The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, November 09, 1889, Image 1
The Fayetteville News. VOL. 2. FAYETTEVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1*89. no. n. SOUTHERN NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM VA- R10 US POINTS IN THE SOUTH. A CONDENSED ACCOUNT OF WHAT IS GORKI ON OF IMPORTANCE IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. Fire broke out Sunday n orning in the Schofield building, adjoining Hollings worth block, ou Poplar street, Maeou, HOW IT WAS DONE, I A STORY DETAILING THE MANNER i;> | WHICH DR. CUONTN WAS KIDLED. A special dispatch from Winnipeg, Canada, Saturday morning, says: ‘’As sistant State’s Attorney Baker, of Chi cago, had a long interview with Hoi: Heifer, and from him received a detailed 1 account of the butchery of Cronin. < Burke took a quiet fancy to Heller, and j oil*. i* , on oo„ ; was very communicative with him, telling I Ga. and destroyed nearly $100,000 i mtlny dctajU about the crime. Ho Morth of property. told lloffor that Coughlin was the main According to the order of business actor in the tragedy and had engaged ! before the Supreme Court of Alabama, both him and Cooney to participate^ in 1 the app. aled cases of Dick Hawes, Fun- the crime. He told liefi'er that sand! nic Bryi at and others from Birmingham bags were used by two of the assassins will not be reached until some time in while the third wielded a common base- j December. bail bat; that he was under the irnpres- I A receiver was appointed, on Friday, s * on that Cronin was being decoyed to for the linn of Kliuck, Vickeuburg & ‘ the cottage under the pretext that lie was j Co., for the last half century eugaged in going to attend a sick woman, who was i . ~ ~ 1 represented to be at the point of death, j Four men were waiting in the cottage for him. They listened for the sound of wheels. At last the carriage drove up, and an instant later the doctor hurried the grocery business in Charleston, S. C Liabilities arc about !^T0,000, and assets nominally large. A Key”West special to the Times- Un ion, of Jacksonville, Fla., says: Del Pino ... Brothers’ immense cigar factory, - contain- !’P an “ gnoeked loudly and ing one million cigars, besides a large • hastily as if he realized that his presence quantity of tibucco, was consumed by ! Tva - s ur SGntly required. Two of the us- iire Sunday morning. Charleston’s great earthquake festival opened Monday with cloudless skies and charming weather. Public buildings, private residences and commercial houses were bedecked with flags and bunting from one end of the city to the other. Billy Ryan, lessee and manager of the Casino variety theatre, at Birmingham sassins stood behind the door ready to strike, while one of the others from the inner room called out in a loud voice’ “come in.” The door was quickly opened and the doctor strode in. The instant he was in one of the assassins slammed the door, while the other struck the physician a terrible blow with a sand bag. The doctor fell heavily to the floor.” Burke always declined to say % V The Supreme Court of New York, on Thursday, rendered a decision in the in junctions obtained by the electric light companies against the city, in which it sustains the temporary injunctions, with certain modifications, until the cases eau be tried. The decision says that the company should have reasonable oppor tune of the results of the terrible bliz zards which swept over western Colora do ami northern New Mexico Thursday laid Friday of Let \w !., reached Denver .Monday from Folsom, N. M. Thursday several cow boys. who were camping near Grande with 1,800 beef ea tie, struck by the blizzard ami becanu rated Friday night. One of them tiered into Head's home ranch, half dead with cold and hunger. He tuld his story, and a rescuing party was immediately sent out, and the frozen bodies of Henry Ala., left the city Saturday night for who struck the first blow, and this fact parts unknown, leaving about $2,000 of | Baker thinks, makes it quite clear that it unpaid debts. Several members of his ; was Burke himself, else he would have company are left without a dollar and mentioned the name. He always spoke several week's sulary due them. ! about the four taking part in the crime A dispatch from Dallas, Texas, says: ; and pounding the doctor at the same A company with a capital of a million time. The moment the doctor was and a half has been organized to reclaim j down, the whole four rushed on him, a hundred thousand acres of land near ! and with sand bags and clubs pounded that city. It will be done by straight- I the life out of him. The poor man ening the channel of Trinity river. The ; struggled, and moaned awfully. Blood n|l wi f Il be worth ton million dollars. j poured front his mouth, nose and eyes. goods i Nearly twenty minutes elapsed before he gagp> .jThen the fiends stripped lth^Bllf>c®SitaiiWER5atiHng off. of him aud. j attachments aggregating $43,000. About t one of them pounded his face so as to j $20,000 of the attachments are in favor ! ma ke it impossible to recognize the body. I of clerks in the storo and relatives of the i L’oughlin then hauled the trunk over and firm. The Alabama National bank at- ^e body was crammed into it. One of . tiched $19,000. I the quartette went out and brought an I News comes from Spartanburg, one of | ^P reas . wagon which had been lelt in a j the best cotton-growing counties of North I t m ^ y J? nt . to Carolina, of a new cotton plant, which, I Sd ! blood swas dripping if it is ns claimed, will make a wonderful I and rtn 011 tlle d°°L and the I revolution in the agricultural and cotton i Qf _ ^ us 8C ' ( these leaks . oil interests of the nation. T. Ferguson, f °P1 10 . wuth cotton batting, which was j an experienced cotton planter, elahns to ! f ° Und 111 tho doctor s luslrument case have a cotton plant which will produce nothing but cotton seed without the lint. Rube Burrow’, the train robber, took a ride on the night express train on the Kansas City, Memphis aud Birmingham railroad Tuesday night. He was seen and recognized, but no one attempted his capture. He boarded the train, west bound, at a small station in the western part of Alabama, and rode a few miles across the line into Mississippi, lie was alone, but carried a large Winchester rifle and two pistols. The superior court of Richmond county, Ga., has decided against a num ber of prominent citizens who, twenty years ago, subscribed to the capital stock of the National Express and Transporta tion company. A test ease was made on Wednesday in case ofWilliam II. Howard, a prominent and'wealthy cotton factor, and a verdict rendered against him. This virtually carries the other cases with it. The verdict is regarded as a great hardship, although in accordance with court decisions in these cases in all states from Maine to Texas. One of the largest transactions in land ever consumutcd in the South, has rc- '•Jk'tiy been perfected at Jacksonville, Fii., and made public Friday. All unsold lands in Florida of the Plant system of railroads and steamships, of the Florida Southern railroad, of the Jacksonville, Tam pit & Key West sy.-tem, including the Florida Southern railway, and the Florida Commercial company, have been consolidated under the name of the As sociated Railway Land Department of Florida. Over six million acres of land nrc.consolidatcd under one management bathe formation of this syndicate. THE SUPREME COURT OP NEW YORK SUSTAINS THE ELECTRIC LIGHT INJUNCTIONS. The trunk and its contents were then | taken to the lake, Coughlin driving the j horse. There was a boat at the point ■ expected, and they tried to shove the I trunk out into the water, hut it would I not work. Anxious to get rid of the 1 body some was,. Burke suggested that it ; be thrown into the catch-basin. The ! suggestion was adopted. A REPORTED BATTLE ! IN KENTUCKY IN WHICH SIX MEN ARE KILLED. A special to the Louisville Courier- Journal from Pineville, Ky., says: News reached here that Judge Lewis came up with Howard aud his gang Thursday on Martin’s Fork and killed six of the How ard gang without losing a man. Three of the men killed were named Hall, one named Whitlock, the other two names not learned. Friends of the judge say that he is determined, aud will never quit his chase until Howard and his gang are all killed or driven from the country. Both parties are being reinforced daily, and more bloodshed is expected. It is thought that Howard lias gone to Vir ginia, but is expected to return. The best citizens of Harlan county, Ky., are joining Judge Lewis, and with such a determined leader there is no doubt but that tho law and order party will come out victorious, and break up tho gang that has been a terror to all eastern Ken tucky lor the hist twenty-five years. FROZEN TO DEATH. COWBOYS CAUGHT RV A BLIZZARD AND SUCCUMll TO THE COLD. ■leira were sepa- wan- tutfity to put its wires in safe condition, , Miller, Joe Martin and Charlie Jolly and if if does not do so tho same should wcic found lying on the open plains not j he removed by the commissioner of pub- far from Folsom. The other men suc- lici works as ohstiuctions, or tho matter i ceded in finding their way to the camp should be laid before" the grand jury. before being overcome with cold. 1 LEADERS OF U3W 24 HILL STREET, Next Door to the Book Store WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER YOU THE CHEAPEST LINE OF Ever Shown in Georgia. Our Atlanta house being the LARGEST RETAIL STORE in the South, buying everything from Manufacturers and for SPOT CASH, enables us to oiler Bargains that small dealers cannot compete with. Fifty Cases of New ani Mali# Goois Ojenefl tie Fast leek CONSISTING OF DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS In All New Styles and Shades! Plushes, Velvets, Ribbons, Etc. Flannels, Blankets, Gingli a ms, Calicoes, Doilies^ ties, Table-Linens, Towels, Napkins, Bed Spreads, Ladies’ and Gents 3 Underwear, mms, EATS, SHOES, no. We can sell you the Best Cotton Checks at 5c. The Best Sheeting at 5 3-4c and Shirtings at 5 i-2e. and thousands of other Bargains to offer You! CALL AND SEE US WHEN IN GRIFFIN And Yon Will Never Regret It! GRIFFIN, GEORGIA.