The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 30, 1921, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JUNE 30. 1921. Winder’s First Class in 1 Home Hygiene, Etc. Takes Final Exams. />n January 26th, 1921, a number of "Winder matrons elected to avail them selves of the opportunity of learning something of modem bedside nursing, sanitation and hygiene. We did not really anticipate the work being so pleasant and instructive but now we all feel the necessity of intelligent under standing of fundamental principles of in our daily duties, especially as re gards the making of better men and women of our children. None of us expect to do actual or practical nursing but we had just a little interest in such things and a de sire to learn some of the scieutilc methods that many times may be of in estimable satisfaction, if not real \alue, at some critical moment when someone of our family or our neighbors family, in an emergency, need intelligent ser vice for some sickness or injury before /the physician can get there. We all have reached the stage in life where we must leave the old eus t urn ary flaths of ignorance, supersti tion and mimicry and use the gifts of progressive science for the uplift and betterment of those about us, as well as ourselves. Our mothers and grand mothers, God bless them, suffered enough because of prevailing Ignorance, regarding best methods of caring for out) children an<J children's children, when too young to care for themselves, the sick and injured, when the services cf a physician was not obtainable, with out we ourselves following the same trodden paths, particularly when mod ern methods, education and science have clariled this work so much. We have had a very delightful .course of study given us by Mrs. Ruby i(j. Worsham, our most amiable and competent Public Health Nurse, for Barrow county. We have enjoyed ev ery Wesson or lecture. We wish every mother and matron in the county could have this course. We feel very grate ful to Mrs. Worsham for her indul gence, consideration and devotion to the class. By her patience and gener osity we have passed on from one step to another until we feel that we are better women and mothers than we were before. Possibly none of us praise her now for what she is worth to i community, as we should, but the benefits derived from her work here will bear fruit in years to come. We all feel a personal loss and re gret very much that this community must lose this nurse and her services. We regret that circumstances are such that it seems impossible to keep her in this field. We commend her to this work anywhere she may go. We hope she will receive a cordial welcome and a kindly cooperation in her field of en deavor wherever she may go after she leaves us. Twelve of this class met at Mrs. G. A. Johns’s elegant Candler street home on Friday June 17, for a day of pleas ure as well as taking final examination in Lis course of training that has last ed for the past four mouths. Af ter the morning hours were spent in written examinations and all the class had given in their papers, a picnic lun cheon wap served. Everybody re mained and it was one big family, hav ing a big time, enjoying the cordiali ty and hospitality of Judge and Mrs. Johns. After luncheon Mrs. Worsham gave the practical examination, using a big life-size artificial baby, in making the demonstration of caring for the lit tle ones. This has been a class with out friction and we are proud of the fact that everything has passed off so pleasantly from the beginning to this last day of pleasant association and feasting. Again, in conclusion we wish to thank Mrs. Worsham for her patience, punctuality and kindness to the class. Mrs. Alice Dunn, Mrs. H. T. Flani gan, Mrs. Mac Hargrove, Mrs. B. B. .factft&an. Mrs. Otis Jackson Mrs. Johns, Mrs.oslrry Millikin, Mrs. G. C. Mose ley, Mrs. Quarterman, Mrs. Paul Rob erts, Mrs. E. F. Saxon, Mrs. Carrie Wal den. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE. Sectional W. M. U Meeting Mrs. B. H. Jenkins, of Monroe, pres ident of the Appalachee W. M. U. and Mrs. E. S. Harris of Bethlehem, sec tional vice president, met with the members of the Womans Missionary society at the Second Baptist church here last Sunday afternoon and held a very helpful meeting which was well attended by the local members and sev eral from the First Baptist church. Mrs. Jenkins is an enthusiastic work er and an inspiring speaker. The meet ing meant much for the womans work of this church. i Buy GpOD GULF KEROSENE. PRESBYTERIAN CONFERENCES. A number of church conferences have been arranged by the Presbyterians of Athens Presbytery for the week, july 4th to Bth." These conferences will be in the interest of Evangelism and Stew ardship, and will be conducted by two teams of speakers, composed of some of the leading ministers and laymen of the Presbytery. The following church es have been selected as the places for these metings: July 4th. Thyatira and Homer; July sth, Mizpah and Cornel ia ; July 6th, Winder and Lavonia; July 7th, New Hope and Royston; July Bth, Danielsville and Sharon. The program at each place will be gin at 10:30 A .M. Dinner will be serv ed on the ground at 12 :SO. At 1:30 the 'afternoon session will begin and the conference will close at 4 P. M. A number of these conferences were held last summer and were a great pleasure and benefit to the large number of peo ple who attended them. Members of other Presbyterian churches, within reach of these meeting places, are ask ed to take note of these announce ments, and are invited to attend the conference near you. Don't forget to bring a well-filled basket of lunch. C. M Chumbley ] J. A. Simpson }■ Com. E. M. Munroe, Jr. J County Line * Mrs. Della Attaway and Misses Cla ra Cooper and Willie Mae Greeson vis ited Mrs. Melvin Murphy Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Sims and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy Sunday af ternoon. Mr.' Grover Bailey of Cedar Hill visited Miss Ollie Murphy Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs Lee Tate of Gainesville were the week-end guests of Mr and Mrs .1 G Attaway Misses Alma Patrick, Leila and Ber tha Pool, of Winder, were visiting Miss Gerdie Muxey Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wheeler of Louis ville, Ivy., are visiting relatives here. Miss Eula Hardy spent Monday night with Miss Desma Murphy. Mi’s. Mary Puckett had as her dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hudgins, Mr. and Mrs Atticus Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Hersehel Puckett. Miss Ollie Murphy spent Saturday night with Miss Birtie House. Mr. Jottie Doster and Miss Mary Lou Rainey, both of this place, were hap pily married Saturday afternoon at the home of Rev. Runyon Collins. We wdsh for this couple a long and happy life. Mrs. F. M. Hardy and Mrs. Castle berry spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greeson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy of Hosclitou visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hardy Sunday. Misses Delle and Fannie Sims spent Friday night with Miss Annie Clark. Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler of Win der were the guests of the former's mother Sunday afternoon. Miss Carrie Bell House entertained a few of her little friends at a doll par ty Saturday afternoon. Those present were Misses Willie Mae Castleberry, Lucile Murphy, May Opal House, Lois Lee and Hazel Maxey. Miss Ollie Murphy spent a few r days last week with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Greeson. Mr. Luther Wheeler and family of Jefferson spent Friday night with the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al ton Sims Sunday. A. N. Porter NEW GROCERY STORE -at- STATHAM, GEORGIA Best Groceries- Fresh and Pure Lowest Prices WE WANT TO SE lI VE YOU Heavy Feed Stuff A. N. Porter Statham, Georgia You Can’t Afford to Drive Without It The man who fails to take out Travelers Automobile Liability Insurance because he thinks he cannot afford to drive a car, to drive a car. It takes infinitely more sacri fice to scrape together money enough to meet a? 5,000 damage award, tlmu it docs to meet the reasonable sum we ask as pre mium. Take no chances on a heavy loss. Include your insurange as one of the necessary mainte nance costs of your machine. i\ W. BONIH RANT & CO. INSURANCE Winder, Ga. Victory Medals Due to reduction in the number of clerks necessitated by reduced appro priations, Victory Medal distribution has been ordered discontinued. No more applications can be handled at the Victory Medal Office, 204 Journal Building, Atlanta. Notice will be given of the place to which applications should be sent in future, Orders have not been received regarding them. —Win, A. Kent, Adjutant General, Victory Medal Officer. * BETHEL NEWS. * Mrs. J. J. Bolton and Mrs. Sims vis ited Mrs. Lillie Ridgeway Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mrs. T. W. Partee Saturday afternoon. Messrs Clyde Hilton and Roy Mau ders of Auburn, were guests of Mr. Coleman Brown Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Grady McGaugliey and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilburn, of Chap el, and Mrs. Willie Shore were the week-end guests of Mr. W. T. Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wages were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Ridgeway Sunday. Mrs. C. A. Edwards and Mrs. G. C. Brown were guests of W. C. Shore on Wednesday afternoon. Messrs Ira Adams and Albert Harris visited Mr. Bill Ledson Thursday ev ening. Master Willie Ridgeway was the guest of Mr. Willie Partee Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partee Sunday evening. Mrs. C. A Edwards and Mrs J. W. Adams visited Mrs. Lillie Ridgeway Wednesday afternoon. Misses Lona Belle and Mary Lee Ed wards were guests of Miss Susie Brown Wednesday afternoon. Several from here attended the sing ing at Carter Hill Sunday night. Mrs. G. W. Edwards was in Winder Saturday. There will be a singing here Sunday night. Sunday was home coming day at this place. It was largely attended and highly enjoyed by all. Mr. T. W. Partee was in Winder on business Saturday. Messrs. Ira Adams and Herbert Brown were guests of Misses Alma and Ola Walls Sunday. Mr. J. W. Adams was the guest of Mr. T. W. Partee Thursday night. We are glad to say that Mrs. Lillie Ridgeway is some better at this writ ing. Buy THAT GOOD GUtF GASOLINE. THE WINDER NEWS Georgia Sunday Sch 00l Association More than 125 County Sunday school conventions Will be held in this state during the summer months. R. D. Webb is general superintendent of the work in this state. Ir is expected that the Barrow county Sunday school con tion will be held on August 31st. PARISH ACADEMY Mrs. Birtie Allen was the guest on Wednesday afternoon of Mrs. Tilda Elliott. Miss Ruth Allen was the guest of Miss Carmen Elder Saturday after noon. Miss Bessie Simpson was the guest of Miss Jewell Elliott Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Flanigan and son, Randall, were guests of the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Flanigan Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Jewell Elliott spent Saturday night with Miss Bessie Simpson. Mr. Lester Simpson spent Saturday night with Mr. Hoyt Cruce near Sha ron. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Skelton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Elli ott. Mrs. Joy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. P. Allen, for a few days. Miss Alene Smith was the guest of Misses Nellie and Ruth Allen Sunday night. Mrs. W. E. Flanigan is visiting her son, Mr. G. R. Flanigan, of Greene county. Mr. and Mrs. Anglin, of Winder, were visiting their daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wright, recent ly- Misses Rosa Reynolds, Ila Fleeman and Mattie Lou Fireman were guests of Miss Flora Simpson Sunday. Misses Bessie Simpson and Thelma Allen were guests of Miss Snbra Farr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Attaway spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen. Several new visitors were present at Sunday school Sunday. NOTICE I will be away from my studio after tomorrow (Friday) for two weeks.— A. E. KNIGHT. A Change Which Is Not a Change The small group of individuals who compose the Gov ernment Ownership advocates in Georgia, finding that the people and members of the Legislature of Georgia were unanimously opposed to their Water Power Bills, claim that they have sticken out of these bills several objectionable features. The parts which have been omitted from the new bills are not material to the public interest and the most ob jectionable features still remain’ viz: The Bills still contain the clauses providing for un limited issues of Bonds by the State and under the re vised billb the State could and would be loaded withl hundreds of millions of debt. The bills double the limit to which counties and muni cipalities could issue bonds, which is far beyond the safety mark prescribed by the Constitution,-and for what purpose? —That a few restless individuals may more readily and easily exploit the farmers and small town people of Georgia. The statements about undeveloped water powers are untrue. The Water Powers in Georgia are being developed by private enterprises intelligently and economically, and much more rapidly than they would be if these bills were passed. The statements about drainage and floods are pure camouflage-just pretty words to fool you. The statements about putting electric service on farms are gross exaggerations. There is no demand from the people of Georgia for such legislation. It has been condemned by the public wherever it has been discussed. These bills are drawn to raid Georgia’s treasury and to use money raised by taxing homes and the farms, to establish Socialism in our good old state. THEY ARE THE SAME OLD BILLS, TRIMMED TO DECEIVE YOU INTO SUPPORTING THEM. Georgia Railway & Power Cos. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Chamberlain’s Tablets Are Mild And Gentle in Effect. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Tablets is so mild and geutle that you can hardly realize that it has been pro duced by a medieine. Piano Tuning E. L. Moore, expert Piano Tuner and Player, will he in Winder July 4th and sth. Leave your orders with J. B. Brookshire, Athens Street. BUY GOOD GULF KEROSENE. How Do You Buy Tires? j 1 gig It is the easiest thing 1 in the world to buy Good Tire Mileage. Simply choose good tires and let us show you how to Rive them practical care. This is the business-like so lution. There are a few simple points of tire care that bring surprising re sults in increased mileage— And the beauty of the thing is if you choose Goodyears you go right every tC/XfdlONtL time. The cost is the lowest possible Ikl J on rilvs °t such quality. 1/jrOl Mmflr Come in and look ut them—handle ■ r them—try them on your car. You will tlike them. The Tire Service Station ROBT. A. CAMP, Prop. WINDER, GA. SUBSCRIPTION: Vacations 50 A YEAR While you are on that camp•——— ing trip, have your watch I It will last longer, and run more accu-* rately if it is cleaned and oiled once every year or so. If it is In our care, you run no risk of losing or damaging it. B. E. PATRICK 403 Winder Nat. Bank Building WINDER, GA.