Newspaper Page Text
Social and Personal News
Mrs. P. N. Autry<v •
Mrs. P. N. Autry entertained eight
friends at dinner Tuesday evening in
honor of Mrs. Horace Nunnally and
Misses Edna and Evelyn Banknight.
Brides Club Gives
Swimming Party.
Saturday morning the Brides club
entertained at a swimming party in
honor of Mrs. H. C. Nunnally, the guest
of Mrs. J. \V. Griffeth. A sandwich
feast was enjoyed later.
Those present were Mesdames Nun
nally, Autry, Griffeth, Pirkle, Beding
fleld, Guy Jackson, Hhett Nowell, Bill
Mrs. J. W. Griffeth
Mrs. J. \V. Griffeth entertained at a
carrom party Thursday afternoon in
honor of Misses Edna and Evelyn Bank
niglit, of Atlanta, her attractive guests
After the game a delicious salad
course was served.
Those present were Miss Edna and
Evelyn Banknight. Mary Quarterman,
Helen Graddick, Urania Hayes, Ger
trude Mott, Alice Eugenia Dunn, Wil
e Mae Autrye.
Mrs. F. C. Graddick
An affair of Saturday was the lun
cheon Mrs. F. C. Graddick gave in hon
or of Mrs. Horace Nunnally of Flor
ence, Ala., Miss Edna Banknight and
Miss Evelyn Bankright of Atlanta, the
guests of Mrs. J. W. Griffeth. Covers
were placed for eight guests.
After luncheon the guests motored
to Athens where they enjoyed a mati
nee party at the Palace Theater.
Swimming Party.
Mrs. Horace Nunnally was honoree
Wednesday when the Young Matrons
club entertained at a swimming party
at Appleby’s Mill. After a delightful
swim, a picnic lunch was thoroughly
enjoyed. Those present were Mes
dames Nunnally. J. W. Griffeth, Rod
gers, Carlthers, Ware, Broome, Kimball,
Jackson, Bob Camp, Ralph Smith, Roy
Jackson, Carter Daniel, Hulme Kinne
l>rew', Wilson, Moseley. Burch, Otis
Jackson. P. N. Autry, Bob Pirkle, Har
ris, Roy Jackson.
Bridge Luncheon for
A pretty affair of Wednesday was
1 he bridge-luncheon at which Mrs. Hen
ry Pledger entertained at the home, of
her mother. Mrs. June Jackson, in
compliment to Mrs. Horace Nunnally.
the attractive guest of Mrs. J. W. Grif
Bright colored garden flowers in vas
es and baskets were used in the deco
rations. In the dining-room the table
cover and held in the center a silver
vase of pink and white asters.
The guests included Mesdames Nun
nally, J. W. Griffeth, Carter Daniel,
Hulme Kinnebrew, Paul Autry, Jule
Wilson, Hawthorne Ware, Otis Jack
son, George Fortson.
Mrs. Otis Jackson
A pleasant event of Friday was the
bridge party given by Mrs. Otis Jack
son. in ouor of Mrs. Horace Nunnally,
of Florence Ala., the guest of Mrs. J.
W. Griffeth, and Mrs. Bill Burch, a
recent bride.
The home was attractively arrang
ed with garden flowers, and after the
game a delicious salad course was
served- Th"* v present were Mqs
,lames Horace Nunnally, Bill Burch,
j. W| Griffeth,, Grover Moseley, Bob
Camp, Hugh Carithers, R. H. Kimball.
Hawthorne Ware, Joseph Broome, Hen
ry Pledger, George Fortson, Jule IV U
son, Carter Daniel. Hulme Kinnebrew,
Bob Pirkle, Paul Autrye, Pink Flani
gan,gan, Hargrove, Walden, I)eLal er
riere, Harris, Howard Rogers.
Swimmins - Partv.
Mrs. W. O. Perry and Lamar Perry
entertained in honor ofMiss Some
Johns’ attractive guests at a picnic an
swimming party on Saturday after
noon at Appleby’s pool. After an hou
spent in the water a picnic lime 1 _
served the young people, followed by
a delightful automobile ride. Those
enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Perry
p \fkafs Eliza bctli
and Lamar were r '
Park, Elizabeth Norman. Kate Thomp
son, Mary Medjin, Christine Hood and
Sunie Johns, Messrs. Henry Bradley.
Willis Young, Franklin Toole, Cleg
horn Toole, and W. C. Horton, Mrs G.
A. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradley,
and Mrs. A. G. Lamar.
Mrs. Mott
Mrs. C. B. Mott was the charming
hostess at the Strand to a number of
her friends Friday afternoon in honor
of her guest, Mrs. Sutton, of Atlanta.
Those present were Mrs. Parks Stew
art. Mrs. H. T. Flanigan, Mrs. W. H.
Quarterman, Mrs. T. C. Dunn, Mrs. W.
H. Horton, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. A. D.
McCurry. Miss Ora Lee Camp.
Mrs. W. O. Perry
The Young Matrons Federated club
and a few friends most pleasantly on
Thursday afternoon at a swimming
party. Late in the afternoon a tempt
ing salad course with tea was served.
Those eujoyiug the occasion were Mes
dames G. A. Johns, Almond, J. L. Jack
son, Dunn, Bradley, Mac Potts, H. T.
Flanigan, Carl McDonald, Parks Stew
art, C. O. Maddox, E. F. Saxon. Rtibye
Worsham, A. G. Lamar, Miss Fay Wil
Mrs. Russell Entertains
for Miss Sunie Johns
House Guests.
Mrs. R.' B. Russell, Messrs. William
and Fielding Russell complimented Miss
Sunie Johns’ house guests with a The
ater party on Monday afternoon at the
Palace Theater in Athens. After en
joying the picture the guests were serv
ed ices at Costas, then an automobile
ride over the city, seeing the historic
places of Athens.
The guests included Elizabeth Park,
Mary Medlin, Elizabeth Norman, Kate
Thompson, Sunie Johns, Carolyn Rus
sell, Messrs. Fielding, William, Bre
vard and Edward Russell. Mrs. R. B.
ssell, Mrs. G. A. Johns, Misses Mary
Johns and Elizabeth Kimball.
Mrs. W. A. Bradlev
Mrs. W. A. Bradley and Henry Brad
ley entertained in honor of Miss Sunie
Johns’ house guests on Monday even
ing at the Strand Theater. After en
joying an interesting picture the guests
were served light refreshments at the
ice cream parlor. Among those pres
ent were Misses Sunie Johns. Eliza
beth Medlin, Elizabeth Norman, Kate
Thompson, Messrs. Franklin and Cleg
horn Toole, Harold Starr, Gibson
House, Henry Bradley and Mr. and
Mrs. Bradley.
Miss Mary Louise Johns entertained
at Rook Monday morning in honor of
her sister’s house guests. Misses Eliz
abeth Norman, Kate Thompson, Eliz
abeth Park. Kate Thompson, and Mary
Miss Sunie Johns
Entertains for House
The beautiful lawn of Judge and
Mrs. G. A. Johns presented a scene of
fairyland on Friday evening, when Miss
Sunie Johns complimented her house
guests, Misses Elizaeth Park and Ma
ry Medlin of Greensboro, Miss Eliza
beth Norman of Griffin, and Miss Kate
Thompson, of Atlanta, with a lovely
party. The lawn was lighted and the
with Japanese lanters and the silvery
moonbeams added to the beauty of the
scene. The young hostess was assist
'd in entertaining her guests by Misses
Mary Louise Johns and Elizabeth
Kimball. Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Carolyn
Russell served punch. The guests in
cluded Misses Elizabeth Park. Mary
Medlin, Elizabeth Norman and Kate
Thompson, Nannelle Starr. Helen Grad
diek, Anita Bagwell, Thelma Barber,
Mary Frances Sorrel, Evelyn Patrick,
Christine Hood, Carolyn Aiken and
Sunie Johns, Messrs. Henry Bradley,
Lamar Perry, Gibson House, Fielding.
Russell, William Russell. W. C. Hor
ton, Jewel Patrick, Claud Herrin,
oFranklin Toole, and Cleghorn Toole,
of Atlanta, Carl Mott, Morgan Sutton,
of Atlanta. Willie Young, Morgan Hol
senbeck, Horace Maynard.
The regular meeting of the Woman’s
club was held at the Christian church
Wednesday afternoon. The usual rou
tine of business was transacted.
Mrs. Walden was elected secretary,
Mrs. Burch having resigned as she was
leaving town.
Mrs. Guy Kilgore and Mrs. W. N.
Bailey were appointed to arrange the for the next regular meeting
Two new members were present and
added their names to our roll. These
were Mrs. R. R. Barber and Miss Smith
It is the wish of the club to have ev
ery lady In Winder as a member. There
is work for us to do, and every one
who will help will be cordially wel
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Hill spent the
week-end in Atlanta.
• •
Mrs. J. A. Huff visited relatives in
Duluth last week.
• •
Mrs. W. T. Hamby is visiting rela
tives in Winder this week.
• •
Mrs. Mahlon Lowe has been con
fined to her bed for several days.
• •
Mr. Henry Fite of near Jefferson,
was in Winder Saturday.
• •
Mrs. J. H. Bedingfield and Miss Par
tee spent last Thursday in Athens.
• m
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Carrington an
nounce the birth of a son August 23.
• •
Mrs. A. P. Copeland and children, of
Atlanta are visiting relatives in the
• •
Miss Margaret McWhorter has re
turned from a visit to friends in Mc-
Mr. B. B. Jackson returned last
Thursday from a business trip to Char
lotte, N. C.
• •
Mrs. Minnie Daniel and Miss Lueile
Daniel are visiting relatives in Ath
ens and Comer.
• *
Miss Mary Wood, 'of Athens, is
spending this week with Miss Bonnie
Tec Bedingfield.
• •
Miss Clellie Seymour from Gainesville
visited her aunt, Mrs. Lillie Lamar,
last Friday.
Misses Miriam and Hazel Smith, of
Talbotton are visiting Mrs. Howard
• *
Mrs. Charles Hammond of Elberton,
spent the week-end wither uncle,h Mr.
C. M. Tompson.
* •
Mrs. H. M. Saxon, of Farmington,
has been the guest for several days of
her son, Dr. E. F. Saxon.
• •
Mr. R. L. Carithers and Mrs. H. T.
Flanigifiii) spent Monday In Atlanta
with Mrs. Harry iKlpatrick.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Jackson and Mrs.
Williamson are spending this 'week
with Mrs. Henry in Macon.
• *
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dodson, of Atlan
ta. are visiting Mrs. Dodson’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bedlngleld.
• •
Miss Minlu Chastain from Thomas
ville has returned home after a pleas
ant visit with Miss Mabel Herrin.
• •
Mrs. B. M. Thornton of Birmingham,
Ala., is spending some time with her
daughter, Mrs. J. B. Parham.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W .Carrington, Jr..
and Miss Rosa Roberts are visiting rel
atives in Southern Pines, N. C.
• •
Miss Ruth Cook and Master Brunell
Cook, of Tyro, spent the week-end in
Winder with Mr. and Mrs. Broadus
• *
Mrs. Stlnehcomb from Pendergrass
has returned home after spending a
few days with her daughter, Mrs. Har
old Herrin.
• •
Mrs. Georgia Harris and Miss Gladys
Harris have returned home after spend
ing several days in Elberton with Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. McMullan.
• •
Mr. Mercer Henry has returned home
after spending three months here with
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jackson and Mr.
an dMrs. Clyde Williamson.
• •
Mr. W. O. Perry and son, Lamar, are
in Chicago and other western eitles,
attending the Illinois Life Insurance
Convention now in session.
• ■
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Jackson and Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Williamson spent last
week in Macon the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Henry.
• •
Mrs. B. B. Jackson and children have
returned to their home after a visit
of a week to Mrs. Jackson’s mother,
Mrs. McDaniel, of Conyers.
• •
Mrs. Teller Mae Smith and little
daughter, Camielle, and Miss Willie
Meadow have returned from a visit of
several days to the mountains.
• •
Mrs. Horace Nunnally of Florence,
Ala., and Misses Edna and Evelyn
Ranknlght of Atlanta, are the attract
ive visitors of Mrs. J. W. Griffeth.
9 9
Master Hugh Elsworth McWhorter
has returned to his home in Vldalia
after a six weeks’ visit to his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McWhort
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Collins spent the
week-end in Jefferson.
• •
Mr. Mac Yarbrough, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with friends.
• •
Miss Edna Wolf, of Sumter, S. C., is
the guest of Miss Maude Allen.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Haynle of Norcross,
spent the week-end with relatives.
• •
Mr. S. F. Pirkle and Mr. Guy Jack
son left Wednesday for a trip to Dem
• •
Miss Maude Allen has returned from
a six weeks’ visit to her aunt in Sum
ter, S. C.
• *
Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Eavenson and
children spent Sunday with relatives
at Bowman.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Higgins left on
Wednesday to visit Mrs. Higgins’ moth
er, in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Mrs. K. P. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Brooks and Phil Carpenter mo
tored to Atlanta Tuesday.
• •
Misses Mozelle Perry. Iva Willingham,
Frances Arnold, of Statham, are the
guests of Miss Sue Delle Perry.
• •
Misses Annie Lou Mineey and Allene
Royal were the week-end guests of
Misses Louise and Ernestine Mineey
of Gainesville.
• •
Mr. and Mrs. (’laud Mayne and chil
dren are spending several days at
Clieckeroe camp in the mountains of
North Georgia; the guests of Rev. and
Mrs. Stanley R. Grubb.
• •
Mrs. W. H. Faust and little daugh
ters, Hilda and Marietta, returned
from an extended visit to the latter’s
grand parents in Oglethorpe county
last week-end.
• •
Mr. W. F. Hubbard, cashier of the
North Georgia Trust & Banking Cos.
where he will join his family for a
left Saturday afternoon for Royston,
week’s vacation.
• *
MrsL Mac Potts left Tuesday for
Jackson, Ga.. to spend some time with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Fur
low. She was accompanied by Little
Miss Christine Hood, of Athens.
• •
Mr. I. W. Ethridge, of near Jeffer
son, and one of Jackson’s best farmers
and prominent citizens, was in Winder
last Saturday on a visit to his brother
in-law, Mr. J. W. Shields, and other
relatives and friends.
The Farmers’Returns—
When they come in the question is how best to em
ploy them until they are needed to finance further op
An Ideal Short Term Investment
that by its popularity proves its worth is the Certificates
of Deposit issued by this institution.
You should know their many features of merit. Just
request all details.
We pay 5 per cent on Savings and Time Deposits.
North Georgia
Winder, Georgia.
Capital and Surplus ... $224,000.00
Mr. Albert Benton, Jr., of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Benton.
• •
Mr. Jamie Stanton, of Athens, was
a visitor in Winder Sunday to relatives
and friends.
• a
Mrs. W. R. Walker, Miss Edie Wal
ker and Miss Margaret Walker are
visiting Mrs. G. R. Walker, of Gaines
• a
Mrs. J. W. McWhorter, Misses Sara
and Helen McWhorter, Charles and
Master Hugh McWhorter left today for
Vidalia to spend a few days with
relatives and friends.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart, of Post,
Texas, are on a visit to friends and
relatives in Winder. They are former
citizens of this city and their friends
are glad to welcome them back home,
a a
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Moseley and
daughter, and Miss Claud Coker have
returned from Cordele where they spent
several days with relatives. They were
accompanied by Mrs. D. C. Pitts, who
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy
Smith, for several weeks.
Extra Good Values
Kiigore-Kellv Cos.
40 inch Sea Island, New, 12ic yard.
36 inch AAA Sheeting, New 10c yard.
Good Cotton Plaids, New 10c yard.
Best Grade Plaids, New 12ic yard.
J. & P. Coats Spool Cotton 6c Spool
We are showing a large line of Shoes and
Hosiery for boys and girls. Just the things
wanted for school use. These goods are
priced in keepig with The MARKET price
of today.
Our policy is to sell GOOD merchandise
at prices as low as possible.
‘‘The Home of Quality.”
Last Sunday at the home of his un
cle, Mr. J. C. Boswell, Miss Ethel Brad
dy and Mr. Robert Boswell were hap
pily married. Mr. Peek. Justice of the
I\>aee of Covington, officiated. The
happy couple remained in Covington
visiting relatives until Tuesday when
they returned to the home of the
groom, where a nice reception awaited
them, and a number of friends were
there. The supper was prepared by
Mrs. Ethel Boswell and Misses Ruby
and Arzie Boswell. Those present
were Rev. F. M. Grahnrn, wife and
daughter. Miss Edyt; Mr. Lamar Rob
erts and wife, Mrs. Ethel Boswell and
daughter, Olive; Mrs. Beadles, Mr. El
lis Bray, MLss Willie May Holloway,
Mr. Aubrey Hodges. Everyone enjoyed
the occasion and ail join in wishing
the young couple a long and happy life.
Mr. H. E. Edwards received a tele
gram tills week that his aunt was not
expected to live. She lives in Abbe
ville, S. C.. and It is hoped she may
soon recover.