1IPH. They will occupy the Ware-House ou Cherry street, known as Ham ilton oc Winn’s. They are prepared to make advances on Cottons put in their stores, and to execute all orders that may he confided to them in the line of their hii'.iuess. J. 1). WINN. Macon. July 9. 1814. 41 J.Y.RUMPH The ireorgia Jeffersonian. (Griffin; wiil please copy 11.1223>E.TIA.Y A HAMILTON, WAR E-B0LSE Commission .Iferchants, MACON, GA. ILL continue bnsmes? at their old stand on the river, ▼ T which is not only convenient for shipping of Cotton, either by the River or Rail-Road, bet i« mere secu;e from fire than any Othec Ware-House in the city. The interest of our patrons will be closely attended i Sperm Candles, 8o»p, Starch, Saleratis, Spices. Ac. I person, bv Mr. ThoMAS Hakocman I?...,, n:.. nn.:.i d j.. u*- r • . rx I 'sr* .. r \ .■> udy, Wines. Jamaica Ru 10 dox. fashionable Beaver Hats, 20 dox. do Cassimere U*t*, 10 dor. do Russia Hat*, 20 dox. do Moleskin Hat* 1 dox. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. ONE DOZEN nil0.10 BKI.TI Ijcavc.r, J\*utrio and Russia HATS Gjiisa-Pdirdci*. .k*- KCGS Sporting ) w'hlL i*!n»t gun > POWDER, 10 J., Biaxiing J July SO 44 For sale bv BOND ft MURDOCK. shot and Led. {T RAGS Shirt. um'ii'J sizes, IrJJOJlbi. LraJ. fur sale by ' 1 J jtyJO 41 BOND ft MURDOCK. warranted mare durable hau any Hms ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 Jos. Youth’s and Children's Hats, SO dot. do. do. Ceps. ALSO. 20 riot, black and drab Sporting Eats, Together with a general uf FUR CAPS, CO.VSISTtSr, IS TART OF 3 dox. PREMIUM OTTER CAPS, S J- x. Sea Oner Caps, 5 do-. Super N utria Caps, 2(3 das. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 dot. Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 dox. do. do. Sealette Carr. ALSO, 2&i> tloz. JIca’sniKi Uoyj’ Block mid Drab W 0 0 L E3 A T S, All of which will he sold lor Cash, at prices which can not fail to rive satisfa -turn. o single package under Special contracts may be made with the superintendent of transportation for the freight of the following articles, when in lar^e quantities, without regard to the established rates, viz: Corn, and all kinds of grain ; brick, horses, mules and cattle ; iron in bars or pigs, machinery, mill gearing, ftr.; sawed lumber mill stones, grindstones, marble or other ar ticles of stone; salt, firewood, staves, shingles, hay in bundles, barrels tar, pitch or turpentine. Freight at the above rates,or by special emitted, to be under the following stipulations, vix: Nocliim for damages onarticlei transported by this Company unless the packages are examined and identified in the presence nf an officer of ihe Company before the same are removed from the Depot. Not accountable for the leakage- of liquors, oil or molasses, breakage of glass or crockery ware, chafingof bagging, carriages, chairs or furniture. Not ac countable for breakage of hollow v.are. No internal injury, not clearly perceptible on the outside of the package, will be allowed for. unless established to have occurred on board the car. Not accountable for the decay of perishable articles. Not accountable for livestock; and nolisuility for goods evidently shipped in bad order,or for cooperage of casks or pack- ages. Cotton received in good order at tho depots, and afterwards torn while in possession oflhe Company, will be mended at their expense. All usher damage done to Cotton tit traneitu will be promptly settled at Savannah. It is understood that this Cou pany will not hold tlirmsrlves accountable for pillage, or damage by the weather, or otherwiae, on any freight after being landed at the place ofdestinslion. The Company will not be accountable for Passengers’ baggage, unlese put in the baggage ear incharge of the con ductor. The Company will have agents at jtations 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,14.15, 16, and 17. and at Macon, lo attend to the delivery end forwarding of goods. All merchandize nm to be forwarded will be retained at the respective depots at the head of the mad one week, free of expense, after which storage will be charged at the Savannah rates. Goods destined for points beyoad Macon, will be forwarded by wagons by the Company’s agent, free of commissions. Gunpowder prohibited. THOMAS PURSE, General Superintendent Transportation. Savannah. Aprit 23, 1644. 30 RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE ON THE MONROE RAIL ROAD. DimNCJGS JGV tlli/KH JFKOill MACON- jfsso.v jtacoje to is I 13 I 19 } 24 j 30 [ 35 I 40 I 4G I 52 1 60 r.3 |Q cr J 2. § 3J Rum, Gin, Whiskey, B and Holland Gin. 10 bales Gunny Bagging, 75 pieces Kentucky Bagginr, 25 do Russia do. 75 coils Rope—Manilla aud Kentucky, 500 lba. Twine. DR? GOODS. 150 pieces Prints. 5 bales Brown Sheeting and 81iirting, 50 piece- Kersey., 20 pieces Kentucky Jeans, 3 bales 8 and 9 quarter Blankets, 50 pair fine Bed Blankets. Satinetts, Ginghams, E)e Lanes. Silk ’Handkercbiefs.Cot- ton Hose, (white and black.) Stocks, Suspenders. Flaat.els, Linens. Shawls, Bleached Goods, Drillings. Colton Handkfs- Cotioti Osnaburgs and Yarns,Spool Thread,with numerous other articles. SHOES. 15 boxet Russet Brogans, good quality. 12 do Black do. do. do. Kip do do. do. Men's Calf Skin Shoes, Boys Russet Shoes, • Boys Black Shoes, Boys and Children's Kip Shoe*, Ladies Shoes of every description, Boot rune in riie selling shipping Cotton cr to iiiiv other of Cotton, filling »»f orders for Good*, or 1 to Hnniikot), Hardeman & Co.. Sevan market August 1, 1844. Hamilton, Hardeman Co. f ** 1 ♦ M SANANNAH, GA. Ii¥/ T ILL continue the Fncforngc and Coimrl«l,a v v Ku.ine.. in this ritv, and v.i:i. ns heretofore, rive their best attention to the sa'e of Cotton, the filling of order, and the receiving and forwarding Merchandize. fiVEHARD HAMILTON,) THOMAS HARDEMAN, S Copa oh as. f. Hamilton, ) Savannah! July 30, 1844. WARE-HOUSE Macon, Sept 17, IS44. 51 Cm MUSIC STORE. .7J.ICOJ*. C o sii in i s » i id n rjpHK nm|e r -:cned will cor.tir IB IE tor ^7 O & v JUE © 2 IS g, H A v £ cont antly on hand, »»»id offer ft r sale at prices as low as c in be purchased in the souiherncountry, a plendid assortment ot PIANO-FORTES, ft cm the Celebrated and loncegiabliahed Manufactories cf JYtitins K Clark and I. Chickerittg. Thewetlknown reputation of these Manufactories pre elude* the necessity of commenting UDon the excellence ot lheirin*truinems, which have stood the tet.t of every cli mate, for manv veara. ALAR G'E ASSORTMENT OF VIOLEM. SUPERIOR GUITARS,BUGI.EIg, TRO.MRONK.S, trumpets, horns, CLARIONETS, FLAGEOLETS, PIPES, Ac. Ac. Ac- Violin. Gnitar, and other Strings; Clarionet Reeds Tuning Hammers and Forks ; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, ftc. ftc.forming as complete anassortment of musical merchandize, as can be found in the southern country. As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled tnselltlieirgcods althe very lowest prices. B. ft V. have in addition to their catalogue, an assrrt- rnent of FOREIGN MUSIC. 0? Ifluslc sold at reduced prices. Terms Cash. May 17. 1842 23 IS ii s l n c s s. e the \YARE-HOU6iS AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at his ntwrtand. on Poplar Street, adjoini ig Gohman <5c Richakp?on ami in range whh the unoccupied building known as the Mon roe Rail Road Banking House, where he hope* to receive a liberal patronage from hi* friend* and the public getter* ftliy. In selecting a new location, he ha* endeavored to find one near enough to the centre*)f the city. for<Ae gen eral convenience ol his customers, nnd distant enough to be entirely * lift' from lire, sbnuld a large on#* take place in the heart of the city. Such a location, he flatters himself, he ha* found ; and those who entrust their property to lym, may re.*! assured, that every attention will he w*ed in shel tering the same from the weather, and in preserving it clear of damage. By constant personal exertions, combined w ith the experience of the past, he trusts he «ha!l be able ;o give satisfaction to oil, in effectir g sales, Ac. Macon Attg. 1,1844. 45 J. M. FIELD. lOtILTKIE CAitlPBKLLr WARE-HOUSE AND co.ii.nrssro.v .nuncna.XTS, MACON, GEORGIA. K7* Is ct>mstti*D with the WAHE-IJOtlSE. v- b*r» vstnbii.hed a .-tore, where we ,hall be able to furnt-.! eur patrons and other* with lRnKSiug, Rope, C> orci-ir», Iroat, and all other Plantation bupplies, at reaiona' !e ra'ra. July 12. 1844. 42 M. ft C. I era i c. pr. mile, (children uuder 12 yt. ft servts. half price, .] Ccltun per bale, (round or aquare) not exceeding 4U0 lba. weight,.. | Cotton per bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs I Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods.. per cubic foot. Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware,and all other article* that go by weigh:,......... ....per 100lba.j I Hogsheads and Pipes of Liquor, ...each | Hogshead* of Molasses and Oil................ ..........each,I Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Fork, Lime, ftc............. .each,' | Barrels of Molasses and Oil... .........................each,) ( HI*. ofFlour, Potatoes,Fruit. Onions, and all other light bis. each,I I j bis. Pork, Fish. Liuunr.&c ft allKegaof lOgals.ft upwards each.l j bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, ftc each,; ^alt in sacks not exceeding four bushels,.......... Choice Canal Flour. FilEcli supply juil received and fur sale by THOMAo TAYLOR. 0 On Cotton Avenue and tiscond si. A July 2 4j} Ju*£ fSecciycd, O N Second street, a fresh supply of French Calf Boot* superior article. Alxu, Ladies’ Shoes, ntrurmus kinds July i 4J WHITING ft MIX. CCoUcaS ! J ! | ADlsiS' and Gentlemen’s Cloth Cioaks, uf the latest style i, just received by Oct. 53. J. ft E. SAULSBURY. Over Coats. V LARGE s-.sortment of Over Coats, or various quali ties. Just received by Ovt id. i J. ft E. SAULSBURY. •JUusiness Coats. RENGLISH Waterproof Faced. Ware, Beaver and Fi Fancy Cassimcre. Just received by Oct 29, 5 J. ft H. SAULSBURY. Cjidcr Sli’rts- S HAKER, Litn-j* Wool, Neu and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 2*. 3 J. ft E. 8AULSBURY. To Fin mors: ¥ AM prepared to aeli great bargsityt in Negro Shoe*, J Cloth anil Blanket*. Give me * call before sup- piy'rng yourselves, aud 1 will be sure'to suit you in price sad quality. . JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. Oct.uer 1, 1811. ’ I . Slack-Smith r £ools, I A OR sale ol good qtality, by 4 * ^ J. N. SEYMOUR. Oct i. ieu. i To Ucnt. rilHE middle part of the Store now occu lt pied by the subscriber, suitable for a Millinary or Tailoring establishment, aa also a part nf the tenement above. .Possession giv- en bv the first cf Ociobe- next. Apply to M. S. THOMSON. August 17. 1844. 48 TO REXffZL IDOSSESSlON ai'-en immediately. The whole of the L upper part of thsl building on thecorner of Mulberry and Third streets, opposite the Floyd House It it well situated and nuilcd for n Boarding House, aud will bo rent al for that purpose if ap;-lierl fur s->on, if not, it will be divided and rented a.x*ordinelv. Apply K - M .8 .THOMSON. Msenn. Oct. P. JS44. -■ ^etl siiiiis :smi s*i*awc»>. J UST Received, a pad assortment of Merino Lambs Wool, and Cotton NeUSMrta and Drawers. GEORGE W. PRICE. _M*eon. Oct 22. _ < m:\v Goods, j\hw (bkids. f|1HE Subscriber* ere now receiving * general tssort- A mem of*-. **vle and palter--. ^ briek building one door from Washington Hall. 8cp: 21 52 GEO. W. PRICE ft CO. Purciiaaer* are invited to call and examine at the old j Salt io sacks over lour buajtcla, perbushej, land, sign of the "BIG HAT.” Mulberry Stre. I. Corn, Wheat. Meal, and all otbergramiu bags per bushel, Rpavpr. Olfrr. AlillU. xV C’oon Skins, I Cotton Bagging.^.. perpiece ;".;.vn,'0. for which the caah will be paid. Macon. Oct 17. IP 13. :t HATS. AT TSIS: NK-.V IIAT AND CAE* .STORE. rB^HE sabaeriherhisreccivediheSPUING tTL'iCT JL ASHION for Hat*, the ‘-.nest and lighl- t f- ijS cat article ever oflered in this market. Also. Panama. Leghorn. PaWn Leaf. Drab Beaver. % Otter, Russia, and Pearl Cassimer—broad brim and foshincable, alii uf which will be sold low for CASH. ‘ OEO. I BHEPARD. Macon, May 7.1844. 32 FASHI t>W XBIafi Straw ItilliMcrj’, and Dress .?2;*.!iii*s: Establishment, (Over J IV. Bailey's Drug Store.) MASON respectfully itiformslhe Ladies of Ma- i?JL eon and vicinity, that she liaajuit received a pew act of the latest fashioned HAT BLOCKS, likewise an im proved PRESSING MACHINE, which will enable her to bleach and press all kinds nf plain nnd fancy LKGIIORN anil (STRAW IIATS, wiih greater facility, and with out the risk of scorching the straw, at the following reduced prices, viz: Ladies’ size, --75 cents. Misses’ do Gentlemen’* Panama and Leghorn Hats. 75 •* All altering, ---25 extra. Mr*. 51. will guarantee to give satisfaction to those who may favnr her with tlieir patronage, or return the money. She lias also received some plates of fashions, which will enable her to mnke Dresses in the most fashionable style, and at very reduced price*, to suit the time*. Macon, September 10, 1844. 3m 50 Jflacou Iron A" Brass Foundry A\» MACHINE SHOP. Tt J ILL and Gin (leering. Steam Engine \Vork, Iron 111 and Brats Castings of every description, made to order,and .Machine Work in General, corner o r Fourth | and Walnut Streets. The higbestpriccs willbe paid for Old Coppei, Ri-nsa, Lcail, md L’aHlron. Jan ’)! 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. 25 | 65 95 a SU 1 5011 7512 01 2 3012 6013 00 25 <( Cl 75 6; 10 15 20 4 6 10 io IS 50 25 1 25 1 75 2 38 3 00 1 5C * 2 00 2 75 3 50 3C 50 65 75 35 55 75 87 25 35 45 55 15 25 32 40 15 20 25 30 15 SO 25 30 5 61 7 tf 5 6 7 e 15 SO 25 30 15 20 25 30 25 30 40 50 25 30 40 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 75 1 00 J 25 5 6 7 8 25 25 25 25 25 50 60 50 35 55 37 50 50 75 68 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 75 1 25 1 .63 2 25 2 00 3 50 5 00 7 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 1 00 2 00 25 38 45 50 1 50 2 00 -2 50 3 00 2 0(7 3 00 A 00 5 00 25 38 1.45 50 3 3 4 4 2 a| 2 2 Boxes of Soap, Candles, &c. of common size each. Brooms in bundles — .per dozen. Buckets. Collar*, Scythes,Shovels & Spades. Sifters, ftc. per dozen. Chair* per dozen. Boxes Fruit. Cigars, ftc each. All small packages not weighing 10J lbs. nor measuring 2 feet, each. Blacksmith's Bello x-a,....... ........each. Potatoes, Apples,ftc .........perbushel. Demijohns, jogs. Jars ftc. not over two gallon each. Demijohns, Jogs, Jars, &e. over two gallons..,,-.,, each, Plough*,... — l.TI.......—......each, Baleaof Hay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs.... each. Four Wheel C irriages ...each. Two Wheel Carriages.... — — ..... .each , Postand Stage Coaches ami Road Wagons,............... ,eagh,| Lumber., sawed and hewed, per 1,000 feet Wood,.... per cord, LIVE STOCK. Hogs per head. Oxen and Beef Cattle, per head, Horae* per head, Sheep. Goat*. Calves.and Doga per head, * Turkeys and Geese in coopa perhead,] Ducks and Chickens in courts ....per bend, Special contract* maybe made with the Superintendantnf Transportation, far Freight, on the following article!, when in large quantities, viz: Horses. Hogs, Cattle.Lumber. Wood. Brick, or Stoocrftc. ftc. Planters or Farmers are a’.’owed to pasa free ofeharge, for passage. When accompanying the produce of their own farms to market. Goods. Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this State, Tennessee or Alabama, consigned to the Agent of this Company, at Macon, will be received and forwarded from any point of thisRoad, by wagons, to tlieir place ofaea- tiiiatioi;. free.of.charge for Storage or Forwarding. Cotton. Merchandize, or Produce, of any desrriptiou, will be received by the Company’* Agent*, »t Griffin. Barnesvma or Forsyth, and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charce. other lhan the regular rates of Transportation. Ar rangements must be made in all instances, f-ir the payment of Freight and expenses, with the Company’s Agent at 11a run.or at the Depot where the goods tie received nr delivered. The attention of Merchants aud Planters, is solicited to the advantage* offered them under the above arrangements, for shipping their .Produce to Market, and obtaining their supplies, through this channe.’ofcoinmunication with the seaboard. The Central Rail-Road is now completed »nd in operation, from Savannah io within 2} miles of our Depot, and .will be completed to Macon early thi* fall. This Road is in daily operation to Griffin. 80 miles above Macon; and, by the first of December, will be opened for Business to Leakville.-ii miies above Gridin; and to the junction with the Weatern and Atlantic Rail Road, early next spring. That portion of the Road originally laid with the thin plate Rail, has been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy dange Rail.and the whole Road from Macon to Griffin, is now in good order (or business. _ . , .Merchants living in the upper part of the State, will find it decidedly to their interest, to ship their goods by way cr Savannah, over the Centra land this Rail-Jtoad consigned to our Agent*, a*gnoda ran be hauled from Barnetville or Gridin lo Columbus, for 45 a 50 cents per 100 pound*, or any other part of the country at proportionable rates. All "oods will be aent forward immediately, unless otherwise ordered. ° J J D GRAY, IVEW STORE. WINSSIF & POPE, A RE now opening a general ind complete stoc* of Goods in Macon, (Cotton Avenue.) Consisting of 8TA- PLL AND DOMESTIC DRV GOOD8 and GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medi cines. Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Crockery »nd GlasR-Ware, Mill and Crosscut Saws. Blacksmith'* Tools, Bagging nnd Kone, Salt. Iron and S?teel. Blankets, Kerseys. Satinets. &c. A splendid lot of Saddles, and a general aa-. sortment ofladies and gentleinau’a Sh^«sand Boots, latest style. Bridle, Harness, Upper and Bole patent Leather. Best apple Vinegar. ALSO, • A supply of Nect^a Shorn made at Forsyth by I. Win- ship, nil of which is offered to the public very cheap for CASH. They will also Manufacture all hinds of Saddles. Bridles, and Harness, Trunks, Collars, Carpet Bags, Whips &c. 017* Repairing done at the shortest notice. jTQ N. B. The highest market price-will be paid for 1JIDK5, TALLOW and BEESWAX. ISAAC •SYJN8HIP. WILLIAM M. TOPE. Sept. 24, 1544. 52 52 WARD-HOUSE AND Commission Business. GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. CT1AKE this method of informing planters and others, too JL in addition to their wholesale atnl rethil DRY-GOOD* -12VD GKOCPBY m’SYYES*, they wiij continue to transact a general WAKE IIOl’f'K and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the old sin ml. (lo*u knnwn B3 Graves* Corner.) on t.‘:e cornrr or second rtreet and -Commerce Row, and would reapectfaMy renew the tender of their services to their planting friends and other*, with the assurance, that those who may patroniie us in this !iue of business, shall have our best endeavors to do them usttce and promote their interest. Our Ware-House i» conveniently situated ; and Cotton stored w».th us. shall be well taken care o r , and protected from the weather. We will alao assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their Cotton, and without charge ; and we are »t *11 times pre pared to make advances on the aame in Cash or Merchan dize. We respectfully solicit a portion of the putronape of tb« public. GRAVES. WOOD, 4 CO. Edwin Graves, J Tiiomas Wood, > J. M. Kirbee. j Macon, September 24, 1844. 5‘J At NEW BOOKS ami fancy DRY-GOODS, of me latest „ vhi.-h they offer for sale atfair price*, in 1 , Barnes', Oil Cutto.v Avenue. Pretext’s Mexico, Dr. Oltn’* Travel* in the East, Life of Wilburn Fi*k„ Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition, Magemire’s Physiology, New Edition of Donttlison’s Medical Dicti >n»ry. No I ft 2 Harpers’ Pictorial Bible, Work* of Mis. Brewer, io cheap form, Liebig’s Agricultural Chemistry, lfyssaries of Paris. TMaenn. March 26. 26 AIsBEKT G. miTTS. A T hi* old aland- opposite the Washington II*!I. has re- ceieed. within the last few weeks. * n<-w «nrl general r.T .assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G-JOD3. r’a^Ve’ — - f which consists of the following: ’ August 22, 1843. Agent and Supcrintendsnt of Transportation .foil IV 17. JO IVES A 1)0* SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive a»aortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Manufactured the pa*t summer, from recently Imported Goods, by Wm T. Jennings ft Co., very favorably known as among the most fashionable Drapers and Tailors in the city of New York, CONSISTING OK Sin-touts, Fi’oi’k. Coats, Pantaloons, Vosis, Orosrt Coats, Cot'B’fS.-and Office Coats, Travelling Coat LaiHei’ and CenMewm’* Just Received. vjre Blue Vitriol, for *oakin*» i id Wheat. c;af\LBs - , r * JyJ'J to protect it frocD hl«*t or smut, which it wjjl ef- •stually do in all cases whftre the pur* articlft i< u*ed. HAItVEY SHOTWJSLL- #ppoaite Central Hotel. Oct 3, |0*4. 1 ‘ K EP 0.». l. 78OT ^LSir, oonstandy cu i»a:>d by do Cotton and Worsted Ba’xnrinc* do Printed Lawnr. and Cambrict, do Satin Stripe Adriauople*, do do do Organdies, do ErJ*»en Gingham*, rlo 8eydia Stripe*, do Jaconet and Cambric Moxiine, do Lace Stripe Mu»hot» do Cros* Barred do do Si’k Handkerrhiefi, do Furnitme Prints, 10 bale* Brown ^heftting. White a,id black Cotton Hose. Spool Thread, Needle* j 50 100 In all the New and variou* atylei; ! Together with a very choice selection of ! Silk and Satin 5carf». Cravats, Mohnir and Caahmere do Hosiery, Drawer*, _.