The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, May 12, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. OAK GROVE Several of tlie farmers in our section have been planting their cotton ov :r. Wheat crop is very good considering the dry weather. Mrs. J. J. Booth and son visited the former's sister, Mrs. Nathan Elder near Ebenezer last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones spent last Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Will Haynie near Pentecost, who is very sick. Quite a crowd from here attended services at Mt. Tabor last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Elrod, of Win der, and daughter, Miss Mary Dell, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. R. D. Crook and children. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Suddeth, Mrs. Ham Sellers and Onell Fulcher spent Friday in Gainesville with the former’s mother, Mrs. J. A. Suddeth, who is in the hospital there. The singing given by Mr. and Mrs. W. Jack Jones Sunday night was very much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, of Statham, and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, of Mays ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne Sunday. Mrs. T. K. Willbanks was called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Ray, near Maysville, Thursday. Miss Marie Chapman is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Wall, of Pleasant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sellers visited their father, Mr. C. L. Sellers, in Win der Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams vis ited their sister near Walnut Sunday. Mrs. Carey Adams spent Saturday night with Mrs. Mollie Sellers. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lyle spent Sun day in Winder. Mrs. J. C. Paine, who has been quite sick is better at this writing. Misses Eudine Jones and Elizabeth Booth spent Saturday night with Miss Edna Crook. Miss Myrtle Booth, of Winder, vis ited her mother, Mrs. J. J. Booth, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Harwell, of near Win der, Mrs. J. C. Paine, who has been quite sick is better at this writing. Misses Eudine .Tones and Elizabeth Booth spent Saturda'y night with Miss Edna Crook. Miss Myrtle Booth, of Winder, vis ited her mother, Mrs. J. J. Booth, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Harwell, of near Win der, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harwell. How’s This? We offer One Hundred DoUari Reward for any case o'. Catarrh that cannot be cured by Kail’s Catarrh Cure. F. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. "We, the undersigned, have known 1\ J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busi.u! s transactions and llnancially abb* to currj ,u f any obligations made ?>v his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O Hall’s Ca'arrb Cure is taicen internally eotinc dirt ’tly upon the blood and mu ~ onrrv -,-st t>{ tb. sys't rn. Testimonial £v>ru lr"e i'rtoe 7"> vnts per bottle. Sol by all Orrsrcristfl. >!( lip,’ ■ - ’" - ' vwiWlbsM' THE BARGAIN STORE THE PLACE FOR YOU TO SAVE MONEY READ SOME OF MY BARGAINS: c _„i„ K Pr Oil 98 Ilb Luzianne Coffee .35 Cheese, per lb. .28 J Frank Amr. Cof .45 3 lbs. Wilson Coffee .65 1 lb 4A Coffee .-5 White Caro Syrup 88c Wafers, Lemon Snaps, Red Caro Syrup .78 Oysterettes .09 Oysters -15 Roast Beef still going 25 Tomatoes, 3 for .25 Sausage .30 Snuff, 3 for .25 Loaf Bread, fresh at all Ginger Snaps, Vanilla, times. ALL KINDS OF FEEDSTUFFS For Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies, Fruits, Cold Drinks. — SPECIAL Saturday 12£ Pounds SUGAR SI.OO J. H. WHEELER Legal Advertisements. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Barrow county. Mrs. Callie McDonald, administra trix of G. TV. McDonald, deceased, rep resents to the court in her petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that she has fully administered G. W. McDon ald’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persns concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be discharged from her administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in June, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA —Barrow county. Will be sold before the court house door of said county within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in June, 1921; the following property: One black mare mule about eight years old, weight about 1150 pounds, named Ida. Said property levied on as the property of Mary Kinney by virtue of a mortgage execution issued from Bar row Superior Court in favor of Bank of Statham against said Mary Kinney, and sold to satisfy said execution. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE. GEORGIA—Barrow county. Will be sold before the courthouse door in said county within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in June 1921, the following described prop erty to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Carl, Ga., Barrow county, described as follows: 3.9 acres of land bounded on the north by lands of J. I ■ Smith, W. T. Brewer, Jim Nichols and M. Tan ner ; on the east by public road leading to Monroe and on south and west by the M. C. Tanner property. This tract of land is designated as tract No. 12 and is marked liomeplacc in the subdi vision of what is known as the W. T. Perry property and is more particular ly described as follows: Beginning at a corner on the Mon roe road joining lot 13 of said subdi vision : thence running north 36% de grees west 306 feet along said road to a comer; thence in a western direction 810.5 feet to a coVner joining the M. C. Tanner property: thence in a south eastern direction along said Tanner line 282 feet to a corner; thence a a straight line in an eastern direction 576 feet to the beginning point. Levied on and to he sold as the prop erty of J. 1.. Darby to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the City Court of Monroe in favor of J. W. Haynie for the use of the Bank of Lawrenceville against J. 1,. Darby. The above described property was sold by J. W. Haynie to J. L. Darby and a bond for title given. The pur chase money notes have been reduced to judgment and a deed to said prop erty has been filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office of said county for the purpose of levy and sale as provided by law. This May 4th, 1921. H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. J.H. Wheeler CASH STORE Quick Delivery Phone 119 Volunteer Committee May Aid Public Nurse The services to our Public Health Nurse by the 28 public sypirited women having automobiles and using them to meet the needs of the nurse in her vis iting and the fact that any one of these cars is available at a fixed time, is making the work of the nurse very much more valuable to a much larger group of county people than has yet been possible. This use of private au tomobiles is but one of the many uses to which women my put their time and services to promote community good and it is only one incident showing the value of a fully organized Red Cross Volunteer Service and of its direct re lation to public health work. In cases of sickness, when certain kinds of diet are needed this commit tee can be of great help to the nurse. Also, in the case of expectant mothers, when unprepared for clothes, these can be secured by the committee and loan ed to the patient. Onr women are already showing their understanding of such needs and in do ing this work they may feel themselves a part of the universal movement for community betterment and develop ment in which the Red Cross is en gaged. UNION LOCALS Miss Stella Chapman had as her guest Sunday Miss Roxie Page. Miss Omle Jacks was the guest of Mrs. I- M. Wood la; - wek. Mrs. Walter Saul had as her guest Sunday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iliuesley. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Magness and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Spence Mr Frank Doster was the guest of his brother, Mr. W. B. Doster, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Healau and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Thomas, of Walnut. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Page had as flieir guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams of Statham and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs*. C. O. Niblack, hostess: Miss Rosa Sell visited Miss Jewell Page Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Strange had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Segars and children, of Winder Miss Rutli Nell Stewart was the guest of Miss Thelma Pendergrass Sun day. Mr. Willie Chapman spent Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chapman. Royce, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Saul, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mincey spent last Surfday afternoon with the Hattefi’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bradberry, Miss Corine McElhannon was the guest Sunday of Miss Izzie Harbin. Mr. Olin Spence spent Wednesday night with Mr. Larry Williamson. SUPREME AUTO OIL leaves less ca rbon. SPECIAL Saturday 6 Pounds Peaberry COFFEE SI.OO THE WINDER NEWS •I 1 yrK: n ... * j ***• The Highest Grade Plain Flour Sold in the South Secured for this territory after much effort fessif g** MACON, GA.-^Vj 1 tFLOHRJ! 9 * ’ IyT— MB ' * BIRDSEY* S \ jg aSUKH GRADEIi “It’s the Best’’ i This wonderful Flour is Milled from the Finest Soft Winter Wheat that grows, and is absolutely N WITHOUT AN EQUAL Only one barrel of “BIRDSEY’S BEST” is milled out of forty bushels of selected wheat, and by the latest im proved machinery the FINEST and RICHEST FLOUR is made. A SINGLE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU Order a sack today from one of the following Grocers they have it: HARGROVE BROS. L. E. HERRIN J. C. RAY & CO. J. B. LAY & SON M. E. ROGERS E. C. HILL & CO. B. C. HILL. ASK FOR BIRDSEY’S BEST and TAKE NO OTHER B. E MERCK EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR Winder, Ga. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAH