The Reform world. (Winder, Ga.) 189?-????, September 30, 1896, Image 2

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Bynum’s Letter. About three years ago I was as flitter an opponent ot you populist as any democrat or republican :n the United States could be. T thought your leaders all weraa set of political cranks, fools and dis appointed office seekers and that you intended tc defeat the only party that was true to the penile and could give relief to my suffer . ing countrymen. I got this by blindly reading after my democrat ic leaders and taking the advice of democratic papers which declared in every issue that Tom Watson, -J. B. Weaver and all your leaders were a set of political prostitutes who sought to mislead the masses into anarchial rule and ruin; and at that day and time I‘would have hailed Chairman Jones tirade of abuse of your southern populist delegates who met in St. Louis as a sweet morsel from democratic headquarters. 1 was as blind to democratic treason and treachery as any mor tal man could be and followed as meekly and submissively in servi tude to these political masters of xtzii.e, as ever a slave under his master’s lash obeyed him. But when these leaders of mine Assembled in Washington in full control of all the three branches of our legislative government the scales over my political eyes com menced to fall off and I thank God that Ido now see and know that these spurious democratic leaders are just what they lead me to be lieve you were. I saw my president and party fully enthroned at Washington and witnessed them debauch them selves and violate every pledge and promise they bad made to us. I have witnessed a sight in your nomination ot Bryan for president, that shows patriotism and love for country and humanity that >x cells in devotion to principle and political rectitude any act ever before heard of in the whole world, and it makes my heart beat ! with .joy andgriiijjucie *-•> -fee. I 1 have limbered mv political for tunes with tli' populist party. Let old Jones and the dirty and detestable political skunks like him call us and our noble leaders by all the vile and mean names they can invent and relegate us to the negro clans where we, as he lias said, ought to be; but in spite of his venom, and hatred .we will stand true to Bryan and Watson and power damn his bell weather Arthur Sewall who all his life has been with the gang of ban kers, railroad kings and trusts who have impoverished all. I know little young Jackasses over Georgia who are yelping after Jones and Sewall and in their big oted political ignorance denoun cing Tom Watson and such men are a dishonor to their state and section and a disgrace to the name of'lhe parents they have prostitu ted the names. The young bigoted sots of Geor gia who after 1400 delegates repre senting 1,800,000 free men can have the impudence and mean uses to slander and belie Tom Watson aftr his nomination unanimously by the St, Louis con vention ought to be slaves for the ring rule, ballot thieves of Geor gia for all time to come. It makes my blood hot to hear such upstarts slander and traduce Watson whose shoe strings they are unworthy to unloose, just be cause their lieing leaders have taught them to so do. Their tongue ought to swell and burst when pronouncing his- name in slanderous language. You populist for years and years have had heaped upon you every vile and mean name that is known to the English language and this venom has given you 10 recruits where you have lost one coward and tr it or,. Errors when combat ted will sink, luj truth when crushed to earth will rise again and the populist have truth for their guide and it makes no differ ence who or what party name gives reliof to thiscountro your princi ples will have to be inaugurated if prosperity eVor blesses the common people of Ameri :a. The blind leaders of their blind followers travels down into our black belt sections where not ten negroes out of one hundred would vote the democratic ticket and through bribery of them, and ballot box stuffing manufacture a fraudulent vote that counts out white voters and installs over us the thieves and sc undrels who manipulate these frauds. We are told to purge and purify these democratic wrongs by re maining m the party. If we had dene this Bryan never would have been nominated by them and the populist sword of correction hang ing over them is all the thing in this world that can make them even promise to do right. You might as well hope to see the damned in hell make a heaven oc rest and peace f r its inmates; as to purify the democratic party from within irs own ranks. Three-fourths of the most reliable holiest upright men and women have quit it and become amocrats indeed by joining the populist and in fact the true and Jeffersonian democrats and Lincoln republicans are all fast coming into ycur party where no divisions on tariff finances and other great reforms are either known or tolerated When you meet a democrat, or repub lican yon don’t know whether he is for or against a protective tariff, silver or any other great reformation; but-one item in the tolitical bill ot accouut are t-bey united upon and that one is for office aud spoils thorn it. This last is applicable only to their leaders and how in heaven’s name can you purify these parties under suoii leadership. Tunes now are very much like they were in ISiiO when that party nomina ted two presidential candidates. The abolition or republican party then as now lead the waring factions on as Liiey-kiuimkJH a’great humanitarian is sue. The whigs trader Bell and Everett held out the olive branch of peace aud waved the white fi ig of brotherly love between these great waring factions and bid themto pause and be calm without avail. I saw then that the union or whig party was lor union, peace and prosper ity and went with them. I now see under the people’s partv banner that floats Bryan aud Watson flag to the breeze the only party which gives promise and hope to my country. If this ticket can triumph all will be peace aud prosperity. If the republicans under McKinley triumph that party under a single gold standard aud high protective tariff will have reversed its action of 1860 and re establish white and black slavery under more goading and degraded servitude than that was we had prior to the war. African bondage was nothing to com pare with the gold bondage the Hanna- McKiuley republicans intend to bind us down under if they are successful. No intelligent, well posted man can for one moment doubt the truth of this prophe sy. Iu i960 I predicted a war as the result of the Elections and this idea was hooted at and treated with contempt and I told my friends I would (being largely inter ested in negro slavery) prefer to give up my entire interest in them rather than to see a war inaugurated for protection to slave ownership: The war came and was ended and with it ended negro slavery as I fore saw and predicted. Ido not believe this election will re sult in a war, but if the single gold standard republicans under the Hanna and McKinley rale is established over this Country, I believe it will entail more wars, sorrows, miseries and wretchedness than any war has ever inflicted upon any country in the whole world. Already we can see its awful conse quences all over our laud. 3,000,000 tralnps hungry, starving and wandering over the country seeking and not find ing labor all on accouut of money con traction. Our country is growing under full productions in fo and and other p odurts of the spinid s an i looms and our coun trymen going half clad and fed because they cannot get l ib >r with the proceeds from which they can purchase food aud raiment. Just before oar la e war our m n no ted as statesmensbip and great men were the most stupidly, b ind and igno rant of any class we ha 1, and it seems to me that such is tue truth. Alauyo: these od and young men told us there would be no war, and if there was they would drink aJ the blood spilt, that one southern man could lick five yanks etc , aud when it did come such men in many instances never load ed a guu or tried to lies one yank; but got boom proof statio is anti pfleeced the whole Southern land. Methinks they arey now working for more lucrative positions aud that they intend to fl ieoe every lamb the can de ceive into .voting their way. Give us more irredeemable greenbacks, silver free coinage. In short, more money aud less misery ani the great populist creed of Initiative and Refer endum and Imperative Mandate system; so we can settle great political ques tions and without much political friction. Will we vote for what we ought to pray for in October and November? Col. Massey made a goldbug-McKin ley speech near here lately but he failed to tell his republican friends facts as to ree coinage of silver. Can any McKinley man tell me why ttie silver in a do lar prior to its demon etization in 1873 was worth Scents more than the gold in a gold dollar. Was it not on account- of its right to free aud unlimited coinage under our legislation then? I it was not its government fiat qual ities what was it that made it dearer than gold and gold more abundant and more in general circulation than was silvei ? If tree coinage of silver prior to 1873 d:d not drive gold out of America and put us upon a silver basis how or why could free coinage of gold and silver do tins? I want these goltiiugs to explain this to me before they ask us to help them to establish a dearer and dishonest sin gle gold standard. They are advocating shylocks dishon est dollar where they cry down silver and up gold. Gold is our oppressors and shvlocVs j money and the poor ignorant fool wiio j votes to engraft it. upon this country wi.l c -st his vote to enslave himself and family , A single fail'd st ilidaidmeans bondage find universal slavery to the moneyed olass and many poor ignorant fools will vote for it These money devils of America have heir claim i already forged which to bind us to this damnable scheme of rob b ry and ruin, and if the people vote to have themselves shackled under it they ought to bear the cross of gold that will press them down under it. A man who hasn’t got common sense enough to know that all this hear and cry ab .ur .31 c nts silver dollar and abou 1 a sound dollar when ft is stamped by onr government aud by law made ale gal tender, is the lies of money sharks ought to be in the lunatic asylum, in stead of exercising the right of a ballot with which to impoverish and ruin himself and fallowmen. He isn’t worth as much to the human race in any sense of bettering it as is a rotten knot on a hickory stick. What is the difference between Cleve land democracy and McKinley republi canism; none under the sun unless it is as Sam Jones says one is high cock a lo rum and the other is low cock-a hiratn, one is tweedle-dee aud the other is twee dle-dum aud they remind me more of the dutchn\.au’s tale as to a bad smell than anything else on earth. He said just take two or three bed bugs aud two or three tumble bugs and roll them up together and he had just as soon [smell nothing at all. The goldbug democrats under Cleve land and Carlisle aud the goldbug re publicans under the Sherman aud Han na each have their candidates and roll them together and you can’t tell which is totlier under the best financial sme'l in America. They are political skunks that will stink themselves to death as wall as follow after them. The pure and honest republicans un der Teller aud the same kind of demo crats under Bryan have disowned and denounced them and every honest dem ocrat, republican, populist iu the United States ought to join hands aud hearts iu one united and supreme effort to anni hilate them at the November election. God in mercy, love and kindness help us all to sink party aud do this by voting for Bryan aud Watson. John Gray Bynum. Miscellaneous Items. We have just been scant)ii irjjpver the damnable campaign circulars that’s being sent out ever the state 1> V Bill Atkinson and his depraved co-workers. It is enough to make the blood boil in an honest man’s veins to read such base literature, an<t the more so when we see men who claim to he respectable still posing as the friends of this arch enemy of our state. Since the campaign opened in Georgia there lias not been .me word uttered by Atkinson’s gang to encourage those who are laboring for the building up of a better citizenship. ' On the other hand, these men are doing everything possible to lower the standard of moral sentiment, to encourage the vicious and degraded element of people, both white and black, to thrust upon us a set of officers elected pledged to the crim inal and debauched element of the state, men who oncourago crime of the most heinous typo, men who to day are boasting over the act of freeing a black devil after twice having outraged -in innocent white woman, men who are promising to do more of this pardoning business if these tow down wretches will vote for Bill Atkinson, . It S9ems to us that no one who honors virtue, no one who believes m the protection of the peaceful homes and the sweet womanhood of his state c- uld ask himself the question “must I support the deni ooratic nomin-e for governor? But it seems to us that a cry should come from the depth of every man’s soul that we will not sit idly by and allow Bill Atkinson, Steve Glay and a lot of debased scoundrels to wage such a low; vi- cious damnable campaign in the grand old state of Georgia, The manhood of the state should rise in mass and say to these polit ical devils, “thou shaltgo no fur ther.” Wo believe in a free pr<>s and free speech, but wo / iu', opposed to to the encouragement of crime at any time and by any one, and wo are doubly opposed the fostering of crime when it comes to the chief executive "of a state bidding for office through his executive clemency toward the brutal and fioudish element ot the races. No man who has any respect for the better element of the state, who loves his mother, his wife, his daughter can support Bill Atkin son. This is neither populism uor de mocracy, but it’s pure and una dulterated Georgianism, and a Georgian who is so partizan that ho cannot rise above party preju dice to help defeat such a political prostitute as Bill Yellow Stone Kit, is a disgrace to his state and a sore on the community iu which he lives. Don’t say our words are too hard. We are only saying what you know to be true. Think of the fair daughters of Georgia, think of the bid that Bill Atkinson is making to the low and vicious element of the colored vo ter, agitating crimes of the most disgraceful kind saying: I stand behind .you and if the courts convict you I will pardon you. Bill Atkinson in his disgraceful circular to the colored people vir tually says —go to the homes of the respectable white and colored peo ple, drag there .from, insult, and assault the mother, the wife aud the sweet girls that nestle around the family altar, treat them as seemoth good in thy sight, and if the law overtakes you I will deliv er you. Don’t you remember Adolphus Duncan who twice out raged a white woman and was sen tenced to hang, why. says Atkiu son, I pardoned him, and if you re-elect me g vi-rnor I will do much more for your race. To vote for Atkinsod menus the following: Barrooms, ba lot box staffer I ', black rapist, boodle dogs, bootlicks, bad laws, bad in jrals and a bad man. Who can -i > it? 'We wait to see, J. L. M. Worse than Tyranny. The sale o L iwrenoe B. Peak into iuvo uutarv servitude at Elizabethtown Ky., in the ear y part oi the month, is only a sample of whut the American people will co lie to unles? they reas sert their in iopesdei.i eiu tones more vigorous tiian polite. The spectacle of an American c tiz n being auctioned from tire block lo the highest bidder, and bound into a taskmaster’s care for sl2 75 is enough to make revoluiionary blood leap to the veins oT Benedict Ar nold. and any legislator, be he from Kentucky or Sieberia, who won and vote for such a law directly antagonizing not only the constitution, but human decency, ought to be crucified on a por cupine cross warmed to white heat. The same officer who soid this indi vidual auctioned off a jackass immedi ately after from the same block, aud fiendishly remarked that the animal would bring more than the man, which it did soiling ior s.'7. Asa justification o: the outrage, the officers allege that the man was a cjmmon drunkard, a sot, a scapegrace, and the shame of the town. Hid he never drawn a sober breath from tne time of his bir:h aud committed crimes which would put Os car Wilde to shame, no justification would appear for Che sale of Human fljs.-i in a civilized nation, aud ihe pro ceed, ng is more of a di-graco co this Kentucky hamlet than a regim mt of wnisitey sots could pos icily be. It is Russian injustice Americanized and ty ranny gone to .seed.—st L mis J i-arnal. THE HOUSEHOLD. Up t.o Date Picture Hanging The Work Can Wait—Peach Marmalade- A Pretty Dish For Dessert. The advanced and improved arts of the present include the hanging of pic tures. Well arranged pictures are not hung in regular order—one large picture in the center of a wall with smaller Duos at each' side, as was the fashion of onr foremothers—and consequently an inartistic eye must criticise at first and perhaps dislike- the seoniiu£iy less; stud ied effect. But a writer in Decorator and Furnisher affirms that time will remedy this defect and discourses as fol lows on picture hanging as it should be practiced: The average reader is trying to make much out of little, and at the present time it needs not a heavy purse to sup ply attractive colors for our walls. Let us say for the average parlor, allowing for space consumed by doors and win dows, we can use eight pictures. The largest should not be more than 20 by 24 inches, and two of this size are suffi cient We have six more to furnish. These should range from (S by 8 inches to 16 by 18 inches. Water colors of these dimensions, with an inch frnmo of a white wood, or painted white, will harmonize best with the average wall. These water col ors, even by our best artists, are not expensive aud altogether add tone to a room if properly arranged. No matter how many or how expensive your paint ings may be, the beauty of tho room they are in depends mainly on the stylo used in the hanging of them. Photographs of paintings by old mas | ters are good substitutes for the real ar j tides and with a narrow frame of pol- I ished oak make interesting aR well as 1 attractive bits for our walls. Etchings, too, may be used to advantage, if good ; taste is displayed in the selection of subjects. Above all things, do not hang these small pictures from a molding. A one inch pin nail will not damage tho I finest wall and when withdrawn will not leave a mar behind. A nail of this size will hold many pounds of weight, and the effect obtained by the absence of cord or picture wire will fully compen sate for tho damage (lone if by accident | one should be unfortunate in tho driv ; ing of the nail. Odd plates of Davenport or Stafford ■ shire ware or Dresden china are used to I great advantage for wall decorations, rounding and smoothing tho sharp angles or spaces that cannot be reached by pictures and helping to cover tho long, unbroken walls so often ( ..coun tered in the averago iiouso and which ; are a perfect bugbear to tho decorator. The Spartan Helots were so called from the name of their city, Helos, which refused to acknowledge tho sov ereignty of Lacedaemon aud was de stroyed by the Spartans. A glass of cold water tho first thing after rising and the last before retiring is strengthening to tho stomach and good for inaction of tho bowels, dyspep sia and all the troubles caused by a sed entary life.