Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, February 11, 1845, Image 1

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THE GEORGIA TELEGRAPH BY OLIVER H. PRINCE.] —PUBLISHED WEEKLY— [EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR: NEW SERIES—VOL. I. NO. 20. MACON, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1845. WHOLE NUMBER 956. Til Oil AS TAYLOR, *■' ON COTTON AVENUK ir SECOND 3TREJLT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, Choice Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, ITats and Caps, Saddlery, Sgc. W OULD particularly invite MERCHANTS and PLANTERS to call and examine his extensive tnd well selected Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he ia determined to make the prices correspond fully v/iilt the times. The following comprise a part of his stock: AFFGHAN SATINS, anew article for dresses. CASHMERE, Crape, and Super Mouseline de Laines, Dew patterns. ALPACCAS, Silk and Gimp Fringes. GINGHAMS, Super Cliene and genuine Scotch. CAMBRICS. Plain, Striped and Checked. MUSLINS. Jaconet. Book, Ac. LACES. Quilling, Lisle, Edging, * Lace Neck Ties. HOSIERY. Shirts and Diawers. CRAVATS. Black Silk. Primed, and Fancy Plaid. HANDKERCHIEFS, a ereat variety. SHAWLS, 600 Plaid de Laine. Cliene, Prussian, Print ed, Nett, and Woolen Shawls, and Comforles. FLANNELS, White. Red, and Yellow. Brown Linen TABLE COVERS. Irish Linen. GLOVES, MITTS, SUSPENDERS, Ganers and Night Caps. Sewing Silk, SPOOL COTTON, and Linen Thread; <Jorded Skirts, Corset Laces,Prea.,,;:-.Pins, Needles, Tapes, Thimbles. Tuck, Quilt, ami Dress Ccmbs. KENTUCKY J E A NS. and super Twilled Kerseys. NEGRO KERSEYSanJ Lindseys. PACKAGES. Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheet lags. Ticks, Checks and Stripes. ■ses, a large supply. 201) pr. London Duffil BLANKETS. 600 Negro Blankets, twilled and heavy, 4000 pr. Negro Brogans, a superior article, 100 Ladies , Men's, and Boy's Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Whips, and Collars, 1500 Bleached Sacks Salt, large sue, 100 Bales 46 inch. Gunny Bagging, vety heavy, 000 Pieces 44 inch. Dundee and Russia, do. 50 do. 44 inch. Gilroy’s superior 2 lb. Brand, 300 Coils J and J inch Manilla Bale Rope, 2000 lbs. superior Bagging Twine, 50 dox. Plough Lines and Bed Cords, 20 hhds. Cuba Molasses, 75 do St. Croix, and Porto Rico Sugars, 20 Bbls. Crushed and Powdeted Sugar. 20 Boxes Standard Loaf and Ilavanna Sugar, 350 Bags old Java, llio, Lnguira, and Cuba Coffee, 90 Boxes Sperm Candles, sixes 4’s, Sit, and 6’s, 20 •* Hull's Patent Candles assorted, 25 “ Hull’s and Colgate’s Soap, No 1. 30 u Castile. Fancy, and Yariegated Soaps, 20 " Colgate’s Super Pear Starch, 600 •• Table Salt, a prime article, 20 “ Tobacco, some very choice for chewing, 40.000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, flat and square bar, German, Blistered and Cast Steel, 150 Kegs Nails and Brads, 500 lbs. Waggon Boxes, 15,000 •• Hollow Ware, 200 pr. Trace Chains, , 12 doz. Coffee Mill<, 12 “ Iron Wire Sifters, 30 “ Pad Locks. 20 “ Curry Combs, 1200 lbs. Bar Lead, 50 doz. Blacking, 15 Boxes Colton Cards, 500 lbs. Sad Irons, 50 doz. Tubs, Pails and Mats, 25 “ Haller Chains, 20 " Shovels and Spades, 20 " Carolina Hoes, 10 " Collin’s Axes, 20 ’’ Tea Kettles, No 1, 2 and 3, 150 Bags Patent Shot, 20 doz. Shoe and Horse Brushes, Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Kn’vcs, Table Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Scissors, Razors, and Straps, Shoe Knives and Rasps, Percussion Cops, Cut '1 acks, and tsegar Cases. 150 Reams Wrapping. Cap. and Letter Paper. 50 lbs. London, Sealing Wax and Wafers. Blue and Black Ink. 200 Kegs White Lead, 75 Boxes Window Glass, 10 Casks London Porter, c 30 dox. Saratoga Water, 10 “ U«v Water. 10 Bbla. (Jider Vinegar. Copat Varnish. Spirits Turpentine. Spanish Brown, Mad der, Bine Stone, Copperas, Brimstone. Indigo, Fig-Bine, Scotch, and Macc.boy Snuff, Epsom Salts, Sslt Petre, Sal JEratus, Mustard. Camphor. Oppodeldoc. Castor Oil. Sweet Oil, Magnesia, Cologne, Macaroni. Preston Salts, Lees Pills. Bateman's Drops. British Oil. Tooth Powder and Brushes, Spices of all kinds. Imperial, Hyson, and Pouchin Teas, very choice. . . EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat, and .Soda Biscuit, of superior quality, will be received VY EEICL Y throughout die season. ALSO, 30,000 SEGARS. Manilla Cheroots, Plantation Normas, Principes, Regalias, Vueltabagera, and India Casadora Panetelas, all selected with much ca-e, and those fond of a choice article, will please call and examine for themselves. JOSEPH IV. SEYMOUR W OULD respectfully inform his customers and the puolic, that he has on ltsiid. and will be receiving during the present month, a general assortment of DRY GOOD S GROCERIES* IMKHU IKE & SHOES, all nf which have been selected with great care, expressly for this market, and will be sold on as reasonable terms as any other establishment in the city, consisting in part of the following: 10 hhds. fine Sugar, 100 bags Rio Coffee, 50 Java and Lagutra Coffee, 5 bit us. Trinidad Molasses, 200 sacks Salt, 5 tons Iron. 0 boxes Loaf Sugar, Tea of all descriptions, Towdered and Crushed Sugar, Sperm Candles. So»p. Starch, Saleratis, 8pices, Ac. Rum. Gin, Whiskey, Brandy, Wines, Jamaica Rum and Holland Gin. 10 bales Gunny Bagging, 75 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 25 do Russia do. 75 coils Rope—Manilla and Kentucky, 300 lbs. Twine. DRY GOODS. 150 pieces Prints. . 5 bales Brown Sheeting and Shirting, 50 piece* Kersey., 20 pieces Kentucky Jeans, 3 bales 8 and 9 quarter Blankets, 50 pair fine Bed Blankets. Satinetts, Ginghams, De Lanes, Silk Handkerchiefs, Cot ton Hose, (white and black.) Stocks* Suspenders. Flannels. Linens. Shawls, Bleached Goods, Drillings. Cotton Handkfs Cotton Osnabutgs and Yarns.Spool Thread,with numerous other articles. S IOES. 15 boxea Russet Brogans, good quality. 12 do Black do. do. do. 10 do Kip do do. do. 3 do Men’. Calf Skin Shoes, 4 do Boys Russet Shoes, 2 do Buys Black Shoes, 9 do Boys and Children's Kip Shoes, do Ladies Shoes of every description, do Boots. * I’J SJH / U.VJ I?LL’ HAT AND CAP * 15 Macon, Sept 17, 1644. 6m NEW STORE. WINSIIIP & POPE, A RE now opening a general ind complete stock of Goods in Macon, (Cotton Avenue,) Consisting of plb and oonesTIC DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, JUtS and Caps, Hard-Ware and Cutlery, Drugs and Medi cines Paints and Oils. Glass and Putty, Crockery and Glass-Ware, Mill and Cross cut Saws, Blacksmith’s Tools. Baeging and Hope, Salt, Iron and Steel, Blankets. Kerseys, .Satinets, Ac. A splendid lot of Saddles, and a general as- aortment of ladies and gentleman's Shoes and Boots, latest style. Bridle, Harness, Upper and Sole patent Leather. Beat apple Vinegar. ALS0 A supply of Negro Shore made at Forsyth by I. Win- ship, all of which ia offered to the public very cheap lor CASH They will also Manufacture all kinds of Saddles. Bridles,and Harness, Trunks, Collars, Carpet Bags, Whips Ac. 03" Repa'.hino done at the shortest notice. N. B. The highest market price will be paid for HIDES, Tallow ,J sxkswax. aac WI!i9Hlp WILLIAM M. POPE. 52 52 Cept. 24, 1844. FRESH GARDEIV SEEDS. A OBtfUEBAL assortment of WARRANTED Fresh Gardes Heeds, with direction:! for planting accompany, ing each paper. Merchants and others supplied in suita ble quantities, For sale by J. H. A W. 8. ELLIS, Oct 29. 1S44, 5 Colton Avenue, Maroa Fashionable Arrival# J A E. SAUL8BURY. will ’pen this day, a superio . et of FRENCH CLOTHS, FANCY CA&SI- MERES A VESTINGS, direct from the French market via New York, which they will sell very low for cash. Sept 17,1814. 51 ESTABLISHMENT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. I. SHEPARD, Is receiving weekly additions in his hitherto splendid atock of HATS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY. He is now prepared to offer kahk inducements to city and country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled by no Hal Establishment in the State, he wiil afford his Goods atfls/oic/or PERHAPS lower prices. Every style ot HATS AND CATS tnmy be found at lus Store. AMONG THEM— Fashionable, Medium, and Broad Brim Bearer, Nutria, Ctuvimer, Russia, ?lole-8Uin Angolia, and Milk Hats. ALSO, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTING OF Oiler, Shetland Mcnl, iVnlria, nod Mualirnl. ALSO. Men's and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Do do Hair Seal do Do do Sealette do Do do Glazed do Gentlemen’s Navy Caps; A LARGE LOT OF men’s and Boys’ Black and I>rnb Mportiug flats £ Together with an extensive Stock of men’s and Boys’ Black and Brab WOOL HATS, Ac. lO* The attention of those in want of any article, in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Street, a few doors above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Wlti ting A Mix. ■VCTKTi».IWTrjE:JC». Otter, tlink. and Itaccoon Skins, for which the Cash will be paid. Macon. Jan 30, 1844 18 GEO. I. SHEPARD. fl IT ^LJ erall 5*111 be in WIIITIiVG & MIX ESPKCTFUXYinvite the attention of their friends and the public gen erally, to their stock of BOOTS and SHOES' to which weekly additions will be made during the season. Our assoil- mcnl embraces the following descriptions: 2000 pairs Men’s best black Brogans, 3000 14 Men ssecciid rate black Brogans, 1500 44 Men’s best russet Brogans, Men’s second rate russet Brogans. Men's best double sole black Brogans, Boy’s bestblack and russet Brogans, Youths, u 44 44 44 Men,s best kip Brogans, Men’s second rate kip Brogans, Men’s best double sole calf & kip Brogans, Boy’sbestkip Brogans, Youths* best kip Brogans, Ladies leather and seal Brogans, Ladies’ leather and seal Shoes, Ladies calf Brogans, 20 cases Men’s thick and kip Boots, 8 44 Boy,s thick and kip Boots, 5 •• Youths’ thick and kip Boots, 100 paires Gents' fine French calf Boots. 