„ f Gloves, • Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirt*, Collars, Stocks, Ac. Including a general stock of Youth’s & Children'* Clothing:, iVEGRO CEOTniVG, wkii xi m % 3, , a © a Believmr that the system of “ Bmsll Profits and Quick Returns.” is best suited to the times, they will offer their Goods at price* that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur chasers. Macon. October 10. 180. 2 J. N. 9EYM0UU Fins, xodevyry other article usually called for, which wt! QSZ Ollft •"P er . , " r 0eO, ?'S^ r e ■{ be »tth«v«ry lo»e»t pnc-i fer C.=h. \ 4D.WU Ham*, Sho-W.r..*<j « aal Muten, Jute 18,1814. 38 | May 31 34 HEDDINO ft -A KITEHE B 1CO.V : B AGO v r t ttncrinr Gcorzin CvrtM BACON— " * • *- sale bv HE At'. NEW BOOKS At Boanlninn's Book Store, J UST received, all the new publications, among which are the following: Prescott’s History of the Conquest of Mexico, Harpers' No.l of the Picftral Bible, <• No 7 of Hanr.ah Hoote’s complete works, *• Aii»on’s History of Europe, complete and full bound, >i Brandc's Encyclopedia full bound, .< Nesl’s History of the Protestants, Southcv's Pilgrim’s Progress, Rural Life in Germany, by William Howiu, Kohl’* Russia and the Russians, El'ini*on’s Surgical Operations, The Paaltniat. Coodie on Children, Cooper (Sir Astley) on Dislocation*, Asbwell on the Diseases of Femaltf, Queens of England, *ixth series. • A new Patent Inkstand, Perforated Paper. Drawing Paper, Blank Books, ftc. all chtap for CA61I. Jan 16 ° BOOK STORE O.Y COTTON Sim, o doors nboreJIesirs.J.lI. ft Tf. 8. ELLIR’ DRUG STORE. J. BARWES, |"AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offers to tie L public, a large Stock of O OKS, STA TMOJW8 JR 1% BLANK BOOKS, &c.&c. CHEAP FOR CASH. Familyand Pocket Bibles, Prayernnd Hymn Books,of every kind and size, in various binding. Southern and Missouri Harmony, Kingsley's Social Ckoir, Juvenile Singing Book. Mason's Sacred Harp, Base Primmer. Dictionary of Musical Perms, Spc. SfC. Blank Books of*every description, Csni t Re cord, it lid Docket Beoli», various size*. Ledgf.ks, Journals and Day Books; Invoice. Re cord, Letter. Bill and Receipt Booxs ;-In dexes. for Ledgers, Pocket Memoran dums A Pocket Ledgers, Ac. Ac. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others who may want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stork which will be sold at the.lowest possible prices, For Cash~ wholesale and retail. He also receives as soon a* published all the new works from the Harper's and other publishing houses ir. New York, Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, and fashionable literature of the dsy, which he sellsat New York prices. Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed on*the beat foolscap paper. Macon, Oci. 4,1843. ? ALBERT G. BETTS, WAItr-HOUSE AND Commission Merchant, IBICOM, Grot-grin. rge supply of BAGGING 8HOE8. GROCERIES Dtitintw to supply hi* cut •m v AS constantly nn haoff * ROPK. BLANKB^PB DRY GOODS, ftc. and will turner* at the lov>e?t prices. Maron, Bept. 24. 1644. 52 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Ox Jloi.«*RRy Strext.Nsarths MxtkodistCkurch Bar^ainst Bargains!! IN BOOTS AND 8HOE8. Pair* good Negro Brogans, at Manufacturer* .LRHI mat and expen«e*. 