The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 06, 1900, Image 2

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IS A SEVERE TEST Unity of Allies Will Be Decided By Russo- American Proposal. OPPOSITION FROM SOME QUARTERS London Pnpori Bl Howl Whilo Germany Seem* Not at All Pleased. A London special of Friday soys: 1 n the absence of further news from China the papers are again filled with discussions of the Busso-American proposals which, so far as may be gathered from the representations of opinions in the various European capitals, are calculated to subject the unity of allies to an exceedingly se vere and dangerous test. In Germany especially, these pro posals are no diametrically opposed to Emperor William’s policy that they have produced something like con sternation. As the London Daily News editorially remarks, “Count von Wal derseo was assuredly not sent to assist in restoring the empress dowager.” It is rocoguized on all sides that Germany’s decision is the pivot of the matter. Emperor William intended by dispatching Count vou W T aldersee to bavo the master hand in the Chinese settlement. Russia has taken the j wind out of that officer’s sails, aud is now posing as the friend and protector of China. i The morning papers express the greatest suspicion of the intention of Russia. The London Times’ editorial fairly represents the opinion of all, saying: “The advantages of Russia’s policy are not manifest, and it is very doubt ful whether it will recommend itself to powers like England aud Germany that have large commercial interests in the establishment of a stable and pro gressive government to replace the re actionary clique which has impeded all progress aud development in China in recent years. “Negotiation with Li Hung Chang would be a condemnation of govern ment crimes and the throwing away of all the advantages gained by the pccu pation of Pekin. ’’Much mischief may already have been i.une by the hesitation to enter the forbidden city. To withdraw from ; Pekin would be interpreted as proving j not only that the allies are cowards, j but that they are hopelessly divided. It may be that sopoa of the povers w ill but that, does not imply "*thftt others are bound to leave Pekin aud to acquiesce iu the restoration of a | government guilty of a gross iuterna- ' tional crime.” The Standard says: “Diplomacy sometimes makes strange bedfellows. It is curious to find the mighty autocracy of the old world and the great republic of the new world gently coaxing the other powers along the paths of pace. Nothing could be better than the spirit of these docu ments, aud it is interesting to hud two such powers anxious to determine the controversy io u unselfish spirit,” , “The Daily Mail says'. ‘•Russia has forced the hand of the United States against the better judg ment of the latter. At the same time the United States government has ad duced such valid reasons why Russia’s policy is a bad one that it will hardly l>e expected that other powers willcou cur.” The Daily Chronicle thinks tho “open door” will prove the rift in the loot which now sounds such harmony ! between the United States aud Russia. The Daily Telegraph remarks: “The Russian proposals are among! the most extraordiunry coups attempt ed of recent years, even hv Russia. The upshot will probably be tho ac- ' ceptance of Li Hung Chang to uego- 1 tiate Bomo kind of a compromise with ! the empress dowager.’’ Vienna specials show that the Russo- j American proposals have caused ex treme annoyance there. “Germany’s attitude toward the Chi nese crisis,” says a dispatch to The Times from Tokio, dated August 29," is causing much perplexity in Japan. The Chiuese authorities at Amoy hav iug guaranteed the security of life and property, the Japanese marines will now withdraw.” Will Hring His Daughter Home. President H. B. Ledyard, of the Michigan Central railroad, has received a cablegram from his daughter, the widow of Baron von Ketteler, the Ger man ambassador to China, who was murdered in Pekin, asking him to come for her. Mr. Ledyard will start for Yokohama September l‘2th. Southern .Makes Generous Gift. The Southern railroad has given <I,OOO to the building fund of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Macon, Ga. The generous gift was made at the request of Third Vice President Gannon of the Southern. NERVOUSNESS, An American Disease. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell is au thority for the statement that nerv ousness is the characteristic mal ady of the American nation, and statistics 6how that nerve deaths number one-fourth of all deaths recorded, the mortality being main ly among young people. Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. is the grand specific for this great American disease, because it goes straight to the source of the weak ness, building up health and strength by supplying rich, abund ant rood and pure Dlood to the worn-out tissues, rousing the liver to activity and regulating all the organs of the body. “Tk* Elchlirma Dn* C 0.,” Detroit. Mirk. UvarettM the bmoul little liver pills. 35c. 0. W. DeLaPerrlere, Winder, <Ja. is. inn iLi The Greatest Remedy In the World For Burns, Scalds, Spasmodic Croup, Erysipelas, Chilblains, Poison Oak --and-- Old Sores. If your Druggist or looal Dealer does tot keep it, send 25 cents in P. O Stumps or silver for a bottle to MRS. W. H. BUSH, Winder, Ga. Gainesville, Jefferson $ Southern Railroad. Eastetn Standard Time. Taking effect 6:50 A M„ Sept. 9, 1898. SOUiH BOUND. No. 80. No. 84. Lv. Gainesville 710a. m. 10 65 a. m. Lv. Belmont 740a. m. 11 85 a. m. “ Hoschton BK>a. m. 12 10 p. m. 11 Winner 845 a. id. 800 p. m. “ Monroe 935 a. m 850 p. m. Ar Social Circle 10 15 a. m. 485 p. m No. 83. Lv. Gainesville la 15 p. dj: Lv. Belmont 4 00 p. m Lv. Hoschton 4 85 p. m Lv. Winder 6 16 p. m. Lv. Monroe C 45 p. m. Ar. Social Circle 7 10 p. m. NORTH BOUND. No. 83. No. 81. Lv. Social Circle 12 00 a. m. 650 p. m. •• Monroe 12 40 a m. 625 p. m. *• Wiuder 250 p. in. 715 p. m. “ Hoschton 322 p. m. 758 p. m. " Belmont 4 (X) p. m. 830 p. m. Ar. Gainesville 435 p. m. 900 p. m. No. 85. Lv. Social Circle 7 80 a. m. Lv. Monroe 8 10 a. m. Lv. Winder 9 20 a. m. Lv. Hcschton 10 40 a. in. Lv. Belmont 11 15 a. m. Ar. Gainesville 11 45 a. m. Jefferson Branch. NORTH BOUND No. 87. No 89. Lv. Jefferson 6 till am, 305 p. m. Lv. Pendergrass ♦lsa m. 830 p. m. Ar. Belmont 740a. m. 400 p. dv SOUTH BOUND. No. 88 No. 90 Lv. Belmont 880 p. m. 13 60 a. m. Lv. Pendergrass 850 p. tn. 115 am. Ar. Jefferson 9 15 p. m 1 40 a m. S. U, DUNLAP. Receiver. Prosperity promises to smile be pignedly upon you this year. Ton’ll nov miss the small sum necessary for you to become a subscriber te this 1 paper. TEXT OF PROPOSAL ■ * —. ■ ■ As Suggested to United States By the Russian Government. OPPOSITION FROM SOME QUARTERS. Other Powers Have Been Aked to Con sider the Matter Fully and Make a Reply Thereto. The state department has made pub lic the text of the Russian proposal and its response as follows: Telegraphic instructions sent to the representatives of the United States in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Rome, Tokio and St. Petersburg. Department of state, Washington, August 29, 1900. The Russian charge yesterday made to me an oral respect ing Russia’s purposes in China, to the following effect: “That as already repeatedly declar ed Russia has no designs of territorial acquisition in China; that equally with other powers now operating tnere, Russia has sought safety of le gations at Pekin and to help the Chi nese government to repress the trou bles that, incidentally to necessary defensive measures on Russian border, Russia has occupied Newchwang for military purposes and as soon as order is re-established will retire troops therefrom if action of other powers be no obstacle thereto; that the purpose for which the various governments have co-operated for relief of legations in Pekin has been accomplished; that, taking the position that, as the Chinese government has left Pekin, there is no need for her representative to remain, Russia has directed Russian minister to retire with his official personnel from China; that the Russian troops will likewise be withdrawn; und that when the gov ernment of China shall regain the reins of government and afford an au thority with which the other powers can deal, aud will express desire to enter in negotiations, the Russian gov ernment will also name its representa tive. Holding these views and pur poses, Russia expresses hope that the United States will share the name opinion.” ANSWER OP UNITED STATES. To this declaration our reply has been made by the follow ing memoran dum: “The government of the United States receives with much satisfaction the reiterated statement that Russia has no designs of territorial acquisi tion on China and that equally with the other powers now operating in China, Russia has sought the safety of her legation in Pekin and to help the Chinese government to repress the ex isting troubles. The same purpose will control the government of the United States and frank declarations of Russia in this regard are in ascord with those made to the United States by the other powers. All the powers, therefore, having disclaimed any purpose to acquire any part of China, and now that adherence thereto has been renewed since relief has reached Pekin, it ought not to be difficult by concurrent action through negotiations to reach an amicable set tlement with China by which the treaty rights of all the powers will be secured for the future, the open door assured, the interests and property of foreign citizens conserved and full reparation made for wrongs and in juries suffered by them. Asa result of these considerations unless there is such a general expres sion by the powers in favor of contin ued occupation as to modify the views of Russia and lead to a general agree ment for continued occupation, we shall give instructions to the com mander of the American forces in Chiua to withdraw our troops from Pekin after due conference with other commanders as to the time and manner of withdrwal. “So far as we are advised the greater part of Chiua is at peace and earnestly desires to protect the life and property of all foreigners, and in several of the provinces active and skillful efforts to suppress the Boxers have been taken by the viceroys, to whom we have ex tended encouragement through our consuls and naval officers. The pres ent good relation should be promoted for the peace of China. “The government of the United States is much gratified by the assur ance given by Russia that the occupa tion of New Chwang is for military pur poses incidental to the military steps for the security of the Russian border provinces menaced by the Chinese, and that as soon as order has been es tablished Russia will retire her troops from those places if the action of the other powers be not an obstacle there to. “No obstacle in this regard can arise through any action of the United States, whose policy is fixed and has been repeatedly proclaimed. (Signed) “Alvey Adkk, “Acting Secretary.” S'l’M'K'S I4BDIES Doctors find A Good. Prescription lor mankind ft . * ; . x i l>n hvfiv* Dniirjtht*, o**orer* t R*totirants >i' • N w (?t rural Store# mid Barberi v l A'**'** iwkiu. i-dice ;*ttd htft|iu£ '• f c 'l'. N. m*f>r the . or e vu’Jl C T m >an* ;tnri out* ih.u.sat.d trsti ,l * * *'•*• I ’o .<ny : 5 uti u- vj- •of price Ly w.v a.vj.w*. C..cii*.c.] Cos., io Si., New York City. <©n&a3ni&©© ROTAL ARCANUM. Meet* every fourth Mondy night. J. T. Strange R.; O. T. Arnold, Y. R. ; W. H. Quarterman, Secretary, RUSSELL LODGRNOMr" KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meets every Ist and 3rd Thursday evening in each month. G. A. Johns, 0. C.; J. J. Carr, Y. C. ; F. W. Bondu rant, K. of R. and M. of F.; J. A. Qnillian, Prelate; O. L. Dabney, M. of E.; H. R. Hunt, M. A.; 0. M. Fer guson, M. W.; J. J. Smith, I. G.; R. A. Black, 0. G, Lodge No. 333. ( Winner) Officers —N J. Kelly, W. M ; W H Kimbell, S. W.; A. M. Williams, J. W.;G G. Robinson, Sect’y. Meets tvery 3d Friday evening at 7 o’clock. C. Al. Ferguson, N. G.; Z. F. Jackson, V. G.; A D. iVleCurry, Secrerary; J. H. Smith, Troas. Meets every Ist and 3 1 Monday nights. (COLORRD.) WINDER ENTERPRISE LODGE. No. 4282. G. U. O. of O. F. Meets every Ist and 3d Friday night in each mouth. W. W. Wilkerson, N. G.; C. E Williams, Secretary. sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency lor securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Cos. receive special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly, largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. *3 a year: tour months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN 8 Cos. 36iB,oadway ’ New York Branch Office, 625 F St* Washington, V. C. REPLIES ARE WITH ELD. “Their Publication Might Embarrass Ne gotiations,” Says Adeo. So far as it could be ascertained there were no important developments in the Chinese situation at Washing ton Sunday. The officials maintain unusual reticence. They say they have no information to make public regarding the replies to the American- Rnssia propositions regarding the withdrawal of the military force* of the powers from Pekin. Mr. Adee, the acting secretary of state, has decided for the present not to make any statement as to the names of the powers which have answered or to indicate whether the replies are of an affirmative or a negative character, on the ground that publication of the attitude of the powers might embarrass the negotiations at this time. Prosperity promise* to imlle be nignedlj upon you this year. Ton’ll not miss the small sum necessary for you to become a subscriber ta this uaper. PROFESSIONAL cards. U a BUSSELL. K. O. ARMISTKAS. RUSSELL & ARMISTEAD, Attorneys at Law. Winder, Ga. Jefferson. Ga. W. H. QUARTERMAN, Attorney at Law, Winder, Ga. Prompt attention given to all legaj matters. Insurance and Real Estat< agent. a. Hamilton" Undertaker and Funeral Director, Winder, EMBALMING By a Professional Embalmer. Hearse and attendance free. Ware rooms, cor ner Broad & Candler sts. Winder Furniture Cos. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMEUS Everything 1 First Glass. Prices Reasonable. C. M.. FERGUSON, M’g’r. WINDER, - - GEORGIA. J. A B MAHAFFEY, Attorney-at- Law, Jefferson, . - • • Georgia- Office on Gainesville St., near residence. DR W. L. DeLaPERRIERE. Dental Parlors, Io the J. C. DeLoPetr ere brick build ing. second story. Cull and see when in need of anything in the lme of Dentistry. V/ork guaranteed. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aid- Nature in strengthening and recon atructing the exhausted digestive or gana. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. I stantly relieves and permanently cure i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach.• Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps,ana ell other results of imperfectdlgestion. Prepared by C C. DeWltt A Cos.. Cb'caa® FOR SALE BY De laperriere. A rousing campaign year js opoi us. Keep abreast or affairs bf subscribing. bow. We’ll give yon the news.