The Fayetteville news. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 18??-????, December 13, 1889, Image 2
mm THE NEWS ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY. OTIS A CLINTON N. R. LADLES. <3LINTON & BEADLES, Editor* and Proprietors. Subscription - - - - - $100« OUR RATES. Loc .1 notices 5 cents per line. Quaf ter column 3 months $ 500 11 U 6 U 10,00 fi ii 12 f i 20,00 Half it 3 a 10,00 ff ii 6 ii 20,00 fft a 12 <( 35,00 One a 3 a 20,00 <C if 6 35,00 a if 12 ii 60 00 Resolutions of Respect.; Resolutions adopted bv theFay - etteville Debating Society in mem ory of Jefferson Davis, the first and only President of the Souths ern Cunfederacy. Resolved—That we place on onr records our high appreciation •of Jefferson Davis as a pure States man, a great and gallant soldier, a peerless orator and a stainless gen tleman, a true and earnest Chris tian and a spotless patriot. Resolved— That we deeply symprthize with his afflicted family and we in dorse the move to properly pro vide for ‘’the widow and orphan of the Confederacy. Resolved—That we esteem it a privilege to contribute to the erec tion of a monument to his mem ory; around its base time will lin ger and eternity circle its surmit. Resolved—That the foregoing resolutions be placed on our min utes.* D. R. Keith, I A. O. Blalock VCorL L. J. Camp. J Dec. 6th, 1889. Nervous Derangement and Co« stipatiu. After years of suffering from ner vous derangement and sonstjlpa- tion, and after being tteated by several leading physicians, from whom I cbtainsd no relief, I was induced to try S S, S. Soon after commencing its use, I found my appetite much im proved, and that the use of cathar tics. which I had taken almost dai ly for twelve months, was no long er necessary Since childhood I have been subject to sick and nervous head- rches, but since December 1; 1888, at which time I commenced tak ing S. S. S. I have had only cue attack, and that was when I neg lected to take the Specific. I do not now have to take pur gative medicines. J, A. Reid, Bolling, Ala. Tormenting Skin Disease. LEGAL AD VKR TISMENTS. Georgia, Fayette County Sheriff sales will he sold, on the first Tuesday in Jan- uary next, at the Court House in said county within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder cash, the following property tc-wit: One bundled and fifty acres of land more or Its? of lot of land No. I53 in the 6t'n Dist. of said county, bounded on the North by lands of Jemerson Alford, East by Jison Cox, South by Elizabeth Dunn and Frank Bias- well, West by Mr. Maria Matthews. Said land levied on as the property of JohnT. y e well Sr., to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of said R. T. Dorsey against said John T. Hewell Slid llcwell, tenant in possession notified in writing. This 5th. day of December 1889. S. H. MARTIN. Sheriff. Professional Cards, D. R. MET III IN, Attorney at Law, Prompt attention to business. Will practice in all Courts of this state. FAYETTEVILLE GA. Will he sold on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, before the Court House door in Fayetteville, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest for cash, sixty five acres of land lot No. 117 in the 4ih Dist of said coun ty bounded on the North by lands of Mrs. Smarr, South by James Akin East by Snead and Welden, West by J. M. Spurlin. Le\- ied on as the property of Joshua S arr to sat isfy a fi fa issued from Spalding County Court in favoi of Jas. A. Chambers and John Elli son Executors on the estate of Jimithan Crawly deceased. Legal notice given Jones Bridges, tenant in possession This Nov. 22nd, I889, S. H. MARTIN, Sheriff, JOHN B. HUTCHESON, Attorney at Law, lCji Whiteha.l St,, Atlanta, Ga, Will practice In all the Courts of Atlanta and the Counties of Clayton, Fayette, Henry, Ca.npbell, Douglas and Dr Kalb. /. T. SPENCE, Attorney at Law, JONESBORO, GEORGIA. T. V. LESTER, Atl'Otnejhnt Law, Real estate and Loan agent Fayetteville, - — - Georgia, Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, at the Court House in Fayette County, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder cash, the following propeit/ to-wi : Ten acres of land, in the Southeast, corner of the East half of lot of land No. 35 in the fourth Dist. of said county, bounded as follows : E 1st and South by W. G. Bish op, North and West by Bower’s land. The enterest levied on. is the remainder enterest of the heirs of Jacob Bowers, to satisfy a cost execution issued from the Ordinary’s Court of said county, in favor of D. M. Franklin, Oroinaiy, against A. E. Stokes, Administrator of Jacob Bowers. Tenant in posession notified in writing, This Doj. 4th I889. S. H. MARTIN, Sheriff, J. T. EDWARDS, Phystcian and Surgeon, Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Good Treatment, Charges reasonable, FAYETTEVILLE. GEORGIA. AWKEsl GtioRGtA, Fayettte County — Will be sold before the court ho ise door in the town of Fayetteville, said county, on the first Tue - day in January next within the legal hoars of safe the lollowing pr iperty to wit: one hun die ! acres of land more or less, of lot No 38 1293rd Dist. G • M., bounded as follows: on the north by linds of F. Bridges; south by Harris and Linch ; on the west by Line Crk on the east by R, W. Linch. Sold to satisfy a fi fa issued from the S iperior Court of sa’d corn.ty in favor of L. F- Blalock vs C, P. Linch and L. T F. A mall. Property was pointed out by plaintiff. Legal notice given F. Bridges tenant in possesion. Terms cash. This Njv. 26th I8S9. S, II. MARTIN, Sheriff, GEORGIA, Fayette County—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next at the court house door in the t rwn of Fayetteville in said county withhi the legal hours of sale to the highest bibber for cash the following property to wit: Fifty nine acres of land more or less in the south east coiner of lot of land No 221 levied on as the property of W, J. Jones deceased to satisfy a justice court fi fa issued from the 495 di-t. G. M in fav r of w. T Glower, Tenant in pos- Eession notified legally. This Dec. 3rd 1889. S. II. MARTIN, Sheriff. PATENT. FROM GOVERNOR GORDON. Mr, A. K, Hawkes—Dear Sir; The pantiecopic glasses you furnished me some time since, give excellent satisfaction, I haye tested them by use, and n-.ust say they are uuequalod in oltoaincss an t brilliancy by any that I have ever worn. Respectfully, Jo HIT B, GORDON, Governor of estate of Gti-i-gU MB, a. K, Hawkes—Dear Sir : I have thoroughly tested the glasses you adjusted to my ejes some tome r g >, and find then* to be unsurpassed in cleamew and hriUlascy. lu not they ate the best glasses 1 have ever a;;ed, W. D. Bloxham, Ex-Governor oi Florida, AM ayes fitted and fit Euarats- teed toy W- P. 8a Mi L. REDWINEi Fayetteville** Gr-a. A GREAT YEAR In She history of the United States fs now upon' Every person of intelligence desires to keep ptoe with tiro course of its events. There, la 11a better way to do *0 than to subscribe for The Macon Telegraph. Ordinary's Citations For twenty years I was troubled with a tormenting itching skin dis ease, which at times caused me great annoyance,' and loss of sleep. I wss treated by the best, local physicians, but rsceived no relief from them. I finally concluded to ak#Swift’sSpecific (S. S. S.). a half dozen bottles of which effeci- ed, what I consider a permanent cure, as I have felt no symptoms cf the disease for over a year. W. T. Cowles, Terrill, Texas, GEORGIA, Fayette County:—To all whom jt may concern : J. AV. Kelly, Guardian lor G. U, Kelly applies to me for letters oi dis mission from Guardianship, and I will pass upbn his application oa the fi st Mon day in January nexf, at my office in Fayette ville, said county. Given under my hand an l official signature, this Dec. 2 id I .S9. D. M. FRANKLIN, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fayette County:—To all whom it may concern: The appraisers rppointed upon application of Mrs. Mary AV. Malone, widow of O. T. Malone. 6th years support for herself and his minor children have made a return of their appraisment, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in January next. This Dec. 3rd I8S9. D M. FRANKLIN, Ordinar GEORUTA, Fay-) By virture of an order etts County: 5 trom the Ordinary of slid county, will be sold to the highest bid der for cash before the Court House in sain county on the fi st Tuesday in January next within the legal hours of sale the following land. Fifty nine acres more or less in the South east coi ner of lot of land no . 221 i n the 6th Dis' of said county. S rid as the pro perty of W. J. Jones for the purpose of pay ii g debts and division among the tu-irs o .aid dee ased. This Dec. 6th I8-9. G. A . Jones, Executon. Nan<y Jones Excculiix. Its news facilities (ire unsurprised by any paper In the South. In addition to the fullest Associ ated Press dtspiitehes, it lias special correspond- enne bv wire and letter from all Important points In Georgia and the neighboring States. f)u ing the present session ol Congress Wash ington will b« the most important and most In teresting news centre in tho country. Tfn» Washington Correspondence of the Telegraph i,t the very host .hat can be had. Its regnlar correspondent furnishes the latcsl news and gossip in full dispatches. Frequent special letters from lion. Amos J. Cummings, member of CongreiS troin New York, Frank G. Carpenter, and W. A. Croll'ut, three of the best known newsy-iper writers at the capital, dis cuss the llvest and most Important Itsuea of the dar. l’ho Telegraph Is a Iiemocmic Tnrifi' Reform paper. It is thoroughly in line with the policy bf president Cleveland and the Democratic party. In tho coming national campaign tbs Teiegraph will not only gl ;o all the news, but will discuss all public Issues from the sta-id- point oi genuine i-'emoeratlc faith, bub"' ht once. . - - #7 00 . . 