Newspaper Page Text
J. L. Saul lias a large iwu-page aii
\t niseuielH in tills issue ol Ule "‘ti
ller Sews announcing liis great Hiu
uiieumg .Mile, which Will last xroiu Sep
tember lo tliiougu tlie balance ol me
month. An- * aul bas -> ust returlieu
frum the eastern markets anil nas
something interesting to say to the peo
ple of this section, ltcail his ad in this
issue ot me .News.
Any aimooueement maile by tne well
known nrui ol J. X. grange Company
iB interesting to the people of this see
lion. They nave a large half page ad
in this issue of the News announcing
the arrival of some of the splendid line
of lull dresses. With the best of goods
at the lowest posaioie prices you can
rest assured that you will always get
satisfaction in trading at mis popuiar
Flanigan A Flanigan have a most im
portant ad in this issue of the News
about their high grade pianos. They
guarantee satislactiou in dealing with
them, and you will make no mistake in
letting them know your wants in the
museai iine.
One of the best as well as the most
economical hot water heaters on the
market is sold by A. Y. Eavenson, of
this city, liead his ud in this issue of
the News and let him make you prices
on the one lie handles. Get ready for
the winter months.
lu I'm- advertisement of Wataou-Glov
er & Company last week, through an
oversight on the part of the News, there
occurred a glaring error in the price of
cotton seed meal. We had the price
of cotton seed meal S2.<HJ per hundred
when it should have been 2.25 per hun
dred. The mistake was made in this
office and Watson, Clover & Company
are in no way rspoilsible for it. We
regret the error, but did not notice it
until the papers had all been printed.
This firm is absolutely reliable and do
not advertise things they cannot sup
ply their customers with.
In this issue of the News is an ad
vertisement carrying an announcement
of reduction in the price of the popu
lar Studebaker car, the agency of
which is held in this city by Williams
Bros. This car is a very popular und
attractive car and the low price at
which it is now sold will add much to
its Bead the advertise
ment in this issue of the News.
Parker Furniture Cos. are advertis
ing New Brunswick records in this is
sue of the News, This splendid musical
machine is gaining in popularity every
day, and those who are so fortunate as
to own one will be interested in the new
records. Look them over.
The W inder Dry Goods Store.
The Winder Dry Goods Store is of
fering the people of this section some
splendid bargains in new fall dry goods,
clothing, bats, etc. They are telling the
people of this section about these bar
gains in this issue of the News. Their
large ad makes good reading to those
needing fall goods.
W'atson-Glover & Company.
Be sure to read the prices of gro
ceries that the above popular firm is
making to their customers in an ad in
this Issue of the News. They will save
•u money.
J. \V. Summerour.
Mr. J. W. Suintnerour is offering the
people of this section a fine opportuni
ty to ttecure free of charge one of the
finest musical instruments on the mar
ket. Read the particulars in his ad in
,is issue of the News.
The Tire Service Station.
Ttie Tire Service Station, Mr. R. A.
('amp. manager, is one of the city’s
hustling business enterprises. They
ive an ad in this week's issue of the
■ws to which we call the attention of
our readers.
W. C. Jett.
We are glad to note the increasing
business that is coming to Mr. W. C.
Jett, one of Winder’s young business
men. He deserves it. May he contin
ue to prosper.
Woodruff Hardware Company.
This splendid ahrdware company
has a splendid ad and many locals in
this issue of the News to which we call
the attention of our readers. They are
ont after- •business this fall and are
pricing their goods so as to get it. See
them for hardware.
The Smith Hardware Company
This splendid Winder enterprise has
an immense stock of goods for the peo
ple of this section, which they are pric
ing to suit the times. Their customers
can always be assured of fair and cour
teous treatment. Visit their store and
get their prices on hardware.
G. M. Districts and
G. M. Officers In
Barrow County.
District No. 243, Houses. Court 2nd
Tuesday in each month. A. I. Lyle,
f. I*., R. 11. Kimball, N. P., J. W. Sims,
ind B B. Bradburry, constables.
District No. 249, Bethlehem. Court
ird Saturday in each month. G. T.
Edwards, J. P., J. T. Harrison, N. P.,
Bethlehem, Ga., Warren T. Thompson,
Bethlehem, Ga., constable.
District No. 1740, Auburn. Court 2d
Saturday in each month. J. W. Clack,
J. P.; J. O. Hawthorne, N. P.; Auburn,
Ga., W. H. Lovin, Auburn, Ga., consta
District No. 1741, Jones. Court 2nd
Saturday in each montlf. W. C. Sorrels,
J. P.; Erastus Perkins, N. P.; Winder,
Ga., J. W. Lackey, and R. R. Martin,
Winder, constables.
District No. 1742, Statham. Court
3rd Wednesday in each month. D. L.
Hale, J. P.; T. J. Sikes, N. P.; Stat
ham; W. M. Stinchcomb, Statbam, con
District No. 1743, Pentecost. Court
Ist Saturday in each month. W. H.
Greeson, J. P.; J. W. Doster, N. P;
Winder, Ga., A. M. Haynie, Winder,
District No. 246, Chaudlers. Court
Ist Saturday in each month. It. W.
Haynie, J. P; Tom Suddeth, N. P.;
Winder; C. E. McDonald, Winder, con
District No. 316, Ben Smiths. Court
3rd Saturday in each month. N. D.
Meadow, J. P.; W. J. Ethridge, N. P.:
Carl, Ga.,; C. G. McDaniel and J. W.
Elrod, Carl, Ga., constables.
District No. 1744. Cains. Court 4th
Saturday In each month. J. 11. Tarke.
J. P.; T. A. Denton, N. P.; Hoschton.
Ga.; H. It. Fngin and J. M. Davis,
Hoschton, Ga, constables.
The Ideal Purgative.
Asa purgative, Chamberlain’s Tab
ets are the exact thing required. Strong
nough for the most robust, mild enough
or children. They cause an agreeable
movement of the bowels without any
of that terrible griping. They are easy
nd pleasant to take and agreeable in
The Revenge of Lycurgu*.
"Whleh o* us does not admire what
Lycurgus the Spartan did? A young
cltiren had put out his eye and been
handed over to him by his people to
be punished at his own discretion. Ly
eurgtis abstained from all vengeance,
hut on the contrary Instructed and made
a good man of him. Producing him
In public In the theater, he said to
the astonished Spartans: “i re
ceived this young man at yonr hands
full of violence and wanton Insolence;
I restore him to you In his right mind
and fit to serve his country."—From
•‘The Golden Sayings of Epictetus.”
(Doctor Chiropractic 1
is the adjustment of the spine to re
move the cause of disease.
Hours: 9 to 12 A. M.
2 to 5 P. M.
Saturday 9 to 12:30 A. M.
Office New Bush Building.
Satisf ac ti on
This is what you want and this is what we
always give our customers. The quality of
MEATS will give you satisfaction. Our pri
ces will also satisfy you, and our service will
do likewise. Let us show you.
Yours to serve
W. C. Jett
’ Phone 55
* % %
That true and abiding success can
only be won by tilling the truth, by be
! ing fair and by dealing justly is
abundantly proven by the record made
by Michael Brothers, of Athens, one of
Georgia’s great dry goods emporiums.
Beginning business about forty years
ago, this splendd firm has advanced
step by step up the ladder of success
building always upon the sure founda
tion of truth, honor and integrity. As
Athens has grown, so have they, and so
strongly intrenched have they become
in the business activities of northeast
Georgia that no casualty however great
can stay their continued progress and
A destructive fire in January de
stroyed their Immense building on
Clayton street in Athens with practi
cally all its contents. But fires do not
destroy character nor business ability.
Before the smoke had cleared away
ans had been made for anew and
greater building on the site of the oid.
Through the spring and summer
months the work has been pushed and
now the task is completed and this
great firm is ready to throw open its
doors to the public in its new- build
ing. September 19th is the day set for
the opening, and all this section will be
represented at this auspicious event in
The News congratulates the House
of Michael upon its splendid spirit.
Out of ashes it has come up a larger
and better “House” and the splendid
reputation it has established will carry
it on to greater things.
Meeting Woman's Club.
The Woman's Club of Winder will
meet next Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock at the residence of Mrs. W. H.
Qua German, the president. A full at
tendance Is desired.
