Newspaper Page Text
Fisthei in “WEEK SIND ” '
-AROH 4TH.—Marguerite x
in “WEEK END.’’
. .• • Wm. Duneii’v 'and Comedy.
" r im'is tin v
IX ale, "
Mr. B. B. Cheek, Traffic Manager of
The is Optimistic as to
v the Situation
y r 4
Mr. B. B. Cheek. Traffic Manager of
the Gainesville Midland railroad, is op
timistic in lis antcpation of improve
ment in the serious situation facing the
road at this time. He says we cannot
and must not and will not fail, having
utmost confidence in the ability and wil
lingness of tin) employees, together
with the full co-operation of the pat
rons all along the line to immediately
bring about a decisive change in the
There has been, as you must know,
a sort of luke-warm feeling with both
employees and patrons as to condi
tions, which the Receivership has dis
pelled. In other words, we have been
awakened to the true state of affairs,
and the possibility of not being able to
continue operation, which enables us
all to see and work together in such a
way as the best possible results must
He states that there isn’t- asy ques
tion but that the situation is serious,
and that operation may be discontinu
ed if the employees do not shoulder
their part of the burden, and the pat
rons do not stand by the road, and give
thMr full support. He is not inclined
on the dark side of the situa
tion, and feels that every man with
the road feels the same way, and that
the situation will he worked out. He
anticipates that a very strong effort
will be made to show Mr. Baldwin and
the management that recent conditions
can be overcome, and that the patrons
of the road interested all along the
line, taking very special pains to see
that- traffic is specifically routed and
requests respected, will be done.
He is very gratified at the interest
already manifested along the road, and
believes it will develop into a real ben
efit, as a realization of the possibility
to discontinue the road would be a
tremendous drawback and misfortune
to this entire section. Every effort,
he states, is going to be made to pre
vent this.
Rev. and Mrs. Stanley
Grubb Move to Winder
ttev. Stanley R. Grubb, wso has ac
cepted the pastorate of the Christian
church, in this city, moved his fumily
here last Thursday. A welcome ser
vice will be held at the Christian
church next Sunday night, all the oth
er churches taking part in the service.
The Winder News, in behalf of all Our
peoole, extend a most cordial welcome
to Mr. Grubb and his excellent family,
and will be well pleas
ed with Their Hew home.
Winder Boy Honored
Mr. Lamar A. Wood, son of Rev.
and Mrs. John H. Wood, of this city,
has received from the Marine Corps,
of the war department, a beautiful
medal for obedience, earnestness and
fidelity fio duty. Accompanying the
medal was a very complimentary let
ter from the department. He appre
ciates both medal and letter very much,
and the News congratulates him on the
splendid record made while in the ser
W. C. T. U.
The Young Peoples branch of the W.
C. T. U. will meet at the home of Miss
Margaret Walker on Tuesday at 8:00
o'clock. All members are urged to be
present and bring anew member. The
program will be as follows:
Scripture reading.
Reading—Sarah Joe Roberts.
Music —Alton Young.
Talk—Rev. L. W. Collins.
Orf Tuesday afternoon, in the Ordina
ry’s old office, a mass meeting of some
fifty farmers was held to discuss the
fertilizer situation. After numerous
propositions were discussed, a commit
tee was appointed to approach the fer
tilizer dealers to request an exchange
of fertilizer for cotton, basis 10-2-2
and Atlanta 4s, and to ask for the low
est fall price. It was decided to have
this committee report at another mass
uniting Tuesday afternoon, 2 o’clock,
Mujrch Bth. All interested are invited
to be present.
( Signed)
The little daughter of Mr. anil Mrs.
J Cooper is slowly improving.
®fee ■•Nitwit'
A Burlesque Entertiaiunent at School
Auditorium Tonight, Benefit of
Winder Baseball Club.
At the school auditorium tonight
(Thursday) will be given the amusing
and laughable entertainment that haw
never been given in this city. Thirty
of Winder’s business men and women
take part. Truly this is one of the
most entertaining plays ever put on the
stage. It is called a “scream.”
You just ought to see Joe Parham
and Jule Wilson as bawling, squalling,
crying babies, fighting and scrapping
over their nursing bottles.
Judge Johns as the deceased Mr. Par
ley, Mr. C. O. Niblack as the groom who
rolls his bride, Mrs. Reba Vonderleith,
in a primitive carriage—the wheelbar
row. are laughable in the extreme.
We haven’t room in this article to
mention (every! character —there are
thirty of Winder's men and women in
the play—and you just can’t afford to
miss it.
The play is given for the benefit of
Winder's baseball club and is being
coached by Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Atlan
ta, which is a guarantee of its success.
Admission, adults 55 cents, school
children, 28 cents.
Southeastern Christian
“Tony, the Convict,” to be given at
Southeasters Christian College by the
Dramatic Club Friday evening, March
4, promises to be one of the best
plays ever presented by students of S.
C. C. The public will remember the
high standard set by former plays giv
en by tile students. Most of the actors
in “Tony, The Convict" have appear
ed upon the stage at S. C. C before
and will be recognized by those who
have attended former entertainments.
The public is cordially invited to at
tend “Tony, the Convict.” Admission
will be 35c and 25c.
The sensational escape of the con
vict hi the first act is well acted by Mr.
Snipes. “Tony” is a strong, many
sided character. The villian, James
Barclay, is played by Mr. Wade Gar
The second act contains comedy, in
troduced by two tramps, and discloses
a secret which enables the vindictive
Mr. Barclay to lay plans to wifi Lena,
the lovely daughter of Judge Van
Cruger. “Lena" is a very emotional
part, well acted by Miss Ruby Bridges,
“The Judge” is played by Mr. T. O.
Slaughter, with Mrs. Rollin Garrett as
“Mrs. Van Cruger.” Professor Rollin
McPherson has the part of Irena's lov
er. Phil.
More comedy is furnished by ser
vants and the old-maid in the third
act. Prof, and Mrs. J. L. Allgood and
Miss Helen Blanton get in some good
acting here. But this act also has a
good deal of pathos. The plans of
Barclay begin to fork out, the lovers
are separated, and Lena torn awa.v
from her home and parents.
“Lena’s” best scene, perhaps is in
the fourth act. Her father’s humble
home is in sharp contrast to the lux
urious one she has been brought away
from. The villian meets a master and
a fathei* saves his child.
“Barclay” plays his highest card in
the fifth act, 'and Lena resolves to sar
rifice herself for the Judge. This is
prevented by the return of the con
vict and the detective. Barclay is ar
rested, and Tony, the convict, comes
into his own.
Baptist Preachers in
In Meeting at Bold
Springs W ednesday
The Appalachee preecrfers and work
ers conference met at Bold Springs
church Wednesday at 10:00 o clock, A
large delegation was present from the
entire territory: the roads were fine
and the weather ideal.
Rev. W. S. Walker, of Monroe, pre
sided. -The devotional exercises were
led liy Rev. .T. S. Settle. I)r. L. A.
Henderson of Lawrencevllle, preached
the 11 o’clock sermon. Rev. W. H.
Faust presented the 75 million cam
Rev. C. W. Henderson spoke on loy
alty.” Rev. Still on Sunday school as
related to the Home and Church. Rev.
W. S. Walker on our Mission Field in
The next Kejssion goes to Statham
first Wednesday in April. The pro
gram will he printed later. The hos
pitality of the Bold Springs people was
superb, and the dinner incomparable.
Winder, Barrow County, Georgia, Thursday, March 3, 1921.
U. of Ga. Glee Club to
Visit Winder Mon. 21st
It will be of great interest to the
Winder people to know that the “Red
and Black” Glee club will be with us
again this year. The fact that their
itinerary includes only such places as
Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Augusta,
Gainesville, and Athens, makes Win
der feel unusually proud of this antic
ipated visit, and gives her a more im
portant place on the map. The boys
come again this year under the auspi
cek of the Parent-Teacher association
and will be here Monday evening,
March 21st., Remember the date. Many
new features have been added. Their
Jazz Band is considered the best south.
There are entertaining end men whom
we will tell you more about next week.
Come out and hear them.
Meeting Parent-Teach
er Association Postpon
ed to Friday Night 11th.
The Parent-Teacher Association has
postponed its regular meeting until
Friday night, March 11. The program
committee has prepared a special pro
gram for this occasion and all mem
bers of the association are requested
to be present. The fathers are also
requested to attend this meeting, also
parents who have cildren in school or
ure interested. Your presence \*ill
lend inspiration to the occasion and
will make us feel that you are support
ing a good cause.
Methodist Services.
10.20 A. M. Sunday school.
New record reached last Sunday.
Aim for next Sunday 400 present.
Enough regular members of the adult
department were absent last Sunday
morning to have easily reached this
goal. Come and enjoy the hour of in
spiration. enthusiasm, music and good
fellowship. Ten-piece orchestra. Spe
cial features every Sunday.
11:30 A. M. Morning worship—
Preaching by the pastor. Subject:—
“Going Up to Jerusalem.” Communion
servihe, which is being made the great
service, which is being made the great
of both church and Sunday school
urged to attend.
8 P. M. Union service at the Christian
L. Wilkie Collins, Pastor.
Marguerita Fischer, J.
and Dorothy
Dalton Strand Stars.
Asa special attraction Thursday and
Friday of this week the Strand Thea
ter will show Miss Marguerita Fischer
and Milton Sills in “Week End.
On Monday Jack Pickford will be
the attraction in “In Wrong.”
On Tuesday in connection with the
serial “Broadway Bab,” Dorothy Dal
ton will he starred in “His Wife's
Friend.” This is an unusually strong
program and you must see “Week-End
with Marguerita Fischer.
Friday afternoon- at three-thirty the
above uam’Y basketball teams will
meet in the last and one of the best
games of the season.
The attendance at this game ought
to be very large. This is a good time
for our home people to show their in
terest in their own boys and at the
same time help in a financial way to
support the athletics of our school.
The ministers of the town and the
Board of Education could well afford
to give endorsement to this sport by
their presence.
Let all the “sports” who went wild
over the baseball games last summer
come out and help the home folks
Then we had an imported team and we
could yell ourselvets hoarse for them.
Let’s be consistent now and help the
home folks a little.
Be at the game at three-thirty, Fri
It becomes my duty to enforce the
law requiring a 1921 tag on all automo
biles. A violation of this law carries
a fine of SIOO and costs. Please lehve
(your cars at home or get a license. —
H. <>. CAMP, Sheriff.
The Brenau Glee Club, March 17th.
benefit building fund Methodist church.
Don't fail to see the best attraction
of the season.
Items of Interest To Our Many Readers
Gathered From Our Exchanges
From Adjoining Counties
Walton County.
Mrs. Walter Jaeksojt, of Winder,
spent last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patat and daugh
ter, of Winder, spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hearn.
Mrs. V. S. Cooper spent several days
of last week in Winder, the guest of
Mrs. Henry Pledger.
Mr. Harris Mayo, of Winder, spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. D. T.
Miss Curtis Adams, of Hoschton,
spent the week-end with relatives here.
Mr. E. A. Shackelford, a Gwinnett
county man, living not far from Luw
renceville, according to a coroner’s in
quest, coine to his death by hanging
liimseir to a wild cherry tree. 11 is
body was found about 12 o’clock Wed
nesday night about three-quarters of
a mile from his home.
The Statham Baptist Sunday school
under the leadership of Dr. J. C. Dan
iel is doing splendid work. There is a
earnest and faithful. We hope to have
fine class spirit and the teachers are
a hundred per cent attendance of our
church membership during this year.
We have good attendance at Wednes
day evening prayer service. The faith
ful little Sunbeam band lias been made
very sad over the serious illness of
their leader, Mrs. J. C. Daniel.
Our Junior B. Y. P. U. was organiz
ed two weeks ago by our pastor, Rev.
C. W. Henderson. .To all in reach of
our church we invite you to come wor
ship with us each Sunday service.
Sunday school 10 :30.
Sunbeams 2 :30.
Junior B. Y. P. U. 0:30.
Prayermeeting Wednesday night 7 :30
Preaching third Sunday at 11:30 anil
Mrs. Morton Smith left last week to
join Mr. Smith in Charleston, S. C.,
where he had accepted a position. We
wish for them success in their new
Rev. J. B. Gresham preached two
helpful sermons at the Methodist
church here last Sunday.
Miss Helen Arnold of Danielsville
spent the week-end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross with Jack
and Fred spent the day Sunday in Beth
Mr. C. B. Chambers who has been
spending some time in Florida return
ed last week to be here for a few days
Mrs. Georgia McDonald is in Atlan
ta spending some time with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Cody.
Mrs. S. A. Boland and Mildred, of
Greensboro spent the reekJend here
the guests of Mrs. W. D. Whitman and
Dr. S. A. Boland.
Dr. and Mrs. C. S Williams were
the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. R.
A. Nunnally last Sunday.
Among those who attended the bas
ket ball game in Auburn were Misses
Rosa Lee Chandler, Lena May Tread
well, Ruby Gallespie and Mr. Johnnie
Mr. Earnest Willie Cheek has ac
cepted a position in Augusta.
Miss Cullie Hammond fills his plac:-
as P. O. clerk.
Mrs. Lou Roberts has been spending
the week with Mrs. Edna Roberts.
Those who esjoyed the hospitality of
Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Holcomb at dinner
last Sunday were Misses Elizabeth
and Stella McElhannon, Mrs. Fannie
Steed and Mrs. W. M. Fite.
Mr. and Mrs. Wess Henry and chil
dren of Monroe were visiting relatives
here recestly.
Several from here attended the fu-
neral last week of Miss Cloe Sorrows,
age 14, which took place at High
Shoals. Her mother will be remem
bered as Miss Queenie Hewit.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Doster an
nounce the birth of a daughter.
The Womens Missionary Society of
the Methodist cliureh met with Mrs. L.
M. Arnold on Monday afternoon. Quite
a gooii many were present Including
visitors. The topic for the program
was New Orleans and our possibilities
there in the way of missions. An in
teresting report of the annual confer
ence at Gainesville was given by Mrs.
Fite who came back tilled with the In
spiration that every church member
should be a missionary member.
We wish to thank our friends for all
their kindness and sympathy in the
sudden going away of our dear moth
er, January 30. 1921.—Mrs. Fannie
Steed, Mrs. Anna Robinson, Mrs. Cora
Steed, Mrs. Missouri Steed, Mrs. Lizzie
Martin, M. M. Arnold.
Our Circulation
Now 1968 Subs.
The circulation of The Winder
News is now 1968 bona fide sub
scribers. We reneh nearly every
home in the Winder territory and
can give our advertisers the best of
Service. Our plant is one of the
best equipped in the state and we
are prepared to serve our patrons
in a thoroughly satisfactory manner.
All kinds of job work can be han
dled in an up-to-date style, and the
News is one of the best mediums in
Northeast Georgia for reaching the
people. Our rates for advertising
and for job work are very reasona
ble, and we solicit the patronage of
the public.
Mr. J. R. Arnold was a visitor to
Monroe Monday.
Mrs. Guy Kilgore will spend the
week-end in Atlanta with relatives.
• •
Master John Durward Wallace spent
the week end in Dewy Rose.
• *
Miss Maude Henson was aviator
to Atlanta Wednesday.
• *
Miss Ora Mlncey spi'/ht Saturday
night with her parents at Pentecost.
• *
Mr. Bob Sims, of Statham, was a
visitor to Winder Tuesday.
• *
Mr. W. A. Carroll, of Auburn, was
a visitor in the city Saturday.
• *
Mr. Harold Herrin is in Gaines
ville several days tills week for an op
eration on his eye. We hope he will
soon get alright.
We understand that Mr. A. Sim Hill,
for nine years chief of police of Win
der, and Mr. Bud Rutledge, have been
named as county policemen for Barrow
county. No better selections could be
made for these places than these two
men, and the interests of the county
along this line will be well cared for.
Mr. B. H. Merck Buys
The Moore’s Stables
Mr. B. H. Merck has bought the sta
bles of Moore and Hons on Candler
street and will remodel same and
move Ills wholesale grocery business
to that place. The trade Is effective
April Ist.
Several fin*, articles ure crowded out
of this issue on account of lack of
space. We have been busy since our
last issue consolidating the News and
Times, and have lieen unable to do jus
tice to this week's paper. We hope
to get straight soon and can then give
our entire time to the business. These
articles will appear neit* week.
Rev. John H Wood
Accepts Call To Rome.
Rev. John 11. Wood, one of the most
prominent ministers in the Christian
denomination in the state, has been
called to the pastorate of the Chris
tian church at Rome, Ga., and be has
accepted same. He will begin work
in that city at once.
All of the citizens of this cltjs re
gardless of denominations, regret to
see him leave Winder. He and his
accomplished wife are valuable addi
tions to any city and Rome Is to be
congratulated on securing them as cit
izens of their city.
The editor of tbe News feels an esr
pedal loss in their removal, having
known Brother Wood for twenty years
and we have always found him a con
genial companion and a man devoted
to the things that upbuild .a communi
ty. Winder’s loss is great beyond ex
pression. Both he and Mrs. Wood can
rest assured that they carry with
them the best wishes of their bosts of
throughout this section for
their happiness and success in their
new home.
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Jackson desire to
thank their many friends for the kind
expressions of sympathy and the beau
tiful floral offerings that were tendered
in the n-a'h of their baby, Majorie ■
Hill Jackson. '
TUESDAY, Marcs B.—Ruth of Rock
ies. Dorothy Dalton, His Wife’s Friend’
Mr. G. W. Summerour is Arranging to
Build Large Sweet Potato Curing
House for Minder.
The News is glad to state that Win
der is to have another enterprise that
will mean much to this city and sur
rounding section. Mr. G. W. Stimmer
our has definitely decided to build a
large sweet potato curing plant in this
city and to have it ready by the time
this year’s crop is harvested. He will
be in shape to either buy all the sweet
potatoes that ure brought to this mar
ket or store them for those growers
who wish to hold. Sweet potatoes are
easily grown in the Winder territory
and they are a very profitable crop if
they can be kept and marketed along
through the year.
Mr. Summerour has a carload of
sweet potatoes on hand now that he pro
poses to sell to any who may want to
plant. He will also bed about 4(H)
bushels to supply plants to those who
do not buy the seed and bed for them
The Porto Rico variety is the only
kind that the market demands and
those who grow potatoes should plant
this variety.
We are confident that Mr. Summerour
will find his venture a profitable one
and that the farmers will also profit
by his building the curing house.
Men’s Club Have Inter
esting Meeting Monday
The second monthly meeting of the
Methodist Men’s club was held Tues
day night at the home of Mr. J. M. Ai
ken, with a large attendance. Reports
were mude by the various committees
and remarkable progress was reported
in all the undertakings of the church.
The club has undertaken the publicity
work for the night services of the
church and has brought together great
congregations during the lust few
months. The Monday school attendance
has been doubled in one month, nojt
only in the adult department but in all
grades. But the greatest success has
been registered in the new spirit of en
thusiasm that is in evidence hiu! that
permeates the entire congregation. Ev
ery church activity has felt its influ
ence and the results have abundantly
justified the existence of this new
men's organization.
I’lans for the future include a drlve
for the enlistment of every man in
Barrow county who is not attending
Sunday school und the forming of a
new Junior Baraca class for young
men from the ages of 17 to 20. Plans
were also made for the securing of an
athletic field for the summer outdoor
activities of the men and boys of the
church. The building committee and
minute men also made encouraging re
The spirit of the gathering was that
only a beginning had l>een made in the
work of enlisting the men of the city
in church and Sunday school activities,
and that the prevailing spirit of en
thusiasm would largely increase the
work that had already been done. The
pastor, who was present, made the en
couraging statement that he had never
known u church where so large a pro
portion of the membership were at work
in helping build up the church, as in
tint Winder Methodist congregation,
at present. The choir, the club orches
tra, and publicity committee, are plan
ning for a permanent program of great
Sunday night services with special fea
tures, that will be profitable und inter
esting to the whole community. Also
a campaign of personal evangelism is
being inaugurated to culminate on
Easter Sunday. The ultimate aim for
Sunday school attendance is 500, which
is tiie membership of the church.
At the close? of the business Session
which was conducted by the president
Mr. Paul Brooksher, the club adjourn
ed to meet in social session. Mrs. J.
M. Aiken, the hostess, was assisted by
the wives of the social committee in
serving elaborate refreshments.
The secretary, Mr. A. T. Harrison,
announced tliat a large number of new
members had been added during the
evening. All Methodist men and men
of Methodist inclination, 18 years t
age and over, ar e eligible for memix
ship in this organization.
Chin. Publicity Dept
The women and girls of the Statha*
Baptist church met on Tuesday aft< V
noon in observance of the regular we
of prayer for home missions.
Hymns, which were rendered in - \
unusual way, were enjoyed by f <
Some good readings were give ■
Home Missions and a few good
were made on Prayer and Praise.
Dainty colored goodies, served b
girls, contributed a pleasant pari
tilt? program, and carried good ch.
to the community. i
No. 46