The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 23, 1921, Image 6

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THURSDAY, JUNE 23. 5D21 Legal Advertisements. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Harrow county. Claude Mayne of said state, having, in roper form, applied, as a person se lected as the next of kin, for letters of administration on the estate of James A. DeLay, late of said county, this is ta cite all and singular, the creditors, heirs of said James A. DeLay, deceas ed, to appear at my office at tin* July Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said Claud Mayne as prayed for. This the 6th day of June, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Dismission of Guardianship GEORGIA—Barrow county. M. It. Lay, Guardian of Lener Hay nie, Curtis Ha'ynie and Gerlie Haynie, has applied to me for a discharge from hi;t Guardianship of Loner Haynie, Curtis Haynie and Gerlie Haynie, this is therefore to notify all persons con cerned, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Mon day in July next, else M. R. Lay will be discharged from his Guardianship as applied for. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary of Harrow County. Year’s Support. GEORGIA —Barrow county. The appraisers duly appointed to set apart a year’s support for the widow and minor children of N. I>. Attawny, late of said county, deceased, having filed their returns setting apart a said twelve months’ support. This is to Cite the next of kin and all creditors ofthe said X. I). Attaway that I will pass upon the said returns at the regular July term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of Burrow county, Ga. All parties concerned are required to show cause at that time, if any they have, why the said returns shall not be made a Judgment of this court. This the 6th day of June 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Notice of Sale. GE< )ROIA—Tin rrow county. Under and by virtue of an order duly granted by the Superior Court of Har row county, Georgia, will be sold lie fore the courthouse door in said county between the legal hours of sale on the sth day of July, 1921, to the highest and best bidder for cash, one Buiek Roadster automobile with Motor No 42:1,028, Licence No. 111,134. Said property having been seized while transporting intoxicating liquors in said county contrary tq law, and hav ing been condemned and confiscated and ordered sold according to law as the property of Lee Kinney. This 2 day of June, 1921. 2t H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. S. A. L. Schedule In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Round. No. 11 arrives 0:32 a.m. No. 17 arrives 8:42 a. in. No. 5 arrives 3 :00 No. 29 arrives 7 :27 p.m. North Hound No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m. No. 6 arrives 2 :35 p.m. No. 18 arrives 7 :(H) p.m. No. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY SCHEDULE —Effective May Bth. 1921. No. 6 leaves Winder 8:32 A.M. Suu. No. 14 leave* Winder 8:45 A.M. Dai (Except Sunday) No. 5 leaves Winder 11:30 A.M. Daily No. 13 leaves Winder 3:15 P.M. Daily (Except Sunday) Great Newspaper Bargain Winder News - - - sl-50 Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal - 150 South Kuralist ----- .50 Regular Price for three - $.1.50 We can send you these three papers one year for - - - $2.50 If you accept the ofTer immediately. We will renew your subscription to the Winder News for one year and send you both of the other papers for $-.50. This offer will be withdrawn in just a short time. Why Suffer From Rheumatism? I)o you know that nine out of every ton cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment? The pain may he relieved by applying Chamberlain s Liniment, which makes sleep and rest possible, and that certainly means a great deal to any one afflicted with rheumatism. Advt. Buy GOOD GULF KEROSENE. COURT CALENDAR, JUNE TERM, 1921. Monday, June 27th, No. 354. . 4.',2. K. It. Harris vs. S. 11. Harrell, Injunction. 5.31. Emma Jackson vs Jack Jackson. Divorce. 550. \V. H. McDonald vs Jewel McDonald, Libel for Divorce. 575. 583. Richard Davenport vs Hallie Davenport. Divorce. 614. 617. tilB. Mrs. May Hefler vs Harry Lee Boy Hefler. Libel for Divorce. 621. Isabelle Latimore vs Cleveland Latimore. Trover. 622. Isabelle Latimore vs Cleveland Latimore. Libel for Divorce. 624. 625. 626. IS 627. 629. 630. 633. 635. (ill. Millsaps and Smith vs Clifford Boowman, defendant, and Mhs. Edith Bowman, claimant. 615. Robert Hall, col., vs Pearl Hall, col., Divorce. 651. 655. 660. 661. 662. 663. (Mil. 665. Babe Phillips vs P.euluh Phillips. Divorce. 668. 669. 671. 672. 673. 677. 69.'. 699. 765. 709. 710. 712. 713. 721. 724. Mrs. Lovey Maynard vs \V. Frank Maynard. Libel for Divorce. 727. Mrs. Kate Brewer vs W. 11. Brewer. Divorce and Alimony, Injunction 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 736. 737. 738. 739. v u ■' 740. 741. Tuesday, .June 28th. 541. It. I). Couch. Tern. Admr. vs W. O. Perry, Admr. S E Sharpton, Vallie Mae Smith, Admrx. S. Herbert Smith. Si*it in Equity. 612. E. P. Miller vs Si-aboard Air Line Railway Cos. Damages. 613. E. P. Miller vs Seaboard Air Line Railway Cos. Damages. 501. : *. w LT 502. 524. T. E. Adams vs W. IT. Greeson. Suit on note. 536. The W. T. Rnughley Cos. vs O W. Hudgins, prin., and R. A. Ethridge, and M. A. Brown, securities. Wednesday, June 29th. 679 —A. The State vs Giles Butler and Cadillac Touring car. G. W. Owens, Claimant. 514. The State vs One Buiek car and M. E. Rodgers, Condemnation proceed ings and claim J. O. Coshy, intervene. 584. J. E. Hammond vs (’. C. Robinson, Dispossessory Warrant. 005. j. E. Hammond vs C. C Robinson Injunction 601. J. N. O. Hamilton vs Mrs. Itoxie Tolbert. Equity, Etc. 636. J. L. Daniel vs .1 W. Crow. Suit on contract. 650. Frank Crow vs Burson & Thurmond. Trover. 657. John B. Williams & Cos., vs It. L. Rogers. Appeal. Thursday, June 30th. 475. ' ' ! TVM- ' 647. W. C. Jett vs E. G. Gibson. Trover. 658. TV. C. Jett vs E G and 1, E. Gibson. Suit on note. 6N2. P. TV. Quattlebaum vs F. L Sims. Bail Trover 683. F. M. Stewart vs TV. TV. Spence. Land Lords Lein, Counter Affidavit. OS4. F. M. Stewart vs TV TV Spence. Distress Warrant, Counter Affidavit 686. The State vs. A. P. Parks and J. J. Doster Illegality. 659 TV. TV. Spence vs F. M. Stewart. Injunction, Damage, Eetc. Friday, July Ist. 693. J. C. Bedingfleld vs J. J. Bridges. Suit on Account. 606. TV. H. Brewer vs Mrs Kate Brewer. Bail Trover. 723. F. M. Wallace vs S. E. Hudlow Suit on note The above Calendar for June Term, 1921, Barrow Superior Court approved and ordered published and filed. This June 14th, 1921. BLANTON FORTSON, Judge S. C. TV. C. FLOUR Good fresh home made flour. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, you just ought to try it. It eats right where you hold it. When you buy the good old JERSEY CREAM you buy the real thing. Jersey cream contains no corn starch but is ground right here in Winder from home grown wheat. Try a sack at $2.50. We also have a few shorts on hand that we are selling at $3.00 per hundred pounds while they last. These shorts are a very high grade shorts and if you have ever used them you know they are the best. Winder Roller Mill Cos. Phone 17 Winder, Ga. THE WINDER NEWS Classified Ads. We sell vanishing cream and Kerba Pace Powder, the best that can be made. —J. H. Wheeler, the groceryman, Phone 119. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE Wise people screen their houses so as to keep out the pestiferous fly. We can furnish the doors or the wire.— New Winder Lumber Cos. Time to screen your house. We can furnish the screen doors or the screen wire. See us.—New Winder Lumber Cos. You can find the popular powder, Tan-no-More at the store of J. H. heel er, 109 Candler street. Phone 119. Look after your health and comfort throughout the summer by screening your houses. We can supply you with both the doors or the wire.—New Win der Lumber Cobpany. “Tan-no-More” the popular Face Pow der, the best made, sold by J. H. Wheel er, Phone 119. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on short notice. Bentley Ice Creajn Cos. Phone 354. Fruit Pudding made from fresh fruits frozen in our own plant.—Win der Drug Cos. —Phone 286. Special Saturday and Sunday, Fro zen Fruit Pudding. Get your order in for Sunday.—Winder Drug Company. Phone 286. Bentley's Ice Cream Cos., for your ice cream —the best made. Phone 354. We will give away $lO in gold on June 24th. —Winder Drug Cos. Phone 280, Winder National Bank Bldg. Our screen doors are up to date, none better and none cheaper in price. —New Winder Lumber Cos. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on short notice. Bentley Ice Cream Cos. Phone 354. We give prompt service. TVe now have two delivery boys.—Winder Drug Cos., Phone 286. Mason Fruit Jars, Jar Rubbers, Glass Top Fruit Jars, Extra Jar Caps, Jelly Glasses at Smith Hardware Cos. Clean White Square Glass Top Fruit Jars for Girl's Canning Club at Smith Hardware Cos. Loans made on farms and city prop erty. Lowest rates of interest and commissions.—TV. H. Quarterijpan, At torney. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on short notice. Bentley Ice Cream Cos. Phone 354. Cane Seed, German Millet, Sudan Grass, Garden Seed at Smith Hard ware Cos. Plenty of ice cream cones, ice cream, brick cream delivered on short notice. Bentley Ice Cream Cos. Phone 354. We sell all front Ford springs for $3.00. Also other Ford parts. Each and every part guaranteed to be good as the genuine and prices better. See us when in need of Ford parts. Wood ruff Hardware Company. Fisk tires and tubes off 20 per cent. Try a Fisk tube or casing onoe and you will buy another. —Woodruff Hardware Company. Fruit Jars at right prices.—Wood- ruff Hardware Cos. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. WB M SPECIAL 30-DAY OFFER! AN ADDITIONAL 10 Per Cent Price Reduction Iffl pi ° neer SHARPLES s ° idAn American Famous Suction-Feed Over the l iuSl *'* >' "Skims clean at any Speed" pat or Separator w ° rid Total Reduction of 25 Per Cent fi|| ' | The recently lowered prices over 15 per cent, HI Ji j jji| s£kif and uow we ma^e this special reduction for a 30-day period w Jl' fj|psf tjjkH to introduce this well known separator more widely in this * — ■ aH&i Hi particular section. This special offer will positively be with rcjfcjf l rawn a^ter 30 days. Write TODAY for prices and full par fg|||!r UNIVERSAL MOTORS CO. A Child Can Operate It 471-473 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Ga. Wanted.—Men or womeD to- take or ders among friends and neighbors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. We pay 75c an hour spare time, or $36.00 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. No. l-10t KEEP THE FLY OUT—Buy Screen Doors, Screen Windows and Screen Wire from Smith Hardware Cos. Auto paints and varnishes, both Berry’s and Murphy’s, best quality. Makes your car new. —Woodruff Hard ware Cos. Refrigerators at the right prices.— Smith Hardware Company. Wedding Presents that please.—Smith Hardware Company. We still have meal and hull for sale. Millsaps & Eley. Buy Water Coolers and Ice Cream Freezers from Smith Hardware Cos. See us for New Perfection Oil Stoves and wicks. We carry complete line of parts for this stove. —Woodruff Hdw. A little disinfectant scattered around your premises will keep down sickness. We have it for SI.OO per gallon—Wood ruff Hardware Cos. We sell front Ford springs for $3.00. Also other Ford parts. Each and ev ery part guaranteed to be as the genuine and prices better. See us when in need of Ford parts —Woodruff Hard ware Company. Fisk Tires and Tubes off 20 per cent Try a Fisk Tube or casing once and you will buy another. —Woodruff Hdw. Auto Paints and Varnishes, both Ber ry’s and Murphy’s best quality. Makes your car new.—Woodruff Hardware. We sell Sherwin Williams house paints and varnishes —a paint long rec ognized as the best—Woodruff Hard ware Cos. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. has oyercoma the commonest causes of tire trouble % Quality Con struction in All Sizes Michelin small-size casings are made of the same high quality materials, in the same factories, by the same workmen as the larger sizes. Miehelins are the big tires for small cars—big in dimensions and big in per formance. If you drive a Ford, Overland. Chev rolet, Maxwell, Dort, Briscoe, Bell or other light car, you will find greater economy in the use of Michelin Tires. Come in and let us show you the extra value in Miehelins. SMITH HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. Winder, Georgia SUBSCRIPTION: f1.50 A YEAR Down Town Locals. The Ladies Home Aid Society sold ice cream, lemonade and stews, three different kinds, last Saturday begin ning at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. We ( thank the people for buying from us with such a willing mind. We will take this money and do as we think best. Buy for" the sick and needy and the Lord will bless. Every one that helped us in the way that they should need. We sent several dishes out to the sick and needy to feed. The boys and girls and the children were there too. And the men with their even the policemen came through. We thank the men who came and such good music. We had success selling, u bfor want of ice was short of lemonade. The people will talk and laugh and make fun. But we mean to go through now we have begun. The Lord will help us and bless us too. If the right thing we will always do. Now don’t for get to help and not he afraid. For right here in Winder you'll find the la dies home aid. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case o' Catarrh that cannot be cured by Kail’s Catarrh Cure. F. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believa him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry mt any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo. O. Tlall’s Ca'arrh Cure is fatten Internally. act‘ng directly upon tiio blood and mu sous surfaces of the system. Testimonials >-nt tree. Price T-t vnts per bottle. Solti by all Druggists. rake Hall's t'njr'lv pi: * for conotlpallon. The Home of the Soul. In olden times, it was believed that the seat of the soul was the stomach, most likely for the reason that a man is never so completely used up as when his stomach is out of order. For the cure of ordinary stomach troubles, there Is nothing quite so prompt and satisfactory as Chamberlain’s Tablets. They strengthen the stomach and en able it to perform its functions natur ally. Give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. AdvL Buy GOOD GULF KEROSENE.