The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, March 24, 1921, Image 4

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THURSDAY. MARCH 24. 1021. PETITION FOR CHARTER. State of Georgia—Barrow County. To the Superior Court of Said Cos. The petition If E. C. Hill, O. N. Bag well, and Warren House, all of said State and County, respectfully shows. — l— desire for themselves, their associates and successors to he incor porated and made a body politic un der the name and style of PE( >PLES FUEL CO., for the perld of 20 years. ■—2 — The principal olßce of said Compa ny shall be in the City of Winder, State and County aforesaid, but pe titioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this State or elsewhere, whenever the holders of the majority of this stock may so de sire. —H -• The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its share holders. The business to be carried on by said corporation is that of buying and selling at both wholesale and retail, coal and wood and other articles of fuel, the conduct of a general mercan tile business including groceries, food stuffs and such other wares of mer chandise as in usually dealt in by a general mercantile business; and to carry on farming operations. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be Fifteen Thousand (sls,* ooo.oo) Dollars, with the privilege of increasing same to the sum of Iwen ty-Five Thousand ($25,ooo.oo) Dol lars by a majority vote of the stock holders, said stock to be divided into stum's of One Hundred ($100.00) dol Jars each. Ten i>er cent, of the a mount of the capital to l)e employed by them has been actually paid In. Petitioners desire the right to have subscriptions to the said stock paid in money or property to be taken at it fair valuation. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be implead ed, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and reg ulations and to do all other things that maybe necessary for a successful carrying on of said business, includ ing the right to buy and hold and sell real estate and personal property suit able to the purpose of the corporation and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred or which may Ik> incurred in the con duct of the nffalrs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other form of lien under existing laws. — 7— They desire for said incorporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a vote of the majority of its stock-holders outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said incorporation to whd up its affairs, liquidate and dißcontVpue its business at any time it may desire to do so by vote of two thirds of its stock outstanding at the time. Q 8 " They desire for the said incorpora tion the right of renewal when and ns provided by the laws of Georgia, and that it have all such other rights, pow ers. privileges and immunities as are incident to like incorporations or per nJi'saihle under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now or may .hereafter he al lowed a corporation of similar charac ter under the laws of Georgia. G. A. JOHNS, J. O. PRATT, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Georgia, Barrow County. Office of Clerk of Superior Court of Barrow county. I, A. T. Harrison, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Barrow county, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and corns’t copy of tin* application for charter, as the same appears of die in this office. This 23rd day of March. 1921. A. T. HARRISON, Clerk Superior* Court. CEDAR CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Bert us Day were the guests of Mrs. John Carlyle Sunday. Miss Robbie Maffett spent the week end with Miss Mollie Smith. The singing was enjoyed by all pres ent. Several good leaders were there. Mr. and Mrs. F. 1. Wood and son. Oscar, of Athens, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I>. Wood. Miss Ruby Stewart spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Clem Aamstead. There will be an Easter exercise here next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Everybody invited. Mrs. Emily llonton is very ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mobley anal mother spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stewart. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely. Everybody is Invited to attend. (Glad to get your locals but always sign your real name, not for publica tion. but that we may know who writes.—Editor. Rev. W. B. McDonald, of Maysville. was In the city last Saturday and gave the News an appreciated visit. • * Mr. J. N. Smith, of Bethlehem, was a visitor to the city last For the Easter Promenade One of the most pleasant things about the new Spring Shoes is their moderate pricing, made possible through changed market conditions, and very careful buying. One and two strap brown and black kid with high French heels. $6.00 and $6.50 Brown and Tdack Suede with new modi fied French covered heels and full French covered heels, SIO.OO and $10.50 These must be seen to be appreciated. Martin Brothers “We Fit to Measure.” ATHENS, GA. NOTICE Having sold our automobile business in Winder, we have moved our offices to the building formerly occupied by the Carith ers Banking Company, corner Broad and Candler streets. All parties indebted to us are requested to call at our office and make settlement. FLANIGAN & FLANIGAN Winder, Georgia C&tAesJi ipHltiq j \ I edl/oAuM' Had ' ~sufur&£A&s m - V> T[uMdfSfy&4 toMPUM Siafc/erttUfi. | I v . V *ls ~*25 - *3O **3s 7 Decatur St. 70 Peachtree St, (TWO STORES IN ATLANTA) J Greater buying power—larger volume quick CASH turnover smaller profits —and lower operating expenses enables Kibler & Long to give you most for your clothing money —at all times. Every garment all wool and guaran teed to give you long sfcrvice and com plete satisfaction. j - JQMubifcnq '. • **33 STORES IN THE U. S. A. THE WINDER NEWS OZORA NEWS We arc( having beautiful weather now. Rev. 8. D. Bryant filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Read Grizzel was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Butler Sunday. Mrs. Gertie Jones and Miss Lucile Davis were the guests of Misses Reda and Ada Head Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Davis and sis ter, Lucile, spent awhile with Miss Mattie Bell Butler Sunday afternoon. Miss Eufa Robertson, of Winder, visited her brother, Frank and wife recently. Miss Mattie Bell Butler spent Satur day with Miss Lucile Davis. Mr. Sam Jones motored to Atlanta Saturday. Mrs. J. n. Butler spent Sunday with Mrs. C. S. Head. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dobb visited Miss Mattie Bell Butler Sunday night. Miss Minnie Bullock Bpent Sunday with Miss Alma Conner. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy shown to us (luring the sickness und death of our loving daughter and sister. May God’s richest blessings rest upon each and everyone. Mrs. Julia Wall Mr. W. M. Wall Mrs. W. C. Mobley Mrs. J. D. AVillburn Miss Sunie Wall Miss Cleo WalL • • Mr. C. W. Ayers, of near Monroe, was a visitor in Winder last Saturday. Which Costs More? TO HAVE INSURANCE AND NOT NEED IT— OR TO NEED INSURANCE AND NOT HAVE IT WE INSURE ANYTHING AGAINST EVERYTHING North Georgia Trust & Banking Company S. F. MAUGHON, Manager Insurance Department WINDER, GA. Special Announcement Now Effective Cash or Its Equivalent Only We sincerely wish every one to understand and be advised that this from credit to cash basis is not a re flection on the credit of any of our customers. Condi are such that it has made it absolutely necessary for us to begin making ONE DOLLAR do the work of TWO By eliminating the necessity of obtaining loans to car ry accounts we shall be able to offer you Groceries and Feedstuffs at prices that will mean a substantial sav ing to you. Your past patronage has always been greatly appre ciated by us and we hope you will give us the opportu nity of serving you in the future, and remember we will have associated with us every Saturday R. D. Moore, the Old Reliable Meat Man, who will assist us in filling your wants in the ffiest of all meats. Awaiting this op portunity to serve you we are, respectfully yours, Watson-Glover & Cos. PLENTY OF MONEY For loans on farm lands. Lowest rate of interest; prompt service. HUBERT M. RYLEE LAW OFFICES Holman Bldg. ATHENS, GA. TEL. 1576 To tbe PUBLIC of BARROW COUNTY: 1 wish to announce that I am representing the old reliable firm of J. R. Watkins Company and in a short time will be at your homes with a supply of Peppers, Spices, Extracts, Soaps, Stock Tonic, Poultry Tonic, in fact, a full line of the Watkins Products, which is as good as money can buy and the cheapest in America, quality and quantity considered. The fact that Watkins Company has grown from a one-man business to a corporation of eight million dollars capital, the largest company of the kind in all the world is proof of its superiority over other com panies of its kind. In a few days or weeks the Watkins store will be at your door and I hbpe that I may supply at least a. part of your needs in my line. I will exchange goods for chickens, eggs, butter or any country pro duce that I can sell or use at highest market prices. Wait for the Watkins Man. LEE ROBERTS P. S.—You will find the Watkins goods with Mr. S. M. StJohn at Winder. Anyone who would like to consider contracting to sell Wat kins products, I will be glad to furnish you application blank and any information you may desire. There is some very good vacant terri tory not far distant. LEE ROBERTS SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR