The Winder news and Barrow times. (Winder, Barrow County, Ga.) 1921-1925, July 28, 1921, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1921. MEN’S PALM BEACH SUITS —We have undoubtedly the largest stock of well made and good flitting and neat looking Palm Beach Suits in the city and we are going to sell the $15.00 values .1 SJ.SO * WORK SHIRTS —Men’s Genuine Blue Denim work shirts, worth $1.25 In any store. Special while they last, only — 69c V OVERALLS —This should command your attention. We are stocked with overalls for everybody. No use paying a high price for overalls. They are priced at 95 cts. for our best overalls at this store — . 95c ~ W. L. DOUGLAS OXFORDS — y 2 price will be allowed on all new Douglas Oxfords $14.00 Grade Douglus Oxfords f]P7 AA At I *UU SIO.OO Grade Douglas Oxfords QQ $ 8.00 Grnde Douglas Oxfords fl J A/\ At M.OO $ 7.50 Grade Douglas Oxfords Bargains Speak LOUDER JThan Printers Ink mam. • 'V: The Bargain King of Winder, Georgia Announces a 10 Days Closing Out Sale Beginning Friday, July 29th Ending Tuesday, August 9th —— — —— — — —— — —— — — ■—MB— a— — MMl The summer is drawing to its end and we are now getting ready for our Fall season. Thousands of dollars worth of new* merchan dise will begin to arrive at our store by the middle of next month. Wo tnnet molttv 4-U 11, , • ,1 +• , + Friday and Saturday Friday and Saturday, our first two sale days we will sell $5.00 value Bedspreads at $1.95 Ladies Silk Poplin Dresses 1 —slo.oo Silk Poplin or Voil Dresses, at only 45 Ladies Taffeta and Messaline Dresses —517.50 Taffeta and Messaline dresses at $0.25 Taffeta and Messaline Dresses —527.50 Taffeta and Messaline Dresses at 5 12' 50 Taffeta Dresses —540.00 Taffeta Dresses at only - $17.50 25c Voile at per yard 12£c 60c Organdy at per .yard 391 c 65c Flowered Voiles at yd 29c Dress Ginghams, newest patterns small checks, black, tan, red, pink, sold everywhere at 30 cts. This sale 19c Middy Blouses worth up to $3.00 at . 95c LADIES WAISTS $1.50 Voile Waists, at 95c $7.50 and $lO Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists at $3.75 50 Per Cent Discount on all La- THE WINDER NEWS Extra Special! Friday and Saturday, July 29-30 Our first two opening Sale days, Friday and Saturday, we will sell between the hours of 9 and 10 A. M. and from 2 to 3 P. M. $2.00 best grade men’s and youths overalls, Bell, Wimco and other such brands for one hour only, at 79 Cents 1 PAIR TO A CUSTOMER Extra Special! Monday, Aug. 1, our 3rd Sale Day WE WLL SELL AT THE HOURS OF 10 to 11 A. M. and 2 to 3 P. M. IDE COLLARS at 10c 2 TO ACUSTOMER APRON GINGHAMS, Best 30c quality, at, 10 yards to a customer, the yard 9c SEAMLESS SHEETING: The SI.OO kind at 48c HICKORY SHIRTING, the 25c quality at 12ic SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 A YEAR