The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, June 30, 1921, Image 7

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THURSDAY. JUXE 60, 1921. Legal Adverti*ements. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA —Barrow county. Claude Mayne of said state, having, in roper form, applied, as a person se lected as the next of kin, for letters of administration on the estate of James A. DeLay, late of said county, this is t cite all and singular, the creditors, heirs of said James A. DeLay, deceas ed, to appear at my office at the July Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said Claud Mayne as prayed for. This the 6th day of June, 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Dismission of Guardianship GEORGIA —Barrow county. M. R. Lay, Guardian of Lener Hay nie, Curtis Ha'ynie and Gerlie Haynie, has applied to me for a discharge from hid Guardianship of Lener Haynie, Curtis Haynie and Gerlie Haynie, this is therefore to notify all persons con cerned, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Mon day in July next, else M. R. Lay will be discharged from his Guardianship as applied for. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary of Barrow County. Year’s Support. GEORGIA —Barrow county. The appraisers duly appointed to set apart a year’s support for the widow and minor children of X. D. Attaway, late of said county, deceased, having filed their returns setting apart a said twelve months’ support. This is to cite the next of kin and all creditors ofthe said X. D. Attaway that I will pass upon the said returns at the regular July term, 1921, of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow county, tta. All parties concerned are required to show cause at that time, if any they have, why the said returns shall not be made a judgment of this court. This the Gth day of June 1921. C. W. PARKER, Ordinary. Notice of Sale. GEORGIA —Barrow county. Under and by virtue of an order duly granted by the Superior Court of Bar row county, Georgia, will be sold be fore the courthouse door in said county between the legal hours of sale on the sth day of July, 1921. to the highest and liest bidder for cash, one Buick Roadster automobile with Motor No. 426,028, Licence Xo. 111.164. 'Said property having been seized w idle transporting intoxicating liquors in said county contrary to law, and hav ing been condemned and confiscated and ordered sold according to law as the property of Lee Kinney. This 2 day of June, 1921. of H. O. CAMP, Sheriff. r L _____ Legal Advertisements According to law all legal adver tisements must be paid for in advance. In order to avoid any confusion or de lay in the publication of these legal notices all parties sending in legal no tices for publication must pay for the same in advance. The law fixes the price of the legal ads at $4.00 per one one hundred words or fractional part thereof. r.ecnr.srcnds Chamberla ! r.’s Tablets. “Chamberlain’s Tablets have been m od by my husband and myself off and on for the past five years. When my husband goes’ away from home he al ways takes a bottle of them along with him. Whenever I have that heavy feeling after eating, or feel dull and ved out, I take one or two of Cbam b|Kb]’s Tablets and they fix tpe up tine,” writes Mrs. Newton Vreeiand, N. Y. Take these tablets when troubled with constipation or indigestion and they will do you good. Advt. SIX GILLETTE BLADES WITH HOLDER $1- 25 PREPAID IN ATTRACTIVE CASE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded This offer for a limited time only Remit by money order or cash, (no stamps) FRAD RAZOR CO. 1475 Broadway New York City Sharon News I * • Sunday school and It. Y. l\~U. — at this place are on a boom. Mr. J. H. Parks and Mrs. Bary Blankenship spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brock. Mr. T. A. Deaton and son. Hoke, Mr. W. C. Lancaster and Mr. Will Rowles made a business trip to Winder Satur day afternoon. They report Winder on a boom. Barrow county is proud of such a progressive capital city. Messrs. Preston Banks and L. C. Stone made a business trip to Brasel ton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Simpson are the proud parents of a baby boy. He has been christened Royce Randall. Both mother and babe are doing fine. Mr. Royee Vermillion was the guest of Miss Eva Jane Lancaster for awhile Saturday night. Miss Rosa Mae McDougal, of Bost wick spent a few days recently with Misses Eva Jane Lancaster and Lois Langford. Miss McDougal will be re membered as the former teacher at this place and was much loved and respect ed by all who knew