Newspaper Page Text
wn'arwDrr wmwrm
va .'nrcctturoinwnui
* ine Fayetteville News.
General Directory,
- ' Cit'C, 1 * r’-tt/cB.
Mt. Moiiah loctpf F, & A M , meets a
’ Fayetl. ville i\ci) liiu n.d ibird Saturday
nt 2 o'clock,
('<unty Oi ■nimssionero
I.' 1', Blalock, Cl unman, B. L. Johnson
C. If. Eustin.W. N.T. ilatp. Ur. E. IS
Weldm, A. E. Stokes ex pH" Ulcrk.
City Direct ry.
Mayor—\V. P . Red wine
Marshal—Geoige Youngblood .
Counciim**ir—S. D, Dor-ey, J. W. (in-
bam, S. A Burks, A . 0. Blalock and I, It,
C nnty Oflicers.
Clerk—A. E Stoke«. Fayetteville. Ga.
Ordinary—1) M. Franklin, FayotteviUe.
Sheriff—S. II Mmtin. Brooks Station.
Dept’v Sheriff—,T.B . Hewell Fayetteviile-
Tax Receive!—T N. Farr, Flat Creek.
Tax Collector—E. M. Davis, Fayetteville.
Treasurer-a-T. M. Murnby, Fayetteville.
C )uuier—J. C» Tpeights, Fayetteville.
Surveyor—\V. 11. Pritchard, Brooks Sin.
County Srtooi Commissioner—W. T,
Glower, F at Creek.
If you want a goed Brass Lamp
cal! at the Drug Store.
MtSs Nora Hendeison will visit
friends in Atlanta for a few.
Theycung folks enjoyed a par
ty at Suqire Whatleys last Friday
Nice weather for killing hogs.
Dr. J, S. Bennett, of Atlanta,)
is in town today. Ever >' ll,in S niovi "g
Capt J. W. Graham went to [smoothly this week.
Atlanta today.
A Wonderful Recovery,
Mrs. Geo. P Smooie, a highly
cnltivated and estimable ledy of
People are abaut up with 1 heir
, , , , , , Prescott, Ark; writes nuder date of
A telephone will soon be built j cotton and not much more to;
between Macon and Atlanta. iopen, April 22, LS80: “During the
Col. I. E. Blalock made a busi- j
Messrs. J. A. Morrow and A. j ness trip to our town this week,
C. Blalock spent Sunday with A. | • Mr. T. M, Mnrphy and his two
Miss Fannie Smith has gone
summer.of 1887 my eyes':, became
O. Blalock here,
| sons took in Atlanta one day this
C?.pt, Cecil Gabbett passed | wee ^-
through our town in his private 1 Mr. T. F, Garrison and Miss
coach Tuesday morning. I Lizzic Garrison went to Atlanta
Miss Lee Griggs has returned
inflamed, and my stomach audliv-
young men will probable find that j er a ' mos - hopelessly disordered.
District Courts.
406 d. M.— S. A. Burks .J. I’. B. L-
MvGoiign N. P. and ex-oil' J . 1’. Fourth
Frirtav in each month.
^ S3«" G. M.-C. R. WooDey, J. P. J. E.
.Sp'.riir, N. P. and ex-off J, P. Second
Saturd :y in each mnnlh.
709 G. M .—N. G. V/allact J. P. J. T.
Brogdon N. P. and ex off J. P. Fourth
Saturday in each month.
495 G. M.- T. J. Edmondson ,T. P. J. M.
Arnall N. P-. 'and rx off ,T. p. Thud
Wednesday in each momh.
I293 G. M— G. B. Carson J. P. T. M.
Bridges NT. P. and ex off ,1. P. Fourth
Thursday in each month.
624 G. M.—B. Adams J. P. Second
Saturd >y in each m< 11 n .
519 G M. — F. Landrum ,1. T. M. M.
Collier N P. aud ex-off J . P. First Sat
11rd.1v in cac a ntrn h.
I24SG M. —T. S Thor-ton J P, J . M
Franklin, N. P. and ex-oll .J. P. Thud
Sa'uvday in each month,
1262 G M-S. B..L»wis J. P. F.. D.
IK Will N. P. and ex-oll .7 . P. Third Sat
urday in each month.
In"And Around Town-
items of interest and items
of t.’ttle‘Interest gathered
benefit of our city and
Dandy Pipes at the Drug Store-
By some slip, we missed giving
,a report of tho court at Starr’s
V}li!l last week.
There will be no better school
in Georgia next year than is go
ing to be at Fayetteville.
Bro. Nesbit, of the Campbell
News, visited his parents at River
dale last Friday, accompanied by
'“jris beautiful bride.
0,00 presents to be given away
by L. J. Camp during the next 30
days. Be sure to call and see
cheap goods.
Some lively cases were tried in
the Mayors court during the last
month; and each were handled
with gloves off.
Col. C. P. Daniel of Brooks
Sta., speaks of sending two boys
here to sehool, in case they fail
. to get a school at his own town.
Our friend W. B. Edwards Jr.,
of Senoia, has tire handsomest
residence in his village. He would
pi |haps, profit to advertise for a
good house keeper.
Mr. Tom Turnipseed, of Hamp
ton, was here Sunday. His hand
some “side burns” has made quite
an impression on one of our young
ladies. Come again, Thoma,s
.Houses are in demand at pres
ent. Lit our propeity owners
provide ample room for those
who may wish to locate here, for
there is nothing that will up a
town faster than inhabitants.
The New Home Sewing Ma
chine specially recommends itself
to purchasers on account of ito su
perior mechanical construction,
ease of management, and low pri
ced; over**!a million have been
sold all otwhich are giving uni
versal satisfaction.
Mrs. I. W. Cousins and her
handsome son, Mr. Solon Cousins
spent Monday night with relatives
Sheriff Martin was here Wcdncs
day and recruited us a little by
banding in two new “ads'' for De
Mrs. L. F. Blalock is having
a new glass front and tOD put on
her hot house, which gives it an
artistic appearance,
Doc Morgan lost a barrel of
syrup by leakage last Tuesday
night; he thinks some one opened
the buhg and it all ran out.
When you support your coun
ty papei, no matter in what coun
ty you live, j'ou thcuch the note
or the tone that your county has
Clint Harrison sold a bale of
cotton here Tuesday and skipped
off to Atlsnta; lie gave us the
mule ho rod* here. Guess the
cotton brought all the money he
The'readir.g club met and re :
organized at Mr. Fife’s last Mon
day night. L. J. Camp wa-. eloo
ted Chairman for one month.
The club will meet next Monday
uighf at Mr. A. O. Blalock’s.
A young man wa e murdered in
Sumter county monday; his name
was Rr gers and cleikcd for his
brother. The crime was commit
ted about dark, while young Rog
ers was on his way to supper.
Mr. Z. T. Stubbs of Inman will
home after a protracted visit to
Mr. Ellis Smith of Senoia was
Tieie this week trying to rent a
house to occupy next year.
Mr. S. A. Burks spent two days
in Atlanta this week. Look out
for new advertisements next week,
Rev, Dan’l McLucas of Inman
boarded the train here Tuesday en
route to the “business center.”
Mrs. Heniy Cooper, of Doug-
lasville, is spending some time
with her father, Col. S. D. Do.sey
of our town.
Mr. John M. Franklin and Miss
Melia Gtaves were united in marri
age last week. We extend to them
our best wishes.
Mr, BfrdSnelson and his biide,
are stopping with relatives in out
town. Their many friends are
glad to welcome their visit.
Our young friend Sykes, who
has been serving as night*-watchs
man, left fov Alabama Tuesday,
where he will engage in Farming.
Mr. J. A. Shropshire and wife
arc stopping a few days with Capt.
J. W. Graham. Mr. Shropshire
is au old Fayette boy.; now he is
one of the first citizens of Atlanta.
a pleasant place to^trade. j Nothing I ate agreed, with me. I
We may be slow and behind j took chronic diarrhoea, and for
times about some things, but 1 some time my lilc was despaired
when it comes to getting The j of by my family.'j The leaciug
News, we are. not left, as it fre- ! physiciaus ’0f f the r conntry were
qnently arrives he re in two hours j cousulted, and the medicines ad-
atter it leaves t.i •- press. ministered by them never did any
lhe boom o! sportsmans : permanent” good, and I lingered
gun is heard nearly evTry ua )-‘between lile and death, the latter
Much success to them, if they | being pre f erab i e to the agonies I
was enduring. In May, 1888, I
became disgusted’with 'physicians
don’t even get a bird.
Meum & D t DO
Fayetteville irliyjh School-
We will announce to the pub
lic that the Fayetteviile High
School will begin Jan. 0th, 1890.
In this senool will be taught an
and their medicines. I dropped
themall, and'depended solely? on
Swift's'Specific (S. S. IS.),’ 2 few
bottles'of which'made me perma-
nently'Well—well from then’funtil
English. Business and Clasical u < " vv
coursc . Disabled lor "Business?.
Trition will be one dollar per
month lor all grades.
Business department five dol
lars per month. There will be no
deduction made for the public
school fund.
Several 5 years 7 ago r my health
failed'me and I was compelled !"to
give up my business. I was in
constant agor;v caused from’ ? excru
All tuition wilt be considered I dating pains in my back, liver,
cash. | and*stcmach. R I tried’every’medi-
Those desiring to-patronize the j • -j cpu]d w off r but without
schoo 1 will apply to L. b. Griggs,; ......
Tres. of Board of Trus'ees, and oh- : receiving any 'relief,T My’ attend
tain a ticket of admission into the j tion * wa8 « then called’to S.7 S. IS
school. 1 •
It thus placing the tuition at ! I tried five bottles oP’it." and - rc-
nne dollar per month, v.e ex ect ] ceived the most gratifying results,
a large patronage from Fayette
and surrounding counties. There j I am to-day as healthy and sound
A drove of mules and ponies ; can be no excuse for “high tui- a mnn,'asJyou will find anywhere,
, t lion,” as has been heretofore,
was quartered at Mitenell s Stas . . • .
1 Then ayvay with that stinginess
blcs 'i'uesday night; they were go-1 tbat be"rudrrex5a dollar, and send
Some cloudy weather this week.
ing southward, and the men in
charge drove-out early Wedncs-
please accept our thanks for five 1 d rn01 - ning .
large turnips. They weighed 13 j
pounds, and the largest one would | ^ r ' Mm'lle dark desires to take
have weighed 4 or 5 pounds. ! three or four boarders for the
Some body else “turn up” larger ! schocl next year. She lives at the
ones if you can, ! Dorman place, convenient to the
Oh Sunday afternoon wc board-, slhooif nn d will take boarders at
ed the down passenger and went; ,, . , ,
1 ; reasonable rates. Apply to her.
to Cullodcn to spend the night!
with our clever friend, George Bla j
lock. While in that lovely little!
city, Mr. Irwin Castlin presented |
usa stalk of ribbon-kane 9 feet in j Marriages! Why there is one
length. Mr, Castlin is an energet I every Sunday, and they say there
ic and progressive farmer of Mon-: is going to be one every Sunday
rce County He has a small crop j f rom 110 , v un til Christmas, here at
of this cane but says next year he | Broa>don .
will plant 800 acres. We could 1
guess that lie intends to sweeten) C. L- Brogdpn made a aip to
up the Scate. the Gate City Wednesday.