75 *• Gents' inidling fine French calf Boots, 100 44 Gents, double sole calf Bools. 100 * 4 Gents, stout sole calf Boots, 3 cases Gents’ and Ladies' India Rubber Over Shoes Also, A general assortment of Ladies, Misses and Children’s Leather, Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes of all kinds and qualities* Ladies. Misses and Children's Gaiters and half Gaiters, thick and thin soles of all discretions, all of which will be sold a* th? IrrWCSt possible ••rices. Also C a i f 3 it ins, Sole Leather. Tiire«<i, Pegs of all rizes Boots made and repaired -n the best possible manner. Macon. Oct. 15 1844 3 WHOLESALE Ail If RETAIL. 700 1000 1200 300 1000 COO 300 500 800 1200 300 300 GEORGE A. KIMBEkLY, R ESPECTFULLY informs his old customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrated Mat. .f.i :■ ry of JuHN 111’NT A Co., a very extensive assortment ol HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among his assoruneu may be found 10 doz. fashionable Beaver Hala, 20 doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Iiuts 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. One Isundred dozen Broad Brin Beaver, JYutria and Russia warranted more durable han any Hats ever sold in M aeon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children's Hats, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Spotting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 doz. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 dez. Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps, ALSO. 200 doz. men’s and Boys’ Black and Drab WOOL HATS. All of which will be sold ior Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Puich.iser# are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of the "JUG HAT," Mulberry Street. Beaver. Oiler, Mink, & Coon Skins, ll'.I.VTEII, for which the cash will be paid. Macor. Oct 17,1613. 3 Fall stock ot' Boots and Shoes TIIHE subscribers have just received _1_ and are now receiving a large and i well selected stock of Bouts and Shoes, consisting in part of the following de- scriptions, viz: 5000 Pair men’s best Black and Russett Brogans. 3000 44 44 second quality, dodo 1000 41 44 double sole. do do 700 44 44 Iron tacked, do do 3500 44 Boy’s be6t black and Russett brogana, 500 44 Youth’s do do 1200 44 Men’s Kip brogans, 500 44 do iJo double sole brogans, 700 4 ‘ Boys do brogans 500 44 Youth’s do do 1200 44 Men’s Kip brogans, 500 44 do do double sole brogans, 700 *• Boys do brogans, 500 M Youth’s do do 600 44 Men’s calf, sewed and pegged brogans, 300 *• do do do do double sole, 500 44 Boy’s do do do brogans, 300 44 Youth’s do do do 1000 * 4 Women's Calf and Kip pegged Bootees, 600 44 do _d° _ ao Shoes, NEW DRUG STORE. T HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he is uow receiving an extensive assortment of Drugs, Medical preparations. Paints, Oils. Dyestuffs, Pa* tent Medicines, and Perfumery. The articles have been laid in on the most advantageous terms; are of the best •quality, as he is determined to vend no other; and will be sold, wholesale or retail, lor cash or satisfactory town accep tances. on the lowest terms tnat can be afforded in this sec tion of the country. Physicians, Country Merchants, aut_ others, are invited tocafl and /udge for themselves. JAMES W. BAILEY. Kj* His Store is two doors above Boardinas’s Book aud Stationary Establishment, Mulberry street, Macon, taa. Musk,Blue Mas* Horehound Otto Rose Isinglass 8ponge, Maca Annato, Copperas Borax, Nutg alls Rosin Oil Almonds 11 Annisede 11 Burgamotl 44 Cajiput 44 Cassia 44 Cloves 44 Caraway 44 Onganum 44 Anuios 4 -Juniper 44 Lavender 4 * Jessamine 44 Fennel 44 Saviue fresh 44 Gold wood 44 Worinseed 44 double Tansey 44 Peppermint 44 Spearmint 44 Tansey pure 44 Cedrat 4 Croton. “ flag* •• Pulegi •* Barsafrat •* Orange 11 Cedar “ Black Pepp# “ Hemlock ** Spruce " Camharide* •• Tar “ Copavai “ Amber red “ “ com "Seneca “ Rhodium “ Nerole “ Camomile u Valerian • Cubebs • Wormwood * Nutmegs “ Anniseed Spatalas assorted Syringes ,, Trusses “ Brushes “ Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes White Wash do No J. 2,3 Bot Brushes No 1,2, 3 Flesh do No 1, 2,3 Cloth Brushes, fancy from No 1 to 12 Blacking Brushes assorted Bristol Brick Sheep Skins, exiraFrench No 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina “ French 11 German “ American Extract Milliflore. Lip Salve Otto of Rose* Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salts ToiletPowder Vegetable Rouge Vinegar Aromatic Eye Water Godfrey’s Cordial Hayes Linament Harlem Oil Itch Oointment Funnels Wedgwood from No l to 5 Galley Pols assorted Mortars from 1 inch to 12 .Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated from 1 inch to 12 Polishing Clay- Putty Knives Apoth's. Scales and Weights Wieking for Lamps Extraoc Roses Essence of Tyre Florida W ater Freckle Wash Hair Oil "Ward’, Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian Dye Kaphalia Orange Flower\/ater . 33 Sulphate Quinine do Morphine Acet. Morphine. Court Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda Senna Alex Cavenne African Indigo Spanish Float Caraway Seed Anodyne Hoflamont Aqua Fort ia Juniper Berries Bees Wax Charcoal Pulv. Corks Velvet Calomel Eng, Calomel Am. Croton Tigiituo Gum Arabic Gamboge Blue Stone Salts of Tartar Extract Jalap do Lemon, for piee, sauces, Ac.,a new and very conve nient article Extract Valerian — Acco/uta “ Buchu coinpd “ Pink Root Fluid “ Augustura “ Hardback “ Lettuce M W AM u Cort Pern compd • Bark Precipitated u Nux Vomica " Rhubarb ** Gentian ? Ratariia “ Dandelion “ Colocynth pure “ " compound “ Balsam Copavia .** Hyoacamua “ Ctcuta “ Stramonium " Belladonna " Boncset Butternut " Glycopt “ “ refd Eng. “ Sarsaparilla Herbs Horehound “ Cleavers " Catnip ThoiougUwort " Cicuta ‘ Marsh Melon " C >1 foot “ Pary.ey “ Spearmint “ S-urvey Gjjasa “ Hvezeamous “ Wormwood ** Double Tansey “ Hyssop “ Horse Radish " Bitter Sweet " Lemon “ Sweet Mrajoram “ Motherwort “ Penneroyal " Sage Cantharides Fly Stone Co'locyiuli Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratriue Shychonine Digitalis Creta prept Irish Moss Oxalic Acid Cetric do Prussic do Tartaricdo Opium Pepperine. Uva Ursa Sage.Syrenges Honey, Squill. Mezerian Hemlock Hops Saffron Evicuma Nutmegs Wafers Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allum Fig Blue Brimstone Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Soo, Rhubarb Emetine Macon. May 14.1844. BAILEY’S Hilit9«*y Shaving: Cream. T HE gncil take pleasure in certifying that they h*r« use<l the Military fihaving Soap, prepared by Mr. William Dailey, Druggist, Brooklyn, New York, and for sale by Mr James W. Bailey, Druggist of this place. It is certainly the finest and most pleasant compound that we have ever used ; leaving the skin after the operation of shaving, smooth and soft, and rendering the act truly a pleasure rather than a task. All who shave themselves and desire comfort in the act, we recommend to them Baile^’i Military Shaving boap. 8AMUEL R. BLAKE. JOHN DARBY. N. C. MUNROE. JOHN LAMAR. Dr. JAMES WOOD. N. ELLS. WILLIAM 8COTT. Macon, July 9, 1844. 41 Received this Hay, CASKS Potash, for sale by July 16, 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY. 35 Cases men’s thick and Kip Boots, Boy’s do do do Men’s Calf Nell ar.d half Nell Boots, Boy’s do do do do do do. Men's d'ble. sole Calf, Peg’d. water proof Boot, do do do do tewed do do do do Stout Calf sewed Boots, Gents, fine light Calf, sewed Boots, Trunks, do do do do do Philadelp’a Boots, 4 do Gents, and ladies patent India Rubber over Shes. AL'O. A general assortment oT Ladie’a, Misses’ and Children a leather, kid, and morocco walking rfioea and slip# of a ll descriptions and qualities.—Ladies'- Misses .and children . black and colored and foxed cloth buskins; all of which will be offered on the most reosonsble terms. We invite all that w sh to purchase, to give us a call and we will endea vor to suit both in price and (jnality. Also,—Kept constantly on hand, SOLE LEATHER, CALF LINING AND BINDING SKINS. t-ASTS, THREAD, SHOE PEGS, and all other articles used in manufacturing Boon aud Shots. B STRONG* WOOD, At the old stand, sign of the Big Boot,rry Macon, Sept. 24. Sand’s Sarsaparilla, F OR purifying the blood, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16. 1844. 42 Oldridgre’s Balm, O F Columbia, for restoring the hair, for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. July 16, 1844. 42 Hay’s Liniment, ^ CERTAIN cure for the Pile#,for sale by July 16, 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY, Bailey’s Sarsaparilla, RE for all disorders arising from a bad stato of A CURE ‘ V- the blood, for sale at July 16, 1844, JAMES W. BAILEY'S. 42 For Sale at Bailey’s Drag: Store, 1 AO boxes Window Glass. 300 kegs White Lead, JLUU 300 gallons Linseed Oil,5 bbls. Spirit Turpentinu, 2 bbla. Copal Varnish, 1 do, Japau do. ALSO, 300 gallops Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Train Oil, 100 gallons Neaisfuot Oil. May 14. 1844, 33_ Wanted, 1 AAA LBS. Bee’s Wax. by .UUU JAMES W. BAILEY, Drugcist, May 14 Two doors above Boardinan’s Book Store Congress and Saratoga Water, J UdT received, and for sale by July 16, 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist. 42 Swcedish Leeches, JUST received from New York, and for sale by July 16. 1844. JAMES W. BAILEY, Druggist. Received this Day, A LARGE lot of fancy Soaps, Cologne Water, and a general assortment of fancy articles, and for sale by JAMES W. BAILEY. Jaly 16, 1844, 49 DRUGS. IflEDICIALS, Ac. Ta Fhtfttrims aud FUmters s T HE subscriber is now receiving every week, fresh sup plies of MEDICINES, which are very carefully se lected for him iu the Northern markets; and having adopt ed the CASH SYSTEM entirely, is enabled to sell at very reduced prices. Physicians and others, having opportuni ties of sending to him, may rely upon having their orders ex ecuted upon the most favorable terms. The quality of the articles will be the very best, and the price# as low as if they atteuded personally to the purchase of them. HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner 4>ppos.te the Central Hotel. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY II. SIIOTWfiLL, B ALM of Columbia, for Restoring the Hair ; Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for Ague and Fever ; Bristol’s Sarsaparilla, for Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, aud for all impurities of the blood ; Evans’ Chamomile Pills, far Nervous Debility, Sick Headache and loss of appetite ; Soothing Syrup, for Children Teething; Hews’ Nerve and Bone Linament, a certain remedy for Rheumatism; Ma cassar Oil, celebrated for beautifying and preserving the Hair; Thompson’s Eye-Water; Scudder’s Eye-Water; Bcudder's A^oustib Oil, for Deafness; Erasive Powder, for removing siaine, grease. Ac., from Dresses; Corral Tooth Powder, in Boxes; Roussell’s Shaving Cream, a ve ry superior article; Lee's Pills ; Bear’s Oil; Corn Salve; Phelps’ Tomatto Pills; Solidified Copaiva ; Extract Buch er; Ewens’s Patent Spread Plasters; Cooper’s Cora Salve ; Seidlitz Powders, pure; Soda Powders ; Yeast Pow ders, u» Kiake Light Cakes or Bread, instautaneous. June 4, 1844. 36 SniiA'aniT Tobacco. M ACABOY, Scotch, and American Gentleman Snuff, of superior quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Just received and lor sale by H. SHOTWELL. June 4, 1844. 36 Uralliglian’s rill*. A FEW dozen Gallighan’s Fills, an infallible remedy for Chills and Fever, just received and for sale by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. DR. B#OX H AS resumed the exercise of his professimt, end will hereafter devote all his attention to the cases entrus ted to his care. Macon, Oct. 2£. 1844. £ JAMES N. KING, Attorney at Law, Macon, Ga. Office over Commercial Bank. JOSEFH B. CLAPP, Attorney at JLaw, ViilN-NA, Dooly county, May 10 32 Qcorg'»- POPU ifc CLOPTON; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TU3KEGEE,. ALABAMA, W ILL hereafter attend the Courts of Macon, Pike. Barbour. Russell. Chambers, Taliapoori. Montg^.a- ery and Lowndes counties. They will also attend the Su preme Court of the J^tate. Communications addressed to them at Tuskegee, will re ceive prompt attention. J an. 14—16—tf. WASHINGTON HALL, IJIACOJU GEORGIA. T HE subscriber has agaitnokenthis Esla6 linhmenl, where he will always be hap pv to attend to the calls of his old customers, and the travellingpublic generally. Macon, June 20 38 S LANIER. MARIETTA HOTEL, Cobb County, GEORGIA. rilHE undersigned have taken this spacious Hotel, for- 1 merl v kept by Bknsom Roberts. ISsq.. and are now ready for the reception of Travellers and Families visiting the up-country. The subscribers pledge themselves to use every exertior for tbe comfort of their patrons. THOMAS B. DANIEL. JEREMIAH LEAK. Marietta, Jan. 1,1814. 21 i\’ett Shirts aud Drawers. good assortment of Merino Lambs J UST Received Wool, and Cotton Nett Shirt Macon. Oct 22. nd Drawers. GEORGE W. FRICK. HE Subscribers are now receiving a general issort- ment of staple ami fancy DIIY-GOODS. of me latest style and patterns, which they offerfor sale atfair prices, in Lamp Oil. BEAUTIFUL article of Bleached Sperm Oil, for sale by Mav 14 HARVEY SHOTWELL. Carpenters’# and Sands’ Sarsa parilla, F OR sale at tbe proprietors’ prices, by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. ITIaflatt’s Fills and Bitters, F OR sale at the proprietor’s prices, by HARVEY SHOTWELL. . May 14 33 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. JLinsecd Oil and Train Oil, F OR sale low by HARVEY SHOTWELL, May 14 Corner opposite the Central Hotel. Sal Fratus, O F superior quality, just received and for sale by May 14 HARVEY SHOTWELL. Potash) F IRST quality, for sale low by May 14 33 HARVEY SHOTWELL. WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Business. GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. T AKE this methtAl of informing planters and others, ih# in addition to their wholesale and retail DRY-KOODS AND C-KOC LKY BYSKNEgS, they will continue to transact a general WARE-HOUSE a.vd COMMISSION BUSINESS, at the old stand. (long known as Graves* Corner.) on the corner of second street and Commerce Row, and would respectfully renew the tender of their services to their planting friends, and others, with the assurance, that those who may patronize us in this line of business, shall have our best endeavors to do them ustice and promote their interest. Our Ware-House is conveniently situated > and Cotton stored with us, shall be well taken care of, and protected from the weather. We will also assist with pleasure, our friends in selling their Colton, and without charge ; and we are at all times pre pared to make advances on the same ia Cash or Merchan dize. r We respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage of tht public. GRAVES, WOOD, CO, Edwi*j Grayzs,^ Thomas Wood, > J- M. Kibbjce. } Macon, September 24, 3844. Fire Insurance. CAPITAL $300,00(1. T HE New York Contrihutionship Fire Insurance Company, having established an Agency in Macon, will Insure Buildings, Merchandize, Household Furniture and everv description of Property, against loss or Dam. a<re by Fire. BOND be. MURDOCK, Agents. °Macon, April 30,1344. 31 ly Notice. A LL persons having claims against B. 8. Newcomb, or B. 3. Newcomb A Co. are requested to^present them for settlement; and all indebied, will save themselves trou ble and expenses, by paying without we having recourse O tbe services of an attorney. ’ Mav 20.1844. 34 B. 8. NEWCOMB be CO. Prime Geese Feathers. 1000 LBS. just received anu Inr sale bv GRAVES. WOOD A CO. Aoril 30 1844 31 Exchange on i\ew-York, OR sale by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 1 F 100,000 by Macon. Sept 10, 1844. J. A. RALSTON. 50 Gun-Powder. rtf? KEGS Sporting A iWtF15do Shot-gun^ 10 do July 30 Shot-gun S POWDHR, Blasting S For sale by 44 BOND A MURDOCK. Shot and Led. Wf BAG3 Shot, assorted sizes, i O; l 300 lbs. Lead, for sale by July 30 44 BOND A MURDOCK. ALBERT G. BUTTS, WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Merchant, HA CO.-;', Geargia. H AS constantly on hand n large supply of BAGGING ROPE, BLANKETS, SHOE&. GROCERIES DRY GOODS, Ac. and will continue to supply bis cus lomers at the lowest prices. Macon, Sept. 24, 1844. 52 Attention ! Attention !! Just Deceived, At the Macon Saddle, and Harness DEPOSITORY. A LARGE lot ol LADIES’ SADDLES, of every de- scription; Plain, Fancy, Velvet, Plush, Hog Skin, Kved Stitched, &c.,for sale eheap. Alto, a splendid lot of BRIDLES, wholesale and retail 1 , at Northern Manufacturing prices —$500 worth of Whips, direct from Soppa. Harness Leather, Bridle Leather Waj -gon Hames. Troce Chains. [Jj- Highest CASH prices paid for Leopard. Skins. Dee. 3. 1844. 10 Just Received, O N Second street, a fresh supply of Fren ch Calf Boots superior article. Also, Ladies’ Shoes^ ol various kinds July 2 40 WHITING & MIX. Cloaksl Cloaks!! L ADIES’ and Gentlemen’s Cloth Cloaks, of the latest styles, just received by NEW GoODS, new goods. T 1 ,tyle brick building one door l roin Washington Hall. Sept 25 52 GEO. W. PRICE A CO. Just ISeceived. f-pk/Y LBS. pure Blue Vitriol, for soaking seed Wheat. OOU to protect it from blast or smut, which it will ef fectually do in all ca3cs where the pure article is u-ed. HARVEY SHOTWELL. Opposite Central Hotel. Oct 1, 1844. 1 Hoots and Shoes. O UR stock is now complete and very extensive, com- prising ev*»rv style and pattern. A fine asioriuiool o LADIES’ SHOES and SLIPPERS. Give us a call if vou wish bargains. WINSHIP fc POPE. Macon,October 29, 1844. 5 BACON! BACOY!! . superior Georgia Cured BACON— 3, Shoulders, aud Sides, for sale bv May 01 34 RE DDIXG A WHITE HE Al>. 25.000 iS MORRISON'S Vegetable Universal Itledi'.Jnes, OR sale by GEO. W. PRICE A CO F ( Mav 5 nr It. R. W\lStd\'ER, (AT PRIVATE S-VLE.) gy fWAfl LUS. prime Hams and Shoulder*, bow ia OjUUU Store. Macon, Oct 1, 1844.1^ COWLES’ CISEESE. BOXES Solomon Cowles’ Superior Creera ODD Cheese, receiving and for sale by COWLES, NtcOLL A CO. East Macon, Oct 8, 1844. 2 Paints and Oils. fws~vs"| KEGS Nos.l and 2 White Lead, ODD 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety »f Colors for Painters’use. for ale by July 6 40 CIIAS. CAMPBELL A CO Bargains • Bargains !! IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Pairs ?ood Negro Brogana, at Manufacturer* J cost and expenses. 4,000 Pairs good Kip Brogans, do do do Also, a general assortment of BOOTS & 3IIOES, whi*k will be offered low—Call and st*e. STRONG * WOOD. Nor. 22. 7 J. & E. SAULSBURY. Over Coats. A LARGE assortment or Over Coats, of various quali ties. Just received by Oct 29. J. A E. SAULSBURY. Business Coats. E NGLI8I1 WaterProof Faced. Ware, Beaver and Fancy Cassimere. Just received by Oct 29, 5 J. A E. SAULSBURY. Under Sh’rts. |^4HAKER, Latnos Wool, Nett and Spun Silk Shirts Just received by Oct 29, 5 J. A E. SAULSBURY. To Fanners; J AM prepared to sell great bargains in INVjfro Shoes, (llothr and Blnukrta. Give me a call before sup- plying yourselves, and 1 will be sure to suit you in price and quality. JOSEPH N. SEYMOUR. Oct.ber 1, 1844. 1 rrUE undersi i street, a fev Black-Smith Tools, F OR sale of good quality, by J. N. SEYMOUR. Oct 1, 1844. 1 GEO. I. S IIEP ARB, H AS Just received an extensive assortment of HATS and CAPS, of the latest Fashion, to which the aaeu- tion of his friends and the public generally, is invited. Be ing perfectly confident that liisfacilities for obtaining fresh supplies, weekly, will enable him to sell as low as any oth er establishment in tbe State, Wholesale or retail. OcL 8.1844. 2 Just Received, at G.W. & E. WOODRIFF’S, A LARGE assortment of new and fashionable STA PLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, consisting of a great variety of the latest patterns for ladies dresses.— Also all kinds of goods usually kept in our line. All of which will be offered at a small advance from cost. Macon. Sept. 24, 1844. Emporium ol* Fashion. T HE undersigned, respectfully announce that tfiey have resumed the TAILORING BUSINESS, under the management of Mr. Mfc.VAkD, late of the City of New York, who haa for a number of years, bad charge of one of tbe most fashionable Houses in Broadway; ana whose rep utation ia bucIi as to authorize the belief that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage. J. «k E. SAULSBURY. 8ept 17. 1844. 51 H. .i J. COWLES, H AVE removed to the Brick Store, on Cotton Avenue, one door below the Telegraph Office, where they are now opening a general assortment of Groceries, Shoes, Hardware &c. together with a stock of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, all of which will be sold low for CASH. Our usual supply of CHEESE kept constantly on hand. Macon, Oct 22, 1844. 4 GRAVES, WOOD & CO. R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of Merchants and Planters to iheir stock of V S1IOIC9, to which weekly additions will be made during the season. Our assortment embraces the following descriptions : 1500 pair heavy black Brogans, 1200 44 44 rustet do. 1500 44 44 lined and bound Kip Brogans, 1000 4 * high and low quarter Brogans, 1200 44 \voinen’s and Mis?es’ Morocco, Kid, Seal and Gambroon Buskins, Slippers and Ties, 600 pair Men’s Calf and Seal Brogans, 200 * 4 do. do. do. Pumps, 300 44 Youths* and Bovs’ Calf and Kip Brogans* 200 44 Children’s Leather Shoes, 10 cases Calf, 3eal and heavy Boots. Macon, August 20, 1844. J & E. 8AUL8BURY, have received, and are now t opening a variety of articles, such as Glove*, Scarf*, Crarais, Ties, Stocks, Handkerchief*, Saspeuder*, Ac. Ac. Comprising the most desirable apartment of such articles ever offered in this market. Oct 29. 5 To Rent. T HE middle part of tbe Store now occu pied by the subscriber, suitable for a Milliuary- or Tailoring establishment, as also a part of the tenement above. Possession giv- > en by the first of October next. Applv to M. S. THOMSON. August 21, 1844. 48 “ TORRENT. P OSSESSION given immediately. The whole of the upper part of that building on the corner of Mulberry and Third streets, opposite tbe Floyd House. It is well situated and suited for a Boarding House, and will be rent ed for that purpose if applied for soon, if not, it will be divided and rented aocordingly. Apply to M. S. THOMSON. Macon, Oct. 8, 1844. 2^ The Celebrated iWiiscovitus REMOVAL. jned have removed to the Btore on ie*cnd v doors south of th* Washington Hall,and adjoining the Messenger Odiee * where they are receiving a lage and general stock cf Staple and Fancy Brv-Gocids, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, SHOES, BOOTS, Ac. All of which will be sold at unusual.y low prices, bv the piece or otherwise. Purchasers are invited to call and ex amine for themselves. 3. J* HAY & CO. Macon, Oct. 8,1844. 2. allacon Iron A’ Brass Foundry ATVB MACHINE SHOP. M ILL and Gin Geering, Steam Engine Work, Iron and Brass Castings of every description, made to order,and Machine Work in General, corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets. (G 3 The highestpriceswillbe paid for Ot«f Coppei, Brnw, Lead, and i a^i Iron. Jan 31 17 liOBT. FINDLAY. fashionable iiats, AT Tin: NEW HAT AND UAP STORK. f J1HK subscriber has received the SPUING JL FASHION for Hats, the finest and light est article ever offered in this market. Also, Panama, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Drab Beaver, Otter, Russia, and Pearl Casaiuier—broad brim ar.d fashionable. All of which will be sold low for CASH. GEO. L SHKPAUD. Macon, May 7, 181 L 32 CLOTSIOG store, (Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall.) PHILIPS, MERRITT, & CO. JJAVE recently received and will continue to receive /eekl}',during the b a full assortment of ileadv-mad season, fiom the North, Will cure tbe most inveterate Tooth-Ache in TWO MINUTES. rpHEY will also preserve the decayed teeth for the I future, aud remove the Scurvy, and Tartar, without the uae of an instrument. For sale by A J. ELDER, Agent. At H. C. Freeman’s Store. Macon, Oct. 12.1944. 3tf fOTASH, J^EPT constantly on haud by J. N. SEYMOUR Oet. 1. 1644 Choice Canal Flour. 4 FRESH aupplv just received and foreale by THOMAS TAYLOR, July S 40 On Cotton Avenue and Seeond et. Ready Made Clothing:. —AT— NEIV YORK COST! !! mHE subscribers will close off the remaining portion of JL their stock of CLOTHING, consisting in part of Beaver Flushing and Blanket Overcoats, Superior Cloth Cloaks v Tweeds Coats, Black Dress and Frock Coats. Satin, Wool, Velvet and fancy Vests, Pants, Stocks, Scarfs, Cravats, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. Ac. at New York Cost 111 Call and see SAM’L. J. RAY, A Co. Macon, Nov. 12.1844. 7 C. Campbell & Co. A T theirold stand, opposite the Washington Hall, offer for sale at the lowest current prices for cash, 75 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 250 Pieces do Kentucky do. 100 do do Rusia do. 50 do do Dundee do. 1500 pounds good Bagging Twine, 300 coils Manilla Rope, 100 do Kentucky do. 1500 Sacks Salt, 20 Tons Swedes Iron, 25 Hhds. St. Croix and Muscovado Sugar, - 250 Bags Rio, Laguira, and Java Coffee. Witk a general assortment of Blankets, Shoes, Staple Dry Goods, See. Sept 17, 16U. 61 LAGRANGE HIGH SCHOOL T HE Exercises of thi# Institution will be resumed on Monday, the 13th of January, under the instruction of Mr. J. H. Fittxn, as Principal, assisted by Mr. Sylta- KV3 Batis, a graduate of Middlebury College, and a gen tleman of high character, and several years experience as a teacher. The patrons and friends of this institution may be fuliy assured that no injury will be sustained by this change in instructors. N. N. SMITH, Sec. Board. From an intimate knowledge of Mr. Fitten’s character and qualifications, we can confidently recommend him to the public, as a firm disciplinarian, a thorough scholar, and a teacher of eminent ability. Tbe Messenger will please copy six times and send their account to this office for collection. Janaary 14—6t C. P. BEMAN. O. B. ARNOLD. CLOTHMG, manufactured expresslvRor them, together with a large as sortment of Shirts, I'udcr-SbirtH, Scarfs, Hosiery, Umbrel la*, Jkc. Also on hand and receiving, a fine assortment of CLOTHS, LASSIMRES AND VESTINGS, Of French, English and American Manufacture, embra cing the latest and most CHOICE PATTERNS, which they are prepared to make to order according to fashion or the particular taste of then- patrons. Particular attention given to the making and trimming of garments entrusted to their care, by gentlemen purchaaing their own materials at price* to suit the time*. M con, Nov. 19, 1844. 8 ATTENTI O.Y I Look at this. The cheapest and most fashionable Dry and Fancy Goods ever offered in Macon. mHE subscriber is now opening at his Stoie on COT-~ JL TON AVENUE,next to Mr. Barnes' Book Store, the following new Goods, which will be sold cither at WHOLE SALE or RETAIL : 800 Yards Cashmere d’Ecoss of the latest pa’terns, som® of them Pompadour style from the latestexhibition of l* aria, at 37$ certs per yard. 1500 Yards Mousliae de Laine, latest patter*, at 20 cant*' per yard. 500 Yards Superior Chusnns,latest patterns, at 31 cent' 3 per yard. 500 Yards superior figured \ civet for Ladie’a dresseaf? 37$ cent*. 400 Yards 6-4 figured Aoliennea, 31 cents. 400 Yards 6 4 super Aiepeno, (all wool and silk.) 1500 Yards 6 4 figured and plain Alpaccae, of all color*,' 8.^37$ cents. 800 Yards 6-4 Parameto Cloth for Ladies’ Dre*sc* and' Cloaks at 75 cents per yard. 12000 Yards Calicoes, from 61 cents up. A gre at variety of Shawls, among which will be found the late Cashmere style, from 25 cents up to $8 00, il»* piece. Also a large assortment o- Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts ; new st\le Bonnet and Cap Ribbons ; super Tuscan' Bonnets. Artificial Flowers and Tabs; Thread and Lisle- Laces ; a large assortment of Gimp at cents per yard; embioidered Muslin Collar* and Cepes, Muslin' Edgings and Jnsertings figured and plain Sitk Velvet; 25 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, plain corded, hem* 8tiched and a la riviere with embroidery from 20cent* up. —ALSO— Super Broad Cloths, Vestings. Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Flannels, Blankets. Gentlemen’s surer La mu’* Wool Shirts and Drawers; Silk and Cashmere Scarfs, Linen Shirts, ; Gentlemen’s Buck Kid, SiJk. and Chasb- mere Gloves ; also, white and brown Homespuns, from 10 yards per dolbr up ; Irish Linen, J>iaper, 12-4 Linen Da mask Table-cloth*. Boots, Shoe^/Hat*, Caps, and a full assortment of Trimmings. ^ . (£/* The subscriber will receive from his house ih Phia-‘ delphia throughout the winter, fresh supplies of such good* as may be fouud most desirable, and hopes to meet with the patronage of the public, J. H. DESSAU. Cotton Avenue. Macon, and No. 96 North 3d Street, PhiiUdelphia. P. S.—Sto-e keepers aud PcJler* will find it to their in- terest to give me a call. Macon 5o e , 13, 1844. 1 ’•