Newspaper Page Text
The Fayetteville Niws.
Giiiera I'Directory.
County Commissioners.
L* F. Blalock, Chairman, B. L. Johnson,
C. H. Bastin, W. N. T. Harp, Dr, E. B.
W^den, A. E. Stokes cx-off Olcrk.
CitF Directory,
Mayor—W. P, Red wine.
Marshal—J. B Simps ah.
Coanciimem—S. D. Dorsey, J, W. G-rn-
l»am. T. F, Garrison, S. A, Barks, andM.
E .Hill, ’
County Officers.
Llerlc—A. E. Stokes, Fayetteville, Ga.
Ordinary—D. M. Franklin, Fayetteville.
Sheriff—S. H Martin, Brooks Station
Dept’y Sheriff—J. P, Fie well Fayelteviilc.
Tax Receiver—T N. Farr, Flat Creek.
Tax Collector-—l* 1 . M. Davis, Flat Creek.
Treasurer—T. M. Murnhy, Fayetteville.
Caronei—J. G. Tpeights, Fayetteville.
Surveyor—W. II. Pritchard, Brooks Sta.
County School Commissioner—W. T.
Glower, F'at Creek.
' District Courts.
496G. M.--S. A. Burks J. p, p. L.
McGougn N. P and ex-off J. P. Fourth
Saturday in each month.
. 538 G. M.—C. R. Wool.ey,J p. r. e.
Sperlin N.P. and ex-off J. P. Second
Saturday in each month.
„ 709 G. M.—N G. Wallace J. P. J. T.
0 Biogdon N. P and ex off J. P. Fourth
f Sa »rd*y in each month.
49S G. M - T. J. 1-d nunson J. p, J. M.
Arnall N. P. and ex-off j. p. Third
Wednesday in each month.
WM 1293 G M.—G. B. Carson J P. J. M.
WW B idges N. P. and ex off J. p.
■B ~ Thursday in each month.
( 624 G. M.—B. Adams J, p. Second
Saturday in each m< n h .
549 G M. —F. Landrum ,T. P. M. M.
C l-ier N. P. aud ex-off J. p. First Sat-
fc mday in eac i mouth.
I248 G AT. — J. S Thori;ton J P, H. B.
Holder N. P. and ex-08 J. p. Third
Saturday in each month,
I262 G M — S B. L n wis J. P. F. D
Hewell N P. and ex-off J. p, Third Sai-
uid-y in each month. •
No Doubt About It!
We will sue all notes and ac
count* due us if not arranged at
once. S. T. 8c A. O. Blalock.
Dr. JPaul Faver was in town
O r Jr. spent till'd week in At
Our worthy representative, Mr.
Snead, was in town Saturday.
0.1. Edwin H. Fraaer, of At
lanta, was in Fayetteville on lagal
p business last week.
The A. 8r F. track was washed
4 away neai Fort Valhy Saturday
r night, which prevented the trains
from running on Sunday.
MFs Mamie Thrasher is in
l charge of a fine school at Corinth;
Miss Mamie Is an excellent lady,
and will please her patrons at
that place.
We have moved into our new
store rooms and will sell all kinds
of merchandise as cheap as any
house in Georgia. New Furni-
ture, New Stoves. New goods in
S. T. & A. O. Blalock.
Mr. Ziba Fletcher hay sold
stock of merchandise to Mr. Tra
vis of Selina,. *Ziba does not
know whether he will remain in
Fayetteville longer or not*. We
hope he will remain, for he is an
excellent gentleman.
Rev. Q‘ !*. Grice will preach at
Union Chapel the second Sunday
in February at eleven o'clock.
Also Rev. Bogan Mask will preach
at Ebenezer the secend Snnday
in February at elevea o'clock.
These Ministers fill the pulpits of
the pastor, in his absensc at thw
Quarterly Conference on the same
What «u Farth
Is the reason people will not, can
not, or do not see any difference
in cheap nostrums put up by Cheap
Jottn houses or irresponsible pars
ties at enormous profits, rather
than take a medicine of world
wide reputation a* d one that is
giving uninersa satisfaction at
an equal price No medicine in
the world is gtv ing such unparal
leled satisfaction for purifying flu*
blood as BEGGS’ BLOOD FU>
and every bottle that does not do
1 s work will cort you nothing,
pktr sale by Edwards ^Gilbert,
Mr. John Snead tyas in town
Mr /. M. Camp has been qnitc
side, but is improAing slowly
Mrs. Eliaa J. Parker lert today
for her home with her brother at
Stone Mountain.
Can any one tell us how many
printers are employed in the-office
of the Cambbell County News?
The old locust trees are all
down from around the court house
and the buildieg looks much better
Rev, Mr. Thomas will preach
at the Methodist Church next Sat
unlay a id Suuday; come out and
hea- him.
Miss Myrtie Smijh of Atlaata
has taken charge of t*ws music de
partment of the Fayetteville High
Manse Stell took charge of the
telegraph office at Culloden in the
absence of the op rator at that
place last week.
Mr. Johnson, who'-was with Mr
Milner, has returued to his home
near Riverdale. We are sorry to
see him leave so soon.
Emmett Hollingswoifh paid his
tewu friends a visit Saturday.
IIo is teaching a flourishing school
at Askew’s school house, four
miles* west of here.
Fair Notice.
All parties indebted to us arc
requested to settle at once. We
cannot and will not wait always.
S. T. & A. O. Blalcck.
We were mistaken last week
when we said Mr. Carner would
serve the Baptist Church here.
We learn sinee that has declined
to accept.
Our prayer-meetings are not as
well attended as they should de-
Come out ye men of age; show
the youth of your village that you
can discharge the duties that de
volve upon you, thus setting them
a good tx.unple.
Get our priC'*jon Baldwins, Mer
ryman, Plow Brand, Coweta High
6'r&de, Eddystone, Old Dominion,
and other brands of high grade
guanos before you buy.
S. T. & A. O. Blalock.
At Kitchens store last night
the question of sucking eggs was
sprung. Jndge Hall said he could
suck more eggs than any body,
whereupon R, H.' Bennett proceed
ed to show him he could not do it;
so at it they went; they tilted at
one another until they sucked 34
apiece, and by interference of
friends they mutually consented to
make it a draw, aud each paid hi ?
part. They both say however,
they conld have sucked till two
o'clock next morning.
For Sale.
One good mule, and one good
cow and calf. L. R. Blalock. -
The first quarterly conference
for the Fayetteville circuit will be
held at New Hope, the second
Sunday and Saturday betore in
February. AH official members
of the circuit are specially reques
ted to attend. Brethren, let every
member ot the conference be pres
ent if possible, as this Is vety im
portant to the circuit at large,
G. W. Thomas, Pastor.
COUGH! unci COUGH!!!
sWhat in the world is the reason
you will cough and keep coughing
and still keep trying inferior med
icines when BEGG’S CHERRY
COUGH SYRUP will positively
relieve your congh at once? This
isj no advertising scheme,but an
actual fact, and we guarantee it.
Edwards & Gilbert, Druggist,
This Company will not be re
sponsible lor loss or damage to
freight left in depot longer than
three days, Ty order Supt. I
\V. J. Blalock, Agent.
Mrs. Mintie M. Edwards, the
subject of this sketch was fa#rn
Dec 20th 1864 and died with ty
phoid fever Sept. I4th 1888.
Early in life she ‘manifested
concern for her souls eternal wel
fare, and at the age of fifteen, she
put her hand in the Savior’s and
was savingly led threugh that pur
pie fountain which “made whiter
than snow” her garments, and fit
ted her for home in the Celestial
City to which she has doubtless
Having confessed Christ she
felt the burden of responsibility
loving him which she did, much to
the gratification of her pastor and
the chnrch of which she was a
men. ber
On the 8fh of Feb. 1387 she was
happily married to Dr. J. T. Ed
wards of Fayetteville Ga. As a
companion, her countenance and
life filled every day with sunshine.
The seeds of kindness scattered by
her itancJ in every hqart, have
blossomed into universal praises,
and the lingering rays of her un
timely sunset will yet prompt
many wanderers to Jesus Christ,
“the light of the world.'' Truly,
she “did justly, loved mercy, and
walked humbly with our God.”
Her friends, loved ones, and kind
husband have fallen heir to such
a life of noble examples. To them
let me say, cherish har memory
and emulate her virtures, and to
the bereft husband I would say:
Weep not for your dear wife, an angel band
Has born her spirit to a better land.
’Tis freed from this earth, its sorrow and care
And ever will revel in glory there.
Though a vacant place it by your hearth,
And weeping i« heard instead of rnir h;
For a voice you loved, forever is stilled,
And that vacant place can never be filled.
Weep not for your wife, she’s an sngel now,
A glitt ering crown dec vs her fair young brow
And robes of pure and spotlo s white.
Are thrown around her form so bright.
And her voice that sang so sweetly here,
I» tuned to a holier strain up there.
Our Father in heaven has called her away,
To join the pure in that endless day.
Jan. 28 I889. G.
Quality and Prices of Goods
Be sure to give him a call
when you go to Atlanta.
GEORGIA, Fayette County —
To whom it may concern. The
appraisers appointed upon applica
tion of Mary W.. Malone, widow
of O. T. Malone; lor years support
have made a return of their ap-
praisment for a fifth years support
for herself and minor children, and
I will pasi upon said application on
the first Monday in March next.
This Jam 31 1889,
D. M. Franklin Ordinary.
Fine Liquors, Brandies,
9 West Metchell St. Atlanta. Ga.
Gal Qt.
Pure Pickens Co., Corn $2.00 70
Lots 4 gallons and 3 qrts. 1.75
N. C. Sweet Mash Corn 1.65 50
In lots 4£ gallon*, 1.50
GEORGIA, Fayette County.
To aii whom it may concern, Jas.
E. Thompson has in due form apv
died to the undersigned for per
manent letters of administration
on the estate of Mathew Reade
late of said county, deceased, and
I will pass upon said application
on the first Monday in February,
1889. Given under my h*nd and
official signature- Thte the 3rd
day of /anuary, 1889.
D. M. Franklin, Ordinary.
Georgia, Fayette j D. A. McLa-
County, (cas Adminis"
trator of Ephraim Sweat, repre-
. merits to the court by petition that
j he has fully Administrated Eph-
W. S Samuels & Co. Sour Mash | r ?‘ ,n Sweat’s astate. This is to
5.00 I %5 ! c ' te Persons concerned, to
on 1or i s bo\v cause, if any they can, why
r ‘ u saiJ Administrator should net be
3.00 1.00 discharged from his Admenistra
2.25 73 ■ tion, and receive letters of dismis-
2.50 85 s’on on the 1st Monday in Febru-
ry, 1889.
Rys 10 years old,.
Old Baker Rye,
Old Cabinet Rye,
Robinson County Rye,
Old Reserve Rye, ’i. o j ?d
Boubon Rye 3 years old, 2.50 75
XXXX Mill Creek Whisky 200 60
70 Proof Rye, 2.50 50
Pure Cherokee County
Apple & Peach Brandies 3 00 1.00
Imported Juniper Gin, 3.50 1.00
;ov. 5th 1888.
D. M. Franklin, Ordinary.
Holland Gin,
Imported Port Wine,
Beer, Pints per dozen,
1 25
Beer by keg,
Blackberry Brandy,
Cherry Brandy,
Jugs per gallon, 10 cents, t
Send money by Postil Note,
Money Order or by Express.
All orders will reeeive prompt
attention,’and satisfaction guaran>
S. S.
9 West Mitchell Street,
Atlanta, Ga
ClearUis P-’.i, Tct!ia Morvc«, tnj iit«
—' Xiasoi ONK
riS h ri^s.h-i-sw
Or>» tilts rawjVBg / rary.toa. Tf e/T-'.-a
. prevesf Clifta ." Fsvor, Wour Ston;?;h £sjj
fi-Mfli. Clearies P-i-t, " "
Ur* v \%ve Is tfvj syUo-v.
Try Awo cuts tivi jin will
®rfev, S3 cvnts pjr fcofti*. .....
tlMtolne D-miors (isni-yrtK -2&M «t t
iirlco la eteEipa, |'C9t;»Lid, (u tmr
J. V, SMITH re CO.,
Y ’ -U - 1 ..
GEORGIA. Fayette Coanty,
By virture ofan order form the
Ordinary of said county will be
c o!d before the Court House in
Fayetteville within the legal hours
of sale cn the first Tuesday in
February next, the following land
i 17L£ acres more or less ot land lot
No. 133, in ti e 7th district of
said county. Sold as the proper
ty of'W. E* Porsten of said county
deceased, for the purpose of dis
tribution. Terms cask. Said land
being now resold, the bidder at
first sale having failed to comply
with terms of sale. /an. the 3rd
1889. G. W. Postbn, Adminst’r.
■I ncTiir !;»
Self. !; / Brvjyliti^ anti
The only preparation that cleanses,
purifies ana increases the quantity 01 |
blood. No bad results follow its nso and ,
it is not sold in competition with un
reliable medicines. Every bottle war
ranted for all blood disorders and
Impurities. BEGGS 4 Be Win.
Chicago, IU., U. S. A.
Sheriff Sales,
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
in February next, at the Court
House in said county within the
legal hours of sale to the the high
est bidder cash, the following pro
perty to wit: One lot of land ly
ing in said county, containg two
hundred and two and one half
acres more or less, as lot No. 30.
Also (40) forty acres off of lot No
3, lying broad side to lot No. 30.
on the north side of said lot. I
said land containing (242.
hundred and forty two and one
half acres more or less and lying
in the 5th district of said county.
Said land levied on as the proper
ty Westley Arnall, to satisfy an
execution issued from the Superior
Court of said county in favor of
T. S. Persons, against Westley
Arnsll. This Jan 3rd 1889.
W. N. Hendkrson. Sheriff.
• w A • JKWe
Following schedule goes into effect
Jun. 14, 1889.
ilowcan Parents
allow their children to cough and
strain and cougli and camly say:
“Oh! it is only a little cold, 1 ' and
keep giving them cheap and dan
geroits medicines, until they arc
down with lung fever or consump
tion, when they can be so easily
relieved by BEGGS’ CHERRY
COUGH SYRUP? tt has no
superior, and few equals.
Edwards & Gilbert Drugpi-tc.
1*114 <3*14 W»»cV
. hold for |1M. «ntii lately.
Dul $SS watch In tha World.
Parfaci tlwahaapar. War-,
tout ad. Heavy
1 bias Hag Gaaaa. Botfc
land |*utt’ aia**, with wo tea
and crcaa of aqaal volt a. |
Owe reraoa In oath ]*>
oaltijr oa» ace are ono ttr% 1
together with oar largo aa4 val
uable Una of KVouoefc*!4
Sample*. Ttu** :aaapiea, aa
well aa the watch, wo oestd
Free, and after you hare hop!
In your home ftr 9 months aad ■ffiira them to thorn
uny hare called, they become your own property. Thoeo
who write at oner -an bo euro of voceivtof tho Watch
GEORGIA, Fa) etse County. — j
Will be sold on th\ fir-t Tues
day in Match next, .n the Couitj
House in said county within ihei
legal hours of sale, to the highest j
bidder for cash, the following pro- *
perty to wit: Fifty nine actes of!
land of lot No. 154 in the 4th Du’t •
of Fayette County whereon F. C. |
Gunn now resides, and bound-d
on the North by Jemison 2-^lford,
East by W. L. Kennedy, South by
—Dunn and West by /ohn T,
Hewell. Said Lnd levied on aw
the property of W. W. Padgette
to satisfy an execution Irsued from
the court of Ordinary of sdd cour.
ty in favor of Jcinmie C. Padgette
against said W. W. Padgette.
F. C. Dunn tenant in poses ‘on
given legal notice of levy in terms
of the law. S. H. Martin,
This Jan. 29 1889. Shetiff.
No. JI Leave Afianta
Leave Fayetteville
“ Williamson
“ Culloden
Ariive Fort Valley
No. ^5 Leave Atlanta
Leave Fayetteville
“ Williamson
“ Culloden
Arrive Fort Valley
No. |3 Leave Atlanta
Arrive Fayetteville
“ Williamson
" Fort Valley
3 45 p m
5 08
6 11
7 42
9 00
8 45 a nt‘
11 20
1 08
4 10 p m
6 40
8 45a nv
10 22
11 36
3 00
north bound
No. 12 I cave Fort Valley 6 iff) a n)
Arrive Culloden 7 22
“ Williamson 8 52
" Fayettevle 9 52
“ Atlanta 11 15
No^ 6 Leave Fort Va'ley 1210 pm-
Arrive C lloden 2 33 p m
’* Williamson 6 12
“ Fayetteville 8 00
“ Atlanta 9 50
No. -f-4 Leave Fort Valley 8 00 p m
Arrive Culloden 9 36
“ Williams u il .“7
“ v Fsyet*evi!le 12 42 p m
“ ' A llama 2 05
♦Daily. *fDai!v except Suns
day. fSunday t dy.
T. O. i liO\ . Gen’l Subt,-