4.000 Pairs good Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS ft SHOES, which will be offered low—Call and aee. eTRONG * wo op: rWPHF SUBSCRIBED,i* receiviiiglarge additionsto hi* M. stock of 004C1W8, CnABIOTETS, BAROUCHES BUGGIES, WAGONS, Ac. fromaomeoftl.e best Northern Manufactories, which were made exprebaly for thi* market, of the beat materials, and are warranted equal if nolauperior to thoae of any other r* tablishment. Those in want of any description of Carriages, will find ilfor their intereatto examine the qualm ana pu ce* of his essortroent. . • ,, Rkpairino, in all the different branches executed in the experienced workmen, at less ‘ h « n fjrcier '"cartage makers, will find a good assortment of Elliptic Springs,Axeltrees.turncdand boxed Dashea.Lamps,Band*. Knob*, Patent an.! Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Taa«e!«. almost every nrttcle required mthetr business, at*ugu.”- March l«t , 184*. *2 tf J.W. BABCOCK. Potash, IIR3T quality, for sale iow by Factorage and Commission. rflHK subscriber having r<*sumpd the FACTORAGE JL a*d COMMISSION BW1N at Savannah,offer* his tervice* to the public, anrl •olicit* the patrocage of hi* former friends, trusting that his experience and devoted attention to the interceu eniruated to his maua£ement. will give satisfaction. B. K. STILE8. Savannah. Oft. 29* 5 2m Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! At the .Tinrota Sniidle, Bridie nnd HamrM £»£&*OSlTORY. S. GKUIMEMAZ^ 6i CO. O FFER t.Seir splendid assortment of Haditlra, Bridles, llarursw* Trunks, and all article* usually found in their line, at reduced prices. Having a large stork on hand, and constantly re- reiting fresh supplies of the latest s^yle from t..cir Manufactory at the North* they are enabled to sell a* cheap if not cheaper than any firm in the t*:arc of Georgia. As Cotton is low and money scarce, they w»ll put their Goods at pri ce* to suit the time*. We respectfully invite country Merchants and planter* to call and examine our etock pledging nurselvca to sell a* low, and as good an article as can be found in Charleston, AngasU, or Savannah market. [£7* A liberal discount ro*de to ihose who purchase to sell again. N. B. Repairing dose at ihe shortest notice with ntatneaa and despatch. Come all ve Dooly boys, and give us a trade. We have Saddles end Bridles most beautifully made, We warrant diem strong, as good, acd aa sound, A* any in market ever was found. If > ou do'nt believe it just give us a call. We put our Goods at prices that will suit one and *.* * As Cotton is low arui money not plenty. We will sell Saddles from $3 up to v2C. Do'nt forget tke place. * qhuMMAN ft CO. Cherry st.. opposite Watts ft Moulton's Grocery Slsre Dr:. 3, 1844. 1° M*v M HAflVBY IflQTwEW- Attention! Attention 2 I Just Received, At the Macon Saddle, and Harness DEPOSITORY. 4 LARGE tot of LADIES’ SADDLES, of every d«- J\ aeription ; Plain, Fancy, Vtlvet, Plush, Hog Skm, Evc i Stitched, Ac., for sale cheap. Also, a splendid lot of BRIuLES. wholesale and retail, at Northern Manufacturing prices —$500 worth of Whip*, direct from 8opua. Harness Leather, Biidle Leather Waggon Hames. Trace Chains. DCJ’ Highest CA6H prices psid for Leopard Dc:. 3, 1S44. ]Q_ Brought to Jail, I N Houston county, Ga. a Negro Fellov. r.£«d about 35 yeara, who say* hii, name J, and that he belongs to William Tail, of the State of Alabama, 15 mile* from Greenville. Faid Ne gro is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, and light budt. e says his master's plantation i* on the Alabama r:*er. t * owner is requeued to come forward, prove prop-- ;-, p%y charges, and take him away, * . *. ... »-v.2fi. >>44 28 'MH- we «R N'- ri I N v cv. 19,