FOR RENT.—B room house with
lights and water. Inquire at Hofmeis
ter's Shoe Shop.
Good 2-horse farm for rent, also some
rooms to rent. Apply at office of Win
der News. It.
2 Good Cutaway Harrows For Sale.
See me at once. 2 good cutaway har
rows for sale, both good ones, one prac
tically new, Bargain in both. —W. H.
Government Clothing
We have on hand a lot of Government
clothing that are genuine bargains.
Best Woolen Coats $1.45
Good Woolen Coats _I.OO
Best Cotton Coats .50
Good Cotton Coats .35
Good Woolen Pants _1.25
Good Legging .35
Splendid Overcoats -6.50
S. M. St. JOHN
5 and 10c Store.
The best salesman in each
county in Georgia to handle the
The Best Paying Proposition
Men now earning from
SIOO to S4OO a week
,1 .F. Bl RHINE
294 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga,
1. Welcome Song.
2. Bible reading, Psalms 115:1-8;
Item. 10:13-15.
3. Prayer by leader.
4. Song, "Jesus Bids Us Shine.’ ,
5. Repeating Sunbeam verse, Matt.
6. Play by 4 little girls, “How
some little dollies came to go as mis
7. Sentence prayers.
8. Business.
The Fordson Tractor is gaining in
popularity throughout this section ev
ery day. Its uses are varied and it
never fails to do the work w-here ever
used. A sweet potato grower, in speak
ing of it said: “We dug the last acre
of potatoes, disked four acres, threw
up ridges on one acre and harrowed (he
ridges down on one acre. All this was
done in eight hours besides hauling the
potatoes to the house and unloading
Another farmer, in speaking of the
tractor, says: “I attach two five-foot
mowers and one.twelve-foot rake to the
tractor. With this combination I mow
-40 acres of hay in ten hours and do
the work in a very satisfactory way.”
The farmers of Barrow are rapidly
learning the great value of this imple
FOR RENT—Dwelling and store of
Mrs. L. J. McElhannon in city of Win
der. For further information write Mrs
Richardson, Care J. P. Allen’s Suit de
partment, Atlanta, Ga.
The Music Master
RNow On Exhibi-.
tion at Our Store
We want to increase our bus
mess, hence this remarkable
offer-no increase in prices
on account of this offer.
Double Spring Motor encased in a substantial cast
iron frame, runs without friction, simple in construc
tion and positively reliable.
A Reproducer which is carefully made and enables
the tone to be given in a strong, clear and distinct man
ner, unusually sweet and natural, having no metal
sound whatever on account of the Piano Wood Tone
A Tone Modifier on the side of cabinet to soften the
tone if desired—and a Speed Regulator with which to ad
just the speed of the motor. .
A Universal Tone Arm, which permits the ing of
All disc records, as: Edison, Pathe, Victor, Columbia,
Pqv-0-T< pf ptp
A well built Cabinet in Mahogany finish with ample
space for records and albums.
With each and every purchase at this store amounting
to Two Dollars we will give the customer a Key. One
of these Keys thus given away will be the Key that will
unlock the Lock of the Beautiful Music Master now on
display in our store.
Bring in Your Keys on the Day and Date set-Watch
for the Announcement-And See if You Hold the Suc
cessful Key That Unlocks the Lock that Makes You the
Happy Possessor of This Beautiful Music Master.
Dry Goods, Notions, Men’s Clothing & Ladies
Ready-to-W ear
Winder, Georgia
Koad to Farm ouccess
Leadssimidfii h ide HARTFORD
(A'wi‘'!/ I is full of hazards that can be
vJ/Mi f ' .1 covered by a policy of insurance in
jinljll the Hartford Fire Insurance Company.
Wl, hf Buildings can be insured against loss
jM\ by fire, lightning and windstorm. Crops
are destroyed by hail and frequently fail
because of drought, flood, frost, heat,
Wfr insects, or disease. Live stock may die
JMJ from accident or disease and when shipped
to market may perish or be crippled.
P|L There is a Hartford policy to foot the bills.
A letter or telephone call will bring you
*JB complete information regarding the sur
|®l prisingly small yearly expenditure which
WA will secure complete protection for you.
jfjfk F. W. BONDUDANT & CO.