Newspaper Page Text
. .
Jo»t receive,1 at the I
Music Depot of tlie sub- 1
tot tbs ptperin advance, per annum, 82 50.
'sotpsid >0 advance 83 oe.
u cimui me 'ecu vfv. ; , ; . - ■ ■ ■
SjMpordtarmitiimrd, except at Ilia option of the I ? 5» 4ir **T or ' V*»* T rUtrf ?g »o *rticlB 0 n which
S, V»ta .1! arrearage. iro paid. ! $25? Jo £ el1 ,0 •»« *»<» **•*»!»• t
fr^paid nntil the end of the year $3 50,
g, sapor discontinued, except at the -* J —
fiblisoer,until all arrearages arc paid.
teriben, Iroro the celehratcl manufacturers, J. Chick- I
i ering, Nuuoa & Clark, A. H. Gale A Co., a variety of !
; the latest styles of PI A NO FORTES. The rep j
i utntmu of these instruments is such, that it would be 1
: superfluous for us jo comment upon their merits, dia- f
| interested and competent judges have long since ren- !
dered their verdict, and hiehest encomioms of praise :
’ tdtertiiors by tho year will bo contracted
liUftl tsrra*. it being expressly undeistood that con-
uSiUwulj advertising, relate only to tb
ugitncife business of the individual
M legitimate
idrartisements not specified astotirao.witlbepnb-
lishsd mail forbid and charged accordingly.
" Mir.Hi'GES and Obituary Notices exceeding ten
nirM. Will lie charged as advertisements.
b. Sties of Lands,by Administrators, Ex-
ecators or Guardian*. are required by law. to bo bold
on the first Toesday in the month, between the hours
el 10 is the forenoon, ami 3 in the afternoon, at the
rjj flir-iT ! ~ **** County in which thr-Land is situ-
Notices of these sales must be given in a public
ntette iutt Dt»s previous to the day of sale.
Salon of Nxoaoss must be made st s public auction
■a the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual
hosts of sale, at tho place of public sales iu the county
•hsrstbe Letters Testamentary, of Administration
or OsardisHthip, may have been granted, first giving
tilTT DATS notice thereof,in one of the public gazettes
Irthis State, and at the door ofthe Court House, whore
sorb sales are to be held.
gatke for the sale of Personal property must be giv-
•a iu like manner ruRTT days previous to the day of
Kacke to the Debtors and creditors of an estate must
U asbliibed fortv days.
jfatioe that application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for leave to tell LAXD.mustbe published for
loon MOUTHS.
Notice for leave to «e)l Neciroks mast be published
jhr rout aosTUi, before any order absolute shall be
■tit thereon by the Cjnrt.
Citations for Letters of Administration, must be
•■UUhodrHiRTT DITS—for diamisa.uafromadminis-
tratko, mantUf six months—for dismission from
fiisrJiseship. *otTT DATS.
gaits for tho foreclosure of Mortgage must be nub-
fished MONTituT for roe u months—for establishing
loit pipers,fur the nu space of THtir.K months—for
nspelliag titles from Executoraor Administrators,
•hers a Bond has been given by the deceased, the
publication* will Rlways be continued according to
tk*«*legal requirements, anless otherwise ordered.
• ’All letter* directed to this Office or the Editors on
foiisess.mast be post paid, to insure attention.
Of every description, executed at the Georgia
Teuua«rH Ottice in good style, on the most rcu-
iwehle terms, and at the ahorteat notice—via s
rt*r»r.CTs, »r.x*K notes, checks.
rsitrt, RECEIPT*.
instruction books, sheet music, Ac. Ac. Sold at New
York pricca for cash.
A splendid assortment of Gold and Silver
N3 WATCHES, Jewelry. Silver and Plated
■'«»'Ynre. l’..tlcry, Pocket B. oka. l’ort Mon-
Spectacles, (gold and silver,)SilvcrComhs, Clocka
Bags. Purses, Guns. Pistols. Ac.
N. B. Particularattention given to repairing Clocks
and \Vatches, and warranted.
J A. & S. 3. VIRGIN.
To ' be A/flic ted.—Received and for sale. Dr.
S. S. Fitch*! Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces
aud Inhaling Tubes. Also. D. .Henning's Body
Sruce, guide to invalids;furnished gratis.
dec < 1G—ly
sotscss cjutns, an.t. HEADS,
IM.-.nos, Watches, Jewelry. dfcc.
i 1 ;~^!*jr?jHM J- A. A S. S. VIRGIN are still on
*f rfTl r ,n ^ to serTe their customers with tho
II J x 11 J above article*. Also, a larger assort
ment of smaller instruments, and fancy articles, which
for the next sixty days they will tell at greatly re
duced prices for cash, rail and see ns, on the Avenue
between White A Cater’s and Bostick A Johns. In
conaequence’of our lata misfortune, we invite all In
debted to ua by noto or account,not to forget us in tbia
onr time of need. J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN,
war 5 29
Floyd House—Macon, Ga.
The subscribers take pleasure to inform the
t'jiiij Citizens jai this city and Travelling Public
AsiULueiierally, that they have leased for atertuof
years, the above well known and commodioui House,
and bcg'tosny that it ia being entirely renovated, and
Fashionable iTIillinary* From the Xorurich Courier.
MILS S.AUDOINE. most respectful- ^ A Tale from Heal Life,
ly invite* tlie attention of the Ladies ivWg/ by h. l. h.
' ofth rci‘rof Macon audita vicinity-Tbe various incidents cranprised in the follow-
to her splendid assortment of irevr »tni fashionable ( . ni r ♦ „
Mllinary, adapted to the Spring and Summer trade. ° , ° w * re . ’ •. la f ^ n,e ’ . ,e ac
! Jnac received and opened, extra fine Lace. Chip, "erafathered hy the xvnto: from one who xy a6 at
Italian,Tulip, Milan, Tyrolese and Albana Hats, of ! lbat l,me residing in the inimediate neighborhood
the lateit style*
Alio, a bcr.atifol assortment of Ribbons. French
flower*, etc-, together with every other article usual
ly k**pt in her line. Allot' which will be *ol<l at unu-
■ually low price*. She respectfully solicits the atten
tiooof purchaser* to her assortment,
aril 2nd—33
New Spring' Good*.
fixer DUES, GOODS, millenart, eon-
UOCKAWAY3. BAROUCHES, BUGGIES Ac. ' *:ukv, tc. Ill ill
FROM J. 31. QUIN BY .J- CO'S. j fTIHE under, igned ha, just received, a largo and
• CUEOBATED MA.NTFACTOBY, ' ^*J. ra J? le * :oc > of Ore,, and MMenary
wvuriuv w r ’ j C, fK> DS ot every description, embraemg all jheuew
Ai. WAUK, n. J. ■ 0 f {] ie season. Her stock in poiut of extent
{^-Repairing in tbe various branches executed in aud variety is not surpassed by any in the city, and
the very best manner, by u full sett of competent me- j will he sold on the most favorable terms. She re-
chanici. All work done at the Establishment cad be i ,pectfully solicit, a call from the Ladies ol the city
depended om Particular mtentiou paid to repairing i and ita vicinity and the public generally:
and consequently possessed a knowledge of tile
whole transaction.
In the year 18M, a Mr. W., of Watertown, Jef-
coue to iiis bouse s >me lime to day, and make a
final settlement.
About II o’clock Mr. IV. arrived at the liouae
of the Judge, and under the pretence of talking
tile matter over iree from interruption, he pro
posed a walk. They iu company with Mr. F.,
left tho house and proceeded across the lots
towards a piece of woods. They Walked on till
they were nearly half a mile from any house, and
li td come to the side of n mudy brook, entirely
hidden from view bv hills and
AKRTiNG A Grnr. Under Aoe.—A case is now
before the New York court, in which an llaliar,
by the name of Camilio Doniiaroinma, is on trial
on* charge of marrying a Miss A inn L», u ; so Corrco,
daughter of John Corrao, of No. t>. Murray street,
in that city. Tile girl, st prcsiit, isunderthe uge
ol fourteen years, and therefore wilhio tlie control
of her parents. The statute law of New York,
prohibits nny such marriage iindor the age of
fourteen veurs ; and for inch offence, on couvic-
more than three
pnsonment in the Stale prison, or one
year in tlie county prison. Or a fine of $1,000. either
of which, at the discretion of l ie court, can he
imposed. The following defence of the accused,
will explain the milure ofthe case:
7"ne P, Uoner', Examination.—On being cl:a
by themngistrat-.thai lie wasatliberty toansv
r, or
Family Carriage*.
feb 19
ments will be elegantly arranged, and nothing will be
left undone to add to the comforts of the occupants.
Uuremitted attention will be paid to all who may fa
vor them with thuir patronage.
Mr. B. the Senior Proprietor.havinghad many year*
experience in the business, fiattera himself, that Ida
former course of conduct •« a auflicieut recommenda
tion to his numerous friends and acquaintances to
claim the liberal support the v have always given him
July 31 -50
R At the old stand of Wm. B. Johnston &
fS J Brother, Mclbekkt Street,fronting Cot-
eloMtfo ton Arentte,
Venter in fine Watches and Jewelry of all kinds
Silver, silver plated and Brittanis Goods
Forcelain Vases. Lamps and Girandoles
Gold Pens in gold and silver cases
Fancy Goods of*H kind.
Fine Guns, Pistols and Gunning equipments
Watch-makers, Dsgacreucypist and Gun-smith's ma
Xlilitary Goods end Trimmings of all kinds
Trimmings for Odd Fellows, Masous aud Sons'of
Temperance Regalias
Walking Canes, a Urge variety
Razors and Razor strops
Pocket Knizes and Table Cotlery
Gentlemens dressing cases and fancy Hardware
“Lcbin’a” geuuioe Extracts, cologne Water, Ac.
Bilk and steel goods for bags and purses
Tea Trays in setts and hy the piece
Port Monies, Money Belts and Pocket Books
Tooth, Hair and Clothes Brashes, Combs, Ac.
Besides, a great many articles toonnmeroas to enu
Ho respectfuly invites the Customers of tho old
Concern, and every one wishing articles in hia line, to
give him a call, feeling confident he will be able to
suit them in the quality and price of hi* goods.
Macon Jany. 8th 1850.
A TTOILNKYS AT LAW. Greenville.Ga.,will
jL attend promptly to all hnsiness that tnsy bein-
trntsl to them iu the counties ofthe Coweta Circuit,
sad also. I* other couutie* adjoining Meriwether, iu
stksr circuits. juiielS * 3 — <7t
4 TTORNKY AT LAW. Hawkinsvili «. Ga.—
J\. Practices in the ae\ erni enuntiea ofthe Southern.
Washington ofthe Middle, Wilkinson of theOcmnl
r«. Houston or the Flint, and Dooly. Sumter. Lee
ss-l Baker of the * utbweatern Circuits, liosineas
entrusted to hi* care will meet with prompt atten-
ban. ry Office at livwkiusvillo.
sept 18 *—>y
4 TTORNKYS AT LAW—Will practice in tlie
Southwestern Circuit, a^ in the county ofileory
William Tatlor, Fbsnci* T. Cullen*,
thithbort. Ilandelph Co. FortGain*. Early Co,
jane 19 . ^
A. & J. ICC Hit AN,
4 TTORXEY8 AT LAW—Irsvinton, Georgia.
A Having associated themselves in the practice of
tin Law. will practice in the coantiei of Wdkinaon
Baldwin, Washington and Bibb, and in all the coon
list of the Southern Circuit.
fob XG
A TTORNEY AT LAW—Tau.aimsags, Fla.—
will ntti-nd to any business entrusted to his care
ia the rouutie* of Middle Florid*, or adjoining coun
ties in Ucorcia. He is pe’iniltud tonfer to the fol-
Inwiag gentlemen in Georgia:
Hit Excellency Gov. Town*. Milledgevtl.e.
Ban. H V. Johnson. Milledcevilie.
H A. L. Atkinson and Sam i J. Hay. E*qi Macon.
•pi 1« . 33
JANIE3.TV. Avr.niN
- V AGENT—Austin Texas—Will attend to the
toUenion of Foreign debts in Tea**. Investigation
»f land titles, obtaining patents, payment of Taxes,
On,I every thing pertaining to a General Agency.
Refer to Dr. Tho*. R. Lamar. Hon. A H. Cbappcll.
a»*l Henry J. Lamar, E*q- of Macon, G*-> Dr. H. P.; H. R. Howard. Esq.. Cnlurn
k*«. (Is., sad Francis D. Clayton, Esq.. Sparta, Go
wn *7 13
rilHR undersigned have associated tltem.elves in
I. the Practice of Late, coder tho firmol GRKSxl*
AM * JONES, and will attend promptly to all pn»-
frtiional bnainevt entrusted to them. Office on Mul
berry attest, oje door above lirorge Jones crockery
sure. el * OJOUO ° JOHN J. GRESHAM,
jtu at 84 JOHN J. JOXKS.
Law Notice,
j H AMES J. SCAB BOROUGH annoonces to his
old friends and the public, that he return* to tlie
practice of the Law, and will attend tho Superior
Coon, of Bihb. Twice*. Hcmstnn. Pulaski. Dooly,
Sumter. Lee. Baker.Thomas and Dqcatur. Office at
S resent st Jeffiaraneville. Twiggs county, but after
'member next will be et Macon. Gn.
fob It 87 J. J. SCAHBOROUGH.
rpHR firmof Wm. H. Bray A eo.. is this dsr dis-
X solved by mutsal consent. Either partner is so-
Chariasd to nae the name of the firm in settlement.
All persons indebted to the old concern, are e aniest-
fy requested to csll and settle forthwith.
Macon, March 9, 31
Copartnership Notice.
T HE subscriber* have this day formed a Copsrt-
I eershlpanderthe firm of BRAY, CARHAltr
A CO. for the transaction ol a gcnoral Ilnrtltvnre,
Tin nnd Copper Ware Bii'iiK*'*.
They win in a few weeks open a complete assort
ment of Hardware. Iron. Noiln and every article per
taining to the bnainesa-, all of which will bo otlered at
the lowest prices. WM H. BRAY.
Washington Hall—Blncon, Gn.
Thi * popular HOTEL ha* passed into the
| V, lii hands of tho undersigned, who have had it
AjCIULtbontughly cleansed and repaired. It has
within the past year, been newly furaiabed through
out, and the sleeping apartments are equal, if not su
perior. to any Hotel in Georgia. The table will be
supplied with the beat the market afford*, and every
possible attention will be shown to those wbo may
favor ua with a calk
The Ladies' Apartment* will be under the personal
superintendence of Mrs. Meaka.
(formerlyofthe American*Hotel. New York, and late
of the Pulaski Houae, Savannah.
L7*Tallahaaiee Stage office is permanently loca
ted at Washington Hall.
fob 19 87—ly
Oregon House—macon, Ga.
jj&ujt The aabaeriber bees leave to an-
Rjiiil nouiH-n to tlie public, that be ha* ta-
L*v?jl kcu tbia well known Houae, formerly
ocrupii-.l by M*j. James M. Cooper. The House is
situated in a pleasant and convenient part of town,
being near the principal cotton market- it ia now no-
dergouig tiiornagh renovation and. being fitted up
with new furniture The table will Resupplied with
thCsst* tent oils vf life, the l*it the market aSiirds,
and no paina will’ ho spared to accommodate those
who are distmsrd to patronise the Oregon House.
His charges will be as moderate as the times will
afford H. P. REDDING,
may 7 38
Indian Springs
This popular Hotel has passed into
r;j![ tho hands of the undaraisned, who is
!*;u having it thoroughly cleansed and re-
paired. He is also having it furnitared throughout.
Wmtcb Rppnirlngr.
jP AND iwri parts made, of the most superior
workmanship and the work warranted; also
Jewelry repaired at short notice by
Macon Jany. 8tb 1650.
The public are respectfully notified, that the fol-
lowing rule will he observed in relation to the trans
portation of negroes.
No negro will be taken in tbe can as a passenger,
unless furnished with a duplicate “pass” from the
owner or persons having lawful control, specifying
that be or sbe boa permission to pass between any
two given stations iu tlie cars of the Macon k West
ern Railroad. One of the passes in be taken by the
conductor, to be placed on file in the office, and oue
to be retained by tbe negro.
When the person giviug the pass is not known to
the officer* »! the company as a responsible party, he
will be required to appear at tbe office, and identify
bimself. as having lawful control ofthe negro bearing
tbe pats.
Persons travelling with negroes, will be required
to leave with the conductor a written permission for
tbe company to transport and, negro over the Hoad.
EMERSON FOOTE, Superintendent.
Macon. February JS. 1850. S3
spl 18 35—ly
Medical Notice.
Dr. Harrison has removed from Eatantou to
the city of Macou. and offers his Services in the
various branches of his profession. Having been
actively engaged for the last ten years in the prac
tice of "Medicine and Surgery, aud long the associate
of Dr. Branham, he will still give it his undivided at
Office near Rea k Cotton's, corner formerly occu
pied by Dr. Gorman, llesidenco next dcorabove A.
H-. Freeman; near Col. Holt's.
IlEfKRKXCEs.—Thomas Hardeman. Dr. W. G. Lit
tle, Rev. W. R. Braulian, Anderson Comer, Jatpes H.
R. Wa«biugton, E. B. Cook, Col. P. S. Holt.
feb 26 28—3m*
J. H. St W. S. ELLIS keep constantly on
hand n general assortment of Drugs and Medi-
___ does. Merchant!. Physicians and Plantera will
be supplied with fresh and genaiue articles at fair
Also, a stock of Landreth's fresh Garden Seed*, at
the lowest price*—wholesale and retail, near Cotton
Avenue, Cberry-atrect. between Messrs E. Bond Scco.
and Hines & co’s Auction store, Macou, Ga.
mar 19 31
Medical Card-
Doctor JAME3 L. FISH begs leave respect
fully to tender his professional services to the
__ citizens ofMucon and vicinity. He can be found
at bis office on Third street.opposite the Floyd House
at all boars, unless professionally engaged,
oct 9
forson county, N. Y., was appointed paymaster I n, uoen irom view by hills ntui woods. U holly j tion, inflicts n punishment of not
general of the army, then stationed at Saclet's I unsaaptcimi* of what awaited him, whut must | years imprisonment in the Stale
Harbor, lie was n man quite above mediocrity “ive been hia astonishment when Judge K.
in respect to intelligence and unimpeached moral I stepped before him, and wih a t nutitriimice aud
character. He was a leader iu society, and en- | t ' >m ’ °- vo, ro not to he misunderstood, told him
joyed the confidence aud respect of all with whom : the intent for which they bad brought turn there,
be was associated. aud charged him with loo embezzlemeot o($23,-
Hia wife, of whom a more particular account OOOof the public money, their reasons for thinking
is necessary, was rather above the middle statue, | 80 > * 1 "' tolling him if be did not ds-luse whero It i deiinie ttfnnswer any quest inn that might he nut
was they would drown linn on tue spot. I uaw- I . . ■ . , 1 . ° t
i ed by these threats, tiie hardened mini, with a
look ofinuocence; exclaimed, ‘-J know nothing of
i the matter.” No sooner was tills said, than, with
a promptness characteristic of tho mail. Judge
K., throwing otfhiscoat, seized .Mr. W.aud plang.
j ed him into the water.
Mr. F held * watch, and counted second*, that
they might not drown the tnan. After as much
time hud elapsed aa could with safely to tho un
happy man, !ro Was raistd from the water It
Medical Card. »
DR. V/. H. BANKS has removed to Macon
and again tenders his professional services to the
citizens of this city and surrounding connttry. His
office is on Walnnt street, where be may be found da
ring t’ied*y,at night at Mr*. Butler’s on Cherry-street,
may 29 tl
On Mulberry street, next to tbe Lanier Boose,
mar 13 Macon, Ga.
with entire new
meats will be equal if not superior to say
Georgia—his table shall be supplied with everythias
tb*t the market aflbrd*. be therefore solicits a call
from the old friends ofthe establishment, and the pub-
lie generally, and assures all those who may please
tneall upon him. that ifthov co awav dissatisfied, it
Cabinet Furnitnrc Warehouse.
Furniture,and tbe aleeping apart- ! J_AME3 H. CUUKB^ NO.
ua! if not superior to sny Hotel in I *3 ?.^TV'J°P p0 v.‘l T, l“'
shall not be his faolt.
may 7
Washington Hall.
The lease of thi* establishment to (jw!
iiij Messrs. Rice and Holcombe having Ldml
.'ll) expired, the Proprietor has again »s- Aiillli.
sumed tlie management of it and will spare no pains
necessary for the comfortable accommodation of hoar
dera.botb transient and permanent. Hi* table, bar
and stables will ever be supplied with the best that
the country affords.
fy Passenger* by the eats will b* ve ample time
to take their refreshments at his establishment, and
cacefnl and faithful servants will always be at bandto
take charge of their baggage.
jan 19 »y—
The uadenigned, having refitted and
tlionutehlv repaired this HOTEL, situate on the
Sooth-west corner of Coert House square in the town
of Lanier, is now prepared for tbe reception of trav
ellers *Dd the public generally. His tables will at all
time* be supplied with every delicacy afforded hy the
eoantry, aud bis Stables attended by reliable and
careful ostlers. He respectfully solicit* a call from
bis friend*nod tbe travelling public generally,
apt9 34 O. C. CARMICAEL.
Real Estate For Sale.
Tho Dwelling Hoove on Walnut street, at
iii] present occupied by S. T. Chapman.
iili The Dwelling House on the Hill, occupied
by the subscriber.
A Iso. a large vacant Lot, frontingon Ccttoo Avenue,
in the'burntdiatrict. For terms, apply to
npl 30 37 B. F. ROSS.
Onr Agent
n AS sent n, another lot "f pretty and cheap
Bonnet I*, which are hound to sell 1111010-'
diatrlv, as follows:
White Chip French Rutland*
Piab •• Eng soft finish do
White Alhoni Chip Blk Florence
Corded Braid do Blk Lace
apl 30
Straw Goods.
TJELDEN Sc CO.have jostreceivod, alargo
Jtj invoice of every description of Gentle-^
ty Church.) New York, has
now in stores full nnd complete assortment ofCA’B
INET FURNITURE, to which lie is daily making
large additions-
Purchasers of articles in hi* line would do well to
look at bis stock, among which will be fbond every
article for the complete famishing of a bouse, ranging
with tbe following low rates:
High Post Bedsteads, from 67 00 to 675 00
Mahogany French do “ 18 00 to 50 00
Walnut •• do " 15 00 to 40 00
Cottage “ do " C 00 to 18 00
Matrasses at the lowest market rates.
Sofas, city maoufaclore, 820 00 to 7* 00
Rocking Chairs, Mahogany. 6 00 to 18 00
Mabog’y Parlor Chairs (prdoz)SQ 00 to 75 00
Bureaus. Card Tables, Book Cases and Wardrobea
of the finest qualities, and warranted equal to any in
the market.
CyParticular attention paid to boxing and ship
ment of goods, which is dono by most experienced
New York, February, 165-0.
mar 5
Ilardcinan dc Hamilton,
Warehouse aud Commission Merchants,
TTO CONTINUE to transact business as usual,
L v t’i j at tbe old stand, and will attend to it on aa lib-
—^5eral term* as any Warehouse in the city. All
orders for purchases promptly attended to.
Ilaiailfou & Hardeman.
Factors and Commission Merchants,
ttVTU Wl L L give prompt attention to the sale of
C'otlnn and Country produce, a* well as to the
““-—filling of order* forBagging, Itope and family
supplies. joly 10 47—ly
froanaaLT or atcoaj
Commission Merchant*, Savannah, Gn,
WE offer our services to tha pnhUc for the
lenf Produce, tcc., after the first day of
September next, and assure those patronizing
us, that no pain* shall be spared in rendering them
ample justice in the sale of their ^Cotton, filling or
ders, Ac.
July 17 48—ly
Warehouse and Commission Merchants,
jtrtvn WILL continue Business at their '• Fire
ir V^'oof Building*' on Cotton Avenue, Macon,
r a, —v ( itorri,,.
Thankful lor pastfavors, they begleave to say they
will be constantly at their po»t. and that no efforts
shall be spared to advance tbe intercut of their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have Cottox or oth
er Produce to Store, to call and estimine the safety
oftheir Building*, before placing it elswbere.
fy Cuitomary Ad ranee* on Cotton in. Store or
Shipped, and all Business transacted at the usual
rate*. jnne 26 45—ly
J. BARNES is nnw opening a^lar^e
/ - rZJ & ,tock of BOOKS AND ST AT
y |:KY, on Mulberry street. Third Door
df-oct Shot well's old corner, where bo will be happy
to see hia former customers.
Teachers and others in want of SCHOOL BOOKS
AND STATIONERY, will find it to their advantage
to call, as be is determined to sell at small profits for
Cash. , ....
Having made arrangements in the North, he can
supply to order, any Book* in Law. Medicine. Theo
logy or General Literature, and on terms which can
not fail to sstisfr.
His BOOK-BINDERY is again in operation
aud be is prepared to make to order. Blank Account
Books of any pattern and style of Bindiug, from the
best Linen paper. Law and Alntic Book*, Ac. bound
in the beat manner.
mar 26 33
The subscriber!!** removed bis Stock
to the Store in the brick part of tho
Watkington Hall Bnilding*. next door
above Messrs. Geo. W. Price a co., where he will
be happy to see hia old customers and friends.
He takes pleasure in acknowledging to all, the m&-
nv favors that havo been extended to him, and in
dulges the hope, that by renewed exertion, he may
deaerve a cootinu&Dce.
*ug 14 33
Macon. March 13.1850.
WHIT D.CAHHAHT, WWW'*,Youths' and Infants*8TRAW HATS-
W. J. McELROY. which will bo sold 25 percent. Jess than ever sold in
I thi* market. ' cb 1
Ilats! Hats’.!
The undersigned are now receiving A*
-—2,' and openiiic their Fall supply, consisting^ar
of every article usually kept in their line. 7*
, branches. All work entrusted to tfieir Thei, Good. „re all new and fresh. “d'V'U besoldot
«ar« will t- -lor-- neatly and wui. promptness- price, ... cannot ..I tosuitpurchaser, of every
Wildes in Tin Ware, are also informed. k ' n ''- Wo respectnilly tolicit Iron
that thoy can hv a--- nmmodated with any quantity of t‘i° public an cxuunnation ul our
TluiiiiiK am! Coppcnmiiliiiis.
rilHE undersigned would respectfully inform their
l friends slid the public.that they will continue
the above business, as formerly by wm. 11. Bray A I
Now Books.
Now opening at BOARDMAN’S. op-
^posite the scene ofthe lateconflagration.
a very laree assortment ofSchcol Books,
! moro extensive than has ever been offered in this
! city. Large invoices are constantly arriving and or-
ilers for country trade.can he filled with despatch at
low prices. JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN.
feb 25
Boots anil Shoes.
A good assortment of Mens. Boys.
'and Negro SHOES, constantly on*
hand and for sala low by
and hoy* Boots and Shoes of every*
qoality; Ladies and Misses do. Jost received by
apl a ROSS & CO.
and of somewhat bountiful appearance she posse*
j sod a mind of extroardinaiy capability, cultivated
j by the moat assiduous application; and her refin
ed taste and polished manners gave her access to
the best society. She was honored at-the most
conspicuous place at til! social gathering*, and was
regarded as a model of all femeniue virtues, and
accomplishment*- In entering upon his new of
fice. Mr. IV’s. sureties were Judge K. aud Mr.'
F. of tho town. Tho former was a lawyer
some distinction and had fora number of years
been Judge of Borne of the higher courts of the
State of New York. He was a man rarely equal*
led foraonnduess of judgment, and wa, especially
characterised by a discriminating penetration,
which qualified him well for the part he bore in
the tragicalnffitir I atn about to relate.
lie resided in tbe neighborhood of Mr W.,atid
possessing unbounded confidence in his integrity,
did not hesitate to affix Ilia name to the bond.—
Mr. F. a less conspicuous character, was plaiu
honest, aud upright firmer, of considerable wealib,
and maintained a high standing in society. Nor
did he fora moment hesitate to sign the bond of
Mr. \V. with Jinlee K. In discharge of the du-
liesof his new office, Mr. W., accompanied hy
his wife, in the spring of 1814, left Watertown for
Albany to receive there the arnonut of public
fnnda necessary to meet the demands pf the year.
The reason of his wife's accompanying him is uot
known, and whether the course taken by her was
premeditated, the readvr must judge. Tiny ar
rived safely at Albany, and after spending a day
or two there, Mr. W. received' money to the
amount of $30,009 and they left for home. They
had travelled on their return home as far ns Sche
nectady, when at a public hnuso where they pas-
sed thenighf. the trunk confirming tbu money was
opened, and $3,000 abstracted. What must havo
been the feelingsof Mr. W. thus to find one tenth
ol the amount intrusted to him stolen. The house
was immediately searched, and every measure
promptly taken for the recovery of the funds and
the apprehension of the robbers, but it \%-qs in
va'u—no clue that might lead to ita discovery could
be obtained.
No onednred to suppose, or deemed it were
possible that the heantifiil and accomplished per
ron accompanying Mr W., who seemed equally
afflicted by bia misfortune could be in any way
concerned with the deed. Nor could the slight
est suspicion enter his own mind, after the intima
cy of year*, tlie guilt of his bosom companion.—
After making every possible effort for the recove
ry of the lost sum, and all proving ineffectual,
they proceeded on their return, arrived at Water-
town, whero all gave errdenro to their statement
of the occurrence at Schenectady; aud the mis-
siug funds having been satisfactorily accounted for
to the Government, nothing worthy of uote trails,
pired till the spring of 1815, when Mr. W., again
made preparations for going to Albany to receive'
Government fonds. In order to ho secure from
any felonious attempts, he decided to go on horse
back and return wiili the money in his portman
teau. Strange aa it may appear, his wife again
peruisted in accompanying hitn. What wero Mr.
W's own wishes in regard to tho matter, I know
not;, a deeply laid plot, which bad been for years
in maturing could not otherwise he consummated,
and consequently no refusal on his part could be
Accordingly they again left homo for Albany on
the same errand, arrived late, and with all possi
ble despatch, procured the money, (the same
amount as before) and immediately left for home.
They had proceeded on their way as far as Tren
ton, when tbe portmanteau containing the mt ney
was cot open, and $12,000 taken. No sooner had
the robbery been discovered by Mr. W. than hy
whnt device I know not. Mrs. W, persuaded the
husband that as the $12,000 were actually stolen,
and ns they could nut hy any means make amends,
(for it was more than they were worth) it would
be better to appropriate the money to tln-irown
use, and pretend, as they might with equal pro- I
to him, lie answered as folio
I am 35 years of uge, horn in Italy, and relate
the following as my explanation on the charge
prefered against me: I, Cjinilo Donarruqn, res
pectfully submit to the consideration of your Hon
or ibst 1 uni a airingeriii this city ; I am ignorant
of the low as well ns of i!ie liiigu 12c. and neither
understand or speak Engii-h ; tiuritt - rny reside',ce.
iu tbia city, having coufumd myself almost entirely
to tho society of niy countrymen, I have had 110
opportunity of either learn iog tbe law or bee on
was sometime before he ooqld speak—but when acquainted with the custom* of tho country; that
ho did. it was onTy to protest hi* imt'icence,. but j several month, since I became acquainted with
Ionise Corrao, who fiailert-d with tiie attention
that manner, nnd tone of voice that bore witness
ofthe certainty oT their guilt. All effort* to make
him confess proving vain ho Wns again plunged
by lbo powerful arm of Judge K. in the water.
This time it did not fore so well with him. He
was kept under water so long that when taken
cut he appeared a lifeless corpse. It was a long
time before they were able, by their utmost ex
ertions to restore him sufficiently to speak.—
When he did speak it was to repeat the same
denial «s before. Tbe heart of an ordinary man
must have foiled, in either situation—that of
Judge K. or Mr. \V.—but the former tvns well
satisfied that the other must know something of
tbe lost funds.
I’lacing himself in a position where he could
note tiie features of the twice drowned mnn, he
thus addressed him: “Mr. W., we know that you
have in your possesion, or know something ol dint
money. Now disclose everything, or we will
sink yoor body trembling under tho weight ol a
guilty conscience, iu that water never to emerge
with life, and will hurry your guilty spirit, with
out one momeutTor repentence, before the tri-
bual of Heaven, to receive tbe recompense of your
crime*. Disclose at once or you die.” This whs
uttered in n tone and with an emphasis that forced
upon the miud of Mr. W. the absolute corlaiuty
of its fulfilment. The guilty mnn trembled.—
For n time utterance foiled hitn. His terriblead-
versary was still sonnding i" 1 his enrs tlie certain
doom that awaited him. He could conceal the
tin'll no longer.
That power which had aided him in the com
mission nl tho crime, and till now kept him from
the disclosure, bad forsaken him and the thought
of rushing into tho presence ofliis God, with his
sin9 unrepented, forced him to reply: ',1 will
tell yon all I know about it—your suspicions are
correct—the money is in my possession, orat least
$30,000. Ofthe remaining 3,000.1 kuoiv nothing.
Yon will find it either iu a black trunk in onr
bed-chamber or tinder the hearth.” Judge K.
leaving him in care of Mr. F. till he should have
ascertained the iru b o" this a atement, started
for ll e house. He uai seen by his wife, nnd the
lady by whom the tnle was related to the writer,
coining across the fields covered with mud. cud
to use the words of the former, appeared like n
murderer.” Alarmed at such a tight, his wife,
though from her feeble health, hardly able to
walk, met him at the dpnr with the inquiry—
''Hnsbsud. what have you hern doing!” As
calmly as the circumstances would permit, he re
paid her—being at first only that which was paid
her as a pretty girl—by degrees encouraged, and
I may say provoked an intimacy, mien s she
developed, grew into attachment io such an ex
tent. that on various occasions, and as repeatedly
as convenient, she would meet me in various
places and amongst others, at Mr. Fontini’s No.
99 Reade street, whilher >ho would come ulo.uo
aud unprotected, and remain with mo for hours;
I often expostulated with her on her youth and
unfitness for marriage, when the invariably, and
in the presence of three witnesses, proclaimed
herself to he a woman iu every pnrlicolar, and that
she was fifteen years of age; these nn*wera wete
not only to me, hut to those whom I will produce,
as they would often talk to her of bor youth; timo
rolled on, and Bimllf, on Tharsday, tlie -fth of
April, she calk'd on me with a letter from her
mother, which I will produce, :nJ which will
explain the peculiar position in which I was plac
ed ; and on that occasion, in a moment of passion
excitement, caused hy the virtuous expre-sion of
female love, warmly respouried to on my part,
Saturday following was fixed for our m'irr’age.
The 5 th of April, Louise Carrao again called on
me alone, in my rooms, and brought some of her
linen underclothes; the following day, the Gth,
she again called atuuo and brought her wedding
dress, and iu my rooms prepared for the cere
mony ; after it was over, we retired to apartments
I had hired for her in the Fonrtb avenue ; and she
immediately thereupon, at ray request, wrote to
her father, informing him of the step we had
taken, and asking forgiveness and pardon. Gu
the 8lh or 9th, we baa interviews, nnd her father
then said to me : “Camillo, you have n.arrieJ my
daughter without my knowledge. I will forgive
you if you can clear yourself of the imputation
charged against yon, and prove that Rafuellu ia
notyoar wife.”
An Oid Mica 11.
“If men sneer, a* our habit ia. at tho artifices of
an old beauty, at her paint, perfumes, ringlets ; at
those innumerable, and tous utikoown, stratagem*
with which she is said to remedy the ravages of
time and reconstruct the charms whereof year#
havo berelt her; tho ladiesi it is to be presumed,
are not on theirttide altogether ignorant that men
are vain as well as they,and that the toilet of old
hunks are to the full ns elaborate aa their ovvu.
How is it that old Blusbingti.u keeps that con
stant little rose-lint on his cheek*; and where
does old Blonde] get tbe preparation wnich makes
IVehcre JurJ the old fellow under vatcr and maie\ his atlver hair pass for gulden t Have you ever
* '* * * *ieeo £*»rd Hotspur get oft in* horse ufion ho
tbittkt nobody is looking? Taken crat« his *tir-
nips, hift&hiuy boots can harJIr totter up tho step#
of Hotspur Hoaf*e. He is :i dashing young noble*-
man stiil as you see the buck of him iu Rotten
Row; when yon behold him on foot, what an old
old fallow! Did you ever form lo youreelf any*
idea of Dick L tcy. fDick bis been Dick tbeao
sixty ye*>r*) in a natural stute. nnd without bia
him ovn tektrt the monryisJ”—Judse K. proceeded
to ll*e house of Mr. W. nnd inquired where the
Intly watt. Ho was told tint she was in her cham
ber, but did not wish to see any oue. Without
ceremony Jud^e K. ascended the staira, nf» we
may suppose, in no careful manner, and knocked ;
at the door of the apartment pointed out. He !
heard o <.raslliog uoise within, but no voice was
heard. In a rage he set Ida foot rgainst ilie door
and burst it open and enter'd. Mrs. W. was git- , atnya! Ail these tr.en arc
tiogon the bed. He immediately explained the aerver of hit roan life and
object of his visit, and concluded by telling her *
that the money must be forthcoming. Seeing
the “black trunk,* ho proceeded to open it, anu
examine i»s contents, when *be exclaimed “It is
not there.**
Her position upon the bed at this moment ex-
priety, flint the whole had been taken. The conn- ; cited suspicion that the money must be about her
Umbrellas nnd Parasols for side at the
'store of EDDY Sc LAIHROP.
apl a
S UMMER HATS—Men’s and Boy's Pa- rw.
nama Hats. Leghorn, Pedal straw, I’almAjH
Leaf. Faraale by
S HADY—200 Umbrellas, fre-m 35 eta to 63 j -tS.
300 Parasols, from 12J to S3 00
25 Umbrellas for Bneeica. for sale bv -
apl 23
Gentlemen in want of a fine call Boot, ca
Sad them by calling on
mar 12 MIX ft KIRTLAND.
Ladies silk and plain lastingjBronze Gai-
9 ter*. Received and for sale by
mar 12 MIX ft KIRTLAND.
TEAS both gTcen and black, just received
n fall assortment from the celebrated Caxton
b4BT4t coronanv. for sale by
mar 5 C. A. ELLS ft SON. Agents.
selling of his wife, aided ns we must believe hy
the spirits of dnrknrfs finally were clfortunl, and
the unhappy man, till then upright iu ull Lis deeds
The reader must ere this he well aware where
the $3000 were, hut Mr. IV. did not know, nor
did he learn tho full iniquity of tho scheme in
which he had suffered himself to become iuvolved,
until considerable time had eiapsed, nnd the ex
citement of the transaction had in n measure sub
sided; not till then did Mrs. W. dare to disclose
to him, th« full depth of her guilt. But to resume
tho narrative at the point where we left it, the rob
bery at Trenton. After the remainder of the
money had been safely concealed about the
person ol Mrs. IV. the alarm wsa given, and
tho extent of the robbery was shown by the
rent and rifled portmanteau, the Itnuse was
searched, individuals apprehended upon suspi
cion, rewards were offered, and every mean,
tiro which tho fertile mind of Mrs. \Y could
invent, to give plausibility to tho statement was
and he immediately commenced pulling off the,
bedclothes; in total disregard of all she could
say of tbp impropriety of such conduct in a Indy’s
bed-chamber. Decorum was out of the question.
Sbs next attempted to accomplish by force what
she couid not by reason, hut with the ease nf a
giant he lifted her from the bed, and removing
the covering, he saw a quilted garment that ap
peared as though it might contain the money.—
He seized it. when Mrs. W. exclaimed, “You have
got it!" He immediately left tho house and pro
ceeded with bis prize to a neighbors, when the
whole amount $33,030, was found quilted between
two pairs of gentleman’s drawers the property of
theofficer who died at Mr. W.’a a few days be-
fore: and to uso the words of Judge K., when lie
seized the drawers, in her bed-chamber, 6he seem
ed to he more troubled about the name or, them
tbnu the money, as that would furoish abundant
evidence of her guilt in the death ofthe officer.”
Mr. W. was released, and relumed to his home;
but his wife—she who had instigated to the corn-
carried into effect. A* we may suppose, all was ' mis-i >11 of his knowu to tbe world.was
ineffectual for the recovery of the money. The | 110 where to he found. Search was mnde in all
missing funds were missing still.
After the return of Mr. aud Mr*. XV. to Water-
town, in great apparent dejection, at the loss of
such an amount of money, their “ plain nnvoruish-
hjects whom the ob-
:antlers may contem
plate with ns much profit ns the moat elderly
Bolgravion Varna, or inveterate Mayfair Jezebel.
An old reproba'o daddy long legs, w iio has never
said bis prayers (except perhaps in public) these
fifty years : an old hock who still clings to a- rainy
of the habits of youth as his feeble grasp of health
can hold by; who has given up the hotile. hut
sits with young fellows over it, and tells naughty
stories upon toast olid water—who has given up
benoty, but still talks about it as wickedly as thn
youngest roue in company—sucii an old follow, I
say if any parson in I’imiico or St. Jamo’a wero
to order the beadles to bring him into the middle
aislo, and there set him in an arm-chair, and make
a text ol him, and preach about him to the congre
gation, could be turned to a wholesome use for
once in his life, and might be snpriaed to find that
some good thoughts came of out of him.— Thack
Tine lie,><1 an.l Use Heart.
Here is a beautiful thing from the pen ot .Mrs.
Cornwall Barry Wilson:
“Please, my lady, buy a nosegay or bestow a
trifle,” was themidreas of o pale emaciated woman,
holding a few withered flowers in her hand, ton
lady who sat on tho beacj at Brighton, watching
the blue waves of the receding tide. “ f h ive no
pence my good woman,” said the lady, looking
up from tlie novel aho was perusing with a listless
gaze; " if [ had I would give them to volt.” “I
11 poor widow, with three helpin'* obildren depen-
ing upon me: vrontd you bestow a Mnall trifle to
help tison our way 7 “I have no hi.f-pence,” re
iterated the lady, somewhat pelli-lily.
“ Ready,” the added, as the poor applicant tarn-
the apartments or the house, butiu vain. Assoon
ns her absence became known intelligence was
brought that a neighbor had seen her crossing the
(ieldts with n hurried step, in the direction of the
ed tale,” agreeing perfectly when told hy either, I river—(tbe Black River.) The truth flashed at _ .
their well affectrd sorrow nnd above all the char- once upuu tho minds of nil that the had fonad a pr l meekly away, “this is worse than the -beets
ncter previously sustained by Mr. IT. for hones- watery graye. The liver was searched aud a lit- ! of London; they should haves police ontii" shore
ty and integrity, left to the minds of most no doubt ifo below where she was seeu crossing the fields. * prevent anonymize.” They were the. though 4-
of the truth of their statement. The bond-men bor body wns found, with such a look of iinnllera- : l e ®* dictates of the head. •• Mamma.” said a blue
of Mr. IV*. though ruined in property, deemed it ; hie anguish depicted on the countenance, aa plain* J eyed hoy, who was playing on the beach at the
Macon Candy Manufactory.
T HE Subscriber still continues to manufacture
CANDY of every variety, next door to Ross ft
Co's, on Cotton Avenue. Having increased my facil-
'ties aud obtained additional Tools, I am now prepar
ed to put up to order CANDIES of any variety, and
warranted equal to any inanufacted in th South. I al
so manufacture a superior article of Lemon and other
Syrups, Cordials, Preserves, Ac.
All my articles are well packed; and delivered nt
anv point in tho city, and warranted to eive satisfac
tion. • ' H. C FREEMAN, Agent,
march 12 13t 30
our friends and
4hene item kind of Ware, at the lowest prim s.a.'/d nn
very abort n ilicc.
Next door hut one to Scott, Carharl ft Co.
mar J9 31
Southern Mutual Insurance Co.
T HIS Company is now in very sucretafnl opera
ti'iu. having 1,1 icdin eleven months on 42,500,-
000, and rcccivcdSI 10.000in premium*, creating a
fcala*--capital ofriiat amount, end but a-
bont 62.500 losses.which 1rera paid iu ten Imurs after
notice and proof. Tho business is done upon the mu-
• i prim ipl, . bv « Inch hoi/, nll.l in snUlo raaes. nine-
trntiis ol I be expense of inmrnnre is saved to the in-
rarer. All kinds .,1 riak KIRK, MARINE INLAND
•;IFE OK SERVANTS, promptly attended tu.—
k namnnicatioiif should be anilressei! totbe Secretary.
A HULL. President.
l.UiPtBJCM, Secretary, Gridin.
11. 8. LANIER, Agent Moron.
• ent , 3 —IV
belden ft co.
oct 2
i Yl
Boots mitl Shoos.
Tlie sobacribers now receiving
ami tirtfi/iii.* h ru'njilt te assortment of*
tiie above twnritlny in part, &s follow*, vix:
Gent'* fine Calf Boots
Do “ water-proof do
Do " Shoes
Men's thick Pegged Boots
Do Brooms, Ruanets, Kips
Women’* Sewed and Pegg'tl ??lioef
Do Pegg’d Bosk ini
M.’fh’s, Bov’* and Children’* Sl>oe* of every vans
ill of which will be sold low for CMh.
p«tg . - w pgLPKN A CO.
5 ctis'‘0*upcr(i»c Boots
Palm Leaf and Panama llnti
Pur sale bv
Washington flail Stables.
A. C. MOREHOUSE hav. ?
ini* purchased the intererfbf
,Thomas A. Brown, in the a*^
bove establishment* The bnainesa will hereaiter be
carried on under the firm of MOREHOUSE & I1AR.
RIS, who viH bebappy to serve their friends and
customers at the SMtwt notice,aud^i c ^.°O*
On 10 F ree hjrn Plow*, stocked
4\J 20 Noll *•
25 each. Nos 10 and 11, without stock*
]9 •* ** ] and *2 self sharpening Plowg
19 — 44 6 and 7 inch turning 44 assortment of Cultivators. tub »oil and side
hill Plows, corn ahellers and straw cutters, extra
points and bar* for each. For sale by
apl 9 17
policy to affect to believe tbe whole, at len6t till j ly told the depth of tbe struggle which had taken l»dy*s feet, flinging pebbles into the sea, 44
some discovery mi|ht bo made to jnsti/y finspi* j place iu her bosom. Home she had rendered des- ! you bad n penny, for the j>oor woman doc
cion. About this time nn invalid officer of the j o'ate; a husband’s reputation blasted; and with liungry. nnd you kuow lb»t we going t
army «t Snckett's Harbor, not being able to per- j a bund more venomous than the touch of nn en- ;
form his duty, came to Watertown for medical aid venomed serpent she had plucked from tiie npao* I
and took lodgings in the family of Mr. W. In a | ciated name of both, every thiug that was worth
few days after bia arrival be died. His remains j living for. She could hear the thought of exist-
were interred in a decent manner, nnd as the I ence no longer. The dreadful act was mediated, j
place of his nativity wes not known and uo friend J The discovery of her gui/t drives her todespera- •
was there to honor his memory with a tear, bo | tion—deaperution hurries her footsteps, and 1
soon forgott
Tho swollen and unnatural size of h ; s body ex
cited remark; but it was attributed to disease. A
few days after bia, Mrs. W. went to a
merchant in the adjacent village, and requested
him to receive as a loan $600. She said it was n
present to her children, fix ni a friend, and chedid
not wish Mr. W. to know any thing of the mat
ter. This circumstance id mentioned here iu con-
feqnenceof the indirect bearing it has on the se
quel of our tale. Buttoreturn. Judge Iv. was a
near neighbor of Mr. \V. and n very familiar man
in his habits; he often visited his house at tbe
from a projecting cliff she casta herself into tho
deep nnd rushing current below, the scene closes
forever over a being who, but for tbi-t first yield
ing to temptation, might have shone conspicuous-
Iv in the halls of earlli.
' Lisbon, X. Y. t Xov. 14, 18 id.
C5T Huuvn’Lifc and Pulsation.—It is stated
that the human life can be estimated by tho pul
sation a man performs. Thus allowing 70 years
for tho common age of man, and 60 pulses in a
most unexpected hours; aud though he discover- nil note for the common age of man, and 60 pulses
ed nothing that would bn
of nless perceptive mind
cited the suaquetou j
he saw many thing*
Partnership* that forced upon him the conviction that the lo*t i
’’I.TES8RS* WOOD * BRADLEY, *«o “"" e y b , e!l1 lh , e , !r P'^.ioi,
M dated With them Mr. Grfsvhxe the 1 £ OD S>? > 0,h c-mverse witb perfect ease
Cabinet Furniture and Chair business—tlie same will ' ol ‘ tho subject of tbtnr misioi tune and foment with
he hereafter he conducted under the name and atyle : apparent sincerity, their loss, stnl a guilty cun-
of WOOD. BRADLEY ft CO., and solicit for the i science would betray itself, in snme way not per
new concern acoatinuaacs of tho patrouage so liber* ceptilde to the multitude. Accordingly he left .
bia chamber, unknown to hi- wife (who by reason j
of ili health occupied another bed in the same 1
a minute for tbe common measure of pulses,
tbe number of pulses iu his whule life would
amount to 2.207.520,000. But if, by intemper.
ance, be forces hia blood into u more rapid motion,
sous to give 73 pufoes in a minute, the same
number of pulses may be completed in 56 years,
reducing bis exiseuce Id vents.
A CAK». . , „
The und-rsicned. having sold Ills interest in the J*n
Wasl.ii,-ton Hall Stable* to Mr. A. C. Mobehocsz.
would solicit for the new concern, a continuance of
tho pstronaee so libcrallv bestowed on tlie old firm of
ally extended to the late tirm.
■ patron:
Brown A Harris,
feb 19
nar 12
.Silk Goods;.
pllAMRUON dre.a Ir ilk*: figured changeable do
3 ' fi d Poult da aoie do.; plain and tfo'd black Jo.
f Gro da Rliina: cincbuw for Aprons
- rii.J summer siilkk
laugeablt* Battiftodo; Foulard dress
k UronadinPB; colored Florence*
'» **test at} Us just received nnd for sale cheap bv
’e have in Bt4>re. and shati be re
mg weekly, Geutt medium fine
sewed naif Boot*. Alio, tine medium calf pegged
ItcHitB and Slioea of all kind* and quality, usually call* .
ed for.and would invite tho*o wishing to purchase to
oallaifo examine for themself ^ „RTLANP._
Ladics fine rillt and plain lasting Gaiters !
uslreceived and by w ,,,, V n
Kibbce A Dickinson,
Offers for sale
Cate* Men's call pegged and sewed
—Boots , , _
Case* Men's calf peeecd and sewed Brogans
Do do kip and thick do
Do Bon kip and coat do
Do Youth, and children a eathe- do
Do Women's kip, goat and seal Bootees
Do do low quarter acai sod morocco aboe*
Boxes Ladicsfine satin Gaiter* (ail CO ' OI ' , J
Do do do kid slippers a°
Do Misses fine Gaiters _ .
Do rhihir.-n's patent leather Boc.ta and shoes
apl 9
Weeding Hoes.
Doz Brades’ Nos 1, and 3 Patent Hoe«
25“ “ Crown
15 •' “ New Ground
U0 44 Scovil’acaat steel Hoes, for sale hy
room) and for fourteen nights ill aaccepsion lay
• upon tbe piazza ol Mr. \V s bouse directly under
1 the w indow of their sleeping apartment.
Ho could perceive tlu?m talking in. a low' tone
| at all times ofthe night, bat bo indistinctly that ho
could make out oothiug of any consequeuce.
! However, by some means or other he came to
; tbe conclusion that they were about to leave the
j country ; and he immediately determined upon
Rctv« of an Anciknt California City.—An
tiquarians will feel deeply interested in the disco
very of vast regions of ancient ruins near San Die
go, and within a days march of the Pacific Ocean,
at the head of the Gulf of California. Portions of liberal margin for profit
temples, dwellings, lofty stone pyramids, (seven of not stumble on many ;
these within a uiilo square) and tna*i<is-e granite selling $J 00,000 worth t
rings or circular walla, round venerable tfees, col- average advance on shei
umns and blocks of hieroglyphics—ail speak of notes at six and tw *
some ancient race of men, now forever gone, their , morally certain not
I wish
oea look
to havo
nice dinner, and you have promised me a giass
of wine.** The heart of tho lady answered the
appeal of tho child; and with u blush of bhamo
crimsoning her cheek at the tacit reproof his art
less words conveyed, sbe opened her reticule, pla
ced half a ctowd in hi* liny hand, and in another
moment the boy was bounding along the suiids oo
bis errand of mercy.
Iu a few seconds be returned, hia eyes spark
ling with delight* and his features glowing with
health and benoty. *• Oh, mamma, the poor wo
man was so thankful, ?ho wanted to turn buck, but
I would not let her* and she said, “God Mess
the noble lady, aud you, too, my pretty lumb, my
children will now have bread for these two days,
aud we shall goon our wav rejoicing.*” The eyes
of the lady glistened ns she heard the recital of her
child, and har heart told her that its dictates be
stowed a pleasure, the cold reasoning of the head.
could not bestow.**
B ki (Br*
Adtertisuto.—In referring to its history nnd
recent enlargement, the New York Tribune shows
that its advertising business has increased from
$3,000 to $G,000 above the increase of tho next
preceding year. Tht* ncrease of I8i8 upon 1S47*
wn» not quite $2,000: but the increac** nT 1849
upon 1818 was upwards ot $7,000. With refer
ence to advertising generally, and its influence on
biificess, the Tribune makes the following seubiblo
and j»»gt remarks: %
“ The business world if just beginning f° hnvo
florae glimmering notion of the revolution in trade*
which advertising is destined tc* effect. Pheoltl
wav of doing a small busir.OBB at « I« r £© , : *k nnd
nt it.* Just *
ji. It can-
Instead of
On Consignment*
4 Casks of fine Brandy, warranted a genuine im
ported article
25 bblfl premium Family Flour
25 half bbla do do do
i nffof T obf 1 *B ucke hP B nx^a 'f loarP aUa? box eaI*Jc c. j They immediately concerted a plan to test tho again, tbe mouumeuU of Phmnicia'.'und yet in nm-
Affof he above Will be sold wholerale or retail at! truth of their suspicions; an « precautiouaiy
„ich prices aa mast sail, ami warranted to qive sat- j measure a physician of eminence was consulted
. - « iif muPY ITUFVU A V i
desperate effort to ascertain tha correctness of history actually unknown to suy ol the exiting
i their suspicions. Accordingly he imparted to families of mankind. In 6ome points these ruins
1 Mr. F. his associate bondman, a full uccouut ol resemble the recently discovered cities ul Paleu*
i alike had been witness to, and his strong belief que. itc. near tho Atlantic or Mexican Gulf coast;
that they had or knew something of the money, in others, the ruius of ancient Egypt; iu others,
isfaction, or no sale.
! apl 23
warren freeman.
to bow long a person might be kept under
ny features they differ lroin all that 1 hav .
red to. I observe that the discoverers deem them are totally jncupabie no
to be ante-diluvmn,
dsn! fifteen percent,
heir cn.t, nnd taking clippery
ve mouths for them—r.otes
o be paid at rauiurity—the
city jobber roust ere long sell n million of dollars’
worth for prompt and sure pay at a profit ot one
to five per cent 1 and the trader who knows not
how to do Ibis mu-t run cut. The maxims, the
ideas generated by a state of things wherein ad-
veriisilis in a half dozen papers would ouly con
ey information to eight or ten thousand petsor s
that a like cniioiiuce
' 13
Purchasers vcill do well to lock at tho above sloe*,
mar 13
i,Ol'R—100 bb’a end half bbla premium Gene
see Floor, for sale by
may 11
swains u suits ‘llw t_l I nt, “'DICIB UQttill klixj — s , —- J ■ j . . , j*
diluvian, while the present Indians have i ment may be thus conveyod to a bait a million ot
water uad resumeitaled. Aa it might be that tiiey j a tradition of a great civilized nation, which their j persons, uud with almost toe celeri y of thought.—-
worn about to remove, .10 delay ia execqting the | fiurctciotis forefotiters utteriv destroyed. The re- I Advertising haa increased _ tea- o o w:th:u ...a aet
scheme was coDsdered safe The seme morning, gion of the ruins is called by tbe Indiana, ''The ! twenty years: and it must increase in at least equal
therefore Judge K. sent to.Mr. IV. wiehing him to Valley of Mystery.”— It'i-’ncr'* Chronicle.
^ ratio for the next rweatj'.