The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 05, 1921, Image 10

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THURBRAT, MAY 5, 1921. AMONG THE CHURCHES Mothers’ D%y At The Methodist Church. 10:15. A. M. Mothers l>ay program at the Sunday school. Attendance goal 800. Flowers will be given to all who attend to l* worn in honor of mother. Automobiles will be provided for the aged and infirm, or those not within walking distance. The school is plan ning to make this the greatest day in its history. 11:30. A. M. Preaching by Dr. W. T. Hamby, Presiding Elder of the Gainesville District. Special music. 7:30 P. M. Epworth League ser vice. Election of officers. 8:15 P. M. Hally and platform meeting under the auspices of the Men's <dub. Music by the Men’s choir. Dr. Hamby and others will speak. The Sunday school will have it s first picnic of the year, with basket dinner at Park's Mill on Friday, May 13th. Keep this date clear. Revival services begin on June 12th. Further announcements later. L. Wilkie Collins. Pastor. Mothers Day at First Baptist. 9 m Sunday school at 10:15. IVear a rose in honor of mother. To recent brides the pastor would say, start your bomelife by honoring your mothers. To young mothers, emphasise the worthwhile things in your home, and stress first things most. To mothers whose arms are empty, pour out your wealth of love upon the children of others remembering you will thus be blessed yourself. McCauley said of his mother. — “Often do 1 wish in my struggles with the hard uncaring world, for the deep, sweet serenity I felt when of an even ing, resting in her bosom 1 listened to some quiet tale, suitable to my uge, read in her tender, untiring voice. Nev er can I forget her sweet glances cast upon me when I appeared asleep; nev er her kiss of peace at night. Years have passed since we laid her beside my father in the cold churchyard, yet still her voice whispers from the grave and her eye watches over me as 1 visit spots long since hullowed by her mem, ory.” x At night the subject will be “The Greatest Question of the Day.” Junior B. Y. P. V. Sunday at 7 :00 P. M., Hilda Faust, President. Senior B. Y. P .U. Sundays 6:30 P. M., Sylvester Sauls, President. Aim 500 in Sunday school. Come. W. H. Faust, Pastor. Anew lot of ladies hats worth up to SB.OO. Good selection. On sale at s2.9B One Table of Dry goods worth up to 35c. On sale at -12 l-2c See our Sheetings. On sale at - 7c and 9c Christian Church. The program for Sunday morning will be in celebration of Mother’s Day. The music will be adapted to the spirit of the day and there will be recitations and other special features at the Sun day school hour. Do not forget to wear a white flower in honor of your moth er., If you are away from home write a letter to your mother and tell here that you are keeping this day especial ly in memory of her. If your mother has entered into the New Home com municate with her by way of the throne of God. The hour of the Bible school is 10:15 A. M. At 11:20 the subject of the sermort will be “Faith of Our Mothers." Evening sermon at 8:00 o’clock, night. At the community hour on Friday, night. May flth, there will be four reeds of moving picture entitled “The Allied Smash to Berlin.” All are invited. This is n World War Picture. Follow ing the picture there will l>e a “Sing.” Say boy, did you miss that Scout picture last Friday night? Sorry for you, old man. Boy Scouts will meet on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Lumbago. This is a rheumatism of the muscles of the back. It combs on suddenly and is quite painful. Every, movement ag gravates the disease. Go to bed, keep quiet and have Chamberlain's Liniment applied and a quick recovery may be expected. Mrs. F. J. Dann, Brockport, N. Y., writes: “I can honestly say that Chamberlain’s Liniment cured me of lumbago n year ngo last summer. When I began using it, I was Hut on my back in bed and could not turn to the left or right. 1 had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Liniment in the house and this was ap plied to my back. It promptly drove away the pains and aches.” Whooping Cough * This is a very dangerous disease, par ticularly to children under five years of age, hut when no paregoric, codeine or other opiate is given, Is easily cured by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Most people believe that it must run its course, not knowing that the time is very much shortened, and that there is little danger from the disease when this remedy is given. It has been used in many epidemics of whooping cough, with pronounced success. It is safe and pleasant to take. A dime and a quarter pays for a din ner at the Red Cross benefit Saturday, Prices Tell the Story in Summerour’s Clean-Sweep Sale Read Each and Every One Be sure to attend this Sale Friday and Saturday-something Special J. W. SUMMEROUR SPENT FORTUNE IN HER SEARCH Huntington Woman Despaired of Ever Being Well But Tanlac Proved Merit. “Ten years is a long time tO ( suffer and I am certainly thankful that I am once more enjoying good health,” said Mrs. Ida Smith, of 214 Seventh street, Huntington, W. Va. “I was getting worse so rapidly that I felt if something wasn’t done soon I couldn’t live much longer. I had spent a small fortune trying to get relief, but with no results. I had such a dre'ad ful case of indigestion that I could hard ly eat a thing and was slowly starving to death. Often I had cramping spells that almost drove me fryitic and I suffered awfully with bloating, palpi tation and heartburn. “At times I would almost suffocate, I was badly constipated and was hard ly ever free from headaches. I was ex tremely nervous, couldn’t sleep well and was so discouraged that I almost lost heart. “I have taken only four bottles of Tanlac and I enjoy my meals now, for I haven’t the slightest touch of indiges tion, no matter what I eat. lam free from constipation and headaches and my uerves are so steady that I sleep sound as I ever did. I have pounds, feel well and happy tad .reebmmend Tanlac with all my Evils of Constipation. Perhaps the most serious of the dis eases caused by constipation is appen dicitis. If you would avoid this dan gerous disease, keep your bowels reg ular. For this purpose Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent, easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. S. A. L. Schedule In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Bound. No. 11 arrives 6:32 No. 17 arrives 8 :42 a. m. No. 5 arrives 3 :<H> p in. No. 29 arrives 7:27 P m - North Bound No. 30 arrives ‘ 9:15 a.m. No. 6 arrives 2:35 pm. No. 18 arrives 7:00 P m No. 12 arrives H :07 P- m - Chamberlain’s Tablets Are Mild And Gentle in Effect. The laxative effect of Chamberlain’s Tablets is so mild and gentle that you can hardly realize that it has been pro duced by a medicine. Ladies Slippers, worth up to SB.OO. On sale at sL9B See our Ladies Hose at 8c Men’s Sox at 8c / Overalls at 98c THE WINDER NEWS Charter No 10805 Report of the Condition of Reserve District No. 6. WINDER NATIONAL BANK at Winder, Georgia, at the close of business on April 28th, 1921. RESOURCES I. Total loans .and discounts, including rediscounts $686,360.70 Deduct: _ . , , .. and Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank (other than *430 502 9S bank acceptances sold) , „ _ . $243,642.30 246,807.<2 $439,502.98 e Notes and bills rediscounted other than with Federal Reserve Bank other than bank acceptances sold) . 3,-15.4- 846 32 2 Overdrafts unsecureil _ _ - ——— —— 3 Customers’’liability account of “Acceptances” executed by this bank and by other bank -isinntxV for account of this bank, and now outstanding xb. uu 4. U. S. Government securities owned: * 000 non no a Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds par value) -W.outUH b All other United States Government Securities 4/,uou.uu 24? Q(> Total —————— —— Qrtoonft 5. OTHER bonds, stocks, securities, etc:..-..- wkoooo 6. Banking House, $47,300,000; Furniture and fixtures $12,500.00 . 18995 45 8. ('ash in vault —•— iu oqq 9. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve ank 0470714 11. Net amounts due from national banks 1 Aqurt 14. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank l.bdb.ST Total of Items 9, 11, and 14 - 7-7. ' 15. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 1.34b.3( 16. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer 10,0(K .0 ) 17. Premium on I . S. Bonds 5898,068.38 LIABILITIES oaa Ann An 18. Capital stock paid in loooonoo 19. Surplus fund ‘ls 080 74 20. Undivided profits ’ ' c LesTeurrent"expenses, " ’ ’ 17 ’ 469 ' 96 24 NrtTmou'ots and trust companies in the United States and 5 * 02 6 foreign countries '430 10 25. Certified cheeks outstanding 0 983 67 26. Cashier's checks 011 own hank outstanding 9,246.03 Demand (other'lton Rank" deposit s)~ ' subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) : , . _ 182,833.99 27. Indnvidual deposits subject to check qq 31 T otal'of l^mand a deposrtV(other"thanlMink"deposrttß) _ Bubject to”Re*erve, _ ifenis 27 _ 182,908.99 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days or subject to 30 days or mo notice, and postal savings: 51,262.85 33. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) -- ' 45.159.73 35. Other time deposits '- - 96,452.58 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 33 and 35 37,550.00 qq tt 8 Govpmment Securities borrowed (See note) --- 40 Bills payable, other than with Federal Reserve Bank (including obligations represe - 25.000.00 lug nionev borrowed other than rediscounts 14.500.00 3TSS?S isttss+xsxsstz ,£gjS Total —— ~ ~ CORRECT- —ATTEST: State of Georgia, County of Barrow, ss: ,io solemnlv swear that the above THOS. M. MAYNARD, I, C. O. Maddox, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear inaj i L g. RADFORD, statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief C. O. Ma , j M WILLIA MS, Subscribed and sworn to before me this of Ma^ IR “ M j OL jveß, N. P. Directors. Good work shirts at -69c Denim Shirts at- 98c and up. % See our Voiles and Or gandies. Misses Gingham Dress es at i. 85c Quick Delivery Phone 119 J. H. WHEELER The place where a dollar will go furthest. The peo pie are hunting for that place today more than ever, ana they are learning that this is the place to come. And. your trade is the most appreciated here. SATURDAY SPECIALS 10 lbs. Sugar 85c. Come and get your part. Good Flour per bl. SB.OO and up. aa Remember, still selling Kerosene 5 gallons for SI.UU- Low prices on all kinds of Feed Stuffs. Men’s SSO and S6O Suits On sale at- 519.75 Men’s Shoes worth u*p to $6.00, On sale at- 52.39 Men’s Union Suits Top kis. On sale at -79C Ladies Gingham Dress es at .; $1.45 SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR