The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 13, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOfIIST. VOL. VIII. I To The Wheat Growers! luring' your wheat and have it ground on I the NEW ROLLER MILLS. I We have the latest improved machinery, and all Iwe ask is for you to bring us some good wheat and I jive us a trial. I We have only Full r ROLLER PROCESS MILL I In this Part of the State. I We guarantee perfect satisfaction. I Your patronage will be appreciated. I MILL ONE MILE NOKTH HOSCHTON. j Yours for Business, BRASELTON PROS. & COOPER, Statement of the Condition of flu fMI lANKING COMPANY, Located at Winder, Georgia, at the close of Business September sth, 1900. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts I 95,625 89 Capital Stock Paid in, $ 25,000 00 Demand Loans 6,225 67 Undivided Frofits, less Cur- Overdrafts, 374 26 rent Expenses and Tax- Furniture and Fixtures 1.202.10 es Paid, 8,430.87 Due from Banks and Bank- T ndividual Deposits subject ers in the State 4,369.11 to Check 27,044 75 Die from Banks and Bank- Cashier’s Checks, 128.75 ers in other States, 4,527.81 Bills Papable, including Currency 599 00 Time Certificates repre- Gold, * 1,350.00 senting Borrowed Mon- Silver, Nickels and Pennies, 1,365.55 ey. 60,843.55 Checks and Cash Items 652 45 I R. Stamps and Stamped Checks 155.58 Total, 1116,447.42 Total, 1116,447,42 STATE OF GEORGIA, ; County ot Jackson. ) Before me came W , H. Toole, Cashier, of The Winder Banking Company, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank, W, H. TOOLE, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 12th day of September 1903, B. F. WILSON, C. N. P. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I most respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election for Repre sentative from Jackson county. Jno. R.Hosch. FOR TREASURER. lam a candidate for Treasurer of Walton county and ask the support of my friends in the October election. I have lived in Walton county all my life and have always been afriend to the peo ple If you see fit to honor me with this responsible offioe, I promise you that I will always be found true to a trust, faithful to the interests of the whole People. Sincerely yours, Chas. W, Felker. FOR SHERIFF. To the voters of Walton County: I hereby announoe myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff °f Walton County, at the October elec lion, promising, if elected, to faithfully discharge my duty. , Thanking you for past favors and ask !nS your support now, I am, Yours truly, E. C. Arnold. Farm for Rent. I will rent a good two-horse farm to some man who will furnish his own slock. Place well improved and in Jackson county on Hog Mountain road seven miles below Winder. Apply to ”• J. Vickers, Paradise, Ga. WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. Notice Farm For Sale. A nice little farm of 75 acres for sale at a bargain. This farm is five miles from Winder aDd three miles from, Statham, near mill, school and church. The place has good pastures and splen did orchard and very conveniently lo cated in every respect. For farther particulars write or see T. H. Wofford. Winder, Ga. Honey To Loan. I am now in a position to lend money >n better terms than ever heard of be fore. I have an unlimited amonnt of money to lend on Ten (10) years time with the privilege of paying the whole or any part of principle at any time Call on me at No. 17 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. and I will be glad to ac commodate yon. C. C. Chandler. A NIGHT OF TERROR. "Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of the brave General Barham of Machias, Mo., when the doctors said she could not live till morning” writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. ‘All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King’s New Discov ery, saying it had more than once saved her ife, and had cured her of Consump tion. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its farther use com pletely cured her.” This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50 cents and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at Winder Drug Cos. PAIN INTERVIEWED THROUGH HIS AGENT. Says Athens will do What Few Cities Can Do. THE FALL OF PEKIN. Athens the First Southern City That Will Have the Great Spectacular Presentation and the first Southern City to see a Realistic Picture of the great est Event of the Day. Mr, Lee Pain’s representative, was seen yesterday morning by a reporter, and, * Yes, it is true, I have dosed a contract with you people, and no city of the size of Athens ever undertook bo gigantio a production, and further, no city in the south ever had a more per fect picturesque pyrotechnic spectacle than that Mr. Pain will give in the presentation of his ‘Fall of Pekin’ in Athens.” Mr. Pain has pictured in scenic and pyrotechnic effects most of the great events of history. Being Always alert, he follows the events of the day and is now giving within ten weeks of the fall of Pekin an exact reproduc tion of the most important event of the day. The reporter asked Mr. Lee how many people he thought the spectacle would attract to Athens “I do not know,” said Mr. Lee, “but I believe that the railroads will not be able to bring the people to your carnival that want to come. The people will realize that it is seldom that such an opportunity is offered in cities of less than 100,000 inhabitants,and once seen is the greatest advertisement we can get” * I believe 5,000 strangers to see the spectacle nightly is a small es timate, and with the other drawing features of your carniyal yon ought to have ten to twelve thousand visitors daily.” LOW RATES. One of the lines today issued the rate* and all will follow. The announcement of the great attractions will be made Monday, and literature will be distribu ted next woek in all the surrounding oonnties. THE BATTLE OF FLOWERS. The ladies are enthusiastic and it is safe to say there will be fifty floats in the parade, and the handsmoest floats and loveliest women ever seen in Qeorgia. The question is being dis cussed and who will ne queen is the guess. * The following telegram was received from Syracuse, N. Y.: M. G. Michael. Pres. Athens Carnival. Pain’s production of his great spectacular production wit nessed last night by 10,000 people created quite a sensation and one of the best of all his production. Congrat ulate your city on securing it for your oarnival. COLDSTEEL OR DEATH. “There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through an opera tion,” was the awful prospect set before Mrs. L B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wii. by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trou ble and yellew jaundice. He din’t count on the marvellous power of Electric Bit* ters to cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it. took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs more and feels bet ter than ever. It’s positively guaran teed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Price 50 cents at Winder Drug Cos. Nice Home For Sale at Auburn. A two story nine room modern house, cellar, garret, closets etc. Fine orch ards of select fruit 40 acres of select land L. F. & T. P. Jackson, Auburn, Ga. In Memery of ! Grandmother. God in his wisdom has seen fit to take from us our dear grandmother (Mrs. Eliza Randolph) who was seized with La Grippe May Ist, and died May 39th ( 1900. She was confined to her bed one month, and suffered untold agony. She never once murmured or complained ( but bore her suffering with the greatest of patience; rejoicing in the thought that she would soon go to her heavenly home and there meet her dear hus band and other loved ones gone be fore. We can never erase from onr memory the expression and sweet smiles on her face the eve she died. Poor grandma tried so nard to talk the last hours of her life, but she could only smile and nod her head. We imagined she could have told of some grand scenes, if Ghe had only been able. She was born March 12th, 1816 and was married to H. J. Randolph, Dec. 23, 1886. She died in her eighty fifth year and was as pert as could be until she was taken sick, and she wc uld have her fun all during her sick ness. She was free to speak and express her opinions, put a woman never had more friends than she;those who knew her best loved her most. She was said to be the mother of Zion Baptist church, and was the last charter member. The pastor and members never lacked for any ser vice she oonld render. Meeting days always found her in her pew. She It aves three children and a host of grand children and great grandchild ren to mourn her loss; some were pres ent to witness her death while others were in a distant land. Grandma is not dead but asleep in Jesus. She said not grieve for her bat it is so sad to give np your only grand mother and know that yon can never visit her more on this earth; bot we have the evidence that if we live as we should, we will meet her in a brighter world than this. We fancy we can see her at the pearly gates, beckoning to her loved ones come op higher. Dear friends and relatives let us ever heea the kind admonition she gave, and onr dear Lord will lake us home to glory | when the death summon comes. Lizzie and Cammie Bridges. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civ ilized world, Your mothers’ and grand mothers’ never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scaroe, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic ac tion of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bd with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s Angnst Flower, in lignid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Sample bottles at Winder Drug Cos. Saturday and Sunday Excursions to Atlanta OVER SEABOARD AIR LINE Commencing Saturday, July 28, and on Saturdays and Sundays thereafter until September 80, 1900, inclusive, you are authorized to sell round trip tickets to Atlanta, Ga., for trains of Saturday and morning trains of Sunday at fol lowing fares: Dacula, |1.22 Winder, $1.66 Auburn, 1.36 Statham, 1.79 Carl, 1.88 Bogart, 191 Limit tickets Monday following date of sale. L. S. Allen. G. P. A. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs sad colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerons results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if poesiple; if not posible for you, then in either case take the ONLY rem edy that has been in trod need in all civ ilized countries with success for severe throat and lungs troubles, Boschee’s German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Sample bottle at Winder Drug Cos. Winder, Ga. A Letter From Indian Territory. Monroe I. TANARUS., Sep. Ist 1900. Editor Economist. Dear Sir:—Thinking that, perhaps, some would read with interest what I have to say of this country, 1 give a few lines. I arrived here from Tex Aug. 29th, and spent one day at the Wood. man and America picnic, at Home Indian Territory. I saw many things that were new to me. There were many Indians both men and womeu and the amusements of varions kinds were interesting. I visit ed the coal mines located at Home. And to say that it was the grandest sight 1 evor saw, would not be far from the truth. I saw a hundred coke ovens red hot at one time. This is where the coal is burned 3 or 4 days till all the oil is con sumed and the coal is light—this coal is calif and ooke and it sells for $28.00 a ton. It is used only to cook with and run fine machinery. This section belongs to the Chooktaw tribe of Indians They are dark and don’t look at all like white people. I saw some associating with white girls at the picnic,and it looked like what I’ve heard n lined sooial equality, This section is awfully rough. From Paris Tex. to Wester I. T. is nothing but a range of mountains audit is the most desolate lookiug countries I ever saw. We would often run 20 miles with out a stop, and wheu we did, there was nothing to stop for. Some of the towns are nice places, but as a rule they are poorly arranged and the bnildings are sorry. The people are kind and hospitable but their dwellings are shabby from the fact that they cannot afford to build well for none own land exoept in incor porated towns. There are no public schools for whites. Crops are short, it has been very dry here all the year. I don’t see anything to indace one to oome here for a perma nent home. The water is very sorry— no better than the well or tank water of Tex. There is a strata of ooal run ning through the earth everywhere and this causes the water to be awful, some will do to drink but its not like Georgia water. I am told that there are many deerj and bears in the most desolate regions. The good people have promised to give me an iutroduction to deer and bear meat before I leave; I shall be pleased to form such an acquaintance. For novelty this country leads Tex. two to one, but for society, school*, churches and all public enterprises Tex. is far in advance. My school opened yesterday with a fair attendance, I think it will be a good school. There are some here who are well up musically. There has been three or four normals taught here. They pay me a salery for teaching school, so if it should fail in members it will not affect me. My school in Texas was a grand success. Well, I guess I’ve said enough. With best wishes for your success I am still in the middle of the road. Jcdson L. Moore. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER Will often oaose a horrible Burn,Scald Cut or bruise, Buckleu’s Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by Winder Drug Cos. Notice to Farmers. Jefferson, Ga., Sept 4th, 1900. Pursuant to oall, there was organized, a sub-organization of the cotton grow ers association of Georgia, with the fol lowing officers: J. W. Lord, President; W. P. Boggs, Vice-President; W. H. Smith, Treasurer; J. D. Pike. Secretary. There will be a meeting at the court house on Saturday, September 15th, at 10 o’clock and every farmer and others that are interested in better prices for cotton are cordially invited to come out and join us, J. W. Lord, President. The One Day Cold Cure. Cold in head and sore throat cured by Ker mott s Chocolate* Laxative Quinine. As easy to take as candy. “Children cry for them." iNO 35.