her. Mr. J. Hubert Lancaster attended the ball game at Braselton Saturday after noon and reported it just flue. Mr. G. W. Maddox has been on the sick list for a few days; we hope to report him better soon. Mr. J. H. Parks spent Saturday night with Mr. W. L. Brock, of County Line. The convicts of Barrow county have done splendid work on the roads which was very much needed. School will begin at this place July 11th, under the fine management of our teacher, Miss Gwendolyn Mann. Miss M.vrtie Watson, Mr. Amos Rainey, Miss Eva Jane Lancaster and Mr. Royce M. Vermillion were out rid ing Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Duncan and family, of Auburn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parks Sunday after noon. Messrs Feagnns were in Winder last week attending court. Messrs. Titsliaw, Karr, Boggs, Lan caster, of Braselton, were a the B. Y. P. u. Sunday night. Misses Laura Mae and Eva Jane Lancaster wen 1 in Hoschton shopping Saturday afternoon. The Woodchucks jurneyed up to Flowery Branch Saturday afternoon and played a fast game of ball but were defeated for the first time by a score of 7 to 14 in favor of lion pry Branch. They will piny again at the Woodchucks’ ball park, in Mr. J. W. Park’s pasture on July 9th. Mr. Lester Simpson of Parish Acad emy spent Sunday afternoon uitli Mi Hoyt Cruce. Messrs. Cook, Manus and Kilgore spent Saturday night with Mr. C. H. Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moulder spent Sunday afternoon with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cruec. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Brock spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brock. Miss Ollie Murphy and others not known to the writer, passed through this burg Sunday afternoon. Everybody come to the B. Y. P. 1 • and the Sunday school. Advice. If than wouldst be Justified, ac knowledge thine injustice. He that confesses his sin begins his Journey toward salvation. He that is sorry for It, memls his pace. He that forsakes It Is at bis Journey’s end.—Queries. A Tonic For Women “I was hardly able to drag, I was so weakened,” writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. “The doctortreated me for about two months, still I didn’t get any better. I had a large fam ily and felt I surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. I had heard of CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic •'I decided to try it," con tinues Mrs. Ray ... "1 took eight bottles in a11... I re gained my strength and have had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. 1 have ten Children and am able to do all my housework and a lot out doors ... I can sure recom mend Cardui.” Take Cardui today. It may be just what yofl need. At all druggists. ESI ARGONNE LOCALS Miss Emma Holloway and Miss Har rison visited Miss Etta Smith Tuesday. Misses Finell, Janett and Jewell Da vis. of Bethlehem, spent Tuesday night with their sister, Mrs. R. K. Carswell. Miss Ruble Day visited Miss Druewil lie Thomas Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. O. Austin and children, of Winder, spent the weekend with her brother and sister, Mr. Calvin anil Miss Etta Smith. Master Thomas and Miss Finell Da vis. of near Bethlehem, spent Friday night and Saturday with their sister, Mrs. R. K. Carswell. Miss Mollie Vmith visited Miss Etta Smith Friday afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs. li. K. Carswell spent Saturday night with the latter’s par ents, Mr. anil Mrs. S. W. Davis of near Bethlehem. Misses Cnllie and Grace Thomas spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Clara bell Odum. MT. MORIAH. Mr. and Mrs. O. I). Cheek visited Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ethridge Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips of near Sharon spent Sunday night with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Mauldin. Mr. and Mrs. Pack Holman were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ethridge spent Saturday night with Mrs. Celia Wood anil family. Messrs Arthur Wages anil Tom Wood were guests of Mr. Sylvester Cheek Saturday afternoon. Little Misses Uel Cheek and Rochelle Phillips spent Saturday night with their grandparents, Mr. anil Mrs. Adam Phillips. Little Miss Adel Ethridge spent Sun day with Miss Gerilie Wood. Mr. G. I. Wood is In Atlanta the guest of his brother, Mr. W. A. Wood. Mr. Paul Crenshaw was the Sunday afternoon guest of Miss Woodie Fay Williams. Misses Leila and Lula Feagan were guests of Misses Xezzie anil Delphina Wood, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. A. Wood spent Sunday night with her daughter, Mrs. Lula Mont gomery. Mr. and Mrs. Parks Phillips spent Sunday night with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wages. Mr. George Pope anil children visit ed Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ethridge Sun day afternoon. Dry Clean—Dye at the Capital City Confidence — WE RENEW °f the South is ours. Re- Furs suits have made us famous. ® ,ove ® iWrite us about your clothes Sweaters v Carpets problem. Our experts will solve Ru o® it economically and fashionably. “Parcel Poet Your Package — Look To Ue For Reeulte." Capital City Dry Cleaning & Dye Works ATLANTA, GA. MICHELIN has overcome the commonest causes of tire trouble Driving In Trolly Tracks Driving in trolley tracks is destructive to tires because the tires are thus dis torted. Michel Ins suffer less than ordi nary makes from this abuse because— . Ist. —The extra thickness of the Mich elin tread, and of the side wall near the tread, cushions the tire and minimizes distortion. 2nd—Mlchelins’ unique body-construc tion reduces the effect of such dis tortion and flexing, even when it does occur as a result perhaps of under-inflation. For greater service try a Michelin. SMITH HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. Winder, Georgia THE WINDER NEWB BILL TO STOP STEALING AUTOS Every Georgian who owns an auto mobile or who expects to own one should be interested in the passage of a bill to be presented at this session of the legislature which is destined to stop the stealing of automobiles by making it practically impssible to sell a stolen car. The bill provides that whenever a car is sold the seller must fill out a bill of sale giving the engine number anil other identifying marks. One copy of this is sent to the Secretary of State and one retained by the buyer of the enr. The buyer shall report to the sheriff of his county within ten days and the sheriff will inspect the car and see that it “checks” with that described in the bills of sale. Penalties are pro vided for altering serial numbers of au tomobiles and for forgery or alterations of bills of sale. S. A. L. Schedule In Effect May Ist, 1921. South Bound. Xo. 11 arrives 0 :32 a.m. Xo. 17 arrives 8:42 a. in. Xo. 5 arrives 3 :00 p.m. Xo. 29 arrives 7 :27 p.m. Xortli Bound Xo. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m. Xo. 6 arrives 2:65 p.m. Xo. IS arrives 7 :<H) p.m. Xo. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY SCHEDULE—Effective May Bth, 1921. Xo. 6 leaves Winder 8:62 A.M. Sun. Xo. 14 leaves Winder 8:45 A.M. Dai (Except Sunday) Xo. 5 leaves Winder 11:30 A.M. Daily Xo. 13 leaves Winder 3:15 P.M. Daily (Except Sunday) Chamberlain’s Colic and Cholera Remedy. Every family should keep this prep aration at hand during the hot of the summer months. It is almost sure to be needed, and when that time comes, is worth many times its cost. Buy it now. Advt. More Advice. If you think you are bright, keep tt dark—Boston Transcript. Buy THAT GOOD GULF GASOLIXE. dddddddd Civilization’s Greatest Achievement Some Eskimos were brought down to Edmonton, Alberta, on official business. They had never before been south of the Arctic Circle. They had never seen a street, a town, a window, or a wooden door. A bed, a water tap, and an electric light produced completely new sensations. Street cars were unknown to them; telephones unheard of; trains not to be believed even when beheld. They had never seen an automobile until someone took them riding in one. They had never set their eyes on an airplane until some one did his most daring stunts in one to thrill them. They had never even seen a movie! But what do you suppose moved them most in the whole bag of tricks which civilization produced for their amusement and amazement? What seemed to them the greatest wonder of all? The cold storage plants! The White Man didn’t always have to hunt and fish when he wanted to eat I Here was civilization’s greatest gift, its greatest benefaction. This feature of civilization make 9 it possible for Swift & Company, in the season of over production, to store a supply of food for distribution in the season of scant, or non-production. Thus we are able to maintain for all a constant supply of such choice and necessary foods as Premium Milk-fed Chickens, Brookfield Butter and Brookfield Eggs. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Cotton School Grading—Stapling— Marketing Taught by expert Cotton Men Two Months JULY and AUGUST Write for full information. Athens Business College Athens, Georgia Satisfaction Guaranteed. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR