The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 03, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY, MARCH 3. 1021. Classified Ads. Xo. 13 Imitation Oliver Plow Points, 2,"| cents each at oodruff Hdw, 10. Genuine Syracuse and Vulcan points guaranteed to last one third longer at WOODRUFF HARDWARE (30. 25c pets a No. 13 Imitation Oliver Plow It at WOODRUFFS. $1 SC, huys a genuine Aluminum Tea Kettle at WOODRUFFS. Get an aluminum percolator at Wood mffs for $1.60. Only a few left at this price. 0-Quart Aluminum Kettles, g teed, only $1.85 at Woodruffs. Come to Woodruffff Hardware Cos. for all kinds of Aluminumware at spe cially attractive prices. Double Hollers, Preserving Kettles, Stowers in Aluminumware at rock bot tom prices. Sec our goods and prices before buying aluminumware. —Wood- ruff Hardware Company. Claims Adjusted Promptly ATHENS COLLECTING AGENCY Athens, Georgia 102 Shackelford Building—Phone 1207 Send us your claims today. Collected for reasonable commissions. We cover Northeast Georgia. For Rough or dressed oldfield lum ber see Allen Guffin. 30-tf. WANTED —Men or women to take orders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full ine for men, women and children. Elim inates darning. We pay 75c an hour spare time or $35.00 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Norris town, Pa. FOR SALE.—One Harley-Davison mo torcycle for sale. Apply to Williams Bros. Garage, Broad st., Winder, Ga. 2t-pd. Plant the best seed fresh frooin the farm in bulk at Woodruffs. Choice Timothy Hay at $40.00 per ton. —Emory Smith at L. L. Moore’s barn. tf. Fresh garden seed in the bulk ut Woodruffs. Compare our hay prices with others. Emory Smith at L. L. Moore’s Barn, tf FROSTPROOF CABBAGE PLANTS. —Wakefield and Flat Dutch; post paid, 500 for $1.25; 1000 for $2.25: ex press collect, $1.50 per thousand. Gen uine Porto Rico potato plants ready in April; postpaid, 500 for $1.50; 1000 for $2.50; express collect, $2.00 per thousand. Satisfaction guaranteed, ■write for free offer. DASHER PLANT CO„ Valdosta, Ga. 4tpd Choice Timothy Huy, one bale or ton ut $2.00 per hundred pounds.— Emory Smith at L. L. Moore’s bum. Stable Manure for sale. Will de liver inside city limits. —L. I* Moore. Allen Ruffin can supply you with rough or dressed lumber at attractive prices. dO-tf. poll SALE —- horses; a bargain can be bought in these. See J. N. \\ illlams Winder lit. 4, or Ur. C. S. Williams. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I have removed my Jewelry and watch repair office to room 403 Win der National Bank Building*. Where I am prepared to do all kinds of watch and jewelry repairing First Class Work Reasonable Charges B. E. PA TRICK 403 Winder Nat. Bank Building. Winder, Ga. COTTON SEED FOR SALE. 100 bushels Fuller’s Improved Poullnot Cotton Seed for sale at SI.OO per bush el. G. W. Fuller, R. F. I>., Winder, Ga. 4t LOST—One black pig, weight about 50 pound;; disappeared Tuesday of la|t week; please notify Mrs. Lona Tims, Winder, Ga. There is MORE POWER In THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE and SU PREME AUTO OIL. Tallassee Dots Mr. Ltv Duncan visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Un..J. C. Sikes on Sunday afternoon. Miss I’rudie Belle Sikes, little Mary Bell and Dave Sikes were the guests of Mrs. Lonnie Patton awhile Sunday morning. Mr. J. C. Sikes, Sr„ was the guest of Mr. Featus Kinney Sunday. Messrs. Willie Jackson and J. T. Hartley were guests of Miss Lillian Hill Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maynard Sunday. Mr. Homer Draper and Mr. J. T. Hartley were guests of Miss Lillian Shaford Thursday night. Miss Marie Boyd spent the week-end with her parents at Stathain. Misses Bird and Prndle Belle Hikes spent Friday in Statham with their cousins, Mrs. Fannie Millsaps and Mrs. Jack Harper. Little Mary Bell Hikes spent Sunday ninght with her aunt, Miss Prudie Belle Sik<*s. Mrs. Enoy Hartley and her mother, Mrs. Annie Wallace, were guests of Mrs. Ben Maynard Sunday afternoon. The singing given by Miss Willie Belle Haynie last Friday night was highly enjoyed by all present. Mrs. R. L. Sikes spent Saturday af ternoon with Mrs. Willie Wilhon. Mr. Edgar Fleming was the guest of Miss Prudie Belle Sikes Friday even ing. Mr. Henry Wallace was the guest of his mother Friday. The farmers are busy this week working the road; they will have a good road when they get through with it. kill ings Seeds 1921 Catalog Free Ifa rr eJy ri •. lli handsomely il hrstrsted ,Ag\ r aff worth-while seed and garden w*v This new catalog, we belles, la Hu moot valuable seed book ever petit: ed. It contains twenty full pa|M -* the moat popular vegetables aud Cowers In their natu ral colors, the finest work at its kind ever attempted. With oar photographic illustrations, and color picture* also from photo graphs, we show you just what you grow with Hasttnga* Seeds even be fore you order the seeds. This cata log makes garden and flower bed planning easy aud It should be In ev ery single Southern homo. Write us a post-card for it, giving your name and address. It will come to you by return mail and you will be mighty glad you’ve got It. Hastings’ Seeds are the Standard of tJfe South and they have the larg est mail order seed house in the world back of them. They’ve got to be the beet. Write now for the 1921 cata log. It is absolutely free. H. G. HAS TINGS CO., BEEDBMEN, ATLANTA, &A. ITCH CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 50c from druggists or 55c mailed - Mfr., DR. L. 1. SHARP & CO., Commerce, 6a. Take no substitute. Sold by FOR SALE. —Underwood Typewrit er, No. 4, in first class condition ev ery way; price $25.00. —(!. V. Moulder, lit. 2, Hosehtou, Ga. County Line School is progressing nicely at this place with good attendance. Mr. W. C. McDougal and family vis ited the former's sou in Green county Saturday and Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Melvin Murphy spent \\ ednesdny night in Hoschton. Mr. and Mrs. James Everett visited Mr. J. T. Vanderford Friday night. Mr. Hoyt Hardy. Miss Ollie Murphy and Eula Hardy spent Saturday night and Sunday near Mt. Moriah. Mr. O. B. House and family motored to Lawrenceville Sunday and spent the day with Mr. F. L. House. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hudgins had as their guests Tuesday night Mr. and Henry Puckett. Miss L’icile Siginan was tlie dinner guest of .NDss Clara Cooper Sunday. Mr. F. M. Hardy is on the sick list. Miss Dell Sims spent Thursday night with Mr. J. G. Attaway and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell House spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Young Doster. Mr. Guy Greeson of the U. S. Navy who has been visiting liis parents, has returned back for duty at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Murphy spent Saturday night with the bitter’s par ents, Mr. und Mrs. W. A. Cronic. Miss Estelle Wheeler of Jefferson was the guest of Miss Annie Wheeler Saturday night. Mr. Bennie Williams and mother mo tored to Lawrenceville one day last week. Mr. Arzy House was the guest of Miss Annie Clark Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Puckett spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Mary Puckett Mr. and Mrs. Ode Lancaster spent Sunday night with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Fowler. Breaking a Record. A man down East spoke hi* will Into a phonograph, thus giving hla heirs a chance to break bis record. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RICHARD B. RUSSELL, JR. A ttorneye-At-La w WINDER, GA. Office in Curitliers Building. Practice in All the Courts DR. J. H. MOORE Veterinary Surgeon Office over City Pharmacy Office Phone: 62J— Res. Phone 69 WINDER, GA. DR. CHARLES HAYES Athens, Ga. Specialty; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 511 Holman Building Office Hours; 9 to 12 A. M. 1 to 5 P. M. S. T. ROSS Physician and Surgeon Rooms 303-304 Winder Bank Bldg. Winder, Ga. G. A. JOHNS Attorney at Law Winder, Ga. Office Over Carithers Bank. Practice In All Courts. S. M. ST. JOHN Jeweler Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Silverware. Repair Work Done Promptly Broad Street Winder, Ga. IV. L. DeLaPERRIERE Rental Surgery Fillings, Bridge and Plate Work Doue iu Most Scientific and Satisfactory Way. DR. W. L. MATHEWS Suite 410 Winder National Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., and Ito 4 P. M. Residence Phone 213. Office Phone No. 13. E. R. HARRIS, M. D. Winder National Bank Building Winder, Gu. Office Hours: Winder: S :30 Xo 10 A. M.; 2 to SP. M. Bethlehem : 1 to 2 P. M. phone: Office No. 154. Residence IT4. W. 11. QUARTERMAN Attorney at Law Prentice In All Courts Commercial Law a Specialty DR. R. P. ADAMS General Practice Bethlehem, Georgiu. Phones: Office 24. Residence 6 Dr. C. S. Williams DENTIST offices in the Winder National Bank Building. Rooms 313-314 Residence Phone 234 —Office Phone 81 WINDER, GA. W. M. THOMA S Cleaning—Pressing—Altering Phone 40—Jackson Street Winder, Georgia THE WINDER NEWS PLEASANT HILL Mr. asd Mrs. E. E. Mobley and chil dren spent the week-end in Penfleld with the latter’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mobley and Miss Gladys Mobley of Statham spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mobley. Little Miss Mildred Wall spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mobley. Little Miss Mildred Wall spent Sun day with Miss Louise Mobley. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Wilburn and chil dres were guests of Mrs. Julia Wall Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs. Ben Wall of Statham and Mr. and Mrs. Welton Jones were dinner guestss of Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Messrs. W. T. Prickett, Charlie Fer guson, Ray Prickett and Henry Har digree made a trip to Athens Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lyle and children of Tyro spent Saturday night and Sun day with their mother, Mrs. H. A. Har digree. Miss Marie Haynie was the guest of Misses Pearlie and Zora Hammond Saturday night. Rev. W. B. McDonald of Maysville, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Msr. John McDonald. Misses Grace Prickett, Viola Hardi gree and Messrs. W, T. and Ray Prick ett and Charles Hariligree were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Prickett in Monroe Sunday. Misses Edna Williamson, Pearlie and Zora Hammond spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Edil Haynie. Miss Zora Ifenry spent Saturday night and Sunday with Misses House at Centerall. Miss Lucile Miller was the guest of Miss Norma Hariligree Saturday af ternoon. Miss Marie Haynie attended the teachers’ institute at Winder Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenway and baby were guests of their mother, Mrs. H. A. Hardigree Sunday. Mrs. Anna Hammond was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Saturday. Misses Grace Prickett, Pearlie Ham mond and Viola Hardigree were in Winder shopping Saturday afternoon. Pain in Side, Back and Head Jamestown, La. —“I have used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription for t years and find it does me more good than any other medicine I ever fered with my right side, back and head. A friend of mine told me to try Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescrip tion and it did me so much good I never get tired of praising it, for I believe saved my life. I tried several doctors but none of them helped me. Now 1 enjoy good health.” —IDA YOUNG BLOOD. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y., for a trial pkg. Perteeo^t Reliable Progressive THE OLD STORY “The World's Best By Every Test” ASHEPOO BRADLEY OLD DOMINION V^^ UALi !®/ SEA FOWL REG. U.S. PAT.OFF. DRY AND DRILLABLE FERTILIZERS BUILT UP TO A STANDARD—NOT DOWN TO A PRICE The American Agricultural Chemical Cos. Atlanta, Georgia FOR SALE BY ROBT. A. CAMP WINDER, GEORGIA Courteous Service Wall. Miss Cleo Wall spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. (). Mobley. Little Miss Mabel Mobley spent Mon day night in Statham with her aunt, Mrs. Julia Mobley. There will lie quarterly meeting at this place Saturday, March sth, Rev. J. R. Andersos of Atlanta will be with WE ARE GINNING This is to notify the general public that the Summerour Gin is running daily and will continue to operate daily until further notice. Highest market price paid for cot ton seed and remnant cotton. G. W. SUMMEROUR. The Ginner Winder, Georgia FIRE INSURANCE IS A S T EP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION As you look with satisfaction at your fire insurance policies you realize that fire is a constant menace and feel secure in your protection agaiust such a misfortune. But how about the many other things that may happen which will cause you financial loss? Nobody knows from what quarter misfortune may come. Your paymaster may be robbed, your employees hurt, your clerks may prove dis honest, your goods may be lost in transit, your automobile may be wrecked, your own earning capacity may be effected by sickness or accident. These and many other losses may come any time and when they do come they may cause a greater loss than a fire. If the theory of insurance is sound you should appy it to protect you and your property from every possible loss. What a comforting feeling of security it will give you to know that you are protected from every possible danger through the sound, reliable Insurance Service OF F. W BONDURANT & COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR us. Would like for all members to be present. t Living Sea Microphone. The orifice on the whale’s ear Is icareely perceptible, yet It Is said th4k the whale’s hearing Is so acute that a ship crossing Its track half a mile distant will cause It to dive Instantly.