The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 03, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Calendar for Week MONDAY, FEB. 28TH. Mrs. G. C. Moseley was hos tess to the Bridge elob. W. C. T. U. Reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCants in th e evening. Mrs. L. Wlkie Collins will en tertain the Ladies of the Mission ary Society of the Methodist church. TUESDAY, MARCH 1. Mesddmes C. S. Williams, Roy <1 Jackson and J. I\ Cash enter , tained Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church. Methodist Men’s Club held a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Aiken in the evening. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. Mrs. T. A. Maynard was hos tess at Sewing Party. THURSDAY, MARCH 3. Mrs. L. W. Collins is enter taining Junior Priscilla Sewing club. Play under auspices Baseball association at school auditorium at 8 p. m. FRIDAY, MARCH 4. '/ Reception will be given at the Christian church for Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Grubb in the even ing. SATURDAY, MARCH 5. Miss Audrey Wills will enter tain Teachers Sewing club. RECEPTION FOR MESDAMES .JQHN H. WOOD AND L. H. _ REID. Beautiful in every detail was the re ception last Saturday afternoon given by Mesdames Z. F. Jackson and B. B. Jackson at the home of the latter. The honor guests being Mesdames John H. Wood and L. H. Reid. Mrs. Glass. Mother of Mrs. Reid, also shared hon ors of the occasion. The lower floor of this lovely home was thrown togeth er, and made radiant with its spring like decorations. As the guests arrived they were met at the door hy Mes dames Reba Vonderlieth, Roy Jackson, and C. O. Niblack; they were then ushered into the music room where hot chocolate and wafers were served from an unusually attractive table, which was decorated with jonquils and ferns. .Those assisting in serving were Mrs. J. M. Aikin, Mrs. C. M. Ferguson, Miss Cleo Bush, Miss Mary Julia Reid, Miss Mary Quarterman and Miss Alice Eu genia Dunn. Miss Annette Quillian and Mrs. A. D. Mc.Curry furnished music for the afternoon. The guests were then in vited into the living-room to the re ceiving line and then into the dining room by Mrs. O. M. Jackson where they were served cream and cake. Mes dames R. L. Rodgers and M. J. Grif feth presided at the table and were assisted by Mesdames Guy Kilgore, J. S. Hargrove, Hiram T. Flanigan and Miss Ora Leo Camp and little Miss Bftvton Jackson. During the afternoon more than one hundred and fifty guests called. MRS. H. T. FLANIGAN ENTER TAINED AT MUSICAL TEA. The Musical tea on last Friday af ternoon at which Mrs. Hiram T. Flan igan was the gracious hostess was one of the largest and loveliest social events of the season. This beautiful home was unusually attractive, made so with many decorations of early spring flowers. The guests were met at the door by the cordial hostess and Mrs. H. A. Carithers; they were then ushered into the library, where from a beautifully appointed tea table Mrs. Clyde Williamson and Mrs. Robert Pir kle poured tea, and others assistng in this room were Mesdames H.' E. Milli kin, W. H. Quarterman, Dunn. The dec orations in the library were quantities of johnquils and yellow roses. Next the guests were invited into the din ing room which was lovely in its every detail, pink roses and hyacinths being used, the color motif of pink and j el low was skillfully carried out in the frozen course served. Those presid ing at the table were Mesdames G. A. Johns and Roy Jackson, those assist ing were Mesdames Howard Rogers, B. B. Jackson, Ed Beddingfleld, O. M. Jackson and Robert Camp. And m\ the adjoining music room the same lovely flowers were used and during tfie afternoon a most enjoyable musical program was rendered by Mesdames A. D. McCurry, Mac Potts. Joe Estes, W. A. Bradley, and Miss Ora Lee Camp, and Miss Cleo Bush. More than one hundred guests enjoy ed Mrs. Flanigan’s cordial hospitality on this occasion. HAUN-GARRETT. , Last Monday, at the Southeastern Christian College, Auburn, occurred the marriage of Mr. Rolin Garrett, the son of Prof, and Mrs. H. R. Garrett, of that institution, and Miss Dorothy Haun. of Bessemer, Ala. Both are tine young people and they have the very best wishes of their host of friends for a happy and prosperous journey through life’s highway. Rev. John H. Wood, of this city spoke the words that made &e happy couple man and wife. ELEY-BONNELL. 