Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 28, 1845, Image 1

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by OLIVER II. PRINCE.] PUBLISHED i f 7; EKL Y— [ E I) l T O 11 A N D PROPRIETOR; NEW SERIES—VOL. I. NO. 18. MACON, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1845 XKOHA** T.Vl'IiORl OS CtITTOX AVKNLK * SECOND STUEET. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN* STAR L E DRY GOODS, Choice Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cops, Saddlery, §c. W OULD particularly invite MERCHANTS and PLANTERS 10 call and examine hi* extensive and well selected Stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to make the prices correspond Jfclly witbjhe limes. The following comprise • part ol his stock: AFFGHAN LATINS, a new article for dresses. CASHMERE. Oape. and Super Mouseline de Laines, new patterns,. ALPAC0A3, Silk and Gimp Fringes. GINGHAMS, SuperOheae and genuine Scotch. CAMBRICS. Plaiu, Striped and Checked. . „ MUSLINS. Jaconet. Book, Jcc. LACES, tluilling. Lisle, Edging, Jc Lace Neck Ties. HOSIERY..Shirts ami Drawers. CRAVATS. Black Silk, Printed, and Fancy Plaid. ‘HANDKERCHIEFS, n creut variety. SHA WLS, GOO Plnid de Laine. Chene. Prussian, Print ed. Nett, and Wouleu Shawls,and Comfortcs. FLANNELS. White. Red. and Yellow. Brown Linen TABLE COVEHSj Irish Linen. GLOVES, MITTS. SUSPENDERS, Garters and Night Caps. dewing Silk, SPOOL COTTON, and Linen Thread; Corded Skirts. Corset Laces. Presses, Pins. Needles, Tapes, Thimbles. Tuck, Quill, and Dress Ccinbi. , - KENTUCKY J BANS, and super Twilled Kerrtys. NEGRO KERSEYS and Lindseys. PACKAGES, Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheet ingj, Ticks, Checks and Stripes, ses. * large WP'y- V 200 pi. London Dnflil BLANKETS. 1 . 600 Negro Blankets, twilled and heavy, 4000 pr. Negro Brogans, a superior article, 100 Ladies', Men's, nnd Buy's Saddles, Bridles. Martingales, Whips, and Collars, 1300 Bleached Sacks Salt, large site, 100 Bales 46 Inch. Gunny Bagging, veiy heavy, 300 Pieces 14 inch. Dundee and Hassia, do. 50 d<>. <4 inch. Gilroy's superior 3 lb. Brand. 300 Coils J sud J inch Manilla Bale Rope, 2000 lbs. superior Bsgging Twine; 30 doz. Plough Lines and Bed Cords, . 20 hhda. Cuba M.‘lasses, 73 do St. Croix, and Porto Rico Sugars, 20 Bids. Crashed and Powdered Sugar, 20 Boxes Standard Loaf and Ilavanna Sugar, 330 Bags old Java. Rin. Laguira, and CuB'a Coffee, «m Boxes Sperm Candles, sixes 4’s, 3 s, and 6’a, go •< Hull's Patent Candles assorted, * 23 Hull’a and Colgate’s Soap. No ;. 30 •* Castile. Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 20 " Colgate’s Super Pear Starch, 600 •• Table Salt, a prime article. 20 " Tobaeco, some very choice far chewing, 40.000 Ihs. Swedes Iron, assorted, flat and square bar, German, Blistered and Cast Steel, 150 Kegs Nails and Brads, 300 lbs! Waggon Boxes, 13.000 " Hollow Ware, 200 pr. Trace Chains, 12 dox. Coffee Mills 19 " Iron Wire Sifters, 30 •• Pad Locks. 20 ” Curry Combs, 12n0 lbs. Bar Lead, • * ' ’ 50 doz. Blacking, • ■■ - - * - 15 Boxes Cotton Cards, f 500 Ihs. Std Irons. .V) dox. Tubs. Puiis and Mats, 23 ** Halter Chains, 20 “ Shovels and Spades, 20 •• Carolina Hoes, 10 “ Collin's Axes, 20 •• Tea Kettles, No 1, 2 and 3, ,• ' 130 Bags Patent Shot, 20 doz. Shoe and Morse Brushes, Pen, Pocket, nnd Fancy Ktrves, Table Knives and Forks. Tea nnd'Table Spnmts, Scissors, Rnzors. and Straps'. Shoe Knivea and Ilaspa, Percussion Caps, Cut Tacks, apd Pegar Cases. 150 Reams Wrapping. Cap. and Letter Paper. < 30 lbs. Lo«don,-»ealin<f Wax and Wafers, Bine and Black Ink. 200 Kegs White Lead, 73 Boxes Window Glass, 10 Casks London Porter, 30 dnx. Saratoga Water, 10 •• Bay Water. '10 Bbls. Cider Vinegar. Copal Varnish, Spirits Turpentine. Spanish Brown. Mad der. Blue Stone, Copperas, Brimstone. Indigo, Fig-Blue. Scotch, nod Maeabny Snuff. Epsom Salts. Salt Petre, Sal .Eraus, Mustard, Camphor, Oppndeldoc. Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Mignesin. Cologne, Macaroni, Preston Salts, Lees Pills. Bateman’s Drops. British Oil. Tooth Powder and Brushes, Spices of all kinds. Imperial, llyson. and Pourhiu Teas, rrcy chnier. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR- - Buekirkeo/. and Soda Bi<enil. of an perior quality, will he received WJJEKLY throughout the season. ALSO. .10,000 SEGATtS. Manilla Cherdpts. Plantation Normas, Trir,pipes, Regalias, Vueltabacera, and India Casadnr* Pzaeteiaa, all selected with much ca-e. and those fond nTa rk tire article, will please call and examine for themselves. .JOSEPH V. SEYMOUR W OULD respectlolly inform his customers and the puolic, that he has on hand, ami will be receiving dicing the present month, a general assortment of * DRY GOOD ?, GROSIiltfSS, HA3IOW4KE A SHOES, nil of which have been selected with great care, expressly for this market, and will be sold on as reasonable jernjs as any oilier establishment in the city, consisting in part of the fallowing : - -' 10 hlids. line Sugar, 100 hags Rio Coffee, 30 Java and Laguira Coffee. 3 hhiis.Trinidad Molasses, 900 sacks Salt, '5 tons Iron. 0 boxes Loaf Sugar. Tea «f all description*, Powdered and Crnhhe.# Sugar, ■ ' ’ * - - Sperm Candles, Smp. Stapes, Saierotis, Spices. Ac. Rum, Gin, Wbixkey, Brandy. Wines. Jamaica Rum »nl Holland Gin. > . V >'T i y" 10 bales Gunny Bagging, 73 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 23 do Russia do. 73 coils Hope—Manilla and Kentucky, 500 ihs. Twine. DRY GOODS. ISO pieces Prints. 3 hairs Brown Sheeting and Shirting, 50 pieces Kersey.. 20 pieces Kentucky Jeans, 3 bales 8 and 0 quarter Blankets, 50 pair fine Bed Blanket*. Satinet!*, Ginghams, De Lanes, Silk Handkerchiefs. Col ton Hose, (while and black.) Stock*. Suspender*. Flaunel*. Linen*. Shawl*, Bleached Good*, Drillings. Cotton Handkfs Co-ton Osnabuig* and Yarns,Spool Thread,with numerous other articles. S OES. 13 boxes Russet Brogans, good quality. 13 do Black do. s do. do. 10 do Kip do * do. do. 3 do Men's Calf Skin Shoes, 4 do Boys Ilusset Shoes, 2 do Buys Blnek Shoe's, 9 do Boys and Children's Kip Shoes, <3 do Ladies Shoes of every description, 3 do Boots. Macon, Sept 17, l$f*. SI Cm NEW STORE. WINSHIP & POPE, 4 RE now opening a general ind complete stock of Goods * Y. in Macon, (Cotfon Avenue.) Consisting of STA PLE AND DOMESTIC DItY COODttaad !I»t« and Caps, Hard-Ware and Collery, Drugs end Medi cines. paints and Oils. Oils* and Putty, Crocnery and Blass.Ware. Mill and Croat cut Saw*. Blacksmith's Tools, nscgingunj Rope, Salt, Iron and Steel. Blankets, Kferseys, eatitieu, Ac. A splendid lot of Saddles, ami a g'nerai as- *° r tinent of Indies and gentleman’s Sboes and Boots, latest Bridle, Harness, Upper and Sole patent Leather. “Ml apple Vinegar. , ALSO, a supply of Negro S.'iors made at Forsyth by I. Wilt. (<Vn Ml °f which is offered to the public very cheap for «•}, ■ They will also Manufacture all kinds of Saddles, ^udles, and Harness, Trunks, Collars, Carpet Bags, Whips ‘^’Repairiso dose at tite shortest notice. .CO ; B. The highest market price will be paid for HIDES, FALLOW and BEESWAX. ISA AC WINSHir. a WILLIAM M. POPE. J^!»t24, 1844. 53 M (aicDi^.Y sffsj*. A GENERAL assortment of WARRANTED Fresh harden Seed*, with directions for planting accompany- LiJ Cac ' 1 P n per. Merchants nnd Olliers supplied in atiita- Quantities. Fof sate by 0e . n „ J. a. & W. S. ELLIS, 1814. 5 Cotton Avenue, Mnron ^ MEDICAL NOTICE. If if’ A, PARSONS bus returned to the city, and has ,ho duri6 -'' ®f his profession. Office at his (" .8* br >ck house, two doors above the Methodist Jan. 21, ! S15. Church®* "" ’ ‘IS £\is ss s it. \ \ i ss c. r; MAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. I. SHEPARD,' Is receiving weekly additions to bis hitherto splendid stock of MATS AND CAPS. DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer RAKE INDUCEMENTS to city nnd country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hnt Establishment in the State, he will afford his Goods at as lev, or perhaps to leer prtce$. Every style-of 1IATS AND CAPS may be found at his Store*.' „• i • AMONG THEM— f ; Fashionable, Medium, acd Broad Brim Beaver, Nutria, CaMlaser, ECnssia. .TioIr-SLin -lngolin, nml Millt Hats. , • ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Oifrr, S&nlnml s*cn!, .Yiiij-in, and JXu&Xcrnt. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAP3, Do do Hair Seal do Do - - do Seal-oe. ; * do Do do. .Glazed do Gontlenjen’s Navy Caps ; A LARGE LOT OF Ulcn’s ami Boys’ Black aud Drab - Mpoi lius lints j Tpgether with an extensive Stock of men’s :iml Boys’ Bine!* and I>ral» W O O Ez HATS, Ac. to* The attention of those in want of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a r ew doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting Sc Mix. , ' . O.tor, Hi;ik. and Harcoon skins, f 0 r which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jnn 30. 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. LiisSXt, Will r F 1? ri j iili NEW DRUG STOKE. NUMBER 954. y ...ML ■ ' " HE subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends and t' e public, that he is uow receiving an extensive assortment .Yai-JHICBAIiS. &c. 7*0 JPIaysSri'ans and Planters i ■ vj 1 S ^ su ^/ cr *^ Cr li? ,,ow feceiying every week, fresh sup ■ |T V* r \01~ix T _ n®; n;ia nraatnlf. Pn I*'™' I ,i ‘ c * s °f EDICINKS, which are verv carefullv <e- ».> i * 0 Dragsj.;Meclica| preparali 0n 3.1■ ^be 1 Ic « p u d in the Northern markets; a».f having adopt m" entMedxines. and Perfumery. The .trticles be f" , etl the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to self at very I — laid lit on the most advantageous terms; are or tbe best | reduced prices. Physicians and'others, having opportnni- lies of sending to him, may rely upon having their orders ex- ecuted upon the most favorable termsi The quality of the articles wilt be the verv host, and the prices ns low as if they attended personally to the purchase of them. HARVEY SHOTWELL, May l -l 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. quality, as he is determined to vend no other; aud will sold, wholesale or retail, tor cash or satisfactory town accep tances. on the lowest terms tnat can be afforded in this sec tion af the country Physicians. Oomitry Merchants, ai.d others, are invited to oa'I and -udge lyr themselves. JAMES W. BAILED. - B3* His Store is two doors above Boafdmnnls Book and Stationary Establisliintut, ilulberry stteet. Macou.Ga. Musk, Blue Mass Horehound Otto Rose Isinglass Sponge, Mace Annato, Copperas ■ ' Borax, Nutgalls Rosin Oil Almonds ** Aunisede :& kip Brogans, WHiTIIV© & MIX |T'9ESPECTFULYinvite the attention J 4. of their friends and the pablic gen- erally, to their stock of BO.OT8 and SHOES'to wliicb weekly'ailditiohs will be innde duringtheseason. Our assort ment embraces the following discriutions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans. 1000 “ Men s second rate black Brogans, 1500 " Men’s best russet Brogans, .700 ** Men’s second rate russet Brogans. ' lOOt) Men’s best doable sole bi-L-h Brogans, 1200. •• Boy’s bestblack and russet Brogans, 300. Youths, ” “ J’ " 1000 *• Men.s best kip Brogans." 600 *■ ' Men’s second rnie kip Broga’ '• -300 • Men’s best double sole call’A . 500 " Boy’s best kip Brogans, POO " Youths’ best kip Brogans. 1200.“ Ladies-leather and seal Brogans, 300 d Ladies’ leather and seal Shoes, "* 300 « Ladies calf Brogans. - 20 cases Men's thick and kip Boots, 8 Boy ,s thick nnd kip Boots, 5 •• Youths’thick and Jtip Boots, 100 pnires Gents' fine Fidncli cnlfBonts. 73 " Gents'midlinc fine.French calf Boots, 100 “ Gents, double'sple calf Boots. ^ ' XOp “ Gems, stout sole calf Boots, 3 cases Gems’ and Ladies’ India Robber Over Shoes Also. A "eneral assortment of Indies, Misses and Children's Leather. Kid nml Morocco Walking Shoes of allkinds nnd qonliues! Ladies. Misses and Children's Gaiters and half Gaiters, thick and tliit soles of .-ill discriplioas, all of which will tie sold at tlie lb« est possilile prices. Also _Ou!f Skins, Sole Leather. Thread, Pegs of all sizes. Bo<>u made and repaired n the best possible manner. Macon.Oct. 15 1844 ' 3 miOtCSALE Hi) RETAIL. GEORGE A. KDIBEkLY, R ESPECTFULLY’ informs his old customers aud the public generally, thgt he is now receiving froth the celebrated Hat Manufactory of John-Hunt Sc Co.,a very extensive assortment of MATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assortmeu may be found ip ( doz. fashionable Beaver Hats, 20 ^doz. do Cassimere Hats, - 19 dbX. do Russia Hats, 30 . doz.. do Moleskin lists 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. One IiiniilrcRl dozen Ki-oad Rriut lie aver, fin if fl'ussia JBI ET ziTDk.'TO'* S?~£_ warranted more durable ban any flats ever sold in Macop. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children’s flats, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, , Together with a general assortment -4 U il V A i* «, CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIU.M OTTER CAPS, 5 di-z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super N utrirt Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, SO doz. Men’s and Roys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz." do. do. Sealeltc Caps. ALSO. 200 doz. jlcn’.<i nml Boys’ Black nml Dr;il> wool* HATS. All of which will be sold tor Cash, at prices whichcan- not fail to give satisfa'tinn. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of the" BIG HAT,’’ Mulberry Street. Braver, Otter, Mink, *V I’oon Skins, ID.r.VIT#•;.», for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1613. 3 Fall slock of Bools asul Shoes r j HIE subscribers have just received J. and are now receiving a large and « ^ weli selected slock of Bouts and Shoes, consisting in part of the following de- scriptioqai viz: 3000 Pair men’s best Black and Russett Brogans. ‘ 3000 “ “ second quality, dodo 1000 * “ double sole, do do 700 " " Iron lacked, do do 1500 " Boy’a beat black aud Russett brogans, 000 “ Youth’* do do : , * 1200 " Men’s Kip brogans, 500 “ do do doable sole brogans, 700 “ Boy# do brogans 500 " Youth’s do do 1*00 " Men’s Kip brogans, •500 " do dn'doumeaole brogans, 700 •• Boys do brogans, „ 500 “ Youth’* do do COO “ Men’s calf, sewed anil pegged brogans, ■ 300 " do do do do double sole, 500 “ Boy’s ,do do do bmgana, 300 •' Youth’s do do do limO “ Women’s Calf and Kip pe.g.;d Bootees, 600 " do do do do Shoes, 33 Cases men’s thick hnd Kip Boots, Boy’* do do do .- Men’s Calf Nell and half Nell Boots, Boy’s do do do do do do. Men’s d’ble. sole Caff, Peg’d. water proof Boots do do do do sewed do do do do ; Stout Calf o w ed Boats,, Gents, fine li^hi Calf, fewed i! ‘>ts. 5 Trunks, do do do do do Philadelp • Boots, 4 do Gents, and ladiei- patent India Rubber over thes. Ah-'O. A general as-nrtment orr.ailie’s. Misses’ and Children s leather,.kid, and walking simes and slips of a II i descr|pB"ns m il qualtties.^Ladies’* Mi.-'C*', andehildren s black an I colored and foxed clotb buskins; allofwhich will be offered on the most reasonable terms. We invite all 1 that wshto purchase, to give us a call, and we wijl endea vor to suit both in price and qnality. Also,—Kept constantly on hand. SOLE LEATHER, j CALF LINING AND BINDING SKIN'S i.A.-TS. TlllUCAi), SHOE PEGS, and all other articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. STRONG & WOOD, At the old i/and, tiyn cjthe Big Boot,rry Macon, Sept. 84. Sulphate duininc do Morphine Acet. Morphine Court Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda * Senna Alex ■ Cavenne African Indigo Spanish Float Caraway Seed Anodyne Hofiamnnt Aqua Fortis Juniper Berries Bees Wax ' Charcoal Pulv. Corks Velvet Calomel Eng. Calotnej Am. Croton Tiglium Gam Arabic Gamboge Blue, Stone Salts or Tartar • Extract Jalap do Lemon, for pies, sauces, 4tc..a new and very conve nient article , ' Extract Valerian “ i Accontta " Buchu cotr.pd ‘ “ Pink Root Fluid “ Augostura ‘ ‘i Hardhack ‘ " Lettuce M W Sc SI ". Cort Peru compd * OBark Precipitated “ Nux Vomica " Rhubarb " Gentian “ Ratania “ Dandelion 44 Colocyntli pure “ 41 compound *• Balsam Copavia 44 Hyoscamua "... Cicuta “ Stramonium “ Belladonna " BJmcset Butternut " Giycopt 44 “ refd Eng. 44 Sarsaparilla Herbs Horehound ""*■ Cleavers “ Catnip “ Thoioughwort n Cicuta - 1 ‘ Marslt Melon 44 C *t foot ** Parsley 44 Snerrmint " S-urvey Grass 44 r.VBzeamous *' Wormwood 44 • Doable Tansey . ' “ Hyssop “ Horse Radish 44 Bitter Sweet ** • Lemon , " . Sweet Mrajoram “ Motherwort “ Penneroyal • • S*tg« “ Burgamotl *• Cajiput “ Cassia ’’ Cloves 44 Caraway " Onganum 44 Anthos ! Juniper " Lavender •f Jessamine “ Fennel 44 Savine fresh “ Goldwood “-Wormseed doable Tansey Peppe.nnim Spearmint Tansey pure Cedrat tiroton Sage Puleg; Cantharidea Fly Stone ' ’ Colocyntli Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratrine Shycbonine Digitalis Creta prept Irish Moss Oxalic.Acid Cetric do Prnssie do Tartaricdo • Opium Fepperine, Uva Urai Sagn. Svrengee Honey, Squills , Mezerisn Hemlock Hop* Saffron Evicumn Nutmegs * . •' Wafers Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allum Fig Blue Brimstone Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Soo. Rhubarb Emetine ’ Macon. May 14. 1844. Pulegt Sarsafras x 44 Orange “ Cedar 44 Black Peppe 44 Hemlock 4 * Spruce . ■. ‘f Cautht'rides "Tar ;<?' “ Copavai i. “ Amber rect V com “ Senec'a> " Rhodium - . “-Neroln, l . < •• Camotmle 44 Vnletian ‘ ; • Cubeks , . , Wonf.wr.od “ Nuunegs “ Anniseed Spain las assorted. Svringes „ Trusses " Brushes 44 Tooth Brushes' Nail Brushes • > ‘ ’ White-Wash do,No li2,3 Bot Brushes No 1, 2, 3 Flesh do -No l, 2,3 Clotli Brushes, fancy from No 1 to 12 Blacking Brushes assorted ' Bristol Brick Sheep Skins, extra French No 1, 2 and-3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream \ Cologtte Farina 44 l-'rench' " German “ American ,* Extract Milliffores Lip Salve Otto of Roses Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salta Toilet Powder Vegetable Rouge Vjnegar Aromatic Eve Water Godfrey’s Cordial Hayes Linnment Harlem Oil Itch Oolntment Funnels Wedgwood from No 1 to 5 . ' - Galley Pots assorted Mortars from 1 inch to Iff. Medical Spodns Pill Tiles graduated from 1 inch to 12 > Polishing Clay Putty Knives • .Apoili’s. Soles and Weights Wit-king for Lamps - Extraot Roses F-ssence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’* Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian Dye . > Kaphalia Orange Flower Witter 33 BAILEY’S ShaviHg Cream. riAHE urt’ — igned take pleasure in certifying that they I. hs-e' asfcd the Military Shnving Snap, prepareti by Mr. William Bailey. Druggist, Brooklyn. New York, and for sale by Mr James W. Bailey, Druggist of this place; Il Is certainly the finest and most pleasant compound that we have ever used ; leaving the skin after ihe cperation of shaving, smooth and soft, and rendering the act truly a pleasure rather than a task. All who shave themselves and .i..i —r„— —• we recommend to them Bailey's desire comfort in the Military Shaving Soap Macon, July 9, 1844. SAMUEL K. JILAKE. JOHN DARBY. N. C. MUNROE. JOHN LAMAR. I)r. JAMES WOOD. N. ELLS. WILLIAM SCOTT. 41 " Received this Day, CJ CASKS Potash, for sale by July 16, 1044. JAMES W. BAILEY. 42 Sami’s Sarsaparilla, r OR purifying the blood, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16, 1844. 42 Oldridg'c’s Balm, ^^F Columbia, for restoring the hair, for sale by July 16, 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY. 42 13ay’s Liiiimciit, A CERTAIN c*ure for the Piles.for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 1C) 1844. 40 Bailey’s Sarsaparilla, \ CURE for all disorders arising from a bad state of the blood, for sale at July 16, 1844. • 42 JAMES W. BAILEY'S. 15 20 7 10 10 10 Iff For r»*.»Ie ai Baile> % Drug'Slorc, 1 l if! boxes Window Glass.300 kegs While Lead, JL LHJ ODD gallons Linseed Oi!,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentine, 2 bbls. Copal Varnish, 1 do. Japan do. ALSO, 300 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Neaufoot Oil. May 1-1. 1844. 33 .. .. . Wanted, "1 OOn LBS. Bee’s Wax. by l.UUU JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist, May 14 Two doors above Iloardman’s Book Store Wales*, Congress and Saratoga J UdT received, and for sole by Joly 16, 184-L JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY E3. SAOTWELIt, DAI.K °f Columbia, for Restoring the Hair; Rowand's Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague and Fever ; Bristol’s Sarsaparilla, for Sci-olula. Cutaneous Diseases,and for all imparities of the blood ; Evans’Chamomile Pills, far Nervous Debility, Sick Headache and loss of appetite; Soothing Syrup, for Children Teething; Hews’ Nerve and Bone Linainent, a certain remedy'for Rheumatism; Ma cassar Oil, celebrated for beautifying nnd preserving the Hair; Thompson’s Eye-Water; .'cudder’s Eye-Water; Scudder s A toastie OH, for Deafness; Ernsive Powder, for removing stains, grease, &c., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes; Rnassell*s Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article; Lee’s Pills ; Bear’s Oil; Corn Salve ; Phelps* Tom alto Pills; Solidified Copaiva; "Extract Buch er; Ewell?/* Patent .Spread Plasters; Cooper’s Corn Salve ; v 8eiolit* Powders, ptlre; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow ders' to make Light Cakes or Bread. iust«inian4ousr Juneja^lg-IU ’ ^ ’ • 36 „ , , • , • • Snuff* and Tobacco. Mfl-ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff, l.i of superior quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacpo. Justreceived and for sale by H. SHOT WELL. June 4, 1844. * 30. • ,■ Galli^tian’s 8*ltl§. A FEWdozen Gallighan's 1 Pills, an infallible remedy for Chilis aud Fever, just received and for snip by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corneropposite the Central Hotel. Dll. BOON ! the exercise of his profesrnn, and v evute all bis attention to tlie <!ascs ent: :ou, Qct, 0- 3 . I8DIL 5 JAHES'K.Wfii Attorxcv at Law, Macon, Go. OrFKT. or hr Commercial Bank. ITx, May 10 3. €3I«APS*, AtfornOy at liSir**, Vienna, Dooly l s OPF> CL OF TON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TUSKEGEE, ALABAMA. ILL hereafter attend the Courts of Mnenn, Pike*, Barbour, Kussell. Ciiatnhers, I’ullnpoosa. Montgoin- nd Lowndes counties. They will also attend the 8u- Court of the ' tnte. iiirnunief.tians addressed to them at Tuskegee, will re- Greorgia. 8iIVJ Lamp Oi3. A BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil. for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL. Mav 14 . • 33 Carpenters’s nn<! Saeicls’ Sarsa parilla, 5,1 OR sale at the proprietors’ prices, by X 1 . HARVEY SHOTWELL, ^_May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hofei. laffiilt’s Fills and Bitters, ■gTIOR sale at the proprietor’s prices.'by - - X 1 HARVEY SHOTWELL. May 14 33 Corner opposite tbe Central Hotel. Cmseed $)il and Train tail, •gTtOR sale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL, -S. 1 May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Sal Era ins, kF snpetior quality, just received and for sale by v May 14 HARVEY SHOTWELL. F Potash, IRST quality, for sale low b May 14 33 tow by HARVEY SHOTWELL. LEAVES, WOOD, Sc CO. WAR£-HOtJS|3 AND Commission business. GSiiVES, wbcu, 6l CO. , r | lAKE this method of jnfnrniing.philters and others, tba Jl in addition to their wholesale and retail DRY-GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINESS, they will continue tn transact a general WAE.E-HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand, (long known as Grave*’ Corner.) on the corner of second.street and Commerce .Row, and would, respectfully renew the tender bt their Services to their planting friends anil othets. with the assurance, that (hose who may.patronize us in this ,!iue of buainesa. shall have,our best endeavors to do them uslice and'promote their interest. Oqr Ware-House'is conveniently Situated ; and Cotton stored with us, shall be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their Cotton, and without charge ; and we are at all times -pre pared to make advancesoathe same in Cash-Or Merchan dize. / ( ^ r We respectfully solicit a'portionjif the patronage of the public. GH, Edwin Graves,a Thomas Wood. S J M. KtBBEE. ) Macon. September 24. 1844. ALBKKT gT6I!TTV tlTAKE-aCQVSE AND Commission Merchant, lUAC’ON, Genista. n AS constantly on'hand a large supply -of BAGG'-N G HOPE. BLANKETS. SHOES,'.GROCERIES DRY, GOODS, Ac. and will continue to supply his cus tomers it the lowest prices. Macon, Sept. 24. 1844. 52 . ,. Attention l Attention 11 Just IteMired, At the •< aeon. Saddle, and Harness DSrOSITORY. A LARGE lotol LADIES' SADDLES, of every de scription; Plqtp, Fancy, Velvet, Plush, Hog 'Skin, Eved Switched, &c..Tor sale eheap. Also, a splendid lot of HRluLES. wholesale and retail, at Northern Manufacturing price*—8300 worth of Whips, direct from Sopus. Harness Leather, Bridle Leather Waggon Haines. Trace Chains. DC/ 3 Highest CASH prices paid for Leopard Skins., Dee. 3, 184f WAS 1 f i NGTON HALL, MACO.Y. GEORGIA. r SI IIE subscriber 1ms again taken this ErtnS J. lishmcnl, where lie will always be bap p.' to attend to thecalls ofhisold customers, and the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 $• LANIER. 31AR1ETTA hotel, if tN Cobb Comity, GEORGIA ffflHE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- X merlvkept by Benson Roberts. Esq., and are now ready for die; reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up-country. ' 1 , The subscribers'pledge themselves to use every exertion for the comfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL, JEltEMIAH LEAK. Marietta. Jan. 1,1841. ~7 Fire Insurance. CAPITAL $300,000- T HE New York Cor.tributionship Fire Tnturamee Company, having established an Agency in Macoh, will Insure Buildings. Merchandize, Household Furniture and evorv description of Property, aerainst Loss or Dam• age bit Fire. BOND & .MURDOCK, Agents. Macon, April 30.1844. ; , 31 ly ' Wesleyan S’emale College* r|THE. Exercises of this Institution commence on Mon- I day, October 7th. -, Every Department is filled with the most competent and successful Teachers. The primary department will be o- pened under the management of Mtss Church, who comes most highly recommended for her efficiency and competency from the South Carolina Female Collegiate Institute. Tuition for regular College cbnrse.' $50 per year. " . in Primary Department, 25 “ 44 One half of the tuition must be settled in advance either bv cash or approved note. ELLISON Sc DARBY. ‘Oct l, 1844. 1 ^ * Notice. A LL persons having claims against B. S. Newcomb, or B S. Newcomb & Co. are requested to present them for settlement; nnd all indeb.ed. will save themselves trou ble and expense*;'by paving without we having recourse ‘(ithe services of an attorney. Mav 20. 1844. 34 B. 8. NEWCOMB & CO. Nci! Shii’gs aj!d J UST Received, a pood nsaortrr W ool Macon. Oct Drawers. ■nt of Merino Lambs Cotton Xett Slii»*!s and Drawers. GEORGE W. PRICE. new goods, new goods. rHNiri^ Subscribers are now rece’.vincr a general issort- JL ment of Rtaple and fancy DRY-GOODS, of *rie latest style and patients, which they offer for sale at fair prices,in brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sept25 52 * GEO. *\V. PRICE CO. . .FiisJ Ifcccivc<f. LBS. pure Blue Vitriol, for soaking seed Wheat, to protect it from blast Or smut, which it will ef fectually do in all cases where the pure article is used. HARVEY SHOTWELL. Opposite Central Hotel. Oct 7. 1344. 1 Boots am! Slices. O UR sV‘(?k is now complet** and very extensive, com* prising every style and pattern. A fine assortment o LADIES’ SHOES and SLIPPERS. Give us a call if you wish bargains. WIN8HIP A POrE. Mnron.October C9, 1844. 5 Prime Geese Feathers. 1000 F LBS. iust rereived ami ‘"r sale bv GRAVES WOOD Sc CO. Auril 30 1341 31 ^ Li Fxchasage oaa iVew-Yort, OR sale by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 • - . • l 15 AC ON! BACON!! Of’ LBS. superior Geotgia Cured BACON— iwO.vUl/ Hams, Shoulders, and Sides, for ,nie by May 21 31 REDDING Sc WHITEHEAD. MORRISON S Vegetable Universal Medicines; I OR sale bv GEO. W. PRICE ic CO Mav 5 32 F ( BY Be. IS. WVBR.YJEIl, (AT PRIVATE SALE.) LBS. prime Hams and Shoulders, now in 5,000 s „,». Macon, Oct 1, 18-M 1 COWLES’ CHEESE. PDA BOXES Sol ution CowlesJ Superior Creem ODD Cheese, receiving and for sale bv COWLES, NICOLL Sc CO. East Macon, Oct 8, 184!. 2 Paints and Oils. -AA KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, »>DU 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil, Witha variety ef Colors for Painters’use. for ale bv July 6 40 CHAS. CAMPBELL Jc "CO Iifki’k BRICKS, of tbe best quality. For sale by J. A. RALSTON. Macon. Sept 10. 1844.50 A- KEGS Sporting wt) 15 do 10 do July 30 Cun-Powder. ’g) Shot-gun Blasiin; 44 POWDER, For safe by BOND A MURDOCK. «itk>t and Led. B AGS Shot, assorted sizes, - ( D30U lbs. Lead, for sale by Julv 30 44 BOND Sc MURDOCK. •Fust Received, O N Second street, a fl-osh supply of Fren ch Calf Boots superior article. Also, Ladi ' superior article. Julv 2 40 Also, Ladies’ Shoe9. ol various kinds WHITING fc 1MIX Cloaks ’ Cloaks!! ADIES' and Gentlemen’s Cloth Cloaks, of the latest I stylet,just received by Oet. 2D, j. & e; saulsbury. Over Coals. A LARGE assortment or Over Coats, of various quali ties. Just received by Oct 29. J. St E. SAULSBURY. Basiness Coats. J.TNGL18H WaterProof Faced. Ware, Beaver and ! A Fancy Cassimere. Just received by Oct 29, 5 J. Sc E. SAULSBURY. Bargains! Bargains ! ! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. AAfk Pairs good Negro Brogans, at Manufacturer* O.DDD cost and expenses. 4,000 Pairs good Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS 3c SHOES, whish will be offered low—Call and see. STRONG -k WOOD. Nov. 12. 7 BEilldTAL. ridHE undersigned have removed to ihc Store on second Jl Street, a few doors south of the Washington Hall, nnd adjoining the Messenger Office •- where they are teceiviug a lane and general stock of Staple aasti Fancy SFrv-Coods, READY- MADE CLOTHING, SHOES, BOOTS, «s-c. All of which will be sold at unusually low price. 1 ?, by the piece or otherwise. Purchaser.* are invited to enll and «x- arnine for themselves. S. J» RAY «fc CO. Macon, Oct. 8. 1844. 2. eJfSfiCon Jr on «§* Brass Jo tat dry ANB MACHINE SIIOa». ff ILL and GinOeering, Steam Engine Work, Iron ATl.-^and Breus Castings of every descripu'on, made to order.nm! Machine Work in General, corner o f Fourth and Walnut Streets. O’ The highest prices willbe paid fur Old Coppci, Brass, Lead, and Cast Iron. •Ian 31 17 IlOBT. FINDLAY. tlssciei- $h ; r 4 s. S HAKER, Lainus Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 29, 5 J. Sc E."SAULSBURY. 10 GEO. B. MEBSOIMEtBF, |_ff AS Just.rcceived an extensive assortment of HATS 1 t and CAPS, of the latest Fashion, to which the atten tion ofhis friends and the public generally, is invited. Be ing perfectly coiilideur that hisfacilities fnr obtaining fresh supplies, weekly, will enable him to sell as low as any oth er establishment in the State, Wholesale or retail- Oct. 8, 1844. 2 Jlust Received, at G W. &, E. WOODItCpF’S, \ LARGE assortment nfnew and fashionable STA PLE AND CAACY DBY GOODS, consisting ofa great variety of the latest patterns for ladies dresses.— Alsu all kinds of goods usually kept in odr line. AU of- which will be offered at a small advance Rom cost. Macon. Sept 24, 1844. Emporium of Fashion. TITHE undersigned, respectfully announce that they have X resumed the TAILOK1NG Bt7S«IVKSS. under the management of Mr. Menard, late of the City of New York, who has for a number of years, had charge ol one of the mostfashionable Houses in Broadway ; and whose rep utation is auch as toauthorize tlie belief that be will he able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with their-patronage. * J. Sc E. SAULSBURY. Sept 17. 1844. 51 S3. It J.'.COYi'LUJ S, H AVE removed to the Brick Store, on Colton Avenue, one door below the Telegraph Office, where they are now opening a general assortment of Groceries, .Shoes, Hardware <&c, together with a stock of STAPLE nnd FANCY DRY GOODS, nil of which will be sold low for CASH. Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly on hand. Macon, Oct 22. 1844. 4 ftSSAVES, WOOD & CO. T> ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants Jtm. and Planters to their stock of 1’ItICSII MIOIOS, to which weekly additions will be made during the season. Our assortment embraces the following descriptions : 1300 pair heavy black Brogans, 1200 “ “ rustet do. 1500 “ “ lined and "bound Kip Brogans, 1000 '• high and low quarter Brogans, 1200 “ Womeu’a and Hives' Morocco. Kid, Seal and Gambrnon Buskins. Slippers and Ties. COO pair Men’s Call'and Seal Brogans, 200 •* do. do do. Putnos. 30Q “ -Youtlts' and Boys’ Calf nnd Kip Brogans. 200 11 Children’s Leather Shoes, 10 cases Calf. Seal and heavy Boots. Macon. August 20. 1844. 47 To (Fanners; 1 AM prepared to sell great bargains in Negro Shoes, doth mid Illiiiiltels. Give me a call before sup plying yoitrselves, and I will be sure to suit vno in price and quality. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. October 1. 1814. 1 Black-Smith Tools* F OR sale of good quality, by J. N. SEYMOUR, Oct 1, 1844. 1 B To Kciiik rrUIE middle part of the Store now occu- ,IL pied by the subscriber, suitable for a Millinary or Tailoring establishmen t, ns airo a part of the tenement above. Possession gi‘ i en by tlie first of October next. Apply to * M. S. THOMSON. August 27,4844. 43* TO HE2XTT. P OSSESSION given immediately. The whole of the upper part of that building op the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, oppo-ite the Floyd House . it is well situated and suited for a Boarding House, and will be rent ed for that purpose if applied for soon, if not, it will be divided and rented aacordingly. Apply to M. S. THOMSON. Macon, Oct. 8, 1844. 2 . Fashionable Arrival. J Sc E. SAULSBURY. will ’pen this day, a sttperio . Ot of F REX OH CLOTHS, FANCY CASS I MERES Sc VESTINGS, direct from the French market via New York, which they will sell very low for cash. Sept 17. 1844; 51 FASHIONABLi: HATS, at tbe: nt;tv hat and cap stork. IVA HE subscriber has received tlie STRING JL FASHION for Hat*, tbe finest and light est article ever offered in this market. Also. Panama, Leghorn. Palin Leaf, Drab Heaver, Otter, Russia, and Pearl Cassiiner—broad' brim and fashionable. Allof which will, be sold low for CASH. GEO. I. SHEPARD. Macon, May 7, 18-14. 32 €JLr<*THIi¥« STORE; (Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington JtaJl.) PllIUPS, MERRITT, «fc CO. Try AYE recently received and will continue to receive 11 B weekly.during the business season, from tlie North a full assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING, manufactured expressly^for them, together with a large as sortment of Whirl*, Undci'-Shii'ls, Scai'fa, Hosiery, ITnbrel, las, Ac. Also on hand nnd receiving, a fine assortment of CLOTIF.S, CASS DU: RES AM) VESTINGS, Of French, English attd American Mnoufacture, embrn-’ cing the latest and most CHOICE PATTERNS, which they are prepared to make to order according to fashion or the particular taste of their patrons. Particular attention given to the making and trimming of irments entrusted to Weir care, bv gentlemen purchn.iag' their own materials at prii M con. Nov. 19, 1844. 5S to suit the times. The 'Celebrated Iff use ©vitas IS© iffil emc (lie most inveterate Tooth-Ache in TWO MINUTES. f 11HBY will also preserve the decayed teeth 8 future, and remove the Scurvy, and Tartar, tho use of an instrument, i'orsab- bv A J. ELDER, Ai At II. C- Freeman’s Macon, Oct. 12. 1914. : IScatly Aiailc tJloiliiiai;. —AT— NE W YORK COST ! ! ! for tbe without ent. Store. J JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist. J Sirccdisb Leeches, UST received from New York, and for sale by JAMES \V. BAILEY, Druggist. July 16. 1844. 42 Keceivcil this* Day, LARGE lot of fancy Soaps, Cologne \Vnte gen and ; soruaentol - fanev articles, and for sale by 'JAMES W. BAILEY. Jnly 16,1(44, 42 J Sc E. SAULSBURY, have received, and are now • opening a variety nf articles, such as Gloves, Scarf., Cravats, Tic, Storks, Ifliiii(ll(ci-cliii>r«, Nnspraitei's, A-c. Ac. CotnDrising the itirst desirable apartment of such articles ever offered in ibis market. Oct 29. 5 POTASH, K EPT constantly on hand by J. N. SEYMOUR Qct. 1, 1844 1 Choice Cana! Flour. A FRESH supply just received nnd for sale by jl THOMAS TAYLOR. ~ July 2 40, . On Cotton Avenue and dec nd st. HIE silbtfcribcrt will telose off the remain their-tuck ofCLOTHING, consisting Beaver Flushing and Blanket Overcoats, Superior Cloth Cloaks, Tweeds Coats, Black L)re>s and Frock Coats. ’ Satiil, Wool, Velvet and fancy Vests, Pants. Stocks, S- arfs, Crnv at New York Cost ! ! ! Call 5, Hosie ,,1 see A U'L. Macon, Nov. T2.1811. A C. Campbell «.V Co. T tlieirold Mand. opposite the Washington TTaiJ, offtr for sate ;«t the lowest current prices for cash, 75 Hales heavy Gunny Bagging.' 250 Pieces do Kentucky «lo7 100 do do Rusia do. .*>0 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Hagging Twine, 300 coils Manilla Rope, 100 do Kentucky do. 1500 Sacks Salt, 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 25 Hlids. St. Croix nnd Muscovado Sugar, 230 Bugs Rio, Laguira. ami Java Coffee, itii 4 general assortment of Blankets, Shoes, Staple Dry Goods, &c. Sept 17, 1844. 51 ATTE N T X OA l Iiookatthis. The cheapest and most fashionable Dry and Fancy Goods ever offeted in Macon. . j nnHE subscriber is now opening at his Store on COT- JL TON AVENHILnext to Mr. Barnes' Book Store,’ tlie following new Goods, which will be sold either at WHOLE SALE or RETAIL : 800 Yards Cashmere vi’Ecoss of tbe latest p.v terns, some of them Pompadour style from the latestexbibitiun of Paris, gt 37J certs per yard. 1500 Yards Mousline de Laine, latest patters, at 20 cents’ per yard. 500 Yards Superior Chusans, latest patterns, at 31 cent per yard. 500 Yards superior figured Velvet for Ladie’s dresses,' 37} cents. 400 Yards 6-4 figured Aolienues, 31 cents. 400 Yards 6-4 super Alepeno, (ad woo] and silk ) 1500 Yards 6 4 figured and plain Alpaccas, ofail colors,' at 37| cents. 800 Yards 6*4 Parameto Cloth for Ladies’ Dresses and' Cloaks at 75cents per yard. 12000 Yards Calicoes, from 6} cents up. , A great variety of Shawls, among which this fate Cashmere style, from 23 piece. Also a Iar^e assortment oi Hosier Mitts ; new style Bonnet and Cap Ribbons : Bonnets. Artificial Flowers and Tabs ; Thr Laces ; a large assortment of Gimp at yard; embioidered Muslin Collars Edgings and Insertings figured and j doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain corded, hem- stiched and a la riviere with embroidery from 20 cents up.‘ —ALSO— Super Broad Cloths, \esiings. Cassimeres, Satinets, •Teans. Fjannels, Blankets. Gentlemen’s surer Lamb’s Wool shirts anti Drawers ; Silk and Cashmere Jrcarfs, Linen Shirts, ; Gentlemen’s Buck Kid. Silk, and Cbanh- mere Gloves ; also, white and brown Homespuns, from 10 yards per dollar up ; Irish Linen, Diaper, 12-4 Linen Da- ma«k Table-cloths. Boots, Shoes, Hau, Caps, and a full assortment of T rimmings. [Cf* Tlie subscriber will receive fro n his house ih Pbia- delphia thr-oughout the winter, fresh supplies of such goods as may be found most desirable, and hopes to meet with the patronage of tbe pubiip, J. II. DESSAU* Cotton Avoi.ue. Mnron. and ^o*3^fforth 3d Street. ]?liijl»*delphia. P* -Mo-e keepers and Pedlcrs will find it to their in'-* ter»st to cive me a call. Macon, Nor. 19,164T. S r?n ig portion of • part of Gloves, Ac. Ac. RAY, A Co. will be found, to 6b* 00, the G Gloves and super Tuscan ead and Lisle, imp 63 cents per * and Capes, Muslin :dain Silk Velvet: 25