Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 03, 1854, Image 1

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s? .4 VOL. XXV II ** CIIAKACTBB 18 AS NBCB ' £i‘ ■. ■■ *v ssAltA ro A ‘ ATI: A> TO A PKIVATK AID TUB CI.OKV OF A STATU t.S TUB 'IO.V PICOPBItTV OF A 1.1" ITS FITIZEXS. ! MACON, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1854. NO. 21. f|t Georgia Ctlrgrnpfr, I EVERY Tuesday ^EEX. PAUSES A CO. * r .,, T nuH axi> pworRiKTom, Adranrr, Two Dollars and . »>f «i)nam. ' |V Jisfontiniu-A except at tlie option of the mt \\ *11 arrearage* are paid. ■ r ,r ‘ .„. ST s at the regular charge will be One |l>ri , 0 f io Hurt or kss, for the first In- V*ypjflf Cent* for each subsequent Inner- IvertUments not specified as to time. idiihed l,ntil r ° rl,id * nd ch * r * 5ed » ccor<1 ' I be i*®" it.' oi>ilatT r Setice* exceeding ten lines, will be Advertisement’. 1*10-0 on business, must be tost rain. 7- The following linos, expressive of the ■ r , 0 f n sensitive win affectionate • J ”ni be read by very many in our city liitewith monrurai interest and sympathy. ' tfll of joys departed and hopes cherish- Y,, tenderness of expression which the ‘"j onlv can full/ appreciate. We find '^rvjiuaily published in the Metes.—Eus. ‘Jjub Georoias. . Ts midnight! on the azure skies rhowrs iheir patient vigils keep in litrP rot** 4 ® Nature U«f* Ml*1**' I cannot alee]>! 3rinrlri[, I'nriJiMrr, rtr. FALL* WINTER TRADE, we AlUt NOW on-KKINO AT THE Oti ST A Ml o» W.M. II. A E. J. JOHNSTON, Mulberry St., fronting ('niton Arenue, e'pHK Imrgest stock of new and desirable stvie of A Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods. Gnus, Cutlery, ete„ to he found in tbe State, on the most favorable terms. t5 r * A call is respeetfullv invited, nov " E. .1. JOHXSTOX * CO. i'mills /or ?nlr, Kz. Three I.ots of I/.md for Sale. AM otTcringfor side, on accommodating terms. T j VI M.. L three lads of Land, to v it: Xos. IOC, 107, and 87, Presents* t FIXE Selection of artieles, suitable as Bridal IA and other presents, Wedding Cake Boxes, Ac., for sale lty |nov 8] K. ,1. .IQHXSTOX A CO. IVork Boxes, W RITING DESKS, Odour Boxes. Ac. For sale by K. J. .1OIINSTON A CO. nov f* ** Porte Jlonaies, C tfGAU CASES, Walking Cities an elegant lot. > For salt, by K. J. JOHXSTOX A CO. nov 3 la imwm f«r thee, oil! dearest one. Who to mine early life was given— Ur beauteous wife, wlto now art gone To nurse our baby born in heaveu. 1 yy thee still, as on that night— But night of untold agony— Illicit, in its dark yet rapid flight. Bore thee aud hope away from me. |tco thee now! thy visage sweet, ’Tbr hair with roses intertwined- llow lovely in thy winding sheet Than aught which death had left behind. llhonjhtof wlien tlist gentle brow Wore roses to the bridal sltriue, AaJ those dear lips, so silent now. Moved to tlie vows that made thee mine. |«M on thee, with frantic tone— And oh I could angels speak to men, | know, my benutifni, my own, Ikuoo' that thou bad'st spoken then ! To ut tii it still, in that bright sphere Sn-nrly blest of God above, Ttr tenth' spirit held iiitit dear, \Uo»e grief waa boundless as his love. And awaiting there until bn came, IV mother's heart would still rejoice Tit.-Jell her babe his father's imnte. Who never beard that father's voice. TV dreaded hour had come!—they bid He look upon thee for the last! 1 uw them close the collin lid, I heard them ns they made it fast! 1 saw them lower tlmt coflin down. Aad place thee, dearest, where thou art Ami still 1 lived! tny heart beat on ! A Witting lint a broken heart! Awl 1 have lived! and I still live! In Irani witlt every troubled breath, Bwt I have MtlVercd and survive A something worse than human dentil! Nvangel wife! afar from tlieo 1 count the days, the moments even !— Asa sort the hope of earth to me. And hope has followed tltco to heaven ! Jl. if. J. Fanning Uxf rnorilinnrv. T 1 e Minos of our newly elected members ogress Messrs. Brook, Kcitt and Boyce, ally furnished occasion for a very notable «f lmus, at one of the Legislature messes amnia, A member of the mess jocosely rd that on the appearance of Mr. Brooks, WaluBgton, it would be said of him ami «lt Carolina— those be her Brooks, what must her Rir- I? •" Another promptly added, it will also aid— IVcw Games. £®KTS of Furniture, Tea Sets, Rattles, Dolls, Boxes O of Tools, Buttle Doors and Shuttle Cock#, and number of other desirable artieles for Children. For sale bv [nov *[ E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. in the lttli distriet of Taylor county. 6 or 8 miles from Butler, and adjoining Fiekling's Mills. Said Lands are well timbered; and in a bealtliy seetinu of eouiitrv. Information ran be hod lty applying to John s. Buooks, of Crawford county, or to tut; at Cairo, in Decatur count v. dee 80 in—U JOSEPH J. BRADFORD. Pfnsitntiou lor Sale. M Y Plantation in Bibb enmity, lving in the fork of Tobesoffcec ami Rooky Creeks, four and a bait miles from Macon, ami containing 810 acres, Is for sale. There are at,out 375 acres in cultivation, with a good gin house and screw, and all necessary build ings for plantation ptiqioses. The land is produc tive and nAhrds many facilities, and is a desirable place to those wishing to purchase in tiiis section. My overseer (111 tlie place will show it to any per son wishing to pnrelutse, or I can be fnnnd at any time in Macon. N. BASS. ’ sop SO tf 1’iauoForU‘s. ■\TOAV Receiving some of the most > SPLENDID PIANO FORTES •ver offered for sale iu Macon, from the celebrated Factories of J. O. Cliickering and Nunn A Clark, warranted superior to any othey made in th Cnited States. Also, two 1IARP8 from J. F. Brown A Co's. Factory. The above instruments are a feast to one's eyes to look at, and the. tone completely captivating. W shall take pleasure to show these instruments to any tliat have a taste for tine goods. On hand. Prince Melodians, best article of tlie kind made; Guitars, Violins Banjos, Accord eons Tnmboriiis, Bugles, Clurinnctts, Flagolottes, Flutes, and a variety of Brass Instruments for Bauds, kept in otirline. Guitar and Violin Strings, Sheet Music for Piano and Guitar, Instruction Books Ac. Wntrbea, .frwelry mid Fancy Good" Splendid Gobi anti Silver WATCHES; Gentlemen and Ladies patterns. Gold Chains, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, Gold Thimbles, Gobi Pens, mid Pencils, Gold and Silver Spoeta. Silver Spoons and Forks, silver, Ivor}-and wood Nap kin Rings, silver plated CakeBaskets, Castors, Wait ers and Candle Sticks—aud a variety of Fancy Goods, Shot Guns, Rifles, Game Hags Pouches, Flasks Pistols, Ac. t?* Clocks and Watches repaired, and warranted, at short notice. Give us a rail at our old stand. Cot ton Avenue, Union Building. nov 2[J. A. A S. S. VIRGIN, H AUD WARE. BRAY, CAKEIAKT A CO., WHOLESALE AND RET A If. DEALER* IN KATiMNHA A.tlliRICA.V ISABDtVARE THIRD-STREET—MACON, Ga. B EG leave to invite the attention el. — liteir friends and the pulilie, to their now large and spli-ntiitl stock of Hard- Jp ware and Cntiory, Iron and Steel, Nails and Hollow-ware, Bliteksmith and Caqienter's Tools, Building Materials of every description, and every variety of Shelf Goods. House-keeping Artieles Agricultural Implements ami Machinists' Tools Cot- tou, Manilla anti Hemp Rope, together with n large stock of Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, Wire, Ac. We are also now receiving direct from Sweden, one hundred tons of Swedish Iron, assorted, from 1 to 12 inches wide. AVe take tiiis occasion to assnre all wlto call on ns that we arc prepared to furnish them with everything in our line at tlie jery lowest market rates, dec (i 1 Iron :tn<l .Steel. T HE undersigned nro now receiving in addition to their largo Stock of Iron, lot) Tons Street] Iron by direct Importation. 50 Tons English and American Refined, and common English Iron. 20 Tons Oval, half round Bands, Hoops, Scroll, Horse Shoe Iron and Nail Ito ls. 10,000 lbs. Cast, Blister, German and Spring Steel. B ART ‘ *■" dee li BRAY, CAKH.1 'ft CO. Spriu;;* :tml Axles. c\," AAA LBS. just received and for sale bv sSO.UUU BRAT, CARHAKT A CO. doc « 17 t tiiis be Iter Kit [Keitt] what must her A third pursuing tlie same vein |au the climax thus: “If these he her [liwce] what must her Men he ?” a like spirit was tlie following jeu tf spirit, si Celuiubin. A bachelor, by the name of '•a*m presented to a beautiful widow, also s 4 Er»m. The introduction was in this Saws, Saws, Saws* J aDOZ. C ross Cut, Back and Pit Saws. J .70 do. Hand, Paam-I, Rip and Tention Sjiws, for snle by [dec a| BRAY. CARHAKT.VCO. Cutlery. - — q DOZ. Table Cutlery of every grade. :i()0 dozen Pocket do. 2.', do Shears and Scissors. 25 do Razors. ALSO, some new nnd beautiful patterns of fine Ivo ry Handle Table Cutlery which cannot fail to please. " Just reeei veil and for sale by dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. ■* rs Emm ltomtit me to present to you wins,'’ i. Mrs. Evans,” said the spirited W " the lady I have been in search of -eUst eight years." Jtfzir widow took tlie remark in a very "pin. and a pleasant acquaintance ensued. “iWfutnrc may bring forth, this deponent 'Is Dot—Char. ('our. • bar Trnrka fop the Kiigino ! •f'e f, ** a ' r J es ” present* his compliments to '»Ll'ril Cuttle, mariner, and begs infor- ^ ‘ m > that great naval authority on the queries: How unmy ells in a ship’s yard ? Are the ship’s mate anti companion on *i. v rennst Arc they.the same kind of 2““** that we site advertised for by M " ' n newspapers ? t-m a vessel with a “cat head" catch "** the nautical lvrist, who asked for !**«< id a flowing stul," n believer i **>• How soon would a young duck come then’* egg if put under asfiip’s ‘hatch ? •U the ship’s cook works in the ‘galley • ** avc ‘ l‘ ,3W then is he always *tfd g grout man J tk 5T Brcat lnau • St., 'hould ono of the boats he called Are any of the boats sad ? At every boat lias a eul-waler, have , «nhiug to cut biscuit ? iTj Eii'rd will answer these categorical- *ill nuaji oblige, “Chawles” thinks of * yacht next summer and wishes to he Huston Pott. r«t?r Ij' T0M I>AT A>1> MttF.AOE*—Wo ^ ud that the Secretary of the Treasury advance money “in the lump” to the [j*®* of the senate, to he hold by him in a elsewhere for disbursement, on ''■the Senate’s contingent expenses to require tlie draft of the Secretary case as it may arise; tlie Sen* k ": P^ted a bill innkiug their Secrcta- officer. In this determination, ' .'Oig nut the enderstnuding to whidi H^a *T ra,n e_\vith the Speakerof the House, 41, i 8 ^idngent expenses being liencc- ij # l J° I w id. Mr. Gallatin set the cou- i‘•vvUent when Secretary of the ’I'roas- ' ,,n "nCnt as ibis view of his duty ^vv*r, all will aekuowledgs that iu so atejc®'’ ^rretary Guthrie is simply «n*j ,n,e spirit of tlie sub-treusun- law. ""•gton St„r. retai f a Wv 1 1- 1 *-'. ,RCLr ~—This is the natn - k '. ad * i ° a in Jackson, La., the object of obtain “Ufo pledges ” from the tbjm ""* a J n from the use of all iutoxicat* ; the ft' , ' odtittk that ns an offset to this, liai. would get up auotlier society, * of r ' ad * es a pledge to indulge in • L -t. a , minations liquid—walk, '■v-ketchers and other simila lU], , . ■■it //-? u mtempernte faslti Cottut, 14th i„, t . similar tm The Augusta < ' i i , ie *0 that citv V 1 V ,5, "“ a: 11 cent! Ogiethorpe than that. e»t<ri«rJi >t a it nl ere sold ' y. Ml lHTicir both in Me,,, county, W e have a and in Georgia Got ti Iminlred hales from it twelve cents. Tit.- mid 2 Id, „„t. Blacksmith's Tools. 7 re Cotter Key and solid box vires •) 50 English' and American Anvils. 15,000 lbs. “Atwood’s” Hammers assorted. •10 Sinitli's Bellows from 26 to 40 inches. 75 Setts Stock* nnd Dies from 3-16 to 1 1-2 incites For sale by dec o BRAY, CARHART A CO. Nails. OAA KEGS Cut Nails and Spikes. OuU 25 Kegs Wrought Nails and Spikes, jnst re ceived and for sale by dee 6 BRAY. CARHART A CO Horse Nails aud Horse Shoes. 1 Kf\f\ UBS. Oritlin’s Horse Nails. 1JUU 25 Kegs Burden's Horse Shoos, jnst re ceived and for sale by dee 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. Lund for Sale. I OFFER for sale, on any time, that may be re quired, the following valuable Fanning" Lands; six hundred acres on Junes Creek, iu the 15th distriet of Doolycoinity. with one hundred and seventy acres of land deadened aud ready for cultivation, with a new and eouifnrtable double ls»g Dwelling, Kitchen, Smoke-house, Crib, Stables, Ae. Also, 400 acres, on Jones Creek, in the 14th district of Dooly; and 200 acres in the 14th on Swift Creek; also, 500 acres the 17th of Thomas comity. These Lauds in Dooly will tnnkefrom 700 to 1,200 lbs. of Cotton to the acre. Apple to sept 27 T. W. MONTFORt, Oglethorpe, Gn. [jr Journal A Messenger, copy tf. RUft-Mft jtfJofirrs. South-Western Ituilrond Company, ■MACON, Dec. 13, 1853. rplIE Annita] Kb-etiou for Pmksiocnt nnd Five. 1 DnuuTona of this Company, will he held af] 1 their OHice, in this eitv, on Thursday, Februarv Otb, 1854. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, dec 20 3t Si-cretarv A Tressnrcr. Olltvr Tlioma.toa anil Ilat-urerilli- II. II. Vo. Thomaston, Dec. 15th, 1853. T HE Annnal Meeting of the 8tockliolders ol this coin)Muiy, will be held in the Court-liottsc in Thomaston ou Tuesday, the loth day of Janimry next, at which time a Board of Directors will be cliosen, t<» manage the affairs of the company for the current year. By order of the Board of Directors, dec 20—It W. D. WOODSON, Trcas'r. OfUrc Tlioninafon and Ilarnravillc It. II. Co. Land for Salt*. rpHK undersigned lias Eleven Hundred Acres X Jaind, lying oil tlie Southwestern Railroad, tlie twenty-ninth district of Sumter county, between Oglethorpe and Americas, twelve miles from the for mer place, and seven from the latter, lying on the west side, and not more than 15 acres from the road, which are good com and cotton lands, lieiug creek and branch lauds, upon which are about one linn dred and twenty-five acres of cleared land, and it a good state of cultivation, which 1 will sell on good terms. Those wishing to liny will do well to call and examine, ns I intend making a different arrangement in tny affairs. HERRING HOOKS. Sumter oo„ Ga. Oct. 11. tf Valuable Lautl For Sale. 5 QQ ACRES of first quality Laud in Monroe j county, adjoining lands of Dr. James Thweatt, aud the Montpelier Institute—more t urn haif of tiiis laud is as heavily timbered as any in the ronnty, it will bo sold on favorable t.-rins if' ap plied for soon. For further particulars, aptilv to aug 23—2 W. S. WILLIFORD. Lauds Tor Sale I X Houston county. Eleven Umpired Acres grind Planting Lund, well improved, contiguous to Fort Valley, in Houston county, formerly owned by Col. Allen "Wiggins. Apply to Col. AUen Wiggins oil the premises. oct 11 !)—3m ‘I'nots, lljnrn, rtr. rtr. \Y. It. FCBBV & CO., DKALCBS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Second StreetTriangular Block. A RE now receiving a veiy large stock of r\_ Boots aud stlioes, for the fall and win ter trade, to which they respectfully invite the _ _ attention of Ladies and Gentlemen tradingiit tlieeity Their stock lias been laid in with great rare, ctnbra cing nil tite desirable styles prevailing at tlie North and will be offered on the most liberal terms, oet 11 4in G ENTS- Fancy Dee;Pump and Welt. Medium a " and Water proof Boots; fine pegimitation. Dress and strong Boots: Patent Leather, cloth, enamel and aif Congress Gaiters, tlptra Tics, Dancing Pumps, Slippers, Rubber < tver-sliecs and cork soles, just re ceived and for sale by oct 11 WM. 11. FERRY A CO. >KOGAN'—A large stock of black and Russel ) Plantation Brogtuts; also, kip, calf and etiame leather Brogans, just received anti for sale bv oct 11 WM. B. FERRY A CO. J KAT1IEK.—A large stork of Oak and Hemlock sole Leaf In r, French calf Sklnsshoe threads, Ac. just received by WM. B. FERRY A CO. oct II J^ADIEs’ LaccandCongress Prunella, Satin Fran da, White Kid and Satin Slippers; Jenny Lind Enamel and Kid Boot* nnd Gaiters; Enamel and Kid Ties and Buskin Over-shoes, cork soles, Ai just received and for sale bv oct 11 WM. B. FERRY A CO. B 1 ... - thick Boots; calf, enamel and kip sewed and peg Brogans, Gaiters, Dancing Puinjis, Ac., just re ceived by oct 11 WM. B. FERRY A CO. M ISSES’ Lace and Congress Gaiters; Enamel and J Jennv land Boots and Gaiters and Slippers, just received by WM. 15. FERRY A CO. oct II XrW Boots anil Shoes, A TTHE SIGN OFTIIE BIG BOOT. Xo. :t, V Ci lotten Avenue, op ■, opposite Wn) Hall, Macon, Georgia.—Tliesubscribei Shovels, Sjtades aud Axes. Cf\ DOZEN “Ames” Shovels ami Spade*. OU 50 dozen ••Leverets” Axes, warranted. 30 do. Axes, Inferior Brands, for sale by Sc. CO. doc tf BRAY, CARHARTl Chains ! Chains !! OAflfl LBS. I’resa Chains. OUUU 31)00 lbs. Coil do., from 3-15 to 1-2 inch. 2000 lb*. Log End Fifth do. luworted sizes. 500 pair Trace Chain*, for sale by dec 6 BRAY, CARHART A CO. .11 ill Irons ;uid Mill Saws. rAOA LBS. Mill Irons, various kind*. DUUU 5 dozen Mill Saws, assorted length and breadth. 0 48 inch Circular Saws, for sale by dec C BRAY. CARHART St CO. Washington „ rswonld turn their thanks for the very lilteral and long con tinued patronage extended to them, nnd would most i-spectfiilly solicit a continuance of the same. We hare now In store a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of al! the dif ferent styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine onr stock, ns we are preiinrcdto sell as low ns any house in the citv or State, oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. I JOOTS.—A full assortment of Gents' line > French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kiiels and qualities, both soled and lugged. Just received and for sale lowliy oct'12 MIX A KIRTLAND. ► DOTS ANI) SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and B ~.. — —, Youth's fine calf and kip peg'll Boot* Men's stout kip limiting and inud Boots; Gent* last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine calf Brogans; Gents, hoys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s, lmys' and youths' California kip Brogans, a large assortment, oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAXI). T. B. NISDET. CIIAS. P. I.EVT. Nisbct A Levy, O CMULGEE FOUNDRY A MACHINE SHOP, Macon, Georgia. Manufacturers of Steam En gine* nnd Boilers, RiccTlirashers, Gin anil Mill Gear ing, Saw .Mill Iron* and Shaftings, Water Wheels, a -...I II.,11... VnlliitM llrnvit lfulltiMfd mill Ala- Plate* and Balls, Pulleys, Grave Railings and Me- cliincryin general. As a testimonial to the chara<-ter of then: work, they beg leave to snlimit the following extract from the Report of the Committee on Machinery, to the So. Central Agricultural Society A .Mechanics' Insti tute. Mr. Win. M. Wadley is the well known nnd competent Engineer in the Chief of the Western A Atlantic Railroad, mid the other luembcrsof thcCoin- niittou are men of high standing a* mechanics. EXTRACT I’ROM THE REPORT. Oftlic three Engines exhibited, we consider Messrs Nisbet A Levy’s the best, and best adapted toagricul- tnral purpose’s, nnd a>vard them the premiums—a Silver Cup worth 850 aud a Gobi Medal worth 830. •* Of the Pumps. Water Wheels and Gin Gear ex hibited, we consider Messrs. Nisbet A Levy’s tlie R UBBER SHOES.—a large assortment of Gents and bovs Rubbers. Also, LaJ dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear's celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by oct 12 MIX A KIRTLAND. P LANTATIONBKOGANS.-N0W in store tlie be t assortment of Negro Shoes, w have ever offered in tiiis market. .Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and nissetts; do. heavy single soled black nnd nissetts : do. boys and youths black and nissetts, all of winch we are selling very low. MIX A KIRTLAND. oct 12 C ALF SKIN AND SOLE LEATHER.-On baud a very snjierior Iotsif French Calf Skins, with In nings nnd Gindin;*; Oak and Hemlock sole Leather Shoe Thread, with a good assortment of Lasts, peg Boot Trees anil shoe finishing. Just received and for sale by MIX A KIRTLAND. oct 12 Thomaston, Dec. 15th, 1853. T HE Stockholders of tiiis Company are required to pay an additional installment of Ten Dollars per share, on or before the 15th day of Felimarv next, at their office in Thomaston. - By order of tlie Board of Directors. IV. D. WOODSON, Treas. dec £0 ;» prufr55innnl nnit '^HDiiifM ifnrlu a. A. speer. a. d. ha.m.mond. PEER A HAM.MOXD, Attorneys at Law, ,l/«- £1 hi#, Gn.—Will practice in the adjoining counties of tlie Macon and Flint Circuits, nov 8 1 v ] W. PATTKRSOlf, ATTORNEY at LAW— •I . Fokstth. AIoniioe Cocntt, Ga. Jlareli 22, 185;t. W. 1 mav 17 LANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cunton, Ga. It IIORKHT P. HUt., JOHN J. CART. H all a c aky, attorneys at laav, iVneoit, Gn.—Will practice in the counties of Bibb. Monroe, Upson, Pike, and Spalding. Office over Dr. W. O. Little's Drug Store. 'Macon. Oct. 12, 1352. lv II. G. I.AMA1!, O. A. I.OCHRANK L A IIA It A I.OCtlltANR. ATTORNEYS AT I. AW—Office over Jir/tlcn A* CVs. tint Store, Macon, Ga.—Will practice ill tlie Superior Conrts of the following counties: Bibb, Monroe, Pike, Houston, Dooly, Snnifor, Crawford, Macon, Jones, and Twiggs, anil in the Su preme Court at -Macon, Decatur, and Columbus. -All cases placed in our band* for collection will be punctually attended to. jan 6 lv Southwestern Kailroud. SSgtssssBg; a" T>ASSEXGER TRAINS leave Macon daily at (it. A. M., arrive at Oglethorpe 10j, A. M„ arrive lit Columbus 1 o’clock, P. M. Leave Columbus daily at 8 o’clock, A. M., and Oglethorpe at 111, A. M., ar rive at Macon 3>, P. M., connecting at Macon each way with Central R. It.Trains to Savannah, Angusta and MiUedgeville, and with Macon Western Trains to Griifiu, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nashville, Ac. Connecting daily at Columbus by a fast line of Coaches 28 miles to Opelika, thence 64 miles by M. A W. P. It. R. to Montgomery, Alabama. Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee and Eufaula mail stages. Passeiigers diuc at Fort Valiev. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’d’nt. Macon, August 22.1853. sep 20 n & 13. D. TKA4 V, ATTORNE YS AT AWL. Macon, ft i.—Will practice ill nil the Superior Courts of the Mneon Circuit, lids’ 17 ly K. K RAM WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, n. Itnrnetvillr, Gn.—Will attend the Superior Courts in the counties of Pike, Spalding, Upson, Monroe and Crawford. And will give prompt atten lion to nil business intrusted to his care, jan It ly J OIHV II. POWKKN continues to practice Law in Houston, and al! the adjoining counties of the Macon and Sooth-Western Circuits,(and ill any part of the State bv special contract. Perry, Nov. 29, 1853. 16—ly Macon & Western ISailroiuI. NEW ARRANGEMENT. O N nnd after Monday, Mav 17th, tbe Trains will be run as follows: MAIL TRAIN. Leave Macon 8 15 !*. JL. arrive in Atlanta 1 39 A. M.: Leave Atiauta 5 30 I*. 51., arrive in Macon 1(1 45 P.M. ; connecting at Atlanta with tlie Trains of the Western A Atlantic and LaGrange Roads, and with the Day Train of the • Scorgin Road, and at Ma con with tho Day Train of the Central and South western Roads. Passengers will arrive in JIacou at a quarter past 13 and at Atlanta, at half past 1, ha ving tlie remainder of the night for rest. Accomodation Trains, Tri-Weekly, will leave Ma con every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o'clock, A. M. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A. M. Arrive in Atiauta 31*. M. This Train will connect with the night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the night Train of tlie Central Road at JIacou. Passengers by tlie Upward Train can dine in Grifliu. Tlie Accomodation Train between JIacou and Grifliu will be discontinued. EJ1EKS0N FOOTE, Snp't. mav 11 39 Tlie ISoatl Io Health I rfL HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OF A DISORDERED UUER AXD DAD DICES TIOS. Copy of a letter troin Mr. R. W. Kirkus, Chemist, 7 Prescott street, Liverpool, dated ntli .lime, 1851. To Prof. Holloway—.Sir: Your Pills and Ointment have stood the liighest on onr list of Proprietary Jlc divines for some years. A customer, to whom I cau refer for any empirics, desires me te let you know the particular* o! her case. She hud been troubled for years with a disordered liver and lind digestion. On tlie last occasion, however, the virulauce of the attack was so alarming, and the iutiamatioii set iu s< severely, tlmt doubts were entertained of iier not be ing able to bear up under it; fortunately she was in duced to try your Pills, and she informs me tlmt after tho first,aiid each succeeding dose, she had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she used only three boxes, she is how in the enjoyment of perfect health. I could have scut you many more cases, but the above, from the severity of the attack, amt tlie speedy cure, I think speaks much in favor of vottr astonishing Pills. (ingued) R. W. KIRKUS. Bt'iilistry. A S DR. G. MCDONALD has do- J Y dined leaving Macon, tlie firm of Mv G. A Jas. M. JIcDonald will be con- fir tinned as heretofore. They are qualified for and pre pared to do, any style of work belonging to the Den tal Profession. Office as usual, at tbe residence of G. McDonald, on Second street. E A. I41SBET, Will practice law in Bibb and • tbe adjoining counties, and in tlie Supreme Court at Savannah, Macon, MiUedgeville, Ainericus, Columbus and Deeattir. He will pay particular attention to tlie collection t of debts " " or settlement of debts and to Conveyancing. £ rr Office over the store of diaries Day A Co., on the corner of Mulberry and Second Streets. JIacou, Nov. 22, 1853. 3m Prmjs, irtlFirirtiinj, ?;z. DRUGS. CIIEimV STREET, NEAR COTTON AVENEE, MACON, G. j II. A- 8Y. B. KLI.IB are receiving, and, • keep constantly on bund a general assort ment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES—as fol lows : Alcohol, full strength. Calomel Opium, Antimoiiials, Acids, Iodine, Mercurials, Cubelis, Iodide, Iiuligo, Madder, Coppers: ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS OF Dandelion Stramonium Sarsaparilla Henbane Aconite Colocvntli Com. Comma Gentia Belladonna PATENT MEDICINES. Old Dr. J. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla ; Sands’ do ; Wistur's Balsam Cherry; Sarsaparilla Pills; Jayne's Afrni- "I’ork giiurrtisrmrnls. Western Hotel. T HIS spacious HOTEL situated in the most central portion of the ciiv tor bu-] sine.—, and capable 01' accommodating ' persons has just been thoroughly repaired tnrough- nut, and opened fortlie accommodation of the pub lic. .Merchants from Georgia will find this one of tlie most comfortable and convenient HOTELS in the citv, as the proprietors are anxious to secure their patronage. RF* One trial is solicited. 1). 1>. WINCHESTER, ■ietorc. II. I). WINCHESTER. ) THUS. 1). WINCHESTER, } Prop, . BEXJ. T. WINCHESTER,) No's. 9, 11, 13 and 15, Courtlandt street, N. Y. March 15, 1853, Fairbanks’ Platform Scales. L ONG KNOWN—Severely test ed—Always RIGHT—The ac- AUerattve; Hair Dye. Syrup Neptha ; Tetter and I luiowledged Standard. Ringworm Ointment; Dead Shot; Cholera Remedy; Agents—Fairbanks A Co., 89 Wa- Trusses; Body Braces; Cherry Pectoral; Jew Da- ter-st., N. Y., PniLiratcK A Bell, vid's Plaster; Expectorant; Vermifuge; Ciiolugngno; I Savannah. Ga. Pile and Itch Ointment; Extract Buchn ; Seidlitz I Railroad, Ilav, Coal, and Farmers’ Powders. I Scales, set in aiiy part of the coun- Cupping Cases, Ac.; Paints. Varnish, Gloss, Pnttv. I try. ntshort notice. PERFUMERY. | ,,et 4 Premium Shaving Cream; Fancy Soaps; Extract Rosy; Verbena; Patchouly; Musk ^Cologne, various choice qualities; Jenny Lind, Pomade; Ox Marrow, Ac. Vinegar. Rouge, Flavoring Extracts, Ac. On hand, tlie Concentrated Compound Syrup of Queen’s Delight and Sarsaparilla, so.highiy recom- 3 m ' Valuable Works lor Libraries PUBLISHED nr CHARLES B. NORTON, No. 71 Chambers Street, N. Y. P OOLE'S Index to Periodical LitrrATt-kb.— Forming n complete key to tho contents of oa-i mended by Dr. Frost and other physicians, in ex- I 1,500 volumes of standard Periodicals, both Amcri- Ireine cases of Rheumatism, LiverOonipIniiits, White I can and English. PubtUbcd in 1 voL 8vo. $0; half bmplainta, Swellings Ulcers of the Throat, Coughs, Scrofula. I calf. 87. Syphilis, eruptions of the akin. Tetter, Jaundice, Ac. Stuart's Naval and Mail Steamer ANo, 1 set of fine Dentist’s Instruments, consisting | States.—Beautifully illustrated with if 52 different instruments, in a tine mahogany a so. For salo below New York retail price Physicians and families supplied as Ioav as tlie market Avill admit. liov 12 tf if the United rer 40 plates. Published in 1 A'ol. tto. 88; Turkey Meroccs, 812. Stuart’s Naval Dry Docks of the United States.— Forming a complete history of the construction, cost, Ac., of the Naval Dry Docks of this country. - 1 A*ol. 4to., 86; Turkey Morocco, S10. The New York Quarterly.—This valuable Periodi cal will hereafter be published by the subscriber. Terms 83 per annum. Tlie hack volume can be had on application. Norton’s Literary and Educational Register for It. IS. IE—Xo the Public. RAPWAY A CO., the InA-entors, Manufacturers and Proprietors of the justly celebrated R. R. R Remedies, AA-c-re the first to discoA-cr a Remedy 1 1854.—Containing a full report of the first Librarians' possessing the JiarA’eious and Jiiraeulons power of I Convention; also, valuable Statistics relating to 7, . ... . . ... Literature and Education. Price 38 cents; bonnu stopping the most excruciating pams in an instant. I - u ocn jg allaying the Avorst Cramps and Spasms, either inter- Norton’s Literary Gazette.—Tho most complete nal or external, in a few minutes, and soothing the I guide for hook buyers. Published 011 the 15th ot most severe Paroxysms of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, I each mouth at 81 per annum. M GREEN, Avill continue the Practice of Medi cine as heretofore. One of them, unless otherwise engaged, can always he found at their office, opposite tin- Jlethodist Church, aud next door to Mr. Poe’s. JIacon, Feb. 1, 1*53. 1; T^H. KtClIAltp II. NISBKT.hasremoved to Ralston’s Noav Block, on Cherry Street, where lie may be found at all hours during tlie day or night, except when professionally engaged. Par ticular attention paid to calls from the country. • oct 13 10 Ulcdacai. D RS. BOON A IIAMMOND have associated themselves in tlie practice of tlioirnrofession, and off'er their services to tlie citizens of Macon and surrounding country. They pledge themselves to giA'c prompt and taithful attention to all eases en trusted to tlieir care. Office over Jlr. George Parito's Drag Store. :r. K. BOON. oct 11 3in D. W. 1LVJIJIONI). L Ot’KKT, I.D.N4J CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS ss» Shipping Agents, Seiran- nal, (in. aug 30 1a- CilAItl.I.X DAY, C OMMISSION MERCHANT, NEW YORK.— Srir C. Day A Co., will advance on consign ments. apt 1 71KA1KU5 iHAJUAE ANI> FIBE 1.1- I SITKA NX'13 CO.III* AN V.—Home Office, An rMretoritinary curt oj' Rheumatic Fcrcr in Van Dicme/ «’■< Ijtuil. Copy of a letter inserted in tho Hobart Toaati Cou Her, of tho 1st .March, 1851, by Major .1. Welch. .Margaret Jl’Coimigun, 19 years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever for upwards of two mouths, which had entirely deprived lier of the use ot her limbsj; during tiiis period she was under tlie care of the most ciniucnt medical men in llohart Town, and by them her ease Was considered hopeless. A friend preA’ail- ed upon her to try Holloway’s celebrated Pills,Avhicli she consented to do, and in an incredible short space of time they effected a perfect cure. 'nre of a Fain anil Tightness in the Chert amt Sto mach of a person 84 year* of age. From Messrs. Thew A Son, Proprietors of tho Lynn Advertiser, who can vouch for tlie folloAviug state meat, August 2d, 1851 : To Prof. Ilolloway—Sir: I desire to boar testimony tho good effect "of llolloAvay's Pills. For some years 1 have suffered severely from a -pain and tight ness in the stomach, which whs also accompanied hv a shortness of breath, that prevented me from w'alking about. I ain 84 years of age, aud iiotAriUi- staudiug my advanced state of life, these Pills have so relieved me,that 1 am desirous that otiiers should he made acquainted with their virtues. 1 am new rendered, by their uieaus, comparatively active, and can take exercise without inconvenience or -paiu, which I could not do before. IIENRY COE. Xorth-st., Lynn, Norfolk. (Signed) These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in tlie following complaints: Ague, Asthma, Billions Complaints, Blotches on the Skill, Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation of the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Droiisv, Dysen tery, Eiysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds Fils. Gout. Headache. lmli<*e-tioii. liiflnmnia- Cltiisu and Crockery Slorc. St rami Street Triangular Block, Macau, Ga. "O P. JIcEVOY lias just received and is now liesL^mld'awanitYiein the preiiuumoii these articlesof I XL. opening an extensive anf | n ranfselnre ” WM. M. WADLEY, Ch’n. Goods in Ins line, to which lie Uiilimnt 4 * — ti.ntinti Atnniwr ntln-l’ itf-tnu - Orders for Gin Gear and other machinery, promptly filled, on suitable reference being given. .March 1,18.' ly ST Iron LVorhs. ORE A GALLAGHER. FniLADXLriiiA, Pa — Maaufactersra of all kinds of Iron K illing, IU- a. Verandahs, Iron Fronts, Garden th at*. Dogs, Linns, and Ornamental Falicy Work of nil kinda,— AliookofddMtnudcc., may lie ^ nde, on application to A. K. McbAUGHLIN, JIacou, July 5. 1853. 47—ly' Agi’ilt. Tin Ware Hlaniifactory. CHERRY STREET—XACOX. GA. WING uoav engaged good, prompt and faithful workmen, I am prepared to do all kind: TIN H " FI best 1 prei RK in tlie city or country, in th -r, and on tlie most reasonable terms. • AH orders for Tin Work, or Goods in my line, > promptly “ *' B. A. WISE. House I'uruisIiiuK Goods. Mucaulay Vol. of C rnABLK md Pi h k. t Cutlery . »| SI 1 MOV.’ Ornt and Hollow-Ware United St M unit- /, -1 Ir m Jl -nth ' I'iu in.- Iron War. of all kinds Sr..r <•! * Woo<l Van-, Hi- „ ms and Bin-in—. at of tho Wo B. A. WISE S «,»u. .1 nov l N •w Store. Cherry -t.. M ■■■■■ '. <^'- eh iMf : IC Wilt •ul. Barley, Ac. Author' ; 100 s n - Is N 1 ill -in -ed U' 75 bushel- Kirby.— - Seed Oats. • > sacks Guam.. Wife: Liu Trth>, hv For sal.- i.v In , v i , ASHER AY RKh. M:iroone‘f> ( ti.OAKS AND MAN 1 11.LAS. .1 c...t by Book, ini' L mu 2 WlNSnil’A SON. 1 For sale b opening an extensive and elegant stock of 1 111 his liue, to which lie invites public at tention. Among oilier items, he begs leave to men tion the following: White mid Gold-band Chinn, iu Tea and Dinner Setts, at prices from 881o 8150. rdiver Plated Castors and Fruit Baskets. Cltandallt-r* (forfluidl suitable for I tails A- C'hnrches. . Brittania Ware—Knives anil Forks, Large Jot of Vases—Coffee Cups, Goblets, Tumblers and other Glassware. Looking Glasses—Waiters. Ill-side a Urge assortment of White Granite and Common Ware, and every other article usually kepi in a similar establishment. Tim Ladles are special ly invited to call and examine Ms assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. sept 27 New Books t T IiOARDMAX'S!!!—Sir Jonas Barrington's ' \ Sketches of his own Tunes; Tlie Mud Cabin; Mark Hurdlestooo; Boughingit in the Bush; The Fawn of the Palo Faces; Victims of Excitement, by _Bc!ics; Napoleon 11 Calhoun's Works; Wcbst. Life mid Letters; r’s Works iu six Swift's Works; u. in five Yols; id the Parables; . . n: k nr the Mi Wars . Km 1 Mil,-.-. Tri-mi loll. Of.lnvi- [.’■» l-l I-.,-!, li-r !'5.t: In- Artist Po-111 -. Tangli n' Ell Mr Clifton ; The Young nil.-I.-; Tin- i'i.’ture PVasun- i.i- ami in.-irin-t. .1 .M BOARD.WA.N lurv, EinsnwiH^ rruuuv *a a it iunt iuod, rc»tio •«« kinds. Fits, Gout, Headache, Indigestion, Inflamma tion, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lumbago, Rheu matism, Piles, Retention of Urine, Scrofula or King’s vii. Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Secondary ■Svinptoms, Tie Douloureux, Tumours, Ulcers, \'c- Ii'eral Affections, Worms of all kinds, Weakness from whatever cause, Ac. Sold at the establishment of Prof. HOLLOWAY, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London) anil by all re spectable Druggist miu Dealersin .Medicines through out the British Empire, and those of the U. States, in boxe* at 37} cents, 87, and 81 50 cadi. Wholesale bv tlie principal Drug Houses in the Union and by Messrs. A. B. A D. SANDS. New York. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sixes. N. B.—Directions for tho guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. For sale by WM. W. LINCOLN, Savannah, Ga., and by E. li STROHECKER, Macon, Ga. mav 10 eowly Quarter aad.IIall' Pipes Pure imported Brandy. 25 do. Malaga, Madeira and Port Wine. Hoi land Gin. Mnuougahcla and old Bonrhon Whiskey. 50 Boxes and half Boxes Virginia Tobacco. T. C. DEMPSEY, dee 6 Floyd Home Building. DANCY CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERY TJAJ _ r STORE.—J. II. DAMOUR still at Ms old stand, .Mulberry street, two doors below Lanier llonse, keeps up his old reputation of selling (of hid own importation) the best of LIQUORS, such «s old Bnuidv, Holland Gin, Jamaica Ram, Scotch and Irish Wbb-key, Champagne, Bnrgundv, Bordeaux, Malaga, sherry and Madeira Whies oj best qualities. Also, an assortment of such SUGARS os are seldom found anywhere. Al.-o, fine Tobacco, Butter, Chi-i-sc, Crackers'. Dried Beef, Beef Tongues. Pickles, Pro- serves. Nuts and Fruit of all kind-, C.-indv of home Saratoga Springs, New York. Cash Capital. 8300,- 000. Cady Hollister, President, John G. Bitmap, Secretary. R. D. PHILLIPS, Agent. IzU Office at Store of W. H. Ferby A Co., 51a- eon, Ga. lee 13 18—3m* ni;oi 1 IlAIt and Tic Dolorenx, as soon as applied. The If. II. R. Remedies consist of three Remedies, each posses sing quick and wonderful powers over certain com plaints and diseases and will instantly— Relieve the Human System from pain. Regulate each Organ to a Healthy action. Resolve away all Diseased Deposits. Renovate the body from all corrupt humors. Rebuild the weak and broken down constitu tions. Restore to Health, strength and vigor all misonnd and worn out parts. K. K. K.—No. 1. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF, For all Acute Complaints, internal and external. Tho moment it is applied externally, or taken into the system, it will stop tlie most excrueiating pain and quickly remove its cause. Bhenuintism. Jlr. Granger, a mason well known in Brooklyn, was In Press—A Complete Catalogue of Books, suita ble for town and school Libraries, carefully select ed for Libraries of 100 to 2,000 volumes, by Henry Barnard, LL. D., originally prepared for the use of (ho School Committees of Connecticut and Rhode Island; carefully revised and brought down to the present time; 1 vol. Svo. Now Ready—MaoUuriu’s System of Writing.— Very desirable for Academies and Schools, and al ready extensively introduced in the Public Schools of New York eitv. A great help to teachers, and the best system extant. Price 81,50 per set. Mnelnnrin’s Series of Fine Hand-Books.—Com plete in 4 parts. 50 cents. The JIaclatirin Steel-Pen—Manufactured by Gil- Intt expressly for this system of writing, in boxes of ihree dozen each. Price 38 cents. 1^ All of the above sent by mail, on recaipt of the amount affixed. CHARLES B. NORTON. Agent for Libraries, dec 13 No. 71 Chambers-st., N. Y. Hurd’s Golden Gloss for the Hair. A MONO the many preparations for tlie growth of il. the Hair, tins GOLDEN GLOSS takes the lend. Three reasons will be given why it is so uni- , ;; 1 versally used and preferred to all others. 1st. Be a cripple tor nine years. Radway s Ready Relief I ft has proveff the most effector! in Baldness, relieved hint from pain 111 fifteen minutes, enabled id Because it imparts a beautiful dark gloss and him to walk two miles without a stick or crutch in delightful perfume to the Hair. 3d. Because tbe La- tliree days, and cured linn entirely in one week. I ,jies, with fine discrimination, which they all possess. Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as Uavc adopted it Many other reasons could be given the above, have been cured by lv. R. Relict. I vv jjy j; ] s great favorite, but those who want more Cholera lloi-bns. - I liavo only to give it a trial. Price 25 cents in large Bndwnv’g Ready Relief will relieve the sufferer j bottles. For sale by Druggists and Storekeepers from all pain in fifteen or twenty minutes. It will j e ' 'j 1 ?'') here. cure the most desperate cases in a few hours. ' “ 1 lv, C. HURD, Proprietor,304 Broadway, N. York. rrL arge discount to Merchant*, [nov 22 6nt N'ctiralgiitv Tlie moment R. R. Relief is applied it allays the most painful paroxysms. It will always cure." Mick IBcailnchr. It will relieve the mo.-t distressing pains iu fifteen minutes. It will likewise prevent renewed attacks. Ague. In ten minutes a tea spoonful of R. R. Relief will stop tlie Chills and break the Fever. I lie prepared by the 15th instant to exhibit auassort- Aehes of all kinds. Pains of all kinds. Bruises, | incut of goods in their line, which will fairly com- MiIK Goods Ac, C ARLETOX, CLARK, St CO.—Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Silk and Fancy Dry Goods, 139 Bromltray.N. V. Are receiving by ev ery arrival of Steamers and Packets from France and England, the most desirable descriptions of RICH DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, RIBBONS, EJIBUOI- DKKIES, Ac., Ac., of their own selection. And will AKtfoud, Conn., Fire and Marine Risks taken on the most favorable terms liv C. DAY’, Agent, feb 27 H O.1113 INMI'KAN'4'13 COMPANY—Office, No. 10 Wall Street, New York. Cash Capital 9500,000. SO! EON L. LOOMIS, President. Charles J. Martin, Secretary. CRAS. CAMPBELL, Agent, nov 1 ly Macon, Geo. Burns, scalds, strains, sprains, stiff' joints, lameness. I pete with any in the city. One application of Railway’s Read} - Relief will iu a " Also, a complete assortment of CARPETINGS, few moments entirely chip the pain. I foreign and domestic, and having manufacturers ma lt reduces swellings, In-als sores, cuts nnd wounds, I king exclusively for them, have now on hand, and removes braises, ailavs the most violent irritations, will bo receiving throughout the season patterns to For all pains use R. R. Relief. Look for tlie signa- be found in no other house. ture of Radway It Co. on eaelt bottle. July 19, 1853, H AIITUOI3D FIBE INMUKANX’13 CO Hartford, Conn.—Established in 1810. Fire risks oil Cotton, and Produce ill Store, merchandise, store houses, dwellings, and furniture, churches, Ac. iu the above old ampwell established Company, ta ken at the usual rates bv E. J. JOHNSTON. Agent jan 18 for the city of Macon, Bibb co. M utual i.ipk inmukanuk c« . New York. Jas. Akhatt, Secretary. Joseph B. Collins, President. Applications received bv feb 27 C. DAY', Agent. ABCHITECTUKE. EDWARD A. VINCENT, (FROM LONDON'.) ARCHITECT AXD CIVIL ENGINEER, AND City Surveyor, O FFICE ON COTTON AVENUE, over Payne Drag Store. Gentlemen wishing copies of the new Map of Macon, will please register tneir names nt my office, as no oilier copies will he issued, net 4 3m Business Caul. rplIE subscriber takes this method of informing X the public, having fitted up a honse for tlie tlie purpose, and having numerous orders to till, he is prepared nt nil times to purchase Negroes, either singly or iu families, and will pay fair market prices for them in cash. —ALSO— In addition to the above, ho will receive and sell on commission, any real estate or personal property, that hi* patrons may lie pleased to entrust him with, lie will also he responsible for any personal property that lie receives. JVM. WRIGHT, Broker, oct 4 Bay Lane, Savannah. JBoimty I„:iu<l am! Pension Agency rplIE undersigned have established an office iu JL JIacou for the purchase and sale of Land, and will also attend to tlie recovery of claims for Bounty Laud* nnd Pension from the Government to the Sol- dies who served in the late wars. UP* Office over A. J. White’s Store, JIacou, On. aug 30 C. A A. J. MACABTHY. Bounty litind uu«i Pension Agency fHARkKS C. TUCKKR, WASHINGTON', D. C A TTORNEY' for Claimants, A Agent fin-obtaining Revolutionary, Naval, Invalid and Ilnlf-pny Pensions, Bounty Land, arrears of pay, extra pay, Ac., for Jliiitary "and Naval services. Bounty Land obtained for the widows and heirs of 'ohiuteers of the .Texas Revolution of 1836; and extra pay obtained for services in the U. S. Navy on the coasts of California anil Mexico, from 1846 to 1853. Address CHARLES 0. TUCKER, dee 6—3m Washington, D. C. manufacture, and imported Fri ll pres id C ib -. Choice lluvaitim Tres Flonc's Cigar.-. Currei t. igsrs. 1 ind Union 1 ALSO, 25,9011 Cigar*, various brand; I'scturi*—very low pri.-ps lor i-ii-ii Cigars. BRUNSWICK CITV, GBOBtRA. L ARGE and peremptory sale of Building Luts i the city of Brunswick, Flute of Georgia. The proprietors of the city of Brunswick hereby give no tice, that a sale of Five Hundred eligible Lots will take place, by public auction, nt the Oglethorpe House, in said city, on Tuesday, the 12th day of Jan uary, 1851, ut 12 o’clock, Jl. The sale will be posi tive to the highest bidder. Terms—One third cash, anil the remaining two-third* in one and twu years. Title perfect. The port ami site of Bumswiek hold out coin.nerei.-il and maritime advantages superior to those presented by any other South of Chesapeake Bay. The climate"is healthy—the water pure. Fur ther particulars, witli maps, Ac., may be had at the office of tiie Company, wo Broadway, New Y’oric, or of Mr. John Brooks", Agent, Brunswick, Georgia. WILLIAM CHAUXCEY, President. Thomas A. Dexter, Secretary- nov 29 16—6t C ATER * GRIFFIIY t T home, with a well selected stock of Groceries and Staple Dry Goods. Best quality Bagging. Western and Russia Rope, Georgia Wootens and tfltSes. Refined un i tft. Croix; Old Java and Ris Coffee; Extra and Super- fine Flour; I’aints, Oils, Ac. Onr friends will please rill remember us. sell 6 I , O T II il S K i; \ <> V A T I \ G ( .5.000 X: 20,000 J.w-plti <l.*r American nlv. For: 1 ' DEMl'r n ’ GISXEKAL 1HFi subscriber mav II,ms.-, where h-w| Fruiii lemr ex-peri •nt he will be a 1.1 ■ ith a call. Clothe. TAILORING. e fiinn'l ar the Mansion carry on the above im.-i- u*e in this line, he feels ..itiall who mav favor nf all "kinds cl-ant-d and ■d. to look -r dres: qual tn new. Al-n, Ladii renovated, in the iie^t manner. <1 WILLIAM CDRUIDAN. rim ilk K. B. IS.—Xo. ’J. RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT, RESOLVES, RENOVATES, REBUILDS. IT CURES Syphilis, Asthma, Ulcers, Consumption, Nodes, Bleeding of the lungs, e-t. Vitus’ Dance, Rash, Tetters. The above eighteen complaint* R. R. Resolvent .will positively cure. It renovates the system completely, resolving | of p AJ - C y GOODS, COMBS, JEWELRY, PER Scrofula, Sorts, Bronchitis, Tumors, Rickets, Fever-sores, Erysipelas, Soft Rheum, Canker, 1IORE & GAIjIiAGHi-iR, Ridge Road and Coates Street, Philadelphia. I RON FOUNDERS A Manufacturers of Wrought nnd Cast Iron Railings, and all kinds of Orna mental and Architectural Iron Works, Iron Railings for public and private Grounds, Verandahs, Settees, Chairs, Tables, Ac. 83T Particular attention paid to the enclosure of Burial Lots. Jlore A Gallagher's Book of Original Designs and List of Prices sent to persons wishing to make a selection. nov 8 3m Fancy Goods, Comb and Hosiery Warehouse. W ARD, PECK A CO., Importers and Deal ers.—No. 47, Maiden Lane, New York.—Have always on hand the largest and best Essorted slock away from the solids all impure poisonous and diseas ed deposits, freeing the blond aud fluids of life from FUMERY', and YANKEE NOTIONS generally, that can be found in America, to which they would in- Georgia. The Hosiery Department is superintended by Mr. CHURCH, whose long experience in this branch of tho business, will enable them to offer kxtkaok- tlie body. letters from high authority. Hon. J. J. Middleton, of Waceamaw, 8. C., writes us under date of May 2d, 1853, that Railway's Reno- I BINARY inducements. vating Resolvent cured 0110 of his negroes, on his | X. B.—Great care mid a plantation at Beaufort, of a scisofnlous complaint, of many years' standing. The poor fellow was a dis gnsting object of pity: lie was a moving mass of sores. The other negroes could not remain in the same place with him. Ite was entirely cured by Radwnv’s Renovating Resolvent, mid is now nt work JIaroh IS, 1853. attention given to orders. lv upon the plantation. To tho people of 8. C., Jlr. Middleton is well known, and to the political world Jlr. Jliddleton is 110 stranger. Scrtfnla, When the Patient lias been afflicted for five years, or under, favorable symptoms will appear oh tlie third day after using It. It. Resolvent. on the Ten years Fifteen years, Twenty years. Thirty years, Forty years, Fifty years. Fifth day. Seventh day, Tenth day," Fifteenth day. Twentieth da'y, Thirtieth dav, Arrivals for Fall Trade, 1853. TUfEW A HEAVY WOOLENS, the greatest bar- i\ gains ever offered in New Y’ork. WM. H. KXOEPFEL, Nos. 99 nnd 101 William street, N. Y. Has now for sale an extensive stock of KALI. GOODS, suitable for Clothiers and Merchant T*i- lors, mostly of his own importation. .Short time and cash buyers are particularly invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing •Isewhnrc. jnly 20 ly For sale by E. L. STROHECKER A CO., Silicon; l’helps A Ensign, Forsyth; J. W. Jones, Griffin, and Druggists and Jlercnauts every where, oet 25 ly Oglethorpe House. rp HE Subscriber has just opened this spa- JL-., j k cious, and every wav desirable Hotel ]aY; qB at Brunswick, and umtiahed it throughoutJSSlUL with New Furniture, ami he intends to offer to Travelers, and regular or transient Boarders, all tlie comforts of a First Class Hotel. JOHN II. WOOD, Proprietor, Brunswick, Georgia. Jlav, 1853. 41—ly 1'iSlllT A ClDillillK, T31 PORTERS AND JOBBERS IN SIL.K AND _L FANCY' DRY GOODS—No. 10 Oourtlaxdt i Street, New Y'ork.—Have now on band, and are I constantly receiving the richest and most desirable styles of DRESS GOODS. .SILKS, LACES, KM BROIDERIES, MANTILLAS and RIBBONS, to which they would invite the attention of the Geok •Merchants when visiting New Y’ork. and for I cash or Approved credit great inducements will be offered. X. B.—Particular attention paid to orders. March 15, 1853. ly Fresh Garden Seeds. O A AAA Papers Garden Seeds. OU.UUU 2 barrels Onion Setds Fraud! .A. CO. make should he particular to notice the stamps, as tin-re ere various counterfeits and imita tion- stamped Collins, and labelled much like ours, which are fraudulently sold in some parts of the Uni ted States as our manufacture. They are made in different parts of the country by various axe-makers. 1 bushel Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. 1 do. French Laconia Seed. 1 do. Rod nnd White ('In rer Seed. Just re ceived, and for salo wholesale and retail, hy GEOllGE PAY’NE, Druggists, Macon, Ga. dec 6 17—3m To the merchants of Dlticon. G OODS intended for Macon, brought up the Chat tahooeiiee River upon tho Boats mentioned be low, Avill be forwarded through Columbns F.-ce of Commission. Steamer Oswiciiee, •* .South Carolina, “ Gusset a, “ Eagle. Columbus. Now 8. 1853. 3ui Liiuili'Ctli’N IVai-rauteri Garden Seed. /I KOWTil of I >5:1, vi - :—12 varieties Cabbages; Vjf Beans, Snaps, and Runners; Beet.-, Cucnm- Tur- bers; Lettuce, ILidi.-hes; 10 varieties l 1 nips, E. Dutch, Red Tops, and others; Grass seed-, "lower seeds. C'.- jury SeeiLs, and many other kind-. Button Onions, and Onion setts. * Country Merchants and Families supplied on nimble terms. J. II. A W. S.ELLIS. Near Cotton Av nine Chcrrv-st., JIacon. li 3m 000 am mrgia Kersr ;rns. With 1, Stsi>i- Dry Go- ir UK. D 10 bales Blankets, Kerseys;, Ac. n.l 9 quarter Blankets. 15 p 1 12, quarter Bed Blankets. 15 ball's Oanaburgs. 10 li. ,enl a.-.-ortnientof Domestic; For .-.lie bv ‘ A-HEIi AYRE- D rafts O N Savannah, Cliarlestr ir. diseountrd liv New Y'orit, Boston, T DAY A CO and are "generally of >ei> iu»»i- geunine Collins axes, whidi have xtensive reputation, are invariably LIN'S A (:().. Hartford.” and caeli label with my signature. It is years sine*- wn commenced tiie i stamp nf ” CiUius St Co.. Hartford, know of any other axe-makw by tin ill tlie United Slates, sng 2:1—2 ly SAM. W. COLLIN'S lty. Tlie icquirod such sn stamped “COL- a- hns a printed -•-re than 25 with tlie and I do not name of Collins Jtobert J.aivson, r;ADDLE, HARNESS AND COLLAR O .MANUFACTURER, wiioi.ksale/ in0 retail. No. 42, South street, one door Jo on Ijimbard feed, Baltimore, Maryland. Tite alioA'e article- are manufactured of the best materials, and at the lowest prices. •Merchants and Wholesale Dealers nre invited to call and examine my stock before making purchases, being prepared to sell goods as low as they can ho purchased in any of the Northern or Eastern cities, and pledges himself to duplicate any bill made in those cities l’lea-o call and satisfy yourself of tho fart. ia..o •> " " 52—ly BEMOVAL jTIarou Diigncrreati Gallery, .hie* of TK have removed from Mulberry Street,-usiness Triangular Bloqk, where we Avill be plea is euaj friends, and all those nlio are -lesiroufses and. ■ing Likenesses taken. Satisfaction given in ,'ndsin- in.-tiince, or no charge. ir sale, r?" Instruction given, and apparatus furnished.'-EK. •>’ Kntranee tlirougli Messrs. Murdock A Ot lit o'- l'inno Store, Cotton Avenue, and betweeu McKvov ,v Ferrv's, Second Street. ier 211 io—tt' McDaniel a smith S3 gl Embroideries. N Cbemizetts, Under-sleeves, Muslin Robes Color* and Erabroideris generallv, our stock is far shove competition. Wo will prove the fact to all who favor - with a visit. BOSTICK A JOHNS, oet U