The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, August 20, 1896, Image 5

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I 'l ii i@> reserved for EODGESCAMP ARNOLD A CO, tWlio are tilling up their store with fall and winter .gioA. They have big lot of Bagging imd Tir v rady tobwap up /(his crop of eotton. They will th 4 V?arniers gdt the top of the market, intend that Winded will pay as much for cotton as any other town in G<feorg’a, Atlanta and Athens not excepted. ' Several went to Athens on the excur sion Saturday night. Mr. R. L. Hc/use, of Statham, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. R L. Rogers has returned and will buy cotton here this season. Mrs. Chamblee, of Jacksonville, Fla, visited Mrs. S. L. Carter this week. Dr. J. M. Bosworth h3S returned to Atlanta. Miss Bettie Kidd, of Jefferson, has returned to enter Winder Ins itute. Mr. L. J. McElhannon went to At lanta Tuesday on business. Mr. I. E. Teagle has r j turned to his home at Luthersville. Mr. and Mrs. H J. Garrison spent Sunday at Hosclxton. Miss Ida Shipley, of Atlanta, is visi ting Mrs. E L. McDaniel on Candler I street. '''Aire. C. 'M.^'dvgusdiir l Vio'.aug' ivt Gainesville this week. Mrs. E. M. Edwards after a pleasant visit to relatives in Walton county has returned home. Miss Birdie Wood, of Dacula, is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Rainey j 1 this week. Messrs. John ;*llsaps, Jim Segars, Obe Smith and Jim Ethridge played bail at Hoschton Saturday. Messrs. J. J. and C. H. Horton, are up from Milan this week, the guests of their parents. Miss Eula Middlebrooks, of Farming ton has returned to Winder, &nd will enter Winder Institute. Mr. G. W. Griffeth and family, of Dodd City, Tex., are visiting relatives here for several weeks. Miss Alice Cunningham, of Adairs ville, arrived ill the city this week atjd will enter Winder Institute. Hodges, Camp, Arnold & Cos., sell good Rice 33 pounds for SI.OO. Any cne w suing to buy slmats or pigs will do well to see Jas. L. M. Gunniu Mulberry, Ga. Mrs. Fannie Wright and children, of I^otne, are visiting friends and relatives -Q°'\city for several days. g/jh, B Middlebrooks, of Farming- Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. t. C. Poole. ■Mr. E A. Starr has returned after leading several days with his parents t Logansville. I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stephens after /isiting Mr. and Mrs. J- R- Arnold for several days have returned-hcme. Miss Clara McGaughey, of Monroe, i, visiting Miss Sallie Jackson this week. The little folksjhad a sociable at the residence of Mrs. McElroy Wednesday night. It was highly enjoyed by all who attended. Messrs. Fred Wayne and Homer Crossly, of Monroe, visited Misses Mat. tie and Claud Coker last Sunday even. fag. Mr. S. R. Campbell, of Monti cello, is in the city. He will have charge of the Planters Warehouse this season for Benton Bros. <& Withan. See his card (elsewhere. Mr. S. L. Carter is at home this week Miss Daisy Bash has returned homo after spending several weeks visiting relatives at Carlton. We are sorry to chronicle the illness of Mr. H C. Betts, and hope he may soon recover. The little infant of Mr. and Mrs J. H. Stewart died last Friday night. They have the sympathy of their many friends in thier bereavement. Grapes for sale—lo,ooo pounds by J. M. Jackson, Winder, Ga. Miss Janie Luper, of Gainesville, passed through the city Monday enroute to North Carolina. Buy the celebrated Standard Sawing Machine from Hodges, Camp, Arnold & Cos. Nothing better. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright died last Monday. Its remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Cedar Creek church Tuesday afternoon.- We extend to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy. C. Will Fisher, Photographer, from, Dyjmoyest, Gi.. wi]’ -v>n be V : n Winder 'w&PpiioWgfaphile work. Hh under | stands his business and does good work. Save agents profits by buying Pianos, Or - gans and Sewing Ma chines at Conaway’s Music House, Athens. Six weeks ago I suffered with a very j severe cold; was alino.*, unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult a physician. Noticing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy advertised in St. Paul Yolks Zeiitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was entirely well. I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suffering with a cold. Wm. Keil, fUS Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by H. C. Poole Druggist, Winder, Ga. I Just received, car of Ladd’s Lime. DABNEY BROS. S nce 1878 there have been nine epi demics of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery when epidemic, is almost a severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Hereto fore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its rav ages, this remedy, however has cured the mest magnilant cases, both of chil dren and adults, and under the most trying conditions, which proves it to be the best medicine in the world for bow el.complaints. For saia by H. C. Poole, druggist, Winder Ga. Wanted! Any one having one hundred or one hundred and fifty acres of well improved land for sale for cash will do well to call on the undersigned. J. ,J. Moore. Bethlehem, Ga. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by H. C. Pool a. In Memoriam. [By J. H. Bailßy ] In memory of Miss Lizzie Opholja Gnnuin daugoter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L M. Gunmn, who died Jane 27th 1896, aged 17 years, 2 months and 0 days As her instructor and one well ac quainted with her it is pleasant for us to say that she has left behind her, ex amples which many of us would do well to imitate. Mi.-s Ophelia joined the Methodist Episcopal church when about 12 years of age aud since that time she had been devoted to its ordinances. She was regular jaud prompt in her place At Sunday School and a groat love er of good iicerature as shown from ihe selections which sh has lain away, gathering as she did the very richest. At home or abroad she was kind and gentle, to kuow her was to love her, and omy those who knew her best, knew test how to appreciate her life. To the family in their sorrow we ex tend our .sympathy an pray that God may smile upon them from the throne iu the skies aud help them to !, ar tli’is Vml dispensation wr.'Jh pAtiencwJlook .n;-, 1 Auto .k-Ju, 1® Vu V 1 The large attendance which *inet \the corps at old Bethlehem to pay she last tribute of respect, showed that her friends reached as far as she was known. Rev. J. D. Milton preached an im pressive and touching sermon and warned the living to prrparo for the same road. Farewell Ophelia we miss you here but we feel sure that the angels will be proud of their new companion. Rest in your sweet abode until we shall meet you and all gather at the river that flows by tae throne of God. A sample ui her selections of poetry: • Lord, speak to me, that 1 may speak In living echoes ot thy tone; As thou Uasc sought so let me seek Tny erring cmldren, lost and lone. O, lead me. Lord, that I may lead 1 The wanutruig and the wrvermg feet; O, leed me Lord, that I may teed Thy hungering ones with manna sweet. O, strengthen me, ijliat while I stand Firm on the rock, and strong iu thor, I may stretch out a loving hand To wrestlers wit a tae troubled sea. O, teach me, Lord, that I may teach The precious ihiugs thou oust impart; And wing my that they may reach The hiduen depths of many a heart. O, give thine own sweet rest to me, That I may speak with soothing pow er A word m season, as from thee To weary one* iu needuiLiqji.% O, fill me with thy fullness, Lord Until my very heart o’erflow Id kindling thought and glowing word Thy love to tell, thy praise O, use me Lord—use even me, Just as thou wilt, when and where, Until thy blestsed face 1 see, Thy rest, thy joy, thy glory to share. —Frances Ridley Huvergul. Notice! The trustees of Bold Spring school are requested to meet at Bold Springs on the first Saturday iu Sept, at 2 o’clock p. m. to select a teacher for said school. Applications may be handed to either of the trustees. No one need apply except first grade teachers. JB M P. Wooo. Jl Pret Trustees. July 5. 1896. Old papers for sale at+his office 15 ets. per hundred- To The Planters Of Jackson, Walton and Gwinnett: Having leased the Planters Cotton Ware house at Winder we will be prepared to handle all of your cotton tins season iu a most satisfactory manner. It will cost you nothing to have your cotton weigiied here and will give you five days free storage—tiuu in wiitcii to sell to the best advantage. After five and; ys it will cost you 25 cents oer mouthstorag; and lOcmts per month insurance, per bale Cotton weighed by an expert aud sworn scales man Bank of Winder will loan money oil Warehouse receipts S. R. Campbell, Manager. School Notice! The trustees of Steed's Academy will receive application from teachers until Friday, bept 4ci>, aniPwill elect a teach er on that clay ior anotner year. R. N. Pentecost, G. W. Hammond, Clim'n fcecty. MY litr'e bfi-j ,viien two << ?:jy of eg/ was taken veif .ill with b',dirty flux 1 was advised cJuse Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Run j dy, anil luckily procuredjpart of a hot tie. I care fully read the directions and gave it ac cordingly. He was very low, but slow ly and surely he began to improve, gradually recovered, and is stout and strong as ever. I feel sure it saved him. I never can praise the Remedy half its worth. lam sorry every one in the world does not know how good it is, as I do—Mrs. Linaß. Hintou, Grahams ville, Marion Cos., Florida. For sale by H C. Pode, Winder Ga. Mr. H. F. Elliott and Miss Dora At taway, of Mulberry, wore united in marriage last Sunday morning at the residence of Rev. H. N. Rainey, in this city. The ceremony was performed, in his usual happy stvle. oy Rev. H N. Rainey, after which h • y -iri on min -departed for their hr n THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE M’F’6 CO, A. Grade, Leather Tod, - $85,00. A. Grade quarto Leather To]). - SBO,OO. B. Grade Leather T< p, $75.00. B. Grade quarto Leather Top, - $70.00. B. Grade Rubber Top, - *67.60. The Acme quarto Leather Top * * * $57.50. The Acme Rubber Top. - $50.00. furnish any kind of Spring or Top wanted. If you want a GOOD I can snve you money on it. B* P. WIMiIAM®, Winder, Ga. Walton Committee Meeting. The excutive committee of the the People’s Party of Walton county and the oauuidates of said party are request ed to meet in Monroe, Tuesday, Aug, Voth, at 10 o’clock. Important business —let everyone be present. H. H. G. Preston. Cnm’u Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junotion City 11.., was told by her doctors site had Consumption and that there was no hope for her - out two bottles Dr. King’s New Discovery completely cured her and she say icsiivert her life. Mr. Thos, Eggers. fill! Florma San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, aoproaohing Con sumption. tried withous result every thing el<e men bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery audio twe weeks was cured. He ua'urully thankful. It is sucn results, oi wlnon ihosj are sam ples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of un uiuuicine in Coughs and Coals. Free irial tootles at H. u. Poole’s, Drug Store. Regular size 50c. andOO. Mr. T. C. Conaway, of Athens, was in oho eit" this week. , / \ Col. Mahaffey’s Appomtments. i Diamond Hill (at night) August 19th. Jones’ Chapel 3 p in. “ 20th. Clarksboro 3 p m “ 22ud Hrschton 3p m. “ 2fith Wir.dtr 2p m Sept. sth. FREE PILLS. Send your adores* to H E. Buoklenox Cos., Chicago, and g-ta tree sample box of Dr, King’s New Life P.lls A trial will convince you of th'-ir merits. These pill are easy in action and are particularly effective in the of Constipa tion and Sick Headache: For Malaria and Liver troubles they nave been proved invaluable- They are guaran teed to be perfectly free from e verv del eterions substance and to be pu rely veg etable. They do not weaken bv their action, but by giving tone to stomach and b> wils greatly invigorate the svs t<m Regu .tr size 25c. per box, Sold oy 1 C rino'ii, Druggist.