The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, November 29, 1900, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ECONOiTIST. VOL. VIII. J. T. STRANGE & COMPANY, WINDER, IGH2OJEIGIA. The Great DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, and SHOE House. The grand success of our methods has stirred a host of imit All we Have to Say is compare our PRICES with those quoted to you, go a step further, get a sample of anything offered in any other store in this section and compare the quality and price, with our offerings of the same character. JAnd remember any article purchased*from us not found as represented, is returnable with money refunded, if not en tirely satisfrctory and better values obtainable elsewhere. Our powder and shot consist of prices that average from 15 to 25 per cent below those of our-would-be com petitors with the result that our large standing army of cus tomers is coe stantly increasing and is always ready to defend the reputation we have achieved as the leading house in this section, ■ Mill inprv rtmpntf You will find in charge of this department Hrs. Evangeline IJrown and fliss Roxie iTllll incry LJcpctXllllClll. Ethridge, and a full corps of their cooperatives ready to serve you. Hats trom io cents to $25.00. Give us a call before placing your orders. Yours for Business, J. 1. STRANGE & COMPANY. Road Notices. Georgia, Jacksou County. §SsTv. To whom it may conceru: All per sons interested are hereby notified that, if no good cause be shown to the con trary, an order will be grunted by*the undersigned, on the 22 day of Decem ber 1900, establishing the following new roads, as marked out by the road commissioners appointed for that pur pose and reported to be of public utility. No. 1 Beginning at the forks of the road above J. C. Williamson’s and run ning through the woods to the Athens and Jefferson road, through the lands of J. C* Williamson, L O. Martin, R. H. Elrod and E. D. W’helchel, at Berry McCleskey’s, < Col. No. 2. Beginning at the forks oi the road at the residence of Mr. Cairiugton, deceased, and running by J. B. King’s, W. A. Cambers’ to W. P. Chandler’s, Mis Alexander’s and others and inter secting the new road from Athens, Ga., just above James Streetman’s residence or Joe Alexander’s. fwTtf- No. 3. Beginning in front of the res idence of E. AI. Cox, running thence practically along the line run by T. P. Stanley surveyor, and marked out by stakes to the new road leaning from Athens to the Jaeksou county line. No. 4. Beginning near the Dry Pond School House and running to the Jefferson and Maysville road above Oconee church. No. 5. Beginning at J. V. Alexan der’s in 242d district G. M., of said county, discontinuing the old road at tie first fork of the old road and estab lishing anew road running thence in an easterly direction through the laud of Mrs. N. E. Betts and Miss Fannie Hunter, and intersecting the red stone road at the residence of Wm. Ham niouds, deceased. No. 6 Beginning at L. 13. Prickett’s, 455th district G. M. of said county, wkeie the Gainesville road intersects the Hogmountain road and running South through Caloway and Head, running on said line and thence on the line be tween F. P. Henry and W. W. Han cock, thence on the lino between Br. Underwcod and Mrs. Nnnn’s place, in tersecting the Jefferson and Clarksville read near F. C. Evans’ store in the old road rout. S£T- t* * i*- 4 * No. 7. Beginning on the Harmony Drove and Jefferson read near the resi dence of Geo. L. Martin and following the location of the present road over the lands of Geo. L. Alartiu, Hei.ry E. Hardman, J. W. Minish, Airs. E. E. Park, E. W. P. Richie and.S. W. Jack son and by said Jackson’s Mil!, connect ing with and ending at the Harmony Drove and Jefferson road near said mill. - No. 8. Beginning at tho top c. hill on the Bethlehem and Hogmouu- WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1900. taiu road East of Barbers creek, discon tinuing one prong of the Hogmountain and Bethlehem read leading from the top of said hill to the Athens road one half mile below Stathain, following the old road through the lands of Airs. Al. A. Wood and Jack Jackson to the G. C &N. R. R.; thence down the R. R. to the present crossing leading to or inter sectiug the Athens road. No. 9. Beginning at the Bill Phill ips place in said couuty and running m a due South direction and by the resi dences and through the lands of W. P. Phillips, G. Edwards, W. P DeLaPer riere, L. F. Bell and Mrs. Willingham, and intersecting the Hogmountain and Winder road about V 4 ' of a mile East of L. F. Sell’s. No. 10. Cnauge in the Jefferson and Claaksville road. Beginning at the Ap pie Valley road, running due East iu said road for about 300 yards, leaving said road to the left, intersecting the J Al. Wilhite and T. J. Alorrison road I and continuing therein about 350 yards, continuing therein and intersecting the present old road bed at T J. Alorrisou’s in Harrisburg district. No 11. Change iu the Winder and Hoschton road in the 243d district G. Al. Beginniug near the White burying ground, leaving the present road bed to left on the old road bed about twenty or 25 yards into the open field of F L Sims in said district, through the lands of the said F. L. Sims and W. S. Sims; thence curving slightly to the left crossing the present road bed, runniug South Easterly direction between the field and woodland to the South East corner of the field on into the woods about 200 or 300 yards in the same course; thence curving slightly to the right, running Sonth and intersecting the present road bed on top of what is known as Pea Ridge. The above roads and changes? marked out and reported to be of public utility by the Road Commissioners of said Dis tricts. L. Y. BuadbukYj Ordinary Jackson County, Nov 19th, 1900. Land For Sale. I will sell at Jefferson on first Tues day in December, one lot of land con taining 41 acreß, adjoining lot No. 1 of F. M. Holliday land, which is to be sold on that day, and one lot of 41 acres ad joining lot No. 2of Holliday mud. Will sell either or both of these lots to par ties who buy the Holliday tracts if they desire them or to any other parties who want to ouy them. They are both de sirable •small tracts of land. Terms made kn wr at J ff r. on on first Tues- Dtc-.i.A r when the Holliday place is sold. R. J. Pentecost. Values Count, Services Count, Careful attention to Customers count, Promises fulfilled count. Fresh, New, Stylish, Fashionable count, and we sell no other. These are the reasons why our Business is so famous in this section, Every purchase is backed by our broad guage guar antee and money back if you want it. Every department is brim full of choice merchan dise with no advance in price. We are today selling you goods as cheap as you bought them when you sold cotton for 5 cents. The entry into womanhood is a critical time tor a girl. Little men strual disorders started at that time soon grow into fatal complications. That female troubles are filling graveyards proves this. Wine of Cardui estab lishes a painless and natural menstrual flow. When once this important func tion is started right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine of Cardui. There is nothing like it to give women freedom from pain and to fit young women for every duty of life. SI.OO bottles at druggists. Miss Della M. Strayer, Tuliy. Kan.t “I have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe riods for a long time, was nervous, had r.o appetite, and lost interest in everything, ir. fact was miserable. I have taken four botties of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford’s I Biack-Draught, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. 1 cannot express the thanks 1 fee! for what you have done for me." For advice in eases requiring special direc t,'ins, address, giving symptoms, tue laulies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Med icine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. e *> ryn Honey To Loan. I am now in a position to lend money jn better terms than ever heard of be fore. I have an unlimited amonnt of money to lend on Ten (10) years time with the privilege of paying the whole or any part of principle at any time Call on me at No. 17 Clayton Street, Athens, Ga. and I will be glad to ac commodate you. C. C. Chandler. It makes 110 difference what other people may tell you about selling you and at what prices, if you consult your own interest, you will see what we are offering as we cannot and will not be undersold. We pride ourselves on our Millinery department which is complete in every sense of the word. FARMERS, ATTENTION. We Have Money For You. We have The TEXAS RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS Di tect from thh fields of the West. Como to see us betore you buy your Oats and we will givoyou the advantage of these seed at prices that will astonish you. Come to see us and let us show you what we have. Dunn, Lyle & Cos. Shingles!! Why don’t you cover your house with Shingles made out of our own hard tim ber? I have b->st timber and up-to-date ma chinery, and know how to saw and can save you money. Will sell best No. 2 Shingles, cheaper than a board. Note what my customers Bay: The car of Shingles bought of you are O. K. Good as we ever handled. .."T'T Bkdingfield Bros. & Harris, The Shingles bought of you are 'per fectly satisfactory. Good as I ever saw from South Georgia. R. S. Harris, Shingles bought of you all O. K. Not a Single sap iu lot. :Z W. C. Baggett & Cos. I consider Shingles bought from you 25 per cent better than average Shingles. 0*383 J W. Sanders. The No. 2 Shingles fit better than any I ever put on. J. G. Cooper. If yon need Shingles let me hear from you. Mill near Statham, Ga, J. T. Evans, Proprietor. THE APPETITE OF A GOAT Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King s New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 250. at, Win der Drug Cos. EZvfc* imitators. We will undersell and do under sell any house in this section, be cause we buy in large quantities from the manufacturer and take advantage of caeh discounts. We are at the seat of commer cial wnr all the time with way down prices for desirable goods our only ammunition. We always win in the battle of competition, be cause wo aim not to destroy, but to build up the business of our custo mers, and we never miss the target- ROUNDLAP PREHIUn $2.44 NET That’s What Farmers Made by Using The Starkville Round lap Press Tho Southern Farm Gazette, ofS'ark ville, Alins., published the following about a test made to show the relative value of rouudlap and squaro bales:' “The first day the rouudlap plant was opperated was Friday October 12. The great majority of the cotton put up on the round bale press that day was sold for 10.35 cents. Some of these samples taken at random were carried to W. W. Scales, one of the leading cotton buyers of this section, who was asked what its value iu the square form. He said 9.50 would be the best our market could pay. The same samples wore taken to Stern & Goodman, also large cotton buyers, and they, believing it was square cotton, made 9.50 as their best offer. This showed a difference of 85 points, or about $4.25 a bale. Tho next day cotton was lower and the round bale cotton brought 10.15 on an average, while the same grades of square cotton brought 9.375 or points difference. We al so weighed the wrapping on the two kinds of bales and found 14 pounds dif ference in favor of square bale. “So, if a oortain amount of cotton made in a round bales weighs 500 pounds the same amount in a square bale would weigh 514 pounds. The 500 pounds round cotton at tho average price of the two days, 10.25 cents, would bring $51.- 25. Deduct ginning $1.50, rental of press SI.OO, and wrapping 40 cents, and wo have a not price of S4B 35. Tho 514 pounds square cotton at its average, 9,4375 cents would bring $48.51. Deduct ginning $1.50, price of bagging and ties $1 00 and weighing 10 cents, and we have net $45.91 fer tho square ootton. This gives a difference of $2.44 uet in favor of the roundlap bale.” Notice. All persons indebted to th Ordinary's Office, please come forward and settle same at once and oblige. L. Y. Bradbury, Ordinary. NO 46.