The Jackson economist. (Winder, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 27, 1900, Image 5

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News In ml *- Around Winder. / ft W.nder Public School closed last Thursday for the holidays. Mayor Russell, Dr. Ross and Mr. T. C. Uuun spent last Friday in Atlanta. Winder ought to increase its popu lation 100 per cent, by close! of next rear. If every citizen here will work and talk this can be done. Editor Christian and family of The Democrat are spending the week at Marietta. Mr. Gus Philips, of Virgil, was here last Friday and ?ame in and paid for The Economist one year. Uncle Truman Smith and Mr. J. A. C. Thompson, of Bethlehem, gave us a pleasant call last Friday and renewed tor their paper for 1901. Miss Moz die Whitehead will com mence her school at Chapel cn Monday January 7th 1901. Fruits and Toys for Xmas at Wood ruff’s. Christmas Toys of all kinds at Herrin Bros. Everything to please the children can be fouud at Herrin Bros. Anew, fresh and late Style of Shoes just received at Z. F. Stanton’s. Mr. McAdams has opered a barber shop here, making two shops now in the city. Another carload of goods just arrived this week for the Corner Furuitnr e Store If you want the best Suit cf Clothes on earth for the money call on J. H. Smith & Bro. J. H. Smith & Bro. have a complete line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats etc. See them before you buy. People think nothing of coming 15 nr iles or more to trade at the Corner Furniture Store. Santa Clause has a full supply of Xmas Tcys. Candies, Oranges, Apples and many other nice things at Herrin Bros. The big lot of Flour at G. W. Wood ruff’s has disappeared, but another still larger has arrived. See it before you buy, the price is right. A nice lot of Xmas goods at G. W. Woodruff’s. Seed wheat at J. H. Smith & Bro’s. Fancy Grocerief to suit all customers. Maple Syrup, Ribbon Cane Syrup, Heinz’s sour Krout—all fresh—at Herrin Bros. When you are in town and want Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods and No tions; also Men’s and Ladie’s Gloves, you see Z. F. Stanton’s new stock be fore you buy. You can buy the cheapest and best suit of Clothes from Hodges, Camp & Arnold to be found in Winder. They are ottering their immense stoek of Clothing at special low prices for the next 80 days. For goods at prices to suit see Z F. Stanton before you buy your Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notion and Fancy Candies We can save you money on all Xmas goods. Herrin Bros. Purple Straw seed wheat for sale by J. H. Smith & Bro. If you need Building Material of any kind, see Barrett & Cos., Athens, Ga. The Gainesville, Jefferson Sc Southern railroad will sell Christmas holiday tickets to everybody December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and also December 30th and 31st, 1900, and January Ist, 1901, good uutil January 4th, inclusive. Dunn, Lyle & Cos. Have what you want. They have 15C0 bushels Texa- Red R ust Proof Seed Oats direct from the plains of the Lone Star State. See them bofora you buy your Seed Oats 1 New Barber Shop. Mr. E. F. McAdams, of Virginia, has opened up a first class Barber ShoD up stairs over J. G Pnett & Cos. He can give you a smooth shave or a fine heir cut and will appreciate the patronage of Winder and this section. Seed Wheat. I have 50 or 75 bushels of good Seed Wheat for sale. W. H. Brewer Seymour, Ga. Notice. All persona are hereby notified not to hunt, fish or otherwise trespass on onr lands in Randolph’s district, Jackson county, under the penalty of the law. W. H Bridges, Sr., J J. Maddox, T. S. Maddox, T. W. Bridges, Andrew Evans, Hartwell Brown, S. P. Higgins, Mrs. B. J. Whitmire. Pendergrass, Ga., Dec. sth, 19<>0. Notice. All persons indebted to the Ordinary’s Office, please come forward and settle same at once and oblige. L. Y. Bradbory, Ordinary. NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, sire will be nervous and irritable. If sue has constipation or kidney trouble, her im pure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complex ion. Electric Bitters is the best medi cine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skiu, rich com plexion, It will make a good locking, charming woman of a run down invalid Only 50 cents at Winder Drjng Cos. Tickets on sale for everybod for the Christmas holidays, on Seaboard Air Line Railway December 22ud, 23rd, 24th, 25th and also Deceurber 30th and 31st, 1900. and January Ist, 1901, go id until January 4th, inclusive. he One Day Cold Cure. For colds and sore throat use Kermott’s Choco lates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy and quickly cure. FRUIT GROWERS WARNED. Trees Shipped From Nashville infested With San .Jose Scale. We call special attention of all inter ested in fruit growing throughout the state to a recent order issued from this department by our State Entomologist and approved by Hon. O. B. Stevens, chairman of the Board of Entomology. Order of the State Entomologist: “Office of State Entomologist, At lanta, Ga.,Nov. B.—To the Fruit Grow ers of Georgia: You are hereby notified and warned not to accept any trees or other plants commonly known as nur sery stock or parts thereof, from the Cumberland nurseries, otherwise known as the Grand View nurseries, Rose Bank nurseries and Paragon nurseries, I. C. & A. W. Newson, proprietors, Nashville, Teuu. This nursery firm has beeu re fused the required official tags of the Georgia State Board of Entomology be cause of the fact that last season they shipped nursery stock into the state in fested with the San Jose scale, the well known dangerously injurious insect pest of orchard trees. “Notwithstanding the laws of Geor fia to the contrary and the warning that have given them, the above named nursery people have attempted to smug gle into the state several large orders of trees again this season. I have already apprehended some of these orders and upon examination have found the trees badlv infested with the San Jose scale. Thev were promptly seized and con signed to the fire before the agents bad an opportunity to deliver them to the purchasers. “I further warn those who may have already this season received trees from the said Cumberland nurseries to destroy them by fire in order to prevent the further spread of the San Jose scale, with which they are undoubtedly in fested. “I also wish to respectfully request the transportation companies, their agents or employes, to comply with the rules of the Georgia State Board of En tomology, authorized by the act of the generafassembly, approved Dec. 20,1898, governing the transportation of nursery stocks. Tne intent and purpose of these rules is to prohibit the agents of trans portation companies in Georgia from delivering nursery stock unaccompanied by the certificate of the Georgia State Board of Entomology. It is the duty of said agents of transportation companies to notify the entomologist when ship ments of uncertified stock are received at their respective stations. “W M. Scott, “State Entomologist.” Professor Scott has been very diligent in detecting scale infested trees that have been illegally shipped into Geor gia. By virtue of the authority vested in him he has confiscated and burned more than 30,000 trees that had been ■hipped into the state without a certifi cate and in spite of his written protest. Had these infested fruit trees esoaped detection, the good work that for the last two years has been going on in Georgia and whioh has saved lo many orohards from ruin, would have been undone in many fruitgrowing localities. —State Agricultural Department A WORD TO OUR FRIENDS. ft We just want to say to our friends and the public generally, that we have outdone ourselves in buying our. Fall and Winter Stock. Having gone into the markets with the Hard Money, and buy ing m Large Lots, before the recent rise in cotton, we feel that we have something in BARGAINS Unheard ot. So we say to you, come to see us wlieu you want miOFm We’ve got them CHEAP All Sorts and sizes. Also, Teans and Dress Goods tor the Ladies, from the Finest to the Cheapest. Large lot of Ladie’s Capes, and Flannels, Cotton Checks, Sheeting, etc, e are the Acknowledged t —— =—- - RECTIFIERS OF PRICES on Meat, Flour, Molasses, Coffee, or for that matter, Anything the Family Needs to Eat or wear. * We ore etill here to BUY YOUR COTTON, COTTON SEED, or ANYTHING our frieuds may have to sell. So all we ask is that when you come fo Winder, don’t fail to peep in OUR LARGE STORE and look over our Large Stock and get our prices, which means a sale;, m We still sell the always ready Light Running Standard Sewing Hachine. Also, the Best Fertilizer for Wheat sold anywhere. We bought these good to SELL, and we sell them, Retail or Wholesale. We Are Still in the Ring With Our Low Prices. Now Is the time to Buy Your Goods When You Can Boy Them Cheap. Friends, you all know that a Jew can buy goods cheaper than any body in the country and is able to sell cheaper than any body in the country. Some of my Competitors make it convenient to tell those who enquire for the Jew Store that there isn’t one in Winder, but most people have found out better All you have to do is to look for the JEW STORE when you come to Winder. It is on Athens Street, next door to J. W. Lyle. All we want you to do is to come and get our prices and you will be surprised to know how cheap they will be offered you. Pffl C AVIMn You will save from 25 to 35 per cent, on every dol- DI Vi VI IN VJ. lar’s worth of goods you buy at the Jew Store. We have a full line of Men’s, Youth’s, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing; also Shoes, Hats, and Gents Furnishing Goods, Ladies Capes, Dress Skirts and Waists. OVPDrn A We h ave a lot of Overcoats and are able to sell vJ V CKvU/i I them cheaper than any body in town. Look Over a Few of Our Prices. Men’s Overcoats from $2,50 up. Men’s Black Worsted Suits —all sizes—worth $5.00 at $2.90. Men’s Good Cheviot Suits worth $6,50 at $4.25. Men’s Pants Good Heavy Cheviots worth $1.65 from $1.25 up. Men’s Good Every day Shoes we sell at $1.25 you can now have at 95 cents. All tlie rest of our Stock at Proportional Low Prices. Come Examine Our Stock whether you bay or not. We will show you our goods and Give you Low Prices. Remember the place on Athens Street next door to J. YV. Lyle. M. BRENER & B O. THE JEW STORE, Winder, Ga. Ladies Shoes from 75 cents up Ladies Fine Sunday Shoes worth $1.75 for $1.25, Boy’s Suits from 75 cents up. Boy’s Fine Suits all sizes at $1.25. Boy’s Hats from 20 cents up, Boy’s Caps from 15 cents up. Men’s Hats worth from 50 to 65 cents at 35 cents. Undeawear. Good Heavy Men’s top Shirts worth 60 to 75 cents at 45 cents. Good Heavy Fleeced liue Under Shirts you have been paying 50 cents each, you can have them at 35 cents and up. Ladies Skirts all sizes, worth $1.50 for SI.OO and up.