Newspaper Page Text
$|)c ©corgia <£clc(jrapl).
The IlnriiMrd Mki|»p«*r.
%M>> T. Him
1 ling <
'Hr Now Yurk their M hooncrs ran.
Public Salrs.
B 1 "
hour* ol
H \ ,i,.-nt*d the lead bof
Aim then, by noundi
Knowing (Ik* >■
Thev hIw*\*
I ti nt i
rc it fell.
much tbe night—
■ well,
ir reckoning i
f right.
A Mki/tpc
Could tell, li
Ami »«» below I
After, ofcour
i’d ‘Mo
e, lua '
. cm were dim,
iut the split,
i the glim"—
•metbin hot.”
Snug in hia berth, nt eight o’clock.
This ancient skipper might ho found.
No nintter how bin e.rmfi would rock.
He ale/-! -for *kij»j»er*’ naps are tuond !
The watch on deck would now and then
Kan doWiiHud wake him. with the lend,
HeM up, and tsite, and tell the men
Qow many miles they went ahead.
One night, ’tw&s Jothiun Marden’a watch,
A eurmua wag—th. pedler a non—
And ao fie moaud, tthe wanton wretch.)
•To night 1 11 have a grain of fun.
•*\Ve arc nil a act of ntupid fools.
To think the *kippor knows hy tasting,
W|»at ground he’s on—Nantucket schools
Don't teach aucli atufl' with ail their hasting!"
And ao ho took the well greased lend.
And rubbed it o'er a box of earth
That stood on deck—a pnrsnep bed—
And then he sought tlu skipper's berth.
••Where arc we now, air T Picasc to taste,"
The akipper yawned, put oot his tongue,
Then op’d his eyes in woudrous Imstc,
And then upon the floor he sprung!
The skipper stormed, and tore- hia hair.
Thrust on his boots, ami roared to Mardco,
".Win/wcArf* *ui t k, nnd Acer trr art,
Jhgkt orrr old Mirm HackttVs garden.”
i% Solid .Urn of lfo«toii, ”
The origin of this phrase is explained in a new
work, entitled “The Hundred Boston Orators, ap-
pointed hy the Municipal authorities and other pub*
lie bodies, from 1770 to 18.V2.” Wo learn from the
New York Evening P«*at that the appendix to the
work contains the entire stnnxa from which the men
of Boston raised their “ solid ” titles. It i uus thus:
•‘Solid mm el Ilo* inn, drink no •irons potations;
Boii.l tnsn of lt**ton, make no Ions oration*;
So i i »»»••!. ot llukiuu, so n* Uniat (•un-down
Anj jron'll new Im> jour war* like the kqrrertwaris of London.”
<HKKIFF SALKS—Will he sold on the
Tueadas in March next, during the usual
ale. at the court house door in Macon. Bibb
county. Lot No. 3, in Vineville, on the south west
aide ol the pohlic road leading to Forsyth. lying be
tween the lot belonging to the estate of Geo. Jewitt
deceased, above, and Mr.Ouslevs. below, formerly
belonging to John Bawls, deceased, and whereon
| there is a two story brick house, and other improve
ments, said Lot containing twenty acres, more or
leas. Levied on as the property of Thom is A. Brown,
| to satisfy a li la in favor ol Samuel T. Bailey va said
Brown, Irom Bibb Superior Court, at:-1 pointed out by
the plaint ill*.
A Iso, at the same time and place, a negro girl hy
f Chaney, about fourteen years of age.
is the property of Willis H. Hughes, de-
I ceased, to satisfy a li fa isgaed from Bibb Superior
. court, in favorofThomas M Qriffio-administrator,Jcc.
vs. Charles R Rico and Frances M. Hughes, aduix.
i of Willis H. Hughes,deceased.
1 J ft n * 5 D. J. DAVIS,SherifT.
M ONEOK BHKHIFF’d t*A LK.—W ill be sold. be
fore the Court house door in the town of For-
<£itatious, bibb dountu.
KOHGfA. BIBB ClirNTV.—Wherers. Julia
\Jl Kelly, applies to me, for letters ol adiuiaictra
tion on tin.* estate ot Patrick Kelly, lute ol this coon
ty, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and
singular the parties in interest, to be an l appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and file
their objections if any they have, otherwh
£itatiois, Jones countn.
VJT Harris, administrator on the estate ot Alexan
der McDoogald, applies to me for letters of dismis
sion from said estue.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased*
to be and appear tt my office within the time pre* •
•ribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,why I feb 1
Ccuat Notices.
Pruns, illctftcincs, &'c.
to make immediate
demands against sa
theuticated withi
state of John Powell,
.eased, are requested
pa) went: and all those having
,1 estate to present them duly au-
prescribed by law.
It. J. PO WE LL,
D issolution.—Th
is this clay dissolve
business will be continu
alone authoris
jan 25
firm ol PAY XEA NisBKT
by mutual consent. The
1 by GEO. PAYNE, who is
1 to settle the business of the firm.
New Dork Jlimcrttsimcnts
tfSi TAYLOirri tkmi>ki;a.\vk Bn " '
|£ Fr=,n,‘or«ak ns-, 1 -
I emperance Communitv and ‘ '
... I il.nt I... ofJIT .... \
ten will bo granted at the April term of ti.e Court, t saidletters should not be granted.
feb If P- TRACY* OfdfaMiiy*
d 1 KOlttilA. BIBB i'll! Nil.— Wlit-re us. Jam
\JT M. Parker, administrator w ith the will annexed
ct John Vaughn, deceased, applies to me letters
disinissory Irom said administration :
These therefore, are to admonish all concerned
that said letters will be issued, unless valid objec
tions be nrged in due form of law.
febd P. TRACY, Ordinary.
BIBB «'i') NT Y.—Whcrt ns. James
KJ ■ Park has made application to me, lor a revoca
tion of the letters of administration, granted John
Jaugstetter, on the estate of Allred S. Park, by the
Inferior Coart while sitting for ordinary purposes, at
.. .. the November term of the Court, in the year one
*)lh. Monroe county. ! thousand eighteen bundredand forty-eight:
-• " “ ,n “' These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the
next, between tUe usual hours of sale, the following
property, to wit:
Jack, h man about CO year, old, Jennej. about 25
year* old, and her infant child, one largo pot. one
churn, one water bucket, one tub and pail, one tin
buckec. one lot of small cooking utensils, half dozen
fancy rliairs, one dozen split bottom chaira one fold-
ing table, one cindle small table,one large
junking glass, ten window curtains, one work stand,
one ainall fancy box, one large cheat, two beds, bed
steads and farniture. oue small looking glasa and
tnble, two black leather tranks, one common dining
table, nncaal'eand lot of crockery ware, oncslnb and
lot of crockery, two carpets, onn pair of spurs, three
pair lire dugs, two candlesticks, one violin, one broom,
one iron squnre, one spinning wheel, one bedstead,
seven window knobs, one trowel, one pair of steel
yards, oneclmp axe.and one rude. Levied on as the
property of Jeptlia C llowdin, to satisfy n fi,fa. from
Monroe Superior, in favor of John Q. Wilhite A Co.
vs Leonard F. Green and Jeptlia C. llowdin.
feb 22 D.W. COLLIER. Sheriff.
n OUSTON APRIL SALES —Will he sold be
lore the Court house door inthetown of Perry,
on the firs’. Tuesday in April next, the following
One grey stud horse. Levied on as tho property
of Qeorge'W. Buie, to satisfy one li fa from Houston
Inferior court in favorof John V. Mitchell vs. aaid
George W. Buie, and one fi fa from Houston Supe
rior court in favor of Bird Thomas, fur tho use of
Matthew Grace, against George W. Buie, Johu W
Johnson and II. M. Giles.
Also, at the game time and place, will be sold,
north half of Lot No 1U2, in the 5th district of aaid
county Levied on aa the property of letferaun Bar
It was written to commemorate an adventure of guy. to satisfy a li la from Monroe Superior court, in
William I’itr, .Mr. Da ad as, and Lord Thnrlow. They
had been dining with Mr. Jenkii.snn, out of town, and
on tln irwav back, somewhat jolly Irani wine, they
ran the "piVo” at Wimbledon Tho kce|ier was a
Savage fellow, nnd lie !ir,d a gun. loaded with slugs,
hftrr them, under the pretence that he mistook them
for thrives Captain Morris made this adventure tho
tlirme of what he called au American sung, in which
n Yankee tells the story, with stumble embellish
The wholosong can bo found in the Lyra Urlianiee,
published long ago in Londun Bcloro Mr. Webster
limited these hues, Burke Imd used them against
Sheridan in the House of Commons. It wits after
Burke had “ratted"—and ill allusion to hia form, r
friends habits, of much talking and much drinking.
Sheridan retorted by two other lines of the same
“He want to Daddy Jenky, by Trimmer Ilsll attended.
Good lark! in suuti ct>mi>aiir, how hb murals mud lie mended I"
Jenky wm Jenkinann; nt that lime chief of “the
King's friemls." and supposed to be the pt-rsou who
rewarded political “rats." Sheridan's hit told.
K EEPS constantly on hand, a large nnd well ae
looted stuck nl Foreign anil Domestic DRUGS,
Ac. Dealers in Itliif Oily, Spirit* Turpen
tine, Painter* Color*, Burning Final, Campkinr, Fine
Ltqnort, tiarilrn Strd*, \r. A cents fur Abbey'*
Orders acrompauied with the cash or satisfactory
reference, will be promptly executed at tbe lowest
market rates. amrSI
200 pure. For sale by
J3 teriuoSupporter, Fitch's AUh.miuaiBrace, with
acuinpleto asMirtmcntol the nnrni approved Trn**r*,
•ndlShouldcr Bracea. For sale l>v
sue .'li E. L. STUOHKCKKR A CO.
T^EAD SHOT.—A gentleman writing to the Pro
I J prictur* of the above valuable Medicine sav*.
OatMK. Nnw Jtassr. July lat. 18(6.
Gentlemen, I purchased a vial of Dr. Perry’* Dead
Shot Vo raifugc, at >o«r store about two week*
since, furmy little daughter, aged two years, wi».
bad the symptoms of w orms. A lew dear* of the
DMdicitM produced tho expulsion of more than 200
worms The unfavorable symptums passed off, and
she is entirety restored to health.
Yours resprctluliy, Join’ll Epwakds.
Price 2Sc- a vial. For sale by
augal E. L.STROHECKEll A CO.
A AGUE AND FEVER.—Thia preparation liny
been in use fur years, in the successlul treatment ol
Chills and Fever.aml isdow recognized a* n stand
ard medicine. It not only breaks the chill in a day
ortwo. but an occasional dose, fortifies the system
against (orther attacks. For sale hy
aim- :il K. L. STitOHKCKER * CO^
K ADWAV’S READY RELIEF.—A large lot, for
sale by the single bottle or dozen,
sun 31 B. L. A CO^_
JtX For the core of Bruise*. Sprains. Set Fasts,
Old Sores. Galls Swinney. Lanu ness, Stillncs* in
the Joints and Muscles, and for all external injuries
On Imrses. For sale hy
favur of William Finch vs said Jcliersnn Burgay,
feb 2# MADISON MARSH A LI., Sheriff.
rpo THE AFFLICTED.—Tarrant's Extract of
X Cababs nnd Copavis; Crassn an'* SncciticjMix
ture; French Capsules; Siiuar mated Cubeb and Co
pavia Pills; Rleard’s Specific; Maguin's Lnrina Cor
dial; Compound Extrart Bsober; Carpenter a Ex
tract Cubehs,Sarsaparilla and Copavia For sale by
TITHE undersigned having the agency lur several
1 extensivo packers of Pork, including Divinr
William* A Co t lot of Superior Extra Cut City
Style, mw offer for sale 400 000 pounds, Irom the
Smoko House. All from Corn Fattened Hogs, and
of large sign—in lnts to suit puicbascrs. Tonus
Cash nr approved bills.
We will also be inconstant receipt daring tlu other lota irom Ku»t Tennessee, and from
Ginciuoatti. St. Louis. Nashville. Ac.
All orders for meats will ho Idled direct from
Snmke Hnose, and packed in new Bacon Cask*
r'j?* City papers copy loamuuut of 65, and send
copy.-of paper.
the court house door, in tho town of Zcbulon,
Pike county, on the first Tuesday in March next, be
tween tho legal hour* of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit: Town Lot Number thirty- six. in the
town nf Karneavillu. Levied on to satisfy a fi fa.
Irom Pike Superior court -.n lavor of Hlnkc A Greer
vs Nathaniel T. Ennis. Le ied on the property of
defendant, ami tent-nt in possession notified.
Also, ono town Intin the towu of Barnesvillc.con-
five acres, mure or less, it being pail of lot No. 7:i,in
tho 7th district of urigiually Monroe now Pike roun-
ty. lying north ol' the rail road, the place whereon
Allen .McGilliapie now lives. Levied on Insanely a
fi la from Pike Superior court, iu favor of Daniel
Hightower vs. Allen McGillispie. Properly pointed
out by Plaintiff and tenant in posaeetsimi notified
Also 50.000 feet of tawed lumber. Levied on to
satisfy a li fa from Pike Superior court hi favorof Ku-
fua W McCune vs. J--hn J. Hailey A to Property
poiuted oot by Plaintiff JOHN COUCH.Sheriff
jan i!S
T> UTTS SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold on the
X> first Tuesday in March next, within the legal
liourtof tale, before the court-house door in the town
of Jackson, Rutta county, the following property, tu
wit: Seven hundred acres of Land, inure or less,
well improved, with a grist mill and cotton gin, oa
Big Sandy Creek, Sor 4 mile* front the I mlian Spring
Numbers not kuown. but adjoining lands of David
Higgins, and others. Levied on as the property of
Thomas J. Carson, to satissy afi fa from Runs Supe
rior court. in fnvor of Thomas J. Bailey, m.lm-al
Charles Bailey, deceased, va sail Thomas J Carson.
Property pointed oot by defendant,
jan25 K. G. BYARS,Sh'ff.
sold on the tint Tuesday in April next, at the
court house in Knoxville, Crawford county, within
the usual hours of sale, a negro woman of dark com.
plexion, named Heater, aged 18 or20 years, and a
negro boy of dark complexion, uained Henry, aged
12 or 13 years ; levied on as tho property of Lewis
Davis, to satisfy a mortgage fifa iu Isvorof Crutch
field A Horton vs. Lewis Davis. Property pointed
outinssid ii fa. LEWIS F. HICKS,Sheriff.
Jan 4
W ILL be aoid on the firscTuesday in March next
within the usual honra ot sale, at the court
house in Knoxville, Crawford cnanty, a bay mare
mule, about ten years old, sold as the property of
Jcsaee A. Matthew*, by virtue of an order of the
honorable Abner P Power*. Judge ol theSuperinr
court hir said comity, bunded upon an attachment in
favor of Litlleberry Landifur va said Jeasee Mat
thewa. [jan 4) LEWIS F HICKS,Sheriff.
laid John Jaugstetter, and all whom it may concern
to be and appear at the March Term of the Court ol
Ordinary, to beheld io and fur the county of Bibb, to
show cause if any they have, why said J aogstetter's
letters should nut be revoked and annulled,
feb 8 P. TRACY. Ordinary.
VJ Saulibory, applies to me forlettersof dismission
from the administration from the estate of Harvey
Shot well, deceased
These are therefore to cite and admouish all con
cerned. that said letters will be granted, unless ob
jections be properly filed io my olHce.
dec 21 P. TRACY, Ordinary.
VC Ernest, applica to me lor letters of dismission
Irom tho administration of the estate of Ellison Sum
merlin deceased.
These are therefore to eite and admonish all con
cerned, that aaid letters will be granted, unless ob
jections he properly filed in mv office.
dec 21 P- TRACY. Ordinary.
P.Bagby applies to me for letter* of adminis
tration, dr ho mis non, outlie estate of Willis Hughes
late of said comity, decea-ed :
These therefore, are to admonish all concerned,
that said letters will issue, unless good cause to the
contrary be properly shown. P.TRACY, Ord'y.
feb l
X P. Hall applies to me for letters or admiuistrn
tion on the estate of Samuel J. Ray, late of said
county, deceased:
These, therefore, arc to admonish all concerned,
that said letters will issue, unless, good cause to the
contrary shall be legally made to appear,
feb 1 P. TRACY, Ordinary.
ford J- Lipsey lias applied to me for letters of
gusrdianship. over the person and property nf Johu
H H.irrel and James E. Harrel, orphan minors of
William E. Harrel. deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the persons interested, to lie and appears!
luy office within the time prescribed hy law, and
show cause, il any they have, why aaid letters should
not be granted.
feb 1 P. TRACY. Ordinary.
Given under
December, 1852
dec 21
ar band at office, this 12th day of
,4 LL persmiaiudebted tnth
IX late of Houston county, d
Godard and John W hid by, administrator* on the
estate of Leroy Woodall, deceased, applies to me
for letters of dismission from said estate
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said estnle,
to be and appear at my office within the time pte-
acribed by las-, to shew cause, if any they have, w hy
said lettersef dismission should not be granted.
Given under mv hand at office, 3d January, 1853.
jan il ELBERT HUTCHINGS. Ordinary.
tate of Wm ATvera ‘
to make immediate payment; ami those having de
mands are required to present them duly authenti* ,
cated in term* of the law. DAViD AVERA,
fob 1* A'l m r. 1
/'THOUGH l’AYN'H, Dnccr.isT isn Istatk
VJT kd AroTiim a nr, Offers at wholesale an
a general stock of Drnes, Medicines. Chemicals, In
struments IPaints, Oils, Perfumery,Garden Seeds and
als. I
S I KORG1A, JONES COUNTY—Whereas..!ncob
VJT Lowe, administratoron the estate of William
Lowe deceased, applies to me for letters of disrnis-
ai° n -
Tliese are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within
the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they
have, why said lettersshould not be granted.
Given under nij hand at office, 29th Sept. 1852.
f'i KOUUIA, JUNES COUNTY.—Whereas, Sarah
VX O. Johnson, administratrix, and William T
Massey, administrator, of Abraham Johnson, deceas
cd, applies tu me for letters of dismission from said
estate :
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand ot office, 31st Jan., 1853.
ieb 8 ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary.
sha Davis. administratorontheestateolThom
as Lowe.deceased.applies to me for letters of dis
mission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and
singular the kindred and creditors of the
he and appear at my office within the time prescrib
ed hy law. to file their objections if any they have,
why aaid letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand tt office, this 10th Septem
ber, 1852. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary,
sept 14
Whidby applies to me for lettersof administra
tion on the estate of Richard Blow, late of said
county, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singularthe kindred and creditors ol said deceased,
to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed hy law. to show cause, if any they have, why
said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 26 Jan., 1853.
feb 1 ELBERT HUTCHINGS. Ordinary.
Citations, fjonston conntn.
ancy Mnsslewhite, guardian ol the minorchil
dren nf Wm. Muaslewhite, late nf aaid county, do
ceased, applies to me, for letters of dismission from
said guardiauship :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned to he and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law, and show cause, ifany they have
why aaid letter* should not he granted.
Given under my hand atoffice, this Feb. 1. 1853.
feb 8 JOHN II- POWERS. Ordinary.
VJT Wm It. Brown, administrator of George Buiat,
deceased, applies to me for letter* of dismission (runt
said estate.
Theae are therefore to cite anil admonish all per
sons concerned, to he and appear at my office, with
in the time proscribed hy law, to show any
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given undermy hand »t office, this 15th Dec. 1852.
dec 21 JOHN H. POWERS, Ordinary.
G eorgia, Houston county—wherea*
David Giles, guardian of Rebecca F. and Nan
cy K. Smith, applies to me for letters of dismission
from said guardiauship.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned, to he aud appear at my office withio
the time prescribed hy law, tu shew cause if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under mv hand atoffice. this 8th Jan., 1853
jan 11 JOHN H. POWERS. Ordinary.
/ lOllONlvR'S SALE.—Will he sold, on tho first
^ Tuesday iu Murrli uoxt, before the Courthouse
door, in the city' of Macon, Bibb comity, between the
usual hour* of sale, ono negro woman, hy tho uame
of Phillis, about 50 year* of age, levied on as the
property of George T. Pattan. to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from the Superior Court of Bibb county, in favor
of Demand Dempsey, vi. Morris A Patton, principal,
and Richard Bassett, and David J. Davis, securities
Propeity pointed out bv plaintiff's att'y.
jau25 JOHN a. SLOAN, Coroner.
fi at I'nea-lay in April next, between the usual
hours of sale, before the court house door iu Perry,
Houston county, a negro man named Charley, to ho
sold as the property of James K. Duncan, deceas d.
Ieb 22 QgORGB M. DUNCAN. Admr.
DMINISTttATOR’S SALE—Will be sold, ou
the first Tuesday in April next, before the court
house dour in Americas, Sumter county, within the
usual hours ol sale. Lot No. one hundred and forty-
four 114-4j in the fifteenth [15] district of originally
Lee now Samter county- Sold as the property ol
Andrew J. Lamar, deceased, by virtue of an order
nf the Court nf Ordinary ol Walton county. Sold to
perfect title*. JOHN B. LAMA1C,
feb 1 Adm’raofthe estate nf A. J. Lamar.
ui: ->kt a ci.Aimi:,
i >B( pFKSSHUS Ol Ml ' 1 ■ilsloof Boston,Mats.)
X respectfully amouce to the citizens of Macon
nod viciuity, their Intention to become permanent
r sidenta at this city, and will he bnpppv to give in
a ruction in every 'department of Yocaiaud Instru
mental Music, at the usual rates
N B — Particular attention paid to organizing and
instructing Choirs, Musical Sociotie* aud Bras*
Bands. . .
Holer to Geo. J. Webbe. Lowell Mason, Jnna*
Chickcring aud Edward Kendall, Boston; A Dod
worth. H. B. Dodwnrth, G-JO. F. Hoot, Esq., Wm
Hall * Son, New York.
Suitscripi -on p»purs, stating terms, Ac.,can he seer
at Mo»»r.. Virgin's. Wood's Dagncrrean Rooms, one
in Ike hands of Mr. Ives, nt George W. Price’s
Store* dec28-3m
\ r ACON FEM ALE SEMINARY —The first quar
-31. ter of the Spring Session of this Institution
will commence on Men lay, the 31st January. Tlu
course iii herlo pursued, and approved b> an intelli
gent Mm inanity, in a manner at once gratifying nod
substantial, will be continued And as it is, nml has
been friini the beginning, a cherished object with us
to merit for our school a high adopt it li
o*ery respect to the demand* ul the aae. weenoi
dgutty hope fur the continued and hearty c>»>ucra
tion of those must interested iu its success and per
tnanency Our general plan* b*Vc hern laid site I
the tlcrman model*, *<> universally approved by
scholars aodsxpor.encod ssdocnioi> \ucal inusic
heiog embraced in tho regular course ai d laughllh,
wh-de school in tho moat a* ietitilio and ihorouel
nt muter—an exercise ns tavor-b e Ur the health Bn.
happiness, as it is improving ami refilling to ilu
tastes an-I fee lines of the pop- s. All the duties an,
exercise* are required to be performed in tbo most
systematic and rceulsr with tin- view, n,if
only of facilitating the progress of pupils, hat nf in
,luring and cultivating habit* at nrdcrapd regularity
—habits which it would he diffi lilinn* . estimate
llavine chosen snd entered upon this husinesi a*
a ,-, our seminary is -.igned in be one o
p ....... ■ '...racier. j'W MILLER. I'm, p ,
OCXs' t;t"■::
D C. HODGh. ..ring just receiver
. snd are nownp ilicir estaldisbmcnt. oi
Mulhrrr* Stmt.» few d< iclow the Lanier Hooie
Macon, the largest and best assortment of GOOD::
iu theirline. evrrbrought tn this market, consisting
in part.of Double Barrelled SHOT til NS, from 4c
tn»lii.’. superior RIFLES, Cnlt *. Allen's and othei
AND SilOT. CAPS, WADDING, and every ntlie
article of Inn,line apparatus, usually kept by dealers
and manufacturers. All nf which will be sold at til,
lowest price for Cash. Those wishing a roiiinion 01
a very superior article of the shove can he accommn
dated at this house. net 12 l.v
P ERSONS having Negroes for s*| e , will find t
pun'haserhy calling on the undersigned
Macon,Oot.2«. BENJAMIN FORT.
A dministrators sale—w hi bo s»id ou
the first Tuesday in A pril uext, before the court-
house iiiNewtou.H skercounty,within the usual hour*
of sale. Lot nf laud No three hundred and ni ttety-
seven [397] in the firat (I) district of originally Ear.
ly now Baker county. Fold as the property of An -
drew J. Lamar, deceased, by virtue ot an orderuf
tho Court of Ordinary of Walton county. Sold to
perfect titles. JOHN B. LAM AH.
feb I Administrators nf lhe estate of A. J. Lamar
order ol the liounrable the liifditor court ol Pike
county when titling for ordinary purposes, will be
sold before the court house door at Cuthhcrt, Ran
dolph county, on tlie first Tucsdsy in March uext,
within the legal hours or sale, lot of Land No. 168,
(one hundred and sixty eight) in the 5tli district of
originally Lee. now Randolph county, containing
2021 acres mure or lese Sold as tho property of
Thomas It. Bond, late of Pike county, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs aud creditors nf aaid deceas
ed- Term* mnde kuown on day of sale,
\ DMIN(sTRATOU'ri SALE—Will be told on
the third day of April next, at the late rest-
deoceufjoel Culpepper, deceased, all the perishable
property ol said deceased, such a* horse*, hog*, oxen
and cart, Imoachold and kitchen farniture, and other
articles too tedious to mention.
jan 18 with tlie will annexed.
V UMlNUmi ATOR'8 SA LK —W iii' he soid oo
the first Tuea<iay in March next, before the
court house door in the town of Americus. Sumter
county. Georgia, witliir the legal hour* of tale, by-
virtue of an order of the ordinary of aaid county, a
negro woman hy the name ol Ann. and her infant
child John, being all tho negroes belonging to the es-
lateof Maiden S. Ledbetter, deceased. Fob! for tlie
benefit of the heirs and creditma of aaid estate —
Term* made known an the day nf **le.
jnn 4 REUBEN T'JOKKR, Adm r.
G .
Matthew Grace and Emanuel McNeesc, Execn
tors nf James Grace, deceased, applies for letters of
dismission from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singularthe kindred and creditor*of said deceased
tn bo and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to ahow 'cause, if any they have, why-
said letters of dismission should not be granted.
Given uuder my hand at offiro. this 5th October,
1852. JOHN H. POWERS, Ordinary,
oct. 12 __
G eorgia. Houston county.—whereas
David Tooke, administrator on the ettato oi
Murdock Singleton, deceased, applies tome for let
ters of dismission Irom said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singularthe kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to lie and appear at my office within the time pre
scrilied by law. to shew cause (if any they have!
why said letters should not he granted.
Given under mv hand, this 14th Sept. 1852.
sept at JOHN H. POWERS. Ordinary.
^ Joel Walker, executoruf Stephen Ammons,
late of aaid counts deceased, applies to uie for let
ters of dismission from said executorship.
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and
singularthe kindred and creditors nl' said deceased
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why-
said letters should not be granted.
Given undermy baud,this7th October, 1852.
oct 13 J. H- POWERS. Ordinary.
G eorgia. Houston county—wherea* Jo
sepii Tooke, applies to me for letters of admiu
istration ou the estate of John H. Barker, lateoi
said county, deceased :
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and
aingnlar the kindred and creditors nl aaid deceased,
to he and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why-
said letters should not be granted.
Given nnder my hand atoffice. thU26thJan-1853
febl /011N H. PO WE RS. Ordinary.
vJT Adam T. Holme*. guardiauofNarcissaMcDon
ahl, (formerly Narrissa Clark) applies tome for let
t rs nf dismission from aaid guardianship .
Theae are therefore to cite and admouish ail per
sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within
the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any
they have, why aaid letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at nffice.this 26th Jan ,1853
Ieb l JOHN H. POW KllS, Ordinary.
/GUARDIAN'S SALE—Agreeable to an order of
\JT the Court of Or.fii.ary,of Jones rnnuty, wilibe
Mild before the Court house door, in Clinton, on the
first Tuesday in April next, between the uiualhnurs
or sale, one negro man by the name of Jim told as
the property of the minor children of John Daniel,
lateof Jones county, deceased. Terms on a credit
until the25th davot Decenhernrxt.
felt 15 ' SARAH DANIEL, Guardian.
/G UARDIAN'S SALK.—Agreeable to an order of
XT tlie Honorable tlie Ordinary of Houston county,
will he sold before the mart house door, in Perry,
Houston county on the first Tuesday in A pril next,
within the legal hours nf sale. Lot of Laud nnmber
ninety, (90) in the tenth (10) district nf said rnonty.
Sold lor the benefit of the minor children ol Thomas
Paco,deceased ELIZABETH PACE, Guardian,
feb s
vJ Johu W.Bassett,has applied tome for letters
or administration on the estate of John Ooten, late
of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud
singular the kindred anil creditor* of said deceased,
to he and appear at my office, within the time pre-
srribed by law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why
aai I letters should not be granted.
Given undermy hand at office, this 26th Jan 1853.
feb 1 JOHN H. POWERS. Ordinary.
©itatiens, pike romitii
OPAKTN EH SHIP.—The undersigned have this
y associated themselves n* pHTtners, under
of MOORE A EDWARDS, for the porpoee
if selling
n nr,cultivated
I Geoneis, and
cit * nf Macon.
. AVAR =
X. C. Muniue,
id in
I pnreha
[.(.mis and Phiutnlom*. n the State
improved and unimproved Lot-
If E N It V .
Rri’Eitevcits—Hon. K. A.Niahci
Esq.,Col Pulaski Holt. Mr. Edwin G
Macon. October 12.1852.
I ANUS FI lit SALE - Wenll'crlin
\u the counties of nriginallv Cberokl
roll. Houston,Dooly,Mnoon.Marion, Pulaski, Musce-
.-ee,Stewart,Snmtor, Lee, Randolph, Baker Early.
D ecator, Thomas,Low tides. Scriven. Appling, Ware,
snd the counties ot originally Wilkinson.
Person* wishing tn purchase single luls or bodies nf
and,from 4U0 to 15 00 arte* orinore. csnbeauppUad
n application to MOORE A EDWARDS,
net 12 Office next to r he Manufactures’ Hank.
C HEESE.—A net/lot just received. For sale by
QTATK OF GEORGIA.—The court or Ordinary
O of Pike county, met pursuant to adjournment,
mis 10th day of January, 1853. Present—Wiley E.
Maugham, Ordinary. Henry Jouea, guardian for
Johu H. Jones, a minor, of aaid county, having ap
plied to the court for letters of disuiusioff, from the
guardianship of said minor.
It is therefore,ordered,that all persons concerned
are cited aud admonished, to file their objections, if
any they have, in my office, in tcrinsol the law,oth
erwise letters nf dismission will be granted the ap
plicant, agreeably tu law, in inch cases made and
The above is a true extract from the minutes of said
court, this 12th Januarv, 1853.
jnn 1- W'lU-.Y E MANGHAM. Or.'ii.nry.
S TATE OP GEORGIA—The Coort ofOrdinary of
Pikecounly met pursuant to adjournment, this
10th day of January. 1853. Present—Wiley E.
Mangliam. Ordinary.
It appearing to the Court, that David N. Varner
late ot raid county, deceased, did, while in life,exe
cute to Hartford Green, his bond, nt-ligatiug himself
to make to the aaid Given, titles to certain Town
property, in tt c town nt Zehnlnn, in said county,
generally known as the Cnppedge Place.containing
lour or livo acres more orless, adjoining the J nil lot.
(except the part enclosed by John Lee,) upon the
paymelit of the pnrehaso money for said lot. and
; that he departed this life without executing said ti
tie* It is therefore, on motion, ordered, that Johu
N Mangliam, executor of said estate and all other
: persons cause, w ithin '.lie time pre
scribed hy law. why the order should n d be passed
hy this coart. directing the said John N. Manglmni.
! excculnrol the last will and testament of the said
David N. Varner, deceased, to make the said Hart
ford Green titles in conformity w itli said bond. And
it is further ordered that this Kale Nisi he published
according to Inw.
By the Court, H. GREEN, Att’y.
Tbo above is a true extract from the M -nutes ol said
j court, this 12th Jan . 1853.
WILEY E.MANGHAM, Ordinary, and
jan 1.” Exoliicio.c. c.o.
Roberts, executor of Reubin Roberts, sen..late
ol said county, deceased, applies to me for lettersof
dismission from said executorship:
These are therefore to cite nml admonish nil and
siugular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased,
tube and appear at ray office, within the time pre
scribed hy law, and show cause, if any they have,
why aaid fetters shoahi not by granted.
Given uuder my hand nt office, this 20th Jan.,1853.
feb 1 ELBERT HUTCHINGS. Ordinary.
Henrietta Aldridge
Joseph Aldridge.
: j
Libel for divorce,
Jones Superior Court,
Oct. Term. 1852.
T T appearing to the Court by tlie return of the
Sheriff, in the above stated case, that the defen.
dant cannot bo foand in said county, and it farther
appearing to the Court, that the said defendant is out
of the limits of the State of Georgia, It is ordered
hy tlie Court, that the said defends* appear and
defend said case, at the next term of this court, and
that on failing so to do, that the plaintiff have leave
to proceed in said case, ns in cases of default, and it
is ordered that thia order be published in a public
Gazette in Macon, once a month for three months,
before the next term oftnis court.
A true copy from the minutes of said court, this
28thDec., 1852. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Clerk,
jan 4
(Citations, Dooln conntn.
C ~ lEtfMJU, DOOLY COUNTY—Whereas, Jor-
IT dan F. Outlaw, administrator tic Loni* non on
theestateof Orman Hubanks, deceased, applies to
me tor letters of dismission from said administration:
Theae are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the persons interested, to he aud appear at
my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and
ahow cause, if any they have,why aaid letters should
uot be grauted.
Given undermy hand and official signature at of.
fice. this 7th Feb. 1853.
feb 15 ALEX. MERIWETHER. Ordinary.
Pulaski. Fleming applies to mo for letters of
administration on the estate of Willis S- Leonard,
lateof said county, deceased :
Theae, are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and creditorsof said deceased,
to be aud appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in March next, toshnw cause, (if any they
have) why said letters should not be granted.
Given oader my hand and official signature at of
fice, this 29th of January, 1853.
feb I A L E X. M E RIW ETH E R, O rdinary.
J Sutton, Administratrix on theestateof Tlieo-
phelus Sutton, deceased, applies for dismission from
said administration, she having faithfully discharged
the trust reposed in her, aa appears from the records
of my office.
These are, tin reforo, to cite and summons all per
sons concerned or interested to show cause in terms
of the law, why arid letters should not be granted.
Given under any hand and seal at office, this 22d
dav of September. 1852.
sept 28 Ordinary
S.ThumpsoD. administratoron the estate of John
Owens of said county deceased, apply to me to be
dismissed from said administration, he having faith
fully discharged the trust reposed iu him, as appears
from the records of my office.
These are therefore to cite summons and admou
ish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew
oause, if any exist, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office, this 4thSept 1852
sept 28 ALEX. MERIWETHER.Ordinary.
other articles usually kept in u Drugstore,
perienceof twenty years in the Drug and Apothe
cary business, enables him to say to tlie public with
confidence, that all Medicines and proscriptions sold
by him. shall be genuine and pure, and will sway
give satisfaction.
’ X 1 Just received
j jan 25
hy GEO. PAYNE, who w as awarded at the : a*t
State Fair, a silver medal for the best burning fluid.
of Laird H. Wiley, are notified to present them I ~ ... „„ . vftF'SvFn—» j TTiTir
duly authenticated tothe undersigned, within tho /^V6AGK ORANGE SEED. Just recei cl, a p
time proscribed by law. and all persons indebted to , W ply of these send, the produce ofthelastsca-
•j VTMm i IT '.n sou. It is satisfactorily ascertained, that the osage
said estate, wt.l plea. . call •usdi settle. | orange is the most durable and valuable of all Plants
J at,2:> J. B. WILEY, Administrator Umt have been ugeJ f orb edges in this climate. Per-
sons wishing to procure them, would do well to call
soon. Price—SI perquart. GEO.PAYNE,
jan 25
last six years, to ke
strictly Temperance
Thankful lor past!
: who wants quiet, coi
: stopping in the city,
ell located forhn
• he)...
nnffiple a ^° Te ' MlDed iw^ 4 *
^ore, he would ; .
fortable and cheap ho«’ l *!l
> give him a call Tk: . *
is well located lor business men. being No ag'l'wti!
ol most of the steamboats and Railroads •
, ELDAD TAVr l £* i S
York 1853.—-jan 18. 3m.
A LL persons indebted to the estate ot W.W. j S
Jordan, late of Crawford county, deceased, must
make immediate payment; those having demands
against the estate are requested to present them in
terms of tlie law.
jan 18 HENRY T. JORDAN. S Aamr *
LL persons having demands ucninst the estate
A LL persons having demands against the estateof
James Simpson, late of Twiggs s00n
ceased, will please present them in terms of the
law ; anil all persons indebted to said estate, will
please make immediate payment.
feb 15 R. L. ALLEN. Admr.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Harrison
D. Hoskins, late of saiJ county, deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment to the aoder-
signed, and all persons having demands against said
estate will present them legally authenticated, with
in the time prescribed by law.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of James
Gates, late of Houston coanty, deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment to the under
signed, and nil persons having demands against said
estate will present them in terms of the law.
jan 25 JAMES M. GATES. Admr.
A LL persons indebted tothe estate of John Wim-
mer, late of Bibb coanty, are requested to make
payment, those haviDg claims to present them in
terms of tho law. J. A. VIRGIN, Admr.
feb 8
rivals, a large nnd wellselected stock iii * ^
German, English and French cloths 0 r,n
and style*. ’ ola,1 Snl £|
Mohair Coatings, Drap d'ete. Queen's clmk
Alpaccaaad worsted coatings. 1 m
Cherry-street, near Cotton Avenue.
._// J. H.&w. S- ELLIS are receiving.
yaw and keep constantly on hand, a general Vu,
£§4 assortment of DltUGS AND MAPI- tJm
ClSES—as follows:
Alcohol, full strength I Calomel
j Copperas
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John O'
Keefe, or having claims against the same, are
hereby requested to call for purposes of settlement
feb 8 Attorneys for Admx.
S IXTY DAYS afterdate, application will ho made
to the Honorable the Ordinary of Hoaston coan
ty. for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to
the minors of Thomas Pace, deceased.
jan 11 ELIZABETH PACE. Goard’n.
QIXTY DAYS after date, application will he made
O to the honorable the Court of Ordiuary of Bibb
coanty, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging
tothe estate of John O'Keefe, deceased,
OIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made
O tothe honorable the Coort of Ordinary of Bibb
coanty, forleave In sell all the lauds belonging tothe
estate of Samuel Dixon, deceased,
S IXTY DAYS alter date, application will be made
tothe Ordinary of Dooly county, for leave to sell
the negroes belonging to the estate of of Joel Cul
pepper, deceased.
JOHN McMERCER. 5 Aflmrs -
jan 18 with tlie will annexed.
01XTY DAYS after date, application will be made
O to the Honorable couit of Ordinary of Pike
enuuty, for leave to sell n negro girl hy the name of
Manerva, belonging to the estate of Franklin Green
late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of dis
tribution among the heirs of said estate,
jams JONAH GREEN. Admr
01XTY DAYS afterdate, application will he made
O to the Honorable the Ordinary of Twiggs coun
ty, for leave tn sell all the Lauds belonging to the es
tate of Nimrod Day, deceased, late of Twiggs
county. RICHARD MYRICK, Adm r.
jan i5
OIXTY DAY'S after date, application will he made
O to the honorable Court of Ordinary, of Bibb
county, for leave tn sell, all the real estate belonging
to the estate of Charles Cotton, deceased.
feb 15 EDWIN GRAVES, Admr.
S IXTY DAY'S afterdate, application will he made
to the Ordinary of Dooly county, for leave to sell
the Lands belonging tothe estate of Morgan Outlaw,
deceased, lying in Dooly county.
feb 15 JORDAN F. OUTLAW. Admr.
Antimonial* 1 Acids
Mercurials I Cubehs
Indigo I Madder
Dandelion I Stramonium I Sarsaparilla
Henbane j Aconite Coiocyuth Com.
Conium I Belladonna I Gentian
send's sarsapariiIft;Sands’ do; Wistaria Balsam Cher*
ry; sarsaparilla Pills; Jayne’s Alterative; Hair Dye;
syrup Naptha;Tctterand Ringworm Ointment; Dead
shot; Cholera Remedy;Trusses; Body Braces;Cherry
Pectoral; Jew David's Plaster, Expectorant; Vermi
fuge; Cholagogue; Pile and Itch Ointment; Extract
Bucha-.seidlitz Powers.
Cupping cases, &c.; Paints, Varnish. Glass, Putty
PERFUMERY.—Premium shaving cream; fancy
soaps; Extract Rose; Verbena; Pachonly; Musk; Co
logne, variouschoice qualities; Jenny Lind Pomade
Ox marrow, Ac.
Vinegar, Rouge. Flavoring Extracts, Ac.
On band, the concentrated compound syrup of
Queen's Delight and sarsaparilla, so highly recom
mended by Dr. Frost and other physicians, in ex
treme cases of Rheumatism, Liver Complaints.whito
swellings, Ulcers of the Throat, coughs, scrofula, sy
philis, eruptions of the skin, tetter. Jaundice, Ac.
Also. I set of fine Dentist’s Instruments, consist
ing of02 different instruments, in a fine mahogany
case. _ . ,
Forsalebelow New York retail price.
ESPPIiysiciansand families supplied as low as the
market will admit. nov 12
S IXTY DAYS after date, application will be made
to the Honorable the Court ot Ordinary, of
Twiggscounty. lor anorder for leave to sell all the
real estate of James Simpson, deceased,
feb 15 R. L. ALLEN Admr.
S IXTY DAY'S alter date, application will he wade
tothe honorable Court of Ordinary, of Hoaston
county, for leave to sell all the Lands and Negroes
in this State, belonging tothe estate of Laird H. Wi
ley, deceased, for the purpose of distribution among
theheirs. JOHN B. WILEY, Admr.
IXTY DAY’S afterdate, application will be made
to the court of ordinary of Monroe county, for
leave to sell all the negroes and ether effects, be
longing to the estate of Dr. I._M. JL Carleton, de-
dec 14
W. J. H. CARLETON, Admr.
S IXTY DAYS nftcr date, application wilibe made
to tho ordinary of Bibb county, for leave to sell
all the personal effects ofS. W. Babcock, deceased.
jan25 J. W. BABCOCK, Adm’r.
Professional (£arta
H ALL A CARY, Attorneys at Law, Macon, Ga
Will practice in the counties of Bibb, Monroe,
Upson. Pike and Spaldiug.
Office over Dr. W. G. Little's Drug Store.
Macon, Oct 12, 1S52.
nard E. Whitehead and Pstsy Whitehead, ad-
ministratnraml administratrix, of William B. White
head, apply to me to bo dismissed from (aid adminis
tration ; they having faithfully discharged the trust
reposed iu them, as appears from the records of my
These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish ail per
sons concerned or interested, tu he and appear at my
office on or before the first Monday in August next,
and shuw cause if aoy exist, why aaid letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature, atof-
fice.this lOtii January, 1853.
jan 2.7 Ah EX. ME KIWETHER. Ordinary.
Citations, Cvaiuforir county
Litlleberry Causey, guardian of Judy Ann
Hale, applies to me for letters of dismissory:
These are therefore to cite and admonish nil per
sons concerned, to he and nppearat my office within
the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if ary
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my band at office, this 19th January
1853. JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary,
jan 25
aJT John H- Goodin, applies to me for lettersof
administration on the cstato of James Columbus
Miller, deceased, late of said county:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
siugular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be ami appearat my office, within the time pre
scribed hy law, to shew cause, ifany they have,why
aaid letters should not bo granted to the said John H.
Given under my hand at office, Febrdary 14,1853.
feb 22 JAMES J. RAY,Ordinary.
Joshu Tcnnisson, applies to me for lettersof
dismission from the guardianship of Martha Davis,
and Reuben U. Davis,childrenof Reuben B. Davis,
deceased :
Tt-.ese arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all and
■insular the parties Rnd persona interested, to be,
and appear at toy office, within the time prescribed
by law, to show cause why said letters dismissory
shall not he granted.
Given nnder my hand atoffice. January 10.1853.
jan IB JAS. J. RAY. Ordinary.
Jacob Lowe, guardian of the person nnd prop
erty of Matthew A Marshall, minor of Chesley B.
M :nshall, deceased, npplies to me for letters ol dis
mission from hi* said guardianship, the said Jncob
Lowe having fully settled up with his said ward :
These are, therefore, to cite anil admonish all and
singular those interested, to be nnd appear at my
office, within the time prescribed by law, nnd show
cause, if any they have, why aaid letters dismissory
should not ho granted.
Given under my hand at office, January 27,1S33.
feb 1 JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary.
i «iiti> i nti: n>i tt.iMi: C4>.,
7* STABLISliED in 1810—Fire risks on Cotton,
mil Produce in Store, merchandise,store houses'
lings. and furniture, churches, Ac., in the above
old and well established company, taken at the usual
rates hy E- J. JOHNSTON,Agent for citv of
Jan 18 AJacon, Bibb co.
JLl for sale a lot of likely ne
The subscribers offer
groes. from the upper
part of Georgia, ami shall be receiving during winter
andrpring negroes of all descriptions, having agents
constantly buj ing through the up country, and for
warding to us. Good reference given as to respons
ibility/ W. aM. & A.B.McAFPEE.
dec 28 3m
'.nur:;viit;; ami I't iicftiiK.
THE subscriber would inform Authors, Publish
ers, Printers, and tho public gen orally,that he] is
prepared to carry on the business of Kng-aving on
Steel, Copper,Brass or Wood, in a superior man
ner, on reasonable terms. Also—Seal Engraving,
and Copper Plate Printing. O. H. THROOP,
„ Second st., over J. ft E .Saulabury’sStore.
dec -J tf
L AMAR A LOCHItANE, Attorneys at Law,
Office over Bclden Jj- Co'* Hat Store, Macon Ga.
Will practice in the Superior Courts of the follow
ingcouuties: Bibb, Mouroe. Pike, Houston, Dooly,
Sumter, Crawford, Macon, Jones andTwiggs, and
in the Supreme Court at Macon, Decautnr and Co
Ail eases placed in nur hands for collection will be
punctually attended to.
P A E. D. TRACY, Attorney's at Law, Macon.
, Ga., will practice in all the Superior Courts of
the Mncun Circuit. I aug 17
O N. BRASWELL, Attorney at Law, Bamet-
Os cillc, Ga.—-Will attend the Superior Courts in
the counties of Pike, Spalding, Upton, Monroe, and
Crawford. And will give prompt attention to all
business intrusted to his care,
jan H
M iller a hall, attorneys at law, ogle
thorpe, Ga.—Willpractice in all the counties of
the Macon Circuit, in Baker, Lee aud Sumter of the
Southwestern Circuit, and in Taylor and Marion of
the Cbattahooehee Circuit. Also, in the Supremo
Coort at Macon, Decatur, Americus, and Columbus,
sept 14—ly
L AW NOTICE.—The subscribers liaving formed
a copartnership in the practice of Law. The
business of tlie profession, in all its branches, will
meet with nnr closest attention Wo will spare no
f iaius nor efforts to secure the safety and speedy col
ection ot all claims entrusted to our hands,and will
be prompt and punctual in our correspondence and
settlements with clients. Oar mature experience
and circumstances in life afiord. as we trust, a full
guaranty that nil business committed to our care will
be safely aud successfully conducted-
We will practice in the following counties:
Stewart, Marinn, Muscogee,
Sumter, Randolph, Baker,
Lee, Early,
In Barbour connty. Alabama; in the Supreme Court
of Georgia, and in the Federal Coort. Also, in other
counties when specially retained. Firm name J.
M. A J .Clark. J.M. CLARK,
Lumpkin. Ga„ Fel>.22. JAMES CLARK, Sen.
_ J, VO ft's
F or the growth and embellishment
OFF AND TURNING GRAY’.—Awarded the high
est premiums by the States of New York, Maryland
aud Michigan, at their Annual Fairs of 1851 The
Katliairou neutralizes tho effect of disease, climate,
and old age, in presercing and restoring the human
Hair even after a baldness of twenty years ; clean
ses the seaip Irom Scarf nnd Dandruff; will cure the
nervous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Diseases
of the skin, Ac., ami is the most desirable Toilet
Article lor Ladiea’or Gentlemen's use in the world.
Its perfume equals Lubin's Choicest Extracts, and
being free from all offensive oil, orcoloring proper
ties, it gives the Hair that clean, bright, soft. lively
appearance, secured by no other preparation.
‘1 Iu- use of the Katiiairon is adopted by the first
physicians in Europe aud America, mid has a patron
age and sale unprecedented in the history of the ma-
tma mciitca. But words are superfluous, n trial on
ly can attest it* treat virtue, as million* certify. Tn be
hail throughout North and South America, Europe
and the Islands of the Ocean, in large bottles, for 25
cents. Sold in Macon by PAY Nli AN 1SB ET.
E. Thomas Lyon,161 Broadway, N.Y.
Lyon’s Extrnct of Pure Jnmaicn Ginger.
N OTHING need be said to command the atten
tion of the public to this article, whenconvinced
that it is Pure and unadulterated. Medical men, or
those seeking a harmless beverage to destroy the
unwholesome effects of brackish and turbid water,
can rely upon its genuine character, and it is also ex
tensively used for culinary purposes, in flavoring
cakes, preserves, Ae. Tothe afflicted with Dyspep
sia, Summer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility,
Fever and Ague, Dizziness, generalProstration. Ac.
nothing has ever been prescribed with equal effect.
Manufactured by E. Thomas Lyon, Chemist,
161 Broadway, N. Y.
Inquire for Lyon’s Pure Ginger. Sold hy repu
table Druggists throughout the world.
PAY’NE A NlSBET.Ag'ts Macon, Ga.
jan 4 3m
M ixed and clouded zephyr clolh. plain w.
l-'ancy French and iiarnsley drills. ? tWll W
Brown nnd Yellow linens.
Fancy, piaid and figured marseilles.
White and buff do do.
Drab silk and linen coatings, togcthern-iti.
tensive assortment of TRIM MINGS and n ,| *° e *
suitnblefor the Clothing Trade, ou the met //J ^
terms. “*>■ «»oray,
Particular cash or short time buyers, and »
study their interests, will call and examine hF
before purchasing elsewhere. ‘“•i 1 ’*/.; :
jan 18
ryruLLER, hctcuins a lasell t* PnBT
Y., are now receiving and opening a very '
entirely new-stock of SILKS AND FANCY for!
GOODS, comprising dress silks, dress goods, ande;
tilings, bonnet aud taffeta ribbons, shawls, kid i
and lisle gloves, white goods, laces and embnddai? I
together with a general assortment of every v-!/. 1 '
of goods in this lino; cosh aud time buyers from
section will find this stock very desirable and u ?
prices. “ ’
jan 18 3m
STRAW GOODS of theirown Maaufscture zlu
they offer to Cash and Time buyers outhe non;.'
eral terms, at a slight advance Irom coat. Theirfc..
experience in thia branch of business enableitl,""
toofferinducements to bnyers seldom met with w
an examination of theirstock is particularly invirn
Orders respeclfnlly solicited, andesneci»l.q ft F~
paid to packing goods fordistanttrade. “ *
dec 14—3m. 147 YVater Street, New York.
A NSON TAYLOR, No. ICO Broadiray See
Manufacturer and Commission dealer in H, It
Caps, Straw Goods, Hatters’ 8tocs.Taissuu
A. A.T’s long experience in these particalarbrie2
es of business, joined to his facilities inthenir-.
factoring, enables him to offer inducements top."
chasers that cauuot he had of those who porchui
their goods at second or third hands. HU prna
stock is extensive and well assorted for t)ie coontn
trade, and will constantly be added to by freihg!
portations, and from his own manufactory.
Particular attention paid to orders by Mill
ja» 4 3a
"IA J. COWART, Attorney at Law. Canton,
LL. Ga~,—Willpractice in all the counties of the
Cherokee circuits aud in Campbell and Carrol. He
will also attend theSapreme Court at Cassvilleand
Gainesville,and the United States District Court at
Marietta. oct 26 ly
KIJRGE YV. FISH, Attorney at Law, Ogle-
A thorpe, Ga.—Having moved his office from Ma
con to Oglethorpe, will practice hereafter in the
counties of Macon, Marion, Taylor, Dooly, Sumter,
andLee. Will also continue to practice ns hereto
fore in the several counties nf the Southern circuit.
And will attend theSnpremo Coart at Macon. Amer
icus and Colnmbus. 25-tf feb 3
A lfred h. colquitt, attorney at law,
Norton, Pahrr con niy.Ga.—Will attend prompt
ly to all business in the lino of his profession, in
Baker nnd the adjoining counties. march 23
/Cficinuixciazzi can be cured!
Iflortiworc’M Rheumatic Couiposud and
Blood Purifier.
W HICH has gained such great popularity where
ever introduced, as the only specific known
for the effectual cure of this painful disease. This
remedy has already cured thousands of cases, com
prising every seeming form of tills complaint, from the
inflammatory (acute) form, attended with swellings
and enlargement of the joints, to old chronic cases of
from ten to twenty and thirty years staudiug. Those
who lmd for years resorted to the various celebrated
springs, had iried ail the liunments and external ap
plications, and been under treatment of some of the
ablest physicians both in this country and Europe.ond
were prouounced incurable; still, after all these efforts
had failed, this compound had cared them. Many
who have beeu cripples, either hobbling upon crutch
es or confined to their beds tor vears, certify to a com
plete nnd permanent core by the use of this remedy.
We have not space, ina newspaper advertisement,
to insert the accumulated evidence in its behalf. This
evidence conies from sources which must inspire con
fidence in every mind. The conductors of ni^li toned
public journals have published to the world its won
derful mid beneficial effects upon themselves and
those mound them, and iu some instances speak of
hundreds of cures. Physicians have resorted toil,
and certify that, eveu in extreme eases, where con
sultations had been hold, aud they had decided that
there were uo hopes of recovery, even then, they pro
cured this medicine and administered it, and it effect,
ed a complete cure. Ministers of various dcuomina
tions have written and published what it hns done
for themselves nnd their friends; while merchants, of
ficers, mechanics, and private citizens, have furnish
ed volumes of evidence of the highest character, such
os accompanies no other preparation in America.
We most respectfully ask those who are afflicted
to scud to the agent iu their vicinity and get n circu
lar, and read tho letters and certificates of Rev. Jas.
Mitchel, Rev. N, G. Berryman, Rev. J H. Linn, Rev.
J. M. Kelly, Rev. R. A. Colburn, and other clergy
men; while we add the names of Hon. J. Smith, late
President of the Bank of the State of Missouri; Geo.
O. Atherton, Officer in tile Bank in St. Louis; Messrs.
James II. Eddy, S. Downing, A. Holland, C. YV. Stone
J. YV. Christy, Joseph Southack, with other promin
ent merchants of St- Louis, as also vast numbers of
other citizens.
This is home evidence, anil these nre living wit
nesses, where this great remedy was first introduced,
and where many thousands have been cured during
the last two years. The proprietors have now open
ed their Great Central Office at No. 1 Barclay street,
(Astor House) in the city of -New York, where all or
ders for this medicine will bo promptly atteuded to.
This is a vegetable spirit—an internal remedy, pre
pared and recommended for thia oue disease alone.
This it will cure!
Price, 85 per single bottle; or three battles for SIO.
YV. V. Alexander ft Co., Proprietors, N. York,
(resold hy PAY’NE ft NISBET and LEONARD
LITTLE, Macon, Georgia dec 7 3m
SB YY’IIVG .12 AC I! 8 Ji K. ~~
Secured in the United Statf.s hy two msnitt
second April 13, 1852.—The only machine ptiii
leged to use a straight needle. YY’itliin a short tior
it has been awarded seven cold and silver medtii*
Fair* in different States. In less than two jeint!*
great reputation of this labor-saving machine ta
been established in this country and in Knrope.-
Y\’ hat spinning machinery is tothe old ipinniii-
wheel Singer s Sewiug Machine is to othermodni'
sewing. It has already triumphed overiavetena
prejudices arising from the sale of imperfect c:
worthless machines. Ic has been introduced extea
ively into large manufacturing establishments ti
into the hands of individual operators. It itn
every variety of materials, coarse or fine, cloth sr
leather, with marvelous rapidity and lorprisig
strength and beauty, performing the workaifuts
ten persnnB aad much better than it can be donel*
hand. The machine is compact, ornamental, dnrt'i
and is easily adjusted and operated. Full pria
directions fornsiDg it are furnished with earhi
chine. The price, with all apparatus complete
Some persons are endeavoring to sell Tel
Rights for Sewing Machines which mahe a dentil
tambonrraveling stitch with two needle*, and*
der* are received for such machines to be farniiW
lor 625. These machines are not in a form to bed
any practical nse. Thetwo needles cut and wetka
the materials sewed, and they nse twice tbeqsaxsitr.
of silk required for good machines. They areqiis
inferior to Wilson's Lerow A Blodgett's and Mir
machines which the public have tried and rejectel
and would be bad property if they could be hid kr;
Exclusiverights to use and sell to othersEiojtrl
Sewing Machines in any part of the territory «th
United States, not disposed of, will besohion n
able terms and sn as to insure to the purchuenisj
mense profits (jp" The right to make tbesemtciiisj
is nevcrsold Ai
Either of the Express Companies ormeicbut
visiting New York to bay goods, furnish aconvesiti
medium to procure machines, and a draft, payable-1
our order in New York, will alwaya imurea
chine, perfect and complete, being sent as dim
The machines, in operation, and finished I]
mens of their work, may always be freely exi
at ouroffices. No. 258 Broadway, N. Y.; No-
YVashington-st., Boston; No.57 South jthsFPi
No. 159 Baltimore st., Baltimore, and No. lS7£lt
st. Cincinnati!.
N. B—Machine Needles, Silk Twist oo oa
Linen Thread, Ac., mauufactnred for these macloi*|
expressly,always on hand snd for sale. Blacls?
$7 per pound; colored,$7 59. I.M.SINGEKt
jan 4
M* GREEN, willcoiitiue the practice of Medicine
s hefetofore. One of them, un! ess otherwise en
aged, can always bo found at their office, opposite
the Methodist Church and next door to *Mr. Poe’s.
Macon, February 1,1853.
A CAIU)—The practice of Medicine in its vari*
our departments by J. T. COXK. M. D.
S’S^OlHce on Cotton AvenucoverDr.Little’s Drug
store. may 1
corner of Mulberry pud Fourth streets, nearly
opposite his former residence.
l)r. li. will continue to practice Medicine and Sur*
gory iu all their departments both io the city aud
country. 3m nov 23
Tobacco JI tin ii factory,
utr Ou LaiOrr House, SlGN .
Macon*. Ga.—Where he keeps
at whole
> Nrjfnr, Niiulf tV
Mu Hurry-Si reef, Op*
>y the Big Segar—
constantly on hand,
ile Rnd retail. Spanish, Half Spanish and
American SEGARS. of the finest brands. Also,
KEY.—75 barrels Pure Kye Whiskey, just re
ceived,and 1UU barrelsSupertiue Flourexpectedtbis
week, by T. C. DEMPSEY, Agent
feb Si for the Mills.
dk. a. q. sirrimoiVK’
C AN be obtained at mn^t of the towns and cities
in the Southern and Western States. The above
named medicines arc so well known, as certain rem
edies for Dyspepsia and diseases ol the Liver of all
kinds, and for all curable diseases to which females
alone are liable. 1 deem it unnecessary to say any
more on that subject, hut it has become necessary
to caution the public against couterfeiters of the j
above medicines, who say they have learned from i
me how to manufacture it, they are liars, there is
not a man on earth either directly or indirectly learn,
ed from me, except my two sons Miles A. and C. A. j
Simmons, any man selling medicine and saying it is
Simmons* or like his, is a liar, except my name or
one of the above ia on the paper that contains the |
medicine- A. Q. SIMMONS, i
.i inn' i r. i ml y
isruui xiiY roit su n 'YwjkoIx
FpHE undersigned respectfully announce to the
jL Public, that having experienced the want of
some suitable place.forthe accommodation of negroes
brought from the country, for the purpose of Surgical i
and Medical treatment. They have determined to i
open an Infirmary in a quiet part of the city, furnish
ed with proper furniture ami attendants—where all
tlie wants ot invalid aervantarequiringSnrgicaloper-
atlons or Medical treatment for chronic disease can
be appropriately supplied.
jqly 6 47—ly
nership heretofore existing between Drs. Me- »
DONALD tfc GAL LAGEll. has this day been dis j
solved by mutual consent. As Dr. Gsllager is going j
to leave Macon, it becomes necessary that immediate
pa\ment be made, of all dues to the late firm. Dr.
McDonald is authorised to settle the books.
^January 4th. 1e<53.
C HECKS, Billiard and TenPin Balls, Cheaa men, j
Backgammon Boards, Dominoes. Ac. For sale
by [oct 12] E. J. JOHNSTON. I
PRICE ONLY $25!!—PATENTED Oct. 19,1®
rilHlS machine is acknowledged by all who
A used it to be superior to that of any otherst* *
ing Machine ever invented, for its simplicity, «-
pactness. the beauty and strength of iu lUchind®
cheapness. Jt weighs about 25lbs .and cost*o* 1
from $25 to $30. It will work, neatly with the is
est thread, the finest muslin, cambric or tilk****.
as lineu, woolen and cotton goods, and all kisJ l
leather. It is so simple, tln.t a child of 10
age can understand and work it rapidly, without*!
danger of its getting out of order, and eta cow
work of more than 20 seamstresses mach better^
every respect than it can be done by baud *
stitches are independent of each other,
that if every other stitch is cut, the seair- sti» 'p'
good and strong. It is unlike and much better
any other sewing machine ever invented. Joit
chine is peculiarily adapted to family and pltH*
use as it will do all kinds of sewing and when* 1
will be generally introduced intofauiilie* 1D<i f
The A very Sewing Machine Company hsrep
fected their arrangements for manufacturing^
largestscple.and willsupply any numberofw» c _‘
at the shortest notice. Orders addressed toCha 1
Nettlkton, *251 Broadway, New York, willf*
prompt attention. 0 ,n V
K T. TAYLOR * GO’S. UKLf-DttAi*-*' -.m
TE11S.—The undersigned, Agents for Messrs- * I
Taylor & Co. Columbus, Ga., are now pffl^Lr,-. I
offer for sale, a lot of their SUPERIOR bO E
GINS. They will receive in afew days.*
at fair prices. The public are respectfully* 011
to call and examine them. .ntirsH
sept7 4—ly FIELD
Lumber! Knmlx'r!! I
fTYHE undersigned is now ready to supply E
X Steam Mills, every description of Low
Scantling,at the shortest notice and of the r
quality. Applications sent to the Mill, or . IN
the underaigned.wilimeet with prompt ■
aug 3 - J
1UEW STEAM SAW .MILL.—'tbe«ndefl£ g
1 v has in complete and successful oper* 1 ^ Va
10 miles South-west from Macon, anew
Steam Saw Mill, with two saws attached : 'I ■
they areenabled to farniah thecitl*cn*ofW*
the public generally, with any quantity °* c
quality ofPine Lumber, at the shortest noti ^ mm
orders promptly attended to. The Comp* n J f -, r W
takecontractsfor putting up buildings in toe -‘l ; |
Macon nnd vicinity - One of rhe firm i* e S,ti J *
t“! Mechanic.and will give Ids » >
Dot 1* branches of Business. We cxpcc* 1° b ^
eral satisfaction. W. tt. BELL ^
feb 24
PHE subj
Liisabcr and I/nth**
briber keeps, at all time#.*J* 1 $
- of LUMBER and LATHS,at his
three miles Enstof Fort Valley. Person! .
to contract for large or small quantities. oan ;
persona! application or by letter. I w, “ ‘ l JlJ t
the Raiiroad at Fort Valley, nt ^och J ,n ®
enable large buy era in Macon or
their lumber cheaper from me than ^
Fort Volley, Nov. 24,1858. ~—
D 1
Lumber! XH»n® cr "' , s --
1HE subscribers have made the m ,
rangements. with Mr. Hubert 0*^“
their Agent, forthe sale of Lumber a.:-'-- .
orders left at Mr. Carver's store will be 1' .
tended to. The following areonrprico t«- r -
when delivered in Macon. ,, , ,.. 5 {'- 1
Ail merchantable I.umberfree of ao ,
per hundred, ami $12 50 per thousand t*
overdo feet in length 50 cents per bun --
charged. „i
Seasoned Flooring. Ceiling, Ac., P
and grooved, ready for use 00 F 01 , '' :
A deduction of 121 cents per hundred u
Lumber is taken from the Mill- , ,„n
Lath delivered in Macon $2 00
duction ot 12) per cent is made on ' g-
ed from the Countrv, or when *hiPf. ;i>'
Vineville, April titb, J r'52.