The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, January 05, 1899, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL. VS. Cuba is Transferred To Our Government Stars sml Stripes 'May Float Oyer Mom Me, tlie Governor General's Palace in Havana. 7 and Over All Public Buildings. THE FORMAL CHANGE YESTERDAY AT NOON Ceremonies in the Salon of the Palace Brief, Simple and Cour teous —There is no Display of Over-Rejnicu. jar on the Part of the Victors, Pat the American Flags are Cheered By Thous ands of the Natives —The Spanish Officials Break Down and Weep. Havana, Jan 2, —The American iiag is today floating over Morro Castle, tlie governor general’s pal ace in Havana and all public buildings in Cuba. The change of sovereignly was made at noon yesterday with brief but impress ive ceremonies. The formal transfer was made in the salon of the palace, and the ceremonies consisted in an ex change of speeches, at which time the Spanish flags were hauled dow r n, the stars and stripes run up and the two flags saluted. No crowds were permitted to congest iu tne streets, especially in front of the public buildings, but on the house-tops in ihe neighborhood of each place where the flags were hundreds of people, and the Amer ican flags were loudly cheered as they were floated to the breeze. Guards Enter Tne Plaza. At 9 o’clock a guard composed of the Second battalion of the Tenth infantry marched into the Piaza de Armas, undor command of Captain Van Vlite, and formed around the square. Captain Gen eral Castellanos watched them with interest from the balcony of his apartments as they entered the Square and were stationed at all of the streets approaching the plaza. No one'was allowed to enter with out a pass, and all the doors of the palace facing the square were ordered to be closed, With the guard was the baud of the Second Illinois regiment, whiqb had been selected for the occasion. With the band were the buglers of the Eighth and Tenth infantry. The weather was warm, the sun bursting at inter vals through the light clouds, and the soldiers in blue who were forced to stand in the sun found the heat oppressive. The troops were formed m extended order around the square, three pacts apart, and the baud was massed in front of the palace entranco across the street at the edge of the park. Brigadier General Clous, the m ister of the day, at 10:33 o clock issued instructions to the officers who were to take charge of the va rious departments of the govern ment at 12 o’clock, Colonel Dud ley was assigned to the depart ment of justice, office of the secre tary of the captain general; Major WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1899. L. W. V. Kennon, adjutant gener al of the department, to the de partmentof commerce and agri culture; Colonel T. U. Bliss, of the commissary department, to the treasury ; Captaid Frank B. Han na. assistant adjutant general to the department of public instruc tion. and Colonel Duuwoody. of the signal corps, to the public works department. Each of these officers was instructed thus: ‘ On the tiring of the last gun of the first twenty-one at noon you are to go to the place assigned you and demand possession of the ofTne ill the name of the United States.” Tkesa orJers were given under the arcade of the palace. Each officer had with him a Cuban inter t preter, a group of whom stood by clad in dark clothes and wearing silk hats. In the carriage nearby were the American flags which were to be raised at various points. Cuban Generals Present. At 11:10 Major General Wade and Major General Butler, of the American evacuation commission, arrived from El Vedado 011 horse back, accompanied by their staffs. They were met by Brigadier Gen eral®Clous and Major T. Bentley Mott, of General Ludlow’s staff. About the same moment Lucien J. Jerome, British vice consul, ar rived. He was warmly greeted by the American officers. Major General John R. Brooke, governor of Cuba, and Major Gen eral Ludlow, governor of the city of Havana, accompanied by their staffs, arrived at the half-past 11 o’clock in carriages, General Brooke and General Adna R. Chaffee, General Brooke’s chief of staff, in the first carriage. In tajh of the other carriages rode a Cuban general with Ameri can officers. The Cubans were Generals La cret, Mario Menocal, Mayia Rod riguez, Serafin Sanchez, Jose Mig uel Gomez, Nodarte, Rafael de Cardenas, Agramete and Tidal and Colonel Vaiiente. , As the carriages drove up the second company of the Thirty eighth Spanish infantry, under command of Colonel Don Rafael Salamanca, presented arms and the American band started up with “The Stars and Stripes For ever,” the Spanish colonsl salut ing. At 11:45 Major General Lee, military governor of the province of Havana, with his staff, joined General Brooke. The latter then crossed the rtreet to the palace, General Lee on one side of him and General Chatle on the other, followed by the other Americm generals and the CubausVore dark blua uniforms, brown felt hats and gray gloves and they carried machetes Spaniard Presents Arms. A flourish of trumpets greeted the procession aud the Spanish troops presented arms as the Americans entered the palace. The Cubans remained outside un til escorted in by members of General Brooke’s staff, the Span ish soldierly remaining all the while at “present arms,” As soo r. as all were withiu the Spanish troops formed columns of fours and marched around the right side cf the plaza to the docks, while the baud of the Second Illinois volunteers p- vyed the “Spanish Royal March.” On entering the palace the American generals went to the 3alon facing the plaza, which is on the second floor. It is a lofty chamber decorated with mirrors of doep gift frames, white satin drap eries and the scarlet arms of Spain over each door and window, Ho-e were gathered two members of i h • captain general’s stall. Colonel Gel pi, Lieutenant Colonels Belled, Girauta and Bonitas, Major Prie go, Captain Ritent and Captain Adolfo and Ramon Castellanos, sons of the captain general. Captain General Castelianos was at this time in a private room olf the throne room, He had given a farewell breakfast at 10 o’clock to the members of his stall and had spent the rest of the morning virtually alone, looking at the Americans from the balcony. The Americans now grouped them selves near a large mirror between the two central, windows, the Spanish staff being on the right, while on the left were the Ameri cai> staffs, the Cuban generals and the correspondents. Enemy Meets Enemy. Suddenly Captain General Castelia nos entered the salon without ceremony from the left and greeted General Brooke and others. After shaking bands, General Brooke sat upon a sofa, while General Castellanos moved to ward the group of Cuban generals British Vice Consul Jerome iutro duced him to General Mayia Rodriguez Shaking both tne nauds of the Cuban officer, in the usual Spanish fashion, Ganeral Castellanos said: “We have been enemies, but I res pect you for your correct attitudes and opinions. I have pleasure in shaking youi hand.’’ General Rodriguez replied: “I thaak you. general. I feel sorry for the Spanish army which has defen ded the bauuer it was sworn to defend. I also have pleasure in shaking your hands.” “Captain General Castellanos then took his position near Maj >r G moral Brooke. Tne buzz of conversation on the American side of the chamber con trasted with the silence on the Spanish side. There was a marked difference, too,S between Americans and Spaniards, the former tall, heavy and wearing mich gold cord; the latter small and slight, in blue striped cambric uniforms. The Spaniards were depressed the Ameri cans were correspondingly buoyant. At the last stroke of 12 the boom of a gun brought all to the point in tho room where stood the captai 1 general, who was talking with an American offi car. Immediately all was silence. The captain general stepped to the left, tak iug his position directly in front of his staff. On his right stood Captain J. S. Hart interpreter to the United States military commission. Next to Captain Hart, in the order named, were Gener als Chaffee, Brooke, Ludlow, Lee, Wade Butler and Cicus. Immedsately behind Chaffee was Sonator John W. Daniel, of Virginia. “The Star Spangled Banner.” At this momrnt the baud on the plaza was playing the Spanish national hymn. As the gnus at Cabanas forirjss ceased firing there was a breathless pause in the salon, Everybody knew that the American flag was being raised on the stag on the roof of the palace by by Maj rr Butler, son of General But ler, and that the stars and stripes were going up on all the other official staffs in Havana. After a second of silence the band on the plaza played “The Scar Spangled Banner.” while the guns of the fleet and fortress began to roar out the na tional falute of twenty-one guns. Immediately Captain General Castel lanos handed the manuscript of his sp :ech to Captain Hart and began to speak. Addressing himself to General Wade, president of the United States military commssion, though he seemed to look at the floor, General Castellanos said: Gentlemen—ln compliance with the treaty of Paris, the agreement of the military commissioners of tho island and the orders of my king, at thig mo ment of noon, January 1, 1809, there ceases in Cuba Spanish scyereiguty and begins that of the United States. Iu consequence I declare yor in command of the island, with the objeot that you may exerciite it, declaring to yon that 1 wdl bo first in respecting it. Peace having been established between our respective governments, I promise you to give all due respect to the United States government, and i hope that the good relations already existing bet ween our armies wiil continue until the ter mination of the evacuation of those uu der ray orders in this territory,; After Captain Hart had translated the address General Wade said to General Brooke: "IJtrausfor this commaud to you." Msjor General Brooke said: “I accept this great trust in behalf of the government and president of the United States, and”—addressing Cap tain General Castellanos—“l wish you and the gallant gentlemen with you a pleasant return to your native land. May prosperity attend you ana all who go with you. ’ Spanish Captain General Weeps. General Brooke and Castellanos then shook hands, after which General cr.jte,llanos staff retired from the throne room, shaking hands with Mr. Jerome, who stood near the door of exit. A they retired there was a move ment towaid General Brooke, Brigadier General Clous shaking him by the hand and saying: “Success to you.” Generals Brooke and Chaffee with others then stepped upon the balcony and looked down upon the plaza. A Dig American flig flying over the arsenal was in full view and farther away the stars and stripes could be seen over Cabanas fortress Meanwhile the officials of Spain wers saying farewell to their nation’s seat of power in the new world. Turning to his officers, General Castel lanos said with tears iu his eyes: Gentlemen —I have been in mote battles than I have hairs on my head, and my self-possession has never failed qae until today. | Adieu, gentlemen, adieu. Then, with arms upraised, ho moved swiftly toward the stairway escorted by General Chaffee and followed by iiis staff. As he crossed the plaza the American ladies who were standing in the balcony af the barracks waved their handkerchiefs and General Castellanos responded by bowing aud kissing his haud toward them At the corner of the plaza, with tears in his eyes, he turned to take a final look at the palace. He could see the American generals on the balcony. Without a wool he turned sharply in the direction of the wharf; History had reversed the “Last Sigh of the Moor.” At the dock Generals Clous aud Chaffee bade him farewell and the retirng captain general put off for the Spanish transport Rubat, on which he proceeded to Matauzas. He wa accompanied by a battalion of the Tiiirtyeight infantry. G.n:ral Brooke then held a reception The Cubans Introduced. At the close the Cuban generals were introduced. General Brooke said to them: "I shall lock to you to assist ns in carrying out the purposes that brought ns to these shores. It is a great trust, and I shall expect most extraordinary assistance from you.’ General Lecret, who acted as spokes man for the Cubaii officers, assured the United States military governor that everything iu the power of tho Cuban military offi Hals would be done to help the Americans restore Cuba to a con dition of peace aud prosperity. This speech was translated by Captain I igo, of Viriuia. It was scarcely half past 12 o’oclock when Gmeral Brooke and his staff left the palace for the Hotel Inglaterra, the island of Cuba being in full pos session of the Americans. The parade of. the United States troops showed the feeling of the Cuban element of the population. The march was from El Vapado, along the Achia del Norte, the prado, aud Central Park to Cerro and Quemados. About every fourth house displayed some deooration. a palm branch, a bit of red white aud blue bunting, or a fltg. Not a dozen flags were to be s ; en in the stately Prorio. In the Acbia del Norte the troops passed under the skeleton of triumphal arches, left unfinished when it was decided to postpone the dem onstration. The roofs, the streets, the parks and tie wayside iu the suburban districts were crowded with curious, but for the most rart silent spectators. Now and t ran tnere was a cry, ;“Viva log Amer icanos, ” followed by a burst of cheering, but there was no general ex pression of public rejoicing. Major General Lee, who rode at the head of the column on a gray charger, received an ovation all along the route. Major General Brooke, Major General Ludlow and the other gemr ile f reviewed the corps, standing on a bench iu front of the Hotel Lmgluterra and surrounded by their staffs. As the column swung into Central Park, past the lonelj' looking statue of the queen regent, it made an impressive ap pearance. General Lee left tho p o cession and joined the reviewing gen erals. At this point third was more cheering than tl ewhere for tle Americans, the crowd beiug imuieuse and densely congested. Congratulations From McKinley The United States military com missioners wired President McKinley at 12:20 o’clock that the governor general of Cuba had formally sur rendered to the comm'sion the govern ment of Cuba and that the American fhg had been hoisted. In reply General Wade, president of the com mission, received the following: “I congratulate the commission upon the successful termination of its mission, and the peaceful occi pat ion of Cuba by the United States. ••Willi\m McKinley,” General Brooke also received the president's congratulations As Captain G moral Castellanos was escorted to the wharf by General Clous and Chaffee the band playe the Spanish royal march. General Castellanos thanked General Clous, as he stepped into his launch, wept. Crowds of Spaniards, men and women, all dressed in black, gathered upon the sea wall and silently watched the fleet pass ont. There was not a shout, not a hand kerchief waved. Men and women wept together. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cat Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, anu positively cures Piles, or uo pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pric> 25 cants per box. For sale by Poole Winder, Ga. There is no despair so daep as that of a homeless man or woman, To roam the roads of the country or the streets of the city, to feel that there is no rod of ground on which the feet can rost, to halt weary and hungry outside lighted windows and hear laughter and song within —th-’se are the hungers and rebellious that drive men to crime aud women to shame— Hamlin Garland. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema The intense itching and smurfing incident to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and bkin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equaliv efficient for itching piles aud a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 2cc per box. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders are just what a horse needs when in bad ooudition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine aud the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 2cc a package For sale bv H. C. Poole, Winder, G a NO 52.