The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 12, 1921, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. KNOWS WHERE TO GO NOW_FOR HELP Another Nashville Woman Benefltted , by Tanlac Tliree Years Ago. • “Tanlac relieved me of my troubles and put me in splendid condition three years ago and I know just where to go when I need something to build me up,” said Mrs. Louis E. Sneed, 1218 Fifth Ave., Nashville, Tenn., while purchas ing a bottle of Tanlac. j “I suffered for years from stomach trouble and about three years ago I got into an awful condition. I couldn’t eat a thing but what caused me to suffer agonies, my nerves were all upset, I couldn't sjeep and I suffered a great deal from rheumatism. I ha<fea dull, heavy, languid feeling all the time, with no strength nor energy, and at times my sufferings were almost un bearable. “That was my condition when I got Tanlac, and I declare the medicine just made the most wonderful change in me. My stomach stopped bothering 'pe. I began to sleep as sound as a baby, all my aches and pains left me and I was built up in every way until I felt fine all the time, and I'm feeling the way yet My faith has been pinned to Tanlac ever since that time. I am getting this bottle now to tone me up In the change of seasons when spring comes on.” County Line Misses Nellie aud liuth Allen were guests of their sister, Mrs. Arthur House, Saturday night. Mrs. Melvin |Murphy visited Mrs. Andrew Johnson Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hudgins had as their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. Hen ry Mr. and Mrs. Charley Clark and Mr.'and Mrs. Attieus Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy spent Saturday night and Sunday with the latter’s parents, near Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vanderford are the proud parents of a girl baby on May (Jth. % Mrs. Arthur House spent Friday af ternoon with Mrs. M. H. Hudgins. Mr and Mrs. Mose Rutledge of Car ter Hill were visiting in this commu nity Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Murphy had as their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. J. h Greeson, Mrs E. A. Castleberry and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Guthery Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wheeler of Jef ferson visited the former’s mother last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crouic Sunday Mr E E Clark spent Sunday afternoon with Mr J. G. Greenway Pentecost Miss Edna Williamson was the guest of Miss Rosa Let* Chandler of Stat hain Saturday night Miss Wibla Pentecost aud Messrs. Lindon Gordon and Glenn Pentecost were guests of relatives ear Campton Sunday. Miss Marie Haynie was shopping in Winder Saturday. Miss Lucile Miller spent Saturday jf >glit and Sunday with Miss Norma Hardigree. Messrs. W. T. and Willie Let' Prick ett. and Charlie Ferguson spent Sun day afternoon with friends and rela tives in Bogart. Miss Lollie Mae Hammonds of Ath ens was the guest of home folks for the week-end. Miss Annie Lou Mlncey of Winder spent Sunday with her parents. Mr Ansel Miller spent Sunday with Messrs, Charles and Henry Hardigree. > RevJ J B. Gresham will fill his ap pointment here the fifth Sunday instead of next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Henry and lit tle Miss Edna Earle Henry of New Timothy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Henry Sunday. Miss Lois Couch spent Saturday with Miss Doris Couch of Winder. ‘ Mr and Mrs. M. II Eowe of Winder were here a short while Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. W all. GAINKSVIM K midland iwh-wav SCHEDULE —Effective May Bth, No loaves Winder 8:32 A.A. No. 14 loaves Winder 8:45 A.M. Dai (Except Sunday) N „ r. 1...1V,* "lii'l-r 11 *> A.M. OKl'r K „. 13 leave. Winder 3:15 ML D.ID (Except Sunday) Chamberlain’s Tablets Are Mild And Gentle in Effect. The laxative effect of Chamberlain’s Tablets is so mild and gentle that you hardly realise that it has been pro placed by a medicine. Keep Upkeep Down— HOW much will it cost you to run your car this year? SSOO or $10,500? One little accident and a result ing damage suit might easily rnuke this big difference. But if you carry a Travelers Automobile Policy with high lim limits, your liability will never Cost you more than the reasonable sum you pay each year in pre miums. F. W. BONIH RANT & CO. INSURANCE Winder, Ga. EX-SERVICE MEN WHO ARE NOW SICK The government must know at once the number of ex-service men now sick or disabled and entitled to hospital treatment who are not in hospitals. All ex-service men under the above classification are requested to apply to Dr. W. L. Matthews for examination and credentials. The Hour Has Struck The hour has come for the greatest advance ever made by the Southern Methodist church. From the twenty ninth of May to the fifth of June, there will be subscribed thirty three million dollars or more for the cause of Chris tian Education. This means that we are going to have the needed endow ment and equipment for all our south ern institutions. What will it accomplish? 1. It will make ready for the thou sands of boys and girls that are be ing turned away from our schools each year. •>. It will give us a loan fund, that will make it possible for poor boys and girls to borrow money at a low rate of interest and pay it back when they are through school —so in this way the fund will continue to bless and grow. *}. it will give us an army of right ly trained men and women, who will lead us in the ways of stability and peace. 4. It will make our country more thoroughly Christian, by giving to us a larger number of Christian teachers for our public schools. 3. It will enable us to preserve the ideals of our fathers —ideals that are truly American. We rejoice that all the great protes tant denominations of our country are engaged in a like movement. It as sures for our children a Christian America. What ever we would put into the life of our nation, we must first put into the life of our youth. For our children, church and couu ry, I believe we can count on every true Methqdist. J. B. GRESHAM. Opening Bogart Road The opening to public travel of the Bogart road from the new completed Mitchells bridge over the Oconee river to the city limits which was announced yesterday by the county engineers will restore to the people of a large terri tory contiguous to Athens and to the public generally a means of entrance to the city, the closing of which during the construction period has worked a hurt and hardship to Athens business interests and an inconvenience to cit izens trading here, but which in its com pleted state is a fine improvement over the old bridge and the unsatisfactory roadway. A great deal of censure was brought to bear upon the construction company and county commissioners dur ing the construction of this project, and it remains to be seen how well the roadway will stand up under the heavy travel to which it will be subjected. Clarke county for years led the state in top-soiled graded roads, many of them yet the marvel of constructing engineers in wearing qualities, and with a great many citizens they are still fa vorite in type of construction. With one class of paving on the Bogart road recently laid, and with the two other projects, of different type under con struction and one already under use, fine opportunity will be had to test their results under actual conditions. Athens and the citizens living in the splendid territory along the Bogart road are to be congratulated upon its open ing and the commissioners no doubt will be sustained In their choice of con struction by the satisfaction the citi zens will get from the wearing qualities and service of the roadway.—Athens Banner. THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE is clean, uniform and full of POWER. Mr. Barber Moves. Mr. D. P. Barber and family have moved into their pretty bungalow on College Avenue. They started moving into the house just 26 days after he purchased the lot on which to build. The house was bdilt by Barber Bros., of Winder.—Elberton Star. NOTICE The Barrow County Union Singing Choir will meet at Nazareth church, three miles north of Winder Sunday afternoon, May 22nd.—E. B. Brown, President. May Clean-Up Sale Running from Friday, May 13th, to Saturday, May 21st, at Winder 5c and 10c Store Goods put down regardless of cost. We MUST RUN THEM OUT. LADIES HOSE. Ladies’ silk hose $2.25 value, selling: for SI.OO pair Ladies silk hose $1.50 values, selling: for 75c a pair Ladies white voile shirt waists with embroidery on front . 98c Ladies Georgette shirt waists $2.98 Ladies and girls short sleeve Middies at 39c Ladies very best grade heavy galatea Middies, long sleeves $1.69 Ladies long sleeve bleaching gowns at $1.49 Ladies blue house-aprons, bungalow style, full and large, extra special value at „ 98c Ladies house dresses in assorted col ors of plaid ginghams $1.49 Children’s white embroidery dresses at $1.19 '.to $1.75 Children’s white socks . . . 19c pair OLD TIME BARGAINS Good dress ginghams . . ... 10c yard Best cotton checks 10c yard Best calico 10c yard Good bleaching 14c yard Good striped galatea .... 14c yard Best dress ginghams 19c yard Fancy dress voiles 25c yard White organdie 35c yard Better grade organdie in white, pink or blue . 49c yard Curtain marquisette, white or floral patterns 25c yard White Indian Head 35c.yard Ladies slip-over veils in assorted de signs 19c One lot eye glasses worth SI.OO a pr. at , 19c pr. Good eye goggles 10c Ladies black leather hand bags . 49c Plenty more of that good stationery assorted colors, per box 25c Men’s gold finish cuff buttons 10c pr. Beauty pins for the baby 10 & 25c pr. Good story books 25c value ... 10c In these times the duty of practicing careful economy is brought home to us every day. Thrift is wise spending—knowing what, when and where to buy, and studying carefully to recognize good values when we see them. Let the good values we are offering at this time help you in WISE SPENDING. Winder 5c and 10c Store “THE HOME STORE” THE WINDER NEWB Lumbago. This is a rheumatism of the muscles of the back. It comes on suddenly and is quite painful. Every movement ag gravates the disease. Go to bed, keep quiet and have Chamberlain's Liniment applied and a quick recovery may be expected. Mrs. F. J. Dann, Brockport, N. Y., writes: “I can honestly say that Chamberlain's Liniment cured me of lumbago a year ago last summer. When I began using it, I was flat on my back in bed and could not turn to the left or right. I had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Liniment in the house and this was ap plied to my back. It promptly drove away the pains and aches.” z:: INSURANCE Y'our neighbor’s home burned only a few days or months ago and a cyclone is likely to strike this section at any time, so INSURE with US and lie down at night with a clear conscience and a peaceful mind. Don’t DELAY. It may mean the loss of your home. Any man can build a home once. A WISE man insures his property in a reliable insurance company so that when calamity comes he can build again. He owes the protection that it gives, to his peace of mind and the care of his loved ones. Kilgore, Radford & Smith MILLINERY Every hat in the house must go. All have been marked down below cost. Ladies hats up to $5.00 value, going for ...... . .... SI.OO All pattern hats and high priced hats formerly priced as high as SIO.OO, are marked down to $4.79 One table of hats (ladies and chil dren’s) at 25c each MEN’S SUMMER UNDERWEAR. 75c and SI.OO garments going at 39c Men’s heavy blue cheviot work shirts at ..... . . . ... . . L .. 69c Men’s extra quality work shirts 89c Boy’s blue cheviot shirts 49c Harvest hats, broad rolling brims for sun protection, each ........ 29c Children’s rush hats ..... 10c each Men’s fine silk ties ...... 10c each Half gallon glass pitcher for table use, 75c value for . 39c 4ce tea glasses ........ . t ... 75c per set Cut glass tumblers . . t . .. ~ 90c set Ice crqam dishes . 10c each One lot odd dishes, we are running out, at 5 and 10c each One lot enamelware 75c value 49c Malacca Plated knives and forks for every day use. Will wear a long time. $1.25 values at 98c a set Glass lamps, SI.OO values at. ~ 89c Market baskets 25c values 19c each Fancy baskets t . 69c Clothes pins 2\ dozen for . ..... 10c Fly Powder per box .. . ..... .. . 10c It does the work. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR