The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 20, 1896, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST I VOL. IV ORDERS, liodg-o No. 383, ( vv in ier) Officers—N. J. Kelly. W. M , W. ZHill. S. W , J. H .Tankson, J. W., A. W. Willi inis, Sec Meets every 2nd Friday a 3o’c ock. S TANARUS, Ross, N. Or , D Y Hod/ges, V. G., W. H. She,its, Sec., H. S. Tieas. Meei-e every Ist and yrd Monday nights ' 1% OFEB HIOKNTAI... - \ ' fit W. H. QUARTERMAN, Attorney at Law, Winder, Ga Prompt attention given to ail legal matters. Insurance and Real Estate agent. TjOHIT H. SIKES, Attorney at Law,B Winder, Ga^ Offi .e in Jackson Building^" A* HAMILTON, Undertaker Winder, Ga, Wareroom ana residence near Methodist Church. Office at resi dence. Hearse and attendance when desired. dr. w. e. SHARP, WINDER, - GEORGIA, Office over DeLaPerriere’s drug store. "natKEiiiii®* CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, Winder - Georgia. Plans and specifications furnish ed on application. A our patron age solicited. mm RAILROAD^ STONE MOUNTAIN ROUTE. A. G. JACKSON JOE W. WHITE Gen’l Pass, Agt. Trav. Pass. Agt. AUGUSTA, GA. J. W. KIRKLAND, Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. W, C. BOYKIN, Land Agen. I Augusta,Ga., March 30th, 1896. All persons holding lands in the Counties traversed by the Georgia Railroad, which they desire to sell, wil please send descriptions and pri ces, so that such lands may be ad vertised in the North ard North west. “Description blanks furnished on application to W. C. BOYKIN, Land Agent, Georgia Railroad, Augusta, Ga. BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY AT WHOLE | SALE PRICES. 1 Save Sealers and Apis PROFITS. | Sewing Machines Shipped any where. 150,000 in j use. Write descriptive circulars and prices free to J. H. SNEED, S. M CO., Newborn, - .Tenn. WINDER, GEORGIA FRIDAY AUGUST 20 1890 raiiim! A word to the wise is sufficient. If you wish to get your dollars value you had better stay clear of of the high price shops who get from one to two hundred per cent, profit on all they sell. We believe in 16 to 1, 16 in your favor and 1 for us. We have ;fl.ced purpose Jn ronjp-ug oifr-chop, and that is to gain Old ones stay with us. Our man ner in dealing with our c ustcmers is such, they are so well pleasedjthey will pull for us all the while, However, we are never sat isfied with our number of custom ers, we always want to increase our friends. So in order to attract a iittle more attention, we open up now besides our special sale already advertised, a CHEWING TOBAC CO SPECIAL for a short time. We happened upon a job lot of good Toacco that we fully guar antee at prices hardly to be reach ed by any wholesale house in the country. And to show our friends what we can do, will sell a nice chew at twenty cents per pound. The other special articles are still going like wild fire. Come right along and get what you want. DABNEY BROS, Gut-Price People. Winder, Ga. Hardware Store- Watson’s Eloquence. Yos, he went to behold ami was con quered, and the Queen of Sheba, when she went to visit King Solomon, the half had not been told. Last Friday morning about three o’ clock, I was aroused from my peaceful slumbers by the barking of flee dogs, and by some one rushing up the front steps, two at a time, and shaking the front door as it a cyclone had struck it. Jumping up, striking a light, and peering cautiously out to see if it was burglars, I opuneu the door and in rushed my better half, who seemed terribly excited. “Tom Watson 1” he What is it 1 cried! Is he at’aß*ufateia K Woman like, I b'egau to ask him a ctoz eu questions, all in one breath. Did you see hitn? Did you see him? Were there many people out? Did they cheer him much? Twisting his mouth to one side and shutting one eye, lie said: ‘•You ne e-over saw the like.” Spring ing off his chair, and rushing madly up and down the room, waving his arms, he exclaimed: “There never was or ever will bo such a man.' 1 If lam in twenty-five miles of him when he speaks again 1 am going to hear him. ‘•My dear,” says 1 rasher timidly, I have always been told that it is danger ous to fool with a man even when he is so much as two sheets in the wind. Did you go to the bar room in Atlanta? “You go to grass, madam,” he exclaim ed. Yes, he hoard and saw the great Tom Watson, the man of maguetic in fiuence, who so thrills and electrodes his audience, that he can make them laugh or weep at his pleasure. Who by simply waving his hand can quiet a multitude of 5,000 people. 1 myself, af ter reading his speeches, have often wished I could help him battle for the rights of our “Bonnie Southand” and restore her to her former prosperity, and into full sisterhood with the North ern and Eastern states. Why is it we never have any presi dent or vice-president from the South? Why docs the land look so desolate, the people are leaving Gecg* flocking to ojfi'.nr eta (os. ’’ proud of you.- fellow countrymen, and to think he was born and bred on Geor gia soil. Every Georgian who has a spark of patriotism in him ought to vote for him regardless of party or prejudice. Show him that you appre ciate what he has done for the people. Don’t wait until he is dead and build him a monument, but show your appre ciation now. Wnat a strange thing is the human mind, in him as verified the ancient adage, “An honest man is the noblest work of God. ” Why is it this man who is so physically weak, with the gigantic brain, and great heart that beats in unison with the laboring class es, by his magical eloquence, and ad hereiug to principles has so endeared himself to the people that’s his friends, would gladly lay down their life for him To them he is not Mr. Watson or the Honorable Mr. Watson, but just Tom, Tommie, our Tom. He has the foresight of Hill combined with the cautious shrewedness of Stephens, and tempered with just euough of the flerv impetuosity of Bona part, to make him a leader suitable for the times. Step by step almost alone and single handed, he has fought his way amidst a storm of abuse and con tumely until to day he stands as one of the grandest, most patriotic men in Arnerioa. Is it any wonder the people idolize him? To whom shall thj tnrn for deliverance' Where it,' the Moao. - if not him, then who? If ever the peo ple needed a leader now is the time. Western people, join with us and help us get our rights, Wo bear our Noth eru and Eastern brothers no malice, bat we think after cowering and cringing at the feet of our conquerors lor over thirty years, it is time to unite in ear nest. Our troubles before were settled by bullets aud bayonets; let us hope they will be settled differently this time. It is said, “The pen is than the sword.” Hoping there is’ some truth in this we will assail them with tongue and pen, and pray the Al 4 mighty that he will endow our orators! and public men with divine eloquence aud the wisdom of Solomon to outwtfg our enemies. D. D. m South Carolina famers are using the wire for thejr cotton. <'■* anything to break the trust. NO. 34.