0 Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Kley announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida Carolyn, to Mr. Howard S. Bonnell. of New York City. The marriage will be solemnized in the summer. No cards. MRS. MOSELEY ENTERTALNS BRIDGE CLUB. An enjoyable feature of this week’s social activities was Monday afternoon when Mrs. G. C. Moseley delightfully entertained the Bridge club. Late in the afternoon delicious refreshments were served. The guests were Mesdames H. A. Caritliers, Ralph Smith, A. D. McCur ry, Robert Camp, Fleming Thompson, Howard Rogers, Reba Vonderleith, Grady Whitehead of Greenwood, S. C., Paul Roberts. J. J. Wilson, J. M. Ai ken, George Fortson, Henry Pledger, J. F. Broome, W. L. DeLaPerriere, O. M. Jackson and J. W. Griffeth. MATINEE PARTY FOR YOUNG MATRONS CLUB. Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. E. V. Snipes entertained the Young Matrons club at a matinee party. After enjoy ing the picture, “Life's Twists,” the guests assembled at the drug store where sandwiches a|ul drinks were served. Among the guests present were Mesdames Roberts, Aiken, O. M. Jack son, Carithers, Ralph Smith, Robert Camp, Fleming Thompson, Wilson, Es tes, Vonderleith, W. L. DeLuPerriere, Howard Rogers, E. R. Harris, Roy Jackson, George Fortson and Henry Pledger. WEEK-END PARTY. “I am a plain country woman, and my daughter has come back from board ing school with ‘city ideas.’ Nothing will do but that I give her a week-end party. Could you please tell me what is a week-end party, and what I must make the guests do to feel that they are being entertained in good style.— Mrs. Anxious. ANSWER. Mrs. Anxious: Ask your daughter’s friends, young men and maidens, to come to your home for the week-end. They will probably arrive any time from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, and most of them will leave Sunday night—none later than Mon day morning unless specially urged. Do not try to entertain them —just let them enjoy the seashore or the country in their own way. Give them lots of good things to eat. Above all things don’t overdo the chaperoning of the young folks. For suggestions for your party, advise you to see “The Week- End,” showing at The Strand Theater Two Days, Thursday and Friday of this week, featuring Marguerite Fisch er and Milton Sills. YV. C. T. U. RECEPTION The annual reception of the W. C. T. U. to the teachers of the public schools of Winder took place Monday evening at the beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCants. The home was artistically decorated with gold and white, the colors of the Union. The receiving line was headed by Mrs. Guy Kilgore, president of the un ion; and Mrs. W. 11. McCants, superin tendent of scientific temperance instruc tion department; then followed all the teachers of the public schools. The guests were greeted at the door by Mesdames George Fortson, Edgar DelaPerriere and YV. N. Bailey. After a very interesting program the social hour was a feature of the even ing. A tempting salad course was served by Mesdames Parham, Hargrove Stanton, Harrison, A. A. Camp, and YY'alden. About ninety guests were present dur ing the evening. The president gave a cordial invitation to all of those not belonging to the union to join. MRS. MAYNARD HOSTESS, Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. T. A. Maynard was hostess at a delightful little sewing party. After a merri time was had with the needle the hos tess served a delicious salad course. Those present were Mesdames Reba Y'onderlieth, C. B. Almond, J. S. Har grove, B. B. Jackson, C. O. Niblack, Grady YVhiteliead, G. YV. DeLaPerriere, and Edgar DeLaPerriere. BACHELOR GIRLS CLUB. Miss Mabel Jackson delightfully en tertained the Bachelor Girls club last Saturday afternoon. Delicious refresh ments were served at the conclusion of the sewing hour. The guests included Misses Montine Robinson. Sadie Harris, Sara Hayes, Josephine House, Marie Herrin and Charlotte McCants. YIRS. BEDDINGFIELI) ENTER TAINED AT PERC’HESLA PARTY. Mrs. Ed Beddingfleld was hostess at a most delightful party last Saturday evening. “Perchesia” was the game for the evening and delicious refreshments were served after the games. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Maughon, Mr. and, Mrs. J. YV. Griffeth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Pirkle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Autry, Mrs. Hagan. Miss Annette QuiUlan, Mr. Carl Hargrove and little Miss Vemelle Hagan. MRS. POTTS ENTERTAINED YOUNG MATRONS FEDERATED CLl'B. Among the many delightful social events of tlie early spring was the love ly party on last Thursday afternoon at which Mrs. Mac Potts was cordial lostess. * The rooms in which the guests were entertained were very pretty with their decorations of jonquils, heralds of spring, and ferns. 500 was the fea ture of llie afternoon. Upon arrival of the guests were served sandwiches and tea and late in the afternoon a frozen course was served. The guest list included Mesdames Claud Mayne, Williamson, IV. L. Jackson, Bradley, Johns, H. T. Flanigan, Alyioml, J. L. Jackson, Millikin, J. W. Griffeth, Sax on, W. O. Perry, R. L. Eavenson, Lee Fortson, McCurry, Ware, Brooks, C. S. Williams, Parks Stewart, Guy Jack son, Rhett Nowell, Reid, Robert Smith, Starr, T. M. Furlow, of Jackson; C. E. Furlow of Ohio; Miss Ora Camp, and little Elizabeth Furlow. Miss Lee Orah Pulliam was the week end guest her parents at Dewey Rose. * • Miss Sybil Johnson of Winterville was the guest of Miss Miriam Bennett the past week-end. • • Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Quillian spent Wednesday in Athens with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Miller. • • Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wall, of Statham, were guests of Mrs. J. M. Haynie Sun day. * • Mrs. H. C. DeLaPerriere, of Hosch ton, was the guest of Mrs. Preston Williams on Monday. • * We regret to hear of the illness of Mr. Thomas Roark; hope he will soon be out again. • • Mr. G. W. Malcom, of Statham, was shaking hands with his friends in the city Tuesday. • • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brock, of Jeff ferson, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summerour. • • Mr. A. N. Porter, a prominent mer chant of Statham, was in the city on busness Tuesday. • • Mrs. B. W. Oglesby and daughter, Miss Katie Lou, of Elberton, spent the week-end with relatives in Winder. * • Mr. T. O. Slaughter, of Southeastern Christian College, Auburn, Ga., was a visitor in the city Monday. • * Editor Archie C. Camp, of the Oco nee Enterprise, Watkinsville, Ga., was a visitor in the city last Saturday. * • Messrs. D. O. Carrington, Allen Car rington and Ernest Lay were visitors to Lawrenceville Monday. * * Mrs. Howard N, Mann is on an ex tended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Eavenson, of this city. Mrs. YY r . R. Smith, Mrs. Reece Couch, Mrs. George Fortson, Mrs. J. B. Par ham and Joe Jr., motored to Athens Tuesday • • Mr. and Jlrs. YY r . F. Robertson and son, YY’illiam, were the guests Tuesday night of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. YY T . McWhorter. • * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hadaway and children of Athens were guests of Mr. and Mrs. YV. F. Hubbard the past week end. • • Dr. J. YY\ Quillian, Presiding Elder of the Augusta District, spent the first of the week her e with his brother, Dr. H. I'. Quillian. • • Rev. J. B. Gresham, of Bethlehem, was a visitor in the cith last Mondac attending the Barrow Minister’s con ference. • * Mr. John Shields and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sims, and baby motored to Jefferson last Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. YV. YVilhite. • • Mr. and Mrs. Dorroh Nowell an nounce the birth of a son Sunday, Feb. 27th, who has been given the name of James Thirston. , • • Rev. and Mrs. L. YY r . Collins have as their guests their mother and sister, Mrs. Wilkie Collins and Mrs. J. P. Hur dle and little son, Phil, Jr., of Winston- Salem, N. C. • • Col Sam Jolly, who has been recent ly made assistant solicitor general of this district, of Homer, Ga„ was a vis itor in YVinder during the past week. * • Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Haynes of Atlanta are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Mrs. Haynes was formerly Miss Florrie YY’ood of this city. • * Dr. and Mrs. G. YV. DeLaPerriere. af ter a most delightful sojourn in Flor ida and Cuba for two months, have re turned to their home in this city. They are being cordially welcomed by their many friends. * • YY T e are glad to note that Mrs. J. R. N. Baugh, who recently underwent an operation in YY’esley Memorial Hospital Atlanta, is improving rapidly. This Is glad news to her many friends in this city. THE WINDER NEWS Miss Ada Hancock spent the week end with her father near Jefferson. • * Mr. A. O. Hood, of Nicholson, was in Winder Tuesday on business. • * Judge H. G. Hill and Mr. W. H- Har. digree were visitors to Auburn Sunday. • * Mr. W. J. Smith made a business trip to Atlanta last Friday. • • We are glad to note that Mr. J. B. Wiliams is able to be out again after an illness of several days. * • Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fowler, of East Point, were guests Saturday night and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smirii. • m Mr. arid Mrs. John Baird and Misses Ola Porter. Gipsy Beddingfield and Be atrice Wilhite spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. H. G. Hill were visitors to Gaines ville last Sunday. • • Mr. E. D. Sparks, a former Winder citizen, but now Atlanta, was a visitci here tirst of the week. • Mi’, and Mrs. G. W. Summerour and sons, visited the latter's sister. Mrs. A. L. Morris, in Atlanta last week. * * Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fulmer, of Tam pa, Fla., are guests this week of the lattec's sister, Mrs. C. C. Gregory. • • Mr. and Mrs. Herschel W. Smith went over to WiiTterville last week-end to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. J. W. Watson. * * Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gunter, of Bu ford, spent Saturday night and Sun day in the city with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. * • Rev. C. W. Henderson, pastor of the Statham Baptist church, and Mr. Robt. Thompson, of Bogart, fas here a short while Wednesday afternoon. * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers of Atlan ta, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rogers. STRANGE’S • ' ,i!T i , 4 j ii teM b Our sale last week put out several hundred pairs of Silk Stocking’s. .Remarkable how kidies come when Strange offers values. For This Week THURSDAY—FRIDAY—SATURDAY \ We offer the Famous Cadet and “Buster Brown” boys and girls stockings. Stock Nos. 8 and 12, sizes 6 to 10. Known as the leading makes and best wearing stocking in the country—for three days— -35c; 3 pr. for $ 1.00 1 lot Misses stockings, colors white and brown, sizes 4 to <H, for 3 days— -2 prs. for 25c 1 lot very special, all white Silk Stockings 75c 1 lot few stockings left from last week, brown and white . . . : . . SI.OO Come get in on this; supply all the family and save money. * f J. T. Strange Cos. Department Store Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Faust spent last Monday in Athens. * - • Rev. W. 11. Faust, the pastor of the First Baptist church, is in Tennille to day and will return tomorrow. • * Mrs. Arch Perry returned Monday ifter spending several days with friends and relatives in Powder Springs, Atlanta and East Point. LET Strange % TAILOR YOUR SUIT . i Guaranteed satisfaction in every way Give us a chance to PLEASE YOU. PAY LESS DRESS BETTER Strouse and Company Hart, Schaffner & Marx ROYAL TAILORS $25.00 to $45.00 J. T. Strange Company v SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR Mrs. L. W. Hodges has returned from a week’s stay in Atlanta. • . • Mr. and Mrs. Grady Whitehead and little son, of Greenwood, S. C., are the guests of Mrs. Whitehead and Mrs. Vonderleithi • • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burson linve mov ed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Jackson in the apartment formerly oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Reid.