Newspaper Page Text
THURBDAY, MAY 12. 1921.
Classified Ads..
Base ball nnd Sporting Goods head
quarters are at Smith Hardware Cos.
There’s a difference in Grain Cradles;
you'll say so too when you see the ones
sold by Smith Hardware Cos.
No better Flash lights nnd batteries
made than the Winchester, sold by the
Smith Hardware Cos.
When you own a Leonard Refrigera
4or you can be assured you have the
best. Sold by Smith Hardware Cos.
Genuine Millet and Cane Seed at
Smith Hardware Cos.
Arsenate of Lead is the best potato
bug killer, sold by Smith Hdw. Cos.
i, * ■■
When your automobile spring breaks
Smith Hardware Cos., can furnish you
with a High Grade new one.
* ■
Loans made on farms and city prop
erty. Lowest rates of interest and
commissions. —W. H. Cjuarterman, At
Any amount of ice cream, any flavor,
prompt service.—Bentley Ice Cream Cos.
Phone 354.
Let ns have your order for ice cream,
any flavor.—Bentley's Ice Cream Cos.
Phone 354.
We can please you immensely with
our delicious Ice cream, any amount,
any flavor.—Bentley’s Ice Cream Cos.
Phone 354.
>■ . *
It is cheaper to Paint than to wait.
We are selling High Grade Paint and
Oil cheap.—Smith Hardware Cos.
pecially for AUTOMOBILE lubrication
and possesses every requirement for
that purpose.
Keep the Flies out with Screen doors,
Screen Windows and Wire from Smith
Hardware Cos.
Cotton Seed Hulls for Sale.
We have plenty of loose Cotton Seed
Hulls for sale at very close prices. See
us and get our prices before you buy
We also have a fine shipment of
choice Timothy Hay that we can make
you bargain prices on. See us.—
Large of screen doors and
screen wires. We can serve you
promptly.—New Winder Lumber Cos.
Porto Rica Potato Plants now ready
to ship. 1.000 for $2.00; 5,000 and up
$1.50 i>er 1.000. —I. L. Stokes. Pitts, Ga
Mch 31.-Bt.-pd.
Time to screen your house. We can
furnish the screen doors or the screen
wire. See us.—New Winder Lumber
PLANTS for sale, government inspect
ed, $2.00 per 1,000, cash with order.
Ready for shipment.—ll. Grady Evans.
Graham, Ga. Mnr-4t-pd
Government inspected; $2.00 i>er 1,000
cash with order, through April, May
and June.—Mrs. Addie Evans, Graham,
Ga. meh24-Btpd
Government insjK'cted Porto Rico Po
tato plants $1.25 per 1000, f. o. b. Cor
dele, Ga. Prompt delivery. Cash with
order at above prices.—Cordele Plant
Farms. Cordele Ga. No. l-4t-pd.
LOST—Between Covington and Win
der, one 33x4 Goodrich Non-skid cas
ing on rim with rack and Buick Tire
cover. Finder will please notify The
Winder News.
Go to the Sunday School of your choice
Give your Insurance to
North Georgia Trust & Banking
Fire Insurance Agents
If you just won’t bed your seed sweet
potatoes and must buy, take care to buy
good healthy plants. How are you to
know the plants are free from disease?
Only by waiting till next fall and win
ter and see one disease or another de
velop. And if by such a method we
have found from year to year a large
part of the plants coming from middle
and sduth Georgia to be infested. The
Winder News is not an agricultural
journal therefore a detailed article on
potato diseases is out of order. I do
not have potato plants for sale nor
am I acting as a salesman for any
party, but I am interested in seeing
that the farmers get good plants free
from disease as possible. If you know
the plants you get from without the
county are good there is no discount but
the inspection tag is not a guarantee.
There is plenty of time to secure plants.
May 15 to June 15 is the best time to set
plants. Engage your plants from a lo
cal grower or see me and I can put
you in touch with good stock. I hapi>en
to know that the 400 bushels of potatoes
bedded by a Winder man were good and
sound. Can give you the names of sev
eral others who bedded good seed and
also treated them. If you are fortu
nate enough to secure plants from these
gentlemen you will play safe.
Georgia lost 6,500,000 bushels of
sweet potatoes last year on account of
I>oor storage and bad seed. Shall we
save that $6,500,000 this year? Bar
row needs her share. —County Agent.
At once by the largest concern of its
kind in the world, to develop and han
dle local business. No investment or
experience required. $2500 to SIO,OOO
protits first year, according to popula
tion, and wonderful future possibilities,
as ours is a staple commodity with
constant unlimited demand and we un
dersell all competition.
666 Como Bldg, Chicago. ltpd
Wanted. —Men or women to take or
ders among friends and neighbors for
the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full
line for men, women and children.
Eliminate darning. We pay 75c an
hour spare time, or S.‘S6.(X) a week for
full time. Experience unnecessary.
Write International Stocking Mills,
Norristown, Pa. No. l-10t
When you buy Cup Greases and Oils
from Smith Hardware Cos., you may
know you are getting the Best.
We sell Perfection and other good
Oil Stoves. Smith Hardware Cos.
for RENT—3 rooms unfurnished.
Couple preferred. Apply to Miss Mary
Boyd, Athens street. ltpd.
* *
Our screen doors nre up to date,
none better and none cheaper in price.
—New Winder Lumber Company.
Have you eaten any sausage yet from
M. E. Rogers' Cash Market? It is just
like your mama used to make it. Try
it. Price 20c per pound. Call 105.
Prompt delivery.
See us for screen doors, screen wire
etc. —New Winder Lumber Cos.
Look after your health and comfort
throughout the summer by screening
your houses. We can supply you with
the doors or wire.—New Winder Lum
ber Cos.
Wise people screen their houses so
as to kia-p out the pestiferous fly. We
can furnish the doors or the wire.—
New Winder Lumber Company.
Have you eaten any sausage yet
from M. E. Rogers’ Cash Market? It
is just like your mama used to mnke it.
Try it. Price 20c per pound. Call 105,
prompt delivery.
. /
Miss Pauline Roberts spent part of
last week with her aunt, Mrs. Cliff
Miss Erma Hancock was the week
end guest of Miss Icie Smith in Atlan
Sheriff Camp and M. 11. Lowe of
Winder were in the city shaking hands
with their friends Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Holcomb return
ed Monday from a week’s visit in
Rome and with the latter’s uncle, Mr.
Ed Tucker.
Mesdames D. L. Hale and Ed L. Rose
motored to Athens Tuesday shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chambers ware
the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs.
S. A. Boland at their home in Greens
Mrs. W. D. Bolton and little daugh
ter, Kathleen, of Elberton, spent the
week-end here with her mother, Mrs.
W. D. McDonald.
Mrs. IV. M. Fite and Mrs. Fannie
Steed went up to Athens Tuesday
Mr. Tom Hancock of Atlanta spent
awhile here with relatives last week.
Mrs. Sallie Hammond was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hammond of
Athens last week.
Hoschton talent put on a play at
the auditorium Friday evening for the
benefit of the Y. P. M. S. of Hoschton
Methodist church. The play was “The
Miller’s Daughter.” Our people enjoy
ed the play. Miss Mayrelle Cronic, the
leading character, is held in high es
teem by the Statham people.
Miss Ruth Witman closed er school
near Athens and will be with her par
ents for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Perry of Winder
wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Perry Tuesday.
A most beautiful and impressive
Mother’s Day program was rendered
by the Junior choir of the Christian
church Sunday morning, at the Sun
day school hour. The Sunday school
seems to be growing in numbers as
well as in interest. Bro. Young, in bis
usual pleasant way, preached a most
interesting and helpful sermon, after
which tin* boys and girls of the Junior
choir presented Jlowers to the sick and
those unable to attend the service. We
feel that much good is being accomplish
ed by these little ones.
The missionary society of the Chris
tihan church held their regular meet
ing with Mrs. A. M. Hale Monday af
ternoon. The study for the day was
the Phillippines in Tibet. Much inter
terest was manifested by the ladies rel
ative to the work in those fields and
each one feels her responsibility in this
great work of lubor and love for your
lellowmnn. After an hour of study re
freshments were served by the hostess.
(By Ruth Fite. )
A little girl one summer day,
Was discontent and began to cry,
She now decided to runaway,
And hoped that none on her should
As she walked she spied a wheel,
This seemed to suit her taste and
She did not know it wrong to steal.
So she took it and began to ride.
She met the man who gave her a pill,
She turned her head, but said “good
da yj”
Something was before her, a long red
She Invame excited and the wheel
ran away.
At the foot of the hill was a cow,
She was standing crossways in the
It was now that she began to care
For the cow looked at her very bold.
She missed the cow but hit a big tree
And the wheel over the ditch did
When she came to herself she said, “O
dear me,”
Seems to me I’ve had a dreadful
She awoke with a start and set up in
She did not know the meaning,
She put her hands quickly to her head,
She said, “O, I’ve only been dreamin r .
Buy GOOD GULF odorless KERO
Save Money
Buy your Cigarettes, Cigars and Candy from me and
I will save you money. I buy for cash and sell for cash
and as I have a light overhead expense I can afford to
sell to you on a smaller margin of profit.
CHESTERFIELD Cigarettes, Small 9c-.,
PIEDMONTS Large 18c- ‘ '
SOVEREIGNS or 2 for 35c-
Camels, 18c or 2 for 35c
FATIMAS, 23c or 2 for 45c
PALL MALL .. ~ , . 25c
MOGUL OR MURADS, 18c or 2 for 35c
HOME RUNS and 111, 13c or 2 for 25c
Stop in and smoke, if you are not satisfied your money
will be cheerfully refunded.
Garrison Building Broad St. Winder.
Attention Ford Owners
If you are planning to have your Ford put in good con
dition for summer use, we would be pleased to have
you let us do the work. We have expert Ford mechan
ics, nicely equipped garage and carry a very large stock
of Genuine Ford parts. We can take care of your Ford
whether it be a general overhauling or minor repairs
and our charges are low as is consistent with first-class
guaranteed work. Let us prove our claims by bringing
your next work to us.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
1 Ford Touring car 1920 model with starter. Absolute
ly first-class condition. New tires all round. Looks like
new $350.00
1 Ford Roadster 1919 model. Fair condition . $175.00
1 Ford Ton Truck with Cab, Windshield, Flat and stakes
pneumatic tires, slightly used as demonstrator. Fine
running condition $575.00
1 Ford Ton Truck with Flat. Solid tires. Good condi
tion $290.00
If you are in the market for a good used Ford it will
pay you to call in and look these over. We will give
terms to suit reliable parties.
Ford Sedan ... ..... ...... ..... $897.99
Ford Coupe . . 845.93
Ford Roadster t . . ~... ...,. . 554.38
Ford Touring ... . . ....... 601.23
C. B. Mott, Mgr. Winder, Ga.
Phone 129
This Is His Birthday.
This date, April 27th, is the birthday
of Richard Brevard Russell, former
chief judge of the Georgia Court of Ap
peals and at present practicing attor
ney with offices in Atlanta, is a native
Georgian, born of Georgia ancestry.
He resides at Russell on the Seaboard
Air Line Railway, but spends nearly
all of bis tim6 in this city. Mr. Rus
sell has been prominent in the politics
of the State for a number of years. He
represented Clarke County in the Leg
islature and served as judge in the Su-
perior Court and later as judge of the
Court of Appeals with splendid dis
tinction and honor. At present he has
an extensive law practice and has thou
sands of friends scattered througholt
this state. He is looked upon as one
of the leading lawyers of the South. —
Atlanta Georgian.
Optimistic Thought.
The true glory of a state is prosper*
tty at home and respect abroad.
Blue Grass Hoes makes cotton chop
ping easier. Sold only by Smith Hard
ware Company..