The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 08, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOMIST. VOL. V’lll- J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, i WINDER GEORGIA. The Great DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, and SHOE House. pe grand success of our methods has stirred a host of imitators. 1 All we Have to our PRICKS with those Cfted t" y" u > 8° a Bte P farther, Kr sample of anything ' flared in „th*r B to re in this section andI D d compare the quality and ■ nc,, with our offerings of the EJ character. And remember t article purchased from us not Cgnd as represented, is returnable EthmeiiHV refunded, if not i- Lrelysaii?freform and better value* ■obtainable elsewhere. 1 Q ur powder ami shot consist of prices that average from j ls to 25 per cent below those of our-uouid-be com- Lfitois with the result tint our large standing army of eiis- j loners is cor stoutly increasing and is always ready to defend the reputation we have achieved us the leading house in this lection, r You will find in charge of this department Hrs. Evangeline Brown and Hiss Roxie Millinery Department! Ethridge, and a full corps of their cooperatives ready to serve you. Hats from io cents to $25.00. Give us a call before placing your orders. Yours for Business, j -p 8c COMPANY. ■ SOUND SENSE FROM I Mr. STEELE. I Solid Reasons Why Roundlap I Bales Arii Worth Mo r a I Tnan 1 quare Bales I Mr. J. H. \V. Steele, Secretary of the I Texas Standard Bale Compress Associ I itior, in a letter written to the Wst I Times, Jnne 30, <ays: “L°t me s y a plain word to the plain people: For the lame reason that y<u pay more for a pood coat than yon would for a ragged nd slet zv one. so will the English and German spinner pay yon more for a Ben*, dense, woll-covered bale than he Will for wh e is left, of an unsightly bag, Which has lost half its value by wet, Waste, pilfery and dirt.” For exvctlv this reason sninners pay niore for Rontidiap than for square bales o f any siz 3 whatever. It is precisely because Roundlap bales are'V eat, dense, well covered,” protected agaiust fire, moisture, waste, theft and damage, that th-y are worth more to spiutiers than B| i ''unsightly” spuare ‘‘bag which has lust half its value by wet, waste, pilfery sud nirt.” It is precisely for this rea lm, rlso, an l because of tne savings made in the wrappiug, the haudbug and shipment of Roundlap bales that hirers are able to and do pay lor them a premium above the value of square bales sufficient to pay the bailing charge a 'id leave the owner a substantial profit besides. A NIGHT OF TERROR. “Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of the brave General Burham of -'lactuas, Mo., when the doctors said eculrt "ot live till morning” writes S. H Lincoln, who attended her hint fearful night. ‘AH thought she ■Hast soon die from Pneumonia, but s ne Oegged tor Dr. Ring’s New Discov ery. saying it had more than once saved her Uq, and had cund her of Cousump tion. After three small doses she slept easily nil night, and its further use com pletely curb'd her.” This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure aii Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases Only -S and f 1.00 Trial bottle f'ee at M, B. hin--u. TANARUS, F. & P. A., ATLANTA, OJA. A rousing campaign yea* Keep abreast of affairs by su now. W<Pll gi J a tbo uews - WINObR, JACKSON COoNl'i. UfcOkGA, IHLkSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, lyoo. One of These Old Time Southern Gatherings and two Weeks Sport, as can only be Seen In Dixie Land. There is to be a novel and unique gath ,,ri„ K 0 f ladies and gentlemen from all over ! the Union, at a point near Pine b'uff. Noith Carolina, on November 12, to 24th. The gathering is for the pur i>o'6 of witnessing and participating with Southern ladies an t gentlemen in some of the old time sports One of the principal features will be lx hun-iug in the olden time style. There will be more than oue hundred full blooded Southern fox hounds in the chases, and representative huntsmen from all over the Union will'be preseut and a delega tion from England. Amoiifi the gen tlemen most interested in ttfis great sporting carnival are leading cotton manufacturers and basmess men bom the Catawba section of North and South Carolina, who have spent Thous unis of Dollars in breeding the best running dogs. Their co operation alone guaran tees that the hunt will be the most im portant and interesting ever held iu the United States. There are thousands of acres of un broken pine woods to hunt over, with smooth rolling hills and no swamps. It is the best fox hunting ground in Amer ica. The location near Pinebluff, N. C , is a good one on account of the splendid accommodation that can be had at the many fine boardinghouses at Pinebluff, Third is a Winter Resort, built np by r h people fVom the North. It is also the celebrated Wmter Risorts Southern Pines and Pmehurst, that ha?e accommodation for thonsonds of visitors There will be many ainuung J ,n es such as barbecue dinners. ‘ ’possum” suppers, negro jubilee sing_ rLsine cake walks and many amusin o, games of olden times, that can only be seen in the land of cotton and // The public are invited to be present and participate m or ’ witness The sports and enjoy the i un. Ihe more th Toenable those from the North to attend at reduced rates, -.rrangemanU have been made so persons can buy. anv date after November Ist, tickets from all oupon stations to southern Pines and return, good to return any Sup to June Ist. 1901 I‘rom bouth ern PTnes it costs only tweuty.five cents to Pinebluff. Values Count, Services Count, Careful attention to Customers count, Promises fulfilled count. Fresh, New, Stylish, Fashionable count, and we sell no other. These are the reasons why our Business is so famous in this section. Every purchase is backed by out* broad guage guar antee and money ba k if you want it. Every department is brim full of choice merchant dise with no advance in price. We are today eel ling you goods as cheap as you bought them when you soid cotton for 5 cents ANNOUNCEMENT. We have decided to make a change, both in our firm and business. And to meet our purpose out- house will imve to be repaired and enlarged. For these and other reason, vee want to close n„t oar entire stock of Merch.nd..-. In order to R *t these g'.ods out of our way, WE Wild, OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK FOR THE NEX I* 00 DAYS At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are anxious to close out and can save you some money. SHOES! SHOES!! We have $1,500 worth of Shoes —Men’s, Women’s and Children’s to sell cheap. We will sell you a fiine pair of $3 00 Shoes for $2.50, or a SI.CO pair for $1.25, Will sell a No. 1 whole stock Brogan worth $1,35 for $1.17, Smiths best No. I Kip ties for $1.20 and all others in • I.; proportion. HATS! HATS!! V v We are making the same reduc tion on Hats. * Respectfully, FLANIGAN & ALLEN. * " ‘ GEORGrA Honey To Loan. I am now in a position to lend money m better terms th in ever heard of be fore. I have an unlimited amount of m mey to lend on Ten (10) years time with the privilege of paying the whrJe or an - part of principle at any time Call on me at No. 17 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. and I will be glad to ao c jmraodate you. C. C. Chandler. It makes no difference wlmt other people may tell you about pulling you and at what prices if you consult your own interest, you will si e what we are offering ns wo cannot ami will not he undersold. We pi Me ourselves on our Millinery department which is complete in every sense of the word DRY GOODS. We have a large stock of Dry Goods, Calicos, Dress Goods, Trim mings, Laces, Ribbons, &c. that we are offering very cheap. Remember we are not offering shabby goods, but first class mer chandise to close out. and remem ber also that these bargains will not last very long. Come early before the stock gets 100 badly broken, and some of these bargains exhausted. Notice. All persons are notified not to fish hunt or trespass on my land in Ben Smith’s district, Gwennett. county Geor gia, under penalty of the law. B R.D, McDonald The decorations will be on an elabo rate scale at the Confederate Veterans Reunion in Augusta, Ga., November 14tb, 15th and 16th. Take the Seaboard Air Line Railway. v: ™ Wri will undersell and do under sell auv house in this section, lo calise we buy in large quantities from the manufacturer and take advantage of cash discounts. We are at the seat of commer cial war all the time with way down prices for desirable goods our only ammunition. We slwavs win ill the battle of competition, be cause we aim not to destroy, but to build up the business of our mer*. and we never miss th target. PANTS. We have n lot of Pants to close out very cheap—will sell you a $1,50 pair of pants for $1.15. CROCKERY AND TINWARE. We recently got in a full line of Crockery and Tinware, all of it must go at reduced prices. TOBACCO. We havo 600 lbs. “F and A Loader” Tobacco to close out at 30 cts. worth 35 cts. Will sell you Thedford’s Black Draught 13 cte. Notice. Ail persons are warned not to hunt, fish or trespass in any way on our lauds in Houses district, Jackson county Ga John B. McE roy, W. Z. Hill, X. HU Patton, .J. L. M. Gunnin, Jam;* H. Wright, J. M. Jackson. Cure Co'd fn Head. Kermott's Chocolates Laxative fhiinlnr. exsy to take and quick to cu s-old in head and sow throat. NO 43