Newspaper Page Text
V- J -
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♦ 11TH IS $2,835.00
Digging in'o the activities of the
Ku Klux Klan, the house rules com
mit too developed by testimony recent
ly that the organization hr« taken In
$1,488,710 since its foundation, that
the department of justice was still
Atlanta.—Judge John D. Humphrie
conducting an investigation of its own. of the criminal division of the su-
This Is the amount which the alumni the eve of their greatest co-opera*ive
of Fave**e county have ret on* to so- effort, the raising of the War Memo-
cure as their share of the million dol- rial Fund. For the first time in the
Aar fund and the committee of the jiistoTy of the University. Georgia men
(fklumni. headed by W. B. I-Iollings- everywhere sat down together to a
worth are confident that it will he
res t::e ussy header
speedily raisetd. Each alumnus will
be held responsible for giving or get
ting a minimum of $315 for the unl-
* versity.
Oclo’ er 11 marks the opening of the
campaign throughout the linked
States; for on that evening the Uni-
' : verri y of Georgia men everywhere
pwill ret down to dinner together on
University dinner in their own home
town at the same time.
The War Memorial Fund will nro-
vide endowment for the University,
the comple’ion of the finest war me
morial building in the Fou’h in hon
or of the 45 Universi’y of Georgia men
who died in the world war, a man's dor
mitory, a science building and build
ings for agriculture.
The Occurrences Of Seven Days Given
In An Epitom ied Form For
.Quick Reading
George W. Upion, a Warren, Ohio,
business man, was nominated by Presi
dent Harding recently to be a mem
ber of the federal trade commission.
Mr. Upton succeeds John G. Pollard,
a Democrat.
The body of the .unknown American
soldier ldl.ed in France fo which na
tional honors will be pa 1 on Armis
tice day will start the j urney home
from Havre, France, on '.he Olympia
at an early date.
When Fatty Arbuckle was “discov
ered” for the movies he was cleaning
cuspidors in a saloon. At the time of
his arrest on a charge of murdering
Virginia Rapps, he was a film star
Have you noticed that singers are
generally a heal’hy set of people? They i Ireland. Thirteen of the Rowan’s crew
“Distinctly good feeling” attended
the opening meeting of the Anglo-Irish
pmee conference, it was learned re-
cen ly from sources close to the con
ferees; This indication that the con
ference pre.iminaries have passed suc
cessfully was generlaly accepted as
paving the way for harmonious con
sideration of the more serious aspects
of the situation, and hopes for per
manent peace are again rising.
Damaged by one vessel in - a dense
fog off the southwest. coast of Scot
land and then sunk by another com
ing to its aid was the fate of the
Laird liner steam r Rowan ’Tung b :-
tween Glasgow, Scotland and Dublin,
are. Their limgs, through constant
i^ging, are brought about as near
wi*h more money than he could spend, j t 0 perfection as it is possible to get
Put his money went to his head, and them.
his head landed him in a, murder’s
Whether Arbuckle he guilty or inno
cent the fact of the revolting debauch
remains, and the debauch brought on
the death of a v oman.
The time may come when a man will
achieve fortune wi'hout losing his
brams or his decency, as is too often
the ca c e now.
But until that time does come pub-
1R omm'o" should, compel a decent ami
Jaw-abiding line of conduct, even \
though the intimation is not there.
Plence a thought—and a suggestion.
Everybody likes good singing and
will take an evening off most any time
*o hear it.
There are a good many vocalists in
this town, and others in the making,
but they are no*, pronerlv organized.
Now. why can’t we utilize the voices
and form a mons+er chorus in this
town, and do more singmg ,bo*h for the
sake of. our health and for recreation
and enjoyment?
If you were told that a chorus of
fifty or a hundred voices would be
The womanhood of California has one ^ ie churches tonight, or at
revolted. It. is even possible that the
womanhood of America may fall in
Twenty-five thousand California
. ; women have nrcFc hed o,-’;. ! nst the
showing of films in which Fatty Ar
buckle appears, or any of the others
•who were involved in the Arhucltle-
cRanpe escapade.
ff T h e womanhooH of America has suf
fered rituch through the vulgar de
bauches of these men of sudden
weal’h and fame. It is not only the
degrading inflluence they have upon
the women with whom they come in
contact., hut the veneration in its teens
is besmirched by having them and
t’noir e-canades paraded before their
juvenile eyes.
True, twen*y-five thousand is cpily a
small of the women of
California, or of any other state. But
it is a beginning, and if it continues
to grow it will have a great and purify
ing ending. They are to be commend
ed. Their cause is righteous and
should prevail.
If the owners of picture shows de
sire to nrotect the morals of young
boys and girls who attend their per
formances, they can easily do so by
putting the ban on any ' picture in
which a man or woman of known ques
tionable repu*e appears.
The house that declines to conform
|o (he laws of decency should be
closed through lack of patronage.
Public welfare demands it.
some other public place, wouldn’t yous
feel like hearing that music? Wouldn’t
von feel like putting on the musical
harness your-elf?
Without cle'lnng to' teti^se, we
suggest that there is too much of a j ^sinister
‘onclency to live unto ourselves. There
is hardly the freedom and the in'er-
change of ideas that should exist in
a community of this size.
A great community chorus would
bring us toge’her. pull us out of our
separate ruts, and put more of the
joy of living into our hearts.
It would be worth much to us, and
yet it would cost nothing but a little
plsasuroable effort.
Who is for a community chorus—a
big one, and in time a magnificent
Sing out and he.heard!
Linton Member Of Trade Commission
Washington.—George W. Unton, a
Warren. Ohio, business man, has been
p.oniina + ed by President Harding to he
a member of the federal trade com
mission. Mr. Upton, who succeeds
John G. Pollard, a Democrat, is the of his villa at Mentone, near
'-’ushand of Harriet Taylor Upton, the
chairman of the Republican national
and three passengers are missing. Two
passengers died after being rescued
by veisreis which responded to the
wireless S. 0. S. call.
The Irish peace delegates, who are
tc begin nego’iations wi h representa
tives of the British government, step
ped from their special railway car
riages in Euston station (London) and
received a stormy welcome from sev
eral thousands of their countrymen and -
The British government is taking
up with Washington the entire ques
tion of the entry of British subpsets
into the United States, it was learned
An agreement whereby the German
government is to deliver to France
within three years 7.000,000 000 gold
marks worth of building materials was
signed at Wiesbaden, by Louis Louch-
p.u<\ finance- minister c-',the liberated
j regions, and Walter Rathanau, German
of reconstruction.
The Washington conference on arm
aments and Far Eastern questions
took third place in the thre important
problems which faced the British cab
inet at a council held in Downing
street at the official residence of
Premier Lyold-George recently.
Reports received by the authorities
of the loss of life ’in the recent col
lision between two suburban trains in
the tur.rn# leading to St. Lazare rail
road sta.ion showed that up to the
present seventeen persons are dead.
Hundreds of persons have died of
plague in the city of Jubbulpur, Brit
ish India, says a dispatch to the Daily
Mail from Allahabad.
Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Md .
who played a prominent part in Amer
ican Red Cross work in Italy during
the war, died suddenly in the garden
Five Are Drowned As Gas Boat Sinks
Seattle, Wash.—Capt. Bernard Knud-
cen, master, and four members of the
crew of the gas boat J. T. Robinson
"■ere drowned in the sinking of the
Testiipony before the committee
touring o the Ku Klux Klan recen ly
was conflicting and confusing. The
collection of the co'erie of organizers,
who bear high-sounding tides, were
Services at the
Mf-thc^t Ourch,
Sunday, October 16
Robinson during a storm off Aliruklin i estimated at $30,000,000 by Reprssen;-
bar. near the mouth of the Situk river, alive Tague, of Massachusetts, author
southeastern Alaska, October! 5, ac
cording to word brought here by the
steamer Admiral Watson.
f 10 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Sermon: “Christian Lib
er* y.”
6:45 P. M. Ewworth League.
7:30. Services especially for the
young people and children. Subject,
“A Hole in the Ground.”
Bring your friends and worship with
Body Of Unknown Soldier Leaves Soon
Washington.—The body of the un
known American soldier killed in
France, to which national honors will
be paid on Armistice Day will start the
journey home from Havre, France, Oc
tober 25, on the Olympia.
Good Suggestions
For Our Town
Obey the law..
Deal fairly with all men.
A heart Piled with prayer.
A home wi’h all of the necessities
of life grown upon it.
Negro Shot To Death Trying To Escape
Fort Worth. Texas.—David Bunn, a
confessed negro bandit, who held up
and robheid a camping party at Lake-
worth, near here one night recently,
was shot, to death when he attempted
to escape from officers who were
* ping him from Dallas to Fort
jpth for trial. Officers here said
nn confessed to a large number of
crimes in Tarrant county. Bunn was
saved by officers from three mobs in
the course of a week.
Crash of Auto And Trolley
Atlanta.—As the result of a head-
on collision of his automobile with
a street car recently, J. N. Cheek, of
950 West Hunter road, was taken to
Grady hospital in a critical condition.
Physicians sta’ed that he had suffer-
6d a fractured arm and leg, internal
injuries and probably a fractured
skull. The motorman and conductor
,of the street car, B. Warren and R. P
McElhannon, are the same who had
cahrge of the trolley involved in the
Peachtree street crash recently, , in
which two were fatally hurt and throe
seriouslv injured. In one weeVfe time
there have been five serious accidents
with a toll of three dead and fourteen
badly hurt. While driving out. Gordon
street near Atwood shortly after 11
o’clock the wheels of Mr. Cheek’s auto
mobile became locked between the car
tracks, and he was unable to turn
aside as the street, car approached.
The shoch of the crash hurled Mr.
Cheek, injured aiftl bleeding, into the
street, and- virtually demolished the
automobile The street car was no -
badly damaged.
of one of the investigating resolutions
under consideration; he placed the
membership at 500,00. Pos office In
spector Williamson;’ showed that the
books of the klan accounled for dis
bursements of a,mat a-mu.Lon uni c
quarter, and for a membership of 12G,-
Henry La Flanne, an American
member of the crew of the shipping
..card steamer Salem County, a..
stabbed and killed recently by an un
identified Mexican at Tampico.
The troubled fortunes of the Ameri
can merchant marine wore recently
the subject of long^ consukation be
tween President Harding : nd his cabi
net. The whole qupstion of rehabili
tation of the merchant carrier indus
tries was considered in all of its do
mestic and international aspects, but
there was no indication that the dis
cussion reached a point of definite de
cision as to policy. Whether new leg
islation will he sought or new trade
agreements with foreign countries con
summated remained uncertain.
The war finance corporation an
nounces that it will make advances to
hanks in the Southeast through the
Atlanta, Ga„ committee for a period
of twelve months with renewal privi
it is slated that the determination
of the house appropriations committee
to hold up action on the big supply
bills is nut only to prevent embarrass
ment to the administration during the
armament parley by having congress
debate armament expenditures, but be
cause the conference may dir'ate ma*e
rial changss in the amount of mon«y
perior court, recently overruled and
extraordinary motion for a new trial
in the case of Raymond W. Glass,,
former manager of the Raymond
Phonograph company, who was senten
ced to the chalngang for five years
following his conviction of the the:
of an automobile over two years ago
in the superior court.
Savannah.—By means of a simple
expedient—the placing orf soap in a
keyohle—the disappearance of fresh
Former President Wilson, Secretary meat from the warehouse of the Chat-
of War Weeks says, will be asked ham Albattoir company has been selv-
to attend the ceremonies at Arlington d. Missing meat for some time, the
cemetery on Armistice Day. | keyhole was filled with soap; the key
Secretary of Labor Davis announces with the soap upon it was found in
that he is preparing a special esti-' possession of the colored watchman,
mate asking an appropriation of $400,-; J. M Smith, 62 years old, who, it is
000 to be made immediately available said, admitted the tehfts.
for revising the work of the employ-1 Savannah.—George and Campbell
ment service of the department of la-, Wylly, of Savannah, but living for the
Ijor - | last few month in New York, have an-
Spectal compensation to fourth class nounced plans for a canoe trip of
postmasters for carrying mail between more than 2,000 miles. They have
the railroad station and the postoffics
may be granted for the extra work in
do not want to embarrass any one any
more than is absolutely necessary, but
it is merely a move toward self-preser
There are many who could make ar
rangements to take care of all of their
local bills with very little trouble, who
seem to fail to recognize the import-
the discretion of the second assistant
postmas er general.
The Korean commission presented to
the Ameri an delegation to the confer
ence on limitation of ariftament an ap
peal for “au opportunity to fully pre
sent the cause of the Korean people 'o
your delegation to the end that you
will either present it to j the confer
ence, or that you will create an oppor
tunity for us to do so."
Nomination of a number of American
ministers to fore'gn com; tier, were re
cently confirmed by the senate.
Mrs. Emma B. BerrdrJI land Charles ;
A. Rra-’n mother am' Vo’die' 1 ' o f Grov
er C. Bemdoll, draft evader, filed sr.i’s ;
in the supreme court of the District
Local merchants have been literally
“up against it” for the past few
months. Almost without exception
they were forced to take care of large
losses in the falling of prices in their
merchandise, and on top of that, many
of the accounts that were usually paid
in,.the fall of the year had to be car
ried forward last year. But they man- j ance that this would be to local busi-
aged to bear up under it all, and keep ness, and have neglected doing it for
' heir stocks complete and a smile | quite awhile. An effort to make a
on their faces, regardless of condi-j lasting impression on them has been
tions. ! made, and for the good of business in
Now r that fall has come again, they j general it is hoped they will heed
have made an effort to show their ered- j , he urgen t invitation the merchants
it customers their condition, and their j , mve extencled lor them to drop in and
inability to carry them further and . , , ..
hope that they have been able to make Settle their accounts, or make satis
been practicing for the feat, having | an impression on them. Of course they ] factory arrangements about them.
just completed a trip to 1,200 miles j — ■ j. 1 i j-— ==
<.n the Hudson and St. Lawrence riv- a jj cockade sentence will be met-1 and r.idet friends, neighbors amt
ers and the Great Lakes. They nowr e:i out t0 t i !e third-time offender, sai.i ; ives whom they have not seen, per.
uopose to make the trip to Savannah Judge jqhmon. Fines here.ofore have! ’'-apa. in years.* The officials of the
n a canoe. j ranged from $5 to $26
Savannah.—To float a lean to ob- j Savannah.—Kelly Collins, convict-
aiu funds with which to meet obliga- j ed of the murder of Deputy SheriL
ionsf or completing the work of re-|\V. H. Coleman, of Tat.nail count;..
near Cobb.own, several months ago, i..
here a unique plan has been adopted:
Ten picked men of the congregation
will be insured, taking out ten-year
endowment life insurance policies for'aid io break jail,
an aggregate amount of $60,009. To*
provide this sort of collateral the con
gregation agrees to meet the cost of
the premiums.
Chattooga County Fair association
will endeavor to make this one of the
features of the fair this year, a.- such
an event will enable the people of the
county to come here and meet the
ex-Chattoogans, who would not be able
to see them in their homes in various
parts of the county.
Atlanta.—A compromise at Emory
cently, by order, prevented from mat- j university between the faculty and
it)g her regular vioils to him and when j students ot the junior and sophomore
sses recently averted a tnreatened
in the county jail here for safe keep
ing. It is reported that he had made
e. eral efforts, evidently with outside j
His wife was re-
Atlanta. — A vigorous campaign
of Columbia recently to obtain prom ‘ f" a ‘ nst speeding and other forms of Sun
erty seized by Thomas W Millar, alien ! raff,c vlolatlon will be inaugurated | 20. v. i
property custodian and Frank White, s00 ®’ accor n S t0 announcement
made recently by Judge George E.
j Johnson, of the recorder’s court. For
the first offense in speeding a fine
aggregating $26 will be imposed. $51
1 for the second offense, while a straight
treasurer of the Uni ed Spates.
Thorough reorgaridatiop of the ad
ministrative machinsrv is the Bahama
canal zone with redica : changes in
existing., pnliri s wa-e r*la
the preliminary report submitted to
Secretary Weeks by the commissi-n
which recently investigated conditions
in the canal zone at his request.
Financial inability to reduce freight
rates was pleaded by railroad wit
nesses, appearing at hearings before
the interstate commerce commission
4 o oppose applica ion of eastern south
ern and northern hardwood producers
for general reductions of tariffs on
their products.
she appealed her case to the state wel-
fare board. Collins was removed bv | wali-out cf members of toth classes,
.he Tattnall sheriff to Savannah. ' | tfce result of the suspension recently
Summerville -Thursday. October | of four sophomores and one junior be
lli be observed as Home-Comind cau ' e of an alle S ed bazm!:: episode.
; Ur on being given assurance by the
! faculty that the five students suspsnd-
: ed would be reinstated after the
day at the Chattooga County fair,
which opens here on that date, it is
planned to invite every fermer citizen
cf the county to < ome to Summerville
pn ‘Tl&ri^.P9.u%g” da.s^.attuml -tlis fair
Christmas holidays if the sophomore
and junior classmen would return to
th®>* .•clashes, the matter was settled
Dcr r, ~s£ic-
A coroner’s jury, summoned to in-!
v''s+’"o o the fal ,, u tr of a wall n c an |
old dwelling which was being razed by
he i i y, which resulted in the de.un
of five workmen at Lynchburg, Va.,
recently returned a verdict that the j
men came to their deaths as the re- j
suit of an accident due to the lack of j
proper precautions.
David B ,nn, confessed negro bandit,
who hold up and robbed a camping ;
part at Lakeworth, near Fort Worth,
Texas, recently, was shot to death
when he attempted to escape from of-'
Geers v ho were brin mg him from
Dallas to Fort Wor’h for trial.
A formal warrant charging Herman
F. Ra ’emacher, a former policeman,;
with the murder of his wife, Gar-;
'rude, who was thrown from Bello
lie bridge in o Detroit river and:
drowned, was issued recently at Do-1
troit, Michigan
Captah^Bernard Knudsen. master,
and lour members of the crew of the
gas boat, J. T. Robinson were drown- i
od in the sinking of the Robinson dur-
’ng a storm off Aliruklin bar, near,
the mouth of tlie Situk river, South-!
eastern Alaska, recently according to!
word brought to Soattle, Wash., by;
the steamer Admiral Watson.
Philip Breeder, 67, a retired New
York City tailor, died of a cerebral
hemorrhage re ently. superinduced
by holding a “royal flush.”
Five men, all white, were killed and
two others were injured at Lynchbuhg,
Va., recetnly, when a brick wall of a
building collapsed.
A handbag containing certified
obeeks to the amount of $6 000, thought
o have been stolen from the Nashville,
Tenn., depot platform following the ar
rival of a Memphis train recently, was
found in the coach. The contents were
A resolution indorsing the present
method of electing bishops was adopt
ed by Holston conference, M. E.
Church, South, in session at Morris
town, Tenn., .and another resolution op
posing unity of the two Methodist bod
ies was voted down after spirited de
bate. and then adopted a substitute
motion going on record as favoring
unification of the two bodies at the
proper time.
Washington police are co-operating
with Virginia authorities and private
detectives in an effort to trace wines
and liquors, said to be worth $300,000,
which were stolen \ from the country
f 1
Light and Dark Colors, 22 1 /2c Value-
17 l/2c
— $1.25
$2.00 Value—
40 in. Cheap at 20c—
Bleached or Unbleached, 20c Quality—
SUGAR, 15 lbs. — $1.00
Value 50c—
Value $2.00—
OUR PRICE $1.00, $1.25, $1.5C
All New Patterns—
Good Value at 30c—
Value 30c—
Fine Quality—
Value 20c—
22 1/2
DEPARTMENT. Most Complete Line
SHOES—Good Value $3.5
Wonderful Values in Coats and Coat Suits.
Outfitters for MEN and BOYS. y
the navy and army will actually re ' ‘home, rear Washington, of Joa€ ph Let
tar. financier.