Our subscribers will confer a j Mr. John Tidwell and Miss An
great favor on us, by paying their j na Holt, were united in marriage
dues at once. Those 'at Inman
will please hand/ n your money to
Ed Lindler; at Woolsey, to Mr-
Lewis the postmaster; at Brooks
Station, to Bird Daniel; at Flat
Creek, to Mr. Slaton or Mr.
Knowles; at Brogdon, to W. O.
Coleman. We are due about $20
yet from each of those places,
which, if you will remit at once,
will place us out cf debt and give
us money enough to rnn the paper
three months. Those men named
above are authorized to receipt for
this paper. You can pay your
dues to the paper and never miss
the money, while those amounts
collected and sent to us, will help
us very much. Please pay them
promptly and thereby do us a
great favor
last week, at the residence of the
brides father, J. T. Brogdon Esq.
officiating. We wish them much
happiness through life.
J. T. Thornton was here one
day this week,
What young man in our town
that has fallen so deeply in love
with his girl, that he had rather
talk to her than to eat his supper.
Hurrah for Mr. Pike, v/e wish to
inform him that W- O. Cplcman
enjoyed himself while in Pike Co,
hut didn't leave his head down
there, and come back and call him
self “Pike"; as our brother corres
pondent did. That is the opinion
your children to school, for this
certainly puts the tuition in reach
of all.
We guarantee that your children
can an education here equal
to that of any school in the state.
Our motto is “Thorough,” our
discipline mild but firm.
We ask your patronage, nnd
think with the low tuition we can
get it. Respectfuly,
D. R. Keith,
A clear pearly and transparent ski a i
is always a sto-n of pure blood, and ad j
persons troubled with dark, greasy, j
yellow or blotched skin ran rostassur' j
ed that their blood is out of order |
A few doses of BEGGS” BLOOD UU. 1
r'iFIF.R & BLOOD MAKER will re- !
move the cause and the skin will be-;
come clear and transparent, Try it
and if satisfaction is not given it wil :
cos*, you nothing. It is fully warren J
ted. Editauns a Gilbert, ayette-
vjiie. D. McLucas a Sox. Inman. Ga, j
S VE DISCOVERED a thoiougtHy re
medy for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Colds,
le, &c.; applied by smoking ; whiclMs
direct, thorough and PLEASANy-
Am having wonderful success. Sneill
TAILED FREE. Mention this wiper.
Dr. J. W. Blosskr, Groensbotx/N.C.
and I owe it all to the curative
properties to be found in Swift’s
Specifiers. S.|S.)
Morgantown, 1 N. C.
Treatise on bloodand skin dis«
eases mailed free.
Dwer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
No. 8 W. Hunter Street
Me*ls st All Hours, Regular
Dinner from ll;30 to 2 o'clock.
Oysters in every’ style. Gan.e
and Fish ill seasbn'
l^woor/w MTnemiEiilS
sTicuiawa. oailas.t£X.
J. W. Kitchens,
u & F. R. R.
j L’ve Atlanta . . . .
. . a m |3:05 ]i m
1 “ E. T. Ju n...
7 :ia 3:1S
| •• Kavoitorille, .
. . . . t» :2tt 4:25
I •• AVillianisou, .
... 11:40:5:21
j *• Zebiilon
, p m 12 :1.1 a :3h
I •* C. ulloden, . .
I •* K not ville . .
** void Valiev. .
.... 4:40 7 ;52
i L’ve Fort Valley,,
. .a m S :25;7 ;05 a m
1 “ Knoxville . .
. . . . 10:10 7:45
1 •• < ulloden..
.. .. 11:15(8:17
! •* Zebiilon, , . . .
., p m l :20|9:2l
•* Williamson .
! •* va vetteville. ,
4:25 10:31
** E. T. Ju net'll
... ,6:1511:37
1 Arvo Atlanta,, , ,
ill :50
7.15 train leaves E, T. V, & Ga.
I Junot. Passenger
s for this train take
| Pryor St. Dummy
j Cecil Gabbett,
Sam H. Hill,
1V. P. G; M;
M. T,‘