Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, January 03, 1854, Image 4

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£ljr Georgia frlrgrngli. ^,'uhlir J'nbiir ?nlr5. > i ii it i i' « ' " l'"“ :• t,’tin 1 hr •tain “ \\\ tiiis inmnin^." pet rate.-, the l'nl When ll.-r vv.irrio Mn , j;.i. I). bv tlio 1 tight,’ Erie ‘Constito in n new boot ; 1 Commercial ’ | yii.ti I Bibb co nth l’ r " pci and An.! id. 111. .an Bai .-I-, tl: HhiI elo No HtliUI o For thev , and n Inwued on Erie's town, hr staudJtrd Hocked, ed with dreadful lV»m >t die uien, were cocked. gloomy find. ' of night, •ii oVr Kri'‘ - valiant non*, i had ihev l'»r the fight, \, ere cocked.and not tbalrgons. Blow EJolet Keep. I - lire >« •re »*U1Ii»l««d. A writer i:t n popular msgatiuc stntes that he recently fell into a profound slumber, and, ere he win aware, was startled by a prcliuan- n, v rat) on the table, tvheii there stood belore him, •* visible as was ever in the flesh, an at tendant angel, fiend or demou—impregnated, ut all events, with a delicate subsulphurous odor who began to quote Milton with wonder ful correctness and facility. He immediately proposed a journey to the writer, whom we will permit to tell the remainder of the story: Will the tour be a long one J” 1 enquired. •* He no means, said he. •* by the conveyance I propose to take, and with ray know ledge of the geography nud the short-cuts.’' »• Expensive f" I demanded. *• Not half as expensive, returned the fiend, •• as a single night in one of the d——d hotels in this city of yours. Hy-the-by, if you have any friend-; among the keepers ot those, give them n word of warning; they little think what n reception we are providing for them iu the country I eouie from.” “A warm ouci no doubt,” said 1, "having had personal experience of the race of extor tioners in question." “ We are tilting up a great house expressly for them," said the fiend, with a terrible grin. “A prison, of course 1" quoth I. ••No; not a prison,” he answered, with a laugh at ouco malicious and mysterious. "A house of correction, then f” •• No,” with another laugh of the same kind. •• Prisons, jails, dungeons, penitentiaries; what other penal abodes are there ? Oh, 1 sup pose yon are preparing galleys for the scouii- airels ?" •• We are fittiug up nothing else but a great hotel for them." Oh! the look and laugh that accompanied this revelation! Although not an iunkeeper, 1 trembled with terror. Then he gave me some details of the most appropriate punishment that could inflicted on the Bonifaces; how they were to be arraignetl and convicted at their own bars; how they were to be scorched by their own wax candles ; how all the caravanserais in Turk invalid all the inns in Kiissia and Spain, were to give up their legions of fleas to stock the bed-rooms with; how they were to be in exorably doomed to drink their own wines pure, liow they were to be served and waited on through endless ages by their own waiters; how their own interminable bills were to be presented to them every morning and every night, while eternity lasted; and how they were to be made to undergo iu the spirit what they had so ruthlessly inflieted on others in the flesh ; the horrors of paying their own flagi tious reckonings. So minute, indeed, were these internal arrangements for the eiitertaiii- meut of our earthly hosts, that, taking a hint from the tvell-kuowu proprietor of one of our most frequented hotels, it was admirably pro vided that, while hotel keepers arc never per mitted to slumber, by reason of the armies of fleas, and other nocturnal visitations, they are religiously to be made to pay through the nose for the service of being roused from their beds after uights of sleepless torment. " Such place,” concluded my demon, again quoting Milton, with a facetious change of a word or two: •’ Such place eternal justice ha* prepared Vor these extortioner*; here their prison ordained: How vtry like the place from wueuce they fell." The Columbia South Carolinian learns that Professor C. F. MoCay, has signified bis inten tion to accept the Professorship of Mathemat ics and Mechanical Philosophy, to which he was recently elected, on the declination of Prof. Gibbes, of the C' lmrleston College. Pro fessor McC'ay will no doubt prove a valauble acquisition mid accession to the corps of in struction of the State College. We see, by the way, that his name has been variously giv en—we believe wh have presented it correctly, Speaking of names, we may also state that our fellow citizen recent promoted to the Judge- •liip vacated by his honor Judge Frost, does aot follow the Monroe doctrine in his name, jut subscribes himself Mnnro. Although a ninnt matter, correctness in these partieu .n in always a desirable point.—Charleston *. bit Her. L'.i of L#ni)d number one hundred (i73,)...ntaim«? «wo litmdred nr,, mi. ii *1) itort’i** more or 1- - . AIt>o, one bund liftytwo and a half (ISSJ) aerw. more or lory, off of I.i.i nmnlior one hundred endlliirty-fivo (13.,.) At ieventy-aix end one-fourth (76J) nor,-a off of Lot number ono hiindri-tl and seventy-two (172,) kII ad- joining nnd being in tin- fourth (Sill) district of ori gltudly Houston, now ltibb county, nud well known as the plantation and rwidnte of Andy MeXeal, de- r-eased. and levied on as his property, to satisfy a Ii fa from ltibb Superior Court in favor of Thomas Sim oons vs. Napoleon It. Beard and Andy MeXeal. Property pointed ont by plaintiff. Also, nt the same time and pi*or, will be sold. 102} lores of L.ind, more or less, at present occupied by Randolph Gilbert, and known ns the George YY. Moore jilarp, whereon said Moore resided at the time ,f his death, lying in Bibb eonntv, about 12 miles from Macon, levied on as the property of James A. Hoy, to satisfy a ti. fa. from Bibb Inferior Court, iu favor of George YV. Town*, Governor, Ac., Ac., for use of the Justices' of the Inferior court of Bibb countv, vs. Richard Bassett principal, and Andy Me Xeal, '.lames A. Hoy, Spencer Riley, aud others, se curities for Richard Bassett on his Tax Collector's Bond, for the year 1849. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, to satisfy the above stated ll. fa. all those three tracts or parcels of Land, lving aud being iu the Fourth (4th) district of originally Houston, now Bibb county, well known as the Andy MeXeal property, containing 434 aeri-s, more or less. Levied on as the property of said Andy MeXeal. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one llouso nnd Is>t in Vineville, being part of Lot Xo. 5, containing one nnd one-quarter acres, more or less, lying between the lot of Thompson, Clieny and Mrs. Mnoarthv, and miming back to a fence which divides said lot from the brick dwelling formerly owned and occupied by Spencer Rilev; said lota situated on the road leading from the Macon A Western Depot to Vineville, and known as the place at present occupied by Jamea Gates. levied on as the property of Spencer Riley to satisfy the above stated tl. ta. nov 29 THOMAS DAOBY, Dep. Sheriff. Ms Nt C ho sold, before the Courthouse door, in the town of Knoxville, within the legal hours of sale, on the lirst Tuesday in January next, Lot number fifty- seven (37,) in said town of Knoxville, containingone acre, more or less, levied on as the property of Jaue Kennedy, formerly, now Jane George, to satisfy two Justices’ Court tf fas, iu favor of Francis II. Mur- doek vs. Jane Kennedy. Property (minted out Uv ikiiutiff. Levy made and relumed to me by C. G. lien vers, constable. At the same time nnd place, will be sold two bay mure mules, one bay horse mule, aud one gray horse mule, as the property of Lewis Davis, to satisfy a Ii fa issued out of the Superior Court of Crawford coun ty, Matthew A. Marshall, v*. Lewis Davis, principal, and William A. Hales, security, on stay ofexeeutiou. Propertv pointed out bv defendant, Lewis Davis. nov 2)1 LfiWItf K. HICKS,Sheriff. / 1I{.4YVFOKI> Al4>ltTUAfiK MIKRIFF V stAI.K.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the courthouse in Knoxville, in said county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: Hester, a woman, about Id or 20 years of age, and Henry, a boy about 12 or 13 years of age. Sold ns the property of Lewis Davis, io satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Nathan II. Mobley, "Transferee vs. said Lewis Davis. Property i minted out iu said mortgage fi fa. deefi LEWIS F. HICKS, Sheriff. M O.MIOI4 .NIIKItIFF S.U.K.—Will he sold ou the first Tuesday in Jamtary next, before the Courthouse door, iu the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, within the usual hours of sale, the following propertv, to wit: One Negro girl, Lucy, about 14 years old; one boy, Henry, about 12 years old.— levied on as the property 1 of John T. Patterson to satisfy one fi fa Issued from the Superior Court of Monroe county, in favor of Janie* II. Gordon vs. John T. Patterson, maker, mid Ilauiel Sanford, en dorser. Also, three Gold Studs, sold by an order of the Su perior Conn of Monroe county", as the property of Exckicl A. Roberts, lor the use of said county, nov 29 D. W. COLLIER, Sheriff. P I KM MIlKKIl-'F SALE-Will be sold before the courthouse door, in the town of Zelmlnn, Pike county, outlie first Tuesday in January next, between the lomal hours of sale,** negro girl by the name of Hetty; levied on as the property of Jona than Baker, to satisfy a snbpneua Ii fa issued from Pike Superior court in favor of Hudson Kirk. Also, nt the same time and place, will be sold, one lot of land number six in the second district of Pike county, a* the property of Wni R. Wilkerson, to sat isfy one fi fa front Pike Superior court iu favor of Aaron Smith and Henry Smith vs ssid Wilkerson. Propertv poiuted out bv defendant, dee <f JOHN COUCH. Sheriff. 1 in: •»' r : Forest City Democrat, n leading aboli- of Ohio, has a long article beaded •Perils of the day and the duties of the :.ty." in which it lakes strong ground against • Administration for upholding with such in- i.'xihility the principles of the Baltimore plat- . jrm. It declares as a very grave offence :— •• Wo believe, and declare the Administration > be in favor of the njrholdiug ami extension •/' Slavery.” The Frcosoilcrs understand who Heir friends are better than anybody else, nud hey tukoevery opportunity of denouncing the Uliiiinistnition for it* pro-slavcrv proclivities, kml yet there are persons in the South trviug .o fix upon the Administration a wish to sus- uin I'm -oilism !—Ijmisrille Times. The JIkck.nt Urowtu or Cincinnati.— .'or the Inst tew year* Cincinnati has grown • r a rate so astotii-hing as to baflle one’s ideas »f what it* future greatness really is to be. Voice 18-10 it* regular increase lot* been 10 per cent, every year. This is now a period ■i - thirteen years, and if it keeps on at the smite •ate seventeen year* more, then it will have a population of more than 600,000! Since 1840 uero hare been regular censuses, nud a fourth, for the present year, ha* lieeu made •ut a* a near approximation by the names in the city directory. In 184:), toe population mounted to 40,4*48: in 1845 to (M.ttD; in Itffilt to 140,000; and now iu I85R to about ICO,0(H). # A Ri.4Abk.uuc M an.—A New York letter to the Mobile Tribune say*: There i* a remark able man connected with the cumohi-Iiouh* here—a Spaniard, llis butane** i» to receive and test money. He will pour the content* of an immense bug of gold or silver coin into the -, .iles—for it i- weighed, not counted—and in a trice announce the amount in dollar* and • cuts. Then running his linger* through the shinning p»ei cs and applying bis noso to them, immediately take* out every counterfeit coin. He ha- never been known to make a mistake ia pronouncing money good or bad, and hi* infallible instinct for detecting the spurious metal is located in his olfactory organs. J'ni Florida Bonds.—A Washington letter 'ay-: New-has reached here from London ■ that the mixed contnni Also, st the same time uml place, one Ilonso nnd Lot i.i the town of ll.nme*ville, containing three- fourths of an acre, mure or less, known as lot No. ::i;, lving north of the Railroad; levied on by virtue of two ti fas issued from Pike Superior Court, one in favor ot Janies II. Freer vs. Nathaniel T. Ennis ; the other in favor of Gideon Barn. * vs. said Ennis. Alsu,one vacant lot in the towu of Bartlesville, known as Lot Xo. 24, situate, lying nnd being on Tboaastnn Street, fronting said ‘Street 40 feet, aud running back too feet; levied ou by virtue of a Ii fa issued from Fike Superior Court, in favor of Gideon Barnes vs. tt. Lsfuyett Dayman. Propertv pointed out by Plaintiff. A. It" VAl'GHX, D. Sheriff, dec 0 B IUU ItlORTGAttE HUKKirP MAIii:— Will be sold before the eonrt house door in the city of .Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in March uext, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property to-wit: Three tables.sixstool bottom chairs, one bendstead, one feather bed and two matresses, five pictures and tVuraes, one largo looking glass, one sidelioard, one lot cooking utensils two couchi-s and one matri-ss to one couch, one wash stand aud ono brass clock; levied on ns the property of William L. Mooney, to satisfy a mortgage A fa issued from Bibb Interior court. In favor of Cintha Taylor vs. said Willikm L. Mooney. Property laiinteit'out in said tnnrgage fi fa. dec 27 THUS. BAGBY, Dep. sheriff. tUIIXISTKATtilt'S MA1.E— B ord.-i-of tin lio.i. r ilili- C.-urt of Ordinary • i.. granted on tin- hr.-t Monday hi N- I will .-ell at the courthouse dour in tl: . l’dlili count'", "u Ih-- tir-t Tuesday i.i.! I, to tin highest bidder, Iho following Ins :e.~ :.ioi, belonging to the . Mi Myron Bartlett, deceased, viz : One Note on It. Bas.-CtS.dno .Tan.l, l*tS, for £ one note on G. 31. McDonald, die- Jan. 1, 1st e7 75 ; one note \V, T. W. Xspier, due Jan. Ii, to for *15; one note on \Y. It. Coleman, due Dec. 1*47, for $13 93; one note ou I*rait i Story , due March 19,1942, for $3 49; on'.- note on 'V. 11. Wood due July 19,1947, for $3 04 ; one note on William Deveanx, due Juno 93, 1845, for $13 30; one note Geo. Robinson, dne J*n. 9, 1946, for $49 75; one onto on It. G. Gunn, due Dec. 1, '49, for $5 50; one note on H. L. Cook, due Dec. 27, ’44, for $3 30; one note on X. Ells, due March 27, ’47, for $30 23; one note ou Philo Urowiisnu, duo Feb. I, '42, fur $199 G7l one note on Philo Brownson. March 1, '42, for $100 one note on E. Barnard, due Aug. 1, *43, for lit 50 •• •• “ •• Get. 1, ’43, for $12 .'at •• “ •• Jos. JL Mount, dne April I, '43, for $12 30; “ “ “ “ “ Jan. 1,'43, tor $29 12J 12 notes on D.G.Bnxbee, *• •* “ 47, for $49; ou’e note on U. F. C. Burner, •• March 7, '49, $25 83 12 note* on Benj. Allen, •• Oct. 1,'47, for $30 04; 7 •• •• Amos V. Drcher, due Oct. 1, '44, for $49 J. Chain, due Oct. 1, '47, for $48; 9 notes on Seaborn Odom, dne Oct. 1, ’45, for 56 25. One Account on McGohtrick Sc Hidlev, $ 3 45 ** •• Mr. Elder. 7 00 “ •• ’Thomas It. Newton, 4 65 «♦ •* •• Mr. Pease, •i 00 ** •« •• S. K. Blake, 29 67 ** ** •• Mr. Wood. 30 00 ** ** “ Hhgli Knox, 75 •» “ “ N. S. Shaw, 37 50 ** “ “ Mr. Holly, (hoseman) 1 00 44 ** “ YVilliam Jeasun. 1 82 *• * 4 •• li. H. Roger*, 20 89 « •• YVilliam limit. 12 30 “ 44 “ Wiley Y'. YVagnon, 6 23 “ 44 •• Hiram Segnr, 10 68 •« 44 •• YY'illiam Bianeet, 6 99 •* •• •• Hiram T. Mann, 10 00 •* •» •• Mrs. Keefin Cook, 3 80 •* 44 •• Mr. Congdon, 1 50 « »* •‘ YY’in. II. Morris. 50 •• •* *• T. Flint, 73 « • 4 •• W. M. Russel, 50 44 •• F. Horne, 1 00 ** 44 •• F. YY’riglit, (Tailor.) X 23 *• Rieliard Head, 75 •• YVilliam YY'ood, 2 87 •• •• J. M. Tilfurd, 2 50 ** •• •• Jefferson Taukerslv, 4 09 •• •* •• B. Trapp, 1 4.1 •• 44 *• Isaac (1. Seymour, 5 05 * 4 •* •• J. E. Jeffers, 50 ** •• Braille M. Smith. 2 00 •• •* - Wm. Skivcm, Jr., 10 73 •* •• Joseph Andrews, 37 •* •• Bush Ucaslev, 1 23 •• •’ Estate of Oeorge Broach, 50 «* •• John liarr. 1 00 « 44 •‘ J. S. M. Baldwin, 3 78 «» 44 “ Estate of Ambrose Baher, 1 30 •• *• Mr. Burton. (Cotton Buyer, 1 00 •• 44 •• T. YV. Collins, 1 95 «« 44 •• A. J. Easoui, I 15 •• 44 *• .1. Dean, 50 •• ♦* “ J. O. Coleman, 85 44 •• Monroe Ellis, 73 •• •• F. S Owen, S3? *• 4 » •• Mr. Kcamev, 1 25 •* “ M. Harris, fc‘j •* •• •‘ T. A. Parsons, 73 *» 44 •• William Harrison. 25 16 *» •• •• Jim. p. Hunt, 2 00 •• ** •• Isaac Holmes, •* 44 •• Wm. Hollingsworth, 1 00 44 •• YY m. Napier, 4 30 •* »• •• Bertrand Tisseresu, 9 85 «« 44 •• James Wood, 10 73 •« •• •• Mr. Mitchell, 1 55 •4 «« •• YVilliam Jarvis, 6 19 •• •* •• Richard Lingo, 2 46 •* •• P McIntyre, t 58 •• •« 44 Mrs. M. Jarvis, 1 48 •• »* •• Mrs. Jarvis. 2 98 •4 •« •• Hiram N. Allen. 1 37 •• •• •‘ Arthur M. Braswell. 3 0U •• ** •• Geo. YY’. Mallorv, 1 75 •« ♦* •• Isaac Moreland, 2 23 •* •« •• Jerry Cowles, 21 37 •• •* “ J. A. Everett, 50 *» •• John Curtis. • 3 00 •• •» •* Mr. Sunier, 18 00 •• •• •• It. L. Roddy, 9 40 •• 44 •• Nell SJiaw, 1 00 *• •• YV. II. Macarthy, 3 38 «• •• ■• A. S. YY'ingfield, 5 92 •• 44 •• Jane Irxvin, 3 51 •* •• J. 1). YY’inn. 3 00 •• •* •• Joseph Smith, 8 59 •» »» •• P. J. Williams, 7 03 *« •» •• Isaiah Chain, 1 00 nov » THOS. M. GRIFFIN, Adm'r. U IBU HllliltlFP HA I. K—Will be sold be fore the court house door in the city of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: 73} acres of land, off of the south side of lot num ber 137 in the 4th district of Ililib, formnrly Hon-t.ui county, aajjoining Huff and others; levied ou as the property of John Hordy, to satisfy a fi fa from Hous ton Superior court, in "favor of Thomas Gibson vs John llordv. Propertv pointed out bv Phtiutiff. dec 27 ' THOS. BAGBY.'Dep. sheriff. M oitioi NIIKRIPF HAI.KH,—Will lie sold before the court house door iu tliu town of Forsyth, .Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in Primary uext, between tile usual hour* of sale," the following property, vi*: Ocelot of Laud uuiiibcr one hundred and forty six in the seventh District of Monroe county; leveid on a* the property of Joseph Hill to satisfy one fi fa from Monroe Inferior court, in favor of John Barrow vs Joseph Hill and John Jinrrup. Also, 'Die Lease on one half of lot of Igind Xo. 45, the west half of said lot, adjoining Wm. L. Caneda, for one year; levied on as theproperty of E. D. Britt to satisfy two fi fas from the Justice court of 954th I list. G.’M.. in favor of John M. Woolsev adm'r on the estate of John M. Woolscy sen., deceased v» E. It. Britt. Lew made and returned by Wilev J. Sikes, constable. D. W. COLLIER, Sheriff, dec 27 j\. an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston conntv, will be sold In-lore the courthouse door, in the town of Perry, Houston comity, ou the lirst Tuesday in January next. One Hundred nnd Thirty- six (139) Acres ol' Lainl, known a* the Land Place. Sold as the property of George W. Wordlow, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of said deceased, nov 29 ORIX I). TUCKER, AdinT. I>M!MNTKATOR>9 HAS, 14.—Bv virtue of C 1 UAilDIAtV’H HAI,I4.—Will b-sold iu pur- I nuance of an order from the Ordinary of Dimly countv, iu Vienna, on the first Tuesday !u January next. Lot of Land, Xo. 152, in the first district lif I tool v enmity, as the property of James Raley and Charles lUlev, minor* and orphans of Heury W. Raley,deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JORDAN F. HARVARD, Guardian, nov 8 4 UMINIMTRATUK’* MAI.K.—Will beaolil A on the first Tuesday in January next, at the courthouse door iu Bibb county, in the city of Ma con. between the legal hours of sale, the following lots aud parcels of Laud: Lot Xo. 213, containing 2021 acre*.more or less. •• •• 199, •• 2021 part of “ "214, “ 195 199. “ 75 .. .. .. .. 197> •• 62 Containing in the aggregate, Hcven Hundred and Thirtv-tive (735) acres, more or less, and being in the 4th district of originally Houston, now Bibb county. Also, the Causeway, "attached to, and adjoining the above lands; the Causeway to l*c sold separately or with the lands, as may be determined on the day of sale. Also, lots Nos. 193, 194 and 139, containing ouch two hundred and two aud one-balf (20J1) acres, more or less, in the 4tli district of originally Houston, uow Bibb comity. Also, fractional Lot Xo. 104, Macon Reserve, con- containing ninety-five (93) acres, more or less, on the Ocmulgee River, about three miles below Macon, being first quality river bottom land, adjoining land* of Job Taylor and other*, about one hall of itcienred and in cultivation, and the other half heavily tim bored. The above lands to be sold fur a division, anil for the benefit of the heirs of Laird H. Wiley, deceased; the interest of said deceased being an undivided half, anti bv order of the Honorable the Court of Or nov 15 Administratocof L. II. Wiley, deceased. I D.tIIMNTUATOK’*.s iI.K.—Will lie sold J L on the first Tuesday in January next, before the courthouse door in Macon, Bibb comity, the follow ing property, to wit: Sidd by an order of the honora ble Ordiuary of Bibb comity—239J acres of Lain! lying ou the Tobesaufkee Creek, about 12 mile* from Macon, adjoining the lands of John B. Parker, Luke Nowell, John Arnold, nnd It. Gilbert. Also, 303J acres of Land, lying near said creek, adjoining the lands of Thomas Wttolfolk, Henry Johnson, Elisha Newell, and Jesse Wiggins. The widow’s dower will he laid off before the day of sale. Also, 32 Negroes,to wit: Isaac, about 90 year* old: Jim, about 30 year* old; Peter, about 19 years old; Rose, about 90 year* old; Sarah, about 30'yours old; Bill, about 9 year* old; Mary, about 6 year* old; Perry 5 vears old; John, 3 years old; Daniel, 2 years old. and two infant chil dren of the woman Sarah. Sold as the property of Samuel Chant Ides*, late of ltibb county, deceased. Terms, twelve months credit with approved seen rity. JACKSON CHAMBI.ESS. ) A , m . m nov 1* SAMUEL C. CH.YMBLESS, \ AU,n *' A 1>.?11N1 ST It ATOJt’S HA 1.14. Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Joues comity, will lie sold la-fore the courthouse door in the town of Clinton, Jones count v, on the first Tites- ilav iu January next, within the fegal hours of sale, a likely Negro man, about 33 years old, named Jack. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of Daniel Clifton, deceased. Term* cash, nov t JOHN A. NELSON. Adm'r. A DJIINIHTRATOIl’H HA I, *4.—Will be sold at Vienna, in Dooly county, on the first Tuesdav in January uext, nil the Real Estate of Willis 8. Leonard, late of Dooly comity, deceased, consisting of lots of Land, Nos. 103, 104, 99, and half of Lot No. 121, in the 7th district of said county, and Lot No. 14 in the 15th district, nnd No. 95 in the 11th dis trict of said county of Dooly, together with two town lots iu the town of Vienua',for the purpose of dis tribution among the heirs, (widow's dower to be taken.) Terms made known on the day of gale, nov 9 JAMES FLEMING, Adm'r. K XKCVTOR’M HAI.14.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday January next, at the courthouse iu Marion, Twiggs "county, within the usual hours of sale, four likely Negroes, to wit: Simon, a man, By virtue of the last I about 23 years of age ; Sarah, a woman, about 32 K XKIT'TOR’H ftALH— .. . will aud testament of Harrison 1). Hoskins, late fears of age. and her two small children. Harriet nnd Lacy. Sold a» the propert v of J ame* Vinson, late of Twiggs comity, deceased, for a division among the legatees. Terms cash. nov 22 JOSEPH BLACKSHEAR, Ex r. of Houston county, deceased, will bo sold before the courthouse door in the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday in January next. Lot of Land Xo. 249, nnd all of liit of Land Xo. 237, (except ten acres in the north-west eorncr,) situate in the 5ln district of IIous- 4 1>.H I NIST UATO K\s S AI.I4.—Will be sold ir less: which said lands will lie sold subject to the .... . . I claim of Melinda Hoskins, to dower in and to the now sitting in that j , an „. >ty lor the adjustment oi claim* of citizens ■ Also, at the time time and place, will be sold by .id subjects of A in erica and England relv. on the go-orment o! bout of 1 toncounty^conujulngIn the whole.393.cres. mort> 5n$ft^tho"c7iS3.o1^ do^taSr^.HoiSS d th nave lu tc. ritori her ailinissiou a Mate Hu m, trad that they !:.• * >- mount to about two ut arc mostly transferred t< should not he suroii-rd if; iu.iking on the part of llrilid .M.ssi-sippi mid Texas bom ••Bread thrown upon the v. ,i tiisny dayb.” ms oi ciuacus ; Also, nt tne same ume nun place, win »€ so.a uy gland respect- I virtue of «ald will, the following nanu-d Negroes, Other n a ion «« w ' t! Cato, n man, Tom, a man. aud Patty, n xvn- • \ , . ' mau, each about 35 year* old; Alick, a mail. 33 or snied by the it previous to ito the Union, before jowl alloiv.J. They lions'of dollars, and British subjects. I attempt were all also. returns after 40 years old; Mary, a woman, 23 or 24 year* old ; America, a woman, 20 or 21 years old; Jannct, a girl. 17 or 18 years old; Dennis, a boy, 11 or 12 year* olik and Henry, * boy, 9nr 10 years old. PorchtiKers will be required to pnv one-third of j the pu rrhsoe toon or in ossh, ami secursthe payment I of the balance at the end of twelve months by note | mil good security. SHEPARD ROGERS, ) -p . | nov 22 JAMES ALFORD. J “ **• county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the lawful hours of sale, a Negro wo- man named Penny. Also, the undivided half of tho ilotiM- and I»t in’the town of Perry, now occupied by Elijah M. Hulsi-v a* a residence, adjoining the residence of Mrs. Catharine Duncan on the East, and the* Harness Shop of Janie* M. Too nicy on the West. Sold ns the property of the estate of James Blackman, deceased. Teniis on tho day of sale, nor 15 JOHN M. GILES, Adm'r. The New York Mirror baa struck in," aud gue* New York ladies ••have t" wear yards and yards Mid stitching, wlmre tin- iay- *' Extravagance on to mention how become .-leeustouted of lace embroidery human eye cannot that D71INI8TR ATOR’M . of r.n order of the < >r lho I be .-old on the first Tm - ! •iiji-t. Dooly county, bclwi -, Lot of Em-1 Xo. to*, i: lh- p, HALEc—By ' ry ,.f Warren’co -v in Januarv nc ii :lm ) i» till ho; :li- 11th distri intv of Wan >-riy of Archelus Bn JOHN BV rV." A'!:i jie-cietratc." 1* this another vision of •■ uaad’s eye. Horatio V'—Bostou Time,. 0, no Wc sometimes huv c the curiosity to fi twice at the window* of the Broadway muslin storet but only u an "outrider.”— Tribune. V D.tlf NIHTKATOR'H HACK.—By virtu. :m nrJ»?r of th«* Iiontirahle Onlinnry of (V; ford oouniy, will bo ><*M on lh** lirst ru»*.-di> J inunrv nMt, b«*for<* th«- uourtliouac* door in Kn ville, Crawford county, Georgia, Lot of Land in > county, wb^reou Gaructt Aut3rc«>, \uto of paid <-u tv, died. Term* on tho duv of ««!#- uov JOU.V H.JuKl^A.V, A dm i 4 D.MIfTIHTBATOIfi’^ N.4hK.-On the first lx. Tucatluv in January next, will be sold before the courthouse door, in the town of Hawkinsville, Pu laski county, between the u*aml hours of sale. Lot ..i L .. . N'». 1 , in T!i• • •'lh »I:>trict.«•ritcinally Dooly, now Pulaski county. Sold for the benefit of heirs tiid creditors **f Cbtvton S. Hargrove, late of Hous ton count v, deccas* d. nov i:» WILLIAM S. VAUGHN, Adm’r. 4 DJirVI«TBATOK'.HJ»Alilis-By virtue of V an order of Ihi* (N»urt of Ordinary of Houstt count v, ^11! b«* sob! on tin* first Tu. i lay in Junusi next, Ijofiircthc fnurthons«-doorin th*- town of Pt-rrv. f!i<- land heiougixig t" tin* estate «»f Kixdcii il»-.'» rts'-«l. viz: Lot of Land Xo. on** hundred nnd two (iov*.i one hmidrM and three (10.1,, and one hun- «!re<l :tnd twr-nty-one jlilj about 4i)0 acres dakrfd ami in a hitjli plate of cultivation and w. ll watered, .til !»• in^iu the eleventh district of Houston comity. Sold for tli4* benefit 4jf th»» heir*. Terms made known on th« dav sale uur THOMAS POLLOCK. Adm'r. T'nblir fairs. - in or.!.- lurt-boui f ,.llc. ti hundred a I ISO) D.UININTR.4TOn’8 HALE.—Will he sold OU the lirst Tu-sdsvin January next, agreeable of the Ordiuary of Dooly county, ut the door in Vi. n.ia. between the u-tia! hours • followin'. Lets of Land : Number one id thirty-six, (139) one hundred aud fifty- >ue hundred and fifty-throe, (133)one hun dred and sixty-eight. (198) one hundred and sixty- nine, ,169) cuut-iiuiu— two hundred two aud a half acre.' each. Also, the undivided east half of number one hundred .nd fifty-four, 1151) also, all that part o on*- hundred aud seveptv, (170) lying South of th Soutl: prong of Bi— Creek, eaeli containing one bun died one and 1 acres. Sold as the properly ot tho os tale of Allen Bridges, deceased. Tho above Lands sold under tho incumbrance of widow* dower, which xvillroverttopurcliasor—aold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day. AKDILLA BRIDGES. Adm’x. nov 15 JAMES CROSS, Adm'r. (illations, pikr ifomitij. IS, Jtlli of Ad VrjioJd A DJIINI.NTK.4XOK'* HAKE.—By an Order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Dooly county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Januarv next, the following lots of Land : Xo. 28, in the llth district; and Nos. 370, 183 and 202, in tho 10th dis trict, Doolv county. The last named numbrg* form ing r settlement, on which the deceased, died, on which there are good improvements, with 123 or 150 acre* of cleared land, and in n high state of cul tivation. Also, Isabel, a negro woman, 41 years old; Mary, a girl, 10 years old; Hannah, a girl, 7 years old; Lucy, a girl, 5 years old, and Lizy a girl 2 years old. All the above propertv belonging to the estate of Jnnu-s Warren, late of Dooly county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tbe day of sale, nov 22 GEORGE L WARREN, Adm’r. Fifty Negroes for Sale. W ILL be sold at the courthouse door, in the town of Clinton, Jones county, xvithin the le- gall; ours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next, about fifty Negroes, belonging to the estate of Michael M. Healy, late of Jones county, deceased; to be sold for the purpose of carrying out the prox-isions of the last will and testament'of said deceased, and in con formity to a decree of the Honorable the Superior Court of said county. The sale to continue from day to day until all of said Negroes shall oe disposed of. Term,—A credit of twelve months; the purchasers to give notes with good security. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN.) WILLIAM MORELAND. > Ex'rs. nov 15 CHARLES MACARTHY. ) A O.UINIHTRATOR'M MALE.—Will be sold, agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Upson county, before the courthouse dojy in the town ofThomastun, Upson county, on the first Tues day in January next, .Mit.LT, a Negro girl, about 12 years old. Sold as the property of Benjamin F. 'Smith, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. AUGUSTUS A. SMITH, nov 1 Administrator. ,t DJIINIMTHATOH'* HA I. K.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Januarv next, agreeable to au order of the Ordinary of Dooly county, at the courthouse door in Vienna. I-sit of Land number eleven (11) in the fourteenth (14) district of Dooly enmity, between the usual hour* of sale. Sold as the property of th« estate of Asa Pepkiu, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said ea tate. Term* on the day. THEOI’H ELL'S B. WILLIFORD, Adm'r. A DJI15MTIUTOB'* H A EE.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the courthouse door, in the towu of Forsyth, the Land *ml Negroes belonging to the estate of Thomas Wynn, deceased, except the place on which the deceased lived. WILLIAM WYNN. nov 15 Administrator with the will annexed. G 1 VABDIANtt HA I.K.—Agreeable to an order T of the Ordinary of Monroe county, will be sold in the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in January "next, a Negro woman, Matilda, about 40 year* old; sold as the property of John K, McKeuney, minor. nov 22 PATIENCE McKEXXEY. Guardian. A D.tllNIMTK ATOK’ri HAKE.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of Dooly county, at the court-house door in Vienna, between the usual hours of sale, the following property: One negro woman named Phillis, about thirty years of age, one negro girl Haunali, about eight years old, also Lot of Land unmber two hundred and twenty-four, (224) tenth (10) district Doolv comity. Sold as the propertv of the estate of Janies Harp, deceased, forthe benefit of the heirs. Terms made known ou the dav of sale, nov 15 HENRY M. HARP. Adm’r. A U.TIINIHTRATOR’H hake.—By virtue of an order issued from the Ordinary of Craxrford county, at the .September Term, 1853, will be sold at Knoxville, in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the lawful hours of sale, all tin- Land and Negroes belonging to the ••state of (Ihadiah 31. Colbert, late of said countv, deceased ; among which, are some choice and x aluahle Negroes. Sold for the benefit of the lieir* and creditor*. Terms made known on the day of sale. IRENA COLBERT, Adm’x. nor 15 JL H. COLLIER. Adm'r. A D3IIIVIHTR ATOR’H MAI,14,—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston County, will be sold before the Courthouse door in she Town of Perry, in said County, on the first Tues day iu Jnnnarv next, three negroes belonging to the estate of Appling T. Chambers deceased, to wit: Bill a mau about 22 years old; Lney a girl alwmt 17 years old, and Henry a boy about 16 years old. Sold for the beuefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale, nov 15 31ILES SANDERS. Adm'r. A OJU.NIHT'HATOR’H MAI,14. Agreeable to an order of the honorable, the Ordinary of June* county, will bo sold before the courthouse door in Clinton. Jones county, on the first Tuesday in February next, all the Real Estate belonging to W. J. Stripling, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors. •lee 20 AARON B. STRIPLING, Adm'r. A U.TIINIMTRATOR'H MAI.E.—By virtue of an order of the honorable, the Ordinary of dinary of Houston county. Terms on the day of Houston county, will be sold before the courthouse sale. * J. II. WILEY, dour, in tho town of Vienna, Dooly county, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Iguid number ten (10) in the third (3d) district of Dooly county, asthe property of the estate of Samuel Grace, late‘of Houston county, deceased, for distribution, dec 13 JOHN LAIDLER. Jr.. Adm’r. Citations, ®ihh Cnnntij. G I40K44IA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. Geo. W. Craft applies to me for Letters of Adminis tration on tho estate of Matthew Beard, late of said county, doceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per son* concerned, to be and appear nt my office within tlie time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, wliy said letters should not be granted, dec 6 P. TRACY, Ordinary. /'1EOKRIA, PIKE rorXTY.—Wb ana T. Arnold, applies to me for Le! ministration, on the estate of William V late .-aid county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and adnimi singular, the kindred and creditor.- of lo be and appear at my office within tin scribed by law, to show cause if any tl .-aid letters should not lie granted. Given under tnv hand at office, this 30th day of N vember.18.V3- ' WILEY E. MAXGHAM. dec 6 Ordinary. ll aud •ased have pBOKClA, PIKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Bar- VJT bry Johnson applies to nto for Letter- of Ad ministration on tile estate of William Nelson, late ot said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased to be and appear at my office, xvithin the time pro scribed bv law, to show cause, if auy exist, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, tills 2d day of De cember, 1853 WILEY K MANG1IAM, dec 6 Ordinary. /~1 KORRIA, PIKE COUNTY.—Whereas, Wil- \JT bom H. Bankston, applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Owen Arnold, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at my office; within the time pre scribed bylaw, to shore cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 30th Novem ber. 1853. WILEY E. MANOHAM. dec 8 Ordinary. G EORGIA, PIKE COUNTY.—Whereas, David K. Montgomery, applies to mo for Letters of Guardianship of the per-ons and property, of Amanda C. Proctor, and Garry G. I’roetor, minor children of Garry G. Proctor, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- sons concerned, to be and appear at my office witliin the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, this 33th day of No vember, 1853. " WILEY E. MANGHAM. dec 6 Ordinary. S TATE OE GEORGIA.—The Court of Or dinary of Pike county, met pursuant adjourn ment, this 7th day of November, 1853. Present, Wiley E. Mangham, Ordinary. Court of Ordinary, November Term, 1833. I T appearing to the Court, by the Petition of James Crawford, tlmt Samuel Mitchell, in his life time, executed to said James Craxvford his bond to make titles to the West hall' of lot of Laud, No. 153, in the ninth district of originally Monroe, new Pike county, and that said Mitchell departed this life withont ex ecuting titles to said half lot of Land, or in any wuy providing therefor, nnd that the purchase money for said half lot of Lind lias been (mid. And said James Crawford havingpetitioned this Court todireet Jane L. Mitchell, Administratrix, with the will annexed, upon the estato of said Samuel Mitchell, deceased, to execute to him titles to said half lot of Land in conformity with the said boud : It is, therefore, on motion of H. & G. J. Green and Martin, Attorneys for Petitioner, ordered that notice of said application be published agreeably to Inxv— that all persons concerned, may file objections in the Clerk’* office of said Court, (if any they hare,) why said Administratrix should not execute titles to said half lot of Land. By the Court : II. A G. J. GREKOV, & MARTIN, Petitioner’s Attorneys. The above is a true extract from the Minutes of said Court, this 9th November, 1833. nov 15 W. E. MANGHAM. Ordinary. (Citntians, Saalij (Cnnnlij. C JEOitGlA, uuoi.t uuu.vit.— Whereas, J Augustus L. Sorutchcns, applies to me for Let ters of Administration it hosts non. on the estate of Henry Pettee, late of said couutv, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular. Die kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and aiipcar at my office, on or before the first .Monday in February next, to show cause, if any exist whv said Letters should not be granted. Given under my lmnd and official signature at of fice, this 22nd Dee., 1933. dec 27 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ord’y. C 4EOKGIA, DOOLY' COUNTY.—Whereas, J .Samuel Story applies to me for Letters of Ad ministration, on the estate of George YV. Calhoun, late of said county, deceased:. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at iny office, on or before the first Monday in February next, and slioxv cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given iimlt-f my hand and official signature, at of fice, this 22nd dax' of Dec. 1833. dec 27 " ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ord'v. / XKOItGIA, DOOLY COUNTY. Whereas, VJ Charles Powell, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of James I>. Cnlbepper, Leanora R. ft. Culpepper, Marietta J. Culpepper, and tf. Culpepper, orphans nud liuuors of John S. Culpepper, late ot said couutv, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish all per sons concerned or interested, to be and apppear at my office on or before the second Monday in Janua ry next, and shoxv cause, if auy exist, xvliv said Let ter* should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at of fice, this 3th day of December, 1833. dee 13 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary If pi A’atirrs. A 1 :^ 'itmmis having Mfuiaud- against the estate iichard M. Seroggan. late of Jones county, deceased, arc request'-.' to present them according in law—ant! tho.-c indebted to .-aid estate, are re quested to make immediate pavnient. dee 6 DANIEL LESLIE, Administrator. V LL persons indebted to the estate of Isaac Mills, late of Crawford county, deceased, are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having demand* against said d ;ceased. are notified to pn sent tie same duly authenticated; ALEXANDER MILLS. dee 20 Administrator, with the will annexed g-tnpif nuft /guru Prtj & Closing Out— rpHE suh.-cribcrs have I erty for one of tin- hu- Staple Drv Goods in tin- <■ them at Cost. Greater h.i be given. The stock i- I* A LL persons are Ii T\. for a certain Prm hereby warned against tradin nmiasory Note, for $20t), payable to R. A. Butler, and' due 1st January, 1*5 as the consideration for said note has failed, and will not be paid unless under legal compulsion. JOHN W. BABCOCK, nov 22—3t Trustee of K. K. Goodyear. A LL persons having demands against I)r. John W. Barkxvell, lateof Pulaski county, decease are hereby notified to present them properly attested to me xvithin the time prescribed by law, and all per sons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment nov 29 THOMAS J. BARKWELL, Adm'r. .A. Neck Cieero Neel, and J. M. Neel, late of Bibb county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against the same, will present them in terms of the law to PERRY NEEL, nov 29 One of the Legatees. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Ivy Brook: late of Monroe county, deceased, is requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against said estate, is requested to present them in terms of the law. nov 15 DAVIS SMITH, Adm’r. A LL persons haviug demands against the estate of Henry YV. Walton, late of Monroe county de ceased, are hereby notified to present them properlj attested to me, xvithin the time prescribed by law, ortheyxvill not be settled; and all persons indebt ed to said deceased, are hereby required to make immedate payment. .JAMES EVANS, * dec 13* I). A. WALTON, Carpeting ! CarpetiugTT" TUST received “by Expre.-s,” 6pice*,!/ , •’>!>• *' Tape-try Carpeting of l “"'IK • Ex’rs. CJIXTY days after date, application will lie made O to the honorable Court ot Ordinary of Crawford count v, for leax-e to sell a Negro boy by the name of PICK, belonging to the estate of Isaac Mills, late of Craxvford county, deceased. ALEXANDER MILLS, dee 20 Administrator, xvitli the will annexed. OIXTY' days after date, application xvil! bo made O to the honorable Ordinary of Houston county, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Augustus II. Ragan, late of said eoun tv, deceased. .MARY M. RAGAN, Adm'r. " dee 13 OIXTY days after date, application will he made O to the Ordinary of Houston county, for leave to sell all the Negroes belonging to the estate of Elias C. Haddock, late of said county, deceased, nov 15 AY’NER BURNAJI, Adm’r. OIXTY Days alter date, application will be made O to the Ordinary of Dooly county, for leave to sell the real estate of Michael Dooling, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, nov 15 MARY' DOOLING, Adm’r. S IY'TY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot Pulaski county, for leave to 6ell all the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Eli Shepherd, late of said coiintx', de ceased. MATTHEW GRACE, Adm’r. nov 29 S IXTY days afterdate, application will be made to the honorable, tlie Court of Ordinary of I*u laski county, lor leave to sell all tlie Lands belong ing to the estate of Delamar Clayton, late of Pulaski county, deceased. JOHN YY’. CARBUTHERS, nov 29 Administrator, de honis won. S IXTY days after date, application will be made to the honorable Ordinary of Craxvford county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate belonging to tlie estate of Green B. Felts, late of Crawford county, deceased. EWELL YYEBB, Adm’r." nov 8 OIXTY days after date, application will be made O to the Honorable Ordinary of Crawford county, for leax-e to sell the Negroes belonging to the estate of Garnett Andrews, late of said county, deceased, nov 8 JOHN H. JORDAN, Adm’r. S IXTY' DAYS nfter date, application will be made to tlie honorable the Ordinary of Bibb county, for leax-e to sell ail the real and personal property belonging to file estate of Alexander Scott, late oi said comity deceased. dec 27 E. L. STBOHECKER, Admr. S IXTY" days after date, application will be made to the honorable Ordimirx- of Jones comity, for leax-c to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of George Broach, late of Junes f-ouutv deceased. RACHAEL BROACH, Adm’rx." nov 8 lanmninji strain !jji|is. C 1KOHGIA, DOOLY COUNTY. Whereas, X Irwin Bullock, applies to me for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of George C. Bullock, late of said county, deceased: These are, "therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to oe and appear at my office ou or before the se cond Mondaym January" next, and shoxv cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at of fice, this 5th day of December. 1833. dec 13 ALEX. MERIWETHER, Ordinary. (Citations, Imnstnn (Cnmity. G eorgia. Houston county'.—whereas, Osborne Miller, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of Amanda E., Sarah A. J., William J., and Margaret K„ minor children of James Barron, late of Houston county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office xvithin flic time prescribed by h\w, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ” Given under my hand at office, this 28th day of November, 1833. JOHN H. POYY’EKS," dec 9 Ordinary. G eorgia, bibb county.— 1 Where**, M. 8 Thomson, applies to me for Letters of Admin istration upon the estate of Mary A. Cimian, and for Letters.of Administration, de bonis non, on the es tate of M. Cimian, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted, dee 6 P. TRACY, Ordinary, G eorgia, BIBB COUNTY.—Court or Ordi XAtir, December term, 1853.—Whereas, it ap pears to the Court, that Absalom Johnson, Guardian of the minor children of George Y’ignl, deceased, (late of said county.) has made no returns to this office, of bis aiding* and doings as guardian aforesaid, it is on motion of counsel. Ordered, That said Johnson do shew cause, on or before the term of this Court, Why his commission as guardian should not be de clared forfeit, and he himself dismissed from said guardianship. And it is further ordered, that a ser vice of this rule be perfected on him, by publication in the Telegraph paper. GEORGIA, C I. Edward D. Tracy, Deputy Ordi- ltibb County. I nary, iu and for said conntx-, do certi fy that tlie abox*e is a true extract from tfie minutes of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb Coiuitx-. dec 13 E. D. TllACY, I)ep." Ordinary. /~S EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—C’oi-IIT ok Ok- \JTDtSART,December Term, 1833.—YYTiereas, itnp- pears to this Court, that John A. Y’igai, Executor of tho last will nnd testament of George Vigal, deceas ed, (lateof said conntv,) is xvasting and mismanage- ing, -aid estate—It is on motion of counsel, Ordered, That he do shew cause, in or before tho next Term of thL* court, xvhich is held on tho 1st Monday In Jan uarv next, why he should not be removed from his said trust, and an Administrator, with tho xvill annex ed, apppointed in his stead. GEORGIA, l I, Edward D. Tracy, Deputy Ordi- Bibb County. J nary in, and for said county, do certify that the above is a true extract, from the Minutes of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb countw dec 13 E. D. TRACY', Dep. Ordinary. (Citations, (Crnniforfo (Cnitiitij. ry EORGIACRAYY'FORD COUNTY'.—Whereas vJT John R. Jordan, applies to mu for Letters ofad- ministration on the estate of William T. Shuriey, late id county, deceased: Those are,"therefore, to cito and admonish all and guhir, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, he and appear »t my office, within the time pre- ribad bylaw, amt show cause, if any they have, aid letters should not be granted. Givan under inv hand st office, December 2nd, IB. JAMES J. KAY - , Ordinary. G rokli 4, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where as, Joseph J. A. Wallows and Wesley F. Wel- lows, applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of lie persons and property of Ann YY allows, Mary ellowa. and Shelly Wellows, minors and orphan bildreii of William tf. Wellows, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all per ns interested, to be and appear at my office within the time proscribed hr law, and show cause, if anv tbev bave, ivhy said Letters should uot be grants,1. Given under inv hand at office, Decembers, lS5:i. dee 1J JAMK8 J. KAY, Ordinary. G eorgia, Houston county.—Whereas, the estate of Clarissa Yates, remains unrepre sented : Thi-eo are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, xvithin the time pre scribed by law, to shoxv cause, if any they have, xvhy Letters of Administration should not be granted to the Clerk of tlie Superior Court of Houston county, agreeably to laxv, iu such cases made and provided. Given under mv hand at oliice, this 28th day of November, 1853. JOHN H. POWERS, dec 6 Ordinary. (Citations, Soars fcnnntq. G eorgia, JONES COUNTY.-YYTiercas, Thus. J. Middlebrooks, Guardian for Mary A. Barker, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission from said Guardianship: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish nil per sons concerned, to be and appear at my oliice, within the time prescribed by laxv, toshoxv cause.if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signatnre. this 18th dax - of November, 1853. nov 29 ELBERT HUTCHINGS, Ordinary. ••Beauty anil Economy Combined.” T HE OLD VIRGINIA DYE HOUSE, (Ph.enix Like) has from its ashes risen, witli all its x'arious virtues, its original colors to bestow. Tlie subscriber most respectfully informs his cus tomers and the public generally, that hi* establish ment lias been rebuilt, anil can now be found on Cot ton Avenue, YY'est of the YVashington Hall, where he i* fully prepared to execute in the best manner all the various branches of Dyeing, ltenox-atiiig and Re pairing all kinds of Ready Made Clothing, mid La dies’ Dresses, Shawls, Bonnets and nil sorts of Fancy Goods damaged by use. Ladies mid Gentlemen wiil please label all articles sent to this establishment,— Goods from all parts of tho State sent as before, shall receive prompt attention ami forwarded back xvith care. Factories'and others hax-ing warp filling to color, xvill find it to their interest to test tho virtues of this establishment. Person* wishing Homespun dyed, will please obserx-e, for black tlie warp must be pur ple or blue; for brown a copperas color, and for green tho warp must be white. Cash must be paid 011 delivery of Goods. apl 19 OLD VIRGINIA DYE HOUSE. Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company. T HE new and splendid side-wheel steam ship Kev-Stoxx State, Captain Rob-. , ert Iiaraie ; State or Georgia, Captain J. J. Gar van, Jr., xvill leave Savannah for Philabelphia every YY’ednesday. - These sti am-shipsare the most comfortable on the coast, mid are unsurpassed for safety and speed.— They xvill leax-e Savannah as follows: Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-tftonc State, tfta’te of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Key-Stone State, State of Georgia, Cabin Passage Steerage Passage Spet. 27,1853. YVed nes day, 28th Sept. “ 3th Oct. “ 12th “ “ 19th “ “ 26th “ “ 2nd Nov. 9th “ “ 16th “ “ 23rd “ “ 30th “ 7th Dec. “ 14th - $20 00 8 00 C. A. L LAMAR. Agent in Savannah. HERON A MARTIN, Agent* in Philadelphia. UNITED STATES MAIL LIAE. IVcxv York &- Nnvnuxinh Steamship*. £j£k «aS£ DATS OF LEAVING SAVANNAH VOR NEW YORK. THE Florida, Capt. YYoodhull, Nov. 5 The Alabama, Capt. Schenck, “ 9 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon •• 12 The Florida, Cant. YVoodhull •• 19 The Alabama, Capt. Schenck, “ 23 The Augusta, Cap;. Lyon, “ 26 The Florida, Capt. YY'oodhuIl, Doc. 3 The Alabama, Capt. tfehenek “ 7 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon “ 10 The Florida, Cunt. YY'oodhnl “ 17 The Alabama, Capt. Schenck, •• 21 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon “ 24 The Florida, Capt. YY’oodhuIl, •• 31 Tiiese ship* are the largest on the coast, unsurpass ed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passage ■11 50 to 60 hours," and are commanded by .'killful, careful and polite officer*. They offer a most desir able conveyance to New Y'ork." On the completion of the KNOXVILLE, in January next, this line will bo semi-weekly. Cabin passage". $23. ' PADDLEFORD, FAY & CO.. Agent* ill Sax-anuuh. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, nov 1 13 Broudivav, New Y'ork. death’s Grist mill. T HESE celebrated MILLS are built by tlie sub scriber in Macon, and warranted superior to any others now in use. They can be seen at the Iron YY"orks of Robert Findlay, or at my shop on Cotton Avenue. jnne 28 49—tom GEORGE MEATII. CllCVSiC, &r. e- BOXES Now Y'ork State Cheese. 8permandAd imnntine Candles. No 1 and Pale Soap. Just received and for sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL, oct II 35 Blankets, Ac. I AAA HEAVY 8 4 ami 9-4 Blankets. L.UUU 3,000 Y’ards Kerseys, xvith a variety of itaplo Dry Goods, suitable for till' season, just rei-eiv- od and for sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL, ost 11 . Paints* mid Oil. r AAA WHITE LEAD; 0,UUU 5,000 lbs. Blake’s tire-proof Paint, 500 galls. Linseed Oil. For sale bv 11 n 15 ' CA1UIART.V HOFF. 130 I>iuie autl Cement. ilLS. MMK. -0 bU. Ompiil, for mi Ip bv •«p 0 4 CHAtf. CAMl J iibJLL. FOR PALATKA, E. F., Touching at Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jacksonville, Mtddlcburg, (Black Creek) and Picolata. T HE Nexv and Superior steam- packets SAINT JOHN’S, Capt. .James Freeborn, and WILLIAM, GASTON, Capt. Titos. Shaw, will leave for th above places as follows: Tlie tft. John’s ou Thurs day morning, 15th inst., at to o’clock, and Wm. Gas ton on Tuesdav morning, 20th iust., at 10 o’clock, and xvill continue to leave at tlie same hour every Thursday and Tuesday thereafter. Tlie latter, boat carrying the U. S. Mail. For freight or passage, hav iug handsome state room accommodations, apply 011 board or to J. H. GUNBY. Agent ty The St. John’s will goto St. Augustine ox-cry •ttli trip, commencing (leaving Savannah) on the 29th iust. sep 6 ly Ladies Dress G 00 «is -qq YARDS French Mi- ' aud ] All offer nov 22 do Plain Black Patterns Brocade Black Fi st by d at 1 BW»1 ■''dk'. 'VlN.Slilp Embroideries V LARGE stock of all kinds, ; ,t,. uov -- £3^* Messenger copv. Handsome • »t cost bv WIXSHIP 4 Soy Goods—..Attentj,,. • rises 2! rn Hi; subscribers having received their x- 1 of Fancy Or y GW,, for the w|„1 . ’ . sately assure the undfcs, that in oriut Fashion, Elegance and Cheapness th* cannot be excelled in Georgia. ' ■_ YY’e are determined to keep at aUthn«. - A. No. 1. stock of Fashionable GoSb^ tng honorably and fairly with our eu«t. >' " to receive the same liberal patronage tWt .‘Ti’ !, i been conferred. ” ‘“•••ufteti Our old friends and customers, are nirt;. 1 , ’’Stir"' • Curtain Goods, -ptVERY variety and kinds, xvith all the trim El to correspond. Can suit ovei-v them, oct 11 smt every one : n BOsnCKkte ; * JOHUr Fumily Goods/ ~- TRISII LINEN, Sheetings, Flannels f JL Tweeds, Prints, Jaeonet,Checked.ind.' -" v fins, Tickiug, Canton Flanucls and everr oilf* •le suitable for family use, on terms theV,c r ,* K: mod* ting. We intend selling our goods at snujjnroSo will be most happy to show them, whetV, K; irnot. Our motto is to please ami satisfy -, n Te!t * ;oiners, we wiil do our prettiest to succeed ' in 1 ' -hopping remember BOSTICK & JOITk oct 11 “•’» Ladies and Gentlemen, T HE subscribers being very thankful for s. i,- vors, xvould again invite your poitica!iro*_ tinn to their New Stock of Fancy Drv Good- opened for tlie Fall and YY’intertrade, idlofwl N he sold as cheap as the cheapest, oct 11 BOSTICK, * JOHN'; Dress Goods. O UR stock of Dress Goods embraces everrfl new and desirable ir. Silk, Satin, am! wy- i ' Fabrics, being beautiful, durable *»d Call and see them. BOSTICK i JOII- $' oct 11 US’- YEW GOODS. 4; T HE undersigned has just returned f-„. n North xvith a Lutes »»# Cosnert 8:ort« Staple &- Fauci I>i-v Goods, which ! opening. The usual qualifying remark? of .- . Beautiful, 4-c. lie thinks unnec-:-.;rv,' f . - . goods speak for themselx-es as to style, quiiitv I price, and therefore, needs no trumpeter; t.'lv'-', 1 however, on the intelligence and taste et the k'.ih of Macon and the surrounding connfrr,)« respectfully submit the decision to them Ag, whom, lie cordially inx-ites to call and ea themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. oct 11 YY'. YV. PABKEl Georgia Made Leather and Shot T HE undersigned lias for .-ale, onciinsiaiut- a splendid lot of Harness and Bridie LntW- I Band and S..!.- do .- Rii-wr .--nd I’l.u.i.;::.. . I Wax and Kip do; Calfskins, fee. Als-., IIFlTY I RCSSET7,'t/tORS, Black Wax do; lYonn 4 Shoes for house servants. YY'. \\ T . PARKEk oct 11 — Linen and Cotton Sheeting F OR saie, a large stock of 10-4 and 12-4 Limns Cotton Sheeting, Pillow Case Linen and Cutt of ail all xi-idths. sept 27 G. YV. PK1( Paper Hangings. hand a tine assortment of Paper Hanjin; (sept 27.) G. YV. 1 Table Damask. O N hand agood assortment ofTableDaffia&T elling, Napkins of all qualities, sept. 27.G.W.PRICJ Priuted Cashmeres. O N hand a handsome lot of Printed Ca-hmm . and DeLaius. G. YV. PRICE, sept 27 Acw Fall Goods. T HE subscriber is now receiving his stock e.'Fsr cy and Staple Goods, suitable for t!. - Fall ant YY’inter trade. His friends and the publican 1 rii.i-c ed to give him a call. G. YY’. PUICC sept 27 I and Rugtfs. [ 'ST re.-eix ed an a—iirtni 1 nt • -t' • Tiiree Ply Carpeting. G. YY. PRICE Carpeiin ~J L'ST reeeix-ed an sept 27 - Plaid Silks. j J i'ST reeeived a rieii at. . I. i:h1m ti PlaM, Plaun and Brocade Silks, for salecha sept 27. G. YV. PRICE. I Blankets and Kerseys. O N hand a good assortment of Negro B:si t< Kerseys. Also, tine large Bed Blanket.' low. G. YY'. PRICE sent 27 Velvet Carpeting. | TUST received an assortment of rich and - •J Y’eivet Carpeting, with Rugs to match. A. ; fexv pair of handsome Thrco rly. , nov I GEO. W. PRICE Crape Shawls. A SPLENDID rtment of Crape and Cia/ mere tf bawls at nil prices. iBOSTICK & JPHNjL oet 11 To the Ladies. T HE undersigned would respectfully iny;;'- ■ tention of the Ladii - of Macon aud rich t his Nexv and ExY'ENsive Stock or KAXCI I 1 ** GOODS, uow for Exhibition and Kile, at tand, corner of Second and Cherry strei ts, i i ' to Geo. W. Ross’. Tile Stock is complete and varied, and will pare favorably with any other in tlie city. Pr '- 5 ; rate and Goods of the beat quality. Orders [ - ■rx-ant.-, or otherwise, as promptlyaud faithfrily^ ed as when customers make personal e**?* 1 ;',' and selection. A. YY'. MABSiLYU- I'i'-' Messenger copy. ZVOTICE To Horcliaiits anti Pla»lf r ‘ ■ PLANTERS of Bibb ami adjacent co’nutit -. I x-iteil tu call and examin • m'-' ! 1-' ' I ROGER IKS AND STAPLE DRY GUI': 1 ' nested and for aale, wholesale and retail, oh tuf ioeral aud accomodating tern?'*, at my • ou Cherry*fet., next door to the corner of ^ J. sep 27 ’ A; YV. MARSHM-’- J« nil'll. A Mi'". «M|YV. Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. ry {? Boxes Tobacco, on Consignment, very super- / O fun-article. 25,000 Cigars, x-ariotis qualities. 10 boxes Clierroots. For salo bv nov 1 'ASHER AYRES. Sperm, Whale, iUaclaine Oils. rf\r\ GALLS. Puro Sperm Oil; 3,00galls, bleach- OUU cd Whale Oil; 10 barrel* Machine Oil. In storu and for salo by CAKIIAUT A ROFF. jane 15 illackercl. OA HALFBW.No. 1 Mackerel. 15 do. M 2 400 lbs. Cod Kish, just received and for sale bv oct 11 CHAS. CAMPBELL. ' Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! T HE nndersigm-d is now ready to supply from Iris Steam .Mills, every description of Lumber and Scantling, at the shortest notice and cf the choioestquality. Applications sent to tlie Mill, or left with tho undersigned, xvill meet with, prompt attention. W. l>. Ml MS. aug 3 Brilliant and BeatitiH" 1 G EORGE W. ROSS A CO. are now rerjW* first installment ot SPRING, STAPLE. FANCY DRY GOODS. compriMtw ; taste, elegance, and utility, u-ually J"' 1 ; • , lass Dry Good Establishments. Lie L pecially inx-ited to look in and jud^e . >f the superior style, elegant fabric ortment now open for their inspection i 1 ciation. The foilowingarca fexvol iheta 1 - doru our shelves and counters : , , . SII.lvS. as Brocaih 1 tig'll. 1 ’ - -: : ■. ’ - ‘, Gi'o de Rhino; YY'hiti- Brocade Silk b' 1 *".', . Siik Hermanv; Lustrings, all colors »*“* . (all kinds;) Berages,every st'le; Emer.-:-.-' Dresses; Silk Tissues. Plain and Fig" , COLLARS.— Empress Eu^ono— mbroidored, and Empra-s Eusenf. Embroidered Valcneienm« Chcm^ ,: '' • .,’r SLHGVES, all qualities tnuu- Oct'-}"''- Embroidered Broeha do ParU Swiss and Jaeonct lMi,incrs and ! ;i . CIS. a vard to $7 00. MANTILLAS and Scarfs, 13 duTurr:.. - I of which may be mention* d Taj Horn, /•"* | nielli and Pa von us. Damask Cloths, Toxvels and Napki; - , Diaper, Bir»b* Eve, Huckaback aiu* ^ Also, Brussi-is Tapestry and 3 . , , ; . ... Mattings, Rugs, YY'indow Sliadi-.-. <••"’ curtains, xvith trimmings to ‘ i'i' r ',-J".'k.i • ' ■uishiug Goods, cmliraciog .-v.-ry t.’.i-- ■ Sold wh.dcsalc uni r ; ^ Is of the tame quality l ' ;in * Jt ^ this market. , ,, ■ : N. B.—G. YY. R. & Co. have aFo W j. , ( separate establishment, an ext» n>i'*' • cerics, which will be sold by wii" * mb *22 — P new, M o.miok HAtsF..- 1*0.Hr 1*0.>1 K 1> MKIKRIW •Will bo sold lieforc the omirt bouse door in Forsyth, Monroe county, on the first Tuesday in Fobiiarv next, between the usual hours of sale : Lot of L:md number one hundred and forty six in the seventh Dist. of Monroe county. Levied on as the property of Joseph Hill, to-atisfy one ti fa from Monroe Superitir court, in favor of James Barnes vs Joseph Hill. Said Laud pointed out by plaintiffs at- rney and legal notice given. D. W. COLLIER, dec 27 tfbantt. I HOTif s,.-c Valkenbur" *.V Son short notice. Ord by us. So one is uuthoriz a* Agent, nov 15 Lumber, the tirat ofScptci: ■eccntlv in' charge arc prepare >d tnu J. A. cd i i viRi’ Bacon, Floiif- , 20.000 and Spaulding Flour, «»o l>ls. t lari l ' , fm Sugar*, with a general assortment .u sale by ( UXO.^- sep ti pkU' jfcrYVO^ Cash! Cash! T HE highest market twice will!he J YV ashed or Unwashed. Also. store, of and Tallow, delivered in Macon - 1 ' R Fields* Adams' Fire proot '»* apr 12 25—U > w