Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 03, 1854, Image 3

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IW’ /rilllirpd Mission. .John W. Knight and ti tarJan. Monticello, K. Lane. For- ^Ftaiund P- Burch. Culloden, Wesley ' ■ th* Culloden Colored Mission, to be F-jjjS 'Knoxville Colored Mission, to be /Pc! 1 port Valley, James Jottcs; Fort ^tailored Mission, to be supplied. I’cr- || Lester. Ocnmlgee Colored Mis* — KOOt. i •ii.. if Jeffersonville, M. II to bo »“PP ,iud ' District.—John V. Glenn, P. E M sl , Trinitv. W. M. Cruinlv; Wesley ^lJo*l.u*G.P«yne ; City Mission, to be Andrew Chapel, to be supplied; ’Miss., iidwin White. Augusta, Jas, . city Mbs. to be supped; August: t- i«u g Richard J. Harwell. Richmond, l ' J K Pierce. Springfield, John M. Bright. dJ* is Albert G. Rowland. Scriven Color- ^ ,r” Vi be supplied. Waynesjioro, John i*Si& Burke Colored Miss. Alex. V; ‘ p a ir Haven Miss. Alex. Gordon.— I' . -iV, Robt. A. Conner. Jefferson Color \V. D. Bussey. Lincoluton, Wm. T. Columbia, T. S. L. Harwell; Co- u'toColored Miss- John S. Dunn. Wilkes, j'! m , v j>_ Arnold. Washington, Sain’l An- • \Varrcntou, F. F. Reynolds. Sparta, pdVw. Kcv. Hancock, Josiah Lewis; llan- “ t Colored Miss, to bo supplied. [ (VucitBUf District.—J. I*. Turner, P. E. llmliu* and Colored Mission, W.G. Conner, «■ p Sites, anil W R. Branham, 8upn. ; 'J' .uLion. Lovick Pierce; Factory Mission, Brooks. Bucaa Vista, J. B. Smith.— ' detlairiH*- Jas. M. Dickey. Lanier, Josiah 111 Clsrke. Talbotton, James W. Hinton; jlv.ton Circuit, Benj. W. Clarke ; Talbot- u Colored Mission, Raliegh Green. Thontas- j ( j, n Jl, Marshall. Ipson Colored Mis- „ to be supplied. Hamilton, Thos. H. Whit* u and llobt. K. Cotter. Harris Colored Mis- Jno. P. Dickinson. \ T m:ss District.—.John W. Talley. P. E. VIkiis- Jos. S. Key; Athens Colored Mission, I jin H- Groghan. Watkinsville, Jesse R. and Thos. ltoriug; Factory Miss. \\- jl. C. Cone. Monroe, David Crcnsliaw. I lovinptoa and Oxford, Geo. C. Clark and Al- [ u rt (jrsv. Madison, James L. Pierce. Mor- * s. J-11- Wardlaw. Kingston Miss, to be Greensboro, W. A. Florence; I (den Colored Mission, to be supplied. Lcx- iatt» and Oglethorpe Colored Miss. W. J. ivU ««1 Oliver P. Anthony. Elbcrton, II. li. Parks anil J. II. Harris. Hroad River t jowl Miss. Henry Crawford. Camosville, | \\. j. Cotton and J. G. Worley. guiaiMViWE Distmct.—Wiley G. Parks, l p L Sandersville, Jos. T. Smith. Dublin, , II. McGehee. Irwinton, Lewis B. Payne. I j r twnville, John E. Scntell. Rcidsvillc, I’hil- , aC. Harris. Ilinesvillc, Silas II. Cooper. I Parien ami McIntosh Mission, Noah Palmer. 1 Lnimel Mission, F. W. Flanders. Bulloch tsJBiyan, W. H- Mellan and Sinitli C. Quili- Mariktta District.—J. B. Payne, P. E. I Marietta Station, C. A. Fulwood; Marietta t«uit, Alfred Dorman, 1 to be sup. Cass- M. A. Clouts. Iron Works and Etowah | Mi'-'. C. A. Crowell. Dullis Mis*. John Striek- 11£ Rome, D. D. Cox. Cave Spring, Au- I w Nwe and K. Waters. Subligna, W. F. i : ,„Vv. LiFayctte, Henry P. Pitdiford.— litl!i«ii. Milton C. Smith. Calhoun, W. M. 1>. i; ml. Spring Place, W. I*. Clontx. Summer- I v3r. \V. Brewer. Dade Miss. John W. Brady. Liupkin District.—W. Knox, P. E.— |s:npkin. James B. Jackson. Stewart, Joseph Ift Adams and Harvey Mclliui. Chattaboocliec (aland Mission, Jos. T. Turner. Cuthbert, I JVavinmi II. Potter and Jno. H. Caldwell, Sapn. Port Gaines, Jameson Scaifc. Ran- II >l|ik Colored Mission, Thos. R. Stewart.— j n akcsvUle, Young F. Tignor. Americus. D. nmson. Sumpter and Lee Colored Mis- ! :. \V. M. Watts. Vienna, Marshall F. fcbby. Worth Mission, A. J. Heavers. L\ Grange District.—.Jos. C. Simmons, ll’. E. Li Grange, W. H. Evans. West Point station, W. R. Foote. Troup, Jackson Rash; Troup Colored Mission, to be supplied, tiovnville, Leonard Rush and one to be sup- | jkd. Meriwether Colored Mission, Rob’t ilpling. Franklin, David Stripling. Ciur- it oi Mission, W. J. Wardlaw and Myles W. Ankml. Newuan, D. Kelaey. J*alnietto, I C.:l>nieT. Russell. Atlanta, John P. Dun- na and Jmucs M. Austin. Decatur, J. 111. Ewing, and one to be supplied. Fay- I aifTille. Morgan Bellali. Zebulon, Noah I Smith. Griffin, Lewis J. Davies. McDonough lad Jackson, S. M. Smith and L. Q. Allen. Dmioxkua District.—George Bright, P. J t Ikthlouega, Dennis O’Driscoll and David I i- llulines. Gainesville and Lawrenecville, 1W X. ('ravin, and 1 sup. Canton, John II. I Msshburu. Clarkcsville, W. Lively and Jns. IU. Krese. Elijuy Miss. W. G. Allen, and I I Vi be «ip. Murphy Miss. J, Chambers, and 1 11* be cup. ltlairsville Miss. E. L. Stephens. v >Lme, Tvrc Ilnrbcn. Clayton, W. H. | TMWU. E.H. Myers, President Wesleyan Female Mb**. 0. L. Smith and Jno. M. Bonnell, I ft*. i Ib'erce, President Emory College. ’*■ J- SnsMictt, Professor Emory College. J. H. Edmls, Professor Madison Female College. I J- Pearce, Agent Am. Bible Society. A. >, Prcsideut Masonic Female College at | Gnagtuu. fits. W. Thomas, Chaplain in U. S. Navy ...." Mathews, Tims. C. Coleman, James J *•Tray wick and Chas. L. Hayes, left with- | M, Ppoiutnient, on accouut of feeble health. 1‘arid Blalock and Albert R. Smith, without toutmeuta. It’s strings « No HoUiibgqito keep, Since tiijr dear heart, so warm, so With throLs of love so deep, Is felt uo more. They tell me time will cure snch wound*. And soothe this heartfelt woe, lint if they felt one half I feel. Am1 knew thee, as I know. They’d say uo more. Forget thee dearest!—sooner let This heart forget to beat; Oh no! let dear departed joys. This heart recall—hut greet Such joys uo more. Returning festivals but cause. Old wounds to bleed anew. Since tln-se sad eyes, with them, ran see Thy Angel face and heart, so true. Return no more. We mi*R thee at the Christmas board, We miss thee New Year's day. We miss thee round the hearth, mid feel That thou art far away. To nome no more. Hut dear departed Angel, I Would not recall again, To earthly woes, thy happy soul. From realms where death and pain Can eoine no more. A lone and weary traveler. Along this desert life. I'll wnuder on ’till death relieves. And then again we'U meet, dear wife. To part no more. Vfoerille, Jan. 1, IMt, S. T. II. Inauguration of llir liovoruor of Aliibniun Governor John Anthony Winston was in augurated with appropriate ceremonies on Tucs day last, at Montgomery, as Chief Magistrate of Alabama. The procession is said to have been the largest ever witnessed in Montgom ery. The Atfrrrliser tf Gazette, speaking of Gov Winston’s Inaugural Address, says that it is a plain, Hat-footed, good old-fashioned, Demo cratic Document, and that “it plumbs the track,” from the beginning. His views on the powers and tendencies of the Federal and State Governments, are the old Democratic State Rights Doctrines of ! !M and *99, and cannot, continues the Advertiser, fail to meet the ap probation of every true Republican. In regard to the subject of Internal Improve ments, be said: I'nder the influence of a government administered man such principles, with u prudent administration of onr own State affairs, and a continued bounty of a beneficent l'rovidenco, we may confidently look forward to the time when Alabama shall become one i»f the wealthiest, most prosperous and most iufiiien tial States in this great confederacy. The produc tions of her soil, the increase of iter commerce, the energy mid industry of her people, the fortitude with which her citiaens have submitted to taxation for her honor, and the able uiaiiugeineiit of her hank com missioner, have already greatly reduced her public debt, redeemed her lost credit, and placed her in a highly prosperous and fhmrishing condition. 1s t us do mailing to impede her progress to greatness and prosperity. This is a sort of progress most to be de- sired by us in this progressive age. There is such a thing as progressing too rapidly. The influx of gold from California, the great increase of the circulation of hank paper, long continued peace, and plcutinus crops and good prices for many years, have so infla ted ns with prosperity, that we are now in danger of 'r.g in speculations and enterprise* the most id visionary. Not the least dangerousof these is the railroad mania, which lias seized upon the minds of untilv of our people. A mania, the like of which, proved so disastrous a few years since in Kng- iand, and in some of the States of this t’uion. Let it not be supposed that I aui opposed to the construc tion of railroads, or any other system of internal im provement, which may'tond to developc the resources or affect the social relations of the different sections of tlie State. So far as such improvements can lie ac complished by individual enterprise thy- should have all the favor and co-operation it can afford them. It might he wise, however, for their projectors and friend* to take warning from the revolutions and fail ures of the past, and to consider well their practica bility and utility, and of the means of completing them, before engaging in their construction, lint uu- ( er no circumstances, ought the State to have any thing to do with them, iiutii the public debt shall have been paid, or greatly lessened from tho amount yet dne. Experience has proved that all such connec tions between a State and its citizens have resulted alike disastrous to both. Resides it would he unjust to a people who have home witli proud resignation a heavy burden of taxation, in order to save tue credit of the State, to approbate the money thus raised to any other purpose than tho payment of the pnldie debt, or as to incur the risk of increasing or coutftiu- iug tho burden, by involving the State aa security for, orstockholder in any private corporation. When the public debt shall have been discharged, and the pay ment of the funds which the State holds in trust, se cured, it will be time enough for the State to hazard its revenues and incur new liabilities, but uot till then. dock, a extensive cotton The (treat Fire at Khrereport. Shreveport South-Western, of the 1-ltli ?•*'** the following account of the great | : rf ® that place, by which from 7500 to 1NJ00 of cottou were burnt; morning, about a quarter to 1 o’ ■ oh! | a jjie centre of the exteuslv< r***a»s »f Oglesby anil Griswold, and before the “•srottid be subdued, the building and its con- i •'O' M»Uv destrovod. 11 was the largest ware- the South, out of New Orleans, and was I: ,: "f brick and covered with siato, and contained 7»rtn iioo and '.moo bdes of cotton. There is no • of accounting for the origiu of the are, u* l - v ’opposing it to he the work of an incendiary. I 'ju re was no wind at the time, to which inei- rio rf {"Probability, we owe the preservation from i v H Z* KTcatcr portion of the town. 1 he flames ktMV s’® warehouse to the dwelling the "'ruggs. which was totally destroyed. The , -'ft*'. t'oL Douglass and Mrs. I tattle were re- e»v 'J*uger, but were saved hy the cu- »u*iJ_ (RRiUMK «f our citizens. The front ’iliiisT Sonars. Oglesby and Griswold, tilled | - ! 1 '"- groceries and merchandize In transit to was also preserved unbanned through labors of a gallant band of young geutle- tM'-Jii^rt-hiiuae destroyed was partially insured, St, gJJ Jiwmedistelv rebuilt and made perfectly isrEwk ■. 1 " fhe niennihuc no interruption will oc- | ‘ ‘"ebtuiui^, of Messrs. Oglesby aud Griswold. I * c Uu« t or tiie Methodist Council I cjJ^5 c * T1r . Question.—One of the most ! r„ i- 11 *’ c ' rc, oastanccs connected with the die Missionary Anniversary at irfv *1- last night, was the address of Selton, Corrcsjxnnling Sec- > , B1 |- die Missionary Society of the Church : "a th ;7. a,lnonnc . e d the receipt of intelligence I i« v™* I'^iapromiso Adjustment Committee I lie* i w , * or *' presided over by Ilonora- 11!,^-• S° McLean, that when the final i iuin'u' WU * ;lnnouncc d. the r^to every eye, called all t I n7,b , wnted in by ever iLi 1K R^tcned wit! 1 overcome with emotio: Honorable chile tears I <kai • IU1< ^ pledges . a K£e t &P en * tjw Qivuie mi? fer*- th N < .it b on giv, ,oleum pray every heart. Kv joy, hands clcncl tud protestations w ship and union of lie: -si.m for the s.alv nt (lod shoitl nd South 1 gral iti it 11-11 !y John Mitchell and Thos. Francis Meagher, the Irish Exiles, state the objects that will guide them in conducting “The Citi zen,” in the following fine language : The movement of all the western nnd southern na thins of Europe is toward Republicanism. After a few years of dismal “pence" and “order"—after lying like a corpse, motionless, breathless, from her last giant struggle, with the fetters of her tyrants weighing down her limbs, aud their bayonets at her breast,—Europe is again ripening fast for another bursting forth of the precious and deathless spirit of freedom. The dumb masses of English life—the men votelcss, landless, rightiess, who labor forever in mines and factories, who have no part in the govern ment of their own land, no interest in the oppression of Ireland, in the plunder of Asia, or in the Europe an balance of power—those masses, we apprehend, were not finally crushed into the earth on tlie totji of April. 1BP?, ns some persons believe—they are find ing voice ami spirit again, Germany and Italy are not dead—Hungary is not even asleep. AVar already ragre in Europe; other wars are threatening—that is to say, promising.—aud all over Europe and America there are eyes watching and heart* burning for the occasion to turn all diplomacy and war to good ac count for the cause of Republican Freedom. Man kind is onre more becoming charged with the elec tricity of Revolution, aud one of the poles of that battery we believe to be situated somewhere in or about "New York. The conductors of Tlie Citizen desire to awaken agiyii the national spirit nnd ambition of Ireland, to evoke nnd stimulate among Irishmen a noble xcal to uiil and partake in the great march of Eurojiean de raocracy. Tlie sovereigns and aristocracies of Eu rope ln-iug banded together against the Peoples, we intend to promote, so tar asiu us lies, a fraternal nlli- anee of the Peoples against the sovereigns and aris tocracies. Mild Weather.—“This is grand weather, mem, for i>oor people,” said Mr. Tigh, the rich neighbor of Mrs. Partington, on one of the past warn days, and indulged iu a half clinckle about it us he rubbed bis bonds together. It is a remark that almost every body would make, nnd menu it, too, at a time when coal by the rapacity of man, was eight or nine dollars a ton, mid cold weather, by the blessing of Heaven, thnt tempers the wind to tlie shorn Iambs and ragged children, wits withheld, but uot Mrs. Partington.— “Yes," said she, gently laying her hand at the same time on the sleeve of Mr. Tigh’s coat, and looking bin in the face. “ Yes, and don’t folks use this good weather too much for tut excuse for not helping the indignant widows and orphanlcss children ? Depend upon it cold weather is the best for the poor, for then the rich feel the cold and think niorc of ’em, and feel more disposed to give ’em consolation anti coal. Cold weather coincs down front Heaven o’ purpose to make men feel their duty; and it touches the heart, as the frost touches the milk pitcher aud breaks it, and the milk of humane kindness rims out, sum the poor are made better for it. Cold weather is a blessing to the poor, depend upon it.” She stopped here, and Mr. Tigh cast nis eyes down and struck his cane several times against a brick at his feet, thou bidding tho old Indy good morning he moved away. There was a large “Dr. to Sundries” on his jhook that night which the book-keeper will find it dillicult to explain, but Heaven knows all about it, and the secret gift, in charity, and the prayer of the poor recipient invoking hie- sings on the unknown benefactor, were •'n at records that night in the angel’s book. A Palpable Hit.—Out West, a stamp ora tor, wishing io describe his opponent as a soul- rtc il in favor of tlM hieli were ordered paid, viz: . Jack.-on Barnes fl.’i 00, Goer a Telegraph's SO 68, J. L. Jones A Co’s. St5 SO. T he Fiunnro Committee to whom was refered the Treasurer's 4th quarters account, for 1853, Report having examined the same, and find it correct. Ou motion of Ahl. Ayres. _ - Jtnoleed, That tho i'ounnittee on Gas, lie author ized, and that they proceed Immediately to have the Lamp 1‘osta painted. Passed. On motion of Aid. Ayres. RrtrJmt, That tlie Committee ou Fire Department, he antherized to contract for shingling or tmniiig the roof of the Engine House, on the academy square. Passed. Tlie street sn|ierintendent’s aeconnt for wages of of hands during tlie Holidays. Amount 83G 50—was ordered paid. The following accounts were received and refered to the Finance Committee, viz: Ashburu * Eptenus, Jn*. B. .tyres, and Georgia Citizen's Conneil then adjourned. Attest, A. R. FREEMAN, c. c. B ^-aHot.LOWAT's Pills, a most efficient remedy for bile, indigestion, and debilitated con stitutions. Tho extraordinary ilowers of this medi cine, iu curing disorders of the stomach, bile, indi gestion, and liver complaint* are wonderful. Thous ands whose lives were a burthen to them, whilst suf fering from these complaints, are now etyoving the best of health hy taking these invaluable Pills, aud strongly recommend their nse to others similarly af fected. A few dose* give relief, mid a continuance of them for a short time effects a perfect cure. Per sons whose constitutions have been weakened hy long residence in hot diinati* cannot have a more certain remedy to restore them to robust Health titan Holloways Pills. Proclamation. Friends countrymen anil lovers!—hear me for my cause, and he silent that you may hear; discard pre judice that you may believe, and rend facts tliat yon may act intelligently. Who. that is young, but values the luxuriant locks of vonth and beauty J Who, thnt is middle-aged, hut shudders at Grey Hairs ? Who, that is old, blit would avert Baldness J If any, speak, for him have I offended. As none speak, then none have 1 offended in addressing twenty-four million people. Not one of these many million who have attested the virtues of Lyon's Kathairon, for Preserving, Re storing nnd Beautifying the Hair, hut will proclaim its beneficial effects far and near. One trial will con vince tlie most incredulous. Sold uuifurtn, for cents, by every Druggist in America. D. S. BARNES, Proprietor, 161 Broadway, N. Y. Sold hy all Druggi.-ts iu Macon, and T. M. Turner, Savannah, Oa. (dec 6 tin aitorrtismifiits. LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA. fJ1HE nndir-igned having Leased the 3—- L above establishment, begs to assure fsSi] tho travelling public, that no exortioi - will ll»i! be spared to sustain the established reputation of the House. assisted by Mr. Mzara, he hopestomake the La nieu House, second to none South of New York. OEO. M. LOGAN, Proprietor. J. Meara, Superintendent. a! fin NOTICE.—Tho undersigned having taken Mr. James Meaiu into partnership, tho business will hereafter he conducted under the name of LOGAN A MEARA. G. 31. LOGAN, Jan. 3,1853. A C A K D . THOMAS T. WYCHE, having recently lost his Warehouse by fire, has made arrangements with Messrs. Patten *V Collins for the Storage of all Cot ton consigned to him. He respectfully and earnestly solicits his firm friends and patrons, to continue to him their bus ness at that place aud all others, who may desire to aid him iu his present uufortunate situation nnd loss. His personal attention, ns also that of Messrs. Pat ten A Collins, will be given to ail business entrust cd to him. oct 18 iy Tlie friends and acquaintances of E. IJ Weed, Esq., are invited to attend his Funeral from Ids late residence on the Hill, tliis morn iug, at 10 o’clock. MARRIED. On the -.‘Otii December, by James G. Barnes, Esq., Mr. S. J. McMillos, formerly of Jackson, to Miss Mary Y.Cox of Putiiam. Federal Cuion, please copy. Ou tlie 27th instant, in Crawford county, Mr. B. G Lockett to Miss Sallie IL Bridges, of Culloden, DIED, In this city, on the 1st instant, Emvtx B. Weed aged -17 years. CnmmmiflL MACON PH ICES CURRENT, JANUARY 3. Bagging—Kentucky... • Pyard India .. 12[ io 13 Pyanl. Bacon—Hams .. 12| w 14 Pffi. Sitli-.s .. 10 r a 11 Plb. Shoulders 8[ w 9 pm. Butter .. 20 a■ 1*8 pm. Chkusk .. 11 at 121 Pit.. Castings 5 pm. Comte—Rio .. 1*1 <0 13 pm. Java 15 16 pm.—Sperm .. 40 » 55 pm. Mar as u- :io 4* H». Tallow .. 14 'd> If pm. Feathers .. 4."* 'a 50 pm. Fish—Mackerel, No. 1.. ..18 00 ■a ‘JO uo Pbbl. •4 “ 2.. ..ltf 00 a 17 00 Pbb). •• •* a.. .. 0 50 a 11* 00 Pbbl. u lies ;,t 111. lb ltl.ll nl 1 Cud tlmt for m. Kell"' I'lllLH. soul cut! J hnvot teeming u- time jn citizens : Shad Herring 80 'lour—Western Canal. 0 Georgia 6 50 Foddeil 1 oo Grain—Corn Wheat Oats Glass Gunpowder Gts—Holland American Hides Ikon—Swedes English < Lard U Lead,. - 8 Lime.- -k 1 - Molasses 28 Nails. '* Oil—Lamp 1 00 Linseed 00 Train 65 Paints—White Lead 2 00 Peas 90 Pork—Nett 5 Rice •' Rope.' ~ 1!u.m—Jamaica. 2 00 New England 40 Syrup-—Lemon Raspberry Salt—Liverpool,’. Alum, large aud small 1 75 Shot 2 13 Soap 6 , Steel—Cast 20 Gorman H American 8 Sugar—St. Croix 9 New Orleans 7 Loaf, refined...-•• 11 Crashed 10 Spirits—Brandy, Cog.-... 9 50 American 75 Peach 85 Apple 75 Tallow 1« Vinegar 20 Whiskey—Irish 2 50 Monongahela... 1 00 Rectified 35 Wines—Madeira. 1 25 Sherry 1 50 Champagne....,..12 00 Malaga 70 Port 2 50 Claret 3 00 a, 18 00 a 1 00 10 00 7 00 1 25 1 00 -a 1 25 70 •» 75 2 25 tt 4 50 5 00 •» 6 50 1 50 -a- 2 00 4J ■» Pbbl. Pbox. Pbhl. Pbbl. *>bbl. pioolb Pbush Pbusb Pbush V box. Pkeg. Pgal. 621 PgaL- 10 P16. 5} P16. 5 P16. 121 P16. ti Pit. 1 00 3 00 45 1 25 6 00 2 50 3 00 2 95 P Pgal. PgaL vSt P bush P16. Plb. pm. Pgal. Pgal. Pgal. Pdoz. Pjack. P-*ck PTiag. s prc. 22 pm. i6 pm. io pm. io pm. 9 pm. i8i pm. 12 pm. 5 oo Pgal. 1 00 Pgal. 1 25 Pgal. 1 25 Pgal. t2j pm. H Pgal. Pgal. Pgal. Pgal. Pgal. Pgal. Pdoz. Pgal. Pdoz. f*do*. 4 00 2 00 40 4 00 3 00 1C 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 .flucou Cottoil itlarkcf, Jan. 3. There is h good demand for Cotton at la>t week’s pricey say 7 to cents. jtfnu Bnrriisnuruts. McCALLIE & JONES, COMMISSION M E It C II A N T S, MACON, GEORGIA, U EG leave to iiiform the citizens of Macon, and surrounding country, that they have opeued a House on Cotton Avenue, two doors above J. D. Boss A Co's, for the sale of all kinds of Tennessee Produce; And. as they sell on Commission exclusively, trill be enabled to "furnish Planters aud others, with Corn, Oats, Bacon, ljurd. Ac., at Tennessee prices. Trans portation added. Wc respectfully iuvite those wish ing to purchase to give us a call. ALEX. M'CAI.LIE CEO- »• ZONES, jau 3 - 1 - 3in Joseph S. Heraandes’i CtEGAR. SNUFF AND TOBACCO STORE, Or- i-uMTE the Lamer House, M*U*rry itrrrt. Mm- com. On where he kqep* constantly on hand, nnport- ^ isfc Segura, as well as American !4c- holesale ana retail. Also, Chewing To. bnrro, K.iutr, Ac. j a " :l cd Sp« jxnrn, At U ^ih V A, COUNTY, In Chambers, 3. Ordered. That Bibb In- i-ijourncd from the Second January next. ,scs will t.ikt notice. i.ubli.-lK-d one time in tho Ll'NDY. J. I.'• • HE Mil \V< i- ID, J. I. c M M MASON, j i * ,i il„ Minuter. Dec li. I- ' It BIBB lber, 18 mirt be mi day ii - ;,nd W [hi- LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in the Post Office, Macon, Ga., on . the 1st January, 1854. iy Persons calling will please say they are ad vertised. A—Ashley, Jno Jackson, Ben Anderson," C A Jackson, Dr 31 M Andrews, 3Irs .Mortimer K—Kirby, S T B—Bryant, Jim W King Geo B 2 Bnrge, "Burge W Keigas, Kev C Brineefield, Sirs M Kimev, Miss Mary J Bone, A Kilpatrick, Thos S Boue, Kich’d 1.—Lumpkin, Mrs A V Buford, Geo II Lowe, G A ltoyier, Mrs Mary Lawson, Stanford 2 Brady, F 31 Lawsliew, R S Benjamin, Lewis Lawrence, Miss L Ii Bits*, J L Lamb, Peter Briee, Barney Lewis, Robert' Bennett, Isaac Lawson, M Blackburn, Miss 31 Lockett, B G Burge, W Latsou, S I* Braswell, D W Lawton, W S Brewer, ii D Lester, Rev li B Brice, Patrick Lingo, Win S Brown, Geo W Lewis, Miss Martha Bell, J W M—Slattmir, Dr A 2 Brigham. E W McCann, B 3 Braswell, Wm 3!oore, Jas R Bass, li L A J II 3Iareus, H M Banister, W A Silicon, Sliss Eva .1 Baines, Chas 31oir, A T 2 C—Clarke, Thos F Slatliews, Miss SL-irtlia 2 Carter, Miss Ellen Morris, Richard Clayton, Mrs Harriet Ii 3Ioir, Ii F Cobh, Jesse C 3Ioore, W E Colston, Thos C Slerritt, Wm Cohen, Henry Montgomery, A H Clayton, Geo-R - McCaffrey, Barney Carter, Thos M 2 3IeDenuond, W S Chestnut, Miah Slurphy, Jno B Chapman. H D Moore, J F 3 Cowley, Jno SleBryde, Miss 3I»ry Carmichael A Bean JtcArtliur, I)r I* S Clark, Stephen 3(acon, Miss Ami J Chipley, James S 31 organ, Thos J D—Doyle, Miss Mary 2 Miller, William Deen, A Ii 3 N.—Nigh, Jno li 2 Duugcu, Joseph (of Pliila)Nelson, A Dunn, Lemnou Davis, Wm Dedin, Mrs Adeline Douglass, Ii Davis, 3Irs Sarah Dillard, Perry Dupree, Wm E—Ellis, Jno W 2 Evans, Jno I*.—-Preston, N W Parsons W A Potter, W H Pierce, 3Irs 3Iary Paynes, Miss M * Palmer, Rev J W Philips, F M N Parker, li K 15.—Rush, L 31 2 Evans Wm (Rev. Soldier)Kogers, Steven Edwards, J 11 Eckley, Levi Elljs A Sons Ellis. Jno M Earues, Aeee Ellis, Mrs Eliza IP—Forsythe, Miss J Fliiut, Edward Fearv, C F liosseaux, Jno Ross, \V M 2 Robertson, K 31 Riley, Warren Roberts, Kueben liiley, John 2 Roberts, L M Iiodgers, R N Radiord, Jno Fitzpatrick, Miss AraniilaReyuolds. K W Fish, Ben (Col.) si.^.Street, lieeev, Floyd. Miss C -Y Smith, II P a—Gilbert, Josephus 4 Gilbert, Mrs M L (iross. 31iss Mary Guthrie, J L Gritfiu, E S Gregg. Jno C Guyu, R H Gilpin, Mrs Jane H Gilinon, Thos K Gresham, Edward tiooilman, T A IE—Hanington, Con Head, Jno B Hogan, Mary 3Irs Harper, Thos J Half, Jas A lloloman, Mrs A Howe, II B Baud, Pinckney Hubbard, O Hob,man, X Hanks, Leroy 3 Hataway, S S Henderson, F Hill, Anna C Haw-lev, Jno P 5 Hunt, Mrs Bridget Hudson, Bern 11 2 Holland, Nath Hobbs, Wash 2 Hank, Edward Hav, Jas Hall, M Hal!, 3Irs Mary D Hull ell, Abner" Hammons, Mrs Mary Harris, \V F’ A Co J—Johnson, HA Jackson, Marcus Jones, 1, A Johnson, J E Jones, Jas M Johnson, Sirs Charlotte Jackson, Dr M L C jan 3 Siieight, Wm Skelton. 'Dies D Sistrunk, S II J Smith, M C Slaughter, Jno A Spencer, Wm Smith A Roberts Stewart, Jos A Smith).Mrs M A Sheppard, J J Stewart, A Smith, Mies 3Inry Smith, Jeremiah Sanlord, Sirs 31 R Soloman, R A Seaj-, Bvrd A Smith, Sirs Elizabeth Scott, Josh H T.—Tanui, Win J Tooke, T G Tuggle, J B 2 Ternan, Richard 2 Thompson. Mrs Nancy Thompson A J Tanner. Gideon Turner, Jno V.—Yesaatilc A Batter V/.—Walsh. Robert Welson, Dr E W 2 Ward, B F Walker, Wm F 4 Warner, Benj Wall, James Williams, W P Womack, Wm White, Mrs Sarah Ann Weed, Joseph B Wood, Thos S Wright, Wm H T Wise, Stiss Eliza Williams, Barnet Williams, William Winn, Jno 8 Watkins, Frank West, Jas N 2 JAMES A. NISBET, P. M. Bufrtisrmfiit.n. ■ - . ...-^ I >■];;; siii:2cii i' s.ti.i:.- Wi!i be >, > tlm first Tiic-iiav iu F.-i.rumy next, ln-foi court limt.i- dour in the city of Sracon, Bibb ct the legal hours of sale, the following properl to wit: One Lot of Land with the DwolHug and other im proveinents thereon, in Vineville on the Forsyth r leading into Macon, and adjoining Mrs. IV. II. M Carthy’s, now or lately occupied by James Gates,j aud containing one and a quarter acres; levied on a: the property of Spencer luley to satisfy a inert ga; li fa in favor of Wm. 1!. Parker, vs. Spencer Rile; Property pointed out in said mortgage ti fa. Also, "looo acres of Land, more or less, with a Saw Mill on tlie premises, at present occupied by John W. Snclsnn, aud known as tlie Bell A Snelsoii place; adjoiimigkuul# of Greco Wilder and others. Levied on as the property of William 11. Bell A Co., to satis ly a ti fa from Hihh Snperior Court in favor of Howeii Cherry vs. said W. R. Bell A Co. Property painted out by Plaintiff's Attorney. THOS. BAG BY, Dep. Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, negro man named Edmund, about 15 years of ag and oue Piano; levied on to satisfy a ti fa front Bibb Superior court, in favor of Brown A Harris vs. Jas, 3Ieara and Thus Bagljy, Adiur. Ac. Property point ad out by Plaintiff ’s attorney, jan 3 ’ l>. J. DAVIS, Sheriff. B iisk pontpohedhbbbiff hale Will lie sold ou tlie first Tuesday in December next, before the courthouse door in the city of Macon Bibb county, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property to wit : Lot of Land number two hundred and tlurty-onn, (-231) lying, situated ami being in tho Third District of originally Houston now Bibb county, containing two hundred two and one half acres, more or less, in eluding all improvements. Levied ou as the proper ty of James Yaiivaikenbiirg, and James Yanvalken burg and Soil, to satisfy tw o fi fa’s, issued from the Superior Court of Bib!) county, one in favor of Will liatn L. Hughes vs. James Vanvalkcnburg, and the other in favor of the same vs. James Vanvalkenburg and soil. Said lot of land described in said fi fa’s, jan 3 D. J. DAVIS, Sheriff. Jones Superior Court. Martha Ann Scruggs, ) r*. z Librlfur Divorce. Edward V. Scruggs. ) I T appearing to the court, by the return of tlie Sheriff - in the above stated case, that the defend ant cannot he found in the county of Jones, and it further appearing, tliat the said defendant is out of tlie limits of the State of Georgia. It is ordered by the court, tliat the said defendant appearand defend said case, at the next term of this court, and on fail ing so to do, thnt the plaintiff have leave to proceed iu said case as in cases of default. And it is order ed that this order be published in a public Gazette in Macon, onre a mouth fur three mouths before the next term of this court. A truo copy from the minutes of Jones Superior Court, this 20th dav of December, 1853. jan 3 ELBERT HUTCHINGS. Clerk. E 3 the court house door in 3 ienna, Dooly county on the first Tuesday in February next, during tlie lawful hours of sale, the north half of lot of Land, number (49) forty nine, in the 3d district of said county, containing 100 acres, more or less, about 50 acres of which is cleared—on tlie place is a comfort able log dwelling, Ac. Sold as the property of Thos. T. Grace, deceased, under his last will. NEEDHAM T. JOHNSON, Ex’or. dec 20 of T. T. Grace, deceased. A Will I ."VSS4T K A TO It’S) HAI.E.—Will be sold i_ V ou the first Tuesday in 3Iareh next, agreeably to an order of the honorable Ordinary of Houston county, ail the Negroes belonging to the estate of George W. Wardlaw, late of Houston enmity, de ceased. ORRIN D. TUCKER, Adm’r. jau 3 'pjjilflittlpjjia ®nsiws5 (Ms. AYiiliuui HI. Brotvn & Co., ' "3IPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goons, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Ac. No. 108 Market Street, South side, be low Fourth, Philadelphia. [dee 20 19-ly Moore, Ileiiszcy & Co., 31 PORTERS A JOBBERS of Hardware, Cutlery anil Guns, No. 181 Slarket Street, between 4tli and 3tli Streets, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-l v Haddock, Rccct & Co., W HOLESALE Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Palm-Leaf, Leghorn and Panama Hats, Nos. 164 and 166, Market Street, below 5th, South side, up stairs, Philadelphia. [dee 20 19-ly George T. Brown & Co., I MPORTERS A DEALERS in Teas, Segars, To bacco, Snuff, Spices, Ac., No. 21 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly 'I’ruitt, Brother & Co., I 3IPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers iu Hard ware, Cutlery, Guns, Plated Saddlerv, Ac., Nos. 169 and 1713Iarket Street, above Fourth, "North side, Philadelphia. [dec 20 19-ly 3*!illinfn( nnii /nntij ddBiiiis. Fifty Dollars Reward. L OST Oil the -27th December, 1853, either at tho depot iu Griffin, or Macon, or ou the ears he- iwoeu the two cities; a small WALLET or Pocket Book, containing a sum of money, atul a Railroad Receipt for a cotton giu, from tlie" Railroad agent at Ncwnau. Tho above reward will be paid for the de livery of tlie Wallet to the Proprietors of the Lanier House, Macon, or Jas. A. Becks, Griffin. Between six aud seven hundred dollars, can im de scribed. G. M. 3LYRTHEWS. Griffin, Dec. 27,1853. . -r - jan 3—it' G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY—Whereas, Bell jamm Barron, guanlian of Oliver II. P. Eiimey, has applied to tne for letters of dismission from said uardiansbip. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted." Given Under mv office, this 21st day of De cember, 1853. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, jail 3 Ordinary. G EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Whereas, Da vid E. Blount, Executor of the last will and tes tament of Henry W. S. Blount, late of said county deceased, applies tome for letters of dismission from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite ami admonish all per sons enuct-nicd, to be aud appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if aiiv they have, why said Letters should uot be granted Given under iny hand at office, this 21st Dec. 1853. ELBERT HUTCHINGS, jail 3 Ordinary. G UOUUIA,JONES COUNTY.—Whereas. Jas. G.'Barnes, applies to me for letters of Guar dianship upon the lx-rson and property of Newton W. Meaner, Jesse II. Messer, Mary A. "Messer, and Thomas J. Messer, minors anil orphan children of Joseph Messer, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, tocite and admonish all per sous concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show eanse, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted ’ Given imilt-r my hand at office, tliis 21st day of December, 1653. jau 3 ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary. G KORGSIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, William H.Aoiwis, applies to me for Letters of Administration ou the estate of Natliau G. Lewis, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and ailniouish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie aud appear at my office, within tho time pre scribed by Law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should uot be granted. Given under iny hand at office, this 30th day of December, 1853. JOHN II. BOWERS, Ord’y. jan 3 G eorgia, Houston county.—whereas, James J. Darnel applies to me for ta tters of Ad ministration on the estate of George W. Daniel, de ceased ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ngular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30th day of December, 1853. JNO. II. BOWERS, Ordinary, jau 3 G roitc:iA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—'Whereas, the estate of Joshua Barnes is unrepresented : Tln-se are, therefore, to cite And admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why tlie Clerk of tlie Superior Court of Hniiston county should not be appointed Adminis trator of said estate. Given under mv hand at office, this 30th day of December, 1853. ’ JNO. II. BOWERS, Ordinary, jan 3 TO THE PUBLIC. H AVING determined to close out my en- a tire stock of JB Elegant Milliunpy Goods, S during tlie present season, I will sell at such reduced prices, particularly to cu*h buyer*, ns will attract at tention. I have in store beautiful Even ing Dresses, and Dress Silks, splendid Embroideries, Trimmin.. Gloves, Ribbons, Corsets, Mantillas, and a full stock of the most fashionable Bonnets, Caps, Head-dresses Ac. Ac. IV At the same time, I would most respectfully request all those indebted to me, to call as soon as possible and settle tlieir bills. Flf Dresses, Cloaks, Ac., made to order at the shortest notice. Mrs. F. DESSAU, nov 22 Store ou Triangular Block. ffrup, jj.'ntfi!t jtlriiiriiirs, 2<i. Ac. id Fi Medicines, <Tacmicnis, Ac iFOR THE SEASON. vJULPHATE QUININE, ivnv cheap r. O Bure .Morphine. large supplv.) India Cholagogne, (gr- :.t remtsfv ( hills I Mr Lane's Vcrniilngo, ;i Mire remedy for worm Strengthening Blusters. Cherry Bietoral. S'trsaparilbt* of all kinds, and a full stock of Pa tent Medicines, tliat are uot Humbug's or Quack’s. Domestic Remedies; Medicinal Extracts; Botanic Medicines,either in powdered or crude state. „ .} Every article warranted pure—put up in neat style, nnd sold as low as from any respectable Drag Establishment in tlie State. LEONARD LITTLE, Cotton Avenue, (Sign Red Mortar,) nov 22 Macon, Ga. Burning; Fluid. HOLD by the Barrel or Gallon, warranted always O to be tho best, bv nov 22 LEONARD LITTLE. W HITE LEAD ground in Oil, Kegs of all sizes. Linseed OH, Yariilslies, Turpentine. Also, a full stock of Colored Paints ground in Oil or Dr}-; Glass of all size; over UK) dozen Baint Brashes. Very strong inducements held out to purchasers. Call and See. LEONARD LITTLE, nov 22 Cotton Avenue, Maeon, Ga. Frcsli Drugs and Pure Medicines. riAlIE subscriln-r offers at wholesale and retail, a 1 general stock of DRUGS, 3IEDICINES, and CHEMICALS, and other articles usually kept in Drug Stores, and at prices as low as any in tlie State. Bhvsieian’s prescriptions aud other medicines pre pared at short notice, being so qualified by the law of this finite. W cekly arrivals of the steamers to Savannah en ables me to he supplied at all times with fresh articles. Drugs too numerous to mention. Chemicals in great variety, Gkieahout just receiv ed,) Patent Medicines, cannot enumerate them here. Sarsaparilla’s, all kinds. I also prepare an article of tlie Honduras root, according to the U. D., not of the Georgia Sarsaparilla, which contains uo alter ative property. BaiuLs, Oils, White Lead, Zinc White, and other articles in this line; 'Window Glass, Druggist’s (•lass Ware, Vials, Ac.; Brashes,Baint, Cloth, Hair, Hat, Nail, Tooth, Comb, aud many others; Cora Starch for cooking, and the best Oswego Starch; Berfunierv in great variety; Fancy and outer Soaps; Instruments in great variety. Also, 3Icdtcine Chests; Leeches, Natural and Artificial. Foreign and Domes tic ; Bryant’s Cholera Remedy, nothing is better for diarrhea; Seeds in great variety for garden and field culture; Soda Water, from the fountain in high state of perfection ; Congress Water from Sa ratoga Spring. GEORGE BAYNE, Druggist, opposite tlie Washington Hall. 3Iacon, Mav 17, 1853. Brags, patent Blriiirnits, fci. M M OX DKL’G STOKE. K. L. STROHECKEK A CO.. Apothecaries, ami Ducogistk, Cut err utuirc the 1'lny.l ffou.c Moron, Co l>i..ollllioil of Copurttirr-ihi,). rnilH Partnership I Jl. subscriber and the hit solved by the death of the Is Thcsulisrribur ha ving pur of 31 r. Wood, and assumed firm, will continue the lmsiii AU persons indebted to tl fitllv requested to come forw then- accounts, as the husine ilvns possible. EDN I nov is fon between the vas dis- ■luised the entire interest all tlie debts of the late ess on hi- own account, e late firm, are respect- ird promptly and settle -- must be cketedspeed- i. L. STROHECKER. 14 ri , , JL ronage bestowed on the 1; THE SUBSCRIBER thankful for tlie liberal pat- n, takes this kuowledgmeut for tlie lends and patrons -that on his part to merit their *P« his opportunity t same, and assures hi nothing shall be wantin continued favors. We bare now in store and are continually receiv- iug cliolce Drugs, Chemicals, l’aints. Colors, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines of all kinds, and every article kept in a first rate establishment. Any one who may favor us with theirorders may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that all goods tarnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at the option of the buver. nov 15 E. L. STROHECKEK A CO. Garden Seeds. W E are now opening a fresh lot of Garden Seed, all of which are warranted of this year’s growth. Hie trade supplied on liberal terms nov 15 K. L. STROHECKER A CO. For Physicians. A GREAT Variety of the be.-t French, English and lx. American Chemicals, and Pharmaceutical Pre parations, Powders, Surgical Instruments, -Magnetic Machines, Vials. Specie Jars, Saddle Bags, Ac. Also, Cantphene aud Burning Fluid, nov 15 E. L. STOHECKER A CO. QEIM3iE. TUST received direct from the manufacturers, "on ounces Quinine. Purchasing our Quinine aud other Chemicals direct from tho manufacturer*, we can confidently rceoinmeud them pure and free from adulteration. ‘ E. L. STROHECKER A CO. nov 15 14 FREIGHT REDUCED! The I'nlnslii Steam Boat Compnity, W ILL take COTTON after this date, to Savannah, from any of the Landings between Macon and Darien, hy tlie Steamers ISAAC SCOTT A SAJI JONHS, until tiie first of May next, at FIFTY CENTS PER IIALE. Agent at Macon, Charles Campbell, “ “ Hawkinsville,. ..Simon Mkrritt. “ “ Darien, A. A. DkLormk. Agentsat Savannah, Smith A Lathrop. dec 27 -20—3t Valuable Tavern Property for Sale, T HE Proprietors of the Indian String M-w Hotel, at the Indian Spring, Butts fs5s County, now offer for sale that vnlnahb- l>»t Tavern Property at said place. This Tavern can accommodate 7'hrec Hundred Perron* at one time, as tlie buildings are very large. All persons wishing to invest in one of the most valuable tavern property in Georgia, are .low invited to call anil look, as a great bargain w 11 now be given, aud terms made easy. This being one of the most valuable Water ing Places in the Southern country, is therefore, the most valuable as a locution for a first class Hotel in Georgia. Tlie property will be offered at private sale from this tune until Frida v the 6t!i day of Jan uary next; when if it is not sold nt private sale, it will on tliat day be offered at public sale. Titles will be made perfect. Furniture sufficient for the Tavern can be bad with it. EDWARD VARNER A SONS. Indian Spring, Dec. 13, 1853. 18—tf For Male. A HOUSE A LOT situated on tlie corner V of First and Oak Streets, better known fiaYm as tlie former residence of J. W. Babcock. I * a j D3 Possession can be given immediately, nov 8 tf A. ‘II. BROACH. A For S.ile. LARGE and commodious Dwelling JU. House, containing five good Rooms, Wat itli large Garden, Stable anil other out |5*l houses attached. Also, a good well of water.* The house is pleasantly situated near the Female Acade my. For particulars, apply to J. BARNES or dec 6 R. HOBBS. IIOI MSbS TO KENT, ou CollegO f Hill, by , 31. 31. SIASON. B New Millinery Goods. M ISS. AUDOINE would respectfully in- . form the Ladies of Macau and vicin- & itv, that she has recently returned from the^R North, with an unusually large stock of Itlil-*** I iiier,, Bonnets, Cloth Talmas and Cloaks, Furs and Flats of every description. Also, a large as sortment of Toys and Fancy Articles—all of whieli will be sold at such reasonable rates as will ensure quick sales and small profits. The Ioidies are Invi ted to call anil inspect her goods, oet 18 New Millinery Store. M BS. KENNEDY has just returned from , New York, where she lias selected u AcJ* choice and ellpgant assortment of -Milliner}-SAkzr and Fancy Goods, to which she would call the nt tentiim of the Ladies of 3Incou and the Surrounding country. Thankful for past favors, she is determin ed to leave nothing undone to deserve a continuance of tlie same. tV She lias removed to tlie store formerly occu f iled by Freeman A Benson as an lee Cream Sa- non, between \V. W. Parker's and the N. Y. Brunch Store. oet 11 Millinery :tu<i Fancy Gootls. M RS. DAMOUR has just returned from Net* • York, and has selected a stock of the x above Goods, which cannot fail to please those/ who wish to purchase. It consists iu a fine assort ment of Straw and Silk Bonnets ; a general assort ment of Riubons and Flowers, Head-Dresses and Caps. Also, a good assortment of the choicest Dress Silk Goods and Evening Dresses, which have been carefully selected from A. T. Stuart A Go’s Store, and a variety of other articles usually kept in tliat line of business, which will be sold at reasonable prices for cash. New Fall Millinery. M RS. CAREY, at her old stand, opposite zf" the Lanier House, will open on the 6th irf instant, her new mid splendid stock of FullJ^vf MILLINERY A FANCY GOODS, to which she invites the attention of the ladies. zVIso, can be found on hand at all times, the latest fashions of tho following articles, BONNETS of Velvet and Leg horn, new shapes, Straw and Silk; Flats, (new stvle) Leghorn and Straw. EMBROIDERIES, ou LACE. MUSLIN and SILK, TRUI3UNG and GAKNTURE RIBBONS, Kid, Lace anil Silk GLOVES, French Flowers, Evening DRESSES, Mantillas, 3Innteli-tts, COLLARS, INSERTINGS, Worked HANDICAPS, HEAD-DRESSES Ac., Ac. oet 4 New Milleucry. M ISS E. DOYLE having permanently __ located herself in Perry, takes this K&a method of informing the Ladies of Perry. and surrounding country, that she will carry =&» on Nlilliucry nnd Dress Jinking in all its branches. She has just opened an entire new stock of Bonnet*, Ribbons, I/rad-dm*es, Caps, Fltnrrr*, \e.. of the latest stylo and fashion—which she will sell on liberal terms. Ladies will please favor her with a call. oet 25 3in \JT John G. Glo IORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas. r, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of Svlvauu.-, Susannah, Silts, .Mary Jane. Abel, and Elvira Sullivan : These are, then fore, to cite and admonish ail per sons concerned. t-> be and appear at ray office within the lime prt -rilied by law. to show e.iuse, if .my they have, why suit! letter-, should not he granted. ' Given under im hand .it otiiee. this Both dav of December. t65’i. ' JNO II POWERS,Ordinary, jajl 2 Macon Wholesale and Itctnil Sad dlery Warehouse. W T. MIX A CO., Cotton A yen ie, Ms- • mifactiirers of Saddles, Bridles andcr^SS-k Harness, have on hand a good assortment K of Saddles, Hridlcs and Harness, of which the follow ing comprise a part: Spanish Quilted, Overlaid and Shafton Saddles; Planter’s large and extra largo Saddles; Men’s plain do.; English do.; Buy's and Race do.: Ladies’ Sad dles of a variety of patterns; Bridles aud 31urten- gnles, Saddle-lings, Ac. Saddler’s .Materials—Saddle Trees.Skirting and Hog Skins; Pad do.; Straining aud Worsted Web; Thread and Tacks, assorted sizes. Hakne")*.—Couch, Barouche, Buggy and Sulky Harnesses, of all kinds, by the single set. up! 12 35—ly nWO Ukely - L Apply to" ' 'J o Hire. ng negro fello :irt and h-indv POWERS." Wanted to Hire, TV Y the Corporation of the citv of M I ) and 8 Bov,, for Str. con, 15 .Men E. L.^TROHKCKER. Jlavor. Select School, Y' 31. 31. SIASON, will re-open ou the first .Monday iu Jauuarv, 1854. Number of Pupils, enty-five. " dee 27—3t Ilarntlcn’s Express. R ESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform the citi zens of -Macon and its vicinity, that they have concluded their arrangements with the Central Rail road and Banking Company, and are now running messengers daily to Savannah and semi-weekly to Oglethorpe aiid'CoItimbus, and also forwarding goods to MiUeageville and all intermediate places. We would also say tliat our Expresses by Steamers to New Y ork and Philadelphia, enables us to forward Specie, Bank Notes, Drafts, and bills for collection, also every description of 31ercliandise and Valua hies to every town in the Northern States, also to California and Europe. Offices and Agents. Floyd IIouso Buildings, Third street, 3Iacon, Ga. 153 Bay street. Savannah,—G. R. Clayton, Ogle thorpe,—Randolph Street, Columbus,—74 Broadway, X. York,—43 aud 45 Smith-Third Philadelphia,—8 Conrtlandt st„ Boston,—Exchange, St. Providence,- 3Iontgomorv Stra-Pt, San Francisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER A CO. 31 arch 15. 1853. ly For Sale. FIXE Northern horse, perfectly broke to draft, dec 27—lit Apjdy to L. STROHECKER. KODINSON & FI-DICED WILL, in a very few days, exhibit tlieir celebrated combined MENAGERIE & CIRCUS iu this Citv, together with all the great HIPPODROMIC FEATS, of the New Y'ork and Paris Hippodrome, among which Avill he tlie wonderful scientific achievement of a man walking upon a perfectly smooth ceiling, with his Feet iiiiperaiiost aaii it is Head down, PERFORMED BY MB. G. N. ELDRED. IzA PERt'IIE, BY MESSRS. LA ROUSE AND KING. This extraordinary perfonnauee lias excited uni versal wonder and admiration, showing beautiful Feats of Balancing and Elegant Acrobatic Postering, hy La Bouse, ON A POLE THIRTY FEET HIGH, held by 3Ions. King. MADAME ROBINSON, MASTER JAMES ROBINSON, MASTER JOHN, And an additional list of popular Actors are with the Company, and will appear in tlie various exercises. THE BAND Is directed by the celebrated J OS. NOSIIER, which is a sufficient "guarantee for its merit. A SmiiNDID COLLECTION OF WILD ANIMALS, In addition to the above attractions, offer a rielt bill of entertainment. T. U. TIDMARSII, Agent, nov 89 16—tf Dissolution. rpIIK FIR3I OF DUNLAP A HORN is this day JL dissolved by mutual consent, 31. llonx retiring, and J. J. Allen taking his place. The Firm wul he hereafter known under tlie D.uiib and style of Allen A Dunlap, who respectfully solicit a con tinnaiire of past favors. Y\’e have engaged the ser vices of 3Ir. SI. Hokn as our Book Keeper, and no exertions will be wanting on our part to give satisfac tion to those who favor us witlqtheir patronage. IfF All monies due by the late Finn of Dunlap A Horn, will be settled by the Finn of Allen A Dun lap ; and all parties indebted to the saute, will please walk tip to tlie Captain’s desk aud settle. J. J. ALLEN, Nov. 8. 2m S. S. DUNLAP. To Stockholders Macon Maatilac- tnriiig; Company. T HE ANNUAL ELECTION of President and Directors of the Company, will lie held at the Office of the President in this city, on the Second Monday iu January next. dee 13 tde W. 8, H0LT,8ec’y. Christman and New Year pieM iiii. 7’IE subscribers respectfully invite Public atten tion, totheirM'Iectfon of Fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Work Udxes, Desks, Dressing Cases, nd an endless variety of Fancy Articles, apprqpri- te for Holiday Gifts. E. J. JOHNSTON -V CO. dec 20 T V 1 , LL p< Unit a eh : on nd t he , Notice. hcrebv notili NOTE'S, mad rcr, for Three on the fir.-t dn :hh- on the first day of January, 12th day of November, 1*52. As consideration having failed, I will not pay notes until compelled bv law. It WILLIAM F. CLARKE. ' P“.' ititer n on til hie .1 not I" trade for pavHhle to John Thou.-nnd Dollars • of Junuarv, 1854, I'-'}': To tlie Afflicted. T ARRANT'S EXTRACT OK CUBEBS * Cops- via ; Crossmail’s Specific Mixture; French Cap sules; Sugar coated Cubeb and Copavia Pills; Rienrd’s Specific; -Vaguin's Lticitm Cordial; Com pound Extract Bucher; Carpenter's Extract Cubebs, Sarsaparilla and Copavia. For sale hv nov 15 E. L. STROHECKER A C'0. India Ciiolagogue, F or the cure of ague and fever.— This preparation has been in use for years, in the successful treatment of Chills and Fever", and is now recognised as a standard medicine. It not only breaks tlie chill in a day or two, hut an occasional dose fortifies the system against further attacks. For sale by E. L. STROHECKEK A CO. nov 15 14 Peter & Jaugstetter, D RAPERS and Tailors, Opposite the Lanier House. Tlie sub scribers are now receiving nnd open ing tlieir stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting in part of Black and Fancy colored Frencliand Eng lish Cloths, French, English and American Cassimeres, of all kinds aud colors, Y’estings of Silk, Satins, cut Y’elvet and Embroidered pat terns. All of which will he made ' and trtmmed in our usual style, nnd nt the shortest notice. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. I Consisting in part of new style of Patent Shirts, Under Shirts, 3Ieriuo and Canton Flannel Drawers, Stocks, Scarfs, Neckties, GlovcsjSnspeuders, Ac. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us, we respectfully [solicit a continuance of tlie same, hoping that by strict application to busi ness and a moderate scale of prices, to need tlie approbation of those dealing with us. tV Cutting done at tlie shortest notice, oet 18-3m PETER A JAUGSTETTER. A DIIININTKATOR’N SALE.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in 3Inrch next, before tho courthouse door, in Zelmlou, Pike county, a tract of Land, in said county, lying on Flint River, No. 41, 1st district. Pike county, containing two hundred two and one-half (202J) acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Sarah Mossis, late of Warren county, deceased. Terms cash. dee 27 JESSE 31. JONES, Adm’r. Removed. T BARNES lias removed his BINDERY from •/ • Mulberry Street to tho “ Georgia Telegraph ’ Office, on Cherry Street. For Sale, A BEAUTIFUL LOT, whieli contains three and 1 jl three-fourth Acres of Land—a beautiful situa tion well improved, with all necessary Buildings on the premises. A good Dwelling House, one story high—an Office, and a large Negro House, with a chimney iu the centre of it All of said buildings on a line in front of tlie Federal Rond, now ealied the Colnmbus Road. Also, a very good Barn—a fine well of water, and of tlie best. ’ It is a notable place of health and comfort. Said premises adjoins tho lauds of Leroy Napier on three lines, and one line on tlie Columbus road. Said premises will be sold low for cash. For information apply to 31. FITZGERALD. For particulars apply to J. BARNES, or dee -20 ' T. C. DEMPSEY’. STOLEN I A ROM the subscriber, on the 5th instant, 1 a medium size, light bay MKRE, about five years old, with a scar on the left knec.j a small notch on the side of her lip, one hind toot white, a small star in tiie face. She was rode off by man who called himself James Brown; ho is light complected, thin bearded, has a clear sound voice, black eyes, a small scar on the right side of his chin, about six feet high. I have been informed that he was iu YY'ilkinson county a few mouths since, and had been iu Irwinton jail. I will pay FiftV Dollars Reward for tho Mare and apprehension of the thief, with proof to convict him. HENRY O'NEAL. Irwin Countv. Dec. 20. 1853. 19—3t Plsuitution for Kent. T HE “BABER l’l.ACE,” about 8 miles from Macon, containing 1,600 acres, with 450 cleared, is for Rent the ensuing year. Applv to dec 20 :lr JOHN RUTHERFORD. Beebe At Co., 7* ASH ION ABLE HATTERS, 156 Broadway New . York. Will introduce the Spring Fashion for Gentlemen's Hats, on Saturday, Feb. 11th. The Hat is extremely light in its appearance, and better adapt ed to tlie Spring nnd Summer seasons, than any style they have heretofore issued. The increased demand for their Ilats lias induced B A Co., to enlarge their manufactory, aud they can now assure their custom ers that all orders will be promptly executed, and the Hats forwarded at one day’s notice, if desired. Each Hat will be paekedin a good band-box without extra charge. Tho following is a list of their established prices subject to Five per cent discount. Terms cash, 836, 839, $42, $45, $48 A $54. p'r doz. for Bl’k Moleskin Hats, and $39 to $60 p’r doz. for Rocky Mountain YYliite Silvery Beaver Hats, Fine soft Css simere Hats, Bl'k Drab and Pearl of the most fashion able styles at $l5to $36p’r<loz. They also manufac ture and keep on hand a large assortment of Gent’s and Youth's caps, of.the most fashionable styles, at prices from $12 to $18 p'r doz. for Gents, and from S10J to $16 p'r doz. for youths. Beebe A Co., will forward Hats in time for’ their customers to offer them for sale on tho same day tlie fashion is introduced in the city, iftiie orders are received inseason for them do so. dec 27 « 20—4t School. T HE subscriber proposes to open at tlie Lecture Room of tlie Baptist Church in tlie city of Ma eon, on the second Monday in January next, a HIGH SCHOOL for boys, limited in number to twenty-five scholars, provided that number is entered before that time. Tlie charge for tuition will be one hun dred dollars for the scholastic year of ten months, one-half payable iu advance, tlie other at the close of the year. A vacation of six weeks will bp given in the sum mer, and one of two weeks at Christmas. I am permitted to referto thofollowinggentlemen : Hon. K. A. Nisbet, J. A. Nisbet, Esq., and Rev. 8. Landrum. Application may he in •• to either ot the above named gentlemen, or to mys. : . dee20—3t l ' : I - SMITH. V 1 Notice. LL persons arc hereby forewarned not to trade for a certain promissory note, of the amount of miehumlred and seventy dollars, due on the 25th of December, 1853, given to the undersigned, bv W. A It. G. Lockett, Said note being lost, and tlie maker directed not to pay to another. lee 13—tf WM. A. HALES. Stolcu jiROMthe subscriber, on the 21st hist, a small POCKET BOOlC, containing 30 or 40 dollars in sit, aud several note- and papers of importance, note Oil John Powers, senr.. one on Mr. Whittle, on 3Irs. Ilughe-, several oil -Mr. Meara and Mr. igler, and perhaps others. Any information of notes and papers " ill b periy rewarded. thankfully received and tNElt P. POWERS. New IKale mid Livery SUifole. A Hi; Subscriber having bought out the stables of J. M. Cooper A Son. will continue the business i- own account, having ample room, he is eua- to furnish better accommodation for Horses and on side, than any in tho city. Double andsin- le Harness anil Saddle Horses well broke, for sale. Bn-'ii-. Carriages, Ac., for hire. G. F. COOPER. •20 19—6t II. GrosMuaycr A Bro. WING determined to remove to Savannah, would respect fully request all persons indebted them to call at an early day and settle their ac- . And all having claims against them, will please present them for payment. They will SELL T th.-ir entire stock of DRY’ GOODS, CLOTH ING. JEWELRY, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS Ac., at and below COST, previous to moving.^ 80