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Letters of Administration
GEORGIA —Barrow county.
To *ill Whom it may Concern :
K. B. Finch of said State, having in
proper form applied to me for perma
nent letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs. F. C. Finch, late of
said county, deceased, this is to cite
all and singular, the creditors and heirs
of Mrs. F. C. Finch to be and appear
at the September term of court, on the
first Monday in September, 1921, and
cause, if any they can, why per
manent letters of administration should
not be granted.
Witness my official signature this
sth day of August, 1921.
C. W. PARKER, Ordinary.
GEORGIA —Barrow county.
Ida Dowdy vs. Garland W. Dowdy.
No. 799. Libel for Divorce. Barrow
Superior Court, March Term, 1921.
To Garland W. Dowdy:
You are hereby required personally or
by attorney to be and appear at the
ueoct term of the Superior Court of
Barrow county, Georgia, to be held in
and for said county on the fourth Mon
day in September, 1921, then and there
to answer the plaintiff's libel for di
vorce in above stated case, as in default
thereof the Court will proceed as to
Justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. Blanton Fortson,
Judge of said Court, this loth day of
July, 1921.
A. T. HARRISON, Clerk.
2t in Aug. 2t in Sept.
Application for Closing Grade Cross
ings between Winder and Oconee Coun
ty County Line. In the Court of Or
dinary of Barrow County and before
pis Honor, C. W. Parker, Ordinary of
Said County.
In-Re: W. L. Bush, G. W. Smith,
Whereas, W. L. Bush, G. W. Smith,
et al, have filed their petition in the
Court of Ordinary of Barrow county
for the closing and abandoning of cer
tain grade crossings on the Seaboard
Air Line Railway Company’s right of
way between Winder and the Oconee
county line, and,
Whereas, after having considered said
petition. R. L. Woodruff, S. F. Tirkle,
and Muller McElroy were duly appoint
ed as Commissioners to review said
road and report their findings as to the
abandoning of said crossings as specifi
cally described in said petition, and
Whereas, said Commissioners lm' e
reported in their returns duly filed in
this office that said grade crossings
should be abandoned as set forth in
said petition and as more particulai!.'
described in said blue print attached
That all persons are hereby required
to show cause, if any they have, on the
first Monday in October, 1921, in the
Court of Ordinary of Barrow county.
Georgia, why the returns of said Com
missioners should not be made the
Judgment of this Court and -said grade
crossings abandoned and closed as pub
lic highways.
This IS day of August. 1921.
Ordinary, Barrow County, Georgia.
1 Application for Administration.
GEORGIA—Barrow County.
j p Brewer of said state, having in
ftaper form applied as a person select
ed as the next of kin for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Mrs. Dru
sio V,'right, late of said county, this is
to cite all and singular, the creditors
an l heirs of said Mrs. Drusie Wright,
deceased, to appear at my office at t ic
term of Court of Ordinary of said coun
ty on the Ist Monday in October, 1021.
and show cause, if any they can. "b>
permanent letters of administration
should not he granted said applicant
upon said estate. Witness my official
pWnathre this September sth, 10-1.
-- QW. PARKER, Ordinary.
Application for Twelve Months Support
GEORGIA —Barrow County.
The appraisers duly appointed to sc
apart a year's support for the widow
of Ernest Skinner, late of said count. ,
deceased, having filed their returns set
ting apart of said twelve months sup
r°This is to cite the next of kin and
all creditors of the said Ernest Skin
ner that I will pass upon the said re
turns at the regular October term,
of the Court of Ordinary of Barrow
county, Go. All parties concerned
are required to show cause at that time,
if any they have, why the said returns
shall not be made a judgment <>
C °Thi the sth day of September. 1921.
C. IV. TARKER. Ordinary.
Application for Twelve Months
The appraisers duly appointed to set
apart a year's support for the wi< ow
of J T Adams, late of said county, < e
r ceased, having filed their returns, set
ting apart of said twelve months sup
This is to cite the nest of kin and
all creditors of the said J. T. Adams
that I will pass upon the said returns
at the regular October term, 1921, of
the Court of Ordinary of Barrow coun
ty, Ga.
All parties concerned are required
to show cause at that time, if any they
have, why the said returns shall not
be made a judgment of this court.
This tlie sth day of September, 1921.
C. W. PARKER, Ordinary.
Notice of Bond Election.
Notice is hereby given to the voters
of Barrow county, that on the Bth day
of October, 1921, an election will be
held in Barrow county at which will
be submiutted to the qualified voters
of said county, for their determination
of the the question whether Bonds shall
he issued by said Barrow county, Geor
gia, in the aggregate amount of Fifty
Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars to be
applied to the completion, finishing and
equiping of the Barrow county court
house which is now under construction,
tlie said issue of Bonds to aggregate
the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.)
Dollars if issued shall consist of fifty
Bonds in number, number from one (.1)
to fifty (50), botli inclusive, each of
said Bonds to he of tlie denomination of
One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, and
all of said Bonds are to hear interest
nt the rate of five percent (5 per cent)'
per annum from date of issue, payable
semi-annually or on the first day of
January, and first day of July each
year, and the principal thereof to be
paid as follows: Two Thousand Dollars
on the first day of January, 1932, and
Three Thousand Dollars the first day
of January 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937,
1938. 1939. 1940, 1941, 1942. 1943. 1944.
1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, the said several
installments seventeen In number, one
of two thousand dollars and sixteen of
three thousand dollars, each of the
proposed issue, aggregating the total
said sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000)
Dollars and on the last named date,
January Ist. 1948, all of said Bonds
•principal and Interest are to be fully
paid off. and the said Bonds to be pay
able in New York, both principal and
Said election shall lie held at all the
voting precincts within tlie limit of the
said county, and shall he held by the
same persons and in the same manner
and the same rules and regulations ns
those that govern elections for county
officers for the said county of Barrow,
and the returns of said election shall
be made by the election managers to
the Ordinary of Barrow county and
said Ordinary of Barrow county shall
in tlie presence and together with the
■managers who bring up the said re
turns, consolidate the said returns and
declare the rsult. The hour for hold
ing said election shall be the same as
the hours for holding the elections for
county officers; namely: from seven
o'clock A. M. until six o’clock P. M.
■at Court House, and at all other pre
cincts in the county from eight o’clock
A. M. until three o’clock P. M., sun
time, on said date for holding the said
election, October Bth, 1921.
Ordinary Barrow County.
Southeastern Fair Grounds
— y
' ■""it I
jkM£3a3m., udMmj Ijm
—Photo by Francis Price.
An aerial view of the Southeastern Fair Grounds and Lakewood Park, Atlanta,
Georgia, where the great Southeastern Fair will be held this year, October
13th to 22nd. The lower picture shows a field of Grand Circuit horses
Exclusive Fireworks Program Especial
ly Designed for the Southeastern
Fair, October 13-22.
The annual fireworks program at the
Southeastern Fair is something which
is alone worth the price of admission,
as it is prepared by an artist who
comes to Atlanta two weeks in advance
and with a crew of men prepares the
pleasing set pieces which have charm
ed and delighted thousands of people.
The offering this year will excel all
previous efforts and will include some
of the grandest aerial displays ever
seen in the South. The rockets will
include weeping willow. National
streamers, Peacock plumes, floating
festoons and parachutes. Then there
will be prismatic fountains, repeating
shells, mines of stars and serpents
with fiery geysers, and all the novel
ty like the Devil Among the Tailors,
- Application for Twelve Months’
GEORGIA, Barrow county.
Tlie appraisers duly appointed to sot
apart a year's support fci the widow
and minor children of M J. Dostcr,
late of said county, deceased, having
tiled their returns setting apart of said
twelve months support.
This is to cite the next of kin and all
creditors of said M. J. Doster that I
will pass upon the said returns at the
regular October term, 1921, of Court of
Ordinary of Barrow county, Ga.
All parties concerned are required
to show cause at that time, if any they
can, why the said returns shall not be
made a judgement of this court.
This the sth day of Sept. 1921.
C. IV. PARKER, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA—Barrow county.
All persons holding notes, accounts
or claims of any kind against the es
tate of Mrs. Jennie Moulder, deceased,
are requested to certify to the same
and mail to E. C. Stark, Commerce, Ga.,
and all persons indebted to the estate
are requested to make immediate set
E. C. STARK, Executor,
Mrs. Jennie Moulder’s Estate.
S. A. L. Schedule
In Effect May Ist, 1921.
South Bound.
No. 11 arrives 6:32
N•. 17 arrives 8:42 a. m.
No. 5 arrives 3 :00 p.m.
No. 29 arrives 7 :27 p.m.
North Bound
No. 30 arrives 9:15 a.m.
No. 6 arrives 2 :35 p.m.
No. 18 arrives 7:00 p.m.
No. 12 arrives 11:07 p.m.
SCHEDULE—Effective July 24, 1921.
No. 8 daily for Gainesville lea. 1:33 pm.
No. 14 leaves Winder 8:45 A.M. Dai
No. 14 daily except Sunday for Gaines
ville, leives 8:45 PM
No. 5 adlly except Sunday leaves 11:30
A. M. ,
No. 13 daily except Sunday from
Gainesville leaves 3:15 P. M.
If thou wouldst be Justified, ac
knowledge thine injustice. He that
confesses his sld begins his Journey
toward salvation. He that Is sorry for
It, mends hi prop He that forsake#
It. Is nt his Journey’s end. —Qnarl**.
electric wheels and golden tourbillions
emitting cascades of fire while rising
in the air.
The set pieces will be designed by
Walter Martinson of the Newton Fire
works company of Chicago, a firm
whose name i3 synonymous with artis
tic pyrotechnics.
Ostrich Farm Exhibit at Southeastern
Fair One of Most interesting
Things to Be Seen.
There Is no permanent feature of
Lakewood Park that interests old and
young more than the ostrich farm,
which has more birds than any ostrich
farm outside of California. Iheir per
manent home is outside the park
proper, but in order to give all the
fair visitors an opportunity to see
them, a big exhibit will be placed in
a prominent part of the grounds during
the Southeastern Fair, October 13,22.
Father, to himself—' Guess I’ll have to encourage these youngsters with a few singing lessons. I’ve at lastgot
them interested in good songs—thanks to the Gulbranseo.”
Buy Your Piano Now
Your daughter has just entered school and started
her music. Now is the time to get the piano. Our prices
are gieatly reduced and if you are interested it will be
a great saving to you to buy your instrument from us.
UPRIGHTS: York, Lester, Adam Schaaf, Players:
Hampton, Story & Clark, York, Leonard, Flanigan &
Flanigan Special, and Gulbransen. We also have a few
uprights and players which are second hand that can
be bought at a real honest to goodness bargain. Any
of the above pianos will give you full satisfaction and
you will not regret making your purchase at this time.
If interested communicate with our representatives
as follows: J. S. Craft, Craft Music Store, Winder, Ga.
John J. Thomas or T. W. Burson.
Our office is located at the Carithers old Bank build
ing and we would be pleased to have you call on us.
We have an expert piano tuner and mechanic who will
keep your piano in first class condition. Phone or write
your order to us. It will have immediate attention. All
work guaranteed.
Flanigan & Flanigan