The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 05, 1921, Image 4

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ITHVRSRAY, MAY 5, 1921. (Eb? Uiithrr Npuih WINDER, GA. PuhlUhed Every Thursday Entered at the Postoffice at Winder, Georgia, as Second Class Matter, j. w. McWhorter Editor J. B. FARHAM Business Manager Subscription Rates: In Advance Ope Year —f 1.50 Bix Months Yhe weather man in Atlanta says that spring Ims not yet come. O One thing you can say for South Georgia, she is right on the spot when it cornea to shipping sweet potato plants to North Geor gia. ! O We have never yet found a Joh that en abled us to lie on hand every afternoon at the hall park as a lot of fans do in Atlanta. O- The teachers of Georgia opened their con vention in Atlanta this week with a big din ner. This goes back to that old saying that the way to reach a man’s heart (and his mind too) is through his stomach. O The cotton acreage for 1921 has beeji es timated at 2. r >,000,000 acres as compared with :tr>,ooo,ooo acres in 1920. With tills large decrease in acreage and the great falling off in the use of fertilizers the 1921 cotton crop ought to come down right along. O President Harding’s slogan, “Less govern ment in business," is just to our notion. Ev ery time the government meddles with the business of the country it makes a mess of It. Government control and government owner ship of public utilities will paralize these industries. o A Ballet Master Speaks. Even the teachers of Jazz dancing are get ting disgusted with it. They are beginning to realize the baneful effect it has upon those that engage in it. Louis 11. Calif, a ballet master, of New York, in addressing his grad uating class this week, said: “Maidenly modesty lias been supplanted by brazen vulgarity. Bare knees are becoming a sign of adolescence. The lip stick and rouge box go with curls and the girl who wears a corset Is actually known as a prude. Jazz dancing and music are to blame. The wild, sensuous moan of a saxophone trans planted from the Barbery Coast honky tonks takes the place of the lyrics twang of a lyre. Where a delicately curved ankle formerly peeped from a billowy sea of lace in tlie stately minuet, a half dressed girl boldly shivers in an epileptic seizure under the glare of a spotlight. Unless it is stopped by legal enactment, dancing in America will be come as great a menace as the corner sa loon." O- Price of Farm Produce. We hear a great deal of complaint on the part of She farmers about the low price of farm products. Butter, eggs and other pro ducts of the farm are not bringing now more tliun half us much as they were sold for a year ago. Not only is there a gcuerul fall ing off In the prices of all products, but one tiling that depresses the price of butter and ■ eggs and such products of the farmer is the aepDeity of money on the part of those who would buy these goods. People Who live iu the towns where such products are sold just lwveu’t the money witli which to buy these things. On this account the demand lias greatly fallen off, and hence the price will fall off just In proportion to the decreased demand. On the other hand, our farmer friends should remember that all- other things that they meed in their everyday life Is falling -off too. All kinds of dry goods, hats, shoes, etc are much, cheajier than they were a year ago' and Just us soon as the factories and railroads can get wages down on a tevcl w “* the income of the farming class, ami goods from cheap cotton appear on the uia - Jet we can look for still cheaper manufuct- U "lC re st ~,<l our syun-nuo. . ->. „■, a ”” - a yourself to take care of u. w,.- !.■ '™ l '* moot, watch your expenditures, am . come out of tb■ se times of depression good shape ns any other class. Parent-Teacher Asso’n. Meet Friday Afternoon There will he a business meeting o', the Parent -Teacher Association of this city at the school auditorium Friday afternoon of this week at 3 o’clock. All members are urgently requested to be present as business of importance will come before the body. A Scene You’ll Never Forget: Mother's Surprise! ■- bbbbbb '^l Mothers’ Day Club A Brunswick Idea The details we do not publish —hut wick Phonograph, model 112, also ten any Brunswick dealer gladly explains especially chosen records, also —but them in person. Learn all about the de- the rest is a secret. lightful surprise party you can give Mothera , „„ Qub makes it Mother on the morning of Mothers , , . , . possible for you to pay in modest m ' stallments. No offer like this has been Part of this Brunswick idea includes made before. Voull be surprised at the presentation to Mother of a Bruns- the details. Visit the nearest Brunswick Dealer, Ask about the Mothers' Day Club. You'll certainly want to join kjlff Jl§| j jiliC !f<'pp viiP^ THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. ir §[ * Established 1845 CHICAGO Model 112 tji The Parker Furniture Company WINDER, GA. SERVICE THE KIND THE PUBLIC DEMANDS Our ambition is to give the people such service as will meet their commendation. We want to please you. We know our success depends upon it. Hence, we are put ting forth our best efforts to give the public satisfactoi y ervice. A pleased customer is a permanent customer and we are after permanent customers. GASOLINE We handle the best gasoline made. The oil inspector will tell you this. Our Kerosene is of the highest quality and will give you thorough satisfaction. No smoking, no offensive odors while burning. MOTOR OILS The Texas and Galena Signal Oils always give thor ough satisfaction. People who use these oils will veri fy our statement. You can get them from the Big White Truck, whole sale, and are always on hand at the MOTOR INN FILL ING STATION. SERVICE “WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT THOMPSON BROS. OIL CO. Phone 204 v THE WINDER NEWS bbbbbbbbbbb jiiljp# £ ‘ ! THE SURPRISE jp A confidential plan will be explained to you personally by any Brunswick dealer which enables you to honor Mother on May Bth in a way which will bring lasting ertjoyment. „ No plan could be moy thoughtfully worked out. It gives Mother a wonder ful surprise party. It makes it easy for you to give her a really handsome re membrance. ' ?AMA FILMS ITTER FRUITj Special Feature STRAND THEATRE HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS FOR YOU at Hargrove Bros. Phone 151 Sugar per pound - Sic Jewel Shortening, large size SI.OO Jewel, Shortening, medium size .... -55 c Silver Leaf Lard, large size $1.85 Silver Leaf Lard, medium size • 9pc 24 lbs. Mountain Patent Flour SLIS 48 lbs. Mountain Patent Flour $2.25 100 lbs. Mountain Patent Flour $4.50 Mountain Patent Flour per Bbl. .... $8.75 48 lbs. Winona Flour 24 libs. White Rabbit Flour $1.35 48 lbs. White Rabbit Flour $2.70 200 lbs. White Rabbit Flour sl9-59 24 lbs. Light House Self Rising Flour $1.25 48 lbs. Light House Self Rising Flour $2.50 24 lbs. Postels Self Rising Flour, best in the world sl-50 48 lbs. Postels Self Rising Flour .... . $3.00 200 lbs. Postels Self Rising Flour . . . sll-00 $1.75 can coffee - 3 lb. can Maxwell House coffee BL^O 1 lb. can Maxwell House coffee 40c SI.OO package Tea 00c 50c package Tea 25c package Tea . . . . Cane Seed, per bushel SLgU Tomatoes, per can, 9c; per case .... $L IU 2 packages Oat Meal . # 2 packages Post Toasties • Potato Plants, per 1000 $2.00 Tomato Plants, per 100 • • Brooms 60c, 75c and sl-xx 5 gallons Kerosene Oil ............ Bi.uu Tomatoes, Beans, Squash, Cucumbers, Let tuce, Celery all the time. . Fat Hargrove’s Quality Groceries and be Healthy and Happy. GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY. HARGROVE BROS. Phone 151 Look and Read I HAVE PURCHASED THE GROCERY STORE AND MEAT MARKET FROM BUD CARRINGTON ON CANDLER ST. I expect to give my time to this business ~and buy the best meats money can buy. Ow ing to the financial condition I will be com pelled to sell for cash, but I expect to give my customers the lowest prices where a man can live and let live, and, as I said before, the best that money can buy. I want to assure the public that I will ap preciate its business and want you to feel at home in my store and I also want you to know the reason I am selling for cash, it is not that I don’t want to credit you, but it is due to the condition of things today. I want to buy your produce and all of the fat cows and hogs you have for sale. PROMPT DELIVERY M. E. Rogers GROCERIES and MEATS SUBSCRIPTION: $1250 A YEAR