4 00 . . . X 00 . . .75 . . . 1 OO Dally, one year, .... Daily, six months, ... Dally, three months, ... Daily, ono montli, - . . Weekly, one year, .... Tetnia: Carl) Is advance. Ad lrcra THUS TKI.EGRArH. U.AOOM. GKuSSIA- tfyoo artditnVhig ofbutMtsgalioow yon onjht io bay the new book’, T-aUloer’a American Architecture, or every man » emsplote bulldor, prepared by PallKor, Pollltci dt Co., the well known archltertr. _ . , There I«not a Balider or anv ono Intondlng to Bnlid or othenrl* laureled that can afford to be'wilhoutit. It Is ft practical work aud everybody buv» it. Tho bo*t. cheapertnnd out popular work eve* issued ou BalLling. Neatly tour hundred drawings. A $5 book la firjf and style, but vre have determined to make it meet the popular demand, to suit tbs ilnt.-s, so that It can be wily reached by all* This book contains lfUpMjesll x Hlneho* In »leo, and consists of farye 9 x 12 plat* pages giving plans, elevations, perrpectlvo views, descr^pticud, owners* name*, actual oust ol ooci>»ructK.n, r d*i<rr<ptloud, owners’ wanna, actual cost ol oocelrudfon, no flruesd work, and initnicdowa How to 3iull4 10 Cottaess, villas. Double Houses, Brisk Dlcck Houses. lultablo lor city suburbs, town and country, bought for the farm said wvrklnfttr.etj'.i homes lor all it £he country, and cot.hyr from $KK> to $tt.NX); alao Barns, ... ^ • ... public large ecctioUG o! ftae country, and couter from to $6. MU; also Barr ftAi.lw, School Home, T'-vn Hr.!!, Churches, and other pub buildings, to?other with sjwclfl.xUoTis, form o feonlrsurt, uud a lar ftBWHiHtofliil'orunitfon on the orxtlou oUnijUSlngi, selection oj all eiapl«yuM send II in |v. V. o. ft 1 II In paper cover by moil postpaid <.-n receipt of Cl. 00; won ml j§*<b. Iv.oo. A tiireas til orders Us J, J>, OC-MLVMC, I'*t;iti.t«Ma«* V. O. ftox r?»1. 6 J til- i«e«r Yortfc ar d. |» Aycock Manofactnring Company, , —MANUFACTURERS OF— Basil, Blinds Doors &e. &c BRIFFIN - - - - GEORGIA, DRY GOODS. MADSOTH STOCK OF DRY GOODS, SHOES, SLOTHING MO NOTIONS. Having just returned from Europe via New York, tj/bere I visited the prin«4p«| factories and purchttsed for isfot cash a complete line of I am prepared to offer to the Farmers of OFulto^a And adjoining ooimtdes baboaiis# never be-foro equalled- in this 'State. Polite Clerks to wait upon Customers. Wo trouble to show goods. MAKE MY ST€)MS YOUR HEADQUARTERS AVniLE IN THE CITY. COMB AHD SEE FOE YOUESELF. D. C. LOEB, 79 Whitbiiali. and 19 Broad Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HAS OPENED A BRANCH STORE AT NO.T97 S. BROAD STREET, ATLANA, GA, ’ <» Where he'keeps a full line of Foreign 1 ]and Domestie Liquors AH orders received here or at ‘.he old store, 1G7 W. PETER ST., Shall have prompt attention. / make Corn Whisky, and Peach and Apple Brandy a Specialty. My prices of Whiskies are Spring goods of 1885—4 yrs old $2 00 - “ 1886—3 “ I 85 41 “ 1887—2 “ 175 “ 1888-1 “ 155 Sour Mash 1 45 Half Gallon Jugs, 10 cents. All others at 10 cents per gallon. I have,Corn Whiskies and Brandies made in the mountains of,North Georgia: not^made by steam, but in old fashioned copper stills, Give me an order or call and examine my goods. Mr. J. M. Wilson, who isan old citizen cf Fayette will be glad to wait on you at No 97 S. Broad Street, Atlanta Georgia. CL II Stewart. M. D. Mitchell & Go., ^ PHOTOGRAPHERS Fin© Photographs, Crayon portraits, Portraits in-Oil* Old Picture* Copied «nd Enlarged. IT Hill street, Gri&n, Ga. *RS Solid «o!d Watch.* Sold lor ft l<!•'«>. until lately. 1 Best 8SS6 watch In tho world. I ^vrfout Umoheepcr. War-A. J ranted. Heavy So ^ Hunting Cesos. Both ladle/ laud goal s’ Hires, with works and casus of tqaal valua, Ono Person Is each 1<>« caltly can secure one ftree^ togethe r wish our large and val- Warniake a^y thing in tho shape ol a picture, from the “Postage Stamp Photo, ' at $1.50 per hundred, up to Liie Sine Portraits. We will copy and enlarge boip any kind of a picture 8x10 Phpt^ graphs handsomely framed from @2.(X>.t6 $300. All work made subv. ject to examination. _nbio lino of Household Sumplofl. These sampler, ue well cs tho watch, wo send Frets and after y*m have kept them In your tfomo for S months and shown the* ts tooss who JM, havo callod, ihej. — Address tev t We keep constantly on hand a large and weil selected stock o[ Pic ture Frames, Mouldings. Brockets. Glass, Cord, Wire, Easels attd all kind oi F^mcy Art Goods. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER.